TTAGITP :: Volume #5

#423: Rushes to the giant state bravely

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Chapter 423 rushes to the giant state bravely 第423章勇闯巨人国度 The police resign and go back home the warning, currently Mu You has the resurrecting stone together after all in the hand, goes to look that one sees the world or does not have the issue. 警告归警告,现在沐游毕竟有一块复活石在手,出去看一圈见见世面还是没问题的。 You lightened directed the soul lamp.】 【你点亮了引魂灯。】 【An invisible light membrane that covers across cave entrance, you climbed up this entrance, at present suddenly sees the light.】 【穿过洞口覆盖的一层无形光膜,你攀爬出了这道入口,眼前豁然开朗。】 【The dense water vapor heads on. You raise eyes to look, the surroundings surrounding area in 20 meters, performing is the big crowded plant, low, then 4~5 meter, high ten several meters, green and luxuriant, camouflaged the sky of top of the head.】 【氤氲的水汽扑面而来。你举目望去,周围方圆二十米内,尽是高大密集的植物,低则四五米,高则十数米,郁郁葱葱,遮蔽了头顶的天空。】 But region 20 meters away, was covered by the thick white fog, cannot see clearly anything.】 【而20米以外的区域,则被浓浓的白雾笼罩,看不清任何事物。】 you in nearby cautious taking a walk, the careful observation, discovered that here cannot feel existence of any mana. In addition here all things are quite giant, this is a giant world, ordinary a stone in your cognition, here actually like hill huge, several giant stones lie in the roadside, died of suffocation your way.】 【伱在附近小心翼翼的走动,仔细观察,发现在这里感受不到任何魔力的存在。此外这里的一切事物都极为巨大,这是一个巨型的世界,在你的认知中一块普通的石头,在这里却像小山包一样庞大,几块巨石横陈在路边,堵死了你的去路。】 You climb up the giant stone, wants to ascend a height to get a distant view, what a pity here visibility only then more than 20 meters, your vision is unable to penetrate the dense fog, cannot see the scene outside this Shulin.】 【你爬上巨石,想要登高远眺,可惜这里的能见度只有二十余米,你的视力无法穿透迷雾,看不到这片‘树林’之外的景象。】 „The world of giant......” “巨人的世界……” Mu You is flabbergasted. 沐游咋舌。 It seems like this also was really once the god clan life world, the cave entrance that a stone hill, an ordinary lawn forest, he crawls likely likely, an ant hole that is more casual than the roadside is tiny in this world estimate. 看来这还真是曾经神族生活的世界,一块石头像山包,一片普通的草地像森林,那他爬出来的这个洞口,在这个世界估计比路边随便的一个蚂蚁洞还要渺小。 Mu You not anxiously exploration, but first examined an own condition. 沐游没急着探索,而是首先查看了一下自己的状态。 Serial number: 2459 【编号:2459】 Status: No news.】 【身份:无信者。】 Star class: 0 stars( star-level each high star, obtains a star-level suppression)】 【星级:0星(星级每高一星,获得一层星级压制)】 Belief: Has not opened.】 【信仰:未开启。】 Title: Murders god.】 【称号:弑神者。】 Strength: 32 【力量:32】 Agility: 64 敏捷:64】 Intelligence: 96 【智力:96】 Physique: 36 体质:36】 Life: 37 / 37 【生命:37/37】 Energy: 96 / 96 【能量:96/96】 【The strength of god: 13 points 【神之力:13点】 Guarding of god: 8 points 【神之防:八点】 Has the divine nature: 50 points 【拥有神性:50点】 God technique: Does not have.】 【神术:无。】 God's skin: Does not have.】 【神之皮肤:无。】 Has assembled the item: Spatial, spatial and spatial.】 【已装配道具:空、空、空。】 Has the item: Resurrecting stone, Destiny Dice and Omniscient Crystal...... the scepter of moon/month( not available), the blessing of Queen of night( not available)......】 【持有道具:复活石、气运骰子全知水晶……月之权杖(不可用)、月神的祝福(不可用)……】 familiar: Shadow wool ball.】 使魔:影绒球。】 This panel and he just entered the tower of formidable time almost, but many contents had the slight change. 这面板和他刚入勇者之塔的时候差不多,不过不少内容有了细微的变化。 First was the status turned into no news, it is estimated that believes the reason that the system has not opened, next were many star class column, moreover among the high and low star classes also the pressure system existed. 首先就是身份变成了‘无信者’,估计是信仰系统还没开启的原因,其次多了个‘星级’的栏位,而且高低星级之间也有压制存在。 Mu You looked at eye star-level suppression, discovered that is like the equivalent suppression , is injured to cut in half, causes damage to turn time. 沐游看了眼‘星级压制’,发现和等阶压制一样,也是受伤减半,造成伤害翻倍。 The tower of formidable after all is only a simulator of similar new course, simplified the lots, if the inside the tower of formidable also has star-level suppression this type of thing to exist, the short 300 steps, some not possible people to go through customs. 勇者之塔毕竟只是一个类似新手教程的模拟器,简化了很多东西,如果勇者之塔里也有‘星级压制’这种东西存在的话,短短三百步,根本就不可能有人通关。 Downward is the change of item, the item is also again same as inside the tower, the relics of all moon/month of departments only then various types of relics and divine tools, stated differently, including the scepter of moon/month, he purchase, be at not available condition. 再往下是道具的变化,道具也和塔里一样,只有各种遗物和神器,不同的是,包括月之权杖在内,他购买的所有月系的遗物,都处于不可用状态。 Obviously in this world, the relic of this special series, only then after having the corresponding belief, can use. 显然在这个世界,这种专门系别的遗物,只有拥有对应信仰后才能使用。 Recovers, Mu You first reorganized the item column. 回过神来,沐游先把道具栏整理了一下。 You assembled Omniscient Crystal and Break Magic hand grenade and Destiny Dice.】 【你装配了全知水晶破魔手炮、气运骰子。】 Your Destiny Dice today the digit is: 6 th, your destiny increased!】 【你的气运骰子今日数字为:六,你的气运增加了!】 The present situation, in his hand the easy-to-use relic does not have many, most practical is Omniscient Crystal, in this completely strange world, information incomparable importance! 眼下的情况,他手里好用的遗物也没多少,其中最实用的莫过于全知水晶,在这个完全陌生的世界,信息无比的重要! You continue to face forward to explore.】 【你继续朝前探索。】 【After overstepping a muddy the wetland, you passed through the jungle of this cover finally.】 【踏过一片泥泞的湿地后,你终于穿越了这片茂密的丛林。】 What appears before you are together the cliff!】 【出现在你面前的是一道悬崖!】 You look toward below, on the dike the bare piece, under 20 meters away was covered by the dim mist all, cannot see the cliff bottom, is unable to estimate the depth.】 【你朝下看去,岩壁上光秃一片,下方20米以外尽数被朦胧的雾气掩盖,看不到崖底,也无法估测深度。】 You see on cliff the big tree away your not far away, ties up a string, string another is hanging into under the cliff, has extended in the thick fog.】 【你看到在距你不远处的悬崖边的大树上,捆绑着一根绳子,绳子另一头垂入崖下,一直延伸进了浓雾之中。】 【Very obvious, this is the climbing up thing that the Fool ancestor once arranged!】 【很显然,这是愚者先祖曾经布置的攀爬物!】 But as a result of year to year windblown and sunburnt, this string surface has covered entirely the trace of wind erosion, perhaps is seemingly vulnerable, cannot embed your weight.】 【但由于常年的风吹日晒,这根绳子表面已经布满了风蚀的痕迹,看起来脆弱不堪,或许并不能承载你的重量。】 Follows the string to coast?】 【是否顺着绳子滑下?】 Yes.” “是。” Some pocket watches, this slightly risky option do not need to intertwine, at the worst is heavy. 有怀表在,这种略有风险的选项无需纠结,大不了重来。 You chose the quality of believing the string, takes risk to coast following the string.】 【你选择了相信绳子的质量,冒险顺着绳子滑下。】 Your judgment right! String under your weight, although tied tight the extreme, but stabilized throughout, has not had the trend of break.】 【你的判断没错!绳子在你的重量下虽然紧绷到了极点,但始终稳定,并未有断裂的趋向。】 Your fast wearing out thick fog, falls to cliff bottom......】 【你快速穿破浓雾,滑落至崖底……】 You fall to the ground calmly and steadily, actually discovered oneself stepped in a piece of extremely spacious leaf blade, the blade surface covered entirely the viscous material, stuck in firmly same place you, is unable the move slightest.】 【你安稳落地,却发现自己踩在了一片极其宽大的叶片上,叶片表面布满了粘稠的物质,将你牢牢粘在了原地,无法动弹分毫。】 【The two sides leaf blades close up suddenly, you then discovered, bottom of the string is growing unexpectedly a plant of food person! You were eaten by leaf blade, the innumerable sharp thorns passed through your body, you by acid liquid corrosion completely.】 【两边的叶片忽然合拢,你这才发现,绳子底部竟然生长着一株食人的植物!你被‘叶片’吃了下去,无数尖刺贯穿了你的身体,你被酸液腐蚀殆尽。】 You had died, your body assembles the goods outside item to lose completely.】 【你已死亡,你身上装配道具之外的物品全部丢失。】 Scratches!” “擦!” Mu You hurried recollection. Without thinking just came to him a pleasant surprise, is this what pitcher plant fell and so on the plant mouth? 沐游急忙回溯。没想到刚过来就给他一个惊喜,这是掉到了什么猪笼草之类的植物口中? The words saying, here died, will the thing outside equipment column lose unexpectedly completely? 话说,在这里死亡,装备栏以外的东西居然会全部丢失? 【The time circulation, you still the social climbing in the string, fell to go toward under.】 【时光流转,你仍然攀附在绳子上,朝着下方直坠而去。】 Knew that below has only the ominous thing to open mouth to wait for you to deliver, you quickly grip tightly the string, stopped the whereabouts.】 【得知下方有只凶物正在张着嘴等着你送上门,你急忙紧握绳子,停止了下落。】 You stay in the distance cliff bottom about hundred meters altitude, you discovered that on the cliff presents the stair that one line of manpower excavated.】 【你停留在距离崖底百米左右的高度,你发现山崖上出现了一行人工开凿的台阶。】 You shake something the string, fell on the stair, cautious climbed down along the stair.】 【你荡动绳子,落在了台阶上,小心翼翼的沿着台阶爬下。】 You arrived at the cliff bottom safely!】 【你安全来到了崖底!】 After the security falls to the ground, the first matter that Mu You does, extracted in body all extra items the reality completely, only stayed behind assembles that three. 安全落地之后,沐游做的第一件事,就是把身上所有额外的道具全部提取到了现实中,只留下身上装配那三件。 This world rule and Astral Spirit Realm really have greatly are very different, after Astral Spirit Realm died the item will not have losing basically, but this world actually real excess, dies all things to fall! 这个世界规则和星灵界果然有很大不同,在星灵界死亡后道具基本不会有遗失,而这个世界却真实的过分,一死所有东西全掉! No wonder will have assembly column this concept, only then loads into the thing of assembly column, is oneself soul binds directly, after the death, still as soul shift. 难怪会有‘装配栏’这种概念,只有装进装配栏的东西,才是和本人灵魂直接绑定的,死亡后也依然会随着灵魂转移。 His pocket watch has kept in the reality a moment ago luckily, the opportunity of otherwise even recalling did not have. 刚才幸好他的怀表是一直留在现实中的,不然连回溯的机会都没有。 After the thing shifts completely, he then the lifeform that had free time turn head to have a look at to meet a moment ago. 将东西全部转移之后,他这才有空回头去看看刚才遇到的生物。 This gadget will select the place very much, is just long under the string, Fool perhaps are been once many by it has swallowed, just started not to have the experience, was swallowed Fool of item is not perhaps few, if can shear this thing, could explode one wave greatly! 这玩意儿很会挑地方,刚好长在绳子下面,曾经被它吞噬过的愚者恐怕不少,刚开始没经验,被吞掉道具的愚者恐怕也不会少,所以如果能把这东西割了,说不定能大爆一波! 【The cliff bottom is a piece of humidification filter muddy land, the overstepping mud that you are soundless, arrived at the summit string nearby.】 【崖底是一片更加湿漉的泥地,你蹑手蹑脚的踏过泥泞,来到了山顶绳子的附近。】 You see under of string, grew more than a 20 meters high giant plant, the surface was being covered with the sharp thorn, the peak was one like the loudspeaker same flowers, opened the flower petal toward four sides, waited for the above prey to walk into a trap.】 【你看到在绳子的正下方,生长着一株二十多米高的巨大植物,表面长满了尖刺,顶端是一朵如同喇叭一样的花朵,朝四面张开花瓣,等待着上方的猎物自投罗网。】 Wetland seductive woman( 6 stars): The growth in the powerful food person plant of moist surface, the acid liquid gland in within the body can digest a lifeform instantaneously. The strength of god 27, 42 god against, real life: 6350. Ability: The real lifeform, swallows, acid liquid to corrode, the sharp thorn fire and poisonous fog to spray......】 【湿地妖姬(六星):生长在湿润地表的强大食人植物,体内的酸液腺能够瞬间将一个生物消化。神之力27,神之防42,真实生命:6350。能力:真实生物、吞噬、酸液腐蚀、尖刺射击、毒雾喷洒……】 Six stars......” “六星……” Mu You looks at the eyelid to jump, decisively idea that gave up bumping, returned in the thick fog fast. 沐游看得眼皮一跳,果断放弃了上去碰一碰的想法,快速退回了浓雾中。 Although he has to murder the god title, can counter-balance a star class to suppress, but the words of six stars, still have with him reach five suppressions much, he in front of this thing, basic on the does not have any strength of resistance. 虽说他有弑神者称号,可以抵消一层星级压制,但六星的话,和他依然有着多达五层的压制,他在这东西面前,根本就没有任何反抗之力。 Let alone, the attribute of this thing is a little odd, particularly the real life, Gundam/reaches as high as more than 6000 unexpectedly! This is 9-10 star lifeform can have the volume of blood that in the inside the tower of formidable. 更何况,这东西的属性有点离谱的,尤其是真实生命,居然高达6000多!这在勇者之塔里已经是9-10星生物才会有的血量。 Mu You turn head carefully looked at one, discovered that this thing in ability, there is one real lifeform entry. 沐游回头仔细看了一眼,发现这东西的能力里,有一个‘真实生物’的词条。 Real lifeform: In lifeform that the real world is born, real life * 10.】 【真实生物:在真实世界诞生的生物,真实生命。】 No wonder......” “怪不得……” Looked that Mu You understood, this is the True God talent similar thing of demon god, but the life of gods level is hundred times of computations, the ordinary lifeform is ten times, but the person who their non- real world comes is most miserable, completely without the addition, is many are many. 看完沐游就明白了,这是和魔神的真神天赋类似的东西,只不过神明层次的生命是百倍计算,普通生物则是十倍,而他们这种非真实世界过来的人最惨,完全没有加成,是多少就是多少。 In this case, without the support of god technique, a star monster, perhaps still is very even formidabe! 这样的话,没有神术的支持,就算是一星怪物,恐怕也很难对付! you continue, goes forward in cliff bottom silt......】 【你继续出发,在崖底淤泥间前进……】 Then Mu You starts to control the character to explore in this world. 接下来沐游开始操控人物在这个世界探索。 Although this world everywhere is the danger, but there is a biggest advantage, did not have the limit of action, so long as does not die, can explore infinitely. 这个世界虽然处处是危险,但有个最大的好处,就是没有了行动力的限制,只要不死,就可以无限探索下去。 Leads the way, you left the silt regions of cliff bottom finally, entered a stretch of wormwood lawn.】 【一路前行,你终于离开了崖底的这片淤泥地带,进入了一片蒿草地。】 【A pink winged insect that is similar the ladybug flies to stop before you, a pair of wash bowl big compound eye sizes up to come toward you, seems having doubts this to compare it also small lifeform is anything.】 【一只类似七星瓢虫的粉色飞虫飞停在你面前,一对脸盆大的复眼朝你打量而来,似乎在疑惑这个比它还小的生物是个什么东西。】 Slippery shell beetle( 1 star): One of smallest and weakest divine nature lifeform, only appears in the water's edge, the slippery shell is the excellent waterproofing material, can support it to slide on the water surface. The strength of god 5, 8 th god against, real life: 160. Ability: The real lifeform, the beetle tear and bite and slippery shell dive.】 【滑壳甲虫(一星):最弱小的神性生物之一,仅在水边出现,滑壳是极好的防水材料,可以支持它在水面上滑行。神之力五,神之防八,真实生命:160。能力:真实生物、甲虫撕咬、滑壳俯冲。】 1 star must blame! 一星怪! Mu You swept the eye fast its three abilities, immediately did mental arithmetic simply, in the attribute he is like this thing, his attack and defense is high, the opposite party life is high, and has god technique, the star class suppresses is murdered god counter-balance, the help of showing a film wool ball, this thing as if can hit again! 沐游快速扫了眼它的三个能力,随即简单心算了一下,属性上他和这东西半斤八两,他攻防高,对方生命高,且有神术,星级压制则被‘弑神者’抵消,再加上影绒球的帮助,这东西似乎可以打! Your hand held Break Magic hand grenade, bombards, the choice launched the attack toward the slippery shell beetle on own initiative.】 【你手提破魔手炮,一炮轰出,选择主动朝滑壳甲虫发动了攻击。】 【The slippery shell beetle was enraged by you, fans the wing to dive toward you.】 【滑壳甲虫被你激怒,扇动翅膀朝你俯冲而来。】 【The shadow wool ball appears from the shadow of beetle, slowed down the speed of beetle greatly.】 【影绒球自甲虫的影子中浮现,大大减缓了甲虫的速度。】 After an intense battle, you with the help of shadow wool ball, the danger struck to kill the slippery shell beetle, life Value -29, presently life: 8 / 37.】 【一番激烈的交战过后,你在影绒球的帮助下,险险击杀了滑壳甲虫,生命值-29,当前生命:8/37。】 You in the place of slippery shell beetle death, discovered divine nature crystal * 1.】 【你在滑壳甲虫死亡的地方,发现了‘神性结晶’。】 You concise the corpse of slippery shell beetle, obtains against clean and smooth-looking shell * 1.】 【你凝练了滑壳甲虫的尸体,得到‘防水滑壳’。】 Against clean and smooth-looking shell: Quite high-quality waterproofing material, may be to manufacture the material of various types of rain gear and ships, may be used to build resists defensive tool of Water Discipline god technique. May assemble, after the assembly, Water Discipline damage -3.】 【防水滑壳:较为优质的防水材料,可作为制作各种雨具和船只的材料,也可用于打造一些抵抗水系神术的防具。可装配,装配后水系伤害。】 Mu You relaxes, is not really easy, hits an insect of star, fell the quick 4/5 blood. 沐游松了口气,真不容易,打个一星的虫子,掉了快五分之四的血。 Won finally luckily. 幸好最后是打赢了。 However the present issue is, in this world this/should blood recovery? 不过现在的问题是,这个世界里该怎么补血? Explored in this world was so long, he has not seen any provided the thing of reply. 在这个世界探索了这么久,他至今没有看到过任何提供回复的东西。 Has not replied the ability the words, hits life a time little, he is powerful must die sooner or later. 没有回复能力的话,打一次生命少一点,他再强大也迟早要死。 Mu You a little fondly remembered ‚the blessing of Queen of night immediately, had this item, initially he had not been worried about the continue voyage issue in inside the tower. What a pity, the belief system has not opened, otherwise there is a help of divine tool, his situation will be much better than the present. 沐游顿时有点怀念‘月神的祝福’了,有这件道具在,当初在塔里他从没担心过续航问题。可惜,信仰系统没开,不然有神器的帮助,他的情况会比现在好得多。 You drag the severely wounded body to continue to go forward.】 【你拖着重伤的身体继续前进。】 You difficult the way in the dense fog, height ten several meters balance fox drops from the clouds suddenly, falls on your front.】 【你正艰难的在迷雾中寻路,一只身长十数米的银尾狐忽然从天而降,落在你的前方。】 Balance fox( 3 stars): Resembles one of the fox cat neutral lifeform, is growing a pair of spacious ear, because of temperate, the affection plays, lively cute, often was tamed by the god clan giants makes the domestic pet. The strength of god 17, 13 god against, real life: 680. Ability: The real lifeform, no shadow claw and balance sweeping, vertical jump.】 【银尾狐(三星):似狐似猫的中立生物之一,长着一对宽大的耳朵,因性情温和,喜爱玩耍,活泼可爱,时常被神族巨人驯养做家养宠物。神之力17,神之防13,真实生命:680。能力:真实生物、无影爪、银尾扫荡、纵跳。】 „Fuck!” “靠!” The Mu You eyelid jumps. 沐游眼皮一跳。 Has covering up of dense fog, he cannot see the thing of distant place, but the look of this fox obviously is much better than him, distant discovered him, at this time suddenly jumps, he escapes does not have the opportunity to escape. 有迷雾的遮掩,他根本看不到远处的东西,而这狐狸的眼神明显比他好得多,远远的就发现了他,此时忽然跳出来,他逃都没机会逃。 Mu You wants according to the table recollection immediately. 沐游当即就想要按表回溯。 The text that however at this time, sprang newly made him eliminate temporarily according to the idea of table. 不过这时,新弹出的文本让他暂时打消了按表的想法。 【The balance fox falls before you, gathers round you to detour for a week, to your type has never seen lifeform, exposed the unprecedented curiosity. The balance fox stretches out the claw suddenly, soft meatball in your head gentle patted the racket.】 【银尾狐落在你面前,围着你绕行一周,对你这种从未见过的生物,展露出了前所未有的好奇。银尾狐忽然伸出爪子,柔软的肉球在你头上温柔的拍了拍。】 Sees your nervous appearance, the balance fox lies down suddenly, four claws roll up, reveal the furry belly, and sends out flattering ying to warn the sound to you.】 【看到你紧张兮兮的样子,银尾狐忽然就地躺倒,四爪蜷缩,露出毛绒绒的肚皮,并对你发出一阵讨好的嘤咛声。】 Well?” “咦?” Mu You looks stares. 沐游看得一愣。 Although this fox is the three stars monster, but as if not too strong aggressivity. 这只狐狸虽然是三星怪物,但似乎并没有太强的攻击性。 Moreover looks at the explanation, this fox was regarded the pet to raise by the god clan giants generally. 而且看说明,这狐狸一般是被神族巨人当成宠物养的。 Mentioned the pet, this Mu You was ripe! 说起宠物,这沐游熟啊! His family/home opens the pet shop, this is his old profession! If can tame this fox here, he will be many a powerful goon in this world, meanwhile had a good mount, exploring to be inevitably more relaxed! 他家就是开宠物店的,这可是他的老本行!如果能在这里将这只狐狸驯服的话,那他在这个世界就会多一个强力打手,同时还有了一个不错的坐骑,探索起来势必会更加轻松! Thinks of here, Mu You gave up the plan of recollection immediately, the control character walked up, the attempt and this fox interacted. 想到这里,沐游当即放弃了回溯的打算,操控人物走上前去,尝试和这只狐狸互动。 【The balance fox sends out the invitation that plays to you.】 【银尾狐对你发出玩耍的邀请。】 You accepted invitation, walks to go forward using the technique of adept, stroked the fur of silver fox tail......】 【你接受了邀请,走上前以娴熟的手法,抚摸起了银狐尾的毛皮……】 Silver fox tail enjoys your stroking extremely, in throat makes rumble sound unceasingly......】 【银狐尾极为享受你的抚摸,喉咙里不断发出咕噜噜的声音……】 Balance fox was familiar with your smell quickly, plays with you delighted......】 【银尾狐很快熟悉了你的气味,和你玩耍的不亦乐乎……】 Balance fox played suddenly greasily, lacked to your interest, looked that turned to your look look that looked at prey......】 【银尾狐忽然玩腻了,对你兴趣缺缺,看向你的眼神变成了看猎物的眼神……】 【A balance fox palm of the hand clapped you!】 【银尾狐一巴掌拍死了你!】 You had died......】 【你已死亡……】 „......” “……” Mu You is dumbfounded. 沐游傻眼。 The front text, he once thinks oneself must domesticate successfully, at least also calculated to become the friend? Finally, turned the head to pat him? Has gets angry does not recognize people...... 前面的文本,他一度以为自己都要驯化成功了,至少也算成为朋友了吧?结果,转头就把他拍死了?有这么翻脸不认人的么…… Mu You realized the truth of this world again: Really the tame premise is to be based on that the military force suppresses. 沐游再次体会到了这个世界的真理:果然驯服的前提,是要建立在武力压制的基础上。 Mu You is helpless, has according to the table. 沐游无奈,只好按表。 【The time circulation, front balance fox is enjoying your stroking, you stopped to rub fox behavior suddenly, turning around half step after retreats.】 【时光流转,面前的银尾狐正在享受你的抚摸,你忽然停止了‘撸狐行为’,转身快步朝后退去。】 【The balance fox raised the head, lies in same place, strange looks at you.】 【银尾狐抬起头来,趴在原地,奇怪的看着你。】 Is good because, it has not pursued. You successfully retreated the safe place.】 【好在,它并没有追来。你成功撤退到了安全的地方。】 Mu You relaxes, this fox has not been unforgiving luckily, otherwise depends on the field of vision to suppress, he is impossible to escape. 沐游松了口气,幸好这狐狸没有不依不饶,不然就凭视野压制,他根本不可能逃得掉。 To avoid by balance fox track, you fled in the balance fox opposite direction for a long time, before arrived at the swamp .】 【为了避免被银尾狐跟踪,你朝着银尾狐相反的方向逃离了许久,重新来到了沼泽之前。】 You in front swamp edge, discovered some unusual traces. You go forward to examine carefully, the discovery is one deeply buries the human remains in mudstone!】 【你在前方沼泽边缘处,发现了一些异样的痕迹。你上前仔细查看,发现是一具深埋于泥石中的人类遗骸!】 You examine carefully, discovered that this skeleton experienced the long years, already almost and underground ore level fusion, from the similar build, the master of skeleton should be the same with you, is Fool from Astral Spirit Realm.】 【你仔细查看,发现这具尸骨经历了漫长的岁月,已经几乎与地下的岩矿层融合,从相似体型来看,尸骨的主人应该和你一样,是一名来自星灵界愚者。】 „Oh?” “哦?” Mu You selects the eyebrow, unexpectedly bumped into remains of Fool ancestor? 沐游一挑眉,居然碰到了一个愚者先祖的遗骸? You search around the skeleton, discovered inscribes the character stele, as well as an animal skin map.】 【你在尸骨周围搜索一圈,发现了一块‘刻有字的石碑’,以及一张兽皮地图。】 Above stele, is carving a few words with Astral Spirit Language: Opening up wasteland team terrain reconnaissance Miche · Daniel, in Cichu verified the peripheral map and tsunami of rule No. 2 entrance under region, the successor please must give all Fool the information notice: No. 2 entrance under region, starts tsunami every hour on time a time! At the appointed time the tsunami will submerge all regions near No. 2 entrance, inviting the successor must rush to the high ground ahead of time!】 【石碑之上,用星灵语雕刻着一段话:开荒队地形勘察员米彻·丹尼尔,于此处探明了二号入口下方区域的周边地图和海啸规律,后来者请务必将情报通知给全体愚者:二号入口下方区域,每隔一小时准时发动一次海啸!届时海啸将会淹没二号入口附近的所有区域,请后来者务必提前赶往高地!】 tsunami?” “海啸?” Mu You is startled. 沐游一怔。 In the front text, mentioned this place as if to be located in the water's edge actually, the water vapor was sufficient, but, what ghost one hour tsunami was a time? Where has such frequent tsunami, moreover can the time also accurate of such card? 前面的文本中,倒是提及了这地方似乎位于水边,水汽充足,但,一小时一次的海啸是什么鬼?哪有这么频繁的海啸,而且时间还能卡的这么准? Mu You quickly looked at time in the reality: At exactly 5 : 00! 沐游急忙看了眼现实中的时间:五点整! Since he enters the giant world to the present, had almost passed 40~50 minute, if a time is really one hour tsunami, that estimate must come immediately! 从他进入巨人世界到现在,差不多已经过去了四五十分钟,如果真是一小时一次的海啸,那估计马上就要来了! Mu You quickly animal skin map extracted that but, has not waited for him to examine the map contents, sees several new prompts to spring. 沐游急忙将那张‘兽皮地图’提取了出来,不过,还不等他查看地图内容,就见数道新的提示弹出。 You hear the distant roaring to be intermittent suddenly, the sound of insect warbler calling is lingering on faintly, simultaneously your sole also starts everything may become vulnerable.】 【你忽然听到远方涛声阵阵,虫鸣鸟叫之声不绝于耳,同时你的脚底也开始地动山摇。】 You look up, saw the top of the head massive strange giant winged insect beasts to pass by from your top of the head unceasingly, ran away startled.】 【你抬头看去,就见头顶大量陌生的巨型飞虫走兽不断从你头顶路过,惊慌逃窜。】 【The billowing great waves sound from far to near, is close toward you fast.】 【滚滚浪涛声由远及近,快速朝你接近着。】 【After several seconds, when you raise the head again, you see single layer dozens meters high monstrous waves, the wearing out thick fog come, swept across your position instantaneously.】 【数秒后,当你再次抬头时,你看到一重几十米高的巨浪,穿破浓雾呼啸而来,瞬间席卷了你的位置。】 You feel a dizziness, finally along with a huge waves pound agaist the shore sound, your was attacked ruthlessly above cliff, whole body covered with blood, within the body five main internal organs (entrails) disruption......】 【你感觉一阵天旋地转,最后伴随着一阵惊涛拍岸声,你被狠狠冲击在了山崖之上,浑身血肉模糊,体内五脏六腑碎裂……】 You had died......】 【你已死亡……】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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