Chapter 442miracleblooms
整座高塔还在逐渐朝地下陷落。Butin the hightower, bang the soundis lingering on faintly, onwallandceilingunceasinglydownwardfallingdustandcrushed stone.
而在高塔之内,轰隆声不绝于耳,墙体和天花板上都在不断往下掉落灰尘和碎石。Inthistypejust likeearthquakeenvironment, Colasilver-grayformshuttleinfall the stones, rushestoward the towertoprapidly.
就在这种宛如地震现场的环境下,可乐银灰色的身影穿梭在一块块落石间,飞速朝塔顶奔去。Initsfront, orderbarrierbycomparingitquickerspeed, disappearancelayer upon layer, reveals the originaltowerbody.
……Relieves conducts to40times, a frogtakes the leadfrom the orderdense fogto jump out, fallsinleading to41steps, isPocket Toad.
After Pocket Toadcomes, looked up the eyeabovestaircase, a hind legtread, the flying, butleapttowardon, every stepcanjumpmore than tenstairs.口袋蟾蜍现身后,抬头看了眼上方的楼梯,后腿一蹬,飞身而起朝上跃去,每一步都能跳跃十几层台阶。Frogwithstand/top the recentlifeformfrom the towerat this time, Mu Youhad toldit the position that the magical brushwas ata moment ago, makingitfirstgoto take.
青蛙子是此时距离塔顶最近的生物,刚才沐游已经将神笔所在的位置告诉了它,让它第一时间前往拿取。Frogbrought into full play the strong point of jump, crawledten, finallyarrived at the top layer.
The towertopis a hugespace of piece of similaroctagonalcage, inspacedense and numerous, is piling up the innumerablestonestatues, the statuecontent is one after anotherkneels down, expressed the devouthumanfollowerwithvariousstancesto the gods.
塔顶是一片类似八角笼的庞大空间,空间内密密麻麻,堆放着无数的石头雕像,雕像内容全则都是一个个跪倒在地,以各种姿态向神明表达虔诚的人类信徒。Butinthesesculpturemany things around a centercenters, is a sidegoldaltar, on the altar of altarpeak, is coagulating a lampstand, was usedto put the position of miraclemagic lamp, abovethis momentthatlampstand, is lying low is actually a slenderwriting brush.
“呱!”Pocket Toaddeterminedimmediately,thisis the magical brush that Mu You said that quicklyjumps overtoward the altar.口袋蟾蜍立即确定,这就是沐游所说的神笔,急忙朝祭坛跳了过去。At this timetalltowerrockinggets stronger and stronger, passes to the towerto withstand/topespeciallyobviously, on the floorpresentedmassivecracks, trimspaceleftYaoyoushook, has arrivedhas stood the situation that continuallywas hardto come to a stop.
此时高塔的晃动愈演愈烈,传到塔顶尤其明显,地板上出现了大量的裂纹,整片空间左摇右晃,已经到了连站立都难以站稳的地步。Pocket Toadis relying on the climbing uptime of year to yearin the travelexercising, has stepped onthesestatuestop of the headsunceasingly, neared the centralaltarstep by stepslowly.口袋蟾蜍凭借着在常年旅行中练就出的攀爬功夫,不断踩过那些雕像的头顶,一步步慢慢接近了中心的祭坛。However, whenit the jumping upaltar, the direction of distant placeentrancewill soon resoundtogether the familiarsoundsuddenly.
然而,就在它即将跳上祭坛之时,远处入口的方向忽然响起一道熟悉的声音。„Husband, be careful!”
“呱?”Pocket Toadstagnatesin the midairfigure, subconsciousturning the headlookstoward the entrance,immediatelysawtwofrog that presentsin the top layerentrance, ices the bluish green, butanotherletthatonlystoneWa who ithates to the marrow of the bonesfor serveral days.口袋蟾蜍在半空身形一滞,下意识的转头朝入口看去,顿时看到了出现在顶层入口处的两只青蛙,一只正是冰蓝青,而另一只则是这些天来让它恨之入骨的那只石蛙。Howeverat this timeitdoes not have the timeto pay attention totwofrogs, becauseturns head, a redroundbeadhas slidrapidly, flutteredin front ofit.
The nextsecond, the redmarbleexplodesloudly!
During the flamesoars to the heavens, Pocket Toadcalled out pitifully, the whole bodyburned blackwas rumbledto fly.
火光冲天之中,口袋蟾蜍惨叫一声,全身焦黑的被轰飞了出去。„Stop, does not wantdamageit!”Ices the bluish greento stareimmediatelyangrilyto the stonefrog.
“住手,不要伤害它!”冰蓝青顿时愤怒瞪向石蛙。„Smalliceice, youwere still keeping thinking aboutitat this timeunexpectedly......”
“小冰冰,都这个时候了,你居然还在惦记它……”Zumastonefrogincredibleturn headlooksto the icebluish green, twoclawscovered the heart, onlyfelt that the heartstarted the thornto hurt.
祖玛石蛙不可置信的回头看向冰蓝青,两爪捂住了心头,只感觉心脏又开始刺疼了。stoneWahas turned headimmediately, incomparableenvylooksto the distant placetoadlife and death unknown, opens the mouth, a bluecolorbeadappearsfastinitsmouth, as the stonefrograises head, immediatelylaunched the pasttoward the distant place.
That sidewas blown offinplacePocket Toad, at this momentalsodetected that since the danger, quicklycrawledfrom the ground, catches upin the colorbeadbefore, afterjumped.
“呯!”the next instant, the bluecolorbeadexplodes, butthistimeblowing out is actually not the flame, butisfrost, aroundshotpointallthings, were frozeninstantaneously the lump.下一瞬,蓝色彩珠爆炸,不过这次爆出的却不是火光,而是冰霜,爆炸点周围的一切事物,瞬间都被冻成了冰坨。Pocket Toaddangerevadedfreezes the region, butthishas not ended, has not waited foritto relax, distant placemanymarbleshad flown, red, purpleandgreen......口袋蟾蜍险险的避过了冰冻区域,不过这还没完,没等它松口气,远处更多的弹珠已经飞了过来,红色、紫色、绿色……Pocket Toadquicklyfleeseverywhere the avoidance, fivetypes of colorcolorbeadsexplodeinitbehindone after another, differentbeadeffectsalsodifferent, afterpurplebeadexplosion, the surroundingelectric arcglitters, the greenbeadwill eruptonegroup of gas clouds, perishes the object within rangewait/etc......口袋蟾蜍急忙四处奔逃躲避,五种颜色的彩珠在它身后接连爆炸,不同的珠子效果还都不同,像紫色的珠子爆炸后,周围一片电弧闪烁,绿色的珠子则会爆发出一团毒雾,腐蚀掉范围内的物体等等……„Stopsquickly!”Ices the bluish greento look at the companiondangerous situationagain and again, the extremelydistressedappearance, criedquicklyanxiously, subconsciousmustjumpin the Pocket Toaddirection.
“快住手!”冰蓝青看着伴侣险情连连,万分狼狈的样子,都快急哭了,下意识的就要朝口袋蟾蜍的方向跳去。What a pity, itis the waterfrog, the ability to actonlandis not strong, particularlywithstand/topin the situation of fiercelyrockingin the tower, almostjustjumpedto be shot.
可惜,它是水蛙,在陆地上的行动能力并不强,尤其是在塔顶剧烈晃动的情况下,几乎刚跳出去就被弹了回来。„Smalliceice, hereis very dangerous, youkeepmebehind, Iprotectyou!”stoneWaquicklyshoutedtoward the icebluish green.
“小冰冰,这里很危险,你留在我身后,我保护你!”石蛙急忙朝冰蓝青大喊。Buticed the bluish greento giveit a look that looked at the trash, onlyresponded totwocharacters: „False!”
而冰蓝青则给了它一个看垃圾的眼神,只回应了两个字:“虚伪!”stoneWasuch aswas struck by lightningimmediately, the entireonlyfrogat the scene, suspected that dull the froglives.
石蛙顿时如遭雷击,整只蛙呆愣当场,怀疑蛙生。A moment later, stoneWarestores, envieslookstodistant placethatonlyflexiblesurges the frogin the walls, itwill shift the pastin that on the icebluish greenwill be wrongeddirectly.
“轰轰轰……”Alsois the bigpiececolorbeadhas flown, causestime after timeblasting open, is more distressed, simplydoes not have the opportunity that Pocket Toadruns awayto near the altar.
又是大片的彩珠飞过,引起一次次炸裂,口袋蟾蜍逃窜的更加狼狈,根本没机会接近祭坛。But during stoneWais venting, looked atthatmagical brush in altarsubconsciously, fromattacking the Pocket Toadmarblebranches outone, the bangto the altar.
The marblehas delimitedrapidly, charges into the position of magical brushdirectly. However in the marblewill soon hit, in the altarappears a transparentlight ball, protected the magical brush, flew the marbleball, blasted openinsideloudly.
“呱?”stoneWaleng, struckhas not gone well, itdoes not haveto care, defense cover.
石蛙愣了一下,一击未得手,它也没太在意,防护罩而已。Ittransfers‚muzzle’immediately, peripheralstartsto rumbleunceasingly the redcolorbeadtoward the altar.
“轰轰轰……”In the demolitionsoundone after another, the altarwas rumbleddirectlybroken, butabovemagical brush, fallsfinallyfrom the lampstand, flies into mist and dust that that sideraised.
接连的爆破声中,祭坛直接被轰碎,而上方的神笔,也终于从灯架上掉落下来,飞入了那边扬起的烟尘之中。stoneWafixed the eyes onto seek, soonfound the trail of magical brushon the groundsomewhere, immediatelywas a redmarbleputs out, poundedtoward the magical brush.
石蛙定睛寻找了一圈,很快在某处地上找到了神笔的踪迹,当即又是一颗红色弹珠吐出,直朝神笔砸去。However, in the imagination the magical brushwas exploded the scene that submergesnot to appear, the colorbeadhits the magical brush, actuallyhit any illusorythingto be the sameprobably, passed the body, poundedto the rearwall, blasted openagain.
“呱?”stoneWastares, illusion?
石蛙一愣,幻象?„! Fortunately when thismeowwith enough time!” The rear arearesoundstogether the sound.
“靠!还好本喵来得及时!”后方响起一道声音。stoneWaturn headlooks, sees a American shorthaircat, pantingbynear the entrancewall, is sticking out one's tonguenot to havebiggasping for breath of image, isracingto comeColafrom the tower.
石蛙回头看去,就见一只美短猫,气喘吁吁的靠在门口的墙边,吐着舌头没形象的大喘气,正是从塔下奔来的可乐。ColasuccessfullypreventedstoneWato demolish the magical brush, disgruntledlooked that scoldedto the stack: „Mu Yousaid that thispenis very important, why does youwantto cause to break downit?”可乐成功阻止了石蛙爆破神笔,不悦的看向堆放数落起来:“沐游说这支笔很重要,伱干嘛想搞坏它?”stoneWawensaidcoldsnort/hum, has not paid attention toColadirectly, has turned the headto seek, quickfound a writing brushinanotherdirection.
石蛙闻言冷哼了一声,直接没理会可乐,转过头去寻找了一圈,很快又在另一个方向找到了一只毛笔。stoneWaxiangdoes not thinkputs out the marbletoward that sideagain.
石蛙想也不想的再次朝那边吐出弹珠。However, finally was like before, the marblepassed the bodyfrom the writing brush, banginrear area.
然而,结果还和之前一样,弹珠从毛笔身上透体而过,轰在了后方。Alsois the illusion!
又是幻象!stoneWaangryturning head, staresimmediatelytoCola.
石蛙顿时愤怒的回头,瞪向可乐。WhoknowsColasamefacesurprisestared: „Meow! Didn't Ijustsay? Withoutthispen, wemustbe buriedhere, can't youunderstand the catwords?”
“呱!”Stonefrogactuallycoldsnort/hum: „Butmymastergivesmyorder, is to make meruin the magical brush! Ionlyknow that obeys order the order?”
石蛙却冷哼一声:“可我主人给我的命令,是让我毁掉神笔!我只知道遵守命令?”„Meow, your called unable to understandblindly devoted! Toowas really stupid!” A Colafaceinconceivableexpression, quicklylooksto the distant place, mademoreillusions.
“喵,你这叫愚忠懂不懂!实在太愚蠢了!”可乐一脸不可思议的表情,急忙看向远处,制造了更多的幻象。Suddenly, in the mist and dust of distant placepresented the magical brush of massiveduplicationglue, hasseveral hundreddensely and numerouslyat least, is overlappedin the distant place, frequents each other, the genuinemagical brushwill hidedirectly.
After making the illusion, Colathenrelaxes, sneersis lookingto the stonefrog: „Loses heart, hasmyCola, will not makeyouwork!”
制造完幻象后,可乐这才松了口气,冷笑着看向石蛙:“死心吧,有我可乐在,不会让你得逞的!”„Youcourt death!” The stonefrogcoldlyto staretowardCola, one after anotherwas hindered, madeitlose the patiencethoroughly, big mouthone, was fivefive-colorsmarblespoundsinstantaneouslytowardCola.
“你找死!”石蛙冷冷朝可乐瞪过来,接二连三被阻碍,也让它彻底失去了耐心,大嘴一张,瞬间便是五颗五彩弹珠朝可乐砸去。Colaquicklyjumps, treadson the wall, immediatelyin the midairtwiceattractivedodgingextensions, instantaneousevadedallmarblesperfectly.可乐急忙跳起,在墙上一踏,随即在半空中来了两次漂亮的闪转,瞬间完美躲过了所有弹珠。Falls to the ground, Colawas also proudforoneselfjustnaturalskill, looked that sneeredto sayto the stonefrog: „Hehe, haven't youwatched the television? The research show that the speed of catisseventimes of frog, in other words, yourevery action and every movement, in my eyesallare the slow motion, youwill never possibly hit...... meow!”
一落地,可乐也不由为自己刚刚的潇洒身手而自傲,看向石蛙冷笑道:“呵呵,你难道没有看过电视?研究表明,猫的速度是蛙的七倍,也就是说,你的一举一动,在我眼里全是慢动作,你是永远不可能打中……喵!”Coladid not have the daiChinese zitherto end, sees the stonefrogto open mouthagain, thistimeput outmore than tenmarblesdirectly, everywheremarblealmostclosed offColaallescape routes, fromflewin all directionstowardit.可乐还没嘚瑟完,就见石蛙再次一张嘴,这次直接吐出了十几颗弹珠,漫天的弹珠几乎封锁了可乐所有的退路,从四面八方朝它飞来。Colaquicklyjumpsdodges, helpless the marbleis extremely crowded, even ifitrunsagainquick, the wake that alsoaftertaking off, was still explodedby a marblecatches up, miserablehowling, was rumbledamong the statues.可乐急忙跳起闪躲,然而无奈弹珠太过密集,纵使它跑的再快,也依然在起跳后,被一颗弹珠爆炸的尾流追上,惨嚎一声,被轰进了雕像间。
When severalpets that while the towerwithstand/top to compete for the magical brushattacks brutally, outside the lighthouse, the monsterwars of fourgiantlifeformwas still continuing.
“呜……”Caesarhandgrasps over a hundredmetershighold tree, likewielding the baseball batis ordinary, sweepsto flytoward a scorpionlionstick that heflushed the side.
恺撒手握一根上百米高的古树,像挥动棒球棒一般,将侧面朝他冲来的蝎狮一棍扫飞了出去。Saw that scorpionlionwailfalls to the ground, Caesarquicklyturns the headto lift the hand, is continue stimulate to movement the supernatural powerto the distant placelighthouse.
眼看着蝎狮哀鸣一声倒地,恺撒急忙转头抬手,对着远处的灯塔继续催动神力。Withhismovement, the lighthouseslowcrashspeedsped upagain, downcaststoward the mire at the visiblespeed.
伴随着他的动作,灯塔原本缓慢的坠落速度再次加快,以肉眼可见的速度朝泥沼中陷落下去。What a pity, how longhas not waited forCaesarto maintainthisto act, the god of deathemptyshadow of rearLin Xuecontrolhas flushedrapidly, jumpshigh, the sicklehas lifted the top of the head, a bladechops.
可惜,还不等恺撒维持这个动作多久,后方林雪操控的死神虚影已经飞速冲过来,高高跃起,镰刀举过头顶,一刀劈下。Caesareyelidjumps, has toquicklysuspend the movementevadingitspoint, afterjumps.
恺撒眼皮一跳,也不得不急忙暂停动作避其锋芒,朝后跳去。Turns head, Caesarlooks that periphery eyes covetouslyto surroundhisthreegiantlifeform, frowns.
回过头来,恺撒看着周围虎视眈眈包围着他的三个巨型生物,也不由皱起眉头。Afterpreliminaryfight, hehas found out the strengths of thesethreeenemies, five-star, fourstars, over a three stars, are less thanfourstars, butin the handgrasps a to injuretohisdivine tool, thereforeseemshard to deal with.
经过初步的交手过后,他已经摸清了这三个敌人的实力,一个五星,一个四星,还有一个只有三星出头,不到四星,但是手里掌握一柄能伤到他的神器,所以才显得难缠。Howevereven ifso, thesethreeadd, will not behisopponent, reason thatheseeminglywill be in an inferior position, purelywill bebecausehe must divert attention the lighthouse in controldistant placeto fall.
不过即便如此,这三个加起来,也不会是他的对手,之所以他看起来处于劣势,纯粹是因为他还要分心控制远处的灯塔下坠。Caesaris very clear, compared at presentthesethree, thatperson in lighthouse, istohetrulythreateningexistence. Before gets up the magical brushthoroughseal, heis unable to fightsafely.
恺撒很清楚,比起眼前这三个,灯塔里的那人,才是对他真正有威胁的存在。在没将神笔彻底封印起来之前,他始终无法安心战斗。However, at presentthesethreeenemiesactuallysettle onhisthoughtsprobably, so long asseeshimto controllighthouseextra dip, ratheris putting togetherinjury, wantsfirstto preventhim.
The sealceremony that shouldendin one minute, was actually delayedforcefullywas so long, thismakesCaesaralsosomewhatimpatient.
原本应该在一分钟内结束的封印仪式,却被硬生生的拖延了这么久,这让恺撒也有些心急起来。Is goodbecause, at this timetalltowerhas crashedonlyto remainfinalten, only need waitagain about oneminute, thencancomplete the seal!
好在,此时高塔已经坠落到了仅剩最后十层,只需再等个一分钟左右,便能完成封印!Thinks ofhere, Caesarlaunched the attacktoward the frontgod of deathemptyshadowon own initiative.
高塔塔顶。Furexplodedburned blackCola, shrinks the bodyto hideintogether the statuesole, among the slitbystatues, looks the machine gun that outside thatonlysuch as the violentwalks is the same, withstand/top the rangeto open fire the stonefrog of strafewithout the differencetoward the tower, the heartjumpscrazily.
毛皮被炸的焦黑的可乐,缩着身子潜藏在一块雕像脚底,透过石像间的缝隙,看着外头那只如暴走的机关枪一样,朝塔顶范围无差别开火扫射的石蛙,心脏狂跳。„Gan, is really thisfellow the pet? Alsowas too fierce!”
“淦,这家伙真是宠物吗?也太猛了吧!”Colahas a lingering fear, howthisfellowseesisfightclassfamiliar, makingitsthisdomesticfamiliarcope withthistype of gadget, somewhatpresseditreally......可乐心有余悸,这家伙怎么看都是战斗类使魔,让它这种家养使魔来对付这种玩意儿,着实有些难为它了……Moreover, long-term usageillusionability, evenColasomewhatcannot support, startedto have the feeling of having a dizzy spell, thiswas the indication that Spiritual Forcewill soon run out.
而且,连续使用幻象能力,即便是可乐也有些撑不住,开始产生了头晕目眩的感觉,这是精神力即将告罄的征兆。„Mu You? Mu You? Yougood, Iwas about unable to support!”Colais the solidcat, a feelingis not quickly good, not the strongbrace, called for helptowardMu Youimmediately.
“沐游?沐游?你好了没有,我快撑不住了!”可乐是实在猫,一感觉快不行了,绝不强撑,立马朝沐游呼救。What a pity, inthistop of the headhas not actually transmitted the response.
可惜,这次头顶上却没有传来回应。Mu Youhad enteredinorderbarrierat this time the stage of remoulding the body, has no free timeto pay attention toinside the tower'ssituationradically.沐游此时已经在秩序结界中进入了重塑身体的阶段,根本没空理会塔里的情况。„Ended, Mu Youalsorelationnoton......”
“完了,沐游也联系不上……”Coladespairsimmediately, moodlow , the spiritalsofollows more absent-minded, in the mind the tightthatstringhas brokensuddenly.可乐顿时绝望,心情低落之下,精神也跟着更加恍惚,脑海里一直紧绷的那根弦骤然断裂。Colafalls downdirectly, choicelevel, butin the towertopis maintaining the illusion, indissipatesat this momentthoroughly.可乐直接瘫倒在地,选择躺平,而塔顶内维持着的幻象,也在此刻彻底消散。Space that at this time the towerwithstand/top, under the wanton bombing of stonefrog, had almost becomestretch of ruinsshatter, the groundcrackslayer upon layer, manyplaceshave been unsustainablecompletely, floorcrash, presented the bigpiecesinkhole.
此时塔顶的空间,已经在石蛙的一番狂轰滥炸下,几乎破碎成了一片废墟,地面层层开裂,不少地方已经难以维持完整,地板一块块的坠落,出现了大片的天坑。stoneWadoes not have the timeto pay attentionother, the illusionvanishes, itquicklytakes a fast look around, soonfound the trueposition that the magical brushwas.
石蛙没时间注意别的,幻象一消失,它急忙扫视一圈,很快找到了神笔所在的真正位置。Originally the magical brushwas clampedin a crevice under altar, althoughon the penfalls the fulldust, butunder the protection of surroundingsstone, luckyhad not been damaged.
The magical brushreveals true colorsat the same time, stoneWais also following close onPocket Toad that noticednot far away, thisgoodsare pasting the ground, suspiciouscrawledin the direction of magical brush, has approachedintenmeters, musttake the magical brushshortly.
神笔现形的同时,石蛙也紧跟着注意到了不远处的口袋蟾蜍,这货正贴着地面,偷偷摸摸的朝神笔的方向爬行,已经靠近到了十米之内,眼看着就要将神笔拿到手。stoneWais angryimmediately, the opens the mouth that wantsnot to think, condenses the marbleagain.
石蛙顿时大怒,想也不想的张口,再次凝聚弹珠。Thistimeithugsis killing the faith of Pocket Toadandmagical brushsimultaneouslygoes, under the stimulation of movement, condensedover a hundredfive-colorsmarblesfull powerunexpectedlyonetime, evenexceededitto condense the highestrecord of marblein the past!
The nextsecond, the marble of blotting out the skybecomes a big netcontinually, fell in torrentstoward the frog and magical brush of distant place.
下一秒,铺天盖地的弹珠连成一张大网,朝着远处的青蛙和神笔倾泻了过去。However, in the marblegroupwill soon hit, ices the bluish greeninthis timequietlyto appear, onestepjumped out, blocksin the Pocket Toadfront, stretched out the arms, as if under mustresistallmarblesforit.
“小冰冰!”stoneWalooks in great surprise, the controlmarble that quicklygoes all outshifts, avoids the position of icebluish green.
石蛙看得大惊,急忙拼命的操控弹珠转向,避开冰蓝青的位置。However, the controls of over a hundredmarbles, whereisthateasy, in the time of disappearing, itstheseforcesto intervene, immediatelymakesallmarbledirectionsthorough, collidesmutuallyin the midair, sends outding-a-lingpanglang the sound, finallytowarddispersedin all directions.
“轰轰轰……”Suddenly, the entiretop layerstartsto haveexplosion, the creakiedtop layer, radicalcollapsing, the floordisruptedlayer upon layer the stone, crashesto gotowardbelowunceasingly.
The mist and dustfills the air, was also fallenby the magical brush of cardincrevice, declinestoward the abyss that belowblackdoes not bottom.
烟尘弥漫中,被卡在石缝里的神笔也掉落了出来,朝下方黑不见底的深渊中落去。Has waitedto seize the opportunityinnearbyPocket Toad, jumpedinstantaneously, passed over gently and swiftlyfrom the magical brush, the tonguelongsprang, accurate the magical brushcling, brought back, holdsin the mouth.
“老公!”Pocket Toadfallsontogether the wallflagstone, iced the bluish greenalsoto jumpfrom the distant placefast, tworespectivelylong timefrogs, excitedhugged.口袋蟾蜍落在一块墙边的石板上,冰蓝青也从远处飞快跳了过来,两只分别多日的蛙,激动的拥抱在一起。„Smalliceice......”
“小冰冰……”Distant placestoneWadesperatelooks atthis, onlyfelt that the heartwas thoroughly broken.
远处石蛙绝望的看着这一幕,只感觉心彻底碎了。Meanwhile, whatstoneWahas not noticedis, in the mist and dustyellowmarblebreakthroughsmog, poundsinitsdirection.
与此同时,石蛙没有注意到的是,烟尘中一颗黄色弹珠突破烟雾,直朝它的方向砸来。Howeveritsthis momentattentionon the icebluish green of distant place, waits foritto pay attentionat the appointed time, has been too late.
The marblefell to the ground, hitstoneWa the hind leg.
The yellowmarble, the effectis the petrification, stoneWa the entirehind leg, turnedimmediatelystuckto stickin the rock waste of ground, and range of petrifyingin the rapid expansion, still has spreadquicklyitsanotherleg and body.
黄色的弹珠,效果是石化,石蛙的整条后腿,顿时变成了粘黏在地上的顽石,并且石化的范围还在快速扩张,很快蔓延过了它的另一条腿和身躯。„Smalliceice, leaves...... herequickly......”perhapsisknowsto escapehopelessly, stoneWahas not struggledagain, whatever the petrificationspreads, butis staring atdistant placetwofrog that hugsin the same place, eyefulbrokenhearted.
“小冰冰,快离开……这里……”或许是自知逃生无望,石蛙没有再挣扎,任凭石化蔓延,只是盯着远处两只抱在一起的青蛙,满眼的心碎。„Meow, boilingYangyangyouare! At this timealsomanagedothers!”Colaneverin the ruins of distant placecrawls, a facespeechlesslookswill soon turn into the stone carving the stonefrog that.
“喵,沸羊羊啊你是!都这时候了还管别人!”可乐从不远处的废墟中爬出,一脸无语的看着即将变成石雕的石蛙。stoneWawen said that difficultturning the headlookedtoCola, asking of somedoubts: „WhoboilingYangyang...... is......”
石蛙闻言,艰难的转过头看向可乐,有些疑惑的问:“沸羊羊……是谁……”What a pityhas not waited forColato reply,stoneWa the headalsoradicalpetrificationcompletes, turned intoonetruly‚stonefrog’.
The nextsecond, the flagstone of itsunder footcrashes, stoneWatogether, was crashing intobelowboundlessdarkness.
下一秒,它脚下的石板坠落,连带着石蛙一起,坠入了下方的无边黑暗。Colalooks that stoneWa the resultis somewhat sigh with emotion, butfollowed close onis hittingto startle, because the flagstone of itsunder footalsostartedbecoming less crowded. Colaquicklyrunsin the directions of twofrog.可乐看着石蛙的结局有些感慨,不过紧跟着就打了个激灵,因为它脚下的石板也开始了松动。可乐急忙朝两只青蛙的方向跑去。„Quickly, on the quicktowertop, thistowermustcollapse!”
The outside world, along with the sound of talltowercollapse, the fourgiantlifeform in fierce combatsuspended the actionloudly, turns the headto lookin abundance.
外界,伴随着高塔轰然塌陷的声音,激战中的四只巨型生物都暂停了行动,纷纷转头看去。At this timeseveral hundredmetershighlighthousehas vanishedin the groundthoroughly, the dust and mud that splashblot out the sky.
The hightowerdowncastsshortlythoroughly, Caesarrelaxes, the corners of the mouthshowed the smilefinally.
眼看着高塔彻底陷落,恺撒松了口气,嘴角终于露出了笑容。So long as the seal the magical brush, then only need facingthesethreeopponents, hebe sure of successat present.
只要封印了神笔,接下来只需面对眼前这三个对手,他稳操胜券。However, Caesar'ssmilefollows close onis then stagnating.
然而,恺撒的笑容紧跟着便凝滞。In the lighthousecrashplace of distant place, rides the person's shadow of broomto break through the mist and dusttogethersuddenly, flewto the upper air, that beforeheselected‚spokesman’.
在远处的灯塔坠落处,一道骑着扫把的人影骤然突破烟尘,飞向了高空,正是之前他选中的那名‘代言人’。The most important thing is, inthisperson of handis grasping the magical brushat this time!
最重要的是,此时这人手中正握着神笔!Caesarstaredin a big way the eyeimmediately, the eyelidjumpedcrazily, an extremely not wonderfulpremonitionraisedinhisheart.
恺撒顿时瞪大了眼睛,眼皮狂跳,一股极其不妙的预感在他心中升起。Thinkswithout enough time,Caesareruptsimmediatelyfull speed, casts offsurrounding of threeopponentsinstantaneously, rushes overinthatperson of direction.
来不及多想,恺撒顿时爆发全速,瞬间甩开三个对手的包围,直朝那人的方向冲了过去。Howeverhas not waited forhimto approach, thenhears the sound that in the midairbroadcast.
然而还不等他靠近,便听到了半空中传来的声音。„Lampgodobeys orders, Iwant the permitsfirstdesire!”
“灯神听令,我要许第一个愿望!”Caesar'sbodylivesinstantaneously, onlyfelt that within the body the strength of lampgod, the oil lamp in handstarts the uncontrolledebullition.
恺撒的身体瞬间顿住,只感觉体内的灯神之力,还有手中的油灯都开始不受控制的沸腾。Caesarin great surprise, quicklyholds the breathwith rapt attention, wantsto suppress the supernatural power.
恺撒大惊,急忙屏息凝神,想要压制神力。What a pity, thisisreads in the rule in lampgodsupernatural power, the firstthreedesires of ordersuccessor, hedoes not have the opportunity of rejection.
可惜,这是被写入灯神神力中的规则,秩序传人的前三个愿望,他没有拒绝的机会。Caesarquicklycovers the tightear, attemptsto refuseto listen to the desirewith the physicalmethod.
恺撒急忙捂紧耳朵,妄图用物理手段拒绝听取愿望。„The firstdesire: 1 milliondead spiritarmies who eliminateCaesar!”
“第一个愿望:消灭恺撒的百万亡灵大军!”Howeverfollowing close on, the Mu Yousoundthendirectlyinhismindcrack.
哗——Withemanation of desire, the lampgodsupernatural power of Caesarwithin the bodyimmediatelyuncontrolledrushingmiraclemagic lamp.
伴随着愿望的发出,恺撒体内的灯神神力顿时不受控制的涌向奇迹神灯。But the magic lampunder the supernatural powerirrigation, erupteddazzlingradianceinstantaneously.
而神灯则在神力灌注下,瞬间爆发出了耀眼的光华。the next instant, blooming the strength of miraclelikefive-colorsbolts of white silk, the direct impactskyfrom the magic lamp, andblasts openin the upper air, changes into the innumerableluminous spots, fliesto the oasis, thatcountlessdead spiritarmy.下一瞬,绽放的奇迹之力如同五彩的匹练,从神灯内直冲天空,并在高空炸裂,化为无数的光点,飞向绿洲之外,那数之不尽的亡灵军队。
( This chapterends)
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