TTAGITP :: Volume #5

#429: The mirage and lamp god of

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The Chapter 429 mirage and lamp god of 第429章海市蜃楼和灯之神 You read the letter, this knew that Pocket Toad heard in the desert to bury many treasures of hidden few days ago, iced the blue frog once to express by chance wanted to watch the solar eclipse in desert, therefore two frogs fitted in easily, entered the desert travel and treasure hunt hand in hand. 【你阅读了信件,这才得知口袋蟾蜍前些日子听闻沙漠中埋藏有许多隐藏的珍宝,恰巧冰蓝青蛙曾表示过想要观赏大漠中的日食,于是两蛙一拍即合,携手进入沙漠旅行和寻宝。 But in days before they via the scarlet desert, iced the bluish green to be actually missing suddenly strangely. Pocket Toad cannot look everywhere in the , because in the desert the terrain is monotonous, the fear getting lost, does not dare to leave casually missing, burning with impatience , can only ask its friend to pray for rescue from you...... 】 而在前几日它们途经猩红沙漠时,冰蓝青却忽然离奇失踪。口袋蟾蜍在附近遍寻不得,又因为沙漠中地形单调,害怕迷路,不敢随便离开失踪地,心急如焚之下,只能拜托它的朋友向你求救……】 „......” “……” Mu You looked that a letter face compels ignorant. 沐游看完信件一脸懵逼。 Not to mention your pair of amphibians, the head one ran in the desert to travel hotly even, unexpectedly also wife losing...... 且不说你们一对两栖类,脑袋一热跑来沙漠里旅游就算了,居然还把媳妇儿给弄丢了…… Is good because , the position that letter final frog enclosed oneself stay at present described: By ghost pillar under a Hongshiya. 好在,信件的最后青蛙子附上了自己目前停留的位置描述:一段红石崖下的鬼柱石旁。 Hongshiya? Ghost column?” “红石崖?鬼柱?” These two name Mu You have not naturally listened completely, but currently his side has one pile of local area indigenous, did not fear unable to find actually. 这两个名字沐游自然完全没听过,不过现在他身边就有一堆当地土著在,倒是不怕找不到。 you put out a hand to stop stimulated of below believers, inquired that the person knew under Hongshiya, by ghost pillar this place.】 【伱伸手制止了下方众教徒的亢奋,询问有没有人知道‘红石崖下,鬼柱石旁’这个地方。】 Most believers look at each other in blank dismay, obviously did not understand. Only then a believer raises hand suddenly , indicating that he knows where this is.】 【大部分教徒面面相觑,显然并不了解。只有其中一名教徒忽然举手,表示他知道这是哪里。】 Hongshiya, in be continuous dozens li (0.5 km) a cliff situated in scarlet desert, because the entire cliff comprised of scarlet such as the rock of blood, therefore acquires fame Hongshiya.” 【“红石崖,是位于猩红沙漠中部的一处绵延数十里的断崖,因为整条断崖都由赤红如血的岩石组成,故得名红石崖。”】 „, but is close to the position of edge under Hongshiya, is growing a dozens meters high wind erosion column, because the shape looks like a head/number of people skeleton, therefore is called ghost pillar.” 【“而在红石崖下接近边缘的位置,生长着一根几十米高的风蚀柱,因为形状酷似一颗人头骷髅,故被称为‘鬼柱石’。”】 „Very good, guides!” Your commendation lets this believer great happiness, the hurried nod should be.】 【“很好,带路!”你的称赞让这名教徒大喜,急忙点头应是。】 You left behind teleportation array in temporary palace, immediately made others act on free will, leads this believers as well as other dozens high-level believers left temporary palace, boarded land Chuan, embarked toward Hongshiya......】 【你在行宫中留下了一道传送阵,随即让其他人自由行动,带领这名教徒以及其他数十名高级教徒离开了行宫,登上陆船,朝着红石崖出发……】 Hongshiya situated in scarlet desert center, is not too far from their positions, after land Chuan went for about an hour, then went the place. 位于猩红沙漠中心的红石崖,距离他们的位置并不算太远,陆船行驶了大约一个小时后,便到达了地方。 Under the direction of believer, land Chuan stays under a big cliff finally, you lead the believers to leave land Chuan, arrives at the cliff front. Looks up, front several hundred meters high blood red cliffs, are especially conspicuous in the world of this yellow sand everywhere.】 【在教徒的指引下,陆船最终停留在一处高大的山崖之下,你率领众教徒离开陆船,来到山崖前方。抬头望去,面前数百米高的血红色山崖,在这片黄沙漫天的世界里格外显眼。】 【A frog jumps up suddenly your shoulder, is respectively long time Pocket Toad.】 【一只青蛙忽然跳上你的肩头,正是分别多日的口袋蟾蜍。】 【The Pocket Toad excited wielding web claw, aims at the front cliff unceasingly, nasal mucus tears is complaining it about several days experience to you.】 口袋蟾蜍激动的挥动蹼爪,不断指向前方的山崖,一把鼻涕一把泪的向你诉苦着它近几日的经历。】 【After distance that letter/believes sends out, it had waited for here entire three days, during this period, it discovered the trail of ice blue frog finally!】 【距离那封信送出后,它已经在这里守候了整整三天,在这期间,它终于发现了冰蓝青蛙的踪迹!】 Original ice blue frog unexpectedly in dry frog by another desert grasping, situated in this Hongshiya, in the every afternoon temperature maximum time, the images of two frog will appear on stone cliff on time, however Pocket Toad actually could not find to enter stone cliff entrance, can only look helplessly own companion was sexually harassed by other frogs every day, envious hatred latter molar must bite......】 【原来冰蓝青蛙竟是被另一只沙漠里的旱蛙给抓去了,就位于这片红石崖中,在每天下午温度最高的时间,两只青蛙的影像都会准时出现在石崖上,然而口袋蟾蜍却根本找不到进入石崖的入口,只能眼睁睁看着自己的伴侣每日被其他蛙调戏,嫉恨的后槽牙都要咬碎……】 „......” “……” Mu You looks at the corner of the eye to twitch, this experience...... can only reach an agreement the miserable frog. 沐游看得眼角抽搐,这经历……只能说好惨一只蛙。 However, did the image appear on the cliff? 不过,影像出现在了山崖上? What is this, does this cliff have the function of movie theater curtain? 这是什么意思,这山崖还有电影幕布的功能? Insufficient detail that Pocket Toad said that Mu You is unable to judge for a while, can only arrange other believers to seek in the , has a look at this place does have what entrance mechanism/organization and so on thing. 口袋蟾蜍说的语焉不详,沐游一时也无法判断,只能安排其他教徒在附近寻找,看看这地方有没有什么入口机关之类的东西。 The result looked for quite a while, always has achieved nothing. 结果找了半天,始终一无所获。 To about 2 : 00 pm local time, in the game pops up the new prompt suddenly. 一直到当地时间下午 2 点左右,游戏中骤然弹出新的提示。 You hear the surrounding believers to exude a series of screams suddenly, everyone all looks surprisedly looks around in the stone cliff direction.】 【你忽然听到周围教徒们发出一连串的惊呼声,所有人全都面露惊讶的朝石崖方向张望。】 You also look toward Hongshiya, discovered at this time in Hongshiya, presents the image that can move unexpectedly seriously!】 【你也朝红石崖看去,发现此时在红石崖上,竟当真出现了一副会动的影像!】 In picture is two frog, one is only the planting flowers frog, conducts the back to grow a beautiful ice bluish green, another is desert stone Wa, the lump that the back such as the toad conducts the back was common, was covered with the red yellow bluish green purple five colors round bead, on the tongue and lower jaw is also mounting the round bead.】 【画面中是两只青蛙,其中一只是种花蛙,背上生长着一株美丽的冰蓝青,另一只则是一只沙漠石蛙,背后如癞蛤蟆背上的疙瘩一般,长满了红黄蓝绿紫五色的圆珠,舌头和下颚上也镶嵌着圆珠。】 In picture, the desert stone Wazheng mouth holds several monster different fresh flowers, lying of meaning of whole face flattering bends down near the ice blue frog, as if wanted in the gift with hand to win the heart of ice blue frog.】 【画面之中,沙漠石蛙正口衔几朵妖异的鲜花,满脸讨好之意的趴伏在冰蓝青蛙附近,似乎想要用手中的礼物赢得冰蓝青蛙的芳心。】 Was a pity that unrequited love uninterested love, facing the epigamic behavior of stone frog, the ice blue frog closes eyes to roll up in the corner, motionless, its side has piled up with various desert insect scorpion corpses, it actually remains unmoved slightly, must fast the lethal stance.】 【可惜落花有意流水无情,面对石蛙的求偶行为,冰蓝青蛙闭目蜷缩在角落里,一动不动,它的身边已经堆满了各类沙漠虫蝎尸体,它却丝毫不为所动,一副要绝食致死的架势。】 Violently poisonous Physique of ice blue frog, enabling stone Wazhi nearby it anxious goes around to pace back and forth, actually never dares to approach directly.】 【冰蓝青蛙的剧毒体质,使得石蛙只能在它附近焦急的绕圈徘徊,却始终不敢直接靠近。】 But at this time what in the stone frog compared with image is more anxious is Pocket Toad!】 【而此时比影像中的石蛙更焦急的是口袋蟾蜍!】 In the instance that the image appears, Pocket Toad is infuriated immediately, the leap, absorbs above the dike, two claws stone Wa the position are scratching to the image in crazily.】 【在影像浮现的瞬间,口袋蟾蜍顿时火冒三丈,飞跃而起,吸附在岩壁之上,两爪对着影像中石蛙的位置疯狂抓挠。】 Was a pity, its anger fell in torrents all above the stone cliff, in the stone frog to image was unprevailing.】 【可惜,它的怒火尽数倾泻在了石崖之上,对影像中的石蛙毫无影响。】 „......” “……” Mu You looks at the complexion to be strange. 沐游看得脸色古怪。 Therefore is this picture a mirage? 所以这画面算是海市蜃楼? In the desert presents the mirage is not actually unusual, but, the mirage appears in the upper air generally, where has the front projection on the stone cliff? 沙漠中出现海市蜃楼倒是不稀奇,不过,海市蜃楼一般都是出现在高空,哪有直接投影在石崖上的? Naturally, no matter is this picture a mirage, since projected the image, explained that inside matter has definitely happened , iced the bluish green indeed to lose in some place. 当然,不管这一幕画面到底是不是海市蜃楼,既然投影出了影像,就说明里面的事情肯定是真实发生过的,冰蓝青的确迷失在了某个地方。 You are gaining ground to watch the seeking a mate picture on stone cliff, suddenly hears the surrounding believer to shout loudly makes noise: Zuma stone Wa! Is Zuma stone Wa who in the legend Caesar Great Emperor raises!” 【你正抬头观看着石崖上的求偶画面,忽然听到周围一名教徒高呼出声:“祖玛石蛙!是传说中恺撒大帝饲养的祖玛石蛙!”】 Content that this believer shouted loudly, immediately triggered the curiosity of other believers, rushed to run to inquire about the detail. You also raise up the ear to listen secretly in the one side.】 【这名教徒高呼的内容,顿时引发了其他教徒的好奇,赶忙跑来询问细节。你也在一旁竖起耳朵偷听。】 According to narration of this believer, Zuma stone Wa is only in one dry frog that the arid region presents, can the mouth spit the colored energy bead target, is quite rare, but Caesar Great Emperor once caught to have been to Zuma stone Wa, subdues for own pet, since then has followed him to fight up and down the country.】 【根据这名教徒的讲述,祖玛石蛙是只会在沙漠地区出现的一种旱蛙,可以口吐彩色的能量珠攻击目标,极为罕见,而恺撒大帝曾经捕捉到过一只祖玛石蛙,收服为自己的宠物,从此一直跟随他南征北战。】 【The believers hear the legend the great happiness, the pet frog of Caesar Great Emperor suddenly to appear in this mysterious picture immediately, means Caesar Great Emperor also in the nearby?】 【众教徒听完传说顿时大喜,恺撒大帝的宠物蛙突然出现在这幅神秘的画面中,是否意味着恺撒大帝也在附近?】 Mu You stares, is the gadget in mirage, unexpectedly Caesar's pet? 沐游一愣,海市蜃楼中的这玩意儿,居然是恺撒的宠物? He is depressed a moment ago Caesar's the matter of clue interrupt, result clue is following close on is joining! Moreover in the form of picture, demonstrated directly possibly is the place that Caesar currently is. 他刚才还正郁闷着恺撒的线索中断的事,结果这线索紧跟着就又接上了!而且还是直接以画面的形式,展示出了可能是恺撒目前所在的地方。 Follower asked Caesar Great Emperor to come!” After short silence, the believer on the scene kneels suddenly shouts loudly.】 【“信徒求恺撒大帝现身!”短暂的沉默过后,在场一名教徒忽然跪地高喊。】 Follower asked Caesar Great Emperor to come!” More and more believers lift up high both hands, crawls in the place. The devout high shout links up into a single stretch in the wilderness, flutters with the wind......】 【“信徒求恺撒大帝现身!”越来越多的教徒高举双手,匍匐在地。虔诚的高喊声在荒漠中连成一片,随风飘扬……】 Continued after several minutes of shouting , the scene raises strange tornado suddenly, coerced massive yellow sand flying, once camouflaged the sky, makes the voice of people stop suddenly.】 【持续了数分钟的呼喊过后,现场忽然扬起一阵诡异的旋风,裹挟了大量黄沙飞天,一度遮蔽了天空,也让众人的声音戛然而止。】 You surprised uncertain raising the head looks, sees in this time Hongshiya, the image of frog had vanished, switches over for beautiful scenery the place of oasis, but in the center of place of this oasis, skin is gloomily blue, on the back grows wing, giant form NC rapid prototyping of top of the head one bunch of short braids......】 【你惊疑不定的抬头看去,就见此时的红石崖上,原本青蛙的影像已经消失,切换为了一片青山绿水的绿洲之地,而在这片绿洲之地的中心,一个皮肤幽蓝,背生翅膀,头顶一束小辫的巨人身影快速成型……】 I for desert ruler Leidasi · Caesar. Who calls my given name?” In the great population makes the deafening sound, immediately made under Hongshiya the world look changes, the strong winds howl.】 【“吾为沙漠帝皇雷达斯·恺撒。何人唤吾名号?”巨人口中发出震耳欲聋的声音,顿时令红石崖下天地色变,狂风呼啸。】 This special also?” “这特么也可以?” The Mu You eye stares the circle, the unclear sleep/felt is severe. 沐游眼睛瞪圆,不明觉厉。 He just wants saying that this thing is only the mirage the picture that projects from the distant place, you here shouted that has the wool to use. 他刚想说这东西只是海市蜃楼从远方投影过来的画面,你们在这儿喊有毛用。 Finally, without thinking such a shrieks and howls wildly, unexpectedly also really shouted Caesar forcefully...... 结果,没想到这么一顿鬼哭狼嚎,居然还真就把恺撒给硬生生喊了出来…… However, is Caesar appearance description that this presents what ghost also? 不过,这出现的恺撒外貌描述是又什么鬼? Giant + wing, god clan? 巨人+翅膀,神族? Under the doubts, Mu You quickly clicked on the text giant. 疑惑之下,沐游急忙点击了文本中的‘巨人’。 The feedback information that the result springs, making Mu You more surprised. 结果弹出的反馈信息,让沐游更为惊讶。 【The god of lamp, height: 42 meters, sex: Male gender. Figure: Strength. Presently star class: 6 stars......】 【灯之神,身高:42米,性别:雄性。身形:力量型。当前星级:六星……】 „The god of lamp......” “灯之神……” Mu You is somewhat unbelievable. 沐游有些难以置信。 Is Caesar, unexpectedly the lamp god? 恺撒,居然是灯神? But this is possible, before Evans told in his information to mention explicitly, Caesar was a mortal, but after grasping the magical brush, obtained some special strengths, will he become the lamp god? 但这怎么可能,之前埃文斯告诉他的信息中明确提到过,恺撒是个凡人,只是掌握了神笔后,才获得了一些特殊力量,他怎么会变成灯神的? Sees the giant in picture, in the follower after on the scene stayed for several seconds, immediately burst into cheers. Many believers even weep, they really found Caesar Great Emperor of disappearance unexpectedly!】 【看到画面中的巨人,在场信徒中呆愣了数秒后,顿时爆发出了一阵欢呼声。不少教徒甚至喜极而泣,他们居然真的找到了消失的恺撒大帝!】 thou and others why person?” The giant in picture, makes the deafening sound again.】 【“汝等为何人?”画面中的巨人,再次发出震耳欲聋的声音。】 Believer hears word looks to you.】 【众教徒闻言纷纷看向你。】 Mu You knows that at this time have to act. 沐游知道这时候自己不得不出面了。 Although the present situation is somewhat strange, follower who 25 young who his just mixed, must represent one crowd of Caesar gods unexpectedly, with the Caesar first hand exchange...... 虽然眼下的情况有些诡异,他一个刚混进来的二五仔,居然要代表一群恺撒神教的信徒,和恺撒直接交流…… But said no matter how, the opposite party now is also only a image in picture, but can also be away from the screen to hit him to be inadequate? 但不管怎么说,对方现在也只是画面中的一副影像,还能隔着屏幕打他不成? You clear throat, before arriving at the cliff, to the giant clear and resonant voice of picture was introducing: We are the believers of Caesar god, you in the Astral Spirit Realm faithful supporter, we teach to raise the large amounts of funds at present, waits for you to lead the army to return to Astral Spirit Realm momentarily......” 【你清了清嗓子,走到山崖前,对着画面的巨人朗声介绍:“我们是恺撒神教的教徒,您在星灵界的忠实拥护者,目前我们教会已经筹集了大量资金,随时等待您率领大军重返星灵界……”】 【After the giant in picture hears your introduction , the look is happy, laughs: Good, it seems like my given name had not forgotten by the world!” 【画面中的巨人听闻你的介绍后神色大悦,哈哈大笑:“不错,看来吾的名号还没有被世人遗忘!”】 That is natural, but where doesn't know you now? When can return to Astral Spirit Realm?” You seize the chance to inquire.】 【“那是自然,不过不知您现在所处何地?何时能够回归星灵界?”你趁机询问。】 I and my army in desert, but is stranded in the god border presently, is unable the present world! thou and others just right, everyone goes to search for miracle magic lamp immediately, and returns to here when the solar eclipse, lightens the magic lamp, then opens god country front door! At the appointed time, thou and others is a hero!” The giants said that and looked at you: From now on, you then for me in the Astral Spirit Realm spokesman! So long as your efficiency asked for advice the numerous, helped me open the god country front door, I must confer his you for the great general personally, enjoyed to take the drainless splendor......” 【“吾和吾的军队就在沙漠之中,但现被困在神国境内,无法现世!汝等来的正好,所有人立即前往搜寻‘奇迹神灯’,并在日食之时回到此处,点亮神灯,即可打开‘神国’大门!届时,汝等都是功臣!”巨人说完又将目光转向了你:“从现在起,你便为吾在星灵界的代言人!只要你能率领教众,助吾打开神国大门,吾必亲自册封其你为大将,享受取之不竭的荣华……”】 【The voice of giant stops suddenly to this, as the image in Hongshiya also the drop of ambient temperature, fast dim fading, until vanishes thoroughly.】 【巨人的声音到此戛然而止,红石崖上的影像也随着周围温度的下降,快速黯淡消褪,直至彻底消失。】 【The scene belongs to silent, the people look at each other in blank dismay, all seemed not a real dreamland.】 【现场归于寂静,众人面面相觑,刚才的一切好似一场不真实的梦境。】 After short dreariness, the people erupt heavenshaking cheering quickly again, the believers all incomparably worship looks to you: You lead them to arrive at this place, makes these followers have the opportunity to see the true Caesar Great Emperor, now you become the spokesman who Caesar selects, now you position in people heart, are next to Caesar's big man!】 【短暂的沉寂过后,众人很快再次爆发出一阵震天的欢呼,众教徒全都无比崇拜的看向你:正是你带领他们来到此地,才让这些信徒们有机会见到真正的恺撒大帝,如今你又成为恺撒钦点的代言人,现在你在众人心中的地位,已经是仅次于恺撒的伟大人物!】 „......” “……” Mu You looks at the complexion to be strange, originally a very ordinary pyramid scheme organization, but also really made the reality to become Caesar god! 沐游看得脸色古怪,原本一个很普通的传销组织,还真做实成‘恺撒神教’了! What magic is his 25 young, unexpectedly turns into spokesman who’ Caesar assigned only muddleheaded...... 更魔幻的是他这个二五仔,居然稀里糊涂的变成了恺撒唯一指定的‘代言人’…… Mu You funny shaking the head. 沐游好笑的摇了摇头。 The present issue is, is actually Caesar the lamp god? 现在的问题是,恺撒究竟是不是灯神? If so, before that roaming reading poems person what's the matter? 如果是的话,之前那个游吟诗人又是怎么回事? That roaming reading poems person publicizes great of lamp god everywhere, before also attempted to trick he to go to the scorpion lion nest to look for the magic lamp. 那游吟诗人四处宣扬灯神的伟大,之前还妄图忽悠他去蝎狮巢找神灯。 The recombination the magic lamp can release Caesar's information...... the Mu You subconscious association then to a possibility now: Is it possible that this roaming reading poems person is also what Caesar's follower, but do not have the ability to snatch the magic lamp from the scorpion lion hand, therefore tricks others to go to the magic lamp to steal, does he release Caesar again? 再结合现在神灯可以释放恺撒的情报……沐游下意识的便联想到了一种可能:莫非这个游吟诗人也是什么恺撒的信徒,只是自己没能力从蝎狮手中抢到神灯,所以忽悠别人去把神灯偷出,他再来释放恺撒? Mu You is unable to determine for a while, can only depress for the time being. 沐游一时无法确定,只能暂且压下。 You inquired other believers, when was the next solar eclipse?】 【你询问其他教徒,下一次日食是什么时候?】 Believers replied you chaotically: In the scarlet desert will have a solar eclipse every month, next time the solar eclipse according to the time reckoning, should be five days later.】 【教徒们七嘴八舌的回答了你:猩红沙漠中每月都会有一次日食,下次日食按时间推算,应该是五天之后。】 Five days later......” “五天之后么……” Mu You nods, fortunately, in the time also with enough time, has no need to wait again for a month. 沐游点了点头,还好,时间上还来得及,用不着再等一个月。 This magic lamp he surely needs to look, no matter must be used to liberate Caesar finally, ahead of time grasps this thing in the hand always right. 这神灯他肯定是需要去找一找了,不管最后要不要用来解放恺撒,提前将这东西掌握在手里总是没错的。 Then Mu You told that the believers return to the temporary palace, this news notice to others, then lets everyone immediately, seeks the position and information of nest of scorpion lion. 接下来沐游吩咐教徒们返回行宫,将这个消息通知给其他人,然后让所有人立即出发,去寻找蝎狮之巢的位置和情报。 But he takes land Chuan alone, went to the Abbiss temple in scarlet desert north border, before Evans has said that his 100,000 armies are stationed here. 而他则独自乘坐陆船,前往了猩红沙漠北方边境的阿比斯神庙,之前埃文斯说过,他的十万大军就驻扎在这里。 He needs to ask Evans to confirm now, is actually Caesar the lamp god, this information is very important, will directly affect his following action. 他现在需要去找埃文斯确认一下,恺撒究竟是不是灯神,这个信息很重要,将直接影响他接下来的行动。 【Before you arrived at the Abbiss temple, soldiers of your land ship by several Ai outstanding Mars empire was stopped: Front military compound heavy, the idler draws back the powder!” 【你来到了阿比斯神庙之前,你的陆船被数名艾卓玛尔帝国的士兵截停:“前方军营重地,闲人退散!”】 You go down from the land ship, land Chuanshou, and takes out the treasure house ring that the king bestows, to was the soldier of head briefed your status.】 【你从陆船上走下,将陆船收起,并取出国王赠送的宝库戒指,向为首的军人介绍了你的身份。】 Is the soldier of head has inspected the ring, confirmed after your status, actually vigilant looks toward you, suddenly after waves: Takes!” 【为首的军人检查过戒指,确认了你的身份后,却警惕的朝你望来,忽然朝后一挥手:“拿下!”】 Ten several Ai outstanding Mars soldier surrounded you immediately!】 【十数名艾卓玛尔军人顿时将你包围了起来!】 You noticed that more and more soldiers gush out from the military compound fast, encircles you!】 【你看到越来越多的士兵从军营中快速涌出,将你团团围住!】 Evans crosses the crowd to go out, arrives in front of you.】 【埃文斯越过人群走出,来到你面前。】 You in the prestige of Ai outstanding Mars empire, have dropped for stranger.】 【你在艾卓玛尔帝国的声望,已下降为‘陌路’。】 Un?” “嗯?” Mu You looks stares, what situation, how can this group of allies fight him suddenly? 沐游看得一愣,啥情况,怎么这帮盟友忽然要跟他动手? Because before him, extracts the treasure of treasure house wantonly? 难道就因为他之前大肆提取宝库的财宝? The king also was too rather mean-spirited, at the worst after finishing up, treasure also him is, has no need to get angry directly? 那国王未免也太小气了,大不了完事之后再把财宝还他就是,也用不着直接翻脸吧? You interrogated Evans, what happened? Why can so treat the ally?】 【你质问埃文斯,发生了什么事?为何要如此对待盟友?】 Acts according to the information that I obtain, you now are the bishop of Caesar god, and also becomes Caesar's spokesman! With person who Caesar befriends, naturally is our enemies!” Evans looks at you indifferently.】 【“根据我得到的情报,你如今已经是恺撒神教的主教,并且还成为了恺撒的代言人!与恺撒为伍的人,自然是我们的敌人!”埃文斯冷漠的看着你。】 „???” “???” Mu You is very surprised, the surprised opposite party actually not therefore works as the enemy him, but how is...... this matter opposite party to know? 沐游很惊讶,惊讶的倒不是对方因此把他当敌人,而是……这事对方怎么知道的? Since he sees Caesar to the present, may pass is less than one hour, moreover from now on his nonstop caught up with here...... 从他见到恺撒到现在,可才过去不到一个小时啊,而且过后他马不停蹄的就赶来了这里…… Did the opposite party place the traitor within in Caesar god? 难道对方在恺撒神教中安插了内奸? Letter information that 【a roaming reading poems person sent a moment ago!” Sees doubts on your face, Evans clarifies on own initiative.】 【“刚才一位游吟诗人送来的信件情报!”看到你脸上的疑惑,埃文斯主动澄清。】 Hiss......” “嘶……” Mu You is flabbergasted, unexpectedly is this roaming reading poems person...... 沐游咋舌,居然又是这个游吟诗人…… This goods compel the major problem certainly, does not pay attention to stir up trouble in the two sides while him crazily. 这货绝逼有大问题啊,趁他不注意在两边疯狂挑事。 You quickly explained to Evans you had once come across the matter of this roaming reading poems person. All sorts of behaviors of this roaming reading poems person harbor ulterior motives, is obviously sowing dissension very much.】 【你急忙向埃文斯解释了你曾遇到过这个游吟诗人的事情。这个游吟诗人的种种行为别有用心,很明显是在挑拨离间。】 „, even if the opposite party is sowing dissension, but you then must seek for the magic lamp, releases Caesar, always fact, right?” Evans looks at you calmly.】 【“就算对方是在挑拨离间,但你接下来要去寻找神灯,释放恺撒,总是事实,没错吧?”埃文斯冷静的看着你。】 Mu You had nothing to say in reply, before this was him, has worried about matter: The opposite party do not hope that Caesar in any form present world, but he wants the magical brush, must first release Caesar, even if his ultimate objective is to also kill Caesar, snatches the magical brush, but this is unable to convince the opposite party obviously and he undertakes unable to solve Caesar's risk together. 沐游无言以对,这就是他之前担忧过的事情了:对方不希望恺撒以任何形式现世,而他想要神笔,又必须先释放恺撒,哪怕他的最终目标也是干掉恺撒,抢下神笔,但这显然无法说服对方和他一起承担解决不掉恺撒的风险。 both sides unanimously demanded had the conflict, this caused them to turn into the enemy from the ally directly. 双方原本一致的诉求产生了冲突,这才导致他们直接从盟友变成了敌人。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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