TTAGITP :: Volume #5

#426: King's invitation

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Chapter 426 king's invitation 第426章国王的邀请 Lamp god? 灯神? Mu You looks stares. 沐游看得一愣。 The option that this roaming reading poems person triggers, first two can also understand, is in view of the option that he gives, what ghost third is? 这游吟诗人触发的选项,前两个还可以理解,算是针对他给出的选项,第三个是什么鬼? Curious, Mu You first tried to elect Inquiry lamp god. 好奇之下,沐游首先试着选了【询问灯神】。 But what makes his accidental/surprised is: This third option does not collect fees unexpectedly, sprang the text directly! 而让他意外的是:这第三个选项居然不收费,直接就弹出了文本! Lamp god is one of the greatest gods! Perches in the lamp god in bottle or pot, occasionally will come in the arid region, helping these fall into travel in difficult position, is one loving and is worth everyone respectable gods!” The roaming reading poems person mentioned the lamp god time, eyeful worships and frantic: Moreover, the divine tool of lamp god the lamp of miraclehidden in the scarlet desert north desert plateau scorpion lion lair it is said ‚, so long as you found the scorpion lion lair, and is defeated to occupy the scorpion tail lion, found the miracle magic lamp, you have the opportunity to see the lamp god!” 【“灯神是最伟大的神明之一!栖息在瓶或壶中的灯神,偶尔会在沙漠地区现身,帮助那些陷入困境中的旅者,是一个富有爱心且值得所有人尊敬的神明!”游吟诗人说起灯神的时候,满眼的崇拜和狂热:“另外,据说灯神的神器‘奇迹之灯’就隐藏在猩红沙漠北部戈壁高原的蝎狮巢穴中,只要你找到蝎狮巢穴,并打败盘踞其中的蝎尾狮,找到奇迹神灯,你就有机会见到灯神!”】 Therefore this fellow is the faithful follower of lamp god?” “所以这家伙是灯神的忠实信徒?” When Mu You remembered saw this roaming reading poems person explanation a moment ago, described him waist to hang an oil lamp specially. 沐游想起了刚才见到这个游吟诗人时的说明,特意描述了他‘腰间挂着一盏油灯’。 Now the opposite party these words, how listen to seem to the meaning that he does missionary work. 现在对方这段话,怎么听都像是在向他传教的意思。 The issue is, what if really has ‚the lamp of miracle, why this faithful follower does not take at present, instead can flicker his bystander in the past? 问题是,如果真有什么‘奇迹之灯’,为什么眼前这个忠实信徒不去拿,反而要忽悠他一个外人过去? The Mu You keen feeling this inside had the trick. 沐游敏锐的感觉到了这里面有猫腻。 Moreover the words of scorpion tail lion, he just saw shortly afterward, is tower of 30 boss formidable, a god of 5 star is the lifeform, making him hit with? 而且蝎尾狮的话,他可是刚见过不久,正是勇者之塔三十层的boss,一只五星的神系生物,让他拿头打? In brief, this anything lamp god and scorpion lion, even if really has, is still he did the matter that the magical brush and god's skin consider again, now he is busy looking for the magical brush, may have no free time to provoke this gadget. 总之,这什么灯神和蝎狮,就算真有,也是等他搞到神笔和神之皮肤再去考虑的事,现在他忙着找神笔,可没空招惹这玩意儿。 Mu You shakes the head, the decisive recollection, chose first. 沐游摇了摇头,果断回溯,选了第一项。 You inquired that the roaming reading poems person, does have quickly goes to the scarlet desert the method.】 【你询问游吟诗人,有没有快捷前往猩红沙漠的方法。】 Goes to the scarlet desert, naturally has the means.” The roaming reading poems person plays the start zither | Jean smile to nod, and expressed that as the friend of first meeting, the first issue he can reply you free.】 【“前往猩红沙漠,当然有办法。”游吟诗人弹奏着手琴微笑点头,并表示作为初次见面的朋友,第一个问题他可以免费回答伱。】 Ai outstanding Mars empire, east a country situated in azure rock desert, is at present in the arid region the only large country, because the survival experience in desert, in this country was born for a long time calling sand land ship carrier, can in the travel that in the desert goes easily and freely, often is used in the personnel and goods traffic of major caravans, if you can travel by a land ship, only requires quite a while the time, then arrives at the scarlet desert, moreover can exempt the danger and labor that makes a long and wearisome journey.】 【艾卓玛尔帝国,是位于青岩沙漠东部的一个国家,也是目前沙漠地区中唯一的大型国家,因为长期在沙漠中的生存经验,这个国家中诞生了一种叫‘沙地陆船’的运载工具,可以在沙漠中如履平地的行驶,往往用于各大商队的人员和货物运输,如果你能搭乘上一艘陆船,只需半天时间,即可到达猩红沙漠,而且能免去长途跋涉的危险和辛苦。】 Ai outstanding Mars empire......” “艾卓玛尔帝国……” This national Mu You knows actually, also has labelling on the map that Solomon gives, the Lord city called Ai outstanding Mars, is not far from his present position, on the distances of 1-2 hours, the city of daybreak anchored after all in this empire edge, by facilitating and here indigenous people exchange, triggered various quest. 这个国家沐游倒是知道,在所罗门给的地图上也有标注,主城就叫‘艾卓玛尔’,距离他现在的位置并不远,也就1-2小时的路程,毕竟破晓之城本来就是停靠在这个帝国边缘的,以方便和这里的原住民交流,触发各种任务 Mu You nods, this news is very valuable, moreover this roaming reading poems person very sincere, the first issue is also free, therefore Mu You has not recalled freeload again, but chose second directly. 沐游点了点头,这个消息还是挺有价值的,而且这游吟诗人也挺实诚,第一个问题免费,所以沐游也没有再回溯白嫖,而是直接选了第二项。 You hit to enjoy a roaming reading poems person five years of life span , indicating that wants to listen to him to sing a roaming to recite the story again.】 【你打赏了游吟诗人五年寿命,表示想再听他唱一段游吟故事。】 Many thanks your help!” The roaming read poems people to be happy, accepted your hitting to enjoy, leading you to take a seat to the shade, immediately moved the string, with the accompaniment recited related Caesar Great Emperor unofficial history story......】 【“多谢惠顾!”游吟诗人大喜,收下你的打赏,带你到阴凉处就坐,随即拨动琴弦,和着伴奏吟唱了一段有关‘恺撒大帝’的野史故事……】 Then is a long section roaming recites the story text, the number of words achieves several thousand characters. 接下来是一长段的游吟故事文本,字数达到数千字之多。 However summarizes is not actually complex, is simple unofficial history Eight Trigrams (gossip): It is said after Leidasi · Caesar a series desert proclaimed oneself emperor in the past, once convened the civil and military whole body of ministers, held a grand glee feast, rewards according to merit to the active feudal official hand/subordinate. 不过总结下来其实并不复杂,就是一段简单的野史八卦:据说雷达斯·恺撒当年一统沙漠称帝之后,曾召集文武群臣,举行了一场盛大的庆功宴,对手下有功之臣论功行赏。 This is a banquet of guests and hosts having a good time, finally, because actually a maidservant takes into a banquet cat, making drunken Caesar see what terrifying thing probably, frightened the success and failure the discretion, dropped under the table, sent out the resembles woman's general scream...... 这本来是一场宾主尽欢的宴会,结果,却因为一个侍女带进宴会现场的一只猫,让醉醺醺的恺撒像是看到了什么恐怖的东西,吓得失了分寸,跌落桌下,发出了像女人一般的尖叫…… The guests who although participated at that time concerned about Caesar's status, treat as have not seen, keeps one's mouth shut to this matter, but this still becomes the stain that on the attractive fierce Caesar Great Emperor cannot erase. 虽然当时参与的宾客们碍于恺撒的身份,纷纷当做没看见,对这件事守口如瓶,但这依然成为了光鲜勇猛的恺撒大帝身上抹不去的污点。 Had/Left smelly Caesar, all sand cats that later ordered to capture throughout range, and smashed all sand cat lairs, caused cat species to exterminate in the desert indirectly since then, this was Caesar sand cat butcher the origin of this nickname...... 出了糗的恺撒,随后下令追捕全境范围的所有的沙猫,并捣毁所有的沙猫巢穴,也间接导致了猫这个物种从此在沙漠之中灭绝,这便是恺撒‘沙猫屠夫’这个外号的由来…… sand Mao the butcher...... this story Mu You heard actually for the first time. 沙猫屠夫……这个故事沐游倒是第一次听说。 An unofficial history, is really false does not say, information that but the list from this story, can refine, seems this Caesar fears the cat? 只是一段野史,是真是假不好说,不过单从这个故事里,可以提炼出的信息,似乎就是这个恺撒怕猫? You thanked the story of roaming reading poems person, along with, even if must say goodbye to leave.】 【你感谢了游吟诗人的故事,随即便要告辞离开。】 【The roaming reading poems person discovered that you must walk, quickly stopped by calling out you, inquired that you do need to hear a legend of great head lamp headlamp god again? Service that similarly offers free of charge!】 【游吟诗人发现你要走,急忙叫住你,询问你是否需要再听一段伟大灯神的传说?同样是免费赠送的服务!】 You shook the head to decline the roaming reading poems person's invitation, immediately in the vision of roaming reading poems person hidden bitterness, rode the camel, continued own journey.】 【你摇头谢绝了游吟诗人的邀请,随即在游吟诗人幽怨的目光中,骑上骆驼,继续自己的旅程。】 Later is the time of hurrying along, rides the camel to rush to Ai outstanding Mars, takes about two hours. 之后就是赶路的时间,骑骆驼赶往艾卓玛尔,需要两个小时左右。 During this period, Mu You experienced all kinds of desert lifeform. 在这期间,沐游见识了各种各样的沙漠生物。 You encountered an iron armor armadillo( Lv. 17): Striking power 54-64, defensive power 540, ability: Drills, defends the shape, the flame immunity......】 【你遭遇了一只铁甲犰狳(17级):攻击力54-64,防御力540,能力:钻地,防御形态,火焰免疫……】 Iron armor armadillo: A back is covering layer upon layer the scales, the lifeform of taking the form of pangolin, has extremely strong defensive power and sand shuttle ability, when is under the attack will shrink one group, by back scales resistance attack.】 【铁甲犰狳:一种背部覆盖着层层鳞甲,形似穿山甲的生物,拥有极强的防御力和沙地穿梭能力,遇到攻击时会缩成一团,靠背部的鳞甲抵御攻击。】 【The strength of your thinking penetrated the defense of armadillo with ease. You struck to kill the iron armor armadillo, experience + 17, life span + 1, you obtained armadillo scale * 17......】 【你用神之力轻松击穿了犰狳的防御。你击杀了铁甲犰狳,经验,寿命,你获得了‘犰狳鳞片’……】 ...... …… You noticed that front sand surges, withered palm that ties up full cloth strip found out from sand suddenly, follows close on a desert dry corpse to crawl from sand, staggering killed toward you......】 【你看到前方沙地一阵涌动,一只绑满布条的干枯手掌忽然从沙中探出,紧跟着一具沙漠干尸从沙地下爬了出来,踉踉跄跄的朝你杀来……】 【...... Desert dry corpse was surpassed powder by your sacred light technique together......】 【……沙漠干尸被你一道圣光术超度成了粉末……】 ...... …… 【...... The line to a sand dune, you hears sand next xi su suddenly the sound, ‚mother of scarab( Lv. 19) from underground drills suddenly, and fast summoned dozens scarabs from the surrounding sand.】 【……行至一处沙丘,你忽然听得沙地下一阵窸窣的声音,一只‘圣甲虫之母’(19级)从地下猛然钻出,并快速从周围的沙地中召唤出了数十只圣甲虫。】 Scarabs crawl fast, well up you and drought camel the body, and drills into from your skins, starts to tear and bite your internal organs......】 【圣甲虫们快速爬行,涌上你和旱灾骆驼的身体,并从你们的皮肤中钻入,开始撕咬你们的内脏……】 Drought camel wails, was teared and bited dead by scarabs......】 【旱灾骆驼哀嚎一声,被圣甲虫们撕咬身亡……】 Recollection......” “回溯……” The front anything pangolin mummies said that this insect was a little difficult to do, meets drills in the human body, hit has no way to hit. 前面遇到的什么穿山甲木乃伊都好说,这虫子却有点难搞,见面就钻人体内,打都没法打。 Mu You has to offer a sacrifice to kill greatly: Machine armor skin! 沐游只好祭出了大杀器:机甲皮肤! Time circulation, you before encountering scarab, ahead of time jumps down the camel, switches over for the machine armor skin.】 【时光流转,你在遭遇圣甲虫之前,提前跳下骆驼,切换为了机甲皮肤。】 Attention, the machine armor skin current power furnace energizes insufficient, the output power greatly reduces, gathers the strength Cannon and looks at the circuit and other epic grade above fitting unable to become effective. Cuts the skin?】 【注意,机甲皮肤当前动力炉供能不足,输出功率大大降低,蓄力加农炮和自瞄回路等多种史诗级以上配件无法生效。是否切换皮肤?】 You disregarded the warning, steps the sand dune on own initiative.】 【你无视了警告,主动踏上沙丘。】 Massive scarabs appear again, wells up in abundance toward you, encircles before your foot, to the body of your steel does not have the means.】 【大量圣甲虫再次浮现,纷纷朝你涌来,围在你脚边,却对你的钢铁之躯毫无办法。】 On your both arms spiral barrel appears, two shotguns spouted one skewer of large flames respectively, the scarab of ground connect body to explode death in a squirting cry......】 【你双臂上螺旋枪管浮现,两只散弹枪各喷出一串火舌,地上的圣甲虫在一阵唧叫声中接连身体爆开死亡……】 Ancient times the power furnace left Eugene they to build the long night city to go, now Mu You only then some ordinary power furnaces available, the machine armor skin strength fell short greatly, but coped with several insects to be a cinch. 远古动力炉留给尤金它们建设永夜城去了,现在沐游只有一些普通动力炉可用,机甲皮肤战力大打折扣,不过对付几只虫子还是不在话下的。 You search in the surroundings, picked scarab shell * 36.】 【你在周围搜索一番,捡到了‘圣甲虫壳’。】 The outer covering that these scarabs fall is one good potion material, moreover only produces in the desert, is quite usually rare, now has the opportunity actually to collect some. 这些圣甲虫掉落的外壳是一种不错的魔药材料,而且只在沙漠里出产,平时比较少见,如今有机会倒是可以多收集一些。 In addition, Mu You discovers in the desert, because is excessively arid, the water element is scarce, all Water Discipline magic are unable to discharge, Fire Discipline magic, the might almost can turn time actually. 除此之外,沐游发现在沙漠里由于过度干旱,水元素稀缺,所有的水系魔法都无法施放,倒是火系魔法,威力几乎能翻倍。 However, don't, therefore thinks that Fire Discipline magic can blossom in radiant splendor here, just the opposite, all lifeform of desert, have almost the Fire Discipline resistance, many lifeform direct Fire Discipline immunity, was even needless saying that these monsters, the drought camel that he rode, can inborn immunity flame damage. 不过,可别因此就认为火系魔法在这里能大放异彩,恰恰相反,沙漠的所有的生物,几乎都有火系抗性,不少生物甚至直接火系免疫,不用说那些怪物了,就连他骑乘的这头旱灾骆驼,都能天生免疫火焰伤害 Therefore general Water Discipline and Fire Discipline wizard will not run up to the desert arbitrarily, here their situations will be quite awkward. 所以一般的水系火系魔法师都不会擅自跑到沙漠中来,在这里他们的处境会极为尴尬。 Then, Mu You is stepping on the body of mummy and insect, spent for about two hours, finally went the place. 接下来,沐游就这么一路踩着木乃伊和虫子的尸体,花了两个小时左右,终于到达了地方。 You arrived at Ai outstanding Mars city. Here is the capital of Ai outstanding Mars empire, is situated in the azure rock desert above rare an oasis, is at present in the trim desert mainland the only big city.】 【你来到了艾卓玛尔城。这里是艾卓玛尔帝国的首都,坐落于青岩沙漠中少有的一片绿洲之上,也是目前整片沙漠大陆上唯一的大型城市。】 You enter Ai outstanding Mars city, pleasant is a golden world, in city all constructions complete with azure yellow sand and crushed stone, the temple and tall of tower block shape find at everywhere, on street all indigenous people, then all puts on against sandstorm clothing and kerchief......】 【你进入艾卓玛尔城,入眼是一片金色的世界,城内所有的建筑都用青黄色的砂石建成,方块状的神庙和高塔随处可见,街道上所有的原住民,则全都穿着防风沙的服饰和头巾……】 You pull the camel to enter a city, obviously with here resident different skin color, captured the attention of innumerable indigenous people immediately.】 【你牵着骆驼进城,明显与这里居民迥异的肤色,顿时吸引了无数原住民的目光。】 You disregarded these lines of sight, looking into the distance, all around has many local characteristics shop to wait for your patronage, you choose to go......】 【你无视了这些视线,放眼望去,四周有不少当地特色店铺等着你的光顾,你选择前往……】 This desert city is actually livelier than the imagination, enters a city the option that then springs many to go, including various stores, local travel restaurant wait/etc. 这个沙漠城市倒是比想象中繁华一些,一进城便弹出诸多可去的选项,包括各种商店,当地旅行社餐馆等等。 Mu You just prepared to find a person to ask where can rent the land ship, in the result game springs suddenly lets his surprise text together. 沐游刚准备去找个人问问哪里能租借到陆船,结果游戏中忽然弹出一道让他诧异的文本。 You just entered a city, is settling down to pace back and forth near the city gate, the person who two soldiers dress up blocked suddenly before you.】 【你刚刚进城,正驻足在城门附近徘徊,两名士兵打扮的人忽然拦在了你面前。】 These two people put on Ai outstanding Mars empire unified army armor, grasps the long halberd, obviously is here regular army.】 【这两人身穿着艾卓玛尔帝国统一的军队铠甲,手持长戟,显然是这里的正规军。】 You look slightly vigilantly to two people, touched on wand in sleeve single-handedly, actually heard one of them polite opens the mouth: Excuse me, is ghost ship be long mister?” 【你略微警惕的看向两人,一手摸到了袖中的魔杖上,却听到其中一人客气的开口:“请问,是‘幽灵船长’先生吗?”】 Mu You looks stares. 沐游看得一愣。 Was blocked by the native, even recognizes him is Fool, he will not find it strange, what making him shock, opposite party did call his status unexpectedly? 被当地人拦住,甚至认出他是愚者,他都不会觉得奇怪,让他震惊的是,对方居然一口叫出了他的身份? Must know that he is hiding the ID condition now, used is also ordinary Nightwatcher Skin, but also wears thousand people of thousand, how does the opposite party recognize him to come? 要知道他现在可是隐藏着ID的状态,用的也是普通的打更人皮肤,还戴着千人千面,对方怎么认出他来的? Mu You knits the brows, does not have anxiously the reply, but first gave Solomon to send a private letter to inquire at the forum, had has disclosed his itinerary with others. 沐游皱了皱眉,没有急着回复,而是先在论坛上给所罗门发了条私信询问,有没有和别人透露过他的行程。 He comes desert matter, knows except for several people of his side, only then Solomon was clear. 他来沙漠这件事,除了他身边的几个人知道,就只有所罗门清楚。 Disclosed the traveling schedule? No, how did the big god, have an accident?” Solomon's reply also seems very confused. “透露行程?没有啊,怎么了大神,出什么事了?”所罗门的回复看起来也挺迷茫。 „, It‘s nothing, asks casually, does not need to care.” Mu You returns to the covered passageway conveniently, since the tone of Solomon, he had preliminarily determined, should not be the opposite party disclosed that reason that the opposite party has not done that. “哦,没什么,随便问问,不用在意。”沐游随手回复道,从所罗门的语气,他已经初步确定,应该不是对方透露的,对方也没有这么做的理由。 This felt strange...... 这就奇怪了…… Mu You has to return to play. 沐游只好回到游戏。 You nodded to acknowledge your status, and inquired what matter two people did ask you to have?】 【你点头承认了自己的身份,并询问两人找你有什么事?】 King is invited your going royal palace to be a guest!” And a soldier replied humbly.】 【“国王有请您前去王宫做客!”其中一名士兵谦逊的回答。】 King...... 国王…… Mu You was more accidental, he then just entered a city, did the news pass to the king ear of this country? 沐游更意外了,他这才刚进城,消息就传到了这个国家的国王耳中? Although has doubts, but Mu You decided follows two people to have a look, since the opposite party is fluent his status, but also invited him to be a guest publicly, should not be the misdemeanor. 虽然疑惑,不过沐游还是决定跟着两人前去看看,对方既然能道出他的身份,还公开邀请他做客,应该不是什么坏事。 【你 跟随 两 名 士兵, 进入 了 位于 城市 中心 的 王宫, 并 在 一 间 豪华 的 会客室 中, 见到 了 艾 卓 玛尔 帝国 的 国王 贡塔 · 阿丹 。】 ghost ship is long, in a Fool clan the most powerful warrior, I represents Ai outstanding Mars empire, welcome your arrival!” Wore the old age king of royal crown to receive you warmly.】 【“幽灵船长,愚者一族中最强大的勇士,我代表艾卓玛尔帝国,欢迎你的到来!”头戴王冠的老年国王热情的接待了你。】 I am very curious, how do you know my status?” After entering the reception room, you asked this confusion beyond the shadow.】 【“我很好奇,您是如何知道我的身份的?”进入会客室后,你开门见山的问出了这个困惑。】 Hehe, before is a half hour, swims the reading poems person to tell me via this place, the opposite party said that is your old friend. If not his reminder, I have not known that will have a you such powerful soldier to pass by my country.” King Anni has not concealed, smiles was speaking the truth to you.】 【“呵呵,是半个小时前,一名途经此地游吟诗人告诉我的,对方说是你的老朋友。如果不是他的提醒,我还不知道将会有你这么强大的一位战士路过我的国家。”阿丹国王也没有隐瞒,微笑着向你道出了实情。】 roaming reading poems person...... 游吟诗人…… The Mu You complexion is strange, cannot...... 沐游脸色古怪,不会吧…… Had that fellow, looked through his status a moment ago at that time unexpectedly? Must know that person is not a player, how does he achieve? 刚才遇到的那个家伙,当时居然就已经看破了他的身份?要知道那人可不是玩家啊,他怎么做到的? King as if looks on your face to flash through the anxiety, said with a laugh: Does not need to be anxious, the ghost ship long mister, I asked you to come to be well-meant. According to the view of that roaming reading poems person, the goal of your trip, is to go to the scarlet desert, seeks for that group Caesar god the person, and hopes that from their mouth, investigates in the legend ‚the pen of order whereabouts, right?” 【国王似乎看你脸上闪过疑虑,笑呵呵道:“不必紧张,幽灵船长先生,我请你来没有恶意。根据那名游吟诗人的说法,你此行的目标,是前往猩红沙漠,寻找那伙‘恺撒神教’的人,并希望从他们口中,探查出传说中‘秩序之笔’的下落,是吗?”】 „......” “……” Mu You was more shocking, even feels somewhat absolutely terrifiedly. 沐游更震惊了,甚至感觉有些毛骨悚然。 He suddenly discovered before he underestimated, that roaming reading poems person, where this fellow is sacred, he said that he must go to the scarlet desert, the opposite party guessed correctly that he must look for Caesar god also even, unexpectedly even does he want to look for the pen of order to guess correctly? 他忽然发现他太小看了之前那个游吟诗人,这家伙到底是何方神圣,他只是说了他要去猩红沙漠而已,对方猜到他要找恺撒神教也就算了,居然连他要找秩序之笔都能猜到? Wait...... 等等…… At this time Mu You realized another matter suddenly: Related that before Solomon provided Caesar god information, seemingly was also a daybreak city player, knew from a roaming reading poems population...... 这时沐游忽然又意识到另一件事:之前所罗门提供的有关‘恺撒神教’的情报,貌似也是一个破晓城玩家,从一个游吟诗人口中得知的…… roaming reading poems person who this player runs into, what should not meet with him is the same person? 这个玩家遇到的游吟诗人,该不会和他遇到的是同一个人吧? These two matters relate, making Mu You feel immediately oneself as if fall into the middle of the conspiracy that some type designed artificially...... 这两件事联系起来,让沐游顿时感觉自己似乎陷入了某种人为设计出的阴谋当中…… You look to the king, smiling the whereabouts of inquiry that roaming reading poems person, does not have other meaning, wants to greet with him, talks openly.】 【你看向国王,笑眯眯的询问那个游吟诗人的去向,没别的意思,就是想和他打个招呼,谈谈心。】 King actually shakes the head: That roaming Yinshiren said oneself are having the important matter in the body, after informed my news a moment ago, then hastily left this city.” 【国王却摇了摇头:“那位游吟诗人说自己正有要事在身,刚才来告知我这个消息后,便匆匆离开了这座城市。”】 Gan, this goods also ran, looked like the conspiracy...... 淦,这货还跑了,更像阴谋了…… King looks at your complexion Yin clear uncertain appearance, said comfortably: Relax, the ghost ship long mister, this time invited you to come, wants to discuss a cooperation with you, was certainly harmless!” 【国王看你面色阴晴不定的样子,宽慰道:“放心,幽灵船长先生,这次邀请你来,是想和你商谈一笔合作,绝无恶意!”】 What cooperates?” You inquired.】 【“什么合作?”你询问。】 Mu You shouted the tone, who no matter that roaming reading poems person is , he had decided in any case like this simply listens to say again. 沐游呼了口气,不管那个游吟诗人是什么人,反正已经这样了,他索性决定听听再说。 You must seek for magical brush that in the legend loses, but I to magical brush non-inductive, my goal is to prevent resurrecting of Caesar that war maniac, to guarantee that my empire and rule are stable, therefore among us has not conflicted!” The king looks at you to say seriously: I can seek for Caesar godgang to provide the help for you ‚, but you need to help me confirm whether this group of people really have ability resurrecting Caesar and his army, if present, please must prevent them, spoils their plans! I will send my army entire journey secretly to assist you.” 【“你要寻找传说中‘失落的神笔’,而我对神笔无感,我的目标是阻止恺撒那个战争疯子的复活,以保证我的帝国和统治稳固,所以我们之间没有冲突!”国王严肃的看着你说:“我可以为你寻找‘恺撒神教’一伙人提供帮助,而你则需要帮我确认,这伙人是否真的有能力复活恺撒和他的军队,如果有,请务必阻止他们,破坏他们的计划!我会派我的大军全程暗中协助你。”】 You triggered hidden quest: Prevents the Caesar empire to resurrect.】 【你触发了隐藏任务:阻止恺撒帝国复活。】 quest explained: If the Caesar empire resurrects, the desert regiment that he leads will be capable of destroying in the mainland any human country, but bears the brunt is at present the only desert country Ai outstanding Mars empire.】 任务说明:若恺撒帝国复活,他所率领的沙漠军团将有能力摧毁大陆上任何一个人类国家,而首当其冲的便是目前唯一的沙漠国家艾卓玛尔帝国。】 quest content: Goes to the scarlet desert, mixes in Caesar god, confirmed whether they really have the resurrecting Caesar's ability and plan, if present, destroys their plans.】 任务内容:前往猩红沙漠,混入恺撒神教内部,确认他们是否确有复活恺撒的能力和计划,如果有,摧毁他们的计划。】 quest reward: Earns the support of King Ai outstanding Maer, wins the temporary transfer power of Ai outstanding Mars army, obtains sand land ship that’ the king bestows.】 任务奖励:获得艾卓玛尔国王的支持,获得艾卓玛尔军队的临时调用权,获得国王赠送的‘沙地陆船’一艘。】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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