TTAGITP :: Volume #5

#428 Part 2: Shocks to sand Feimen young local tyrant the

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Ahead of time erected the camera, to prevent this matter, really uses now. 提前架设了摄像机,就是为了防止这种事,现在果然用上了。 Three archbishops look at images that in the souvenir photo crystal playbacks, the surface like the dying embers, but after a believer looks at the image, or vacant, or filled with grief, or incredible and to transform finally entirely, for angry!】 【三大主教看着留影水晶中回放的一幕幕影像,面如死灰,而一众教徒看完影像后,或茫然、或悲怆、或不可置信、最后统统转化为了愤怒!】 In the entreaty sounds of three archbishops, believers unrestrained/no trace of politeness fell in torrents the respective anger toward three people, beats, later pushed down the insect pond them, surrounds three people of the punishment of insect biting accepted Caesar Great Emperor.】 【在三大主教的哀求声中,教徒们毫不客气的朝三人倾泻了各自的怒火,一阵拳打脚踢,随后纷纷将他们推下了虫池,围观三人接受了恺撒大帝的虫噬之刑。】 Exhausts until three people of lives thoroughly, was gnawed by the scarab for the white bones, the believers are then venting.】 【直到三人寿命彻底耗尽,被圣甲虫啃噬为白骨,众教徒这才解气。】 However after vent, the people are following close on welcoming is the huge void and confusedness.】 【然而发泄过后,众人紧跟着迎来的便是巨大的空虚和迷茫。】 A moment ago in the souvenir photo three bishops had said is very clear, the church is from the beginning false, their resurrecting Caesar's method, but this means, existence of Caesar god does not have the significance, then, should they what course to follow?】 【刚才留影中三个主教已经说的很清楚,教会从一开始就是假的,他们并没有复活恺撒的手段,而这就意味着,恺撒神教的存在已经没有了意义,接下来,他们该何去何从?】 One crowd teaches the numerous greatly after vacant and filled with grief, will look at you in abundance.】 【一群教众在巨大的茫然和悲怆过后,纷纷将目光投向了你。】 Asked the bishop to direct!” As the first believer kneels down to you, more and more believers kneel down toward you, entreated you to show the right direction.】 【“请主教指引!”随着第一个教徒向你下跪,越来越多的教徒朝你跪下,纷纷哀求你指点迷津。】 You are in the present church the position highest person, moreover a moment ago you performance in image, proved you are very reverent to the belief of Caesar Great Emperor, now only then you have the qualifications to lead the people! You choose......】 【你是如今教会中地位最高之人,而且刚才你在影像中的表现,也证明了你对恺撒大帝的信仰无比虔诚,现在只有你有资格引领众人!你选择……】 Although this church is false, but this group of believers seem like but are actually the true devout followers, could use. 虽然这个教会是假的,但这伙教徒看起来倒都是真正的虔诚信徒,或许可以利用一下。 Does not need to be confused, now except the church in clothes eating insect, our beliefs became purer, as for the method of resurrecting Caesar Great Emperor, we looks!” You chose encourage the people indignantly generous spiritedly, the words made a believer completely go immediately confusedly, looked that was more reverent to your look.】 【“不必迷茫,如今除去了教会中的蛀虫,我们的信仰变得更加纯净,至于复活恺撒大帝的方法,我们自己找!”你选择慨慷激昂的激励了众人,一番话顿时让一众教徒迷茫尽去,看向你的眼神更加虔诚。】 Caesar long live!” The first follower shouted excitedly.】 【“恺撒万岁!”第一个信徒激动的喊了出来。】 Caesar long live!” More and more followers follow.】 【“恺撒万岁!”越来越多的信徒跟上。】 Caesar god long live!” Forever follows bishop Sir......” in the entire temporary palace to flood followers deafening shouting loudly.】 【“恺撒神教万岁!”“永远追随主教大人……”整座行宫中充斥着信徒们震耳欲聋的高喊。】 ...... …… In the pet shop, Mu You looks that in the game by over a thousand believers who he easily instigates, touches the chin, was considering curls money to travel immediately? First mobilizes these people to help him look for Caesar's clue, then curls money to travel...... 宠物店中,沐游看着游戏中被他轻易煽动起来的上千名教徒,摸了摸下巴,考虑着到底是立即卷钱跑路呢?还是先发动这些人帮他找找恺撒的线索,然后再卷钱跑路…… How while Mu You should arrange hesitant time, in the game actually springs a new text suddenly. 正当沐游犹豫该怎么安排的时候,游戏中却忽然弹出一条新的文本。 【...... In the shout of people, you noticed a sand scorpion to crawl suddenly quietly your under foot, and put down on a hook the puncture a letter, retreated immediately quietly.】 【……众人的呼喊声中,你忽然注意到一只沙蝎悄悄爬到了你的脚下,并放下了尾钩上穿刺着的一封信件,随即悄然退走。】 You take up the letter examination, originally is the sand scorpion friend who Pocket Toad held it just to know to the letter that you mailed, whether promptly opened the examination?】 【你拿起信件查看,原来是口袋蟾蜍托它刚结识的沙蝎朋友给你寄来的信件,是否立即打开查看?】 Mu You stares, unexpectedly is the frog letter? 沐游一愣,居然是青蛙子的来信? However, ‚is sand scorpion friend who just knew what ghost? Frog son now in desert? 不过,‘刚结识的沙蝎朋友’是什么鬼?难道蛙儿子现在在沙漠里? ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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