TTAGITP :: Volume #5

#428 Part 1: Shocks to sand Feimen young local tyrant the

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Chapter 428 shocks to sand Feimen young local tyrant the 第428章给沙匪们一点小小的土豪震撼 Evans and the others the forms disappear in the distant place quickly, the scene only have you and numerous sand bandit.】 【埃文斯等人的身影很快消失在远方,现场只剩下你与一众沙匪。】 You lead many sand bandits to board land Chuan, immediately starts land Chuan again, is enormous and powerful, under a referring to road of sand bandit, goes to them to hide the den in desert deep place.】 【你带领众多沙匪登上陆船,随即将陆船再次启动,浩浩荡荡出发,在一名沙匪的指路下,前往他们隐藏在沙漠深处的老巢。】 Then is the process that follows this group of sand bandit to hurry along. 接下来便是跟着这帮沙匪赶路的过程。 Does not know that the opposite party is afraid is tracked, the direction that points out all the way is sometimes left sometimes right, absolutely does not have the rule, is more like talking circuitously. 不知道对方是不是害怕被跟踪,一路上指出的方向时左时右,完全没有规律,更像是在绕圈子。 Such continuously in the desert of high temperature circled for several hours, until land ship thoroughly thorough desert center, and confirmed that rear area completely no one follows, sand Feimen then gave the correct direction finally. 就这么一直在高温的沙漠中绕了几个小时后,直到陆船彻底深入大漠腹地,并且确认后方完全没有人跟随,沙匪们这才终于给出了正确的方向。 Also after crossing for a half hour, the group went the place finally. 又过了半小时后,一行人终于到达了地方。 Under the lead sand bandit direction, sand land Chuan stays finally before a sand dune that seems like average unsurprising.】 【在领头沙匪的指引下,沙地陆船最终停留在了一处看似平平无奇的沙丘前。】 You go down the sand dune along with the people. The sand bandit of lead arrives at the sand dune peak, bends down to open out the ground the yellow sand, puts out a hand in the sand to try to find out.】 【你随众人走下沙丘。领头的沙匪走到沙丘顶端,俯身拨开地上的黄沙,伸手进沙中摸索一番。】 Trembles along with under foot one, you sees on the sand under front sand dune, suddenly springs together the profound entrance, the surrounding gravel flows in backward to enter. You walk to go forward to examine, under the entrance is steps of section of stone system, continuously to underground deep place.】 【伴随着脚下一阵震颤,伱看到前方沙丘下的沙地上,忽然弹出一道幽深的入口,周围的砂砾倒灌而入。你走上前查看,入口下是一截石制的阶梯,一直通往地下深处。】 Numerous sand bandit is not accidental/surprised, lining up enters the entrance in turn. You land ship income backpack, follows in the team, stepped into the underground steps.】 【众沙匪对此毫无意外,排队依次进入入口。你将陆船收入背包,也跟随在队伍中,踏入了地下的阶梯。】 After the vanguard in a narrow channel, the front suddenly sees the light groping.】 【在一段狭窄的通道中摸黑前行过后,前方豁然开朗。】 You appear in a giant underground temporary palace, the ceiling Gundam/reaches as high as more than 30 meters, on all around wall is hanging a flare of row of ignition, illuminated on the wall these to be full of the desert folk customs style the stone carving portrait.】 【你出现在一座巨大的地下行宫中,天花板高达三十余米,四周墙壁上挂着一排点燃的火把,照亮了墙壁上那些充满沙漠民俗风格的石雕画像。】 Enters the temporary palace, you then discovered that in the hall is gathering more sand bandits, 0 numerous minimum over a thousand people, on the clothing of everyone chest front are drawing up the designs of nine tooth Sun.】 【进入行宫,你这才发现大厅中聚集着更多的沙匪,零零总总起码上千人,每个人胸前的衣物上都绘制着九齿太阳的图案。】 The sand bandit half step that leads enters the hall, arrives in front of a bald sand bandit, in a low voice whisper several, surrounding several people of hears word in abundance surprise looks like toward you.】 【领头的沙匪快步进入大厅,走到其中一个光头沙匪面前,低声耳语了几句,周围的几人闻言纷纷诧异的朝你看来。】 【After listening to the introduction, bald sand Feichao you walks, his behind several sand bandits also grasped the weapon to arrive at side you, surrounded you.】 【听完介绍后,光头沙匪朝你走来,他身后的数名沙匪也手持武器走到了你身边,将你包围了起来。】 You said that you are the follower of Caesar Great Emperor?” Bald sand Feimi the eye was looking that asked to you. Question at the same time, the surrounding several sand bandits all raised the weapon, sends out the ominous offense the imposing manner, so long as if you have a few words to speak incorrectly, they will mention the axe to cut you immediately.】 【“你说你是恺撒大帝的信徒?”光头沙匪眯着眼睛看向你问道。问话的同时,周围的几名沙匪全都提起了武器,散发出凶戾的气势,似乎你只要有一句话说错,他们就会立即提起斧头砍了你。】 „.” You reply no fear, to the surrounding sand bandit regards , if no thing.】 【“是的。”你毫无惧色的回答,对周围的沙匪视若无物。】 You said that you rich merchant from Ell empire, did sell off the complete family property to go to us specially?” Bald sand bandit also asked.】 【“你说你是来自兰埃尔帝国的富商,特意变卖了全部家产来投奔我们?”光头沙匪又问。】 „.” Your as before tone steady reply.】 【“正是。”你依旧语气平稳的回答。】 Bald sand bandit is fixing the eyes on your eye, after looking straight ahead for dozens seconds, this nods: Then good, now, you can offer your sincerity, proved you to Caesar Great Emperor was loyal!” 【光头沙匪紧盯着你的眼睛,直视了数十秒之后,这才点头:“那么好,现在,你可以献出你的诚意,来证明你对恺撒大帝的忠诚了!”】 Simply speaking, wants to join a society, first pays fee, the consistent repertoire of this type of church organization. 简单来说,就是想入会,先交费,这种教会组织的一贯套路了。 You have not worried to take out the wealth, but first inquired the degree of contribution and human affairs organization of church constitute the relations.】 【你没有着急取出钱财,而是首先询问了教会的贡献度和人事组织构成关系。】 Bald sand bandit looks to another sand bandit, that sand bandit nods, read out Caesar god canon to you.】 【光头沙匪看向另一名沙匪,那名沙匪点了点头,向你宣读了‘恺撒神教教规’。】 In Caesar god the composition, is divided into the bishop, esoteric buddhism, priest, the crazy follower and follower from top to bottom, each series the segmentation is one to nine stars, all personnel defer to the degree of contribution division position, contributes the wealth, to complete to organize quest to the organization, or the development winding, helping the organization absorb personnel enlarge the team, may obtain the degree of contribution. A status higher person, the position when organization is higher, the jurisdiction is bigger, the resources that every day may enjoy are more, from now on Caesar Great Emperor will resurrect, will have more opportunities to obtain the favor of Great Emperor......】 【恺撒神教内人员构成,由上至下分为主教、密教、祭司、狂信徒和信徒,其中每个系别又细分为一到九星,所有人员都按照贡献度划分地位,向组织贡献钱财、完成组织任务、或发展下线,帮组织吸收人员壮大队伍,均可获得贡献度。身份越高之人,在组织中的地位越高,权限越大,每日可享用的资源越多,今后当恺撒大帝复活时,也将有更多机会得到大帝的青睐……】 Mu You looked that the corners of the mouth twitched, my goodness, in a merely over a thousand people of organization can branch out a 40~50 level unexpectedly, the position is direct and benefits hook, but also encourages everyone to develop the winding, this is not the standard pyramid scheme organization pattern...... 沐游看完嘴角抽搐了一下,好家伙,一个仅仅上千人的组织里居然能分出四五十个层级,地位直接和福利挂钩,还鼓励每个人发展下线,这不就是标准的传销组织模式吗…… Read out the canon, all sand bandit all stared is staring at you, is waiting for your action. You choose......】 【宣读完教规,所有沙匪全都直勾勾的盯着你,等着你的行动。你选择……】 You open the treasure house of king, took out a fist big diamond ‚the tears of angel, in other sand bandit dumbfoundedness, gave bald sand bandit: I must give to the organization this thing!” 【你打开国王的宝库,从中取出了一颗拳头大的钻石‘天使之泪’,在其他沙匪的目瞪口呆中,交给了光头沙匪:“我要将此物献给组织!”】 „The tears of angel, value...... 3,3500 contribution points!” Side grasps the written records the sand bandit who is responsible for counting the degree of contribution, announcement that the sound shivers. This diamond, has only worked to a frazzle one year of degree of contribution to be diligently higher than them.】 【“天使之泪,价值……3,3500贡献点!”旁边手持纸笔负责统计贡献度的沙匪,声音颤抖的宣布。只这一颗钻石,已经比他们累死累活努力了一年的贡献度还要高。】 You obtained 3500 degrees of contribution.】 【你获得了3500贡献度。】 You the position in Caesar god, rise for nine star followers.】 【你在恺撒神教中的地位,上升为‘九星信徒’。】 Nine star followers?” “才九星信徒?” Mu You tch, was not satisfactory, the follower rank is lowest, the contribution that in the future each rank will need will only turn multiplies much, finally the contribution of that two position is very possible is the astronomical figures! Looking from this pattern, the average person joins to rise top, needs to work as the cow to make horse several hundred over a thousand years. 沐游了一声,并不满意,信徒级别可是最低的,往后每个级别需要的贡献只会翻倍增多,最后那两个职位的贡献很可能是天文数字!从这种模式看,普通人加入进来想要升到高位,需要当牛做马几百上千年。 And these ordinary member entanglements are useless here, the Mu You goal is to see the founder of this organization, can make clear in this organization to grasp the real thing that Caesar resurrects most quickly, wants to achieve this point, he must rise to the esoteric buddhism above rank at least. 在这儿和这些普通成员纠缠是没用的,沐游的目标是见到这个组织的创始人,才能最快搞清楚这组织手里到底有没有掌握恺撒复活的真东西,想要做到这一点,他起码要升到密教以上的级别。 Mu You may have no free time to rise step by step, moreover king, since gave him the financial support, allowing him to use the treasury, at this time continued to put up the cash to finish up. 沐游可没空一步步升上去,而且那国王既然给了他资金支持,允许他动用金库,此时继续砸钱就完事了。 【In other sand bandit still in immersing in the beauty of tears of angel, you took out a pearl of head/number of people size suddenly, is sending out the dazzling brilliance in the dim underground hall.】 【在其他沙匪还在沉醉于天使之泪的美丽时,你忽然又取出了一颗人头大小的珍珠,在昏暗的地下大厅中散发着耀眼的光辉。】 Deep sea legendary luminous pearl, value...... 5000 contribution points!” The opens the mouth that the sand bandit who is responsible for counting shivers again, causes in an uproar at the scene.】 【“深海夜明珠,价值……5000贡献点!”负责统计的沙匪再次颤抖的开口,在现场又引起一阵哗然。】 You the position in Caesar god, rise for five-star crazy follower.】 【你在恺撒神教中的地位,上升为‘五星狂信徒’。】 ...... …… You offered black shining colored glaze stone carving......】 【你献出了‘黑耀琉璃石雕’一尊……】 Your position rise for eight star crazy followers......】 【你的地位上升为‘八星狂信徒’……】 ...... …… You offered pure gold gold brick a box......】 【你献出了‘纯金金砖’一箱……】 Your position rise for ‚a star priest......】 【你的地位上升为‘一星祭司’……】 ...... …… Then Mu You starts in dumbfoundedness of one group of sand bandits, unceasing takes out the treasure from the king treasury, then the eyelid does not wink the contribution. 接下来沐游开始在一群沙匪的目瞪口呆中,不断的从国王金库中取出宝物,然后眼皮都不眨一下的捐献掉。 The kings do not care, gave him the treasury entrance directly, he also has anything to be embarrassed, puts up the cash with all one's might and that's the end, he has not sought the personal gain in any case, the present to complete quest, fully meet the requirement of money withdrawal. 人家国王都不在乎,直接把金库入口交给了他,那他还有什么不好意思的,可劲砸钱就是了,反正他又没有谋私利,现在的一切都是为了完成任务,完全符合提款的要求。 You contributed crystal angel resembles * 3......】 【你捐献了‘水晶天使像’……】 Your position rise for ‚a star bishop, was responsible for the sand bandit's numb readout that counted your position promotion, changed your information on the writing plate. Other sand Feimen same faces that the surroundings surround numb looks that you throw into the info clerk image three glittering and translucent carving angel pictures, immediately under mechanical turning the head, waits for you to take out the same treasure......】 【你的地位上升为‘一星主教’,负责统计的沙匪麻木的宣读了你的地位提升,在记录板上修改了你的信息。周围围观的其他沙匪们同样一脸麻木的看着你将三尊晶莹剔透的天使像丢进收纳像,随即又机械的转过头,等待着你取出下一样财宝……】 You have not fallen short of the anticipation of people, under continues to turn on the treasury ring, the preparation takes out one thing, actually discovered that the entrance of treasury has closed to you.】 【你没有辜负众人的期待,继续打开金库戒指,准备取出下一样东西,却发现金库的入口已对你关闭。】 King rejected your extraction treasure request! Your treasure house temporary certificate has expired.】 【国王拒绝了你的提取财宝要求!你的宝库临时凭证已失效。】 Un?” “嗯?” Mu You stares, how to reject? He not contrary, all the treasure of extraction all contributed, his one point has not taken. 沐游一愣,怎么拒绝了?他也没违规啊,所有取出的财宝全都捐献了出去,他一分没拿。 Moreover in the treasure house treasure obviously also some are, that wave of contribution, altogether also contributed about 2/3 a moment ago, then helped him promote a star bishop. 而且宝库里宝物明明还有的是,刚才那一波捐献,总共也才捐出去三分之二左右,便帮他提升到了一星主教。 If all contributes the remaining things, could break through the bishop, becomes at present in this church the position highest person, Mu You will be very curious will have anything when the time comes. 如果把剩下的东西全捐完,说不定能突破主教,成为目前这个教会中地位最高的人,沐游很好奇到时候会发生什么。 What a pity, the critical moment king did not make him contribute unexpectedly, mean-spirited! 可惜,关键时刻国王居然不让他捐了,小气! Mu You shakes the head, has to stop the option. 沐游摇了摇头,只好停止了选项。 You stopped movement that takes out the treasure. Surrounding sand Feimen noticed that you cannot take out the new treasure, but also is somewhat vacant, after several seconds, the people recover: The contribution eventually ended!】 【你停下了取出财宝的动作。周围沙匪们看到你迟迟未能取出新的宝物,还有些茫然,数秒之后,众人才回过神来:捐献终于结束了!】 People or is a pity visit you who or has not given full expression, but these vision changed into the worship and respect finally entirely, many people realized, their time recruited a true donor!】 【众人或可惜或意犹未尽的看着你,不过这些目光最后统统化为了崇拜和敬仰,许多人都意识到,他们这次招募到了一位真正的金主!】 But before , these have the suspected teaching numerous to you, at this moment also the anxiety completely disappears: No one can absolutely to act the undercover, pays the so huge price! You inevitably is a true Caesar Great Emperor frantic follower, moreover believed the pure degree to surpass everyone on the scene, you were worth having the title of this bishop!】 【而之前那些对你有所怀疑的教众,此刻也都疑虑尽消:绝对没有人能为了扮演卧底,付出如此巨大的代价!你必然是一位真正的恺撒大帝狂热信徒,而且信仰纯粹程度超过了在场的所有人,你值得拥有这个主教的头衔!】 Bishop Sir, other three bishops are invited!” Bald sand bandit humble salutes to you, in the tone and vision were full of meaning of flattering. Besides three bishop founders, he is in Caesar god the position highest person, but at present also merely is only a priest, should keep humble before you.】 【“主教大人,其他三位主教有请!”光头沙匪谦卑的向你行礼,语气和目光中充满了讨好的意味。除了三名主教创始人之外,他已经是恺撒神教中地位最高之人,但目前也仅仅只是一位祭司,理应在你面前保持谦卑。】 Mu You breathes a sigh of relief, this paper money ability performance has not wasted finally, pounded directly behind this organization three founders. 沐游舒了口气,这一番钞能力表演总算没白费,直接把这组织背后的三个创始人砸出来了。 Mu You naturally controls the character with see these three people, considering that possibly some things of bitter experience in this type of pyramid scheme organization, he thinks, ahead of time will investigate the beetle to put. 沐游自然操控人物跟去见见这三个人,不过考虑到在这种传销组织里可能遭遇的一些事情,他想了想,提前将侦查甲虫放了出来。 You followed bald sand bandit to go to the mausoleum chamber deep place, on the road release the detection beetle quietly.】 【你跟随光头沙匪前往地宫深处,路上悄悄释放出了侦查甲虫。】 【The detection beetle is carrying the souvenir photo crystal, hidden in the cracks, followed you to go to the mausoleum chamber deep place silently.】 【侦查甲虫携带着留影水晶,隐藏在地缝间,无声无息的跟随你前往了地宫深处。】 Cardinal, yellow clothes bishop and blue clothes bishop three bishop Sirs in inside you, come.” Before bald sand Feiling you are arriving at a leaf of front door, after referring to the front front door, then lowers the head slowly after retreats, until withdrew from the corridor thoroughly.】 【“红衣主教、黄衣主教、蓝衣主教三位主教大人就在里面等您,请进。”光头沙匪领着你来到一扇大门前,指了指前方的大门后,便低着头慢慢朝后退去,直到彻底退出了走廊。】 You opened the front door, enters in a slightly dim secret room. Around on the secret room wall hung all over all kinds of torture instruments, is more like execution grounds, in addition in secret room central ground, but also unearthed one a depth of several meters insect pond, inside is piling up the scarabs of innumerable being big and hungry.】 【你推开了大门,进入一间略显昏暗的密室内。密室四面的墙壁上挂满了各种各样的刑具,更像是一个刑场,此外在密室中央的地面上,还挖掘出了一个深达数米的虫池,里面堆积着无数饥肠辘辘的圣甲虫。】 Just entered the secret room, you then felt that the surrounding space suffered the fetter. All space abilities in this secret room are unable to become effective.】 【刚进入密室,你便感觉到周围的空间遭受了束缚。在这个密室内所有的空间能力均无法生效。】 As you enter the secret room, front door automatic assembling for ship.】 【随着你走进密室,身后的大门自动合拢。】 Welcome you, a stupid rich man? Said, undercover who is willing to put up the cash? Then, which type are you?” 【“欢迎你,一名愚蠢的有钱人?还是说,一个舍得砸钱的卧底?那么,你是哪一种?”】 【The sound resounds from the secret room deep place together.】 【一道声音自密室深处响起。】 You look up, sees above the secret room three thrones, is sitting quietly the middle-aged people of three fat hair oil ears, wears the red yellow blue tricolor clothes robe respectively, the spacious throne somewhat is even hard to contain they obese body.】 【你抬头看去,就见密室内部的三张王座之上,安坐着三个肥头油耳的中年人,分别身着红黄蓝三色的衣袍,宽大的王座甚至有些难以包容他们过于肥胖的身躯。】 You see in a middle-aged person hand, is holding a soccer big round bead, in circle bead opened a pupil unexpectedly, the eyeball of some probably giant beast is common.】 【你看到其中一个中年人手中,抱着一颗足球大的圆珠,圆珠中竟张开了一道瞳孔,像是某种巨兽的眼珠一般。】 Looks with your vision, the pupil in circle bead also stares toward you, you felt immediately the body becomes heavy, together the illusory golden chains gradually in your body week formation, making your whole body like filling the lead was generally heavy, raised hand to step in becomes extremely difficult.】 【随着你目光看去,圆珠中的瞳孔也朝你瞪来,你顿时感觉身体变得沉重,一道虚幻的金色锁链逐渐在你身周成型,使你的全身如同灌了铅一般沉重,一举手一投足就变得极为艰难。】 After ten several seconds, you by the radical petrification that eye stared in same place, is unable again the move slightest.】 【直到十数秒后,你被那颗眼睛瞪的彻底石化在了原地,无法再动弹分毫。】 What is this? I offered all my for Caesar Great Emperor, why can such to me?” You anger looked that asked to three hostages.】 【“这是什么意思?我为恺撒大帝奉献了我的所有,为什么要这么对我?”你‘愤怒’的看向三人质问。】 Evidently is the former, a rich fool!” Three people of hears word teases looks at you.】 【“看样子是前者,一个有钱的傻子!”三人闻言戏虐的看着你。】 What do you mean? Aren't you followers of Caesar Great Emperor? Actually do you have the method of resurrecting Caesar Great Emperor?” 【“什么意思?你们难道不是恺撒大帝的信徒?你们究竟有没有复活恺撒大帝的方法?”】 Mu You seized the chance to ask, this was his most issue of concern, he has not made clear the details of this organization. 沐游趁机问了出来,这才是他最关心的问题,他至今没有搞清楚这个组织的底细。 Hehe, but also is really is stupid!” Cardinals in three people sneer: Looked, in you contributed in the shares of so many assets for us, my truth told you.” 【“呵呵,还真是蠢得可以!”三人之中的红衣主教冷笑:“不过看在你为我们贡献了那么多资产的份儿上,我就实话告诉你吧。”】 „The resurrecting Caesar's method, we naturally do not have! Entire Caesar god, but is a fraud, for is deceives your rich fools to swallow the bait, comes to provide the inexhaustible wealth for us......” 【“复活恺撒的手段,我们当然没有!整个恺撒神教,不过是一场骗局而已,为的就是骗你们这种有钱的蠢蛋上钩,争相来为我们提供取之不尽的财富……”】 Mu You looks quite disappointedly, unexpectedly also is really the pure pyramid scheme organization...... 沐游看完相当失望,居然还真就是个纯粹的传销组织…… His disappointed is not this organization is false, but is Caesar's clue interrupts, so many preparations that before made, all became not studious, all the gravity head started. 他失望的不是这个组织是假的,而是恺撒的线索就此中断,之前做的这么多准备,全成了无用功,一切又得重头开始。 Now, is placed in your front choice has two.” Cardinals in three people open the mouth again: First, abandons your bored belief, joins us, the assistance we continue to expand the scale of organization, swindles the fool like you comes to give money to us, then we eat the meat, you can also follow to eat a soup.” 【“现在,摆在你面前的选择有两个。”三人之中的红衣主教再次开口:“第一,抛弃你那无聊的信仰,加入我们,协助我们继续扩大组织的规模,骗取更多像你一样的傻子来给我们送钱,接下来我们吃肉,你也能跟着喝点汤。”】 Second, rejects our propositions, then like several undercovers who the beforehand these Ai outstanding Mars empires send, sent in the insect pond by us, accepts the punishment of insect biting, until was eaten the food by the insect completely.” 【“第二,拒绝我们的提议,然后像之前那些艾卓玛尔帝国派来的几个卧底一样,被我们送入虫池,接受虫噬之刑,直到被虫子啃食殆尽。”】 Your this is blaspheming the reputation/honorary of Caesar Great Emperor, I rather dead to reveal one's aspirations, will not collaborate with you! Caesar long live!” You to the direction that the detection beetle is, shouted indignantly generous spiritedly.】 【“你们这是在亵渎恺撒大帝的名誉,我宁愿以死明志,也不会跟你们同流合污!‘恺撒万岁’!”你对着侦查甲虫所在的方向,慨慷激昂的喊了出来。】 Confirmed after this group of people are the swindlers, now Mu You has actually been able to leave directly, but is not anxious, acting in a play to make the complete set . Moreover, Mu You now that eyeball is quite curious to three people are holding. 确认了这伙人是骗子后,现在沐游其实已经可以直接离开了,不过不急,做戏要做全套,而且,沐游现在对三人抱着的那颗眼珠子比较好奇。 „, Since such oil salt does not enter, that dies!” Cardinal cold snort/hum, difficult moved from the chair, walks toward you.】 【“哼,既然这么油盐不进,那就去死吧!”红衣主教冷哼一声,艰难的从椅子上挪了下来,朝你走来。】 Truth told you, one of temporary palaces now the temporary palace, Caesar constructs, but this penalty room, Caesar to anger his person executed ‚the punishment of insect biting place.” The cardinal sneers saying: Since you believe Caesar, that uses your flesh, scarab pet that feeds these Caesar!” The cardinal said, then must thrust in the rear insect pond you. You choose......】 【“实话告诉你,现在我们所处的这座行宫,正是恺撒生前建造的行宫之一,而这间刑罚室,也正是恺撒为惹怒他的人施行‘虫噬之刑’的地方。”红衣主教冷笑道:“既然你这么信仰恺撒,那就用你的血肉,来喂养这些恺撒的圣甲虫宠物吧!”红衣主教说完,便要将你推入后方的虫池之中。你选择……】 Mu You withdraws from the game winding directly, immediately landed again, renovates petrified condition. 沐游直接退出游戏下线,随即再次登陆,刷新掉了身上的石化状态。 You appear, in insect bites dungeon.】 【你出现在‘虫噬地牢’之中。】 You rapidly to before the throne of distant place, when three people responded, has seized the eyeball in yellow clothes fatty bosom.】 【你飞速冲至远处的王座之前,在三人反应不及之际,一把夺过了黄衣胖子怀中的眼珠。】 You obtained ‚the eye of god beast.】 【你获得了‘神兽之眼’。】 【The eye of god beast: This eyeball seems like the eyeball of some mysterious giant beast, has ability that petrifies the myriad things, when it looks to some goal, this/should goal will gradually enter the petrified condition, the petrified time regards the intelligence value to decide, when the eyeball vision puts aside, the petrification gradually will relieve.】 【神兽之眼:这颗眼珠看起来像是某种神秘巨兽的眼球,拥有石化万物的能力,当它看向某个目标时,该目标会逐渐进入石化状态,石化时间视智力值而定,当眼球目光移开时,石化才会逐渐解除。】 You hold the eye of god beast in bosom, the pupil in eyeball turned to you curiously, you felt that body fast becomes heavy......】 【你将神兽之眼抱在怀中,眼球中的瞳孔好奇的转向了你,你感觉身体快速变得沉重起来……】 You quickly take out a arrange/cloth, covers the eyeball, serious feeling vanishes immediately.】 【你急忙取出一块布,将眼球蒙上,身上的沉重感顿时消失。】 The ability of this eyeball is actually good, but is not quite as if stable, moreover seemingly also has the self-awareness to exist, by him in the hand, the eyeball will also be looked unexpectedly to him! 这眼球的能力倒是不错,不过似乎不太稳定,而且貌似还有自我意识存在,都被他拿在手里了,眼球居然还会看向他本人! In addition, what making Mu You notice is the name of this eyeball: The eye of god beast! 此外,让沐游注意到的是这眼珠的名字:神兽之眼! In addition this eyeball has the matter of self-awareness, making Mu You realize immediately, perhaps this god beast is also living? Then uses this eye, has the opportunity found this only god beast the main body? 再加上这眼球拥有自我意识的事,让沐游顿时意识到,或许这个神兽还活着?那么利用这颗眼睛,是不是有机会找到这只‘神兽’的本体? Naturally, this is something to be talked about later. 当然,这是后话。 At this moment was snatched the eyeball by Mu You, the text prompted that three bishops insanely same toward him threw, wants to snatch the eyeball. 此刻被沐游抢了眼珠,文本提示那三个主教疯了一样的朝他扑来,想把眼珠抢回去。 Finally was naturally needless saying that these three swindlers became this fat, the battle efficiency was one of the weak chicken, how can be his opponent? 结果自然不用多说,这三个骗子胖成这样,战斗力更是弱鸡的一匹,怎么会是他的对手? You hit to lie three people in the place conveniently completely.】 【你随手将三人全部打趴在地。】 Three bishops discover unable to do to you, quickly pressed on the wall the mechanism/organization, and called for help outward loudly.】 【三个主教发现奈何不得你,急忙按动了墙上机关,并朝外大声呼救。】 After dozens seconds, the outside world receives a believer who the bishop prays for rescue to grasp the pointed weapons, ran into the secret room, comes to rescue.】 【数十秒过后,外界接到主教求救的一众教徒纷纷手持兵刃,冲进了密室之中,前来救驾。】 Believer passing through the gate, then saw that you punch the scenes of three bishops in the violent unilaterally, immediately look at each other in blank dismay, for a while does not know how should process.】 【众教徒一进门,便看到你在单方面暴揍三位主教的场景,顿时面面相觑,一时不知该如何处理。】 He is the traitor within who Ai outstanding Mars empire sends! Is enemy who comes the destruction we to teach, didn't hold him quickly?” The cardinal sees the people like seeing the liberator, quickly shouted loudly makes noise.】 【“他是艾卓玛尔帝国派来的内奸!是来覆灭我们教会的敌人,还不快抓住他?”红衣主教见到众人如同见到救星,急忙高喊出声。】 【A believer hears the word bad in great surprise, all the look looks to you, the whole body murderous aura to surge. You choose......】 【一众教徒闻言大惊,全都眼神不善的看向你,浑身杀气涌动。你选择……】 You picked up the detection beetle, and broadcasts the image that the taking a souvenir photo crystal took down a moment ago to the people.】 【你捡起了侦查甲虫,并向众人播放了刚才留影水晶录下的影像。】
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