Chapter 419beats a drumto pass on the flower
第419章击鼓传花Thinks that does!
想到就做!Mu Yougoes toat the forumimmediately, purchased a Wind Disciplinebadgeto come back.沐游当即去论坛上,收购了一枚风系的徽章回来。Thisthing the inventoryis now ultra-high, playermanpowerat leastone, therefore the priceis not high, so long asis notthatseveraltypes of most popularbadge, commonbadge, mean valuesalsoinmore than ten about 20years.
The badgestarts, Mu Youand other, enter the toweron time.
徽章入手,沐游等一点一到,准时进塔。【Examinesyouto encounter1fiendish person, ‚making persistent efforts’triggering, youstrength of godintower + 1, + 1 godagainst.】
【检测到你已遭遇过一次魔王,‘再接再厉’触发,你在塔内的神之力,神之防。】Thisisthatsay/wayblessing that yesterday'sfairygave, in each bitter experiencefiendish persontowerattack and defense + 1, ifencounteredrepeatedlyhundreds and thousands oftimes, from now onwill enter the towerinitialto have the attacks and defenses of over a thousandgodeach time, at the appointed timelet alonefront99, the fiendish person can still evenpushpasseven!
这是昨天仙女给的那道祝福,每遭遇一次魔王塔内攻防,如果反复遭遇成百上千次,今后每次进塔初始就有上千点神之攻防,到时别说前面九十九层,就算是魔王也可以平推过去了!Onlypitifully, the addition of thisblessingonlylimitsin the towerto become effective, after all is only the illusorydata that ‚simulator’insimulates, is notexists , the towerwill come to naught.
只可惜,这个祝福的加成仅限塔内生效,毕竟只是‘模拟器’内模拟出来的虚幻数据,并不是真实存在,一出了塔就会化为泡影。In other words , thisblessingactuallygives the playerto hit the fiendish personto usespecially. Hasthiseffect, theoreticallyallplayerscango through customsthistower, naturally, according to the strength of everyone, the clearancewill have the enormousdiversity. If not need the special methodto steal the chartlikeMu You, even if the quickestplayer, it is estimated that after must waits for the attack and defense of godto superimposetohundreds and thousands, has the opportunity of entry.
换言之,这个祝福其实就是专门给玩家打魔王用的。有这个效果在,理论上所有玩家都可以通关这座塔,当然,根据每个人的实力,通关时间会有极大的参差。如果不像沐游一样用特殊方法偷图,哪怕是最快的玩家,估计也要等神之攻防叠加到成百上千之后,才有通关的机会。Recovers, the Mu Youattentionreturnsto play, iselects the moon/monthfor the lordbelief, the Fire Disciplinevice-belief, starts the crawlingtower.
回过神来,沐游注意力回到游戏,将月系选为主信仰,火系副信仰,开始爬塔。【Youencountered No. 1formidable......】
【你遭遇了一号勇者……】【After a fight, youeasilydefeated No. 1formidable.】
……Met1 st ontwoas usual, but because theirinitial attributedisparitiesgraduallywiden, fightdirectsteamroll.
在二层照例的遇到了一号,但由于他们的初始属性差距逐渐拉大,战斗直接碾压了。Mu Youhasturn headto murder the godtitleto take down , after recallingseveraltimes, brushes‚struckto killthrillingly’ the resultreluctantly.沐游只好回头将弑神者称号取下,又回溯了几次后,才勉强刷出了一个‘惊险击杀’的结果。Mu Youshakes the head, this is also a bigissue.沐游摇了摇头,这也是个不小的问题。This way, on the morning of 1 st will detectis not right.
这样下去,一号迟早会察觉到不对。Mu Youhas been considering, is on the 1 st tomorrowmakesfirstwinonetime, selects the benefitto tasteto the opposite party, otherwisewhichday1 st awakenssuddenly, the rejectionisthisfoolagain, hewas scared.沐游已经在考虑着,是不是明天让一号先赢一次,给对方点甜头尝尝,否则哪天一号忽然觉醒,拒绝再做这个冤大头,他就傻眼了。Returns to the proper topic, Mu Youcontinuesto push the tower.
言归正传,沐游继续一路推塔。Thisattemptluckis quite ordinary, butholdsinin addition of doubledivine tool, hecatches upsmoothlybefore80, promoted the godlevel the moon/monthfiretwodepartments, ‚lunar eclipsescepter’will build.
这一次尝试运气比较一般,但在双神器的加持下,他还是顺利赶在八十层之前,将月火两系均晋升到了神级,将‘月食权杖’打造了出来。Havingthisscepterwas easy to do.
有了这把权杖就好办了。Thisinside the tower'seachfightis the mutual independent, does not haveafter a fight, some nextitemor the godtechniquefall intoembarrassed of cooldown.
这塔里的每一场战斗都是相互独立的,不存在一场战斗过后,下一场某个道具或神术陷入冷却的窘迫。Therefore, ‚lunar eclipse’tactic, canincessantly, whenusesfacing the fiendish person, facingordinarysmallstrangesimilarly, moreoversmallmaynot havefiendish persontheseabnormalabilitiesstrangely, has supportedhand/subordinate for tenminutesinthem, was really relaxed.
因此,‘月食’战术,不止可以在面对魔王的时候用,面对普通小怪同样可以,而且小怪可没有魔王那些变态的能力,在它们手下撑过十分钟,实在是太轻松了。Thereforeeven if this eventluckis ordinary, Mu Youalsostilladoptedbehindmost difficult20with the lunar eclipsescepterforcefully, landed the towertopagain.
所以哪怕这把的事件运气一般,沐游也依然用月食权杖强行通过了后面最难的二十层,再次登陆了塔顶。What a pity, his divine natureinsufficientlyrisesto13stars . Moreover the behindstorehas not brushed the refined appearanceboots, after enteringhundred, directlybyfiendish person‚arrogantcrime’twostare.
“可惜……”Mu Youlooks the prompt that youhad diedshakes the head, reallythismethod is also very difficult, mustthreebe the badgepromotedto10stars, a departmentmustpromoteto13stars, needs the magnanimousdivine nature!沐游看着你已死亡的提示摇了摇头,果然这种方法也很困难,要先后将三系徽章提升到十星,其中一系更是要提升到13星,这其中需要海量的神性!Butthesedivine naturemusthitina total of300stepsflows, the difficultycan be imagined, probablyonly thenenlarges the harvest in aspectsto nearly pinnacletime, maymeet the requirements.
而这些神性又都要在总共三百步的流程中打出来,难度可想而知,大概只有将方方面面的收获放大到近乎极致的时候,才有可能达到要求。Naturally, thisresult, at leastprovedtimethismethodis feasible, thereforeMu Younotannoying, then only need persist inbrushing the towerevery day, waits for a luckbigeruption the opportunitythen.
当然,这一次的结果,至少证明了这个方法是可行的,所以沐游也没怎么懊恼,接下来只需坚持每天刷塔,等一次运气大爆发的机会即可。Moreover, hadthisset‚lunar eclipse’ the stabilitybrushes the law, thenMu Youis usually entering the tower, does not encounter1 st, without the situation of eye of Queen of night , can also throughsupposeFire Disciplinefor the lordbelief, comesfirstto build the lunar eclipsescepter, thusgoes through customsforcefully100, althoughthiscertainlycould not defeat the fiendish person, butat leastcanstabilizeincreasedonetime‚making persistent efforts’ the valueeach time.
……In that morning, Mu Youwent outto solve the breakfast, goes hometo prepareto continueto fight bravelyMotatime.
这天早上,沐游出门解决完早饭,回到家准备继续奋战魔塔的时候。Passing through the gateactuallysaw that Fuais sittingbefore the doorframeis in a daze, twoeyeinflamedpieces, had just criedobviously.
一进门却看到芙娅正坐在门框前发呆,两只眼睛红肿一片,明显刚刚哭过。In the pastinCola that the daytimealwaysnapsbored, at this timeactuallyalsoespeciallycleverbending downonmasterleg, no matter whatshestroked, andmadevariousselling cutenessmovements that asked for the personfavor.
以往在白天总是无聊打盹的可乐,这时候却也格外乖巧的伏在主人腿上,任她抚摸,并做出各种讨人欢心的卖萌动作。„What's wrong?”SomeMu Youdoubtsasked.
“怎么了?”沐游有些疑惑的上前询问。This timeFuahas taken off the wizardlong gown, changed into an ordinarymodern womanclothing, headdoubleponytailalsoput, naturalthrowing overafter the brain, staysin the gatebefore, unconsciousnessis stroking the cat in bosom, an appearance of melancholyyoung girl.
此时的芙娅已经脱去了巫师长袍,换成了一身普通的现代女性衣物,头上的双马尾也放了下来,自然的披在脑后,呆坐在门沿前,无意识的抚摸着怀中的猫,一副忧郁少女的模样。Untilhears the Mu Yousound, Fuarecovers, wipedhastily the corner of the eyeis hanging the teardrops, embarrassedlookstoMu You, somewhatsaidawkwardly: „I...... the parentsgavemeto receive a letter......”
直到听到沐游的声音,芙娅才回过神来,连忙抹了把眼角挂着的泪珠,不好意思的看向沐游,有些尴尬道:“我……父母给我来信了……”„? What kind of?”Mu Youasked.
“哦?怎么样?”沐游问。„Youguessright, ourfamiliesindeedhad the bloodlines of Foolfrom the ancient times, but the parentsin order tomademenot feel inferior, has been concealing...... Fuato say with a sightome”.
“哦……”Mu Youhas no accident/surprise, butsomewhatstrangelooked atFuaone: „Thismatter haven't youknown? Usedis crying......”沐游对此没有任何意外,只是有些奇怪的看了芙娅一眼:“不过这事你不是已经知道了么?用的着哭吗……”„Icryam notbecausethis......”Fuablushedimmediately, quicklyscratched the corner of the eye.
“啊我哭不是因为这个……”芙娅顿时脸红了一下,急忙又擦了擦眼角。„Because ofwhat?”Mu Youis puzzled.
“那因为什么?”沐游不解。„Because, brushed a romancesoap operalast night, moonlightlasting love, Little Yarecommendation, lookhas not feltanything, but the staminawas too big......”Fuato say.
“因为,昨晚刷了一部言情电视剧,月光生死恋,小雅推荐的,看的时候没觉得什么,但后劲太大了……”芙娅说。„......”Mu Youhad nothing to say in reply.
“对了……”Fuarememberedanythingat this time, suddenlytakes out a palm of the handsizefrom the pocket the disc, saidto the Mu Youdemonstration: „Thisisinmy fatherletter/believesmails, the thing that seems like the familyancestorsto leaveAstral Spirit Realmleaves behindwhen more than 1000the year before last, said that wasifone day, will have the clansmanto wander about destitutein the futureunfortunatelyLand of Forgetting, having no way outtime, caninputmanato activatethisthing, sought the help of ancestor......”芙娅这时想起了什么,忽然从口袋里取出一块巴掌大小的圆盘,给沐游展示道:“这是我父亲信里寄来的,似乎是家族先祖在一千多前年离开星灵界时留下的东西,说是如果将来有一天,有族人不幸流落到遗忘之地,走投无路的时候,可以输入魔力激活这块东西,寻求先祖的帮助……”„Oh?”“哦?”Mu Youhearswordeyesonebright, was the Fuafamilyancestor, is it possible thatin the past one of the Foolfrom the skyreturning? Listens to the meaning of Fua, the ancestor of herfamily/homeas ifarrived atEarthmanyyears ago through the well.沐游闻言眼睛一亮,芙娅的家族祖先,莫非是当年从天空归来的愚者之一?听芙娅的意思,她家的这位先祖似乎在很多年前通过井来到了地球。Butnowwiththisthing, cansummonthisThe Fool's ancestorto come?
而现在用这个东西,就可以召唤这名愚者的先祖现身?Mu Youquicklylookstowardherhand, whatbyFua in handistogether the disc-shapedjade, surface smoothonepiece, does not have anywritinganddesign, butin the investigation of Omniscient Crystal, actuallyshowed that thisis only‚togetherordinaryjade’.沐游急忙朝她手中看去,被芙娅拿在手里的是一块圆盘形的玉石,表面光滑一片,没有任何文字和图案,而在全知水晶的探查中,却显示这只是‘一块普普通通的玉石’。„Did youuse?”Mu Youis busy atasking.
“你用了吗?”沐游忙问。„Did not have......”Fuato shake the head, thisstoneshealsojusttookfrom the gameshortly.
“还没有……”芙娅摇头,这石头她也刚从游戏里取出来不久。„Does planuse?”Mu Yousolicitedhersuggestions.
“……嗯!”Regarding thisFuahesitantseveralseconds, isfirmnod, althoughshenowis not the condition of having no way out, butshealsowantsto have a look, actuallyownfamilyancestoriswhatperson.
对此芙娅犹豫了数秒,还是坚定的点了点头,虽然她现在不是走投无路的状态,但她也很想看看,自己的家族祖先究竟是什么样的人。„Goes to the basement!”
“去地下室!”Looks atFuato nod, Mu Youledherto go to the basementimmediately, summoned the Foolancestor, mustlook for a covertsecurity the place, in order to avoidhadwhataccident/surprise.
看芙娅点头,沐游随即带着她去了地下室,召唤愚者先祖,总要找个隐蔽安全的地方,以免发生什么意外。SimultaneouslyMu YoualsocalledVivian, gaveher the pocket watch, makingherhelplookin the distant place, after allno oneis ableto determine that whatperson the Fuaancestorwas, has possibly landedFool above sky, the strength likely was nottheycanresist, if the opposite partyharbored the maliciouswords, but can also recalloneto preventto summon.
“就在这里吧。”Mu YoubringsFuato arrive at the dimbasementcenter, immediatelydressedin the one side the equipment, withgoodwand, guarded against mishap.沐游带着芙娅来到昏暗的地下室中央,随即在一旁穿戴好了装备,拿好了魔杖,以防不测。At this timeVivianfliesto stopin a fartherpositiongrabs the pocket watch, ifMu Youfeltlatertimerecollection, heprevents the action of Fuaimmediately.
此时薇薇安飞停在更远的位置抓着怀表,如果稍后沐游感觉到了时光回溯,他就立即阻止芙娅的行动。„Did Isummon?”Fualooked that confirmedtohim.
“那我召唤了啊?”芙娅看向他确认。„Starts.”Mu Younods.
“开始吧。”沐游点头。ImmediatelyFuawith the goodjade plate, deeplyto inspire, closed the eye.
After Fuacloses one's eyes, Mu Youthentimeon the alertsurroundingchange, however, has been vigilanttenminutes, the scenestillhas no change.芙娅闭眼之后,沐游便时刻警惕着周围的变化,然而,一直这么警惕了十分钟,现场依然没有任何变化。„Do youinputmanaactually?”Mu Youcannot bear the opens the mouth.
“你倒是输入魔力啊?”沐游忍不住开口。„Before Itenminutes, input......”Fuato saysuffering.
Did the Mu Youperspiration, gatherthemstupidlyto stand here for tenminutes?沐游汗,合着他们在这儿傻站了十分钟?Thisthinggood and evilis the magicgoods, Mu Youis thinking after inputtingmana, evencannot summon the person, whatat least will still present‚the souvenir photoormessage of ancestor’, finallyunexpectedlyhas no response?
这东西好歹是个魔法物品,沐游想着输入魔力后就算召唤不来人,至少也该出现个‘先祖的留影或者留言’什么的,结果居然没有任何反应?„Thisis, summonfailure?”Fuasomeare indefinite.
“这算是,召唤失败了?”芙娅有些不确定。„...... Mu Youdoes not have the clueprobably”, may bebecause his bystanderpresents, ormay be the Fuaancestorbe ableto detectshehad not arrived athaving no way outtime, the summonhas the goal, thereforeis not willingto come.
“大概吧……”沐游也没有头绪,有可能是因为他这个外人在场,或者也有可能是芙娅的先祖能察觉到了她还没到走投无路的时候,召唤另有目的,所以不肯现身。Naturally, a lastpossibility, thatwasherancestordoes not have, after allwas more than 1000the year before lastcharacters, after arriving atEarth, did not have the life spanorigin, lived for day of fewday, ifcomes the timelife spanstockto be insufficient, nowhad passed awayalsohad the possibility.
当然,还有最后一种可能,那就是她的先祖已经没了,毕竟是一千多前年的人物,来到地球之后,没有了寿命来源,活一天少一天,如果来的时候寿命存量不足,如今已经过世了也有可能。„I...... ask the fatheragain......” the Fuaawkwardsay/way. The atmospheredoesis so serious, finallynothing happened, makingherveryembarrassed, quicklyrangameto inquire.
“我……再去问问父亲……”芙娅尴尬道。气氛搞的这么严肃,结果什么都没发生,令她挺不好意思,急忙跑去游戏里询问。Mu Youfollowedsheto look at the eye, that side the Fuafathersoonhad the replyactually, according tohisview, only thenthisstone and those words that the ancestorhanded down from generation to generation, otheranythinghad not said,concretehewas not clear.沐游跟着她去看了眼,芙娅父亲那边倒是很快有了回复,根据他的说法,先祖传下来的只有这块石头和那句话,别的什么都没说,具体的他也不清楚。Two peopletraded the patternto inciteseveraltimes, still the safe/without matter happened, two peoplewere then helpless, hasfirstto put downthismatter.
两人又换着花样鼓捣了几次,依然无事发生,这下两人无奈,只好先放下了这事。Over the following several days, Mu Youis brushingandcrazilycapturespassed.
接下来的几天,沐游都在疯狂刷塔和查攻略中度过。For these days the wind directionchange in forumwas big, underunceasingimprovement that the forumcaptured, the progress of high-levelplayers, was much quicker than the Mu Youimagination.
The most conspicuoussymbol: Startedto haveothersto arrive atDattasto withstand/top!
一个最显眼的标志:开始有别人到达塔顶了!MoststartsMu Younot to realizethis point, whenonlyotherplayersstillstruggleon below 50, untilyesterday, Lin Xuedepended on the god of deathskinand a luckbigeruption, broke through50, rushed to80!
The resultsurprisestwo people , the crawlingtowerprogress in the Lin Xuegamedemonstrating, unexpectedlyisentireclothing's20 th!
结果让两人都很意外,林雪游戏里显示的爬塔进度,居然是全服第20位!In other words, besidesherandMu You, another18playershas rushed to over 80!
也就是说,除了她和沐游之外,另有18个玩家已经闯到了八十层以上!Butthis morning, in the forumpresents the post that firstshowed off itselfto reachfinally.
而就在今天早上,论坛中终于出现了第一个炫耀自己登顶的贴子。«Entireclothing/takingthird! Finallysaw100sceneries!»
《全服第三!终于看到了100层的风景!》Thisquiteeye-catchingtitle, Poster is actually an unknownplayer.
这个相当吸引眼球的标题,发帖人却是一个名不见经传的玩家。Mu Youopenedlooks at the eye, in the postonlysaidthreematters, firstdescribed the entireprocess that hereachedin detail, secondblew out the abnormaldegree of fiendish person, thirdwasto exclaim in surpriseoneselfwere notfirstarrivesunexpectedly, twolower-keyexperts!沐游打开看了眼,帖子里只说了三件事,第一是详细描述了他登顶的全过程,第二是爆出了魔王的变态程度,第三则是惊叹自己居然不是第一个到达的,还有两个更低调的高手!Under the postnaturallyisonepiecepays homage to and sound of exclamation.
帖子底下自然是一片膜拜和惊叹之声。Mu Youcarefullylooked atthisperson of reachingprocess, looked that but actuallyalsounderstood.沐游仔细看了看这人登顶的过程,看完倒也理解了。Indeed, has rushed tofirst99, is notneeds certainly the initialdivine tool, particularlyafterlots ofplayersflood into, the players the opportunity in the towermeetingincrease, tofighting the playermaytofighting the monstermustbe more relaxed, in the meantime, is higher than the monsterwithlevelto the income of fighting the playerwinning, luckgoodtime, evenstrikesto kill a player to blow out the samedivine tool.
的确,闯过前99层,并不是一定需要初始神器,尤其是在大量玩家涌入之后,玩家们在塔内碰面的机会大增,对战玩家可比对战怪物要轻松多了,同时,对战玩家获胜的收益也高于同层次的怪物,运气好的时候,甚至击杀一个玩家就能爆出一样神器。Therefore the crawlingtowerprogress of playersis the wholeis certainly on the rise, the person of sametowerlevelaccumulationare more, has a higherprobabilityto pass, butseveral hundreds of millionspeoplealsoplay, alwayshassuchseveralHeaven’s Chosen Childto careby the luckygoddess, such asthisplayersameentire journeyluckbigeruption, reachesfinallydirectly.
所以玩家们的爬塔进度一定是整体呈上升趋势的,同一个塔层聚集的人越多,就有越高的概率通过,而数亿人同时游戏,总有那么几个天选之子被幸运女神眷顾,如这个玩家一样全程运气大爆发,最后直接登顶。ThisalsomadeMu Youhavesometensefeelingsslightly, as the person of reachingwere getting more and more, referring touncertainreally some people and him was the same, foundcansteal the specialmethod of fiendish person, after allbesidesdailytwicefreenumber of times, thiscrawlingtowergamecanput up the cashto brush the number of times!
这也让沐游略微有了些紧张感,随着登顶的人越来越多,指不定真有人和他一样,找到了能够偷过魔王的特殊手段呢,毕竟除了每日两次的免费次数外,这个爬塔游戏是可以砸钱刷次数的!Mu Youdoes not hateto put up the cashto brush the tower, butheknows that somecertainlypeoplegive up.沐游是舍不得砸钱刷塔,但他知道一定有人舍得。Thinks ofhere, Mu Youcould not sit still, hurried the relicwill reorganizeon hand.
想到这里,沐游也坐不住了,急忙将手边遗物整理了一番。For these daysheborroweda number ofrelicsfromLu Yaothere, butis not the normalrelic, butis of belt/bringnegativecharacteristics, for examplecalling‚heavystrong armor’ the relic, canenhance20defensive powers, butwill reduce10speeds.
这几天他又从陆瑶那里借来了一批遗物,不过不是正常遗物,而是带负面特性的那种,比如一种叫‘沉重坚甲’的遗物,可以提升20的防御力,但同时会降低十的速度。Other is also the items of thiskind of positive and negativesurfaceeffectdoping.
其他的也都是这类正负面效果掺杂的道具。Theserelicsnaturallyprepareto the fiendish person, because the fiendish personhas an ability that steals the item, will stealalsoto equipdirectlyon, thatwill makeitstealall the way, hislunar eclipsefighting methoddoes not needto fightwith the fiendish personin any casedirectly, the positive/directeffects of theseitemswill be completely uselessto the fiendish person, under negative effectoneset, in additionwill holdlayer upon layer, cancreatebigweakeningto the fiendish person.
这些遗物自然都是给魔王准备的,因为魔王有个偷道具的能力,偷到手还会直接装备上,那就让它偷个够,反正他的月食打法不需要和魔王正面战斗,这些道具的正面效果对魔王完全没用,负面效果却一套一个准,层层加持之下,也能对魔王造成不小的削弱。Is completeallitempreparations, Mu Youlooks at the time, when1.1, enter the gameon time.
将所有道具准备齐全,沐游看着时间,待1点一到,准时进入游戏。【Examinesyouto encounter8fiendish people, ‚making persistent efforts’triggering, youstrength of godintower + 8, + 8 godagainst.】
The data that ‚making persistent efforts’eighttimes, the doublebeliefprovidesin addition, Mu Youenters the initial attribute of towernow, has achieved the strength of god23, 18godagainst!
‘再接再厉’八次,加上双信仰提供的数据,沐游现在进塔的初始属性,已经达到了神之力23,神之防18!Thisdatatakes to make a ticketplayerenvyabsolutely dead, even ifanythingdoes not do, thisattributecannoinjure the steamrollfirst20.
这个数据拿出去绝对能让一票玩家羡慕死,即便什么都不做,这属性都能无伤碾压过前二十层。Simply after the equipmentplacedonenext, Mu Youstarting offas usual.
简单把装备安置了一下后,沐游照例的上路。Resulttime, firstgavehim a pleasant surprise.
结果这次,第一层就给了他一个惊喜。【Youencountered No. 69544formidable......】
【你遭遇了69544号勇者……】Firstthenencountered the playeraccidentally/surprisingly, sweeping an attributeis only an ordinaryplayer, mostentrylayerto32.
第一层便意外的遭遇了玩家,扫了眼属性只是个普通玩家,最多通关层数才到32层。Mu Youhas not cared, convenientlysteamrollin the past.沐游也没在意,随手碾压了过去。Butmakeshimpleasantly surprisedtruly, the thing that after isstrikesto killthisplayer, explodes.
【 Incantationresentfulbaby: Cursetoy that the childincarnation that is full of the complaintbecomes, ithas been entanglingyou, untilitfound the newtoys! When the assembly , all your attackshas the probabilityto expire, the probabilitydepends onyou and attributedisparity of goal, the disparityis bigger, the probabilityis lower.
【咒怨娃娃:一个饱含怨念的孩子化身而成的诅咒玩具,它会一直缠着你,直到它找到新的玩物!装配在身上时,你的所有攻击有概率失效,概率取决于你与目标的属性差距,差距越大,概率越低。Oncewere startedautomatic assembly, andis unable to take downon own initiative, even after the death, enters the tower, should still always existin the itemcolumn, untilthis/shoulditemwas blown outbyotherformidables, relieves the curseonly then. 】
一经入手将自动装配,且无法主动取下,即便死亡后重新进塔,也会始终存在于道具栏中,直至该道具被其他勇者爆出,方可解除诅咒。】Mu Youlooksstares, unexpectedlyis a purecurseto the item, does not have anygaindid not say, but also is unable to take downon own initiative, the most important thing is, even ifdied the tower, came instillstillinitialto existin the itemcolumnagain.沐游看得一愣,竟是一个纯粹的诅咒向道具,没有任何增益不说,还无法主动取下,最重要的是,就算死出了塔,再进来也依然初始存在于道具栏中。
The method of onlyrelieving, was exploded...... reallyto beat a drumto pass on the flowerby others?
The Mu Youcomplexionis strange, generally speaking, thisis a time bomb, it is estimated that is cheeredby the player who hegets rid ofat this time, finallygot rid ofthisnightmare.沐游脸色古怪,总的来说,这就是一颗定时炸弹,估计那个被他干掉的玩家此时正在欢呼,终于摆脱了这个噩梦。HoweverregardingMu You, the appearance of thisthingactuallyjust likegives opportune help.
不过对于沐游来说,这东西的出现却犹如雪中送炭。Becausethisthingtorestrain the fiendish personsimplyis tailor!
因为这东西简直就是为克制魔王量身打造的!Thisthingdid not diewill not take down, meansthisthing, oncewere delivered to front of the fiendish person, was stolenagainby the fiendish person, since will then existon the fiendish personpermanently, was struckto killbysomebodyuntil the fiendish person.
这东西不死亡就不会取下,意味着这东西一旦被送到魔王面前,再被魔王偷过去,从此就会永久存在于魔王身上,直到魔王被某人击杀。„Originallyalsohasthistype of item!”
“原来还有这种道具!”Mu Youthinksto understand clearlyimmediately, the designer in thistowerconsideredevidently the fiendish persondifficultyis too high. Thereforesets the item of fiendish personsomespecificallyaimed in the tower, so long asthere is a player to findtheseitems, andin front of the taking awayfiendish person, canweakenfiendish personone, waited forthiskind of itemstronglycompletelyin the goodscolumn of fiendish person, will capture the fiendish personagainbecomeseasily.沐游想了想顿时了然,看样子这塔的设计者还是考虑到了魔王难度过高。所以在塔内设置了一些专门针对的魔王的道具,只要有玩家能找到这些道具,并带去魔王面前,就能削弱魔王一层,等这类道具全部集中在魔王的物品栏里,再去攻略魔王就会变得容易许多。Naturally, thisprocessneed is very definitely long, one year or sohas the possibility.
当然,这个过程肯定需要很久,一年半载都有可能。Mu Youactuallycould not wait forotherto curse the emergence of item, canblow outthisto hittransportedgreatly, moreover was just the curse of probabilityclass...... Mu Youhas a premonition, perhaps his timereallycanpass the fiendish persononetime!沐游却等不到其他诅咒道具的出现了,能爆出这一件已经是撞了大运,而且还刚好是概率类的诅咒……沐游有种预感,他这次说不定真能一次通过魔王!Mu Youquicklycontinues.沐游急忙继续出发。
After arriving atsecond, heverydisturbedbrushedone, for fear thatno longerappears on the 1 st, after alltheyrecenttwodays of showdowns, ‚winbyhimwith ease’come to an end, him the highattribute, has caused the presentto standis making the opposite partycut, cannot breakhisagainstsituation......
来到第二层后,他很是忐忑的刷了一通,生怕一号不再出现,毕竟他们最近两天的对决,都是以他‘轻松获胜’告终,他这边过高的属性,已经导致了现在站着让对方砍,都破不了他防的地步……Mu Youfearedvery much the opposite partyloses the hope, no longerstruggles.沐游很怕对方失去希望,不再挣扎。
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