TTAGITP :: Volume #5

#418: Day dog food moon/month

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Chapter 418 day dog food moon/month 第418章天狗食月 „Oh?” Mu You selects the eyebrow. “哦?”沐游一挑眉。 Other day news that Solomon inquired, was that desert emperor, Leidasi · Caesar's information. 上回托所罗门打探的消息,也就是那个沙漠皇帝,雷达斯·恺撒的情报。 This news possible...... not too credible......” Solomon to follow close on was supplementing, hinted Mu You to be mentally prepared. “不过这消息可能……不太靠谱……”所罗门紧跟着又补充了一句,示意沐游做好心理准备。 Good, first said.” Mu You typing. “好,先说说。”沐游打字。 Is daybreak city ordinary players reports to give me, this player did to deliver goods recently quest near the azure rock desert, has obtained an information from a roaming reading poems population: In the scarlet desert of next door, one group of sand Feixin established one Caesar god, it is said believed in once mysterious missing desert Great Emperor Leidasi Caesar, is attracting numerous the believer, planned to teach the funds broadly.” “是一个破晓城普通玩家汇报给我的,这个玩家最近在青岩沙漠附近做送货任务,从一个游吟诗人口中得到过一个情报:隔壁的猩红沙漠中,一伙沙匪新成立了一个‘恺撒神教’,据说信奉曾经神秘失踪的沙漠大帝雷达斯恺撒,正在广招教徒,广筹教款。” According to their views, Emperor Caesar had not died, but was stranded in the god country served the gods, so long as raises enough teaching funds, can liberate Caesar, at the appointed time Caesar Great Emperor will lead his desert regiment to return to the world, and sweeps the mainland, rules entire Astral Spirit Realm, at the appointed time all people who have provided the fund, will be cannozed as General Great Emperor of own health/guard, henceforth the glory, splendor, riches and honor, makes a rapid career advance......” “根据他们的说法,恺撒皇帝并没有死亡,而是被困在了神国中侍奉神明,只要筹措出足够的教款,就可以解放恺撒,届时恺撒大帝将会率领他的沙漠军团重归人世,并扫荡大陆,统治整个星灵界,届时所有提供过资金的人,都会被册封为大帝的亲卫将军,从此荣华富贵,飞黄腾达……” Solomon hit two to explain. 所罗门打了两段说明过来。 After Mu You looks , the complexion is actually a strangeness. 沐游看后脸色却是一阵古怪。 How does this...... listen to be a bit like the pyramid scheme organization?” “这……怎么听着有点像传销组织?” Coughing...... I also feels is, therefore is not quite credible, perhaps was the acrobatics that one group of sand bandit joined up to cheat out of money......” Solomon sent a crazy expression, this information he looked also feels the odd excess, but the big god told personally, had the information always to say. “咳……我也觉得是,所以说不太靠谱,或许就是一伙沙匪联合起来骗钱的把戏……”所罗门发了个狂汗的表情,这个情报他一看也觉得离谱的过分,不过大神亲口吩咐的,有了情报总不能不说。 Many thanks, continued to help me pay attention to this Caesar's news troublesome.” The Mu You typing thanked one. “多谢了,麻烦继续帮我留意着这个恺撒的消息。”沐游打字感谢了一句。 Pen related to order, no matter this group of people are the swindlers, so long as news real, he must confirm. 事关秩序之笔,不管这伙人是不是骗子,只要消息是真的,他就得去确认一下。 However is not now, at present his thoughts mainly centralized in the tower of formidable. 不过不是现在,眼下他的心思主要还是集中在勇者之塔上。 If the ordinary player, on 100, with all rewards, remained a fiendish person not to be victorious, actually could be accomplished a lot, the remaining fiendish people do not need to worry, wait for the time to pile up slowly, when the attribute one enough pushes directly horizontally then. 如果是普通玩家,上到了一百层,拿完了所有奖励,就剩一个魔王打不过,其实已经可以算是功德圆满了,剩下的魔王不用着急,等着时间慢慢堆积,待属性一够直接横推即可。 But Mu You is not good, because he comes the tower of initial goal formidable, is not completes the main line with the reward, but is looks for the demon god god human bone. 沐游却不行,因为他来勇者之塔最初的目的,可不是来完成主线拿奖励的,而是来找魔神神骸的。 Now nearby the tower of formidable had shown one's true nature upwards, the sign of does not have any demon god body by the players, then biggest possibility, god human bone on conceals in this inside the tower, only then went through customs this fiendish person, he might find the god human bone. 现在勇者之塔附近已经被玩家们翻了个底朝天,没有任何魔神尸体的迹象,那么最大的可能,那神骸还是就藏在这塔里,只有通关了这个魔王,他才有可能找到神骸。 Does not have the issue, minor matter!” Solomon is busy at vouching. “没问题,小事一桩!”所罗门忙打包票。 Immediately looks Mu You said then wants the winding, his hurried opens the mouth. 随即看着沐游说了一声便要下线,他急忙开口。 Yeah, big god wait/etc......” “哎,大神等等……” What's wrong?” “怎么?” That what, I want to consult, about god human bone gains, what clue do you have?” This is the question that Solomon wants to ask today truly. “那个啥,我想请教一下,关于神骸的获取,您有没有什么头绪?”这才是所罗门今天真正想问的问题。 After the unlocking inherited quest, then bears the brunt is seeks for the divine tool and god human bone, the divine tool says, money scatters, the world looks and that's the end, so long as still in Astral Spirit Realm, can always find. 解锁了传承任务后,接下来首当其冲的就是寻找神器和神骸,神器好说,钱撒下去,叫人满世界找就是了,只要还在星灵界,总能找到。 What is difficult is the god human bone, this thing average person listens not to listen, even Astral Spirit Realm not necessarily exists, Solomon absolutely does not have the clue, how should start not to know, can only consult Mu You. 难的是神骸,这东西一般人听都没听过,甚至星灵界都不一定存在,所罗门也是完全没有头绪,连该怎么下手都不知道,只能来请教沐游 Naturally, he was also clear that this thing among their city lords is the competitive relations, he will also be hopeless Mu You to tell him directly, as soon as will have the position of god human bone, so long as can direct the direction to him, making him know how should start was enough. 当然,他也清楚这个东西他们城主之间属于竞争关系,他也没指望沐游会直接告诉他一具神骸的位置,只要能给他指点一下方向,让他知道该怎么下手就行了 God human bone......” “神骸么……” Mu You thinks, has not concealed, the opposite party helps him collect the information of divine tool conscientiously, he covers-up again appears does not uphold justice. 沐游想了想,也没隐瞒,对方这么尽心尽力的帮他搜集神器的情报,他再藏着掖着显得不仗义。 Therefore he on that day in the god human bone clue that in the silent books searched, besides retaining the situation in tower of formidable, other informed Solomon. 所以他将那天在静默图书室内搜查出的神骸线索,除了保留下了勇者之塔的情况外,其他的都告知了所罗门。 „After the fairy clan, dwarf and foreign territory......” Solomon listen, is quite shocking. That two famous race did not say that but foreign territory name, he is the first time heard, the Mu You popular science, he does not know now also has this place! 精灵族、矮人、外域……”所罗门听完后颇为震惊。那两个有名的种族就不说了,但外域这个名字,他还是头一次听说,要不是沐游科普,他现在都不知道还有这种地方! In the fairy clan and dwarf race the remains of gods, you did not need to think, the difficulty and side effect that wants to start were too big, we can consider that seeks for the entrance of foreign territory, so long as found the random entrance, had the opportunity to excavate the lost corpse.” Mu You said. 精灵族、矮人这种族内神明的遗体,你就不用想了,想入手的难度和副作用都太大,我们能考虑的,就是寻找外域的入口,只要找到任意一个入口,就有机会发掘出神尸。”沐游说。 Got it, many thanks big god!” Solomon is suddenly enlighted, quickly thanked again and again, this information was self-evident to his value. “明白了,多谢大神!”所罗门恍然大悟,急忙连连感谢,这情报对他的价值不言而喻。 After finishing chatted, Solomon then with great speed arranged the subordinate, started to seek for the foreign territory entrance was. 结束聊天后,所罗门便火速安排了手下人,开始寻找外域入口的所在。 ...... …… Master walks slowly!” “主人慢走!” Late at night, Cola sits well in the onstage, incurs beckoning with the hand of wealth cat likely, gazed after Fua to follow Little Ya to leave the pet shop, goes dwelling that gave her to prepare. 深夜,可乐端坐在前台,像招财猫似的摆着手,目送着芙娅跟随小雅离开了宠物店,前往给她准备的住处。 Cola maintains the movement that the smile is beckoning with the hand, until seeing its master form vanishes after the corner thoroughly, it then relaxes, jumped down the table with great speed, before arriving at the computer, in on the keyboard is pressing, simultaneously fast passes message toward entrance Mu You. 可乐保持着微笑摆手的动作,直到眼看着它主人身影彻底消失在街角后,它这才放松下来,火速跳下了桌子,来到电脑前,在键盘上噼里啦按着,同时飞快的朝门口的沐游传音。 Mu You, plays quickly taking advantage of my cell phone, this week enters the match, did not hit me to fall the level......” 沐游,快借我手机玩玩,这周晋级赛,再不打我要掉级了……” After two minutes, Cola achieved wishes attained the cell phone from Mu You, downloaded the game fast, fought bravely in the game, while vision also once for a while looked to the animated cartoon that in the computer broadcast, cat claw even/including Dan, went to war compared with the frontline also busily. 两分钟后,可乐如愿以偿的从沐游手里拿到了手机,快速下载好了游戏,一边在游戏中奋战,一边目光还时不时的看向电脑中播放的动画片,猫爪连弹,比前线打仗还忙碌。 Mu You by looks at the special skill that it keeps one eye on the onstage, speechless say/way: Or did you lay cards on the table with your master?” 沐游靠在前台看着它一心二用的特技,无语道:“要不你跟你主人摊牌得了?” This goods under the supervision of Fua, endure patiently one not to contact the electronic device today all day, at this time is at the stage of retaliatory compensation. 这货今天在芙娅的监督下,忍耐了一整天没有接触电子设备,此时正处于报复性补偿的阶段。 Thinks after it, every day has wanted this pretentious life, Mu You is uncomfortable for it. 一想到它以后每天都要过这种装模作样的生活,沐游都替它难受。 That is not good, I cannot affect me to advocate the glorious image in person heart in me!” Cola said. “那不行,我不能影响我在我主人心中的光辉形象!”可乐说。 Mu You shows the whites of the eyes, deliberately considered you, in you lord in the person heart, what glorious image has yo? Raised you seven years of person, what welldoing but can also not know in your bone is? 沐游翻了个白眼,寻思伱在你主人心中,到底有个啥光辉形象呦?养了你七年的人,还能不知道你骨子里是个什么德行? Turns head, Mu You has not managed it, took the record book to go to the zoo backpack to take inventory a pet. 回过头来,沐游也没管它,拿着记录册去动物园背包里清点了一下宠物。 Over the two days Lin Xue went home to recuperate, in the shop was out of business, without the guest threw feeds, the animals went well feeding to feed the water. 这两天林雪回家休养,店里关门歇业,没有客人投喂,动物们都得手动喂食喂水。 These takes inventory, Mu You a little thought of frog actually. 这一番清点下来,沐游倒是有点想念青蛙子了。 The frog son only iced the bluish green to go out to fool around with that was so long, did not say that brought a letter toward the family/home...... is good on the familiar column from panel, Mu You knows that it was safe. 蛙儿子跟那只冰蓝青已经出去鬼混了这么久,也不说往家捎个信……好在从面板上的使魔栏,沐游知道它还是安全的。 Mu You does not seek after that treasure that it plunders, but is...... this goods does not come back, family's wonderful frog seed soon sold-out...... 沐游倒也不是贪图它搜刮回来的那点宝物,而是……这货再不回来,家里的妙蛙种子快要卖完了…… A night does not have the words. 一夜无话。 Next morning, Fua compared with Little Ya earlier came to the shop. 第二天一早,芙娅小雅更早的来了店里。 Enters the first matter of shop, is calls Mu You to draw her to join the city of daybreak , indicating her to under city dungeon. 进店的第一件事,就是招呼沐游拉她加入黎明之城,表示她要刷地下城副本 „Didn't you look for your parents?” “你不去找你父母了?” Mu You complexion strange looks at the dark pouche on Fua face, has a look at the under foot to install the spirit again, is actually standing napping Cola. 沐游脸色古怪的看着芙娅脸上的黑眼圈,再看看脚下强装精神,其实在站着打盹的可乐 Because is unable to contact the cell phone during the daytime, Cola brushed a evening's animation game last night all night. 因为白天无法接触手机,可乐昨晚可是通宵刷了一晚上的动漫游戏。 Now looks at the Fua appearance, similar, it is estimated that brushed an evening to capture/raid at the forum, today impatient wanted to join a day of empty city. 现在看芙娅的样子,想必也差不多,估计是在论坛上刷了一晚上攻略,今天迫不及待的就想要加入天空城了。 My parents in the imperial capital, I had not kept the letter to them, after they come back, will relate my.” Fua spoke thoughtlessly, somewhat embarrassed looked to Mu You: That, these in forum capture/raid ask for money to open, can you first borrow me to select money, my turn head also you!” “我父母没在帝都,我给他们留了信件,等他们回来之后会联系我的。”芙娅随口说完,又有些不好意思的看向沐游:“那个,论坛上的那些攻略都要钱才能开启,你能不能先借我点钱,我回头还你!” Ok.” “可以啊。” Mu You nods, gives her in the forum account to transfer 2 million conveniently in the past, now this money to him is not anything, to Fua is not anything. 沐游点了点头,给她论坛账户上随手转了两百万过去,如今这点钱对他来说已经不算什么,对芙娅来说更不算什么。 Thanks!” “谢谢!” Fua felt grateful one, then impatient ran to brush captures. 芙娅感激了一声,便迫不及待的跑去刷攻略了。 Mu You looks at this condition, trend that obviously also a little computer game becomes addicted. 沐游看她这状态,明显也有点电子游戏成瘾的趋向。 Shakes the head, he also landed the game, drew the character to enter the tower of formidable again. 摇了摇头,他也登陆了游戏,拉着人物再次进了勇者之塔。 Now 6 : 00 am, does not arrive with the event of No. 1 agreement, these enters time does not have the eye of Queen of night, therefore Mu You has not been anticipating the entry, comes a flow purely, tries the new idea while convenient. 如今才早上 6 点,不到和一号约定的事件,这一次进入没有月神之眼,所以沐游也没期待着通关,纯粹来走一下流程,顺便尝试一下新想法。 This time enters tower Mu You to elect Fire Discipline for the Lord belief, the moon/month is the vice- belief, prepares the lord to rise Fire Discipline, after having a look Fire Discipline arrives at the god level , the ultimate god technique of unlocking is anything, at this point forum also no one unlocking, therefore cannot check the material. 这次进塔沐游火系选为了主信仰,月系副信仰,准备主升一下火系,看看火系到达神级之后解锁的终极神术是什么,这一点论坛上还没人解锁过,所以查不到资料。 The result makes him quite pleasantly surprised. 结果让他相当惊喜。 When the Fire Discipline rank is promoted from ‚the holy spirit for fire god, unlocking named sacrifice forging god technique. 火系等级从‘圣灵’晋级为‘火神’之时,解锁了一个名为‘牺牲锻造’的神术。 Explanation brief a few words of this god technique: The god of fire can forge the divine tool, the divine tool is promoted to higher one ultra divine tool! 这个神术的说明只有简短的一句话:火之神可以锻造神器,将神器晋升为更高一层的‘超神器’! But the limit is, god of lifetime each fire can only use this god technique one time, moreover after using, the belief will have Lv. 3 directly, knocked down ‚the god of fire causes the level . Moreover the vitality damages severely, is unable to be promoted again upwardly. 而限制则是,每个火之神毕生只能使用这个神术一次,而且使用完后,信仰会直接连降三级,被打落回‘火之神使’的层次,而且元气大伤,再也无法向上晋级。 This point is actually indifferent to Mu You, he uses Fire Discipline to be the blacksmith to use in the tower purely, built the divine tool, Fire Discipline was useless, even can brush out changes into other vice- belief. 这一点对沐游倒是无所谓,他在塔内使用火系纯粹当铁匠用的,打造完了神器,火系就没用了,甚至可以刷掉换成别的副信仰。 But at present these time the opportunity of forging the divine tool, Mu You used certainly in the scepter of moon/month. 而眼下这一次锻造神器的机会,沐游当然用在了月之权杖上。 Your scepter for moon/month used sacrificed forging! This forging screened out your most supernatural powers, your Fire Discipline belief drops for the god of fire causes, and is unable life-long the little advance.】 【你对‘月之权杖’使用了‘牺牲锻造’!本次锻造抽走了你大部分的神力,你的火系信仰下降为火之神使,且终生无法寸进。】 You obtained lunar eclipse scepter!】 【你获得了‘月食权杖’!】 Lunar eclipse scepter: When the ultra divine tool, has, the phase of the moon of your top of the head is at the full moon condition forever. 【月食权杖:超神器,持有时,你头顶的月相永远处于满月状态。 Driving ability day dog food moon/month: In the fight opens, the summon day of dog food moon/month, enters continues ten minutes of lunar eclipse conditions, in this period uses/gives technique can not leave the lunar eclipse region. After ten minutes, when the full moon raises again, all enemies who the tian gou will force to eliminate your body week! 】 主动能力‘天狗食月’:战斗中开启,召唤天狗食月,进入持续十分钟的月食状态,期间施术者不得离开月食区域。十分钟后当满月再次升起时,天狗将强制消灭你身周的所有敌人!】 „!!!” “!!!” Mu You sees this effect is one startled, immediately double is bright, the first idea in brain is: Possible! 沐游看到这个效果就是一惊,随即双眼亮起,脑子里的第一想法就是:有戏了! Originally how he to fighting that fiendish person is at a loss, but the emergence of this ability, made him see the dawn! 本来他对怎么对战那个魔王束手无策的,但这个能力的出现,却让他看到了曙光! After ten minutes of lunar eclipse, eliminates all enemies! Here has not mentioned anything to limit, then the fiendish person, can still eliminate normally even. 十分钟的月食后,消灭所有敌人!这里并没有提及什么限制,那么按说就算魔王,也是可以消灭的。 Naturally, in the actual operation process is not easy, even if the fiendish person will not escape, after opening the lunar eclipse, on him the additions of all moon/month of departments will vanish, his character will become unprecedented weak. 当然,实际操作过程中没那么容易,就算魔王不会逃跑,开启月食之后,他身上所有月系的加成都会消失,他的人物会变得前所未有的虚弱。 Must in the extremely feeble situation, support for ten minutes not dead in the fiendish person hand, actually the difficulty is quite big! 要在极度虚弱的情况下,在魔王手里撑过十分钟不死,其实难度相当大! However the difficulty is big, always compares absolutely does not have the means to be better. 不过难度再大,也总比完全没办法要好。 Fiendish person that a series of abnormal ability, wants to strike to kill with the normal fighting method in the near future, is almost not possible , can only depend on lunar eclipse type law of causality weapon, has such a possibly to go through customs ahead of time. 魔王那一系列变态能力,想在近期用正常打法击杀,几乎是不可能的,也就只能靠月食这种‘因果律’武器,才有那么一丝可能提前通关。 The weak issue after as for lunar eclipse, Mu You once started to consider, must Lord the belief changes into other series, the moon/month is places in the vice- belief, careful one wants is not good, because he needs passed front 99 by the two divine tools and god techniques of moon/month department. 至于月食后的虚弱问题,沐游一度开始考虑,要不要将主信仰换成别的系别,月系放在副信仰上,仔细一想还是不行,因为他需要靠月系的两件神器和神术来度过前面九十九层。 The opening moon/month department can only place the lord to believe! Then wants the scepter of level up moon/month, opening Fire Discipline must be the vice- belief. 开局月系只能放在主信仰上!然后要升级月之权杖,开局火系也必须是副信仰。 However, waits for the Fire Discipline rise to the god level, after completing makes the mission of ultra divine tool, can abandon, changes into another type to help him in the belief that the fiendish person survives hand/subordinate! 不过,等火系升到神级,完成制造超神器的使命之后,就可以抛弃掉,换成另一种能帮他在魔王手下生存下来的信仰! But this belief, Mu You first thought of Wind Discipline! 而这种信仰,沐游第一时间就想到了‘风系’! The Wind Discipline god technique, and dodges to grow perceptibly at the speed. 风系的神术,正是以速度和闪避见长。 In ten minutes of lunar eclipse, he does not need to create damage to the fiendish person, even does not need any contact with the fiendish person, only needs escaping with all one's heart and dodges was enough. 在月食的十分钟里,他不需要对魔王造成伤害,甚至不需要和魔王有任何接触,只需要一门心思的逃跑和闪避就行了 As the matter stands, can avoid ‚the crime of anger directly and ‚the crime of envy and ‚the crime of guzzling effect. 这样一来,就可以直接避免‘愤怒之罪’、‘嫉妒之罪’和‘暴食之罪’的效果。 But greedy crime, was stolen the item by the fiendish person, this Mu You can definitely disregard through the pocket watch. 而‘贪婪之罪’,被魔王偷道具,这个沐游完全可以通过怀表无视。 As the matter stands, is truly influential, was the crime and the lazy crime lust, particularly the lazy crime, its effect happen to restrained the kite to dodge the class/flow. 这样一来,真正有影响的,就是色欲之罪和怠惰之罪了,尤其是怠惰之罪,其效果正好就是克制风筝闪避流的。 However this point, Mu You remembers that in capturing/raiding of some Wind Discipline, in the store can brush to same called refined appearance boots the divine tool, the effect seemed like can some time maintain the constant airspeed, how long but continued specifically, he was still not clear, because no one bought to use radically. 不过这一点,沐游记得在某篇风系的攻略中,商店里可以刷到一样叫‘风神靴’的神器,效果似乎是可以在一段时间内维持速度恒定,不过具体持续多久,他尚不清楚,因为根本没人买下来用过。 Recovers, Mu You reorganized a mentality, outlined one to capture/raid the fiendish person route in the mind completely: Opening the Lord moon/month vice- fire, then with the quickest speed, all promotes two departments to the god level, then changes Fire Discipline, the vice- belief changes into the Wind Discipline badge, and promotion as far as possible to higher rank! 回过神来,沐游整理了一下思路,在脑海中勾勒出了一条完整的攻略魔王路线:开局主月副火,然后用最快速度,将两系全都提升到神级,接着换下火系,副信仰换成风系徽章,并尽可能的提升到高等级别! This has not calculated, later he must before arriving at hundred, brushes refined appearance boots in the store such divine tool...... 这还不算完,随后他还要在到达百层之前,在商店里刷出‘风神靴’这样神器…… Mu You looks at this set of flow, the complexion somewhat is strange. 沐游看着这套流程,脸色却有些古怪。 As the matter stands, strikes the possibility that kills the fiendish person to have, the luck request that but actually gets down to his crawling tower, raised an extremely odd degree. 这样一来,击杀魔王的可能性是有了,但却对他一路爬塔下来的运气要求,拔高到了一个极其离谱的程度。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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