TTAGITP :: Volume #5

#424: Living giant

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Chapter 424 living giant 第424章活着的巨人 Time circulation, before you returned to tsunami to start,......】 【时光流转,你回到了海啸开始前……】 Mu You after the table, does not have anxiously the operation game, but first recalled continuously more than ten times, looks map contents that extracted. 沐游按表之后,没急着操作游戏,而是先连续回溯了十几次,看了看提取出来的地图内容。 This tsunami also really spoke, completely to the setup time, he has not had the opportunity of recollection fortunately. 这海啸还真是说到就到,完全没给准备时间,还好他有回溯的机会。 Now the urgent matter first found one to avoid the tsunami the high ground. 现在当务之急是先找到一个能躲避海啸的高地。 Mu You opens the animal skin map, glances over the total graph fast. 沐游翻开兽皮地图,快速浏览全图。 Because this map the age is remote, many details are slurred, are good can learn because of the general terrain. 这地图因为年代过于久远,许多细节已经模糊不清,好在大概的地形还是能看明白。 The range of map is not too actually big, takes the cliff exit|to speak that he goes out of the beginning, surveyed about five kilometers surrounding area region to the front, including the forest, swamp, rock solid ground, coastline many terrains. 地图的范围其实不算太大,以他走出的山崖出口为起点,向前方探测出了大约五千米方圆的区域,其中包括了森林,沼泽,岩石硬地,海岸线等诸多地形。 High ground, high ground......” “高地,高地……” Mu You recalls continuously, the vision wavers on the map unceasingly, seeks for the high topography the position. 沐游连续回溯,目光不断在地图上游移,寻找高地势的位置。 Finally, looked for one, high ground where comes? 结果,找了一圈下来,哪来的高地? Although the entire map the landform is diverse, but the topography vast stretch of flat land, simply has not fluctuated, the only high ground, probably is that cliff that they come out. 整个地图虽然地貌多样,但地势可谓一马平川,根本没有起伏,唯一的高地,大概就是他们出来的那片山崖。 However the halfway up the mountainside of exit|to speak of tower situated in cliff, the two sides does not have the road, the only road is the cliff bottom, in other words, Fool exits after that so long as wants toward the peripheral exploration, inevitably first to undergo every hour a time tsunami baptism...... 然而塔的出口位于山崖的半山腰,两边都是没有路的,唯一的路就是崖底,也就是说,愚者们从那出口出来后,只要想往周边探索,就必然得先经受每小时一次的海啸洗礼…… Mu You is helpless, has to recall again, immediately quickly controls character toward the peripheral exploration. 沐游无奈,只好再次回溯,随即急忙操控角色往周边探索。 Without high ground . Moreover the short ten seconds, that can only look for some bunkers in the surroundings and so on place, can the attempt shoulder this tsunami. 没有高地,而且只有短短十秒钟,那就只能在周围找一些掩体之类的地方,尝试能不能扛过这次海啸。 You charge into the left dense fog region at the maximum speed, what a pity all the way completely empty, raids until tsunami, submerges you again......】 【你以最快速度冲向左边的迷雾区域,可惜一路上空空如也,直到海啸袭来,再次将你淹没……】 Time circulation, you charges into the right region......】 【时光流转,伱冲向右边区域……】 ...... …… The direction that surrounding all can choose, Mu You all ran. 周围所有能选的方向,沐游全部跑了一遍。 What a pity in most directions is completely empty, for several seconds, found the bunker radically without enough time. 可惜大部分的方向上都是‘空空如也’,短短几秒钟,根本来不及找到掩体。 Only then in a direction, presented other prompt. 只有在其中一个方向上,出现了一句别的提示。 【...... You noticed that a sliding shell beetle flies to stop in the front muddy land, eight claws wriggle fast, dug out one at the visible speed on the ground with its body and other big potholes.】 【……你看到一只滑壳甲虫飞停在前方的泥地上,八爪快速蠕动,以肉眼可见的速度在地上挖出了一个和它身体等大的坑洞。】 Before the tsunami approaches, the slippery shell beetle lay to bend down in the pit, four sliding shell wings opened, form a complete slippery shell plane, coverage of fitting together perfectly in the pothole edge.】 【在海啸来临前,滑壳甲虫趴伏在了坑中,四只滑壳翅膀张开,形成一个完整的滑壳平面,严丝合缝的覆盖在了坑洞的边缘。】 the next moment, monstrous waves raid, slippery shell beetle immovability under monstrous waves, but you instantaneously tumbled monstrous waves embezzle......】 下一刻,巨浪袭来,滑壳甲虫在巨浪下不动如山,而你瞬间被翻滚的巨浪吞没……】 Also can like this?” “还可以这样?” Mu You looks stares. Had not found the bunker, but the beetle provided the urgent risk aversion approach to him actually. 沐游看得一愣。没找到掩体,但遇到的这只甲虫倒是给他提供了紧急避险思路。 Mu You presses the table immediately again. 沐游当即再次按表。 【The time circulation, you directly soared encountered the direction of beetle a moment ago.】 【时光流转,你直奔刚才遭遇甲虫的方向。】 In the billowing great waves sound, you pass through the dense fog, saw the slippery shell beetle again.】 【滚滚浪涛声中,你穿越迷雾,再次看到了滑壳甲虫。】 The pothole of at this moment under the slippery shell beetle body digging out has taken shape, it is just about to drill into, you clash suddenly, a foot kicked the one side it.】 【此刻滑壳甲虫身下挖出的坑洞已经成型,它正要钻入其中,你忽然冲来,一脚将其踢到了一旁。】 You replace the beetle, oneself drilled into the pit, and before , against clean and smooth-looking shell that seizes haunched, covers in the pothole surface.】 【你代替甲虫,自己钻入了坑中,并将之前缴获的防水滑壳撑起,覆盖在了坑洞表面。】 【The slippery shell beetle saw the risk aversion place of own laborious excavation was occupied, immediately is angry, to/clashes toward you, raises the foreleg to you launch the attack.】 【滑壳甲虫看到自己辛苦挖掘的避险地被人占据,顿时大怒,朝你冲来,扬起前肢就要对你发起攻击。】 Was a pity, has not waited for it to attack to send out, turbulent ocean waves then sweep across to come, whirls away it instantaneously......】 【可惜,还不等它攻击发出,汹涌的海浪便席卷而来,瞬间将它卷走……】 You hide under against clean and smooth-looking shell, only feels the top of the head ocean current unceasing washout.】 【你躲在防水滑壳下,只感觉头顶海流不断的冲刷而过。】 Is good because of the waterproof character of slippery shell is outstanding enough, sea water has not infiltrated to below space, ice that but sea water brings cold biting cold and hydraulic pressure, made your stamina gradually weak, life started to slide slowly......】 【好在滑壳的防水性足够优异,海水并未渗透到下方的空间中,但海水带来的冰寒彻骨和水压,还是令你体力逐渐不支,生命开始缓慢下滑……】 Also really!” “还真可以!” Mu You breathes a sigh of relief, the survival wisdom of these local lifeform really can use for reference, although in blood, but this falls the blood speed, should be able to support. 沐游舒了口气,这些当地生物的生存智慧果然是可以借鉴的,虽然还是在掉血,但这个掉血速度,应该可以撑过去。 tsunami also quick, after about two minutes that comes to go quickly, the tsunami retreats gradually, the sound also gradually subsides, your life Value -6, presently life: 2 / 37.】 【海啸来得快去的也快,大约两分钟过后,海啸渐渐退去,外界的动静也逐渐平息下来,你的生命值-六,当前生命:2/37。】 Belongs to after the top of the head voice thoroughly is tranquil, you then attempt to shove open the slippery shell, outward looks.】 【直到头顶声音彻底归于宁静后,你这才尝试推开了滑壳,朝外看去。】 Really, the ocean waves have vanished without the trace, but your surrounding ground became a moister mud.】 【果然,外界的海浪已经消失无踪,但你周围的地面变得更加湿润泥泞了一些。】 You go out of the pothole, looks into the distance to go toward the surroundings, rough seas washout from now on land will be spotless, clean resembles mirror surface.】 【你走出坑洞,朝周围眺望而去,大浪冲刷过后的大地一尘不染,干净的像镜面。】 As far as eyes can reach, you see in the front silt as if to glitter some sparkling things, the heritage of after is some small-scale lifeform by the ocean waves pat, to leave.】 【一眼望去,你看到前方淤泥里似乎闪烁着一些亮晶晶的东西,想必是一些小型生物被海浪拍死后留下的遗产。】 You go forward to examine, discovered divine nature crystal * 2.】 【你上前查看,发现了‘神性结晶’。】 This is is survived to have happiness in old age probably, evades tsunami a time, surroundings obvious security, moreover can pick the spoils of war anywhere. 这大概就是‘大难不死必有后福’吧,躲过一次海啸,周围明显安全了许多,而且还可以随地捡到战利品。 This type by divine nature crystal that the ocean waves clash, definitely not only then this. 这种被海浪冲过来的神性结晶,肯定不会只有这一份。 Mu You quickly seeks in the surroundings. 沐游急忙在周围寻找起来。 You found divine nature crystal * 1......】 【你找到了‘神性结晶’……】 You found divine nature crystal * 2......】 【你找到了‘神性结晶’……】 You found one ‚the stump residual limb of wind ant beast......】 【你找到了一具‘风蚁兽的残肢’……】 You concise wind ant beast wreckage, obtained wind ant antenna * 1.】 【你凝练了风蚁兽残骸,获得了‘风蚁触角’。】 Wind ant antenna: After the assembly, can feel the change of direction and forecast wind direction that knows the situation.】 【风蚁触角:装配后可以感知风的方向和预测风向的变化。】 You picked one piece sea snail carapace of disruption, after the assembly, + 3 god against......】 【你捡到了一片‘碎裂的海蜗甲壳’,装配后神之防……】 ...... …… Then Mu You just finished while the tsunami, cleans up trash in neighbor unceasingly, merely about ten minutes, then picked 15 divine nature crystal, with material of one pile of different small-scale lifeform. 接下来沐游趁着海啸刚刚结束,在附近不断‘捡垃圾’,仅仅十分钟左右的时间,便捡到了15枚神性结晶,和一堆异界小型生物的材料。 Naturally, small-scale compared to this world lifeform average build, to Mu You, even a snail shell fragment, has an explosion-proof shield is so big. 当然,‘小型’是相对于这个世界生物平均体型来说的,对沐游来说,即便是一枚蜗牛壳碎片,都有一面防爆盾牌那么大。 Even the spoils of war of these small-scale lifeform are so giant, all sorts that the weapons and items of these giants not to mention, currently Fool use relic, definitely after is the Fool ancestor conducts the downsizing has processed the product. 连这些小型生物的战利品都这么巨大,那些巨人的武器和道具就更不用说了,现在愚者们使用的种种‘遗物’,肯定都是愚者先祖进行过缩小化处理后的产物。 Returns to the proper topic, how long at this time the happy picking spoils of war link actually cannot continue, because finished while the tsunami cleans up the trash in the surroundings may continue his one, the lifeform that the nearby all lives, is collecting the wreckage of divine nature crystal and other lifeform crazily. 言归正传,此时开心的捡战利品环节却也没能持续多久,因为趁着海啸结束在周围捡垃圾的可不止他一个,附近所有活下来的生物,都在疯狂收集神性结晶和其他生物的残骸。 Not only divine nature crystal the Fool need, is as important to the native lifeform of this world, this is they complete the star-level evolution and obtains the ability the source of forces. 神性结晶不只是愚者需要,对这个世界的本土生物同样重要,这是它们完成星级进化和获得能力的力量源泉。 Therefore after merely ten minutes, Mu You could not have found any spoils of war in the surroundings completely. 所以仅仅十分钟过后,沐游在周围已经完全找不到任何战利品了。 Mu You has to stop, according to the instruction of map, starts to continue to explore outward. 沐游只好停下,照着地图的指示,开始继续朝外探索。 The whole piece map in the coverage scope of tsunami, must first try to go out of the map, otherwise the tsunami will come his blood surely dead next time without doubt. 整张地图都在海啸的覆盖范围内,首先要尝试一下能不能走出地图,不然下次海啸一来他这点血量必死无疑。 You met a reaching a deadlock shallow water sea snail( 2 stars), diligently moves to the water's edge. This is a temperate lifeform, other initiative attack lifeform, it will not as if be seriously injured in the tsunami, life value only surplus 1 point, this seems like a making a move good opportunity, whether sneak attacks the sea snail immediately?】 【你遇到了一只搁浅的浅水海蜗(二星),正在努力的向水边挪动。这是一种温和生物,不会主动攻击其他生物,它似乎在刚才的海啸中受了重伤,生命值仅剩余一点,这似乎是个出手的好机会,是否立即偷袭海蜗?】 【The sea snail perceived that your nearness, shrank in the snail shell on own initiative, the hard snail sharp shell defended your attack completely, and rebounded some damage, you were killed by rebound damage.】 【海蜗觉察到了你的靠近,主动缩进了蜗牛壳里,坚硬的蜗牛尖壳完全防御了你的攻击,并反弹回了一些伤害,你被反弹伤害杀死了。】 You had died......】 【你已死亡……】 【The time circulation, you went round the shallow water sea snail by far.】 【时光流转,你远远的绕开了浅水海蜗。】 ...... …… 【When via high lawn, you met a passing by golden armor pyrrole dragonfly( 2 stars), to pushed a several meters high excrement ball to move uprightly, looked the vigilant appearance that it glanced right and left all the way, in that excrement ball may be very hiding some treasure.】 【途经高草地时,你遇到一只路过的金甲吡螂(二星),对方正推着一颗数米高的粪球移动,看它一路上左顾右盼的警惕模样,那粪球中很可能隐藏着某种宝物。】 You surround in side curiously, the golden armor pyrrole dragonfly is angry immediately, thinks that you want to rob its excrement ball, suddenly promotes the excrement ball to roll toward you.】 【你好奇在旁围观,金甲吡螂顿时大怒,以为你想要抢夺它的粪球,忽然推动粪球朝你滚来。】 You ran over by excrement ball......】 【你被粪球压死了……】 ...... …… Mu You gradually understood why the map of that investigation drew selects in a big way. 沐游逐渐理解了为什么那个探查员的地图就画出这么点大了。 Originally this map the region of range unexpectedly relative security. 原来这个地图中的范围竟然还是相对安全的一个区域。 As he explores at this time gradually is separated from the map, various dangers start to emerge one after another incessantly: Ran over, to be attracted, to be embezzled by Lannikeng by the dung beetle excrement ball by one crowd of pigeon big mosquito blood sucking is choked to death...... 随着他此时一路探索逐渐脱离地图,各种危险开始层出不穷:被屎壳郎粪球压死、被一群鸽子大的蚊子吸血吸死、被烂泥坑吞没窒息而死…… Mu You opened up wasteland to be depressed quickly, what gadget can this world also really on bully him? 沐游一路开荒过来都快郁闷了,这个世界还真就啥玩意儿都能欺负他呗? Has the pocket watch to help him avoid various dangers, he has died more than ten chapters. 要不是有怀表能帮他一路避开各种危险,他早就死十几回了。 You marched forward, entered one strange sand regions.】 【你继续向前,进入了一片陌生的沙地区域。】 You see in the front desert suddenly, presented one strangely stone column.】 【你忽然看到前方沙漠中,出现了一根怪异的‘石柱’。】 You go forward to examine, this discovered, this stone column unexpectedly is a finger of person!】 【你上前查看,这才发现,这根石柱竟然是一根人的手指!】 You quickly unearth around the stone column, gradually discovered another four fingers, and palm, wrist/skill and arm...... have connected to the sand deep place.】 【你急忙在石柱周围挖掘,逐渐发现了另外四指,以及手掌、手腕、手臂……一直连通向沙地深处。】 This is one is buried the giant corpse in sand unexpectedly!】 【这竟是一具被掩埋在沙地中的巨人尸体!】 Omniscient Crystal fed back the information of remains for you.】 全知水晶为你反馈回了遗骨的信息。】 Unknown giant, height: 53 meters. Sex: Male gender. Figure: Agility. The strength judged: Nine stars. Grasps the authority of god: Does not have.】 【未知巨人,身高:53米。性别:雄性。身形:敏捷型。生前实力判断:九星。掌握神之权柄:无。】 Beyond your opinion discovered remains of giant, but this seems only does an ordinary giant who does not have the theocracy , you want to make what processing?】 【你意外发现了一具巨人的遗骸,但这似乎只是一具没有神权的普通巨人,那么,你希望作何处理?】 1, the concise remains, obtain god's flesh and blood.】 【一,凝练遗骸,获得神之骨血。】 2, transforms your bloodlines with god's blood that you have, enabling you to adapt to this remains, thus its extraction for your god's skin. Note: Everyone can only have a god's skin, if extracts this/should skin, then your god of order will inherit quest to expire automatically.】 【二,用你持有的神之血改造你的血脉,使你适应这具遗骸,从而将其提取为你的神之皮肤。注:每人仅能拥有一种神之皮肤,若提取该皮肤,则你的秩序之神传承任务将自动失效。】 Well?” “咦?” Mu You looks at present one bright, unexpectedly unexpected benefit? 沐游看的眼前一亮,居然还有意外收获? Without thinking just now goes outside the map region, discovered giant remains. 没想到才刚走出地图区域,就发现了一具巨人遗骸。 But the one who makes Mu You accidental/surprised is, he can this giant extraction be the skin unexpectedly! 而更让沐游意外的是,他居然可以将这个巨人提取为皮肤! In other words, if the average person can find two giant remains, only need for god's flesh and blood, can change into the skin another remains concise! 也就是说,普通人如果能找到两个巨人遗骸,只需将其中一具凝练为神之骨血,就可以将另一具遗骸化为皮肤! Naturally, the quality of skin is just directly related with giant before death intensity, although later can through continue fuse god's bone continually to raise the giant skin intensity, but the upper limit also can only arrive at this giant before death level of obviously! 当然,皮肤的质量直接和巨人生前的强度正相关,虽然之后可以通过继续融合神之骨来不断提升巨人皮肤强度,但上限显然也只能到该巨人生前的层次! For example at present this giant before death is 9 star lifeform, that fusion after the skin, from now on also can only display 9 stars strengths most, wish makes the skin break through 10 stars to reach the god level, can only find the way to abandon the current skin, looks for these to have the True God remains of authority again. 比如眼前这个巨人生前是九星生物,那融合为皮肤后,今后最强也只能发挥出九星的实力,想要让皮肤突破十星达到神级,只能想办法抛弃掉当前皮肤,再去找那些拥有权柄的真神遗骨。 In the world of this giant, has the giant skin, but complete two concepts. 在这个巨人的世界,有没有巨人皮肤可是完全两种概念。 And did not discuss strength rise that the giant skin brings, what is more important is the build advantage! 且不谈巨人皮肤带来的实力提升,更重要的是体型优势! Once there is a giant skin, at least these anything flood, morass and dung beetle excrement ball anything, did not have the threat to him again. 一旦有了巨人皮肤,至少那些什么洪水、泥坑、屎壳郎粪球什么的,对他就再也没有了威胁。 To Fool so-called tsunami, before the giant is also rivers. 愚者来说所谓的‘海啸’,在巨人面前也就是趟过的一条河流罢了。 In addition, without guessing wrong, while the build increases, the field of vision should also follow to increase, this is also the beforehand silver fox tail can discover his reason outside the dense fog. 除此之外,如果没有猜错的话,在体型变大的同时,视野应该也会跟着变大,这也是之前的银狐尾能在迷雾之外发现他的原因。 The field of vision advantage, in this dense fog world similarly is a very important part! 视野优势,在这个迷雾世界同样是非常重要的一环! Returns to the proper topic, at present this skin Mu You will definitely not extract, because after he does not know the extraction skin, how should discard, if cannot discard, or needed any severe condition, the god of skin order misses with him. 言归正传,眼前这个皮肤沐游肯定不会提取,因为他并不知道提取皮肤后该怎么丢弃,万一不能丢弃,或者需要什么苛刻条件,秩序之神皮肤就和他无缘了。 However, becomes god's flesh and blood concise, even if oneself do not use, can still sell to others. 不过,凝练成神之骨血还是可以的,就算自己不用,也可以卖给其他人。 When Mu You was appointed to fill a vacancy 1, starts the concise flesh and blood. 沐游当即选了一,开始凝练骨血。 In concise god human bone, after it is expected that 15 minutes, finished......】 【凝练神骸中,预计十五分钟后结束……】 Before the concise demon god god human bone used for a half hour, here was short of half, the seems like concise time should with the intensity direct correlation of god human bone. 之前凝练魔神神骸用了半个小时,这里少了一半,看来凝练时间应该和神骸的强度直接相关。 The Mu You itself/Ben thinks then such calm and steady until finished concise. 沐游本以为接下来会这么安稳的直到凝练完毕。 However, is just now concise for several minutes to pass, in the game springs suddenly prompts together. 然而,才刚凝练了几分钟过去,游戏中忽然弹出一道提示。 You hear ear-spitting roaring to transmit from the distant place suddenly, shouting of some as if great antiquity giant beast.】 【你骤然听到一声震耳的咆哮自远处传来,仿佛某种洪荒巨兽的嘶吼。】 You felt suddenly the ground starts to tremble, a giant sole treads the earthquake sounds to resound from the distant dense fog, and approaches fast toward you.】 【你忽然感觉地面开始震颤,一道巨大的脚掌踏地声自远方迷雾中响起,并飞快朝你靠近过来。】 【After several seconds, a giant sole treads the broken dense fog, appears in your top of the head!】 【数秒后,一只巨大的脚掌踏破迷雾,出现在你头顶!】 You look clearly, this is a sole of giant, judged from the size of sole, the height of this giant was over 70 meters!】 【你看得真切,这是一个巨人的脚掌,从脚掌的大小判断,这个巨人的身高达到了70米以上!】 【Your strength of passivity was stepped on muddy flesh by giant sole......】 【你毫无抵抗之力的被巨人脚掌踩成了肉泥……】 You had died!】 【你已死亡!】 „???” “???” Mu You is dumbfounded. 沐游傻眼。 Giants? 巨人? Did not say that the god clan has exterminated? 不是说神族已经灭绝了么? In this giant world, is the giant living unexpectedly? 这个巨人世界中,居然还有巨人活着? Therefore this giant and do this giant remains have some relations? The present is because he unearths this giant remains, angered this giant? 所以这个巨人和这具巨人遗骸有某种关系?现在是因为他挖掘这具巨人遗骸,惹怒了这个巨人? Mu You is indefinite, quickly according to the table recollection, controls the character to stop immediately concise, chose turn tail, but he actually does not have the high hope, facing a giant, the short ten seconds of recollection, is almost impossible to run. 沐游不确定,急忙按表回溯,随即操控人物停止凝练,选择了‘转身逃跑’,不过他心里其实已经不抱多大希望,面对一个巨人,回溯的短短十秒,几乎不可能跑得掉。 You are sweating profusely, turn around to run into the dense fog.】 【你满头大汗,转身逃进迷雾中。】 Was a pity that has not run for several seconds, hears the giant angry big roar again.】 【可惜没跑出几秒,身后再次传来巨人愤怒的大吼声。】 You were stamped by giant......】 【你又被巨人踩死了……】 Really. 果然。 Mu You helpless shaking the head, has not recalled again, here has died obviously, goes back uselessly many time. 沐游无奈的摇了摇头,没有再回溯,这里显然已经死定了,回去多少次都没用。 You had died!】 【你已死亡!】 Your soul was directed the soul lamp hauling to return, returned to under the oil lamp in cavern. You choose......】 【你的灵魂被引魂灯牵引归来,回到了洞穴中的青灯之下。你选择……】 1, spends 50 divine nature to restore your soul, after 24 hours resurrects, but this will make your soul be damaged, after resurrecting , the belief reduces 10, experience points reduces 10( Lv. 15 and below invalid)】 【一,花费50神性修复你的灵魂,24小时后复活,但这会使你的灵魂遭受损伤,复活后你的信仰降低十,经验值降低十(15级及以下无效)】 2, the use resurrecting stone, resurrects immediately, and avoids the soul damage, but the resurrecting stone will disrupt.】 【二,使用复活石,立即复活,且避免灵魂损伤,但复活石将碎裂。】 Mu You looked at the eye, chooses a price is to believe and experiences various buckles 1/10, the Lv. 15 following can avoid experiencing loses. 沐游看了眼,选一的代价是信仰和经验各扣十分之一,15级以下可以避免经验损失。 Because the belief system has not opened, buckles the belief not to need to be worried actually, originally is also 0, but experienced was quite terrifying, buckles 1/10 that always experienced, to him was equal to that lost surpasses 100,000 points experiences, will overcome Lv. 20 him directly. 由于信仰系统还没有开启,扣信仰倒是不用担心,本来也是0,但经验就比较恐怖了,扣总经验的十分之一,对他来说等于一下损失超过十万点的经验,会把他直接打下20级 Mu You chose two decisively. 沐游果断选了二。 You used the resurrecting stone, immediately resurrects under the oil lamp.】 【你使用了复活石,立即在青灯下复活。】 On your resurrecting stone presented a fissure, temporarily is unable to use. In restore, after it is expected that 168 hours, completes......】 【你的复活石上出现了条条裂痕,暂时无法使用。修复中,预计168小时后完成……】 The resurrecting stone restore takes one week, this thing everyone can only bind one, snatched others' useless , after the death, this week of cooldown basically forces. 复活石修复要一周,这东西每个人只能绑定一颗,抢了别人的也没用,死亡后这一周的冷却基本是强制的。 After smooth resurrecting, Mu You did not plan to go out temporarily again, these opened up wasteland has made him understand, without the belief system, went to that world basically to bring death. 顺利复活后,沐游暂时不打算再出去了,这一趟开荒已经让他明白,没有信仰体系,去那个世界基本就是送死。 Shakes the head, Mu You controlled the character to leave the tower of formidable, immediately withdrew from the game, opened the forum to look at the eye. 摇了摇头,沐游操控人物离开了勇者之塔,随即退出游戏,打开论坛看了眼。 At the forum, is the big wave post has really been guessing 2459 he. 论坛上,果然已经有一大波贴子在猜测2459是不是他。 But in the city Lord group, several cities Lord also sent in the private letter to him, kneels to ask the broken tower to capture/raid. 而城主群里,几个城主也都给他发来了私信,跪求破塔攻略。 Mu You considered, the head passes to reward him to take in any case, here capturing/raiding can let out actually. 沐游考虑了一下,反正首通奖励他已经拿完,这里的攻略倒是可以放出去了。 Opposite giant world, must open up wasteland by him is too slow, is too difficult. 对面的巨人世界,要靠他一个人开荒实在太慢,也太难。 Now should let many entries, goes to the opposite world to look, dies, and some multi- collection information as far as possible come back, to give his next exploration to prepare. 现在应该让更多的人通关,去对面世界看一看,死一死,并尽可能的多收集一些情报回来,以给他下一次的探索做准备。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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