TFWDH :: Volume #6 渡尽苦海心不移

#543: With my what does/works?

The boundless empty sea, the world overturns. 无垠虚海,天地翻覆。 At this moment, acts in the Zhen Yuan Zi full power, and assistance of Chong sovereign and under Zixiaogong, in the past, now, in the future, will be confused by it completely. But corresponds with it, is another side genesis Heavenly Venerate, its forehead center is shining is up comprehensively, covers the big thousand glimmer. 这一刻,在镇元子的全力施为,以及崇皇和紫霄宫的辅助下,过去,现在,未来,完全被其搅乱。而与之对应的,则是另一边的元始天尊,其眉心中央正亮起一点包罗万象,涵盖大千的微光。 All by the time that Zhen Yuan Zi confuses, derives under shining of this glimmer, genesis Heavenly Venerate is smoothing the riot that this courtyard starts. 所有被镇元子搅乱的时间,都在这道微光的照耀下重新衍生而出,元始天尊在抚平这院子掀起的暴乱。 The beginning of myriad things, at the beginning of all phenomena on earth. 万物之始,万象之初。 As most powerhouse in Sanqing, the genesis Heavenly Venerate strength is without a doubt, but another side, Spirit Treasure Heavenly Venerate and moral Heavenly Venerate also demonstrate one's skill respectively. 作为三清中的最强者,元始天尊的实力是毋庸置疑的,而另一边,灵宝天尊和道德天尊也是各显手段。 Former sacrifice a streamer flag. 前者祭出了一面幡旗。 The latter pushed in the ejection the Daoist monk's cap. 后者推了推顶上道冠。 Six soul streamers! 六魂幡! A gasified Taoist trinity! 一气化三清! The Spirit Treasure Heavenly Venerate six soul streamers, that is real Taigu's first incantation kills the technique, but also wants by far Lu Ya nail head seven arrow books. Although once Dīpankara, because its incarnation is the reason of Section Cult long ear fixed light immortal, can stimulate to movement this incantation technique, but cannot compare true Sage eventually. 灵宝天尊的六魂幡,那可是货真价实的太古第一咒杀术,还要远胜陆压的钉头七箭书。虽说曾经的燃灯因为其化身乃是截教长耳定光仙的缘故,也能催动这门咒术,但终究比不上真正的圣人 When this streamer flag is worshipped the stimulation of movement by Spirit Treasure Heavenly Venerate personally, is directly through the fate big net, erases existence of opposite party in the world! 当这面幡旗由灵宝天尊亲自祭拜催动的时候,便是直接通过命数大网,自天地间抹除对方的存在! Under Sage must die. 圣人之下必死。 As for Sage, 至于圣人, Although cannot massacre, but can also weaken it significantly and relation of fate big net, but nowadays, moral Heavenly Venerate ei has to keep the hand slightly, a gasified Taoist trinity, on clear jade clear is too clear three Daoists, holds the wind hot rush cushion respectively, the primal chaos chart, flat turn/kidnap, kills in the Zhen Yuan Zi direction. 虽然杀不掉,但也能大幅度削弱其和命数大网的联系,而现如今,道德天尊可是丝毫欸有留手,一气化三清,上清玉清太清三位道人,分别执风火蒲团,太极图,扁拐,朝着镇元子方向杀去。 But has genesis Heavenly Venerate to pave the way for them, naturally is a piece of level road, Zhen Yuan Zi can only look helplessly moral Heavenly Venerate hits toward his flat turn/kidnap. 而有元始天尊为祂们铺平道路,自然是一片坦途,镇元子只能眼睁睁看着道德天尊朝着他一扁拐打来。 Thump!” “咚!” Zhen Yuan Zi double fist difficult enemy four, to offer a sacrifice to the jade dust to block the primal chaos chart, in the universe with the sleeve blocked the wind hot rush cushion, finally center one was turned flatly the chest. 镇元子双拳难敌四手,祭玉塵拦住了太极图,用袖里乾坤挡住了风火蒲团,结果被一扁拐正中胸口。 In a twinkling, 霎时间, Sees only the Zhen Yuan Zi both eyes circle to open the eyes, secret fire from seven orifices blowout, although body of all generations Sage do not go bad, but was hit flat turn/kidnap is still lost face, he was unable to dodge, after all he behind is Lu Xingzhou, but at this moment, war of Lu Xingzhou and Hao Tian is loath to part from each other. 只见镇元子双目圆睁,三昧火自七窍喷出,虽说圣人之体万劫不坏,但被这么打一扁拐仍旧是丢脸至极,偏偏他还不能闪躲,毕竟他身后就是陆行舟,而此刻,陆行舟昊天之战正难舍难分。 Death!” “死!” In the eye of Hao Tian does not have the least bit at this moment the day after tomorrow the mood, angry, anxious, gets angry and hate, these are not in Its ponder range. 昊天的眼中此刻已然没有了半点后天情绪,愤怒,焦急,恼恨,这些都已经不在祂的思考范围内了。 Lu Xingzhou. 陆行舟 Killed him. 杀了他。 This is the Hao Tian complete idea, but now, It also demonstrates that the own fundamental magic arts, the Earth Immortal method to cater to Zhen Yuan Zi this eventually clone to found. True Hao Tian, as the outlier incarnation, It radically is the world's most perfect member Will of Heaven! 这就是昊天全部的想法,而现在,祂也展示出了自己的根本道法,地仙法终究是为了迎合镇元子这个分身才开创出来的。真正的昊天,身为异数的化身,祂根本就是天地间最完美的天意修士! Will of Heaven asked since old times highly difficult, the Will of Heaven itself/Ben is supreme, all over the world, abandoning outside me is the ants, is I tracks down the unique stepping-stone! 天意自古高难问,天意本就是至高无上的,普天之下,舍我以外俱是蝼蚁,是我追寻超脱的垫脚石! Since old times member Will of Heaven two big schools. 自古天意修士两大流派。 Brutal and feels emotion. 无情和有情。 Hao Tian is brutal collection great accomplishment, It investigates extremely the egotist, is Sage changes magically the evil debt evil consequence that the outlier spirit wisdom creates arbitrarily. 昊天便是无情的集大成者,祂是究极的利己主义者,是圣人们擅自点化异数灵智而造成的孽债恶果。 However---- 但是---- Really is Will of Heaven.” “果然是天意。” The Lu Xingzhou look is tranquil, in the eye also has a mood pile of penetrating, finally changed to ice-cold with Hao Tian with the toothpaste. But Hao Tian is entirely different. 陆行舟神色平静,眼中同样有情绪堆彻,最后和昊天同牙膏化作了一片冰冷。但又和昊天截然不同。 The eye of Hao Tian seems like a mirror. 昊天的眼睛像是一面镜子。 Cannot see anything, that is entire ice-cold, is the ancient not faintness. 从中看不到任何东西,那是一整块的冰冷,是亘古不化的淡漠。 But eye of Lu Xingzhou, 陆行舟的眼睛, Is more like at the same time the lake. 更像是一面湖泊。 From all corners of the country, the waterdrop that the Nine Provinces whole wide world gathering comes gathers in together, condenses finally, but lake. Although when he is quiet, does not have the difference from the mirror, same ice-cold faint. The instance that but when he seethes, can actually erupt the earth-shattering strength! 从五湖四海,九州八荒汇聚而来的水滴汇聚在一起,最后凝聚而出的湖泊。虽然在他平静的时候,和镜子没有差别,同样的冰冷淡漠。但当他翻腾起来的瞬间,却能爆发出天崩地裂般的力量! You are the innate life.” “你是先天生灵。” I am the day after tomorrow human.” “我是后天人类。” You are the brutal gentleman.” “你是无情之士。” I am cultivating of feeling emotion.” “我是有情之修。” Has to acknowledge, you and I are really the Yin-Yang two-pole, an outside and inside body, to train my you should also spend a big price.” “不得不承认,你和我真的是阴阳两极,表里一体,为了培养出我你应该也是花费了不小的代价吧。” Pitifully.” “可惜。” The Lu Xingzhou spoken language non-stop, but in his forehead, the Vientiane precious raft shakes suddenly , the lofty trees raise from the precious raft, in an instant delays to All Heavens ten thousand boundary/world, then blooms layer upon layer honored, seems the scene of dazzling fireworks and lanterns. Under the tree the person's shadows are sitting in meditation. 陆行舟言语不停,而在他的眉心中,万象宝筏陡然一震,紧接着,就有一株参天大树自宝筏中升起,刹那间延展向诸天万界,而后绽放层层光彩,好似火树银花。树下更有一道道人影在静坐。 God continent! 神洲界! To be more exact, by Jade Capital Temple , or Defying Heavens Monastery is central Shenzhoujie, as well as Wan Fang various all living things centered on Shenzhoujie. 更确切地说,是以玉京观,亦或是逆天观为中心的神州界,以及以神州界为中心的万方诸界众生。 Buddhism, although is the heresy, but in assembler intention strength, there is a good point.” 佛门虽是旁门左道,但在收集人心念力上,还是有可取之处的。” Previously all was the Taoist trinity layout.” “此前皆是三清布局。” Now is two Saints begins.” “如今则是二圣落子。” Lu Xingzhou such as when good luck comes the wits are sharpened is at this moment ordinary, many thoughts seem the intelligent spark, past the matters of many coincidences also had the answer him: The seven treasures wonderful tree will fall in his hand finally, not necessarily is the coincidence, initially rather, this valuable tree was doomed for him to use! 陆行舟此刻如福至心灵一般,诸多念头好似智慧火花,昔日许多巧合之事在他这边也有了答案:七宝妙树最后会落在他的手上,未必就是巧合,不如说,当初这株宝树就注定是要为他所用的! In all phenomena on earth precious raft, bounded is been spatial previously that Lu Xingzhou collected the life, sent out own to read the strength under the direction of seven treasures wonderful tree. 万象宝筏中,此前被陆行舟搜罗的所有界空内的生灵,都在七宝妙树的指引下散发出了自己的念力。 On Shenzhoujie Floating Clouds Mountain. 神州界浮云山上。 Breaks through complete Human Immortal from Lu Xingzhou, after activating the seven treasures wonderful tree thoroughly, throughout seclusion many people of under tree, opened the eyes. 陆行舟突破无缺人仙,彻底激活七宝妙树以后,就始终在树下闭关的诸多人杰,也纷纷睁开了双眼。 Be well-prepared! 厚积薄发! A thought of person perhaps is only the ants, but 100 people, 1 million people, 10 billion people, inexhaustible all living things read the strength to gather in together---- 一个人的意念或许只是蝼蚁,但一百人,一百万人,一百亿人,无穷无尽的众生念力汇聚在一起---- Is Will of Heaven!” “就是天意!” Consciousness in the battlefield, the Lu Xingzhou sound resounds through eight sides, is badly-damaged, by firm city that in Hao Tian almost breaks through, emerges the innumerable ambushers unexpectedly, blocked the gap of firm city forcefully, started to strangle to death the Hao Tian will crazily, attacked his day to collapse not startled mental. 意识战场中,陆行舟的声音响彻八方,本已残破不堪,被昊天几乎攻破的坚城中,竟是涌现出了无数的伏兵,硬生生堵住了坚城的缺口,开始疯狂绞杀昊天的意志,冲击着他天塌不惊的心智。 Does not die continuous, Lu Xingzhou not just puts the aggressive statement, he truly leaves leeway to defeat the Hao Tian card in a hand! But now, he must fulfill the own promise! 不死不休,陆行舟绝非只是放狠话,他是真正留有击败昊天的底牌!而现在,他就要践行自己的诺言! Kills!” “杀!” In the real world, the Lu Xingzhou face gradually twists, obviously is the same stretch/open face, used the bridge of the nose to make the entirely different expression as the cut-off rule unexpectedly. 现实世界中,陆行舟的脸庞逐渐扭曲,明明是同一张脸,竟以鼻梁为分割线做出了截然不同的表情。 Trillion all living things. 亿万众生。 Boundless bustling place. 茫茫红尘。 The Lu Xingzhou magic arts, gather ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) bustling place, changes to Will of Heaven, unexpectedly in this method, made up for itself forcefully in the flaw on story and will, although still compared with background deep Hao Tian, but he does not need to win actually, truly what because rushes to time is Hao Tian! 陆行舟的道法,聚拢万丈红尘,化作自身天意,居然硬生生以这种手段,弥补了自己在阅历和心志上的缺陷,虽然仍旧比不过底蕴深厚的昊天,但他其实不需要赢,因为真正赶时间的是昊天 Moral Heavenly Venerate melts the Taoist trinity to set up in an array, the moral Heavenly Venerate main body also comes, Spirit Treasure Heavenly Venerate offered a sacrifice to four sword separation four directions. 道德天尊所化三清一字排开,道德天尊本体也随之现身,灵宝天尊紧接着祭出了四柄剑器分立四方。 Executes immortal sword! 诛仙剑阵! Zheng!” “铮!” Spirit Treasure Heavenly Venerate and moral Heavenly Venerate joint effort, suppresses Zhen Yuan Zi and Chong sovereign unceasingly, hits two people to retreat in defeat again and again. But another side, Bhagavān and bodhi also finally found the method, suppressed each other riot of evil thought by Mount Sumeru gradually, believed after a period of time, can set aside the hand. 灵宝天尊和道德天尊合力,不断压制镇元子和崇皇,打得两人节节败退。而另一边,世尊和菩提也终于找到方法,以须弥山渐渐抑制住了彼此恶念的暴乱,相信再过一段时间,就能腾出手了。 The war turns toward the numerous Saints gradually, is thinking the Lu Xingzhou direction inclines. However till this moment, in the eye of Hao Tian cannot see the least bit as before dispirited. 战局渐渐向着众圣,想着陆行舟的方向倾斜。然而直到这一刻为止,昊天的眼中依旧看不到半点颓丧。 „Can you really help one another Sage?” “你真的要相助圣人?” You will regret.” “你会后悔的。” Consciousness in the battlefield, Hao Tian opens the mouth to say again: I, if dies, Zhen Yuan Zi also perishes. But did not have Zhen Yuan Zi, you not possible duplicate/restores to carve my path to be unique.” 意识战场中,昊天再度开口道:“我若死,镇元子亦亡。而没了镇元子,你不可能复刻我的道路就此超脱。” So long as however you are unable to be aloof.” “而只要你无法超脱。” Finally will also only make same mistakes over again, the numerous Saints are not your friend, you are outlier Sage, to them you look like the antique late Monk Tang meat.” “最后也只会重蹈覆辙,众圣不是你的朋友,你是异数圣人,对他们而言你就像是太古末期的唐僧肉。” What did you obtain?” “你得到了什么?” Dies before Dīpankara said: Bitter Sea crosses boundlessly, Xuzhen seeks spatially always. These words reverberate in the heart of Lu Xingzhou at this moment again slowly. 诚如燃灯死前所说:苦海无边争相渡,寻真求道总是空。这番话此刻再度在陆行舟的心中缓缓回荡。 However----- 但是----- You want.” “你想多了。” Lu Xingzhou remains unmoved slightly: You only know the numerous Saints, if suppresses, and even extinguished killed you, can be aloof. Actually does not know its root, but puts the blame on all oneself is the outlier incarnation. But you really know, what the numerous Saints by the biggest causes and effects that the fate big net does hobble are?” 陆行舟丝毫不为所动:“你只知道众圣如果镇压,乃至灭杀了你,就能超脱。却不知道其根源,只是将一切归咎于自己是异数化身。但你真的知道,众圣被命数大网牵绊的最大因果是什么吗?” .... Your what meaning?” Hao Tian brow slightly wrinkle. “....你什么意思?”昊天眉头微皱。 Is you.” “是你。” Lu Xingzhou sinking sound said: In years past the numerous Saints changed magically outlier, was born you, disrupted the world gauge foreword, therefore you limit the numerous Saint unique causes and effects.” 陆行舟沉声道:“昔年众圣点化异数,诞生了你,扰乱了天地规序,所以你才是限制众圣超脱的因果。” What's the big deal......!?” The Hao Tian sound stops suddenly. “那又如何......!?”昊天的声音戛然而止。 Right. 没错。 The numerous Saints change magically Hao Tian, this gave birth to the antique quantity tribulation, caused earth-shakingly, even caused innumerable all living things therefore to perish indirectly, therefore the numerous Saints planned to extinguish kill Hao Tian, because only then extinguished killed It, cut off this causes and effects, the numerous Saints can get rid of the limit of fate. 众圣点化昊天,这才生出了太古量劫,导致了天翻地覆,甚至间接导致了无数众生因此而亡,所以众圣才打算灭杀昊天,因为只有灭杀了祂,斩断了这个因果,众圣才能借此摆脱命数的限制。 However---- 然而---- With the person who the numerous Saints have this big causes and effects is you, is not I.” “和众圣结下这份大因果的人是你,又不是我。” Injustice has a debt to have main, among you gratitude and grudges.” “冤有头债有主,你们之间的恩怨。” With my what does/works?” “与我何干?” Lu Xingzhou said that is small hand one, the innocent person of whole face. 陆行舟说完便是小手一摊,满脸的无辜。
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