TGITR :: Volume #5

#431 Part 2: It is said that is the place that „the god of sky” falls from the sky

Although Camelback Kingdom cannot compare Eagle Kingdom, but the good and evil is also the local tyrants of 1 million population, only gives him 10,000 retinue, since, does not have the sufficient heavy firepower, he really did not have that confidence to hit. 驼峰王国虽然比不上雄鹰王国,但好歹也是个百万人口的地区豪强,只给他一万扈从,没有足够的重火力,他还真没那个信心打下来。 Moreover words that he did not remember incorrectly, after capturing No. 9 oasis, the next goal should be gold/metal Xi, the camelback is last. But if the goal is not camelback 而且他没记错的话,在攻下九号绿洲之后,下一个目标应该是金蜥,驼峰是最后一个。可如果目标不是驼峰・・・ McKerron is pondering over, the line of sight ended to east moves, finally stopped in the east —— that emerald green forest and plain of sunset province. 麦克伦思忖着,视线结束向东移动,最终停在了落霞行省的东边——那一片翠绿的森林和平原。 There is also remote, with is similar to the distance of No. 9 oasis from here. But just in the range of jet plane! 那里同样遥远,和从这儿到九号绿洲的距离差不多。但刚好在喷气式飞机的航程之内! As if thought of anything, on McKerron's face floated off suddenly, smiled suddenly loudly. Ha worthily is Griffing! That sly skunk, I know that he thought what are you doing!” The military officer in tent look at each other in blank dismay. 似乎想到了什么,麦克伦的脸上浮起一丝恍然,忽然地大声笑了出来。“哈哈哈・・・・・・不愧是格里芬!那个狡猾的臭鼬,我知道他想干什么了!”营帐内的军官面面相觑一眼。 Isn't the old fox? How to turn into the skunk? 不是老狐狸吗?怎么又变成臭鼬了? Restrained the smile, General McKerron looked to own subordinate, ordered sternly. Divides Thousand Man Team to come out from retinue army, the smooth camp north land.” We there construction temporary runway!” 收敛了笑容,麦克伦将军看向自己的属下,厉声下令。“从扈从军分一支千人队出来,平整营地北边的土地。”“我们在那儿修建临时跑道!” The logistics senior official who promotes newly, leaves ranks from a military officer immediately, stands at attention to stand good a military salute. Yes!” 新提拔的后勤长官,立刻从一众军官中出列,立正站直行了一个军礼。“是!” In his mind, his immediate superior General McKerron, has never taken seriously General Griffing's order. Certainly is any important matter! 在他印象中,他的顶头上司麦克伦将军,从未如此地重视过格里芬将军的命令。想必一定是什么重要的事情! McKerron turns around , to continue to look that to that is hanging up map, in the very happy smile floats off an obvious viciousness. This group of ugly barbarians. 麦克伦转过身去,继续看向那张挂着的地图,美滋滋的笑容中浮起一丝明显的狠毒。这群丑陋的野蛮人。 They will pay the price for oneself stupidity quickly. Only pitifully. 他们很快就会为自己的愚蠢付出代价。只可惜・・・. This a wee bit happy cause of death, is really not cheap they . 这种没有一丁点儿高兴的死法,实在太便宜他们了。.・・・・・ At the same time, the Lost Valley west side, the setting sun sets in the west. 同一时间,失落谷的西边,夕阳西斜。 The due north of treasure map mountain range, in a bare Gobi Desert, rides in the young girl who the bear conducts the back, in the hand is grasping a telescope, extends the neck to look around excitedly forward. 藏宝图山脉的正北面,一片光秃秃的戈壁滩上,骑在熊背上的少女,手中正握着一支望远镜,伸着脖子兴奋地向前张望。 Her conducting the back at the back of RPG, on the waist is hanging the grenade, submachine gun and a mushroom badge. Although the black silk and coat broke the hole, the fluffy short hair was blown the chicken coop, actually could not cover that silly valiant. 她的背上背着一支RPG,腰上挂着手雷、冲锋枪和一枚蘑菇徽章。虽然黑丝和外套都破了洞,蓬松的短发被吹成了鸡窝,却丝毫掩盖不了那傻里傻气的飒爽。 Ohh! Big double front!” “喔喔喔!好大的双锋!” Was roasted the listless polar bear by Sun, raised the head to proceed to look at one, complained worn out. „. Always felt that the flatter tail made any serious speech.” 被太阳烤得无精打采的白熊,抬头往前看了一眼,有气无力地吐槽。“.・・・・・总感觉阿尾又做了什么不得了的发言。” Driving Sisi also interrupts. 正在开车的斯斯也插了句嘴。 Un, if types on the Duke screen, should demonstrate that two asterisks or were replaced other characters directly.” Tail: „???” “嗯,如果是在公屏上打字,应该会显示出两个星号或者直接被替换成其他字呢。”尾巴:“???” Stands in front of card compartment, held Sesame Seed Paste of vehicle roof machine gun also to look into the front, the top of the head cat ear was shaking shaking suddenly excitedly. You did not think that two mountains, do look like the cathead very much?” 站在卡车厢的前端,扶着车顶机枪的芝麻糊也眺望着前方,头顶地猫耳忽然兴奋地晃了晃。“你们不觉得那两座山,很像猫头吗?” Oh! This name is good,” the Tail eye sparkles to shine, turn head raised up the thumb, called it Maotou to be good!” Cannot understand exchanges of three people of bears, rides double headed ox with to smile in truck nearby old person, said in the People United language. “喔!这名字不错,”尾巴眼睛闪闪发亮,回头竖起了拇指,“就叫它猫头山好了!”听不懂三人一熊的交流,骑着双头牛跟在卡车旁边的老人笑了笑,用人联语说道。 There is the double headed peak.” “那里是双头峰。” Although cannot understand their exchanges, but looked that expression and movement can guess correctly, they should discuss that two grand mountain peak names. 虽然听不懂她们的交流,但看那表情和动作就能猜到,她们应该是在讨论那两座雄伟的山峰叫什么名字。 Old person's name was Wu Lan, was the resident of No. 4 oasis, depended on does business the job with the mine in distant place, on the come back road met raider unfortunately, nearly lost the poor life. 老人的名字叫吴兰,是四号绿洲的居民,靠着和远处的矿山做买卖营生,回来的路上不幸遇上了掠夺者,险些丢了小命。 Was good to meet this group of good little misses, he was shocking but not dangerous to save a life, and brought back own cow. In order to repay the life-saving efforts, he proposed that holds the post of the guide. 好在遇上了这伙善良的小姑娘,他才有惊无险地捡回了一条命,并且拿回了自己的牛。为了报答救命之恩,他主动提出担任向导。 Considering oneself to the situation of No. 4 oasis fully did not understand, the native helps the trouble that can increase not necessary, Sisi complied on the nod. 考虑到自己这边对四号绿洲的情况完全不了解,有一个本地人帮忙可以增添不必要的麻烦,斯斯就点头答应了下来。 As for them why here, that will be a long story. 至于她们为何会在这里,那就说来话长了。 After the war of Ragu City, White Bear Knights made the recuperation then to start off slightly, heads west to enter the desert. Because No. 9 oasis is going to war, at this moment goes to Lion Kingdom obviously is not a great idea. 瑞谷市之战之后,白熊骑士团稍作休整便重新上路,西行进入了沙漠。由于九号绿洲正在打仗,此刻去雄狮王国显然不是个好主意。 Sisi then proposed thereupon, might as well go to gold/metal Xi to have a look, heard that No. 8 oasis can arrive at Wandering Swamp toward north again, mysterious Institute on conceals in that swamp. 于是乎斯斯便提出,不如去金蜥看看,听说八号绿洲再往北能到彷徨沼泽,神秘的学院就藏在那片沼泽中。 From the beginning everyone thought that this idea is good. 一开始大家都觉得这个主意不错。 However the journey just arrived at half, they heard from the traveler in some relay station, crossed the south treasure map mountain range, arrives at the Camelback Kingdom silver semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate to south, can see the vast sea. 然而旅途刚到一半,她们从某个驿站的旅人那儿听说,翻过最南边的藏宝图山脉,向南走到驼峰王国的银月城,能看见一望无际的大海。 Heard can see the sea, a three people of bear was excited immediately. 一听说能看到大海,三人一熊顿时兴奋了。 Sea! 海! Compared with what swamp and Institute, the sea is really more attractive! 比起什么沼泽和学院,果然还是大海更有吸引力! Therefore under the creating a disturbance of proposition and Rourou of Tail, White Bear Knights came 180 degrees shallowturn directly, turned around toward the south side went 于是在尾巴的提议和肉肉的起哄下,白熊骑士团直接来了个一百八十度大转弯,又掉头往南边去了・・・ „? Originally does it have the name?” Tail looks surprised to the old person. “诶?原来它有名字?”尾巴吃惊地看向老人。 Haha, its is well known, if you will often come to here certainly to hear.” On old person's face floats off wipes proudly, opens the mouth to continue to say slowly. “哈哈,它的名气可不小,您要是常来这儿一定会听说。”老人的脸上浮起一抹自豪,缓缓开口继续说道。 My hometown, the Petra fort is situated in that two mountains! There is on the trim desert does not rely on the survivor inhabit region that the oasis has probably only. Crossed the Petra fort, is No. 4 oasis, simultaneously there is also only one road that went to No. 4 oasis “我的故乡,佩特拉要塞就坐落在那两座山之间!那儿大概是整片沙漠上唯一不依赖绿洲存在的幸存者聚居地。翻过了佩特拉要塞,就是四号绿洲,同时那里也是唯一一条去四号绿洲的路 Petra!” “佩特拉!” Heard this pronunciation, Tail clutched the Rourou wool immediately excitedly, Rourou, Rourou, was Petra! The surrounding desert cannot do well to turn the gold coin and hammer!” 听到这个发音,尾巴顿时兴奋地揪了揪肉肉的毛,“肉肉,肉肉,是佩特拉诶!周围的沙漠搞不好能翻出来金币和锤子!” Rourou spits the mortise reluctantly. 肉肉无奈地吐槽道。 „. That is other game, moreover this is not a world.” Sat thought a while in Sisi of driving position, opened the mouth to say. “.・・・・・那是别的游戏吧,而且这都不是一个世界。”坐在驾驶位的斯斯想了一会儿,开口道。 Un that said that but logically, here, if really leads to No. 4 oasis the only channel, cannot do well under the sand really to bury what buried treasure.” “嗯・・・・・话是这么说,不过逻辑上来讲,这里如果真是通往四号绿洲的唯一通道,搞不好沙子底下真有可能埋着什么宝藏。” These by the caravan that the sand storm embezzles. 那些被沙尘暴吞没的商队。 Because of jolting, but the treasure of falling down ox cart. 或者因为颠簸而掉下牛车的宝贝。 If willing to spend the time to look, cannot do well also really to be able from their sand to dig anything. As for valuable, that was different matter. 如果肯花时间去找的话,搞不好还真能从她们脚下的沙子里挖出来些什么东西。至于值不值钱,那就是另外一回事儿了。 Oh! Treasure hunt!” Obtains the affirmative answer, Tail was excited immediately, Rourou under her body was also brought back the interest. “喔!寻宝!”得到肯定的答复,尾巴顿时兴奋了起来,这回就连她身下的肉肉也被勾起了兴趣。 A person of bear was discussing excitedly treasure hunt plan, after making and other business completed, carries the military engineer spade to go to the sand dune to treasure hunt. Looks at the happy good friend, on the face of Sisi turned upwards the smile. 一人一熊兴奋地商量着寻宝计划,约好了等买卖做完了之后,拎着工兵锹去沙丘上寻宝。看着欢乐的好朋友,斯斯的脸上不禁翘起了笑容。 Compared with the war, this leisurely and carefree journey is really happier. This month, their experiences all the way, can write a book. 比起战争,果然还是这种悠闲的旅途更让人心情愉快。这一个月来,她们一路上的所见所闻,都能写成一本书了。 If can the peace get down to be good. 如果能一直和平下去就好了。 Although she also clear, this short peace is more like the tranquility before storm. Several days ago Death Regiment had launched the preemptive surprise attack to Legion, it is estimated that waits for this journey to start, they should also go to the frontline report. 虽然她心里也清楚,这短暂的和平更像是暴风雨前的宁静。几天前死亡兵团已经对军团发动了先发制人的突袭,估计等这趟旅途开始,她们也该去前线报道了。 Sesame Seed Paste looked that to old person who the cow conducts the back, asked curiously. 芝麻糊看向牛背上的老人,好奇地问道。 What goes to that Petra fort to need to pay attention to?” The old person said. “去那个佩特拉要塞需要注意什么吗?”老人笑着说。 Nothing needs to pay attention, native's in residents compared with other deserts wants enlightened many, so long as you respect their beliefs, they will also respect you. The local law forbid murder, private war and burglary, this please must pay attention I think that you should not violate that matter.” “没什么需要注意的,当地人比其他沙漠中的住民要开明的多,只要你们尊重他们的信仰,他们也会尊重你们。当地的法律禁止杀人、私斗和盗窃,这点请务必注意・・・・・・不过我想你们应该也不会犯那种事情。” Right,” old person looked at the ear on her top of the head, said, „the Camelback Kingdom residents liked the cat very much, you will certainly be popular with everyone there very much.” “对了,”老人瞧了一眼她头顶上的耳朵,笑着说,“驼峰王国的居民都很喜欢猫,您在那儿一定会很受大家的欢迎。” Sesame Seed Paste a little put on the helmet embarrassed. 芝麻糊有点儿不好意思地戴上了头盔。 The group are cheerful and lively, neared that palatial fort quickly. 一行人有说有笑着,很快接近了那座巍峨的要塞。 Its outline looked like the arena in ancient Rome very much, the concrete structure surrounding of arc made the reinforcement with the stone and wood/blockhead, the gun tubes of cast iron cannon towered by the embattlement. 它的轮廓很像古罗马的斗兽场,弧形的混凝土结构外围用石块和木头做了加固,一根根铸铁大炮的炮管耸立在城垛旁。 Except for these primitive weapons, the crown in fort is also putting some light and heavy machine guns and so on gadget, these equipment not too enough look to the regular army, but sufficiently shock and awe common sand bandit and raider. 除了这些原始的武器,要塞的顶部也放着一些轻重机枪之类的玩意儿,这些装备对正规军来说不太够看,但足以震慑常见的沙匪、掠夺者 Square residents, distribute in the mountain valleys of two mountains, spreads in the direction of mountain ridge. 一栋栋四四方方的民宅,分布在两山的山谷之间,向着山脊的方向蔓延。 Here is not only a fort, is the survivor inhabit region, the resident population has probably 70,000-80,000, as for the transient population does not know that had many. 这里既是要塞,也是幸存者聚居地,常住人口大概有个70,000-80,000,至于流动人口就不知道有多少了。 Not only the Hegu Province caravan, the Jinchuan Province caravan will also pass by here, therefore here looks very lively. 不只是河谷行省的商队,锦川行省的商队也会路过这儿,因此这里看着很是热闹。 People stand in side of mud roads hawk, the colorful linen uses two wooden club triangles the sheds, is a simple stall. 人们就站在一条条泥巴路的旁边叫卖,花花绿绿的亚麻布用两根木棍支一个三角形的棚子,就是一座简单的摊位。 Here anything thing sells, like the rural fair of Somalia. 这里什么东西都有卖,像极了索马里的集市。 Side of fruit stall is sells the shop of rifle, the skin color slightly deep woman wears the flower check skirt, nurses to the child, while and mercenary of arms procurement bargained back and forth. 水果摊的旁边就是卖步枪的铺子,肤色略深的女人穿着花格子裙,一边给孩子喂奶,一边和采购武器的佣兵讨价还价。 The noisy sound is lingering on faintly. 嘈杂的声音不绝于耳。 Since entering this rural fair, the group did not enhance the volume of speech voluntarily, almost shouts to shout that can hear each other sound. 自从进了这座集市之后,一行人不自觉地提高了说话的音量,几乎是扯着嗓子喊才能听见彼此的声音。 Words said that here and Red River Alliance horseshoe town/subdues seems like!” Oh! However here big! Compared with horseshoe town/subdues mostly!” Haha after all there is only a small town.” “话说这里和红河联盟的马蹄铁镇好像啊!”“喔!不过这里好大!比马蹄铁镇大多了!”“哈哈・・・・・・毕竟那里只是一座小镇嘛。” does not know that here does have what unit price quite low special product.” Sat Sisi in driving position observed the situation around one, was pondering over said. “唔・・・・・・不知道这儿有没有什么单价比较低的特产。”坐在驾驶位上的斯斯环视了一眼周围,思忖着说道。 She listened to that old person named Wu Lan saying that the spice, rug, beef, the camel milk and milk that here produced were very famous, was some iron products and pottery. 她听那个叫吴兰的老人说,这儿生产的香料、地毯、牛肉、骆驼奶和牛奶很出名,还有就是一些铁制品和陶器。 If not well-to-do, the rifle and bullet that these young stall keepers sell should better not to buy, these lose in the thing that on the rug hawks, either the spoils of war that seizes from raider, either is the small workshop uses the tripe of cheap materials production. 如果不是经济宽裕,那些小摊贩出售的步枪和子弹最好不要买,那些丢在地毯上叫卖的东西,要么是从掠夺者手上缴获的战利品,要么是小作坊用便宜的材料生产的劣质品。 The former is negligent in the maintenance, the latter work is inferior, essential time jams or the burst in the bore, not being able to do well to want the life of user. 前者疏于保养,后者做工劣质,关键的时候卡壳或者炸膛,搞不好会要了使用者的命。 , if you need the resupply of ammunition, can go to the workshop in city to order, so long as is not the craft too complex bullet, there artisan even can you need has custom-made according to the caliber and primer cup type that. ” ・・・・・如果你们需要补充弹药,可以去城里的工坊下单,只要不是工艺太复杂的子弹,那儿工匠甚至可以根据你们需要的口径和底火帽类型定制。” The old person looked around residents, looked that to sat the miss in truck, the questionnaire opinion said. 老人望了一眼一旁的民宅,看向了坐在卡车里的姑娘,征求意见道。 „In I want first to go home a report safe and secure, usually my three days arrived home, this time towed too for a long time, my wife and children were definitely flustered tomorrow here how will our approximately time meet?” “我想先回家里报个平安,平时我三天就到家了,这次拖得太久,我的妻子和孩子们肯定急坏了・・・・・・我们约个时间明天在这里碰面如何?” Sisi nodded. 斯斯点了下头 Then on 6 : 00 am, we also needs to repair and maintain.” “那就明早六点吧,我们也需要修整一下。” Brings the hotel in garage and warehouse, she position mark on the map, had planned to bring everyone first to go to a room to put down the baggage. 带车库和仓库的旅馆,她已经将位置标记在了地图上,打算带着大伙们先去开个房间把行李放下。 The ammunition on truck also has many, actually not anxiously supplement. Now what they must first do, changes into money of local circulation the cargo on truck. 卡车上的弹药还有不少,倒是不急着补充。现在她们首先要做的是,将卡车上的货物换成当地流通的钱。 Heard that the devil silk very sells well in the area, small arm thick one volume can trade a big horn cow, but so long as the former has the contribution to be enough, can buy cheaply. 听说魔鬼丝在当地很畅销,小臂粗的一卷就能换一头大角牛,而前者只要有贡献足够,很便宜就能买到。 The order initial price of frost lance pasture is quite rich, a first 3000 jin (0.5 kg) big horn cow can trade about 6000 silver coins. In addition these strange small gadget. 霜矛牧场的订单开价相当丰厚,一头3000斤的大角牛能换将近6000银币。再加上那些稀奇古怪的小玩意儿。 The cargo of this truck, this comes one unable to do well to gain to over 1 million profits! 这一卡车的货物,这一来一回搞不好能赚到百万以上的利润! In the Sisi heart is thinking, taking the lead Tail and Rourou, stop the footsteps by a stall suddenly. 就在斯斯心中思索着的时候,走在前面的尾巴肉肉,忽然在一座摊位旁停一下脚步。 Crawled from the body of Rourou, before Tail gathered the stall, looks at that to overspread the books and scroll of wool blanket, suddenly probably discovered new continent, on the face shows the pleasantly surprised expression. 肉肉的身上爬了下来,尾巴凑到了摊位前,看着那铺满了毛毯的书本和卷轴,忽然像是发现了新大陆似的,脸上露出惊喜的表情。 Looks up to sitting the vendor under shed, Tail asks high spirits. Boss, your here has to sell treasure map?” 抬头看向坐在棚子下面的摊主,尾巴兴冲冲地问道。“老板,您这儿有卖藏宝图的吗?” treasure map?” 藏宝图?” The vendor gawked, the flash had not responded, but was quick, the face of that crawling full wrinkle then blossoms happily. Restrained the smile, he coughs to make the mysterious expression lightly, lowered the sound to say. 那摊主愣了一下,一瞬间没反应过来,不过很快,那张爬满皱纹的脸便乐开了花。收敛了笑容,他轻咳一声做出神秘的表情,压低了声音说道。 Guest, I should not speak this saying, but looked in share that in your I am predestined friends.” The eye of Tail sparkles to shine. “客人,本来我不该说这话,但看在你我有缘的份上.”尾巴的眼睛闪闪发亮。 In share that is predestined friends?” “有缘的份上?” The vendors show a faint smile, stare at her to say. „Have you heard Lost Valley?” 摊主微微一笑,盯着她道。“你听说过失落谷吗?” If there is heard, following that rubbish he not to need to say. 如果听说过,接下来的那番废话他就不用讲了。 However just as he expected, this miss really one time is comes to here at present, even the first time is came the desert, from the start has not heard that cursed place. 然而正如他所预料的那样,眼前这位姑娘果然是一次来这里,甚至是第一次来沙漠,压根儿没听说过那个被诅咒的地方。 Tail shakes the head rapidly, a face anticipated that sees behind the stall old man. No! What thing does there have?” 尾巴迅速摇了摇头,一脸期待地看着摊位后面的老头。“没有!那里有什么东西吗?” The vision long revolution of vendor, elongated the tonality opens the mouth. 摊主的目光悠悠一转,拉长了音调开口。 Haha, there good thing to be possible too many hands down that losing mountain valley, is place that the god of sky falls from the sky.” “哈哈,那儿的好东西可太多了・・・・・・相传那座失落的山谷,是天空之神陨落的地方。” Oh oh oh! The god of sky?!” Hears this astonishing given name, not only Tail, showed the exciting expression including nearby Rourou. “噢噢噢!天空之神?!”听到这个惊人的名号,不只是尾巴,连旁边的肉肉都露出了兴奋的表情。 Cast a sidelong glance that to pass the humane big polar bear, the vendor continues to tell the story. 瞟了一眼那头通人性的大白熊,摊主继续讲起了故事。 Yes, that was the matter long , long ago. various God dusk arrives in midnight, the black sky was lightened the daytime, the Spiritual God that past split attacked brutally in the state of mortal, hand and foot remnant, finally the god of sky fell from the sky unfortunately. The scepter that falls from his hand destroyed the Sand Sea Spirit kindness, making once oasis turn into a cursed wilderness.” “是的,那是好久好久以前的事情了。诸神的黄昏在子夜时分降临,黑色的天空被点亮成白昼,昔日分裂的神灵在凡人的国度大打出手,手足相残,最终天空之神不幸陨落。从他手中滑落的权杖摧毁了沙海之灵的恩惠,让曾经的绿洲变成了一片被诅咒的荒原・.” Sees two that this young girl listens to at present to shine, the vendor knows that own opportunity came, therefore lowered the sound to eject the bait. „. These are the public hearsay, but few people know, after that war ended, had anything,” 见眼前这位少女听的两眼放光,摊主知道自己的机会来了,于是压低声音抛出了诱饵。“.・・・・这些都是公开的传闻,但很少有人知道,那场战争结束之后发生了什么,” Had anything!” Tail swallowed a saliva, on the face wrote all over the anticipation. The vendors hung down slightly the feature. “发生了什么!”尾巴咽了口唾沫,脸上写满了期待。摊主微微低垂了眉目。 „The follower of god of sky, found the body of god, and built up a temple on his remains. 200 years passed, his servant has gone along with him, disappears in that limitless yellow sand hands down, the armor of god of sky still stayed there, was consecrated, in that makes by the temple that in the yellow sand buries!” “天空之神的信徒,找到了神的遗体,并在他的遗体上建起了一座神庙。两百年的时间过去了,他的仆人已经随他而去,消失在了那无边无际的黄沙中・・・・・・不过相传,天空之神的盔甲仍然留在那里,被供奉在那做被黄沙掩埋的神庙中!” Tail got hold of the double fist excitedly. Hidden Mission! 尾巴激动地握紧了双拳。隐藏任务 Giao! Giao! In other words, so long as found that temple, can find the armor of god of sky!” Right.” “也就是说,只要找到了那座神庙,就能找到天空之神的盔甲!”“没错。” The vendors gave her an appreciation look, as to this intelligent praise, took up a getting old scroll from the stall. 摊主给了她一个赞赏的眼神,作为对这份聪明的夸奖,从摊位上拿起了一根上了年纪的卷轴。 Here happen to have treasure map, originally is planned that hires several mercenaries to have a look together, but you also saw here business is so busy, I cannot find the time to get out of the way, the waited hair quick was white. If you are interested, I can sell to you it, „ “我这儿正好有一张藏宝图,本来是打算雇几个佣兵一起去看看,但你也看到了・・・・・・这儿的生意这么忙,我根本抽不出时间走开,等的头发都快白了。你要是感兴趣,我可以把它卖给你,“ Tail said excitedly: How much money!” The vendors thought deeply about the moment. 尾巴激动道:“多少钱!”摊主思索了片刻。 Un I think, after all I also buy from other traveler hands, at that time I gave him 1 ten thousand golden camel coin. Looked in share that in your I am predestined friends, my initial cost sold to you to be good.” “嗯・・・・・・我想想,毕竟我也是从其他旅人手中买来的,当时我给了他一万金驼币。看在你我有缘的份上,我就原价卖给你好了。” Ten thousand golden camel coin!?” On the face of Tail shows the depressed expression, I do not have so many.” “一万金驼币!?”尾巴的脸上露出沮丧的表情,“呜・・・・・・我没有那么多。” Before saved that old man named Wu Lan, she that crowd of raider hands that from solved conveniently recycled some seal the gold coin of camel. 之前救下那个叫吴兰的老头时,她从顺手解决掉的那群掠夺者手中回收了一些印着骆驼的金币。 Listened to Sisi saying that these small gold coins were golden camel coin, the small face value was 1, the big face value was 10. 斯斯说,那些小金币就是金驼币,小的面值是一,大的面值是十。 However these gold coin small one bags, although she has not counted carefully, but how wants is not not possible to have 10,000 so many. The vendors were deliberately considering she estimated just came to here, has not traded the local currency with enough time, therefore said hastily. 不过那些金币只有小小的一袋,虽然她没仔细数过,但怎么想都不可能有一万那么多。摊主寻思着她估计是刚来这儿,还没来得及换本地的货币,于是连忙道。 Dinar? Dinar also! 10,000 on line! Cr, but Cr I have no way to give you very high price 30,000, oh not, about 40,000 how?” “第纳尔呢?第纳尔也可以!1万就行!或者Cr,不过Cr我没法给你很高的价・・・・・三万,不,四万左右如何?” Tail swung the child's shakedrum. No.” 尾巴把头摇成了波浪鼓。“没有。” The expression of vendor is slightly disappointed. 摊主的表情略微失望。 Originally looked that this little miss appearance is good, although is dirty, but the facial expression on face is obviously better than these travellers, not only raised only the precious unusual animals to work as the pet, a truck, looks that seems like wealthy family young lady who fled from calamity from No. 9 oasis, finally could not press out this perquisite. 本来看这小姑娘模样不错,虽然灰头土脸,但脸上的气色明显比那些旅行者好很多,不但养了只珍奇异兽当宠物,还有辆卡车,看着像是从九号绿洲逃难来的富家小姐,结果连这点油水都榨不出来。 Really was mistaken. 真是看走眼了。 However, in line with can deceive a point is a point idea, he put out the performing skill, makes awkward expression, clenches teeth to endure suffering to say. 不过,本着能骗一点是一点的想法,他还是拿出了演技,做出为难的表情,咬了咬牙忍痛说道。 „, Looked in share that in your I am predestined friends, 6000 dinars sold to you thinks well, so long as the prices of 6 strong slaves, can buy this treasure map. So long as incurred the armor of god of sky, could help you promote your family.” “罢了罢了,看在你我有缘的份上,六千第纳尔卖给你・・・・・・好好想想吧,只要六个强壮的奴隶的价格,就能买下这张藏宝图。只要招到了天空之神的盔甲,说不定能帮你振兴你的家族。” Oh! Promotion family!” “喔!振兴家族!”
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