Chapter 441meowmeow the teamcontributes to the great merit
第441章喵喵队立大功Jet blackanddoes not seein the space of boundary, the giant who the blueskin, the headgrips the short braidsits cross-leggedin the place, the both armssurround, close eyesto contemplate.
漆黑且不见边际的空间中,蓝色皮肤,头扎小辫的巨人盘坐在地,双臂环抱,闭目冥想。Marvelousmagic lamponkeep flatinhisbodyside, actuallynobright, does not have anyenergycirculation, just like an ordinaryoil lamp.
奇迹神灯就平放在他的身侧,却无任何亮光,也没有任何能量流转,宛如一盏普普通通的油灯。Caesardoes not care at all, the supernatural power of lampgod, the divine tool of additionallampgodin the hand, presenthe, cansay that simultaneouslyhas replaced the strength that the headlightgodhadcompletely.
恺撒毫不在意,灯神的神力,加灯神的神器同时在手,如今的他,可以说已经完全取代了之前灯神所拥有的力量。HoweverCaesarwas dissatisfied, becausehehad experienced the wonderfulfeeling of having the strength of order, no oneis clearer than him, the god of orderishowpowerfulexistence. Between the lampgodsandordergods , the disparityis not a tiny bit.
不过恺撒仍不满足,因为他曾经体验过拥有秩序之力的美妙感觉,没人比他更清楚,秩序之神是多么强大的存在。灯神和秩序之神之间,差距可不是一星半点。So long asthere is an opportunity, henaturallywantsto take the springboard the strength of lampgod, in the futurewill obtain the inheritance of god of order, butmustachievethis point, must first control the ordermagical brushagainin the hand.
只要有机会,他当然还是希望将灯神之力作为跳板,将来获得秩序之神的传承,而要做到这一点,首先就要将秩序神笔再次掌控在手中。Beforedid not have the experience, making the pen of orderslip away, but after thistimestarted, hewill not be careless, certainlyfirmlywill control the pen of order.
之前没有经验,让秩序之笔溜掉了,但这次入手后,他可不会再粗心大意,一定会牢牢将秩序之笔控制住。As for the pen's of orderspirit...... tograspinghim of godsrankstrength, at all is not anything, evenagainpowerful, stillafter all is only a utensil, so long astakes, sooner or latercantame.
至于秩序之笔本身的器灵……对掌握了神明级别力量的他来说,根本不算什么事,就算再强大,也毕竟只是一件器物,只要拿到手,迟早能驯服。Caesarsits in meditationsame place, the patienceis waiting.
恺撒静坐原地,耐心等待着。Without the means that trialist that thismagical brushselectsis nothe, buthispresentsupernatural power, but also is insufficientin a short time, breaks through the magical brushto spendorderbarrier of millenniumbuilt.
没办法,这次神笔选中的试炼者不是他,而他现在的神力,还不足以在短时间内,突破神笔花费了千年之久打造出的秩序结界。Heplannedfrom the beginning, butmisleadsthattrialist, firstmakes the opposite partyfall into error, so long as the trial of opposite partyends in failure, hehasenoughtimeto decodeorderbarrier, sooner or latercanattain the pen of order.
他一开始的打算,只是误导那个试炼者,先让对方误入歧途,只要对方的试炼以失败告终,他就有充足的时间破解秩序结界,迟早能拿到秩序之笔。But, the willpower of fellowwas abovehisimagination, not onlyhas not overstated, insteadborrowsheretimespeed of flow, grasped the orderprinciplesmoothly......
但没想到,那家伙的意志力超乎了他的想象,不但没有走火入魔,反而借用这里的时间流速,顺利掌握了秩序法则……ThismadeCaesarhave a sense of urgencyslightly, butalsothat is all, thenalsohad the opportunity.
这让恺撒稍微有了点紧迫感,不过也仅此而已,接下来还有机会。Caesarcloses eyesis waiting forpatiently, untilsomemoment, heopens eyessuddenly, visionbrilliantlooked that to the front the space that startsto tumblelike waves, heknows, the opportunitycame!
恺撒闭目耐心的等待着,直到某一刻,他忽然睁开眼,目光灼灼的看向前方开始如海浪般翻滚的空间,他知道,机会来了!Thischange, isthatpersonhas been beginningto decode his orderbarrierobviously, butwantsto decodebarrier, mustfirstreleasesurelyhim, at the appointed time all efforts of opposite party, are doing the bridal clothesforhim.
这种变化,显然是那人已经在着手破解他这一层的秩序结界,而想要破解结界,就必定要先将他释放出来,到时对方的一切努力,都不过是在为他做嫁衣而已。Caesarsneers, since the groundsets out, impatientfollows the frontspaceto tumble, towardleading the way.
恺撒冷笑一声,从地上起身,迫不及待的跟随前方的空间翻滚,一路朝前行去。Approximately after going out ofseveral hundredmeters, the fluctuation of surroundingsspaceorderis getting stronger and stronger, inwildocean wavesjust likestorm, butingreat waveslayer upon layer, the frontpresentedhalfclosegatesindistinctly.
大约走出几百米后,周围空间秩序的波动越来越强,宛如暴风雨中的狂暴海浪,而在一层层的浪涛之中,前方隐约出现了一道半封闭的门。Caesareyesonebright, will not be wrong, thatis the exit|to speak of barrier!
恺撒眼睛一亮,不会错,那就是结界的出口!So long asgoes outfromhere, thencanbe separated fromorderbarrier, entersin the reallighthouse.
只要从这里出去,便能脱离秩序结界,进入真实的灯塔中。Caesarcannot waitagain, charges intothatgaterapidly, opened the door, musttread.
然而……Hisfootstepsare opening the doorstagnatesinstantlyinstantaneously.
他的脚步在推开门的刹那瞬间凝滞。At this momentinout of the door, is notin the tower in imagination the environment, insteadis a resplendent in gold and jade greenimperial palace, butin the frontseveralmetersplaces of entrance, is standing erect a giantsphinxresembles!
此刻在门外,并非想象中的塔内环境,反而是一座金碧辉煌的皇宫,而在门口的前方几米处,矗立着一座巨大的狮身人面像!Caesarnaturallyrecognizesthisis anything: Thisis the sculpture of scorpiontaillion, is the nightmare that the millenniums the innumerabledays and nightsmadehimbe able hardly be removed!
恺撒自然认得这是什么东西:这是蝎尾狮的雕塑,也是千年来无数个昼夜令他挥之不去的梦魇!Butwhatmakeshispanic-strickenis, liesis bending downscorpionlionstone carving, unexpectedlytoweringopened the eye, towardlooks like, in the meantime, the corners of the mouth that hestaresoutlined a smile of mouth awry.
而更让他惊恐的是,趴伏着的蝎狮石雕,居然突兀的睁开了眼,朝他直勾勾的看来,同时,嘴角勾勒出一个歪嘴的微笑。Thisjust likesmiling the catgeneralfrightenedexpression, looks atCaesarscalp tingles, the coldhair rootrootraises up.
这宛如笑面猫一般的惊悚表情,看得恺撒一阵头皮发麻,身后寒毛根根竖起。Thishas not ended, follows close onthisscorpionlionstone carvingto open the mouthunexpectedly, sends outlaughter that infiltrates the person: „JieJieJie, yourfell into a trap, Caesar! Ihave saidearly, Iwill come backto revenge......”
这还没完,紧跟着这蝎狮石雕居然又张开嘴巴,发出一串渗人的笑声:“桀桀桀,你中计了,恺撒!我早说过,我会回来报仇的……”„Fell into a trap?”
“中计?”Caesarstaredin a big way the eye, realized a fearfulpossibilityfast.
恺撒瞪大了眼睛,飞快的意识到了一种可怕的可能。Todaythismatter, from beginning to endis a conspiracy that the lampgoddesigns, todeceiveherehim, makes the scorpionlioneliminatehimwith the aid of the strength of pen of orderagain?
难道今天这件事,从头到尾都是灯神设计的一场阴谋,就是为了将他骗进来这里,再让蝎狮借助秩序之笔的力量来消灭他?„...... Whennow, cursesfulfills! The little darlingsdieundermycatclaw......”smile a catto infiltrate the laughter of personstillto continue.
“……而现在,正是诅咒应验之时!乖乖死于我的猫爪之下吧……”笑面猫渗人的笑声还在持续。Caesarwhole bodytrembles, the thoughtsracing, the reasonis tellinghim, thisis impossible! Even if the scorpionlionhas the meansto utilize the magical brush, the strength of onlymagical brush, is still not enoughto killpresenthim.
A biggerpossibility, thisfellowis scary!
更大的可能,这家伙是在唬人!Right, certainlyisthattrialist, with the illusion of orderprinciplemanufacture, wantsto drive backhim, the sealgets upagain!
对,一定是那个试炼者,用秩序法则制造的幻境,想把他逼退回去,重新封印起来!Caesarrealized this more possibletruthinstantaneously.
恺撒瞬间意识到了这一种更可能的真相。However, looks the scorpionlion that at present the mouth awrysneers, lifted the giantcatclaw, towardhisvertical positionwhennext, Caesarvacillated.
然而,看着眼前歪嘴冷笑的蝎狮,抬起了巨大的猫爪,朝他直拍而下时,恺撒还是动摇了。Millenniumsinnumerablenightmareaboutscorpionlion, makinghim the fearto the scorpionlionpenetrate the marrow. At this timeCaesarsubconsciousafterhides, returnedin the darkness after gate.
“轰!”the next moment, the giantcatclawfalls to the ground, rumbles a gulfon the ground.下一刻,巨大的猫爪落地,在地上轰出一圈深坑。„Hides? Hehe, where can youhideto go?”
The scorpionlionsneers, suddenlystood, becomes the erectnessshape of similarperson.
蝎狮冷笑一声,忽然站了起来,变为类似人的直立形态。ThisstrangescenefrightensheavilyCaesar, subconsciouswill draw backin the futureseveralsteps, finallyactuallydiscoveredoneselfas ifstillstayed in same place, absolutelydoes not have the move backwith the distance of scorpionlion.
这怪异的场景又把恺撒吓得不轻,下意识的又往后退了几步,结果却发现自己似乎仍然停留在原地,和蝎狮的距离完全没有拉远。„JieJieJie, useless, youhad enteredme‚the world’domain, in the following ten seconds, youis unable to fleemyattackrange!”
The scorpionlion that stands erect, occupying a commanding positionlooks atCaesar, liftedownrightclawslowly, stretches out a claw, arrivedonowntemples, immediatelyas if the electric drillgeneralstartdrilled.
直立起来的蝎狮,居高临下的看着恺撒,缓缓抬起了自己的右爪,伸出其中一根爪子,抵在了自己的太阳穴上,随即仿佛电钻一般的开始钻动。Suddenly, the bloodscatters, fiercenessandterrifying of catheadcomplementing.
一时间,血液四溅而出,将猫头映衬的狰狞而恐怖。„The feeling of thishuntingenemy, reallymakesmyhighto not good! hahaha......!”
“这种狩猎敌人的感觉,真是让我high到不行啊!哈哈哈哈……呜!”the next moment, the scorpionlionbringsfranticgrinning fiendishly, threwtowardCaesar.下一刻,蝎狮带着狂热的狞笑,朝恺撒扑了过来。Caesarboth eyesopen the eyesfiercely, thisstrangescene and abnormallaughter, makehimbrokenguardfinallythoroughly. Caesarcannot attend to the magical brushagain, quicklytumblesafterescapes.
恺撒双目猛睁,这诡异的场景和变态般的笑声,终于让他彻底破防。恺撒再也顾不得神笔,急忙连滚带爬的朝后逃去。However, the laughing wildlysound of scorpionlionis actually stopping suddenlyat this moment.
然而,蝎狮的狂笑声却偏偏在此刻戛然而止。Probablyisbecauseenters the play, Colajustranonestep, then before bygate, lowtripsto the doorframe that canignore, fallsto fall flat on one's facegreatly.
大概是因为太入戏,可乐刚跑出一步,便被门前低矮到可以忽略不计的门框绊倒,摔了个大马趴。But under thisfalls, the illusion that Colacreates is also similar to the cardsmall dishto be the same, presented the temporarydistortion, exposed the original form under illusioninstantaneously.
而这一摔之下,可乐创造出的幻象也如同卡碟一般,出现了短暂的失真,瞬间暴露出了幻象下的原形。Saw that is only huge the fiercescorpionlion, toweringturned intoAmerican shorthair of histoesize, Caesardelay in same place, gawked for a halfsecond, responded.
看到那只巨大狰狞的蝎狮,突兀的变成了一个只有他脚趾大小的美短,恺撒呆滞在原地,足足愣了半秒,才反应过来。False! Thisfellowat all is not the scorpionlion!
假的!这家伙根本不是蝎狮!Meanwhile, all aroundillusionis also following close onelimination.
与此同时,四周的幻象也紧跟着消除。Caesarturns the headto look,thisdiscovered, hehad actually walked into the reallighthouse, but, frontorderbarriercloses upin the NC rapid prototyping, attemptsto swallowhimalone.
“混账!”Caesarboth eyesstare, immediately the violent anger, rises with a spring, full speedrushes overtoward the frontfront door.
恺撒双目一瞪,顿时暴怒,一跃而起,全速朝着前方的大门冲了过去。„Meow! Mu Yousavesmequickly!”
“喵!沐游快救我!”At this timemore panic-stricken is actually Cola, thrown downthat moment, itthenthump, knowsat heartdefinitelyrevealed the secret, will then certainlywelcomecrazycounter-attack of opposite party.
此时更惊恐的却是可乐,摔倒的那一刻,它心里便咯噔一下,知道肯定露馅了,接下来必将迎来对方的疯狂反扑。Colawith the entire lifequickestspeedreboundin the rearfront door, turn headlooks that devilstoward the bluegiant who heto/clashes, the whole bodycatwoolexplodeallstand.可乐以生平最快的速度跳回了后方大门内,回头看着正凶神恶煞朝他冲来的蓝色巨人,浑身猫毛尽数炸立。Coladoes not doubt, oncewere really broken throughby the opposite party, freshwill ripitabsolutely!可乐毫不怀疑,一旦真被对方突破过来,绝对会生撕了它!At this momentit can only implore the Mu Youspeedto be ablequickly, otherwiseitdied.
此刻它只能祈求沐游的速度能快一点,不然它死定了。Is goodbecause , the speed that barriercloses upis faster, two sidesturbulentorderrune/symbolwritingsweeps acrosslike waves, beforeCaesarrushes tonear the gate, then first stephitsin the same place, fitted together perfectly, composed an impregnablewall, isolated the opposite partyinanother side.
Front looks the giant who vanishes, Colalongrelaxes: „Scared to deaththismeow!”
看着面前消失的巨人,可乐长松了一口气:“吓死本喵了!”„DoesColawell! Goes backto giveyouto add the chicken leg!”Mu Youdid not commendparsimoniouslyits, startsto step upto eradicateupper-levelbarrierimmediately.
……Another side, Caesarfull speedbroke through, actuallyhitson the wall of order, was rebounded.
“不!”Looksfront door that front vanishesthoroughly, Caesarunwillingangrily roarsto make noise.
看着面前彻底消失的大门,恺撒不甘的怒吼出声。Saw that barriercloses upagain, thenhe was shieldedaloneinorderbarrier, no matterthen the opposite partyhowreturn to original statelighthouse, heis unable to arrive in the truelighthouseabsolutelyagain.
眼看着结界再度合拢,这下他算是被单独屏蔽在了秩序结界里,接下来不管对方如何还原灯塔,他也绝对无法再到达真正的灯塔之中。In other words, nowhehad lost the lastchance, is doomedto misswith the magical brush!
也就是说,现在他已经失去了最后的机会,注定与神笔无缘!Recovers, Caesarknew perfectly well that losesobtains the hope of magical brush, has not wasted the timeagain, immediatelystimulates to movement the supernatural power, changes intobluedim light, vanishesin the darkness.
When opens eyesagain, histrue bodyhas appearedoutside the lighthouse.
再睁眼时,他的真身已经出现在灯塔之外。Looks up, at this timegodboundarybarrier of top of the headalreadybybeing not much left that hisarmydemolishes, the place of entireoasis, completelyexposedin the desert, fused togetherwitheverywhereyellow sand.
抬头看去,此时头顶的神境结界已经被他的大军拆除的所剩无几,整个绿洲之地,彻底暴露在了沙漠之中,与漫天的黄沙融为一体。„Deathregiment, listened tomycommand!”
“死亡军团,听吾号令!”Caesarlifts up high the both arms, the soundsuch as the billowingheavenly thunderspreads over the entiregodboundary, clearpassed toEvansto leadin100,000armyears that.
The godboundaryedge, thatcountlessdead spiritarmy, stoppedin the handto actin abundance, the uniformshiftCaesar'sdirection, waited forhisorder.
神境边缘,那数之不尽的亡灵部队,纷纷停下了手中动作,整齐划一的转向恺撒的方向,等待他的命令。„Rushes aheadtome, grinds the living creature that allyousee!”Caesar'ssoundreverberationinhorizon.
“给我冲杀,碾碎一切你们看到的活物!”恺撒的声音回荡在天际。Butalong withhissound, alldead spiritssimultaneouslyshifts tobeyond the godboundaryimmediately, the drawraises hand the bladeshield, is arranging the neatformation, the mechanicalstartadvancesoutward.
“踏踏踏……”1 millionarmyincomparablyneatstepssounds, initiatedresonatinginnearbydesert, every stepwill make the groundfollowto tremble, oppresses the strengthincomparablyto shock.
百万大军无比整齐的踏步声,在附近沙漠中引发了共振,每一步都会让地面跟着震颤一下,压迫力无比震撼。Butat this timebehind the sand dune of distant place.
The 100,000infantries in AioutstandingMarsempire, crops upafter the sand dunein abundance, alongthislong and narrowsand dunehigh ground, became a longdefense linecontinually.
“还是失败了么……”Looks the dead spiritarmy who the frontstartsto take action, teamfrontarmyregimental commanderEvanssighedsilently.
看着前方开始行动的亡灵大军,队伍前方的军团长埃文斯默默叹了口气。Hewill not have wantedto presscompletelyon the ghost shiplength, has completedlife-and-deathhas wrestledinthis, preparation of dying in battle, butsees with one's own eyesCaesarto take the leadto leave the lighthouseat this moment, means that ghost shiplongactionfailure, manymadehimdisappointed.
他并没有将希望全部压在幽灵船长身上,已经做好了在此殊死一搏,马革裹尸的准备,但此刻亲眼看到恺撒率先离开灯塔,也就意味着幽灵船长的行动失败,多少还是令他失望了一下。Shakes the head, Evanstidied up the moodquickly, turned the headto lookto the surroundingsoldier.
摇了摇头,埃文斯很快收拾好了心情,转头看向周围的士兵。Facingfrontdenseonepiece, the god of deathregiment that almostcannot see the end, mustnot say that slightlytimid, thatisnot possible, 100,000pairs1 million, moreoveris not deaddead spirit that killsextremelydifficultlythoroughly, no matter the disparity in quantityor the strength were too disparate, this is almost the fight that mustdefeat.
面对前方黑压压一片,几乎看不到尽头的死神军团,要说没有丝毫胆怯,那是不可能的,十万对百万,而且还是极难彻底杀死的不死亡灵,不管是数量还是战力上的差距都太悬殊了,这几乎是一场必败的战斗。At this momenton the foreheads of manysoldieremitted the sweatsubconsciously, grasps the palm of weaponalsoto startto shiver.
此刻不少士兵的额头上都下意识的冒出了汗水,握着武器的手掌也开始颤抖。Buteven the fear, stillno onechoosesto retrocedeat this moment, allsoldierspersevereononeselfdefense linefirmly.
但即便害怕,此刻也没有一个人选择后退,所有士兵都牢牢坚守在自己的防线上。„Everyonelistens, laterfightstoonlyremains the lastyear of life span the time, mayborrow the transmissionmarkreturnmilitary compound, will not be counted the military deserter, after receiving the soldier's rations and pay, maywithdraw from the military rollto return to the hometownat any time.”Evans'stranquilopens the mouth, the soundpassed to the surroundingallsoldierearsaccurately.
“所有人听好,稍后战至仅剩最后一年寿命的时候,可借传送印记回归军营,不会被算作逃兵,领取军饷后可随时退出军籍返回家乡。”埃文斯平静的开口,声音准确的传到了周围所有士兵耳中。Hehas prepared fordied in battlehere, buthehad not planned that madethesesoldiershand/subordinatefollowheto sacrificein vainhere, thereforegavethemahead of time the escape route......, althoughheknows that overwhelming majoritysoldiersestimatedcannotescapeand that's the end.
他已经做好了战死在这里的准备,但他并没打算让手下的这些士兵跟着他白白牺牲在这里,所以提前给了他们后路……虽然他知道绝大部分士兵估计不会这么逃跑就是了。Really, peoplehearsword, in abundancesurpriselooks liketowardEvans, each otherlook at each other in blank dismay.
果然,众人闻言,纷纷诧异的朝埃文斯看来,彼此面面相觑。„Withdesertaltogetherlife or death!”
“与沙漠共存亡!”A moment later, does not know that whofirstshouted such a.
片刻之后,不知谁先喊了这么一句。„Withdesertaltogetherlife or death!”
“与沙漠共存亡!”„Withdesertaltogetherlife or death!”
“与沙漠共存亡!”„Did not putanydead spiritin the past, only ifoversteppedourcorpses!”
More and more soldiersfollow, the shoutlinks up into a single stretch, inallpersoneyesconfusedcompletelygoes, alltook the calmlook.
越来越多的士兵跟随,呼喊声连成一片,所有人眼中迷茫尽去,全都带上了视死如归的眼神。Looks atthis, Evans'shelplessshaking the head, did not haveto sayanythingagain, raised the head, looksto the frontdensedead spiritarmy, deeplyinspires, in the hand the extravagantswordlifted.
“全军出击!”Orders, allAioutstandingMarssoldiersare shouting loudly‚killing’immediately, jumped down the sand dune, started the charge.
一声令下,所有艾卓玛尔士兵顿时高喊着‘杀’,跳下了沙丘,开始了冲锋。Meanwhile, oppositedead spiritarmy, felt the fronta large number ofliving personauraimmediately, murderous aura and soaring to the heavens, verynaturalregarded the firsttargetit.
The sound of warbugleresoundsimmediatelysky over the desert, the dead spiritregimentalsofollows the bugle callto accelerateinstantaneously, one after another draws lift the bladeshield, just likeexaggeratingblacksea tide, sweeps acrosstoward the soldiers.
After the moment, twosidearmiesin the centermoves mountainscrash.
片刻后,两方军队在中央排山倒海般的相撞。Suddenly, the long sword and sickledance in the airsonorously, the lance and shieldhowl the collision, the crowdedarrowrainsuch as the locusttransitblots out the sky, depressedshoutandshortshoutsresounds throughsky over the desert.
一时间,长剑与弯刀铿锵飞舞,长矛与盾牌呼啸碰撞,密集箭雨如蝗虫过境般铺天盖地,沉闷的喊杀与短促的嘶吼响彻在沙漠上空。Evansrushes aheadindead spiritlike a human formmeat grinder, the extravagantswordcuts, brings the bigpiecebrokenbone and skeleton.
埃文斯如同一台人形绞肉机冲杀进亡灵阵中,阔剑斩下,带起大片的碎骨与骷髅。Histreasured sworditself/Benis the Sacred Light Disciplineweapon, the strength that in additionhelike a crane among chickens, eachswordhitcanhack to death a dead spiritwith ease.
他的宝剑本就是圣光系的武器,再加上他鹤立鸡群的实力,每一剑命中都能轻松砍死一只亡灵。Butthisdoes not representotherordinarysoldiersalsoto be ablelikehimwith irresistible force, on the contrary, on the weapons of mostsoldiers the strength of thinsacred light, evenincutting the dead spirit, is unable to striketo killthoroughly, becausesimultaneously not the deadlifeformsimplydoes not have the sensation of pain, even if the bodywere cutscattered about, cancontinueto fightsimilarly, only ifwere ground the certain extent, orsurpasseswithSacred Light Disciplinemagicthoroughly.
但这不代表其他普通士兵也能像他一样势如破竹,相反,绝大多数士兵的武器上只有稀薄的圣光之力,即便砍中亡灵,也无法彻底击杀,同时因为不死生物根本没有痛觉,哪怕身体被砍得七零八落,也同样能够继续战斗,除非被碾碎到一定程度,或用光系魔法彻底超度。On this day the strengthdisparityhowever, does not depend on the will and morale can only fill.
这天然的战力差距,可不是单靠毅力和士气就能够填补的。Therefore, after botharmydashesin a while, AioutstandingMarssoldiersthenfell intostrugglein abundance.
于是,双方军队冲撞后没过多久,艾卓玛尔士兵们便纷纷陷入了苦战。In the oasis, Caesarlooks the humanarmy that theseresist stubbornly, sneers, is disinclinedto pay attention.
绿洲之内,恺撒看着外界那些负隅顽抗的人类军队,冷笑一声,根本懒得理会。Only100,000people, deliver the vegetable/dishbeforehisdead spiritarmyradically, the desire that heactsdoes not have.
区区十万人而已,在他的亡灵大军面前根本就是送菜的,他连出手的欲望都没有。Moreover, hecurrentlyalsohas a more importantmatter to do.
而且,他现在还有更重要的事要做。Caesarturn headlookstofrontlighthouse.
恺撒回头看向面前的灯塔。Now, thattrialisthas grasped the orderprinciple, ifwere attained the magical brushby the opposite partyagain, indeedis capable ofbecoming the threatusing the magical brushtoother party.
如今,那个试炼者已经掌握了秩序法则,如果再被对方拿到神笔,的确有能力利用神笔对他造成威胁。„Thing that Icannot obtain, no onewantto obtain!”
“我得不到的东西,谁也别想得到!”Kaisalemsnort/hum, the lookbecomesfierce, hisboth handsgrip the magic lampsuddenly, held uphigh, stimulated to movementwithin the bodysupernatural power.
恺撒冷哼一声,神色变得狰狞,他忽然双手握住神灯,高高举起,催动了体内神力。Butalong withhismovement, the magic lamppeakignitedonegroup of flameimmediately, at the same time, the entirelighthousebang, belowgroundas ifturned into the siltswampto be the same, the lighthousestartedtoundergroundto downcastslowly.
而伴随着他的动作,神灯顶端顿时燃起了一团火苗,与此同时,整座灯塔轰隆一声,下方的地面似乎变成了淤泥沼泽一般,灯塔开始缓缓向地下陷落进去。Heisunable to destroy a lighthouse, butenters the bottomnot to have the issueitsseal.
他是无法破坏灯塔,但将其封印进地底还是没问题的。Beforehad not done that isbecausehealsohad the ideato the magical brush, sincenowhad confirmed that hecould not attain the magical brush, thatwas also tenderhearted, sankto sealintounder the bottomabyss the lighthousemagical brushdirectlytogether!
之前没这么做,是因为他还对神笔有想法,如今既然已经确认他拿不到神笔,那也就无需心软,直接将灯塔连带神笔一起沉封入地底的深渊之下!Evenis not so ableto destroy the magical brush, stillat leastcandelay the time that the magical brushreveals itselfsharply, winsenoughtimeto enhance the supernatural powertohim, untilobtainingstrength that cancontend with the pen of order.
如此就算无法毁灭神笔,也至少能大幅延缓神笔出世的时间,给他争取出足够的时间来提升神力,直至获得可以和秩序之笔抗衡的力量。AtCaesarlifts up high the both arms, the lighthouseby the naked eyeobviousspeeddowncast the time.
The rear arearesoundshugeroaringsuddenly.
The scorpionliondoes not know when touchedCaesarbehind, spread the wingsto jumphigh, swoopedtowardCaesar.
“又是你!”Caesarcorner of the eyesplit visionsaw the scorpionlionfamiliarform, immediatelyis angry, before the played jokes uponhatredindetonatedat this momentinstantaneously.
恺撒眼角余光看到了蝎狮熟悉的身影,顿时大怒,之前被戏耍的仇恨在此刻瞬间引爆。Caesartemporarilygave upmovement that lifts the lamp, the crashspeed of lighthouseplummets.
恺撒暂时放弃了举灯的动作,灯塔的坠落速度骤降。Meanwhile the wieldingfist that the giantis relentless, poundedtoward the rear area: „A domestic animal, reallythinks that Ifearyou!”
“呜!”Thisfistaccuratelyhit the abdomen of scorpionlion, wailone that the scorpionlionpounds, flewby far.
这一拳准确的命中了蝎狮的腹部,将蝎狮砸的哀鸣一声,远远飞了出去。Butalong withthisfist, Caesarsuddenly feelsheartthatto occupy for a long timeheartdemon, is quietly stave.
而伴随着这一拳,恺撒顿觉心底那盘踞已久的心魔,悄然破碎。His‚kittyphobophobia’, invanishesat this momentthoroughly!
他的‘猫咪恐惧症’,在此刻彻底消失!Caesarcried loud and longcomfortably, put out the millenniumsdepressedair/Qi.
恺撒舒爽的长啸一声,吐出了千年来的郁结之气。Finallyhas not waited forhimto vent, the soleisonebang the vibrationsound, a skulldragonbreak out from the ground, such asspiritsnakewindingonCaesar, after dragon's headrapid traversetoCaesarbrain, bittoward the nape of giant, the poisonous fog of bigmouthinjected intogiantemptyshadowwithin the bodyforcefully.
The napenearbyexternal skin of giant, like sprinkled the sulphuric acidto be the sameimmediately, the unceasingcorrosioninward, emits the bigpiece the white smoke.
巨人的后颈附近表皮,顿时像被泼了硫酸一般,不断的向内腐蚀,冒出大片的白烟。Caesarpainshoutedone, quicklyextendedboth hands, grasped the body of bonedragon, the armcaught up, pulledfrom the bodyitforcefully, such asflung the whipto be the same, poundedtoward the ground.
The bonedragonpulled outto the ground, the bodywhite bonespresented the bigpiecefissureimmediately, eatsunder the pain, immediatelystrugglesfiercely.
骨龙被抽向地面,身上白骨顿时出现了大片的裂痕,吃痛之下,当即剧烈挣扎起来。Caesarsneers, does not care at all, raises the right armagain, poundstowardbelow, the preparation‚snake’firstbrokethisdirectlythoroughlysaidagain.
恺撒冷笑一声,毫不在意,再次扬起右臂,朝下砸去,准备直接将这条‘蛇’先彻底砸碎再说。However, in his poundshas not wieldednext, the rear areaistogetherair-splitting the soundtransmits.
A giantsickleblade edgehowlsto cut, Caesarextended the right armto resistsubconsciously, later the whole personwas then raisedto flyby the greatstrength, reversed to nearbyjungleloudly.
一柄巨大的镰刀刀锋呼啸斩来,恺撒下意识的伸起右臂抵挡了一下,随后整个人便被巨力掀飞了出去,轰然倒向一旁的丛林中。Caesarquicklyjumps, thisdiscovered that the frontdoes not knowwhenhad presentedanothergiant: A skeletonemptyshadow of hand-heldsickle.
恺撒急忙跳起,这才发现前方不知何时已经出现了另一个巨人:一具手持镰刀的骷髅虚影。Meanwhile, was pounded the scorpionlion that fliesalsoto bellowa moment ago, joined the battlefieldagain.
与此同时,刚才被砸飞出去的蝎狮也大吼一声,再次加入了战场。Meanwhilefacingthreecolossi, madeCaesarshow the dignifiedexpressionfinally.
……„Meow! Mu You, whatsituation is thistime?”
“喵!沐游,这次又是什么情况?”In the lighthouse, justretreated in fearCaesar'sCola, did not have the returning to normalmoodwith enough time, suddenlyfeelinggroundfierceleftYaoyoushakes, andstartsto crashtowardbelowslowly.
灯塔内,刚刚吓退恺撒的可乐,还没来得及平复心情,忽然感觉地面剧烈的左摇右晃起来,并且开始缓缓朝下坠落。„The fellowacted out of desperationprobably, preparesto ruin the lighthouse......” the Mu Yousoundto transmit.
“那家伙好像狗急跳墙了,准备毁掉灯塔……”沐游的声音传来。„Ruins the tower? Cracks a joke? Wewhat to do?”Colaonehearflusteredimmediately.
“毁掉塔?开什么玩笑?那我们怎么办?”可乐一听顿时慌了。„Mustgrasp the speed......”
“得抓紧速度了……”„Whatspeed?”Colais busy atasking.
“什么速度?”可乐忙问。„ThenIneedto decodebarrierfull power, andalsorequires the timeto restoreownbody, perhapshas no free timeto handle the matter in tower......, therefore, top level of thenneedsyouto helpmego, coordinatingPocket Toadto find the pen of order, laterbrought the magical brushto go to the towertop, Icanleadyouto leave the lighthouse!”
( This chapterends)
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