TTAGITP :: Volume #5

#430: Picture ‚dragon’ adds the finishing touch

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Chapter 430 picture dragon adds the finishing touch 第430章画‘龙’点睛 Ai outstanding Mars empire has no intention with Fool for the enemy, asking your excellency to withdraw from the desert, and ensure henceforth no longer meddled the desert business!” Evans who wears the armor looks seriously to you, issues the official warning to you. You choose......】 【“艾卓玛尔帝国无意与愚者为敌,请阁下就此退出沙漠,并保证从此不再插手沙漠事务!”身披铠甲的埃文斯严肃的看向你,对你发出正式的警告。你选择……】 A wise man does not fight against impossible odds, leaves desert, Breaks through a tight encirclement, the plan of you cannot stop because of interference of bystander. 【好汉不吃眼前亏,离开沙漠】、【杀出重围,伱的计划不会因为外人的干涉而停止】。 Mu You naturally chose the latter. 沐游自然选了后者。 The magical brush he must look, ices the bluish green to be stranded in Caesar's domain let alone, now wants him to withdraw from the desert to be absolutely impossible. 神笔他是必须要找的,更何况还有一只冰蓝青被困在恺撒的地盘里,现在要他退出沙漠绝无可能。 That, can only send back your excellency to leave the country by us forcefully.” Sees you to shake the head the rejection, Evans complexion is callous, in the hand the extravagant sword wields: Takes!” 【“那么,就只能由我们强行遣送阁下离境了。”看到你摇头拒绝,埃文斯面色冷酷,手中阔剑挥出:“拿下!”】 All around soldier array wells up immediately toward you......】 【四周的军人顿时列阵朝你涌来……】 You switch over the vampire marquis skin.】 【你切换了吸血鬼侯爵皮肤。】 You released darkness, your nearby environment entered the midnight time automatically, however in forever daytime desert, even the mid-night, Sun hangs in the sky as before.】 【你释放了‘黑暗界’,你附近的环境自动进入了午夜时间,然而在永昼的沙漠中,即使午夜时分,太阳依旧高悬于天空。】 Roasting of scorching sun roasts, Burning Hope curse outbreak, your whole body blood becomes ices coldly incomparable, some as if innumerable thin needle unceasing puncture in your whole body various places.】 【骄阳的炙烤下,‘灼日’诅咒发作,你的全身血液变得冰寒无比,仿佛有无数细针不断穿刺在你的全身各处。】 Daydreaming curse outbreak, you become incomparably sleepy, could not raise the physical strength and spirit.】 【‘白日做梦’诅咒发作,你变得无比困倦,提不起气力和精神。】 Really darkness in daytime the desert is unable to have the effect forever, because here simply does not have the night concept, even still is still the hot sun hangs in early morning midnight. 果然在永昼沙漠里黑暗界是无法起效的,因为这里根本没有黑夜的概念,即便在凌晨零点时分也依然是烈日高悬。 Similar also has moon/month of scepter, even he summoned night of the full moon, was still Sun and full moon has the scene in sky simultaneously. 类似的还有月之权杖,即便他召唤出月圆之夜,也是太阳和满月同时存在于天空中的景象。 The principles of these two methods are adjust the correspondence the local celestial phenomenon time temporarily the time point, if that time selects it is not at night, even if changes uselessly still. 这两种手段的原理都是临时将当地天象时刻调整到对应的时间点,然而如果那个时间点本身不是黑夜,就算改过去也没用。 Naturally, Mu You switches over Vampire Skin to not to fight now, but to use the skin talent gets out of trouble. 当然,沐游现在切换吸血鬼皮肤也不是为了战斗,而是为了使用皮肤天赋脱困。 You activated amazingly quick, the surroundings everyone's action in your eyes becomes incomparably slow.】 【你激活了‘神速’,周围所有人的行动在你眼中变得无比缓慢。】 You, in the person sews shuttles back and forth, easily broke through the encirclement ring of people, arrives in the open area of distant place.】 【你在人缝间穿梭而过,轻易突破了众人的包围圈,来到远处的空地上。】 You placed Dark Teleportation on the ground......】 【你在地上安置了黑暗传送阵……】 In safe place prepare teleportation array, Mu You has not worried to leave, but was relieving same place amazingly quick. 在安全的地方布置好传送阵,沐游没着急离开,而是在原地解除了神速。 【The time speed of flow restores, attack of one group of soldiers fails in abundance, immediately vacant seeks for your form.】 【时间流速恢复,一群士兵的攻击纷纷落空,顿时茫然的四下寻找你的身影。】 Discovered until a soldier has been far away from you of crowd, shouted that your position, everyone in abundance looks like toward you.】 【直到一个士兵发现了已经远离人群的你,喊出了你的位置,所有人纷纷朝你看来。】 Evans goes out of the crowd, ordering has not let do again hand/subordinate not studiously, but in distant place tranquil looks at you, seems not accidental/surprised to this result.】 【埃文斯走出人群,却并没有再次下令让手下做无用功,而是在远处平静的看着你,似乎对这个结果并不意外。】 Evans, I only asked that your, is actually Caesar the lamp god?” You asked toward Evans.】 【“埃文斯,我只问你一句,恺撒究竟是不是灯神?”你朝埃文斯问道。】 „It is not.” Evans's reply has nothing to hesitate.】 【“不是。”埃文斯的回答没有任何迟疑。】 Receives the explicit reply, you then stepped into teleportation array.】 【收到明确的回复,你这才踏入了传送阵中。】 After a dizziness feeling, you appear in the underground temporary palace of Caesar god......】 【一阵眩晕感过后,你出现在恺撒神教的地下行宫内……】 Caesar is not the lamp god! 恺撒不是灯神! Evans should be insufficient to lie in this issue. 埃文斯应该不至于在这种问题上说谎。 Mu You breathes a sigh of relief, being clear about this point was easy to do. 沐游舒了口气,明确了这一点就好办了。 Before that roaming Yinshiren has said that the lair of scorpion lion hid in the scarlet desert northern desert plateau. 之前那个游吟诗人说过,蝎狮的巢穴隐藏在猩红沙漠北部的戈壁高原中。 Mu You convenes to teach the numerous immediately, starts the position of search scorpion lion lair in the wilderness. 沐游随即召集教众,开始在荒漠中搜寻蝎狮巢穴的位置。 No matter how the situation will then develop, first thinks the means to take the miracle magic lamp, has the initiative definitely yes right. 不管接下来形势会如何发展,先想办法把奇迹神灯拿到手,掌握主动权肯定是没错的。 Before after these believers came back, has informed other to teach the numerous the matter that Caesar came , an entire church high and low scene of jubilation, celebrated compared with the new year's celebration. 之前那些教徒回来后,已经将恺撒现身的事情告知了其他教众,整个教会上下可谓一片欢腾,比过年还喜庆。 Simultaneously status of Mu You as Caesar spokesman had also been accepted by the people, at this moment order under his arrangement, everyone is personally unobjectionable, quickly acts accordingly. 同时沐游身为恺撒代言人的身份也已经被众人接受,此刻他亲口布置下的命令,所有人毫无异议,急忙照办。 However, quest just now assigns shortly, sad news feed in one after another. 然而,任务才刚分配下去没多久,一道道噩耗就接连传回。 Originally he left after a moment ago, Evans then led the army to enter north the scarlet desert, surrounded that side desert plateau directly, and pursued the peripheral all miscellaneous personnel, causing the believers to want close to not to have the means that not to mention looked for the scorpion lion lair. 原来刚才他离开后,埃文斯便率领大军进驻了猩红沙漠北部,直接将那边的戈壁高原包围了起来,并驱逐了周边的所有闲杂人等,导致教徒们想靠近都没办法,更不用说找蝎狮巢穴了。 Regarding this Mu You is also helpless, can only say that the person many are bold horizontal. 对此沐游也是无奈,只能说人多就是豪横。 Mu You estimated that Evans is feared he releases Caesar, therefore planned that caught up found the magic lamp before him, then ruined the magic lamp directly, so can guarantee Caesar forever the seal in that secluded from the world space. 沐游估计埃文斯是怕他释放恺撒,所以打算赶在他之前找到神灯,然后直接将神灯毁掉,如此就能保证将恺撒永远封印在那片与世隔绝的空间中。 However as the matter stands, the action of that roaming reading poems person becomes somewhat felt strange: If this person is really to instigate him defeats the scorpion lion, attains the magic lamp, releases Caesar, why can inform to give Ai outstanding Mars empire and Evans this matter specially? 不过这样一来,那名游吟诗人的举动就变得有些奇怪:如果这人真是为了煽动他去打败蝎狮,拿到神灯,释放恺撒,为什么又要特意将这件事通知给艾卓玛尔帝国和埃文斯? This person should know that Evans's standpoint, knew that this will certainly do everything possible to ruin the magic lamp afterward, does that is not instead giving to release Caesar to create the barrier? 这人应该知道埃文斯的立场,得知这件事后一定会想尽办法毁掉神灯,这么做不是反而在给释放恺撒制造障碍么? Only if, the goal of opposite party to let their two sides fights, then he benefits as the third party in a dispute? 除非,对方的目的本来就是为了让他们两边斗起来,然后他在其中渔翁得利? Mu You knits the brows, for a while is unable to determine. 沐游皱了皱眉,一时也无法确定。 In brief, present situation very magic: The original ally country turned into the opposite not saying that Caesar god that they jointly must cope with, actually instead becomes his faithful subordinate. 总之,现在的情况很魔幻:原本的盟友国变成对立面不说,原本他们双方联合要对付的恺撒神教,却反而成为了他的忠实部下。 However, in the only church this only 1000 people, are not possible and opposite party 100,000 armies contend certainly directly, now he must carry out other boost. 然而,单凭教会里这区区一千来号人,当然是不可能和对方十万大军正面抗衡的,现在他得去搞点别的助力。 Thinks of here, Mu You had/left that from the game center point ‚the eye of god beast. 想到这里,沐游从游戏中点出了那颗‘神兽之眼’。 An eyeball of plump appears in his hands. 一颗圆滚滚的眼珠出现在他手中。 An eyeball appearance, the yellowish brown vertical pupil opens immediately, sizes up toward all around. 眼珠一出现,其中棕黄色的竖瞳顿时睁开,朝四周打量起来。 Gets a panoramic view after the environment of pet shop, the pupil returned on Mu You finally. 将宠物店的环境尽收眼底后,瞳孔最终又转回了沐游身上。 But along with the gaze of pupil, Mu You felt immediately whole body such as falling mire, the four limbs are stiff, the whole body starts gradually to solidify. 而伴随着瞳孔的注视,沐游顿时感觉全身如坠泥沼,四肢僵硬,浑身开始逐渐凝固。 Mu You takes the cell phone to photograph, will immediately be hurried to hoodwink the black bouquet of eyeball, will then recover normally. 沐游拿着手机拍了张照片,随即急忙又将蒙着眼球的黑布盖了回去,身体这才恢复正常。 What kind of?” Mu You issued Lin Xue the picture, asking this animal expert help to analyze. “怎么样?”沐游将照片发给了林雪,请她这个动物专家帮忙分析分析。 Will not be wrong, the pupil structure of this thin needle shape, should be generally the eyeball of ophidia or lizard kind of lifeform......” the Lin Xue reply. “不会错,这种细针状的瞳仁结构,一般应该是蛇类或蜥蜴一类生物的眼球……”林雪回复。 Snake or lizard......” “蛇或蜥蜴么……” Mu You hesitated, these two lifeform in the desert is actually very common. 沐游沉吟了一下,在沙漠里这两种生物倒是都挺常见。 But this thing can appear in that three weak chicken bishop hands, likely is some believer gives to their. 而这东西会出现在那三个弱鸡主教手里,很可能是某个教徒献给他们的。 Thinks of here, Mu You called all believers to come back in the game. 想到这里,沐游在游戏中召集了所有教徒回来。 You called Caesar god whole staff, immediately takes the eye of lost beast, demonstrated to the people, and inquired the source of this thing.】 【你召集了恺撒神教全员,随即取出神兽之眼,向众人展示,并询问此物的来源。】 „, This thing...... is...... stands nearby you who I contribute bald sand bandit somewhat disturbed looks to you: „Is bishop Sir, has problems?” 【“呃,这东西……是我捐献的……”站在你一旁的光头沙匪有些忐忑的看向你:“主教大人,是出了什么问题吗?”】 Originally is he! 原来是他! Mu You understands clearly immediately, no wonder this person of rank in god can emerge, obviously initially that three bishops can also see that this thing value was extraordinary, gave very high degree of contribution. 沐游顿时了然,怪不得这人在神教内的等级能脱颖而出,显然当初那三个主教也能看出这东西价值非凡,给出了很高的贡献度。 Does not have the issue, this thing to then rescues Caesar Great Emperor to have the important meaning, I need to know it where you obtain.” You looked that inquired to bald sand bandit.】 【“没问题,这东西对接下来营救恺撒大帝拥有重要意义,我需要知道你在哪里得到的它。”你看向光头沙匪询问。】 Bald sand Feiwen said the great happiness, hurried say/way: This eyeball is I from had joined a while ago one group of sand bandit dens steals.” 【光头沙匪闻言大喜,急忙道:“这颗眼球是我从前段时间加入过的一伙沙匪老巢里偷出来的。”】 Naturally, that group of sand bandit is only I enters the scarlet desert temporary lodging after temporary, total number of people also 100 over, I only mixed for a month, later heard that Caesar god the news, then came to go for shelter immediately!” Bald sand bandit quickly argued.】 【“当然,那伙沙匪只是我进入猩红沙漠后的临时落脚之地,总人数也不过一百出头,我只在其中混了一个月,之后听说恺撒神教的消息,便立即前来投奔了!”光头沙匪急忙辩解。】 Mu You being disinclined manages him to relate with the beforehand sand bandit anything, after confirming the source, immediately let guide baldly, immediately led to ask for advice the numerous to hurry to the opposite party lair to investigate. 沐游才懒得管他和之前的沙匪什么关系,确认源头后,当即让光头带路,随即率领教众赶去对方巢穴探查。 【...... Sand land Chuan anchors before a desert canyon, the front canyon valley entrance artificial established thorn layer upon layer dies of suffocation, is unable to pass through.】 【……沙地陆船停靠在一处沙漠峡谷前,前方峡谷口被人为设置的层层的荆棘堵死,无法通行。】 Bishop Sir, this is that group of blacksnake sand Feituan den!” Bald sand bandit looked that inquired to you: Needs the subordinate to go in them negotiates one?” 【“主教大人,这就是那伙黑蛇沙匪团的老巢!”光头沙匪看向你询问:“需要属下进去和他们交涉一番吗?”】 Mu You deliberately considered that only has 100 people of sand bandits, this also negotiated a ghost. He cannot be victorious 100,000 armies, but also couldn't bully a sand bandit group? 沐游寻思只有一百来人的沙匪,这还交涉个鬼。他打不过十万大军,还欺负不了一个沙匪团么? You shake the head, ordered the whole staff to attack directly, smashes this group of sand bandit, this was Caesar god saves the first official action of Caesar Great Emperor!】 【你摇头,直接下令全员出击,端掉这伙沙匪,这是恺撒神教拯救恺撒大帝的第一步正式行动!】 For Caesar Great Emperor!” Under your instigation, a believer such as hit the chicken blood to be common, is shouting loudly the church slogan, grasped the pointed weapons to break in the canyon.】 【“为了恺撒大帝!”在你的煽动下,一众教徒纷纷如打了鸡血一般,高喊着教会口号,手持兵刃冲入了峡谷。】 In canyon transmits an intermittent gold/metal iron to hand over the whining noise and pitiful yell sound quickly.】 【峡谷中很快传来一阵阵的金铁交鸣声和惨叫声。】 【...... A moment later, noise in canyon belongs to gradually tranquilly, a follower comes to return: You have attacked and occupied the den of opposite party smoothly!】 【……片刻之后,峡谷中的喧闹渐渐归于平静,一名信徒前来回报:你们已经顺利攻占下了对方的老巢!】 You follow the follower to march into the canyon, finally arrived in a large-scale cave.】 【你跟随信徒步入峡谷,最终来到了一座大型山洞之中。】 This time surplus sand bandits had tied up by the believers all, kneels down, waits for your punishing.】 【此时剩余的沙匪已经被教徒们尽数捆绑了起来,跪倒在地,等候你的发落。】 You take the eye of lost beast again, inquired the source of this thing to numerous sand bandit.】 【你再次取出神兽之眼,向一众沙匪询问这东西的来源。】 My treasure!” You the eye of putting out instance god beast, sand bandit eyes red staring of kneeling place to you, shouted loudly suddenly make noise.】 【“我的宝物!”你将神兽之眼拿出的瞬间,一名跪地的沙匪忽然眼睛通红的瞪向你,高喊出声。】 Honest, this is our bishop Sirs!” The bald foot tramples this sand bandit falls to the ground, from putting one's foot down effort, many belts several points of personal grudge.】 【“老实点,这是我们主教大人!”光头一脚将这名沙匪踹倒在地,从下脚的力度来看,多少带了几分私人恩怨。】 According to the bald introduction, this sand bandit this group of sand bandit leader blacksnake, the eye of this god beast also steals from him.】 【根据光头的介绍,这名沙匪正是这伙沙匪的头领‘黑蛇’,这颗神兽之眼也正是从他身上偷来的。】 Blacksnake hatred looks to your group of evil robbers, actually grasps concerned about the life in your hands, does not dare to revolt, can only the little darling answer your issue.】 【黑蛇憎恨的看向你们这伙邪恶的强盗,却碍于性命掌握在你们手中,不敢反抗,只能乖乖回答你的问题。】 Finally found was advocating, Mu You is also disinclined with what conciliation method, took to spit really potion to the opposite party directly, pressed for an answer forcefully. 终于找到了正主,沐游也懒得用什么怀柔手段,直接给对方服下了吐真药剂,强行逼问了一番。 What a pity, this sand bandit cannot say what reason why finally, according to his view, this thing was only he long ago in this canyon panned for gold, dug accidentally from the sand, at that time surroundings besides this eyeball, not other things. 可惜,这个沙匪最终也没能说出什么所以然,根据他的说法,这东西只是他很久以前在这片峡谷中淘金的时候,从沙子里偶然挖到的,当时周围除了这颗眼球外,并没有其他东西。 Later he is relying on the mysterious ability of this eyeball, bossed around one group of little brothers, this became the sand bandit chief, because this eyeball similar snake eye, therefore names blacksnake to oneself, and occupies, in this in canyon that discovers the eyeball. 之后他凭借着这颗眼球的神奇能力,笼络了一帮小弟,这才当上了沙匪头子,也正是因为这颗眼球类似蛇眼,所以才给自己取名‘黑蛇’,并就此盘踞在了这片发现眼球的峡谷中。 The interrogation ended, Mu You slightly feels disappointedly, thing that unexpectedly picks anywhere...... 盘问结束,沐游略感失望,居然只是随地捡到的东西…… However, since can pick in this canyon, perhaps is this canyon has the issue. 不过,既然能在这个峡谷里捡到,说不定是这个峡谷本身有问题。 Thinks of here, Mu You orders other believers simply, starts to conduct to dig three chi (0.33 m) search to this canyon. 想到这里,沐游索性命令其他教徒,开始对这座峡谷进行掘地三尺的搜寻。 【A believer disperses immediately to the canyon in all directions, starts the bustling digging sand treasure hunt.】 【一众教徒顿时分散向峡谷四处,开始热火朝天的挖沙寻宝。】 Inquires about in treasure......】 【探寻宝物中……】 Then was quite long period of quadrature point, Mu You waited for the entire three hours, still no one returned to find the treasure to him. 接下来是相当漫长的一段搜索时间,沐游等待了整整三个小时,依然没有任何人向他回报找到了宝物。 Mu You helpless shaking the head, only pitifully here will be forever daytime, otherwise adds Lucky Dust with jack-o’-lantern, can definitely quite fast discovery clue. 沐游无奈的摇了摇头,只可惜这里是永昼,不然用上南瓜灯幸运粉尘,肯定能比较快速的发现线索。 While Mu You thinks in a short time will not have the result time, in the game springs suddenly makes him prompt together pleasantly surprised. 正当沐游都以为短时间内不会有结果的时候,游戏中忽然弹出一道让他惊喜的提示。 With Pocket Toad rebound your shoulder of people treasure hunt on, told you together suddenly a good news: Relies on itself inborn the sensitivity to the treasure, it just in the sand of somewhere canyon deep place, discovered the equally special thing.】 【与众人一同寻宝的口袋蟾蜍忽然跳回你的肩上,告诉你一个好消息:凭借自己天生对宝物的敏感,它刚刚在峡谷深处的某处沙地中,发现了一样特殊的东西。】 You quickly accompany Pocket Toad to go to examine.】 【你急忙随同口袋蟾蜍前去查看。】 Pocket Toad led you to arrive at it to discover treasure at the foot of the mountain, however, appeared before you treasure, was actually only average unsurprising animal bones, does not have any mana fluctuation, the only strange place, lay in this section of animal bones is quite giant, about one people high......】 口袋蟾蜍带你来到了它发现宝物的山脚下,然而,出现在你面前的‘宝物’,却只是一根平平无奇的兽骨,没有任何魔力波动,唯一的奇异之处,就在于这截兽骨颇为巨大,有近一人高……】 Well?” “咦?” Mu You sees this prompt, not only not disappointed, instead is quite pleasantly surprised. 沐游看到这道提示,非但没有失望,反而相当惊喜。 Because of this eyeball, but ‚the eye of god beast, but here god beast, likely came from the thing of giant world, then the build is quite certainly huge, but the present large-scale animal bones, perhaps are in which bone of this god beast! 因为这颗眼珠可是‘神兽之眼’,而这里的‘神兽’,很可能是来自巨人世界的东西,那么体型一定极为巨大,而眼前的这根大型兽骨,说不定就是这神兽的其中一根骨头! You quickly order other believers, was discovering that the place of animal bones continues the downward excavation.】 【你急忙命令其他教徒,在发现兽骨的地方继续向下挖掘。】 A moment later, a believer discovered a new giant skeleton......】 【片刻之后,一名教徒发现了一根新的巨型骸骨……】 Another believer discovered another skeleton in the place of distant place slightly......】 【又一名教徒在稍远处的地方发现了另一根骸骨……】 ...... …… Really, as he changes into the animal bones the search goal, the scene starts reports of victory keep coming in immediately. 果然,随着他把搜索目标换成兽骨,现场顿时开始捷报频传。 The entire excavation proceeded for one day and one night, more than 1000 people assemble in the canyon, watching was busy at work one all day, altogether dug out over a thousand large-scale animal bones in this period! 整个发掘工作进行了一天一夜,一千多人围聚在峡谷里,不眠不休的忙活了一整天,期间总共挖出了上千块大型兽骨! Mu You extracts these animal bones completely, makes the picture to send to Lin Xue. 沐游将这些兽骨全部提取出来一遍,拍成照片给林雪送去。 But that side Lin Xue, contacted with her to be gentle in schoolmate Song of different research section specially, seemingly borrowed a specialized archaeology tools software from her side, established the model all animal bones data feeds, immediately attempted to conduct the three-dimensional registration in the software. 林雪那边,特意联系了她在异研部的同学宋文静,貌似从她那边借用了一种专业的考古工具软件,将所有兽骨数据输入建立成模型,随即在软件中尝试进行了三维拼接。 But splicing the result, lets Mu You and Lin Xue is very accidental/surprised: Unexpectedly is not a snake, because under its body long has eight sharp claws, is not the lizard, because its length goes far beyond the lizard. 而拼接出的结果,让沐游林雪都很意外:居然并不是一条蛇,因为它的身下长有八只利爪,同时也不是什么蜥蜴,因为它的长度远远超过蜥蜴。 With a more accurate description, this is one dragon, a length surpasses 150 meters bone dragon! 用更准确的描述,这是一条‘龙’,一条长度超过一百五十米的骨龙! Just, this dragon lacks the dragon's head now only, therefore is incomplete. 只不过,这条龙现在唯独缺少了龙头,所以还并不完整。 Main item......” “龙头么……” Mu You thinks, returns to play, making others all withdraw from the canyon, immediately started. 沐游想了想,回到游戏中,让其他人全部退出了峡谷,随即开始施法。 Since all bones here, then the dragon's head should also normally in the canyon, but was possibly buried in a deeper position. 既然所有的骨头都在这里,那么龙头按说也应该在峡谷里,只是可能被埋在了更深的位置。 You released the gale to sway!】 【你释放了强风吹拂!】 【The intense tornado howls, immediately raises giant sand storm in the canyon!】 【强烈的旋风呼啸而出,顿时在峡谷里掀起一阵巨大的沙尘暴!】 You disregard, continue, raises sand dust unceasingly, blows out outside valley, the topography in canyon, with continuing of storm, becomes more and more short......】 【你不管不顾,持续施法,不断将沙尘扬起,吹出谷外,峡谷中的地势,随着风暴的持续,变得越来越矮……】 When mana will soon run out, you air-dried finally the sand in canyon, revealed below hard formation.】 【在魔力即将告罄之际,你终于吹干了峡谷中的沙子,露出了下方的坚硬岩层。】 Sand dust diverges, you see under the front cliff, huge beasts skull peaceful standing erect above rock layer!】 【沙尘散去,你看到前方的山崖下,一颗巨大的兽类头骨安静的矗立于岩层之上!】 This beast skull as high as 4~5 meters, a huge beast corner/horn of top of the head pair of similar sheep's horn, two eye sockets are empty, the nasal bone and maxillary bone are outward prominent, two range next row of sharp canines have not fallen off.】 【这颗兽头骨四五,头顶一对类似羊角的巨大兽角,两颗眼窝空洞,鼻骨和颚骨向外突出,两鄂下一排锋锐的尖牙尚未脱落。】 The instance that 【the skull reveals itself, you detected suddenly ‚the eye of god beast has changed.】 【头骨出世的瞬间,你忽然发觉身上的‘神兽之眼’有所异动。】 You take the eye of lost beast, unties to cover its black cloth. The eye of god beast opens immediately, staring of staring to the front animal bones, the pupil trembles, even could not bear gush out the tears......】 【你取出神兽之眼,解开覆盖它的黑布。神兽之眼立即张开,直勾勾的盯向前方的兽骨,瞳孔战栗,甚至忍不住涌出了热泪……】 Un?” “嗯?” Mu You looks unclearly thinks severely, only then can an eyeball also burst into tears? What principle? 沐游看得不明觉厉,只有一颗眼珠子还能流泪?什么原理? However the meaning he understood actually, this eyeball looks like also is really the thing on this skull. 不过意思他倒是明白了,这眼珠看来还真是这颗头骨上的东西。 You jump to the skull peak, placed the eye of god beast in an eye socket.】 【你跳到头骨顶端,将神兽之眼安放进了其中一颗眼窝之中。】 【After eyeball falls into the skull, increased automatically, fitting together perfectly and eye socket fusion in one, in rumble rotation, is sizing up the surrounding world......】 【眼球落入头骨后,自动变大了一圈,严丝合缝的和眼窝融合在了一起,在其中咕噜噜的转动,打量着周围的世界……】 Did this end? 这就完了? Mu You knits the brows, he also thinks after the eyeball puts, like adding the finishing touch, appears change that some shock, for example bone dragon bang a direct resurrecting flying anything...... 沐游皱了皱眉,他还以为眼球放上去之后,会像画龙点睛一样,出现一些更震撼的变化,比如骨龙轰隆一声直接复活飞天什么的…… Finally does not have, fused besides the eyeball and skull, then did not have other unusual condition again. 结果却没有,除了眼球和头骨融合了之外,便再也没了别的异状。 Eyeball again looks like toward you, this time you had not actually been petrified. You look from the eyeball to your look, felt to entreat the meaning: This eyeball as to request that you handle anything, but suffers not being able to express, can only guess by you.】 【眼球再次朝你看来,这次你却没有被石化。你从眼球看向你的眼神中,感受到了一丝哀求之意:这颗眼球似乎想要请求你做些什么事情,但苦于无法表达,只能由你猜测。】 „Oh?” “哦?” Mu You selected the eyebrow, has opportunity resurrecting evidently, but was short of some conditions. 沐游挑了挑眉,看样子还是有机会复活的,只是欠缺了一些条件。 Condition...... 条件…… Mu You hesitated, thought of one thing quickly: Divine nature! 沐游沉吟了一下,很快想到了一样东西:神性! The lifeform of giant world, has the divine nature completely, moreover before directed in the explanation of soul lamp also to mention, spent the divine nature, can restore the soul, caused in person resurrecting that the giant world died. 巨人世界的生物,全部都有神性,而且之前引魂灯的说明中也提到了,花费神性,可以修复灵魂,使在巨人世界死去的人复活。 Is it possible that this bone dragon also does need the divine nature to resurrect? 莫非这骨龙也需要神性来复活? Hesitant, Mu You grasped the pocket watch, attempted to inject the divine nature in the game to the dragon's head. 犹豫了一下,沐游握好怀表,在游戏中尝试对龙头注入了神性。 He now only then 50 divine nature, as well as less than 20 divine nature crystal, each point is very precious, first tries to be useful, if throws away carelessly to hurry to recall to receive. 他现在只有五十点神性,以及不到二十颗神性结晶,每一点都很珍贵,先试试有没有用,要是打了水漂就赶紧回溯收回来。 You injected 1 divine nature to the giant beast skull!】 【你对巨兽头骨注入了一点神性!】 【The giant beast skull sends out immediately trembles together, but followed close on also to be then peaceful, did not have the sound again.】 【巨兽头骨顿时发出一道震颤,但紧跟着便又安静了下去,再没了声息。】 „Oh?” “哦?” Mu You one happy, really some responses, a divine nature is evidently insufficient. 沐游一喜,果然有反应,看样子一点神性不够。 You injected 10 divine nature to the giant beast skull!】 【你对巨兽头骨注入了十点神性!】 【The skull sends out together fiercer trembling, then does not have response again......】 【头骨发出一道更剧烈的震颤,便再无反应……】 You injected 39 divine nature to the giant beast skull again!】 【你再次对巨兽头骨注入了39点神性!】 【The giant beast skull strenuous vibration, you noticed suddenly on mandible of skull starts to wriggle slowly, at the same time, in your brain resounds together the chaos distant sound.】 【巨兽头骨忽然剧烈震动起来,你看到头骨的上下颚骨开始缓缓蠕动,与此同时,你的脑中响起一道混沌悠远的声音。】 Human, thank you to help me retrieve the eye!” 【“人类,感谢你帮我找回眼睛!”】 Please continue to inject divine nature for me, if you can help me resurrect, is separated from this place, I pledged that uses for you......” 【“请继续为我注入神性,若你能助我复活,脱离此地,我承诺为你所用……”】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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