TTAGITP :: Volume #5

#427: Forever daytime desert

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Chapter 427 forever daytime desert 第427章永昼沙漠 This king pragmatist, said actually explicitly is not interested in the divine tool, also has to compel the number to the strength of own country very much, only wants to defend this little plot of land. 这个国王倒是个务实派,明确说了对神器不感兴趣,也对自己国家的实力也很有逼数,只想守好自己这一亩三分地。 Has not been defeated to punish in any case, the opposite party is willing directly to deliver a land ship to him, this quest Mu You does not have the reason of rejection. 反正没有失败惩罚,对方愿意直接送一艘陆船给他,这任务沐游没有拒绝的理由。 You complied with king's cooperation request.】 【你答应了国王的合作请求。】 【The king great happiness, told immediately prepares the banquet, must give a welcoming dinner for your reception.】 【国王大喜,立即吩咐手下准备宴席,要为你接风洗尘。】 You turned down the good intention of king, hoped to be able as soon as possible.】 【你婉拒了国王的好意,表示希望能尽早出发。】 ...... …… The action of this country is good, the king has not hauled, one hear of Mu You want to act as soon as possible, immediately abolished the banquet to start to get ready. 这个国家的行动力还是挺不错的,国王也没有拖拉,一听沐游想尽早行动,立即撤销了宴席开始准备。 About after one hour, Mu You then receives the notice: Gave his land ship to prepare, stayed outside the south gate. 大约一小时后,沐游便收到通知:给他的陆船已经准备好了,就停留在南城门外。 Mu You quickly controlled the character to look in the past. 沐游急忙操控人物过去看了看。 you arrives at the city south, sees above the sand outside city gate, has anchored a giant single Weilu ship.】 【伱来到城南,看到城门外的沙地之上,已经停靠了一艘巨大的单桅陆船。】 Land ship as high as 20 meters, length approximately more than hundred meters, whole becomes spindle-shaped, bottom extends the mechanical webbed feet of eight similar reptiles,】 【陆船高达20米,长约百余米,整体成梭形,底部延伸出八条类似爬行动物的机械蹼足,】 Sand land Chuan: Imitates sand ships that a body structure of desert salamander builds becomes, in travel that in the sand can go easily and freely, the boost of recombination sand sail, when the wind direction is correct, can erupt the speed that is inconceivable......】 【沙地陆船:仿照一种沙漠蝾螈的身体结构打造而成的沙地船只,在沙地中可以如履平地的行驶,再结合沙地风帆的助力,当风向正确时,可以爆发出难以想象的速度……】 This land ship actually and he imagines is not quite same, unexpectedly also steadily leg, looking at the explanation imitates the structure manufacture of reptile, strangeness of a little contour description. 这个陆船倒是和他想象中不太一样,居然还长着‘腿’,看说明是仿照爬行动物的结构制作的,外形描述的有点诡异。 But said no matter how, the thing is definitely real, had this ship, later acted in the desert on the convenience are many. 但不管怎么说,东西肯定是货真价实的,有了这艘船,以后在沙漠里行动就方便多了。 You have won the sand land Chuan control.】 【你已获得沙地陆船的控制权。】 Besides the land ship, King Ai outstanding Maer also provided several accompanying guards for you.】 【除了陆船之外,艾卓玛尔国王还为你提供了数名随行护卫。】 The person who ten several caravan guards dress up goes down from the ship, lines up to stand before you, is the guard of head long leaves ranks, reported their status to you. Originally they are the army elites in Ai outstanding Mars empire, is the guard of head is army regimental commander Jimmy of empire · Evans.】 【十数名商队护卫打扮的人从船上走下,在你面前列队站立,为首的护卫长出列,向你介绍了他们的身份。原来他们都是艾卓玛尔帝国的军队精英,为首的护卫更是帝国的军团长基米·埃文斯。】 Some person and he acts Mu You not to have the accident/surprise together, after all such precious ship delivers, must always send people to look, what to do if his direct belt/bring ship did travel? Those who make Mu You accidental/surprised is, is the person of head unexpectedly is a three Lv. 10 top player! 会有人和他一起行动沐游没意外,毕竟这么贵重的船送出去,总不可能不派个人看着,万一他直接带船跑路了怎么办?让沐游意外的是,为首的人居然是一个三十级的顶尖高手! Because of suppression of desirably wizarding society, in the states of several big human, almost could not have found the legend step above expert, has not actually thought that in this remote desert country, unexpectedly is also hiding full level a expert! 要知道,因为巫师协会的刻意打压,在几大人类的国度中,几乎已经找不到传说阶以上的高手了,却没想到在这个偏远的沙漠国家中,居然还隐藏着一个满级的高手! Evans arrives in front of you, points at the point to the forehead and chest, to you good a representative gods aided formality, immediately delivers to your several types of things.】 【埃文斯来到你面前,手指点向额头和胸口,对你行了一个代表‘神明护佑’的礼节,随即交予你几样东西。】 You obtained were printed with the rich merchant clothing of special pattern one set.】 【你获得了‘印有特殊图案的富商服装’一套。】 You obtained ‚the treasure house of king ring.】 【你获得了‘国王的宝库’戒指一枚。】 You obtained treasure house temporary certificate mark.】 【你获得了‘宝库临时凭证’标记。】 【The treasure house of king: A special space ring, is connecting the personal treasury of King Ai outstanding Maer, in the treasury piled up with various types of gold , silver and jewelries, but only by the treasure house certificate mark, can from takes out the treasure.】 【国王的宝库:一枚特殊的空间戒指,连通着艾卓玛尔国王的私人金库,金库中堆满了各种金银珠宝,但只有凭借宝库凭证标记,才能从其中取出财宝。】 Treasure house temporary certificate: The mark that only has call for fund becomes effective when limited to this/should quest process, may extract the treasure from the king treasure house, but if is used in the use outside quest the treasure, then the certificate expires immediately, and quest is counted the failure, you will split with Ai outstanding Mars empire.】 【宝库临时凭证:仅限于该次任务过程中有资金需求时生效的标记,可从国王宝库中提取财宝,但若将财宝用于任务以外的用途,则凭证立即失效,且任务算作失败,你将与艾卓玛尔帝国交恶。】 This king also very atmosphere, to guarantee quest completes, gave Mu You own personal treasury directly. Naturally the opposite party is not a fool, made some limits, the treasure in treasury can only be used in quest, in other words , was he in the expense that in quest had, the kings gave the reimbursement, but he, if did not obey the custom, wanted to divert the public funds to use on oneself, no way. 这国王还挺大气,为了确保任务完成,直接把自己的私人金库交给了沐游。当然对方也不是傻子,做了一些限制,金库里的财宝只能用于任务本身,换言之就是他在任务之中产生的消费,国王都给报销,但他要是不守规矩,想要挪用公款用在自己身上,没门。 Evans told you, your quest status, acts the rich merchant that an outside area came, simultaneously you were also a Caesar's faithful follower, heard Caesar god after the fundamentalism, immediately sold off the family property to go to go to them. But their several people are you in caravan guard who’ in the desert hires.】 【埃文斯告诉你,你这次任务的身份,是扮演一个外地来的富商,同时你也是一名恺撒的忠实信徒,听闻‘恺撒神教’的教旨后,当即变卖家产前去投奔他们。而他们几人则是你在沙漠中雇佣的‘商队护卫’。】 You changed the rich merchant clothing, along with Evans several people boarded land Chuan.】 【你换上了富商服装,随埃文斯几人登上了陆船。】 Land ship sends out similar train whining noise, in one bang in trembling, formally started sand glide, speed is getting more and more fast......】 【陆船发出类似火车的呜鸣声,在一阵轰隆的震颤中,正式开始了沙地滑行,速度越来越快……】 Goes to scarlet desert, it is expected that after ten hours, arrives......】 【前往猩红沙漠中,预计十小时后到达……】 The ten-hour distance, is not actually short, but the advantage will be the midway will not have the harassment of monster, does not need to stop from time to time, entire journey calm and steady on-hook then. 长达十个小时的路程,其实也不算短,但好处就是中途不会有怪物的骚扰,不必走走停停,全程安稳挂机即可。 However Mu You actually cannot idle, according to the description in text, land Chuan goes on the sand dune that the height fluctuates, interior actually like riding train steady comfortable. 不过沐游却闲不下来,根据文本中的描述,陆船在高低起伏的沙丘上行驶,内部却像坐火车一样平稳舒适。 At this time more than ten guards on ship gather in the passenger room, three two or three two sits together. 此时船上的十几名护卫都聚集在乘客室中,三三两两的坐在一起。 Mu You controlled the character to transfer among the people, one by one attempt and they interacted. 沐游操控人物在众人间转了一圈,挨个尝试和他们互动了一遍。 Mortal all one dies, wishing the desert goddess to bless you, warrior!” 【“凡人皆有一死,愿沙漠女神保佑你,勇士!”】 Wants you and Caesar to be the enemy, you are our friends!” 【“只要你与恺撒为敌,你就是我们的朋友!”】 Caesar's dead spirit regiment is very powerful, but as Ai outstanding Mars's soldier, we can never not fight to escape!” 【“恺撒的亡灵军团或许很强大,但身为艾卓玛尔的战士,我们永远不会不战而逃!”】 „A desert soldier biggest glory, only had dying in battle battlefield, died in battle......” 【“一名沙漠战士最大的荣耀,唯有战死沙场,马革裹尸……”】 „, if Caesar reappears the human world, then in desert constant disorder and unrest!” 【“如果恺撒重现人间,那么沙漠中将永无宁日!”】 „, when the war starts, will you stand this side us?” 【“当战争打响的时候,你会站在我们这一边吗?”】 Caesar must be prevented! This is our missions!” 【“恺撒必须被阻止!这是我们的使命!”】 ...... …… Clicks, Mu You discovered that these soldiers with were brainwashed resulted, will only say some fixed lines. 一路点击过来,沐游发现这些士兵就和被洗脑了似得,只会说一些固定的台词。 Only then to that army regimental commander Evans time, finally presents the option that can interact normally. 只有点到那名军团长埃文斯的时候,终于出现了可以正常互动的选项。 You arrive at opposite of Evans to sit down, attempt to talk with him.】 【你来到埃文斯对面坐下,尝试与他交谈。】 Inquired his passing, Inquired his ambition, Attempt recruits. 【询问他的过往】、【询问他的志向】、【尝试招募】。 Mu You eye one bright, can recruit? 沐游眼睛一亮,可以招募? Originally he is having doubts, a 3 Lv. 0 top player, where placing Astral Spirit Realm is existence that walks sideways, how to be willing to occupy under the person, is an ordinary army regimental commander? 本来他就在疑惑,一个三0级的顶尖高手,放在星灵界哪里都是横着走的存在,怎么会甘愿屈居人下,做一个普通的军团长? Now suddenly presents the option of recruiting, immediately made Mu You excited, clicked on the attempt decisively. 现在忽然出现了招募的选项,顿时就让沐游心动了一下,果断点击尝试。 You told Evans, you were also lord of the city, ran more than ten million people, during the spoken languages is making a veiled attack he whether before having followed you , the intention of to the sky empty city.】 【你告诉埃文斯,你也是一城之主,手下掌管着上千万人,言语间旁敲侧击他是否有跟随你前往天空城的意向。】 Evans looked at your one eyes, shook the head to turn down your recruiting.】 【埃文斯看了你一眼,摇头婉拒了你的招募。】 I in the soldier who in the desert was born, is the desert goddess faithful follower, my belief pins in this desert, the life is doomed to protect this lands, dies!” Evans replied earnestly.】 【“我是在沙漠中出生的战士,同时也是沙漠女神的忠实信徒,我的信仰寄托在这片沙漠中,此生注定要守护这片土地,至死方休!”埃文斯认真的回答。】 Mu You disappointed, but somewhat understands actually why wizarding society has not suppressed his rank. 沐游失望了一下,不过倒是有些明白为什么巫师协会没有打压他的等级了。 This person of returns to parental home after being divorced powerful, but is actually a quite biased believer, will not leave the birth again powerful the region. But wizarding society may be unable to have a liking for desert remote bleak mainland, simply has not conflicted with here person, naturally also left alone. 这人强大归强大,但却是个比较偏执的信仰者,再强大也不会离开出生的区域。而巫师协会可看不上沙漠这种偏僻荒凉的大陆,和这里的人根本没有冲突,自然也就放任不管了。 Shakes the head, Mu You continues to try and opposite party interacts. 摇了摇头,沐游继续尝试和对方互动。 Passing that you inquired Evans.】 【你询问埃文斯的过往。】 Evans told you, he in the past once in Caesar military service, was side Caesar one of the most efficient own health/guard, but could not endure all sorts of cruel acts that Caesar treated the general public afterward, decided to assassinate Caesar, what a pity assassination failure, he was forced to flee Caesar Regiment, later a long time, he has been chased down by Caesar's army, drifted about destitute in major deserts, but also therefore evaded afterward the strange destruction of Caesar Regiment......】 【埃文斯告诉你,他过去曾在恺撒军中服役,是恺撒身边最得力的亲卫之一,但后来忍受不了恺撒对待普通民众的种种残暴行径,决定刺杀恺撒,可惜刺杀失败,他被迫逃离了恺撒军团,之后很长一段时间内,他都一直在被恺撒的军队追杀,在各大沙漠中颠沛流离,不过也因此躲过了后来恺撒军团的离奇覆灭……】 „Oh?” “哦?” Mu You looks stares, this army regimental commander once unexpectedly was Caesar's own health/guard, was more than 1000 years ago characters, no wonder can have such high rank! 沐游看得一愣,这个军团长曾经居然是恺撒的亲卫,也就是一千多年前的人物啊,难怪能有这么高的等级! Never expected that he just entered the desert, had not found any Caesar's trail, actually first met has mixed side Caesar a litigant. 没想到他刚进沙漠,还没找到任何恺撒的踪迹,却先遇到了一个在恺撒身边混过的当事人。 You quickly inquired Evans, had Caesar really obtained ‚the pen of order?】 Mu You asked this most important question immediately. 【你急忙询问埃文斯,恺撒曾经是否真的得到过‘秩序之笔’?】沐游立即问出了这个最重要的问题。 „The pen of order, Caesar truly had......” Evans to look at your one eyes, the nod gave you a clear answer, because he had once personally seen existence of that magical brush, but this pen has vanished with Caesar's army the millenniums ago in the desert together mystically.】 【“秩序之笔,恺撒确实拥有过……”埃文斯看了你一眼,点头给了你一个明确的答案,因为他曾亲眼见过那支神笔的存在,但这支笔在千年前已经随着恺撒的军队一同神秘消失在了沙漠中。】 Mu You relaxes, as the matter stands, at least confirmed that legend real, the magical brush still in this desert, his time is truly insufficient to run a fruitless errand. 沐游松了口气,这样一来,至少确认了那个传说是真的,神笔确实还在这片沙漠中,他这次不至于白跑一趟。 Evans told you, because he has personally seen the might of that magical brush, therefore no one was clearer than him, Caesar is powerful with the dead spirit regiment that the magical brush built, the regiment that once let Caesar reappeared the world, the entire mainland will certainly the plunging the people into disaster!】 【埃文斯告诉你,正是因为他亲眼见过那支神笔的威力,所以没有人比他更清楚,恺撒用神笔打造出的亡灵军团有多么强大,一旦让恺撒的军团重现人世,整个大陆必将生灵涂炭!】 „, therefore our time quest are important! Regardless of pays what price, must prevent Caesar god resurrecting Caesar!” Evans incomparably looks at you seriously.】 【“所以我们这次的任务非常重要!无论付出何种代价,都一定要阻止恺撒神教复活恺撒!”埃文斯无比严肃的看着你。】 „, since is afraid Caesar to resurrect, why does not send out the army directly, exterminates this organization?” 【“既然这么害怕恺撒复活,为什么不直接派出军队,剿灭这个组织?”】 This is also a Mu You comparison doubts point, why the opposite party solemn empire, copes with the organization that a gangster composes, but also needs to help by his bystander involvement. 这也是沐游比较疑惑的一点,为什么对方堂堂一个帝国,对付一个匪徒组成的组织,还需要靠他一个外人介入来帮忙。 „The person of Caesar god is very vigilant, moreover deep conceals in scarlet desert center, once detected that our armies are close, they will immediately evacuate.” Evans shakes the head: Moreover, our goals are to prevent Caesar resurrect, rather than eliminates an organization merely, even eliminated them, the method that if Caesar resurrects spread, Caesar has opportunity resurrecting.” 【“恺撒神教的人很警觉,而且深藏于猩红沙漠腹地,一旦发觉我们的军队接近,他们就会立即撤离。”埃文斯摇了摇头:“况且,我们的目的是阻止恺撒复活,而不是仅仅消灭一个组织,就算消灭了他们,如果恺撒复活的手段流传了出去,恺撒还是有机会复活。”】 【Before us, once arranged the undercover, the attempt to infiltrate them, what a pity, their status investigation to the native is especially severe, the person who we send, all one not returned. Therefore we can only attempt to ask the bystander to help, moreover must have the bystander of strength of enough self-preservation......” Evans to look that said to you.】 【“我们之前也曾安排过卧底,尝试打入他们内部,可惜,他们对本地人的身份排查尤为严苛,我们派去的人,全都一去无回了。因此我们只能尝试找外人帮忙,而且还必须是有足够自保之力的外人……”埃文斯看向你说。】 „......” “……” Speechless that Mu You looks, because he suddenly discovered oneself and goal of opposite party seems like some conflicts: The opposite party do not want to make the Caesar empire resurrect, to put it bluntly does not want to make Caesar reappear in any form. 沐游看的无语,因为他忽然发现自己和对方的目标貌似有些冲突:对方不想让恺撒帝国复活,说白了不想让恺撒以任何形式重新出现。 But his goal is to obtain the magical brush, if really looked like the opposite party saying that the magical brush also grasped in Caesar's hands, him first definitely on first found Caesar, can discuss that robbed the matter of magical brush...... 而他的目标却是得到神笔,如果真像对方所说,神笔还掌握在恺撒手里,那他首先肯定就得先找到恺撒,才能谈抢走神笔的事情…… Mu You shakes the head, temporarily has not mentioned this matter, in order to avoid affects to cooperate. 沐游摇了摇头,暂时没提这事,以免影响合作。 Following all the way, he starts to exchange with Evans unceasingly, inquired his concerned Caesar's information. 接下来的一路上,他开始不断和埃文斯交流,询问他有关恺撒的情报。 But Evans also speaks out frankly, says all that oneself knew. 而埃文斯也知无不言,说出了自己知道的一切。 According to Evans's view, Caesar indeed is a tyrant, war maniac this title, places on him completely does not seem exaggerating. 根据埃文斯的说法,恺撒的确算是个暴君,‘战争疯子’这种称号,放在他身上完全不显得夸张。 However regarding Caesar Regiment initial strange disappearance, insufficient detail that Evans also said that only said is in one night, the entire city suddenly in without a trace that in the desert vanishes. 不过对于恺撒军团当初的离奇消失,埃文斯也说的语焉不详,只说是在一夜之间,整个城市忽然就在沙漠中消失的无影无踪。 In brief, in the game marched on a night of road, to next morning, Mu You receives finally Enters scarlet desert Prompt. 总之,游戏中就这么赶了一夜的路,一直到第二天上午,沐游才终于收到【进入猩红沙漠】的提示。 But at this time, Mu You had also discovered, daytime long excess in desert. 而这个时候,沐游也已经发现,沙漠中的白天漫长的过分。 Last night to around 9 : 00 pm local time time, Sun has not set unexpectedly, but about 3 : 00 am, the horizon raised Sun, obviously here daytime how long! 昨晚一直到当地时间晚上 9 点多的时候,太阳居然还没落山,而第二天凌晨三点左右,天边就又升起了太阳,可见这里的白天有多长! Moreover according to Evans's view, the following scarlet desert, is one piece forever daytime desert, Sun entire day will not set, is entirely opposite with the dark city, this region 24 hours are during the daytime! 而且根据埃文斯的说法,接下来的猩红沙漠,更是一片‘永昼沙漠’,太阳全天不会落山,和幽暗城完全相反,这片区域24小时都是白天! This point makes Mu You quite uncomfortable, because this means that his Vampire Skin is unable to use here. 这一点让沐游颇为难受,因为这意味着他的吸血鬼皮肤在这里将无法使用。 Your sand land Chuan was under one group of sand bandit attack!】 【你的沙地陆船遭遇了一伙沙匪的袭击!】 Under Evans's hint, on ship several soldiers disembarks immediately combat, easily defeated sand bandit......】 【在埃文斯的示意下,船上几名战士当即下船作战,轻松战胜了沙匪……】 ...... …… 【...... Another group of sand bandits jumped out from roadside, stopped your land ship......】 【……又一伙沙匪从路边跳出,截停了你的陆船……】 Several soldiers make a move again, levelled enemy with ease......】 【几名战士再次出手,轻松摆平了敌人……】 ...... …… After entering the scarlet desert, on the road starts often to run into sand bandit to attack, is good these guards is powerful on the ship enough, does not need Mu You to begin, these soldiers will give him to eliminate along the road on all hindrance automatically. 进入猩红沙漠后,路上就开始不时的遇到沙匪袭击,好在船上这些卫兵足够强大,根本就不用沐游动手,这些士兵会自动给他清除沿路上的所有阻碍。 Actually Mu You does not know that which their destinations are, some people guide in any case, he is also glad to catch a fish by hand. 其实沐游也不知道他们的目的地是哪儿,反正有人带路,他也乐得摸鱼。 Has penetrated toward the scarlet desert for about two hours, when runs into the tenth wave of robber, in the game sprang other text finally. 就这么一直往猩红沙漠中深入了两个小时左右,当遇到第十波劫匪的时候,游戏中终于弹出了别的文本。 Came! Is they!” land Chuanwai hears the familiar sand bandit shout, Evans who has sat in repose with eyes closed opened the eye suddenly.】 【“来了!就是他们!”陆船外又传来熟悉的沙匪呼喊声,一直闭目养神的埃文斯忽然睁开了眼。】 You look outward by the glass, discovered that this time sand bandit number clearly increases, dense and numerous minimum over a hundred people, moreover everyone chest front is drawing a design of nine tooth Sun, on the design with your rich merchant clothing is completely same: This was Caesar Regiment once war flag design!】 【你透过车窗朝外望去,发现这次的沙匪数量明显增加,密密麻麻起码上百人,而且所有人胸前都绘着一个九齿太阳的图案,和你富商服饰上的图案完全相同:这正是恺撒军团曾经的战旗图案!】 Including Evans, the guard who ten several soldiers disguise as has the ship fight immediately.】 【包括埃文斯在内,十数名军人假扮的护卫当即出船战斗。】 You only hear outboard transmits unceasingly intensely slaughter and pitiful yell sound.】 【你只听到船外不断传来激烈的厮杀声和惨叫声。】 Has waited for several minutes, after the sound gradually subsides, you then go out of the cabin.】 【一直等待了数分钟,待外界声音逐渐平息后,你这才走出船舱。】 This time fight has come to the end, more than ten soldier guards around the land ship, everyone bring the blood, actually not personnel losses. But opposite over a hundred sand bandits, will put in order the land ship to surround all round, but in most sand Feiyan obviously flashes through the scared look, obviously realized the battle efficiency of this team of caravan guards is extraordinary, must give up this unyielding person hesitant.】 【此时外界的战斗已经告一段落,十几名军人护卫在陆船四周,人人带血,却并未减员。而对面的上百名沙匪,则将整艘陆船团团包围了起来,但大多数沙匪眼中明显闪过惧色,显然意识到了这队商队护卫的战斗力非凡,都在犹豫要不要放弃这块硬骨头。】 Stops!” You shouted loudly make noise, immediately according to with Evans's agreement, went down land Chuan , indicating your status to the opposite party: Sells off the family property as one from outside area the rich merchant that comes to support Caesar god, this may really be the flood flushed Longwang Temple, the whole family unknown whole family, this fight is really the misunderstanding.】 【“住手!”你高喊出声,随即按照和埃文斯的约定,走下陆船,向对方表明了你的身份:作为一名变卖家产从外地前来支援恺撒神教的富商,这可真是大水冲了龙王庙,一家人不认识一家人,这场战斗实属误会。】 Listens to you self introduction, opposite one group of sand bandits look at each other in blank dismay, in the eye has the doubt, sizes up on you with the vision of question.】 【而听完你的‘自我介绍’,对面的一群沙匪面面相觑,眼中都带着狐疑,纷纷用质疑的目光在你身上打量。】 Until you revealed the designs of chest front nine tooth Sun, and raise the arm to shout loudly: Caesar long live!” 【直到你亮出了胸前九齿太阳的图案,并振臂高呼:“恺撒万岁!”】 【The surrounding sand bandits were infected by you instantaneously, revealed own symbol, excited raises the arm to shout loudly as you like together: Caesar long live!” 【周围的沙匪们瞬间被你感染,也纷纷亮出自己的徽记,激动的随你一同振臂高呼:“恺撒万岁!”】 Mu You looks at the complexion to be strange, isn't this Caesar god the pyramid scheme organization? 沐游看得脸色古怪,难道这个恺撒神教不是传销组织? At least these people's performance, seemed like also seem like one group of extreme believers to gather at one at present...... 至少眼前这些人的表现,看起来还真像是一群极端教徒聚集在了一起…… 【After one shouted loudly, the at daggers drawn atmosphere relaxed immediately, sand Feimen looked to your look, had turned look that regarded the person on one's own side.】 【一番高呼之后,现场剑拔弩张的气氛顿时缓和,沙匪们看向你的眼神,已经变成了看待自己人的眼神。】 The person who 【a sand bandit leader dresses up, goes out across the crowd, arrives in front of you quickly, high and low is taking a look at you, looked at the surrounding several soldiers, on the face has the suspicion as before.】 【一名沙匪头领打扮的人,穿过人群走出,快步来到你面前,上下打量着你,又看了看周围的几名士兵,脸上依旧带着怀疑。】 【The sand bandit leader starts to interrogate your family background carefully, the experience, the net worth and other information.】 【沙匪头领开始仔细盘问你的出身,经历,身家等各种信息。】 Was good because of Evans prepared the detailed status material for you ahead of time, at this time you gave answers readily.】 【好在埃文斯提前为你准备了详细的身份资料,此时你对答如流。】 【After the sand bandit leader interrogates, the anxiety on face had not dissipated completely, actually does not want to let off your such big fish, hesitates for a long time , the sand bandit leader looks to you: You, go back with us, others, leave!” 【沙匪头领盘问过后,脸上的疑虑仍未完全消散,却也不想放过你这么一条大鱼,沉吟许久过后,沙匪头领看向你:“你,跟我们回去,其他人,离开!”】 Mu You relaxes, to here should, even if successfully mixed. 沐游松了口气,到这里应该就算成功混进去了。 As for Evans they, have not thought can follow to find the opposite party den, feeds in Caesar god Mu You, is their complete plans, remaining depended on him to display freely. 至于埃文斯他们,本来也没想过能跟着去找到对方老巢,把沐游送进恺撒神教,就是他们的全部计划,剩下的就靠他自由发挥了。 You take out the prepared treasure in the presence of everyone, hit to enjoy all guards in turn, and hinted them to complete has escorted quest, can return.】 【你当众取出事先准备好的财宝,依次打赏了所有护卫,并示意他们已经完成了护送任务,可以自行返回。】 Evans draws you one side, passes message to you: The 100,000 armies in Ai outstanding Mars empire, station under the Abbiss temple of scarlet desert north border line, if encounters the difficulty, can ask him to help at any time.】 【埃文斯将你拉到一旁,对你传音:艾卓玛尔帝国的十万大军,就驻留在猩红沙漠北方边境线的阿比斯神庙下,如果遇到困难,可以随时去找他帮忙。】 Is willing the desert goddess to bless you!” After a Evans hand forehead and chest, to you blessed, looked at rear sand bandit one eyes, immediately waved to lead to leave hand/subordinate.】 【“愿沙漠女神保佑你!”埃文斯手点额头和胸口,对你祝福过后,看了后方的沙匪一眼,随即挥手带领手下离开。】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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