Chapter 422demongod'sbone
The city of dawn, incityLordfort.
A form of redrobecomesquietly.
一袭红袍的身影悄然现身。Comes the personred sleeve, at this momentonherfacewears a metalmask, the maskjustcoveredherentirerightprofile and part of left facelower jaw, is hiding the followingscar.
来人正是红袖,此刻她脸上戴着一张金属面具,面具刚好遮盖了她整个右半边脸和左脸下颚的部分,隐藏着下面的疤痕。Butinleftprofileandeyes that onlyreveals, thenwrote all overwas numbandempty, seemed only a empty shell that did not have the sentiment.
而仅露出的左半边脸和双眼之中,则写满了麻木、空洞,仿佛只是一具没有感情的空壳。„Was defeatedto the tower?” The immaturesoundresoundsfrom the fronttogether.
The red sleevelooks up, a heightis less thanhalfmeter, but alsoputs on the young boy of diaperto standabove the frontstair, crosses the hands behind the backto stand, on the smallfacebrings and ageobviouslyincompatiblematurity.
红袖抬头看去,一个身高不到半米,还穿着尿不湿的幼童站在前方的台阶之上,负手而立,小脸上带着和年龄明显不符的成熟。„Was forestalled...... red sleeveto say”unemotionally.
“被人抢先了……”红袖面无表情的说。„Snort, Iknow......”
The expression that childIguess correctlyearly, sneersimmediately: „But, the result is the same, then, theseold fogieshave toopenahead of timebelieved......”
The childrenwere sayingfaced forwardonestep, as ifwantedto go down the stair.
The resultlowers the headlooked,discovered the stairis a little high......
结果低头一看,发现台阶有点高……In order toavoidfallingto fall flat on one's facethisawkwardsituationgreatly, hehasto continueto stand firmsame place, is maintaining‚person of high skill’appearance, hesitates saying: „Althoughhas not attained‚demongod'sbone’to be somewhat a pity, butis also indifferent, after waiting for the flying, the valuablegodbonyis......”
为了避免摔个大马趴这种尴尬情况,他只好继续站定原地,保持着‘高人’模样,沉吟道:“虽然没有拿到‘魔神之骨’有些可惜,但也无所谓,等飞天之后,有价值的神骨多得是……”„Moreover, prepares, in the near futuretheseold fogieswill definitely start the belief, waitsto believeopens, lets the dawncityflyingimmediately!”
“另外,去准备一下,近期那些老家伙肯定会开启信仰,等信仰一开,就立即让曙光城飞天!”„Is......”red sleevecontinues the numbnod.
The childrenopened mouthalsowantto sayanything, actuallyfelt that suddenly the eyelidstartedto fightfiercely, the openedmouthalsotook advantage of opportunityto turn intoyawning.
小孩张嘴还想说什么,却忽然感觉眼皮开始剧烈打架,张开的嘴也顺势变成了打呵欠。„tch, the body of childistroublesome......”
The young boyscomplained, consciousnessis then uncontrolled, fastmurky.
The nextsecond, the childliessoftlyfalls down.
下一秒,小孩软趴趴的跌倒在地。Following close on, was resoundingon the spot‚’bigweeping sound.
The red sleeve of undernumbmachinery, has heardthissound, on the stifffacehadsomechangesfinally, in the eyehad the sentiments of somenormal people.
The making a tearful scenesound of childis still continuing.
Before the red sleevequicklyruns up to the stair, will lie downin the child who the groundstruggleshugged.
红袖急忙跑到台阶前,将躺在地上挣扎的孩子抱了起来。„Babyis clever, does not cry......”
The red sleevelike an ordinarymother, embraces the childto comfort,
红袖像一个普通母亲一样,怀抱着孩子安慰着,Fouryears ago, shegave birth tothischild, butinstoppingunderspecial condition, the physical growth of babyactuallycompared withnormalchildslowmany, fouryearspasses, no matterherchild the bodyconsciousness, stays about one -year-old condition.
四年前,她生下了这个孩子,但在止界的特殊环境下,幼儿的身体发育却比正常孩子慢的多,四年过去,她的孩子不管是身体还是意识,都还停留在一岁左右的状态。Under the gentle voicecomfort of mother, the childwas roaredfinallystopped the weeping sound, smiles through tears, extendstwoto come to touchtoward the red sleevefaceon.
The red sleevelooks at the childnaivepuresmile, on the tightfacehas also shown a smilefinally, butthissmilequickpale, turned into the hate, helpless, painand othercomplexmood.
……In the pet shop, the consciousness of Mu Youcomes backafter the causes and effectsline, triedto traceinvestigatedin the past.
宠物店里,沐游的意识顺着因果线回来后,又尝试了一下重新追溯过去探查。What a pity, thisbackwardconsumes the Spiritual Forcematterextremely, thisbackwardactuallycannotsucceed, hisconsciousnesswas strandedin the mindfield of vision, is unable to divergeagain.
可惜,这种追溯是极其消耗精神力的事情,这一次追溯却没能成功,他的意识被困在了心眼视界中,无法再发散出去。Mu Youhas togive up, returns the game.沐游只得作罢,重新回到游戏。Strikesto kill the fiendish person, after gathering the reward, the text in gamehad not actually finished.
击杀魔王,收取奖励之后,游戏中的文本却还没有结束。【Youarrive athundredmostdeep places.】
【你来到百层的最深处。】【Yousuddenlydiscovered that onfrontoriginallyairtightwall surface, presented an illusorygate, after opening the door, insideunexpectedlyisanothersteps!】
【你忽然发现前方原本密闭的墙面上,出现了一道虚幻的门,打开门后,里面竟是又一段阶梯!】【Originallyin the above of hundredheavytowers, otherspace. Steps the steps?】
【原来在百重塔的上方,还有另外的空间。是否踏上阶梯?】Reallydoes not havehundredtowers is so simple!
果然不是只有百层塔那么简单!Mu Youshouted the tone, heredoes not needto hesitate, chose‚yes’directly.沐游呼了口气,这里不需要犹豫,直接选了‘是’。【Youhave left the range of tower of formidable, you all strengths in the towerobtainingare recycled!】
【你已离开勇者之塔的范围,伱在塔内获得的一切力量均被回收!】【Youoversteplongsteps, finallystepped into a mysteriousspace.】
【你踏过一段长长的阶梯,最终踏入了一个神秘空间内。】What【presentsbefore you are a darkplainhall, onfour sideswall and ceiling, the carvingfilledmysteriousmysteriousrune/symbolwriting.】
【呈现在你面前的是一座幽暗古朴的大厅,四面的墙壁和天花板上,雕刻满了神秘玄奥的符文。】【Butin the midpoint of hall, is standing erectremains of giant.】
【而在大厅的正中央,矗立着一座巨人的遗骸。】【The giantheightabouthundredmeters, the headlivestwo horns, the on the back growsboth wings, were quite a moment ago similarto the fiendish personcontour of warwithyou!】
【巨人身高近百米,头生双角,背生双翅,和你刚才对战的魔王外形极为相似!】【Younosealong the greatpersonweek, finallyingiantnapeexternal skin, discoveredoneline of small characters.】
【你沿着巨人身周查探一番,最终在巨人的后颈表皮处,发现了一行小字。】【Serial number135: Sevencrimedemongods. Godhuman boneexcavation: ·Clara. Has unearthed the time: In 3106245days of 4 hours 7 minutes 01 seconds.】
【编号135:七罪魔神。神骸发掘者:希露迪·克拉拉。已出土时间:3106年245天4小时7分01秒。】Demongodgodhuman bone!
魔神神骸!Mu Youlooks at the eyeonebrightly, the body of demongodreallyonconcealshere, hasthisthing, thisdoes not haveto be whitefinally.沐游看得眼睛一亮,魔神的尸体果然就藏在这里,有这东西,这趟就总算没白来。Howeverlooks at the explanation, thisplace seems not the range of tower of formidable.
不过看说明,这个地方似乎已经不属于勇者之塔的范围。Mu Youcontinuesto lookdownward,under the textalsodemonstrated the information of demongod, just like the god of order, carves the writingonnape. The godhuman bone that it seems likethesewere excavated, will carvethisparagraph of writingon the nape.沐游继续往下看去,文本下方还显示了魔神的信息,和秩序之神一样,是刻在后颈上的文字。看来这些被发掘出来的神骸,都会在后颈上刻下这段文字。However, whatmakingMu Yousurprisedis, the excavationtime of godhuman boneheredemonstrates, unexpectedlyis more than 3100years ago, in other words the ——demongodjust nowunearthsinthisera!
不过,让沐游惊讶的是,这里显示的神骸的出土时间,竟然是3100多年前,也就是说——魔神是在这个纪元内才刚出土的!Butaccording tohimanalyzeda moment ago, thistowerpossiblyison the origin of eraFool, thismeans,thistoweroriginaltowerwithstand/topfinallyboss, definitelyis not the demongod, butissomeclassificationlifeform, the demongodwas replacedafterwardartificially.
而按照他刚才的分析,这座塔可能是上个纪元愚者的起源,这就意味着,这座塔原本的塔顶最终boss,肯定不是魔神,而是某种别的生物,魔神只是后来被人为更换上去的。Thisalsoexplained this bossdifficultysowill be why oddfinally: Somethispeopleestablishsuchhigh difficultyintentionally, the goal may want to delay the clearance of player.
这也就解释了为什么这个最终boss的难度会这么离谱:这是有人故意设置成这样的高难度,目的可能就是想拖延玩家的通关时间。【Youdiscovered a completegodhuman bone!】
【你发现了一具完整的神骸!】【Now, youcanchoosewhetherextracts the blood and bone of thisgodhuman bone, comesto inheritto provide the resourcesfor your god of order;You can also chooseto step into the demonic path, the beliefdemongod, takes the nourishmentsuppliesdemongod the godhuman bone of god of order! Then, youchoose......】
【现在,你可以选择是否提取掉这具神骸的血和骨,来为你的秩序之神传承提供资源;或者,你也可以选择踏入魔道,信仰魔神,将秩序之神的神骸作为养料供给魔神!那么,你选择……】【1, beliefdemongod! Youwill openinheritancequest of demongod, butthis actwill also makeinheritancequest of god of orderexpire, andenablesyouto losedaybreak the cityLordstatus.】
【一,信仰魔神!你将开启魔神的传承任务,但此举也会使秩序之神的传承任务失效,并使你失去黎明城主的身份。】【2, the concisedemongodgodhuman bone, extractsgod'sbloodandgod'sbone, inheritsto provide the resourcesfor your god of order.】
【二,凝练魔神神骸,提取神之血和神之骨,为你的秩序之神传承提供资源。】【3, look but not see , to continue to go forward, youcanmeetbettergodhuman bonein the road aheadself-confidently.】
【三,视而不见,继续前进,你自信能在前路上遇到更好的神骸。】Threeoptions, 3definitelydo not needto consider, the great strength of demongodis obvious to all, wantsto findthisbettergodhuman boneis too more difficult.
Article 1 the beliefdemongod, followingshowingdisappointedMu Youslightly.
第一条信仰魔神,后面的说明让沐游略微失望了一下。Heis also thinkingPhysique that had the dualbeliefs, canobtaininheritancequest of thesetwogodssimultaneously, butnowlooks like not good, the beliefcanbelieve the duplicate, butinheritsstill can only haveonetype.
他本来还想着有了双重信仰的体质,能不能同时获得这两个神的传承任务,但现在看来不行,信仰可以信双份,但传承依然只能有一种。In other words, thatdepartment of vice-belief, he can only learn/study the godtechnique of thatdepartmentandusesthatis the itemcomes the auxiliarylordbelief, butis unable to obtain the secondtype of godskindirectly.
也就是说,副信仰的那一系,他只能学习那一系的神术和使用那一系道具来辅助主信仰,而无法直接获得第二种神皮。Mu Youshakes the head, in this case, 1did not needto consider, the demongodwasverystrongright, butcomparedas ifalsoalmost the meaningwith the god of order, moreoverchose a price is also enormous, will makehimlosedaybreak the cityLordstatusdirectly, thiswasMu Youis unable to accept.沐游摇了摇头,这样的话,一也不用考虑了,魔神是很强没错,但和秩序之神比起来似乎还差点意思,而且选一的代价也极大,会直接让他失去黎明城主身份,这是沐游无法接受的。【Youchose the concisedemongodgodhuman bone!】
【你选择了凝练魔神神骸!】【Attention: Demongodgodhuman boneforhundred‚sevencrimefiendish people’havepresentprovide the energy, if the demongodgodhuman bonevanishes, then the towerwill go against the fiendish personfrom now on‚realgods’will disappear. Confirmed?】
【注意:魔神神骸在为百层的‘七罪魔王’具现提供能量,若魔神神骸消失,则今后塔顶魔王的‘真实神明’将消失。是否确认?】„Oh?”“哦?”Mu Youstares, will thisgodhuman boneaffect the towerwithstand/top the intensity of fiendish person?沐游一愣,这具神骸原来会影响到塔顶魔王的强度?
After concisegodhuman bone, the entry of fiendish personthatTrue Godtalentwill vanish.
凝练神骸后,魔王那条真神天赋的词条将消失。Do not look at the change, only thenthis, butthis is actually affects a biggestentryon the fiendish personstrength!
The True Godtalent, thatcanlet the fiendish personreallifeenlarges100timesby the dynamic energy.
真神天赋,正是那个能让魔王真实生命放大一百倍的被动能力。Withoutthistalent, the fiendish personaltogetheralsoon more than 80,000blood, compared with the fiendish people of 8 millionblood, the difficultyonereduceddid not knowmanytimes!
没有了这个天赋,那魔王总共也就八万多血,比起八百万血的魔王,难度一下降低了不知道多少倍!In additionthattentypescursed the help of itemspecially, when the time comes the player of thesea littlefoundation, had the opportunityentry......
再加上那十种特殊诅咒道具的帮助,到时候那些有点基础的玩家,就都有机会通关了……„Influenceis so big......”
“影响这么大啊……”Mu Youtouches the chin, perhapsthisestablished the fiendish persondifficultypersoninitially, wantsto delay the playerprogress the reason?沐游摸了摸下巴,或许这就是当初设置魔王难度的人,想要拖延玩家进度的理由?Oncethere is the firstpersonto pass the pass/test, followingbecause the difficultyplummets, soonhad the players of noisy crowdto followto go through customs.
一旦有第一个人通了关,后续就会因为难度骤降,很快有一窝蜂的玩家跟着通关。Buthenowiswith the specialmethod, ahead of timewere manydayto run away the chart, perhapsdisrupted the plan of person of establishmentfiendish persondirectly.
而他现在算是用特殊手段,提前很多天偷跑过了图,恐怕直接打乱了设置魔王之人的计划。What will thiscauseto change?
这会造成什么变化么?Mu Youhesitated, finallydecidesto fall the godhuman boneconcise.沐游沉吟了一下,最终还是决定凝练掉神骸。Without the means that herehesimplyhas not actually resulted inelects.
没办法,这里他其实根本没得选。BeforeMu Youhas noticed, hadotherpersonto attemptto steal the chartbesideshim, hisheredid not extract the demongod, ifthere is a successorto go through customs, took away the demongod, finally was the same, insteadwasheloses a preciousgodhuman bonein vain.
之前沐游已经注意到,除他之外还有另外的人在尝试偷图,他这里不提取掉魔神,万一有后来者通关,将魔神带走,结果还是一样,反而是他白白损失一具珍贵的神骸。Mu Youshakes the head, chose2.沐游摇了摇头,选择了二。【Youdecide the concisedemongodgodhuman bone!】
【你决定凝练魔神神骸!】【The authority of godbecause the demongodis controllingsevencrimes, when the concisegodhuman bone, youcanchoose a authoritybrand markondemongod'sbone, whenyouuses the demongod'sboneto promote itselfto inherit, this/shouldauthorityin the form of godtechnique, will becomepart of strengths of yourinheritance, but because is the externalauthority, this/shouldgodtechniqueis unable through the beliefpromotion, throughoutto maintainat the initialrank.】
【因为魔神掌控着七宗罪的神之权柄,在凝练神骸时,你可以选择将其中一种权柄烙印在魔神之骨上,当你用魔神之骨提升自身传承时,该权柄将以神术的形式,成为你的传承的一部分力量,但由于是外来权柄,该神术无法通过信仰提升,将始终保持在最初的等级。】【Do youchoose the brand mark?】
【你选择烙印?】Sevenoptions: 【The crime of anger】, 【The crime of envy】, 【The crime of guzzling】, 【Greedycrime】, 【The crime of lust】, 【Lazycrime】, 【Arrogantcrime】.
“咦?”Mu Youlooks atonehappily, originally can also carry off an ability of demongod!沐游看得一喜,原来还可以带走一个魔神的能力!God's the explanation of bone, Mu Youremembersveryclearly, canfusewithin the bodyrepeatedly, thuscontinuallypromotes the abilityupper limit of godskin.
神之骨的说明,沐游记得很清楚,可以多次融合进体内,从而不断提升神皮的能力上限。Nowheknows,originallygod'sbonealsohas the differentiation! Conciseordinarygods, whatobtainedis the ordinarygod'sbone, is equivalentonlypromotes the foundationattributeblank slateitem;Buthas the godbone of authorityconcise, besidesfoundationattribute, but also the skinwill attach an extraabilityto the god!
The bone of hisfirmlycalming downare not mostcanfusemanyroots, butdefinitelyhas an upper limit, is impossibleto promoteinfinitely, as the matter stands, the fusiongod'sbone of was very each time important.
The ordinarygod'sbonequantityis big, is easyto start, but the upper limitis very low. Ifable, god'sbone that naturallyallfuses the belt/bringauthorityis best, moreovertheseauthorityabilities, bestalsobe ablewith the originalinheritanceto achievesomecoordination, the thing that thesemustconsidermaytoobe many......
普通神之骨数量众多,容易入手,但上限很低。如果有能力的话,当然是全都融合成带权柄的神之骨最好,而且这些权柄能力,最好还能和原本的传承达成一些配合,这其中要考虑的东西可就太多了……Thinks ofhere, Mu Youtakes a fresh lookto the text.
想到这里,沐游重新看向文本。Sevenoptions, the abilities of sevencrimes, Mu Youalready in fiendish personhas experiencedto the war, butthatisunder13starsnearlyfullequal/match the ability, butherehe can only obtain the initialeffect.
七个选项,七宗罪的能力,沐游早已在和魔王的对战中体验过,不过那是13星下近乎满配的能力,而这里他只能获得初始效果。Mu Youfirstchosesevenoptionsone by one, has a look at the effect.沐游首先挨个将七个选项选择了一遍,看看效果。Really, sevenabilitieswere weaker than the original, for example the crime of anger, by1300mightcounter-attack, turned into100mightcounter-attack, for example the arrogantcrime, falls the bloodspeedagainby13000becomes every second every second1000points...... the basicallabilities, the effectallreduced below 1/10.
果然,七个能力都比原版弱了很多,比如愤怒之罪,由原本1300威力反击,变成了100威力反击,再比如傲慢之罪,掉血速度由每秒13000变为每秒1000点……基本所有的能力,效果全都降低到了十分之一以下。Thisoptionis important, Mu Youstoppedto considercarefully.
这个选项非常重要,沐游停下来仔细斟酌了一番。Firstinsevenabilitiesstrongestnaturallyis‚arrogantcrime’, the star classis lower thanhis1000pointsbuckles the blood every second, may be called the oppressivevegetable/dishmasterstroke/divine skill!
首先七个能力中最强的当然是‘傲慢之罪’,星级低于他的每秒1000点扣血,堪称虐菜神技!But the issueis, thisability is not able to distinguish friend and foe, becomes effectiveto the allied force, this was very awkward......
但问题是,这个能力是敌我不分的,对友军也生效,这就很尴尬了……Only ifdayghostLone Starlikefiendish person, always the alonewolf of singlecombat, cannot needto considerthisability the side effect, otherwise, as long as must coordinateto battlewithothers, thisabilitycannotelect.
除非是像魔王这样的天煞孤星,总是单人作战的独狼,才能不用考虑这能力的副作用,否则,但凡还要和别人配合作战,这个能力就不能选。In the remainingabilities, the crime and the lazycrimelustcompare, especiallyafter the star classreduces over 1/10, looks at the effectonly is also an ordinaryweakkind of godtechnique.
The crime of envyis actually good, the percentageburns the blood, is very easy-to-usefacingsomelifeultra-highenemies, butthisabilityneedsto coordinatewith the crime of guzzling, letting the enemyis unable to return to the blood, otherwiseyouburnquite a while the bloodslowly, enemycasualrestored the skillto come upto drawdirectlyfully.
嫉妒之罪倒是不错,百分比烧血,面对一些生命超高的敌人很好用,但这个能力需要和暴食之罪配合,让敌人无法回血,否则你慢悠悠的烧半天血,敌人随便一个恢复技能上去直接又拉满了。Onelooks, makingMu Youquitehesitant was only left over‚the crime of anger’and‚greedycrime’.
An effect of stargreedycrime, turnedforcedto capture the randomitem of sameopposite partywhencommencing of actionandassembles, after tenminutes , the automaticrestore, andstole the differentitemagain.
一星贪婪之罪的效果,变成了在战斗开始时强制夺取一样对方的随机道具并装配,十分钟后自动归还,并再次偷取另一样道具。Thiseffectcanachieve the coordinationwith the pocket watchactually, but the issueis, basically when facingplayereffective, facing the ordinarymonster, the item where does comerobstoyou?
这个效果倒是能和怀表达成配合,不过问题是,基本只有在面对玩家时有效,面对普通怪物,哪来的道具给你抢夺?Moreover, becausethisabilityisforcesto capture, was not controlledbyhim, oncewere known the effect, is very easyto aim, for exampleis placed a row of negativeitemin the bodyahead of time, after hesnatches the item, trades, such an abilitywellinsteadturned intoweakening.
而且,这个能力因为是强制夺取,不受他本人控制,一旦被人知道效果,就很容易被针对,比如提前在身上摆一排负面道具,等他抢完道具之后再换下来,这样一个好好的能力就反而变成了削弱。Contrasted, Mu Youchose‚the crime of anger’finally.
When is under the attackmaychooseby0%Pak Waistrengthcounter-attacksimmediately, cooldownfiveseconds.
遇到攻击时可选择以百分之百威力立刻反击,冷却五秒。Naturally, the premise that thisabilitytriggerswantshimfirstto withstand the attack, thereforeneedsfirstto preparesomeexemptionclassabilitiesor the items, aims attime that the enemyenlargesincurs, can the bigmove of constantrebound.
当然,这个能力触发的前提是要他先承受攻击,所以需要首先准备一些豁免类能力或道具,瞅准敌人放大招的时机,就可以将大招原封不动的反弹回去。Generally speaking, thisisonewithstrongly, with the weakweakability, isinsevenabilities, applicable scopebroadest, canchooseto start the time, deliberatelyaimed atvery muchdifficultly.
总的来说,这属于一个遇强则强,遇弱则弱的能力,同时也是七个能力中,适用范围最广的一个,可以自行选择发动时机,也很难被刻意针对。【Inconcisedemongodgodhuman bone......】
【凝练魔神神骸中……】【Concisesuccess! Youobtained‚god'sblood’ * 1, ‚demongod'sbone( anger)’ * 1.】
The entireconciseprocesscontinuedprobably for about a halfhour, that moment that finallygod'sflesh and bloodstarts, Mu Youlongrelaxing.
整个凝练过程大概持续了半小时左右,最后神之骨血入手的那一刻,沐游长长的松了口气。As the matter stands, his threeinheritedquestoneto completetwo, so long asthenfound the divine tool, canturn on the godskinofficially.
The Mu Youattentionreturnsto play, this momenttexthad not finished.沐游注意力回到游戏,此刻文本还没结束。【In the plainhall, the godbody of demongodvanisheswithout the trace, on the spotbecomesmore spacious.】
【古朴大厅中,魔神的神躯消失无踪,现场变得更加空旷。】【Youcontinueto the deep placeinvestigationgo, in another end of hall, discoveredtoabovenarrow winding path, a end of track, is exit|to speak of onemetersurrounding area, exitsabovehas the rayto transmitindistinctly, andis sending out the fragrance of somesoilandgreen grass.】
【你继续向深处探查而去,在大厅的另一端,发现了一条通往上方的羊肠小道,小道的尽头,则是一个一米方圆的出口,出口上方隐约有光线传来,并散发着一些泥土和青草的芬芳。】【Before youarrive at the exit|to speak, discovered that heregroundis standing erect an extinguishingoil lamp.】
【你走到出口前,发现这里的地上矗立着一盏熄灭的青灯。】【Directs the soullamp: The Foolancestordeposits one of the terrestrial referencesin the soul that the real worldleaves behind, depositsin which the soul, when you wandererin the real worlddied, making the soullantern festivalwander about destitute the soulhaulingoutsideto returnyou, spendscertaindivine naturerestoresoul, mayenableyouto resurrectonedaylater. But the process of restoresoulwill cause the irreversibledamagetoyou, makingyousmaller and weaker, when has the resurrectingstone, mayavoidlosing.】
【引魂灯:愚者先祖在真实世界留下的灵魂寄存地标之一,将灵魂寄存其中,当你在真实世界中闯荡死亡时,引魂灯会将你流落在外的灵魂牵引归来,花费一定的神性修复灵魂,可使你在一天后复活。但修复灵魂的过程会对你造成不可逆的损伤,使你变得更加弱小,持有复活石时,可避免损耗。】【Fool, before youhad arrived at the entrance of real world !】
【愚者,你已来到了真实世界的入口前!】【Goes out ofthisentrance, youwill go out of the swaddling clothes, steps into the real worldofficially. In the real world, all your non-realstrength and utensilsare unable to use, pleasemustbe overcautious, youherearesmallest and weakestexistence, here anything, hasto killyourpossibility!】
【走出这道入口,你将走出襁褓,正式踏入真实世界。在真实世界中,你所有的非真实之力和器物都将无法使用,请务必谨小慎微,你在这里是最弱小的存在,这里的任何事物,都有杀死你的可能!】【Warned: Examinesyounot to open the beliefsystem, at this timetreads the exit|to speak, will take the bigdeathrisk! Pleasemustlightendirects the soullamp, and ensure has the completeresurrectingstone, otherwisewhenbeyond the exit|to speakdied, yoursoulpermanentlywill dissipate!】
【警告:检测到你尚未开启信仰体系,此时踏出出口,将承担巨大的死亡风险!请务必点亮引魂灯,并确保持有完整的复活石,否则在出口外死亡时,你的灵魂将永久消散!】Lastwarningtext, withbright redsuch as the typeface of blood, even the entiregameframealsofollowedto turn intobright red, is all warninghim, thisis not cracking a joke, fromheregoing outcasualgoing outwave, will really die!
( This chapterends)
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