TTAGITP :: Volume #5

#421: Floor code

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Chapter 421 floor code 第421章底层代码 Strikes that moment of killing the fiendish person in Mu You, in the games of global all players, popped up the prompt. 沐游击杀魔王的那一刻,全球所有玩家的游戏中,也都弹出了提示。 【The tower of fiendish person formidable had been completed by No. 2459 formidable strikes to kill for the first time. Presently successfully strikes to kill fiendish people: 1 person.】 【勇者之塔魔王已被2459号勇者完成首次击杀。当前成功击杀魔王人数:一人。】 At this moment just crossed shortly after 4 : 00 pm, the opening instant of tower had ended, most players had left the tower, is gathering at the forum, is sharing the respective today's victory. 此刻刚过下午 4 点不久,塔的开启时间已经结束,大部分玩家都已经离开了塔,正聚集在论坛上,分享着各自今天的战果。 Finally suddenly jumps such a news to come, the forum exploded immediately. 结果忽然蹦出这么一条消息来,论坛顿时炸了。 Had the fiendish people, been captured unexpectedly? 魔王,居然已经被人攻略了? The detailed attribute of fiendish person, had been exploded this morning. 魔王的详细属性,在今天上午就已经被人爆了出来。 Not to mention that abnormal seven crime abilities, the light is that terrifying 8 million blood, then makes everyone has desperate sufficiently! 且不说那变态般的七宗罪能力,光是那恐怖的八百万血,便足以让所有人心生绝望! Almost all looked the person who that exposure pastes, recognized consistently this fiendish person is invincible, is impossible at least in a short time, even if in that post also mentioned making persistent efforts this blessing. 几乎所有看完那篇曝光贴的人,都一致认定这个魔王是不可战胜的,至少短时间内不可能,哪怕那贴子里也提到了‘再接再厉’这个祝福。 At noon today, is the well-known players who the data and captures to open the post to analyze specially, this cliff -type difficulty increase, can only show that does not want to make the player go through customs, even if there is this blessing, wants captures the fiendish person still at least to need several years later, saves enough the attack and defense of enough initial god, may pass. Therefore even has some prominent figure to open the post to make a bet specially, if some people can the entry fiendish person, his stream eat the cell phone in one year. 今天中午,很多专门做数据和攻略的知名玩家都已经开贴分析过,这种悬崖式的难度提升,只能说明根本就没想让玩家通关,即便有这个祝福在,想要攻略魔王也至少要几年后,积攒够了足够的初始神之攻防,才有可能通过。为此甚至有某位知名人物专门开贴打了赌,如果有人能在一年内通关魔王,他就直播吃手机。 However, this several hours later, these people all hit the face by . 然而,这才过了几个小时,这些人就全被打脸了。 Surrounds to eat the matter of cell phone to put for the time being, at this moment everyone is curious, are 2459 of this entry fiendish person, actually who? Completed such strong deeds, unexpectedly didn't say froths over? 围观吃手机的事情暂且一放,此刻所有人都在好奇,这位通关魔王的2459,究竟是谁?完成了这么强的事迹,居然也不说出来冒个泡? However this familiar number, lets some people recalled, to see a post before actually quickly: «2459, I am 1 st...... contact with me immediately, some important matters consulted 不过这个熟悉的数字,倒是很快让一些人回忆起了之前看到过的一个贴子:《2459,我是一号……立即联系我,有要事相商!》 This was bewildered at that time, lets the post that many people cannot understand, after the formidable tower opens becomes fair, because the tower of formidable does not demonstrate ID, only then the serial number, this type looked for the post level of person through the number recently poorly, mostly was struck to kill by another player in the tower, is not convinced, comes out approximately to put up. 这个当时莫名其妙,让很多人看不懂的贴子,在勇者塔开放后却变得合情合理,因为勇者之塔不显示ID,只有编号,最近这种通过号码找人的贴子可谓层不出穷,大多都是在塔内被另一个玩家击杀,不服气,出来约架的。 This post obviously is also the similar situation, but this post appears compared with formidable quest must early, explained that both litigants in post are one of the initial that batch of players, but contains the leading character who 2459 today announced! 这个贴子显然也是同样的情况,只不过这贴出现的比勇者任务还要早,说明贴子里的两个当事人都是最初的那批玩家之一,而其中就包含了今天公告的主人公2459! This does not know that was sunk to the post where goes, was dug the grave instantaneously, becomes today's popular post, the innumerable players flood into, who clutches crazily is pasting the lord to inquire 2459 is? Who is on the 1 st, with the big shot who since dares to pass the fiendish person speaks the last words, that definitely is not an average person. 这个不知道被沉到哪里去的贴子,瞬间被人挖坟了出来,成为了今天的热帖,无数玩家涌入,疯狂揪着贴主询问2459到底是谁?一号又是谁,既然敢跟首通魔王的大佬叫板,那肯定也不是普通人。 At this moment in the Indonesian area, Hall three people of post that watches at the forum suddenly explode in popularity, is a face compels ignorant. 此刻在印尼地区,哈尔三人看着论坛上突然爆火的贴子,也是一脸懵逼。 Their three were gathering together a moment ago, met to deliberate how to defeat 2459 in the opening, finally suddenly received in the game the news of 2459 entry fiendish people. 刚才他们三个正聚在一起,开会研讨着如何在开局打败2459呢,结果忽然就收到了游戏中2459通关魔王的消息。 Hall and Casanova look at each other one, looks to nearby black person old man. 哈尔和卡萨诺瓦对视一眼,纷纷看向一旁的黑人老者。 But Ayzac is speechless at this moment, on face sometimes red sometimes white, the expression is particularly splendid. 而艾扎克此刻无话可说,脸上时红时白,表情分外精彩。 Sees fiendish person attribute that moment this morning, Ayzac has tacitly approved the entry fiendish person at least to need one year or so, he will have enough time in the future and 2459 displays their wisdom and bravery, finally who can think, their contracts must announce the end quickly...... 在今早看到魔王属性的那一刻,艾扎克已经默认通关魔王至少需要一年半载,他将来还有足够的时间和2459斗智斗勇,结果谁能想到,他们的契约这么快就要宣告终结了…… Recovers, in three will of the people also had the same issue: Actually is this person who? 回过神来,三人心里也都冒出了同一个问题:这人究竟是谁? Can the entry fiendish person, have this strength, definitely is the world's strongest that several people!” Hall said. “能通关魔王,有这种实力的,肯定是世界上最强的那几个人!”哈尔说。 But is so strong, simultaneously such low-key...... fears, having ghost ship was long?” Casanova did not say definite. “但这么强,同时又这么低调的……恐怕,只有幽灵船长了吧?”卡萨诺瓦不确定的说。 These world-known experts, basically are the leaders of major influences, such expert obtains this honor, even if they do not care, their influences will still definitely bring to indulge in unbridled propaganda that because this matter regarding promoting the fame and prestigious advantage of organization is enormous. 那些世界知名的高手,基本都是各大势力的领头人物,这样的高手得到这种荣誉,就算他们本人不在意,他们的势力也肯定会拿来大肆宣扬的,因为这种事情对于提升组织的名气和威望好处极大。 At present in their known experts, only then ghost ship has not been clear about the influence steadily, besides the occasional system circular, has not publicized own score on own initiative, is quite low-key. 目前他们已知的高手中,只有幽灵船长没有明确势力,除了偶尔的系统通告外,从来没有主动宣扬过自己的战绩,相当低调。 But this moment this 2459 does not have the expert to stand to accept until now, this lets many people subconscious locked on the ghost ship length, this was this consistent attitude. 而此刻这位2459直到现在都没有高手站出来认领,这让很多人下意识的就锁定到了幽灵船长身上,这正是这位一贯的作风。 Cannot......” “不会吧……” The black person old man complexion is very unbelievable, simultaneously inexplicable has somewhat being honored, his so many days later, been also clamoring with this big shot? 黑人老者脸色很是难以置信,同时又有些莫名的荣幸,原来他这么多天下来,一直是在跟这位大佬叫嚣? Is three people guesses 2459 status with the forum in various types incessantly, at this moment in the city Lord group that Mu You creates, several cities Lord are also discussing this matter. 不止是三人和论坛上在各种猜测2459的身份,此刻在沐游创建的城主群中,几个城主也都在讨论这件事。 Holmes: ghost ship is long. The big god, are 2459 you? 福尔摩斯:幽灵船长。大神,2459是你吗? Hell Baron: With asking, should be the big god, otherwise I could not think of other possibilities. 地狱男爵:同问,应该就是大神吧,不然我想不到其他可能了。 Solomon: Really fierce! I bring the initial divine tool also to arrive at 90 at present, 90 boss were too difficult, 100 fiendish people do not dare to imagine! 所罗门:真的厉害!我带着初始神器目前也才走到90层,90层的boss太难了,100层的魔王更是不敢想象! Blue beard:? 蓝胡子:? Blue beard: Crap, Solomon have you gotten so far as the divine tool? Where comes? 蓝胡子:我靠,所罗门你已经弄到神器了?哪来的? sacred light Nana: Speech Versailles. 圣光娜娜:发言过于凡尔赛。 Solomon: Hehe, by luck, lucky...... 所罗门:嘿嘿,侥幸,侥幸而已…… Holmes: Hasn't the big god returned? 福尔摩斯:大神怎么没回啊? Hell Baron: That and that's the end, just killed the fiendish person mostly, certainly also some lot of following contents must be busy processing. 地狱男爵:那多半就是了,刚杀完魔王,肯定还有很多后续内容要忙着处理。 Blue beard: What also guesses? Directly asks that the younger sister didn't know? 蓝胡子:还猜个啥?直接问问妹子不就知道了吗? Blue beard: Simple and elegant Shuxiang. The younger sister, are 2459 the ghost ship long big shot not? 蓝胡子:清雅淑香。妹子,2459是幽灵船长大佬不? Simple and elegant Shuxiang: Should...... be...... 清雅淑香:啊,应该……是的吧…… In the pet shop, Little Ya raised the head, looks at the eye to sit in Mu You that the window closed eyes to sit in meditation, some indefinite reply. 宠物店里,小雅抬头,看了眼坐在窗边闭目打坐的沐游,有些不确定的回复。 Mu You has not said to her the specific number actually in tower, but she knows probably is in 2000-3000, because she is also the similar number. 沐游倒是没跟她说过自己在塔内的具体号码,不过她大概知道是2000-3000之内,因为她也是差不多的号码。 Hell Baron: Really! 地狱男爵:果然! Holmes: Really is the big god! The big god extracts to capture/raid! 福尔摩斯:还真是大神!大神求出个攻略啊! sacred light Nana: With asking to capture/raid, I also want to take a look at the scenery that the tower withstand/top! 圣光娜娜:同求攻略,我也想看看塔顶的风景! Emperors: + 1. 天子:。 ...... …… In the city Lord group several people in Heyte Mu You, what a pity Mu You have no free time to pay attention radically, at this moment he also in reorganization just text. 城主群里几个人都在艾特沐游,可惜沐游根本没空理会,此刻他还在整理刚刚的文本。 Went through customs the tower, obtained Fool status?” “通关了塔,获得了‘愚者’身份?” Mu You looks at this prompt, is somewhat strange. 沐游看着这一条提示,有些奇怪。 All players from entering the game are Fool, but after this moment this prompt, his panel and game interface has not had any change...... 所有玩家从进游戏就是愚者,而此刻这条提示之后,他的面板和游戏界面也没有出现任何变化…… In other words, perhaps this reward does not give the player to prepare, but prepares to other Astral Spirit Realm local residents. If there is the indigenous people beside player to go through customs this tower, will become Fool? 也就是说,这一条奖励或许并不是给玩家准备的,而是给其他星灵界的本土居民准备的。如果有玩家之外的原住民能够通关这座塔,就会成为愚者 In addition under that tower of server Fool showing, here name turned into Fool the tower, rather than the tower of formidable. 再加上下面那一条‘愚者之塔服务器’的说明,这里的名字变成了‘愚者’之塔,而不是勇者之塔。 Mu You guessed immediately, this can be the Fool initial origin? 沐游顿时猜测,这会不会就是愚者最初的起源? Perhaps in the previous era, Fool this race, until one day, ordinary Astral Spirit Realm indigenous people, had not gone through customs this tower, obtained the Fool bloodlines, becomes the first Fool first ancestor, obtained the clothing skin and camouflages the abilities of others. 在上个纪元,或许本来并没有‘愚者’这个种族,直到某一天,一个普通的星灵界原住民,通关了这座塔,获得了愚者血脉,成为了第一个愚者始祖,也获得了穿戴皮肤和伪装成其他人的能力。 Afterward, this person mobilizes more people to try the crawling tower, therefore the increasing number of people become Fool, after having certain base number, Fool then becomes a race gradually...... 随后,这个人发动更多人来尝试爬塔,于是越来越多的人成为愚者,有了一定的基数之后,愚者这才渐渐成为一个种族…… However, here wrote plainly is tower of server No. 2 Fool, that definitely also has No. 1 server, even the servers of other numbers. 不过,这里写明了是‘二号愚者之塔服务器’,那肯定就还有一号服务器,甚至其他号码的服务器。 So long as adopted the test of random server, will become Fool? 只要通过了任意服务器的考验,就会成为愚者 Mu You is indefinite temporarily , to continue to look downward. 沐游暂时不确定,继续往下看去。 Then is that manager status. 接下来是那个‘管理员’身份。 Top right-hand corner Mu You this time game interface, had presented one manager module. 沐游此时的游戏界面右上角,已经出现了一个‘管理员’模块。 After the point opens, inside is a writing panel that filled plenty of contents, began several lines to introduce jurisdiction that he had. 点开之后,里面是一个填充了大量内容的文字面板,开头几行介绍了他拥有的权限。 Matter that can do mainly centralized in this inside the tower, mainly has four. 能做的事主要都集中在这座塔里,主要有四项。 1st, he can change the name and quest form of this tower now at any time. 一,他现在可以随时更改这座塔的名字和任务形式。 The tower of formidable, the formidable fights fiendish person anything, is actually the previous generation manager establishes, lets that time the content of person easier understanding, he can definitely change seven dwarves to save Snow White now or bottle gourd kid saves grandfather such background story. 勇者之塔,勇者斗魔王什么的,其实都是上一代管理员设置的,让那个时代的人更容易理解的内容,他现在完全可以更改成‘七个小矮人救白雪公主’或者‘葫芦娃救爷爷’这样的背景故事。 Simultaneously in tower all text lines and monster contours, can edit the establishment, for example he can establish snake essence small hand/subordinate various inside the tower small strangely, no matter called what long anything appearance, monster's star class and difficulty are unable to change. 同时塔内所有的文本台词和怪物外形,也都是可以编辑设置的,比如他可以把塔里各种小怪设置成蛇精手下的小喽啰,不过不管叫什么长什么样子,怪物本身的星级和难度无法更改。 2nd, he can change the foundation establishments of tower of some Fool, for example daily opening instant wait/etc. Meanwhile he can also produce formidable badge at any time, is the admission ticket of tower, and decides to provide to anyone. 二,他可以修改一些愚者之塔的基础设置,比如每日开启时间等等。同时他还可以随时生成‘勇者徽章’,也就是塔的入场券,并决定发放给谁。 3rd, manager title. After having the manager status, a biggest advantage, will be he not again by these silent beasts, the time guards and others smoke beast biological attack, even if he will make violates the rule the matter, these smoke beasts will not chase down him again, because he now is person on one's own side. 三,管理员头衔本身。拥有管理员身份后,一个最大的好处,就是他不会再被那些静默兽、时间守卫等‘烟兽’生物袭击了,即便他做出一些违反规则的事,这些烟兽也不会再来追杀他,因为他现在已经是‘自己人’。 In other words, now Mu You can disregard these silent beasts, momentarily frank and upright enters in the silent library to glance through the book collection. 也就是说,现在沐游可以无视那些静默兽,随时光明正大的走进静默图书室里翻阅藏书。 4 th, is most important one, Mu You can now clear sees 100 heavy inside the tower each checkpoint detailed designs. 四,也是最重要的一条,沐游现在可以清晰的看到一百重塔里每一层的关卡详细设计。 Among all items drop rate and various events closely related, trigger condition probability wait/etc, completely under uses the clarity of exhaustive writing description. 包括所有道具的爆率、各种事件之间相互关联、触发条件概率等等,全部都在下方用详尽的文字描述的清清楚楚。 For example, he saw including incantation resentful baby and humble discipline the ten curse items, hidden in the tower various, clarity that the effect and position of each type of item, and activation condition labels, so long as theoretically all hangs these ten types of items on the fiendish person, can significantly weaken the strength of fiendish person, making the entry simple. 比如,他看到了包括‘咒怨娃娃’和‘谦逊戒律’在内的十种诅咒道具,隐藏在塔内各层,每种道具的效果、位置、以及激活条件都标注的清清楚楚,理论上只要把这十种道具全挂在魔王身上,就能大大削弱魔王的实力,使通关变得简单。 But the fiendish person died after each time, these items will return in the tower to hide, waits for the player to excavate, all assembled them next time...... 只不过每次魔王死亡后,这些道具又会重新回到塔内隐藏起来,等待着玩家下一次将它们发掘、聚齐…… In brief, the so exhaustive content, cannot with capturing/raiding anything described, this was equal to directly the floor code demonstration before him! 总之,如此详尽的内容,已经不能用‘攻略’什么的来形容了,这等于直接把底层代码展示在了他面前! What a pity, these floor codes can only look, is unable to revise. 可惜,这些底层代码只能看,无法修改。 After looking at manager interface, Mu You returns to game interface. 看完管理员界面之后,沐游回到游戏界面 Then is the next reward: A your causes and effects line connected automatically created the mountain. 接下来是下一条奖励:你的一根因果线自动接入了创界之山。 Causes and effects line......” “因果线……” Mu You saw that this noun selects the eyebrow. 沐游看到这个名词一挑眉。 Causes and effects line thing , he only then in the divination, can see through the mind angle of view. 因果线这东西,他只有在占卜的时候,通过心眼视角可以看到。 Thinks of here, Mu You puts down the cell phone, holds the breath with rapt attention, closed the eye, opened the mind angle of view. 想到这里,沐游放下手机,屏息凝神,闭上了眼睛,开启了心眼视角。 Under the mind angle of view, the world turned into dusky one piece, simultaneously he and Little Ya dormancy dormancy and other bodies of several people, have massive colored lines to emit, the mutual entanglement, some each other are connected, some emitted outward, vanishes beyond the field of vision. 在心眼视角下,世界变成了灰蒙蒙一片,同时他和小雅眠眠等周围几个人的身上,都有着大量的彩色线条冒出,互相纠缠,有的彼此相连,有的向外冒出,消失在了视界之外。 But after Mu You this time opens the mind, actually noticed immediately. 沐游这次打开心眼后,却立即注意到了其中一条。 That is a green line, reason that is conspicuous, because of its color obviously compared with other line bright sturdy many, if other lines are the dashed line, that this is the solid line. 那是一条绿色的线条,之所以显眼,是因为它的颜色明显比其他线条明亮粗壮的多,如果说其他线条都是虚线的话,那这一根就是实线。 Mu You confirmed immediately, this causes and effects line should be that in the text mentioned. 沐游当即确认,这一根因果线应该就是文本中提到的那一根了。 Mu You tried to connect this online energetic, finally discovered that his consciousness can follow this line to go forward unexpectedly, even can be separated from the mind field of vision the range! 沐游尝试了一下将精神连接到这根线上,结果发现他的意识居然可以跟着这根线前进,甚至可以脱离出心眼视界的范围! In text said this line connection on creating the mountain, in other words, I, so long as follows this line to trace, can go directly to so-called creates mountain?” “文本中说这根线连接在创界之山上,也就是说,我只要跟着这根线追踪下去,就可以直达所谓的‘创界之山’?” Mu You makes the consciousness follow this line to walk randomly immediately. 沐游当即让意识跟随这根线游走。 The length of this line went to the inconceivable situation, in in the air twists unceasingly circles, the consciousness of Mu You follows the line, like roller coaster generally up and down bumpy, the direction as deep as a well. 这根线的长度达到了不可思议的地步,在空中不断地扭曲盘旋,沐游的意识跟随线条,如同过山车一般上下颠簸,方向难以捉摸。 Mu You disregards, gets to the bottom along the line, among electric current that one group of nerve synapses walks randomly, the speed is getting more and more fast...... 沐游不管不顾,一路沿着线条追根溯源,宛如一团神经突触间游走的电流,速度越来越快…… Has not known how long, the consciousness of Mu You arrived at the end of this line finally! 不知过了多久,沐游的意识终于来到了这根线的尽头! That is an extremely huge spheroid, is wrapped clew that’ becomes by the dense and numerous data characters and various distortion lines, the consciousness of Mu You before it, just like an ant to stand in front of Sun general tiny, among content is complex to letting Mu You shakes one on the situation that the mind shakes. 那是一个极为庞大的球体,由密密麻麻的数据字符和各种扭曲线条包裹而成的‘线团’,沐游的意识在它面前,犹如一只蚂蚁站在太阳面前一般渺小,其内的内容更是复杂到让沐游晃一眼就心神震荡的地步。 Mu You will quickly realize from clew on puts aside, at this moment end of his causes and effects line takes root on this huge incomparable spheroid, Mu You makes the consciousness be separated from the causes and effects line, walks randomly along the spheroid surface, discovered that also has with and his causes and effects line similar line, appears from void in all directions, takes root in the spheroid surface. 沐游急忙将意识从‘线团’上移开,此刻他因果线的尾端就扎根在这颗庞大无比的球体上,沐游让意识脱离因果线,沿着球体表面游走,发现还有很多跟和他因果线类似的线条,从四面八方的虚空中浮现,扎根在球体表面。 These line majorities are the blue color, few parts are the red, are extremely few part, only has more than ten appearances probably, with his same green, combines in numerous red and blue lines, is extremely common. 这些线条大部分是蓝色的,少部分是红色的,还有极少一部分,大概只有十几根的样子,是和他一样的绿色,混杂在众多红蓝线条之中,极不起眼。 Mu You found to his recent one green line on, immediately attempts to walk randomly to go toward another end along this green line. 沐游找到了离他最近的一根‘绿线’上,随即尝试沿着这根绿线往另一端游走而去。 Then is the roller coaster journey, after high and low fluctuating got to the bottom for dozen minutes, Mu You arrived at the end of this green line finally. 接下来又是一路的过山车旅程,在上下起伏的追根溯源了十几分钟后,沐游终于来到了这根绿线的尽头。 Presents before him is actually one group of pitch-dark spaces, seems like sinks in the water, all around in gurgle gurgle bubbling. 呈现在他面前的却是一团黑漆漆的空间,又像是沉在水里,四周在咕嘟咕嘟冒泡。 When Mu You prepares where disperses the consciousness to investigate this is, in the end of this green line, suddenly opened an eye, stares toward Mu You! 就在沐游准备发散意识探查一下这是哪里的时候,在这根绿线的尽头,忽然睁开了一双眼睛,朝沐游瞪来! This then makes the Mu You spirit surge, consciousness uncontrolled by several hundred times of speed high-speed back controlling instrnments, suddenly then returned to that sphere on, later by quicker speed retroversion to main body on. 这一眼便让沐游精神激荡,意识不受控制的以几百倍的速度快速回退,眨眼便回到了那颗‘圆球’上,随后又以更快的速度回退到了本体身上。 In the pet shop, Mu You opened the eye fiercely, only feels the forehead to sweat, somewhat surprised uncertain. 宠物店中,沐游猛地睁开了眼,只感觉额头冒汗,有些惊疑不定。 He can determine, a moment ago that was an eye of human...... in other words, was that person another manager? 他可以确定,刚才那是一个人类的眼睛……也就是说,那人是另一个‘管理员’? With his same manager, really has many? 和他一样的管理员,竟然有很多个? ...... …… Meanwhile, in another side, in some jet black gloomy mysterious space. 与此同时,在另一边,某个漆黑阴暗的神秘空间里。 Well?” In the peaceful spacious space, the old sound resounds together suddenly. “咦?”安静空旷的空间中,一道苍老的声音忽然响起。 What's wrong?” Not far away another voice opens the mouth, can listen similarly old. “怎么了?”不远处另一个声音开口,同样能听出年迈。 Some people of sounds that went through customs No. 2 server......” just to start said. “有人通关二号服务器了……”刚开始的声音说。 What?” “什么?” This is impossible!” “这不可能!” This time is the first even/including several surprised sounds, transmits from hall each direction. 这次是一连几道惊疑声,从大厅各个方向传来。 „The difficulty of fiendish person is we have experimented personally, according to difficulty that we designed initially, even if again limit, at least takes over one year to be possible some people to pass!” “那魔王的难度可是我们亲自试验过的,按照我们当初设计的难度,哪怕再极限,也至少需要一年以上才有可能有人通过!” Right, the tower of formidable then just opened for several days, now is absolutely impossible to pass!” “没错,勇者之塔这才刚开了几天,现在绝无可能通过!” But the fact some people of sound sighs that went through customs......” most started had said. “但事实就是已经有人通关了……”最开始的声音叹息说。 „......” “……” Other person of silence, they naturally also clear, will not definitely crack a joke with this matter, but really cannot believe how to emit such odd player suddenly? 其他人默然,他们当然也清楚,肯定不会拿这种事情开玩笑,只是实在不敢相信,怎么会突然冒出这么离谱的玩家来? That then what to do? The belief system we may also perhaps arrange......” “那接下来怎么办?信仰系统我们可还没准备好……” After silent dozens seconds, finally the person asked. 沉默了数十秒后,终于有一人问了出来。 Does not have the means that speeds up the progress full power, during a period of one week, must get online......” initial sound, helpless said. “没办法,全力加快进度吧,一周之内,必须上线……”最初的声音无奈道。 Was too quick?” A person of subconscious question, the original belief system should appear in six months, now the overall strength of player also that level, gets online now is equal to spoiling by trying is too helpful. “太快了吧?”一人下意识质疑,原本的信仰系统应该在半年之后才会出现,如今玩家的整体实力还不到那个层次,现在就上线等于拔苗助长。 you feels quick, but they will not wait for you. Had the manager, will then soon have the increasing number of people to pass, without the belief system, making them bring death?” “伱觉得快,但他们可不会等你。有了管理员,接下来很快就会有越来越多的人通过,没有信仰体系,让他们去送死么?” This, good......” “这,好吧……” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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