TTAGITP :: Volume #5

#417: The seven crimes of demon god

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The seven crimes of Chapter 417 demon god 第417章魔神的七宗罪 Mu You aspirates, after returning to normal a excitement, this continues. 沐游吐了口气,平复了一下激动的心情后,这才继续出发。 Really, then from 91 to 99, although is also very difficult, but compared with facing boss, passed instead is not thrilling. 果然,接下来从九十一到九十九层,虽然也都很难,但比起面对boss,通过的反而没有那么惊险。 And several hardest to deal with checkpoints, Mu You also depended on the pocket watch to change the life resentment forcefully in the past. 其中几个最难缠的关卡,沐游也都靠着怀表强行改命怼了过去。 After a half hour, Mu You completed finally 99 last step, prompted in front of him to present to hundred stairs. 半小时后,沐游终于完成了99层的最后一步,提示他面前出现了通往百层的台阶。 You stepped on this long-time no one to overstep, accumulated the stair of dust, was on 100 th.】 【你踩上这条长久无人踏过,积满了灰尘的台阶,登上了第100层。】 Congratulates, you arrived at the final level of tower of formidable! Obtains resurrecting stone automatically * 1( this/should reward cannot by tower of recycling formidable)】 【恭喜,你来到了勇者之塔的最终层!自动获得‘复活石’(该奖励不会被勇者之塔回收)】 You visited the tower top at the 1st progress, you obtained the divine nature 50 points automatically, ‚the strength of god * 1, god against * 1, real life * 1.】 【你以第一位的进度踏足塔顶,伱自动获得了神性50点,‘神之力’,‘神之防’,‘真实生命’。】 【The seductress/evil spirit princess appears before you, not only gratified and is a pity looks at you: Formidable, you passed finally hindered layer upon layer, arrived in front of the fiendish person. However, you who now make a debut, perhaps is not the opponent of fiendish person......” 【妖精公主出现在你面前,既欣慰又可惜的看着你:“勇者,你终于通过了层层阻碍,来到了魔王面前。不过,现在初出茅庐的你,恐怕并不是魔王的对手……”】 【The seductress/evil spirit princess bestowed a special blessing to you making persistent efforts: After challenging each time the fiendish person is defeated, you next time will enter the tower, the + 1 strength and god god against automatic( this/should blessing cannot be recycled by the tower of formidable, but addition only limits in tower to become effective)】 【妖精公主对你赐下了一道特殊祝福‘再接再厉’:每次挑战魔王失败后,你下次进塔时,神之力和神之防自动(该祝福不会被勇者之塔回收,但加成仅限塔内生效)】 „Oh?” “哦?” Mu You looks stares. 沐游看得一愣。 He came up 100 to pop up many new prompts, most conspicuous without a doubt was the blessing that the seductress/evil spirit princess gave. 他一上来一百层弹出了诸多新提示,其中最显眼的毫无疑问是妖精公主给的祝福。 Making persistent efforts...... this has tacitly approved him to be defeated facing the fiendish person? 再接再厉……这是已经默认他面对魔王会失败了? The Mu You complexion is strange, temporarily has not paid attention to this, looks to above two. 沐游脸色古怪,暂时没理会这条,看向上面两条。 One is the entire ten layer rewards as usual, but this time does not make him choose two, but gave him four reward direct entire stoppers. 一个是照例的整十层数奖励,不过这次不是让他选两个,而是将四个奖励直接全塞给了他。 In addition the landing tower withstand/top also obtained same shouted resurrecting stone the item. 此外登陆塔顶还获得了一样叫‘复活石’的道具。 The Mu You click looked at an effect. 沐游点击看了眼效果。 Resurrecting stone: Died in the real world outside tower, may exempt from a death to punish, and immediately in recent soul deposits resurrecting. After completing resurrecting , the resurrecting stone will disrupt, one week later condenses the formation again. The soul of everyone only may bind a resurrecting stone.】 【复活石:在塔外的真实世界死亡时,可豁免一次死亡惩罚,并立即在最近的‘灵魂寄存地’复活。完成复活后复活石将碎裂,一周后再次凝聚成型。每人的灵魂仅可绑定一枚复活石。】 Soul deposits: When the Fool ancestor enters the real world, for survives in this brutal world, in various special terrestrial references that the real all over the world constructs. Through deposits in which the soul, in the real world the wanderer died, the soul may return deposits. Through consumption certain divine nature, can restore the soul, making your soul condense one day later, but the restore will have the loss to your state of mind each time, making you smaller and weaker. When has the resurrecting stone may avoid losing.】 【灵魂寄存地:愚者先祖进入真实世界时,为了在这个残酷的世界中生存,在真实世界各地所建造的各种特殊地标。通过将灵魂寄存其中,在真实世界中闯荡死亡时,灵魂可重新回归寄存地。通过消耗一定的神性,可以修复灵魂,使你的灵魂在一天后重新凝聚,但每次修复都会对你的神魂产生损耗,使你变得更加弱小。持有复活石时可避免损耗。】 Outside tower...... real world?” “塔外……的真实世界?” Mu You first noticed this description. 沐游首先注意到了这句描述。 This meaning, if can go out of this tower, can arrive so-called real world? 这意思,如果能走出这座塔,就能到达所谓的‘真实世界’? Mu You knits the brows, he does not determine on this tower temporarily really different, but this stone is not the head passes the reward, but is the normal reward, in other words, on everyone to 100 strata times, can attain this thing. 沐游皱了皱眉,他暂时不确定这塔上面是不是真的别有洞天,但这块石头并不是首通奖励,而是正常奖励,也就是说,每个人上到一百层时,都能拿到这东西。 In addition this makes the player simulate repeatedly, the form that climbs up unceasingly, Mu You even more thought that this tower seemed like one new course. 再加上这座塔让玩家反复模拟,不断登高的形式,沐游越发觉得这塔像是一个‘新手教程’了。 But the village of entire formidable, can understand that before the player steps into the real world new village, only then went through customs the new course, treads the new village, was the real start the game. 而整个勇者之村,也可以理解为玩家踏入真实世界前的‘新手村’,只有通关了新手教程,踏出新手村,才算是真正的开始了游戏。 Mu You knits the brows, after this, said. 沐游皱了皱眉,这个以后再说。 Now, first makes him go to be able this legendary fiendish person, fiercely actually has a look. 现在,还是先让他去会会这个传说中的魔王,看看究竟有多厉害。 You march forward, arrive at the central area that the tower withstood/top.】 【你继续向前,来到了塔顶的中心区域。】 【A giant roaring sound resounds in your ear suddenly, making your state of mind shake, is afraid, an indescribable constriction covered you.】 【一道巨大的咆哮声骤然在你耳边响起,令你神魂震荡,心生恐惧,一股难以言喻的压迫感笼罩了你。】 You suppress are gaining ground frightened, see in the front darkness, lives the curving sheep's horn, the back grows a huge human form lifeform of jet black wing to go out, every step will tread to make the land tremble one time.】 【你强忍着恐惧抬头,看到前方的黑暗中,一个头生弯曲羊角,背后生长着一对漆黑翅膀的巨大人形生物走出,每一步踏出都会使大地震颤一次。】 【The fiendish people of seven crime( 13 stars) interception before you. Guarding the tower as fiendish person who withstand/top, it is the ultimate objective that all formidables take place of the fallen to fight bravely!】 【七罪之魔王(13星)拦截在你面前。身为镇守塔顶的魔王,它是所有勇者前仆后继奋战的终极目标!】 Fiendish person arrogant looks like toward you. You choose......】 【魔王高傲的朝你看来。你选择……】 Three options Faces directly fiendish person, Bows to fiendish person like ants, Smells there is something wrong, turn tail. 三个选项【直面魔王】、【如蝼蚁般向魔王低头】、【见势不妙,转身逃跑】。 Mu You looks that the text slightly is surprised, hits this finally boss, as if finally can see to fighting the process. 沐游看着文本略感意外,打这个最终boss,似乎终于可以看到对战过程了。 Faces directly the fiendish person.” Mu You click. “直面魔王。”沐游点击。 You choose with the fiendish person look at each other, face directly the fiendish person.】 【你选择与魔王对视,直面魔王。】 You offended the arrogant crime! Your whole body flesh breaks up, your life passes fast, finally changes into a piece of flying ash to vanish.】 【你触犯了傲慢之罪!你浑身血肉崩解,你的生命快速流逝,最终化为一片飞灰消失。】 You had died.】 【你已死亡。】 ??? ??? Mu You is bewildered. 沐游一脸茫然。 What thing, but also without starting, but was stared one to be direct? 什么玩意,还没开打,只是被瞪了一眼就直接死了? Also arrogant crime, looked that is also arrogant? 还‘傲慢之罪’,看一眼也算傲慢? The Mu You complexion is strange, quickly presses down the pocket watch, is heavy. 沐游脸色古怪,急忙按下怀表,重来。 You smell there is something wrong, decide to turn around to run away.】 【你见势不妙,决定转身逃走。】 You offended the lazy crime! Your whole body attribute rapidly is dropping, causing your action to be even more slow, quick then such as falling mire.】 【你触犯了怠惰之罪!你的全身属性都在快速下降,导致你的行动越发缓慢,很快便如坠泥沼。】 Fiendish person caught up with you with ease, you were patted by a fiendish person palm.】 【魔王轻松追上了你,你被魔王一掌拍死。】 You had died.】 【你已死亡。】 ...... …… tch, recollection.” ,回溯。” Does not look good, running is not good, but also can only lower the head? 看不行,跑也不行,还只能低头了? You chose like the ants bow to the fiendish person, avoided with looking at each other of fiendish person.】 【你选择如蝼蚁般向魔王低头,避免了与魔王的对视。】 Fiendish person noticed that on you are hanging the whole body divine tool, the greedy heart arises spontaneously.】 【魔王看到你身上挂着满身的神器,贪婪之心油然而生。】 Fiendish person offended the greedy crime, your ‚the eye of Queen of night was seized by force by the fiendish person.】 【魔王触犯了贪婪之罪,你的‘月神之眼’被魔王强取豪夺。】 Fiendish person assembled the eye of Queen of night.】 【魔王装配了月神之眼。】 „?” “?” The Mu You eyelid jumps, what ghost is this? The fiendish people are greedy, without the penalty, his item was instead snatched? 沐游眼皮一跳,这又是什么鬼?魔王贪婪,没有惩罚,反而他的道具被抢了? Fiendish person changes as a young girl, the beautiful appearance made your nosebleed spout, the rash, the will erosion.】 【魔王变身为一名妙龄少女,绝美的容颜令你鼻血喷涌,心浮气躁,意志糜烂。】 You offended the crime of lust, the entire attribute reduces 50......】 【你触犯了色欲之罪,全属性降低50……】 „???” “???” You press down the chaotic innermost feelings forcefully, wields forcefully the moon/month blade, launched the attack toward the fiendish person.】 【你强行按下纷乱的内心,强行挥动月刃,朝魔王发动了攻击。】 You offended the crime of anger, you suffered the fiendish person incomparably swift and fierce counter-attack instantaneously.】 【你触犯了愤怒之罪,你瞬间遭受了魔王无比凌厉的反击。】 You had died......】 【你已死亡……】 „......” “……” Mu You could not endure, this anything disorderly, quickly recalled the time again, but has not elected directly, but first unloaded the same item, in the assembly Omniscient Crystal, chose immediately Faces directly fiendish person. 沐游忍不了了,这都什么乱七八糟的,急忙再次回溯了时间,不过没有直接选,而是先卸下一样道具,装配上了‘全知水晶’,随即才选择了【直面魔王】。 Was punched several by the floral formula violent, Mu You fully understood why seductress/evil spirit fairy will say he now is not the opponent of fiendish person. 被花式暴揍了几回,沐游充分理解了为什么妖精仙女会说他现在不是魔王的对手。 But before dying, at least needs first to see clearly this thing the information, dies to understand. 但在死出去之前,至少要先看清楚这东西的信息,死个明白。 You choose with the fiendish person look at each other, face directly the fiendish person.】 【你选择与魔王对视,直面魔王。】 You offended the arrogant crime! Your whole body flesh breaks up, finally changes into a piece of flying ash to vanish.】 【你触犯了傲慢之罪!你浑身血肉崩解,最终化为一片飞灰消失。】 You had died, but before the death, Omniscient Crystal fed back the information of fiendish person for you.】 【你已死亡,但在死亡之前,全知水晶为你反馈回了魔王的信息。】 Seven crime it fiendish people( 13 stars): The most powerful Spiritual God plants one of the lifeform, is grasping the strengths of seven pardoned crimes, the strength of god 378, 523 god against, life value: 8430000, energy content: 1560. Divine tool: Does not have. 【七罪之魔王(13星):最强大的神灵种生物之一,掌握着七原罪的力量,神之力378,神之防523,生命值:8430000,能量值:1560。神器:无。 God technique: 神术: Real gods: In gods who the real world is born, real life * 100. 真实神明:在真实世界诞生的神明,真实生命。 The crime of anger: When the fiendish person comes under the random attacks, may choose by 1300 might counter-attacks, cooldown 5 seconds. 愤怒之罪:当魔王受到任意攻击时,可选择以1300的威力予以反击,冷却五秒。 The crime of envy: The life percentage disparity of fiendish person and enemy is bigger than 30 : 00, the enemy by the fire of combustion envy, continually outflow life. 嫉妒之罪:魔王与敌人的生命百分比差距大于30时,敌人会被嫉妒之火燃烧,持续流失生命。 Greedy crime: The fiendish people will capture goal one to assemble the item every minute forcefully, until the item column flood of fiendish person. 贪婪之罪:魔王每分钟会强行夺取目标一件已装配道具,直至魔王的道具栏满溢。 Lazy crime: Chooses in the fight with fiendish person evades or moves aside, the attribute will continuously drop. 怠惰之罪:在与魔王的战斗中选择逃避或躲闪时,属性会持续下降。 The crime of guzzling: When fiendish person feed condition, 1 speed rapidly restores the life value every second. It is not able to use any method to bring back to the life with the enemy who the fiendish person fights. 暴食之罪:魔王进食状态时,将每秒一的速度快速恢复生命值。与魔王战斗的敌人无法使用任何手段恢复生命。 The crime of lust: The fiendish people change as with the enemy sex opposite similar lifeform, brings back the enemy heart the lust, the move of goal entire attribute reduces, the intelligence more reduces the scope to be bigger lowly. 色欲之罪:魔王变身为与敌人性别相反的同类生物,勾起敌人心底的色欲,中招目标全属性降低,智力越低降低幅度越大。 Arrogant crime: When the star class is lower than your enemy looks to you, by 13000 point every second of speed passing lives, until death. 傲慢之罪:星级低于你的敌人看向你时,将以13000点每秒的速度流逝生命,直至死亡。 ...... 】 ……】 „Fuck!” “靠!” Mu You looked that only wants to shout 'fuck your mom', 8 million blood, an abnormal ability of entire platoon, is really this thing the thing that human can cope with? 沐游看完只想骂娘,八百万血,一整排的变态能力,这玩意真是人类能对付的东西? You had left the tower of formidable, obtains many that to promote to be recycled in the tower, please make persistent efforts.】 【你已离开了勇者之塔,在塔内获得的诸多提升被回收,请再接再厉。】 At this time played to be direct, Mu You has not recalled again, but turned head, carefully looked to fiendish person god technique that column. 此时游戏中已经直接死了出来,沐游也没有再回溯,而是回头,仔细看向魔王神术那一栏。 The real gods, this did not say that a passive talent, can obtain in the god who the real world was born, becomes the god like player type by the crawling tower belief step by step, most can only calculate false god, growth is unable to obtain this ability again high. 真实神明,这个就不说了,一个被动的天赋,在真实世界出生的神才能获得,像玩家这种靠爬塔信仰一步步成神的,最多只能算‘伪神’,成长的再高也无法获得这个能力。 The concrete effect real life enlarges 100 times, here 8 million blood, should be the values after enlargement, in other words, the fiendish person should be more than 80,000 real lives, this compares to conform to the volumes of blood of 13 star monsters actually. 具体效果是真实生命放大一百倍,这里的八百万血,应该是放大后的数值,也就是说,本来魔王应该是八万多真实生命,这倒是比较符合13星怪物的血量。 On the other hand, has the words of this passive bloodline, that initially the 37 billion blood of shadow god, is 3.7 million real lives, should also be the result after enlargement, should be about 37,000 real lives, according to the value calculated that should be the gods of 11-12 stars is the lifeform. 话说回来,有这种被动血统的话,那当初影神的370亿血,也就是370万真实生命,应该也是放大后的结果,原本该是3.7万左右的真实生命,按数值来推算应该属于11-12星的神系生物。 If merely were this passive bloodline also even, what was more abnormal was downward that seven special capability, is corresponding seven crimes respectively, with the fiendish person to the wartime touched any crime, will suffer the extremely serious penalty, on the contrary the fiendish person triggered these indictments, obtained actually increased. 如果仅仅是这个被动血统也就算了,更变态的是往下那七个特殊能力,分别对应着七宗罪,与魔王对战时触及其中任何一种罪,都会遭受极其严重的惩罚,相反魔王触发这些罪状,得到的却是增益。 This many are not a little concerned about face, especially in seven big crimes also several quite abnormal, when for example the crime and the arrogant crime anger, one is the attack will be counter-attacked by 13 times of might, one is to stare one buckles the blood directly, every second more than 10,000! 这就多少有点不要脸了,尤其七大罪里还有几个相当变态的,比如愤怒之罪、傲慢之罪,一个是攻击时会被13倍威力反击,一个是瞪一眼直接扣血,每秒一万多! Mu You the life altogether more than 9300, naturally were looked a moment ago was killed by the second directly. 沐游刚才生命总共才9300多,自然是看一眼就直接被秒杀了。 Star class......” “星级……” Mu You turn head looked at the explanation of eye arrogant crime, discovering the key point is star class this thing, so long as the star class can > = the fiendish person, be able to exempt from this effect directly. 沐游回头看了眼傲慢之罪的说明,发现重点是‘星级’这个东西,只要星级能大于等于魔王,就能直接豁免这个效果。 But star class this thing, did not demonstrate on the panel of player directly, but is actually not difficult to guess, every is promoted one time one time is rises the star. 而‘星级’这东西,在玩家的面板上并不直接显示,不过倒是不难猜测,每一次晋级就是一次升星。 If formidable = 1 star, formidable later, and they are: The followers, priests, esoteric buddhism, bishop, tora and god cause, the god officer, the holy spirit and god, calculates 10 stars to god, later should also be able to continue to promote, 11 star gods, 12 star gods wait/etc. 如果勇者星的话,勇者之后,分别是:信徒、祭司、密教、主教、神谕、神使、神官、圣灵、神,到神这一层算十星,之后应该还可以继续晋升,11星神,12星神等等。 But Mu You was just ‚the holy spirit, was 9 stars, is also missing four scales with the 13 stars of fiendish person. 沐游刚刚是‘圣灵’,也就是九星,和魔王的13星还差着四个档次。 In other words, from now on Mu You will enter the tower again time, must before arriving at hundred, first promotes to arrive at least 13 stars the rank, otherwise comes many time is also useless. 也就是说,今后沐游再进塔的时候,必须在到达百层之前,先把等级提升到至少13星,否则来多少次也是白搭。 Concluded this long hundred heavy trip to Tajikistan, at this time the time has surpassed 4 : 00 pm, the tower of formidable closes directly. 结束这次漫长的百重塔之旅,此时时间已经超过了下午 4 点,勇者之塔直接关了门。 Mu You puts down the cell phone, looks for the written records, records completely the value and ability of fiendish person. 沐游放下手机,找来纸笔,将魔王的数值和能力全部记录下来。 Then looks at the content on paper, he cannot bear voice the feeling: Good difficult......” 然后回头看着纸上的内容,他也忍不住发出感慨:“好难……” This is first time, Mu You complained the difficulty of game. 这是头一次,沐游抱怨起了游戏的难度。 Even if he solved the arrogant crime by the improvement star class, other six crimes wait for him to overcome, the effects of these seven crimes put together, simply is the suppression of all-around no dead angle, for the first time takes a quick look around, almost the way that all can defeat the fiendish person all blocking! 哪怕他靠提升星级解决了傲慢之罪,也还有其他六宗罪等着他克服,这七宗罪的效果加在一起,简直是全方位无死角的压制,乍一眼看去,几乎已经把所有能打败魔王的路径全给封死了! Mu You now the advantage obtained in the tower, has a pair of divine tool, the double belief and Time Pocket Watch, to murder the favor of god title and additional fairy maiden, absolutely is advantageous, however even so, his also felt being at a loss for the first time, not to mention other ordinary players. 沐游现在在塔内获得的优势,有双神器、双信仰、时光怀表、弑神者称号、加仙子的青睐,绝对已经算是得天独厚,然而即便如此,他这回也首次感觉到了束手无策,更不用说其他普通玩家。 To defeat the fiendish person, as if also can only depend on making persistent efforts this blessing, under the stack of time, waits for the attack and defense of god to accumulate high time the enough, can the logical entry. 想要打败魔王,似乎还只能靠‘再接再厉’这个祝福,在时间的堆积下,等神之攻防积累得足够高的时候,才能顺理成章的通关。 If wants to defeat a superior enemy, ahead of time steals the chart, that difficulty will increase hundred times to continue! 如果想以弱胜强,提前偷图,那难度会上升百倍不止! Mu You also has no clue temporarily, has first to put down this matter, withdraws from the game, opened the forum. 沐游暂时也没什么头绪,只好先放下这事,退出游戏,打开了论坛。 In the forum, the players in post that the fervor rushes, the enthusiasm are still sharing the entry attainment, showed off to compete each one to cross several heavy towers while convenient, defeated such and such monsters, during the spoken languages as if broke through tall tower, will defeat the fiendish person tomorrow. 论坛里,玩家们都还在激情澎湃的发帖,热情分享着通关心得,顺带炫耀攀比一下各自又过了几重塔,又打败了某某怪物,言语间似乎冲破高塔,打败魔王就在明天。 Looks at the speeches of these player self-confident full houses, Mu You does not know that said what good, can only say the know-nothing party to be dauntless, and how does not raise 50 bottlenecks they to pass, if they knew the tower not possibly withstand/top also one through the fiendish person is waiting for them, does not know coming out that also smiles. 看着这些玩家自信爆棚的发言,沐游不知道说什么好,只能说无知者无畏,且不提五十层的瓶颈他们要如何通过,如果他们得知塔顶还有一只不可能通过的魔王在等着他们,不知道还笑不笑的出来。 Shakes the head, Mu You opened city Lord group. 摇了摇头,沐游又打开了‘城主群’。 The style of city Lord group discussion is completely different. 城主群讨论的画风就完全不一样了。 hahaha, I opened god skin quest!” Just entered the group, Mu You saw that Solomon published this news in group. 哈哈哈,我开启神皮任务了!”刚进群,沐游就看到所罗门在群里公布了这个消息。 Oh oh, fierce fierce!” The hell Baron said. “噢噢,厉害厉害!”地狱男爵接话。 How to open? Said quickly!” Yakov leaves a message. “怎么开的?快说说!”雅科夫留言。 Asked to speak the quest detail......” Holmes to leave a message. “求讲讲任务细节……”福尔摩斯留言。 ...... …… Others also froth over to surround in abundance. 其他人也纷纷冒泡围观。 Inheriting quest is the matter that their several city Lord present most pays attention, formidable tower anything may probably be more important. 传承任务才是他们几个城主眼下最关注的事情,比勇者塔什么的可要重要多了。 Solomon attracted fully the attention, this was well satisfied, immediately has not concealed, will open the mysterious spaces under underground city seven, to receiving the quest entire process, described all affairs big or small. 所罗门赚足了眼球,这才心满意足,随即也没隐瞒,将开启地下城七层下的神秘空间,到领取任务的全过程,事无巨细的描述了一遍。 Mu You also dived to look on. 沐游也潜水旁观了一下。 According to Solomon's description, daybreak under the city the scene of power house, basically with him in exactly the same that in the daybreak city sees, what is only different is the information of god human bone nape labelling. 根据所罗门的描述,破晓城下动力室的场景,基本和他在黎明城上见到的一模一样,唯一不同的是神骸后颈标注的信息。 Creates the god body of god of living, the serial number is 002, the excavation time compared with the god of order later about a year, the excavation person is another completely different name...... 创生之神的神躯,编号是002,出土时间比秩序之神稍晚一年左右,出土人则是另一个完全不同的名字…… Drop!” “滴!” Mu You is peeping the screen silently, suddenly received a private letter from Solomon. 沐游这边正默默窥屏,忽然收到了一条来自所罗门的私信。 Big god, online?” “大神,在线吗?” In, how?” The Mu You second returns. “在,怎么?”沐游秒回。 You let that historical figure who I inquired other day, had the news!” “您上回让我打听的那个历史人物,有消息了!” Later( 5 points about), a chapter. 稍后(五点左右),还有一章。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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