TFWDH :: Volume #6 渡尽苦海心不移

#544: Transporting the hero is not free

outlier Sage and fate Sage are doomed not dead continuous. 异数圣人和命数圣人注定是不死不休。 This is the viewpoint that Hao Tian grasps. 这是昊天秉持的观点。 But in fact, what between both doesn't die the continuous reason is? Hao Tian naturally not possible to get the answer from the antique various Saint mouth, therefore It can only depend on itself to guess. But the result of guess, is fate Sage needs through extinguishing kills outlier Sage to borrow unique this. 但事实上,两者之间不死不休的理由又是什么呢?昊天当然不可能从太古诸圣的口中得到答案,所以祂只能靠自己去猜测。而猜测的结果,就是命数圣人需要通过灭杀异数圣人才能借此超脱。 This guessed that Hao Tian has certainly confirmed that the guess does not have the mistake, fate Sage, if can swallow outlier Sage, truly hopeful unique. 这个猜测昊天当然是证实过的,猜测本身也没有错误,命数圣人若是能吞噬异数圣人,确实有望超脱。 If this is not the case, 若非如此, Hao Tian will not carefully design, does everything possible to promote Lu Xingzhou achievement outlier Sage, then and own clone Zhen Yuan Zi to combine. 昊天也不会精心设计,想方设法推动陆行舟成就异数圣人,然后再和自己的分身镇元子合二为一了。 However---- 然而---- Hao Tian only knows its one, is actually ignorant of the other. Unique law that It deduces no doubt right, but is actually not the road of being aloof past antique various Saint designated. 昊天只知其一,却不知其二。祂推演出的超脱法固然没错,但却不是昔日太古诸圣选定的超脱之路。 Fate and outlier. 命数和异数 Fate and variable. 定数和变数。 World's top four pole numbers, such as two-faceds, each has his good points actually an outside and inside body. Regarding fate Sage, although benefits from the fate, but also is restricted in the fate, but unique that they earnestly seek, in maintaining the foundation of mighty force, shakes off the fetter from fate big net. 天地四大极数,就如阴阳两面,各有千秋却又表里一体。对于命数圣人而言,虽然得益于命数,但也受限于命数,而他们渴求的超脱,是在维持自身伟力的基础上,挣脱来自命数大网的束缚。 In other words, 换而言之, Is receive without paying. 就是白嫖 But fate own characteristics, was doomed Sage not possible receive without paying. Therefore must seek help from outlier, breaks the limit of fate big net by this. 但命数自身的特性,又注定了圣人们不可能白嫖。所以才必须求助于异数,以此来打破命数大网的限制。 In this foundation, 在这个基础上, Hao Tian deduces the unique law that fate outlier united, if after all really has Sage, can simultaneously give dual attention to the characteristics of fate control all living things mighty force, and outlier unshackled characteristics, that and unique had not really distinguished, Hao Tian naturally believes that does not doubt. 昊天推演出了命数异数合一的超脱法,毕竟如果真的有一位圣人,能够同时兼顾命数统御众生伟力的特性,以及异数不受束缚的特性,那和超脱就真的没有区别了,昊天对此自然是坚信不疑。 But antique various Saint actually chose another path, the reason is very simple: The Hao Tian unique method, agreed with It to investigate the attitude of extremely egotist completely. 但太古诸圣却选了另一条道路,原因很简单:昊天的超脱法,完全契合了祂究极利己主义者的作风。 Fate Sage can have many. 命数圣人可以有很多个。 But outlier Sage? 异数圣人呢? Only has one. 只有一个。 In the final analysis, the unique law that Hao Tian deduces, can only give a person to be aloof in the same time. But antique is actually the time that various Saints coexist. 归根结底,昊天推演出的超脱法,在同一时间段内只能给一个人超脱。而太古却是诸圣并存的时代。 A person is aloof. 一人超脱。 Who has this thought that who is other Sage life and death archenemies, this is actually a very simple truth. But Hao Tian neglected it. 谁有这个念头,谁就是其他圣人的生死大敌,这其实是一个非常简单的道理。但昊天偏偏将其忽略了。 This is the human nature.” “这就是人性。” Or Hao Tian you and numerous Saints eventually are not a passer-by, said that different is not the stratagem, the result of judging others by oneself defeats the purpose.” “或者说,昊天你和众圣终究不是一路人,正所谓道不同不相为谋,以己度人的结果就是南辕北辙。” Consciousness in the battlefield, with radical opening of seven treasures wonderful tree, in all phenomena on earth precious raft trillion empties in this moment is responding the summons of Lu Xingzhou, the vigorous person intention strength gathers to come, to gather unceasingly under the Lu Xingzhou city wall, starts to besiege and pursue to block off army of Hao Tian to entering a city. 意识战场中,随着七宝妙树的彻底开放,万象宝筏内亿万界空在这一刻都在响应陆行舟的号召,蓬勃的人心念力不断汇聚而来,聚拢在陆行舟的城墙下,开始围追堵截昊天冲进了城内的大军。 But in this process, in the Hao Tian surface remains unmoved although as before, but the innermost feelings actually sank gradually, obviously is hidden has become aware. 而在这个过程中,昊天尽管表面上依旧不为所动,但内心却是渐渐沉了下来,显然已是隐有所悟。 Lu Xingzhou is also the spoken language non-stop , to continue saying: 陆行舟同时也是言语不停,继续说道: Antique numerous Saints seek the road of being aloof hand in hand.” “太古众圣携手寻求超脱之路。” in public in private, is impossible the method that chooses that one person to be aloof, therefore after several deductions, the numerous Saints decided another road.” “于公于私,都不可能选择那种只有一人可以超脱的方法,所以经过几番推演后,众圣敲定了另一条路。” As you said.” “如你所说。” Numerous Saints are unable to be aloof, to a great extent is because the causes and effects of fate big net hobble. Pursues outlier also because of the outlier characteristics, it looks like a sharp blade, can cut off this hobbling. Your method uses his accept Weiji. But the numerous Saints want to murder with a borrowed knife.” “众圣之所以无法超脱,很大程度上是因为命数大网的因果牵绊。追求异数也是因为异数的特性,它就像是一柄利刃,可以斩断这种牵绊。你的方法是将其纳为己用。而众圣则想要借刀杀人。” This blade.” “这柄刀。” Is you!” “就是你!” Lu Xingzhou sound just like thunderous, reverberates in the consciousness battlefield loudly, looks like heavenshaking beating a drum sounds, urging the army to launch the counter-attack. 陆行舟的声音宛若雷鸣,在意识战场中轰然回荡,就像是一道道震天的擂鼓声,驱使着军队发起反击。 Numerous Saints hobble limited to the causes and effects of fate very purely.” “众圣受限于命数的因果牵绊很单纯。” One, lies in the Confucian orthodoxy.” “一,在于道统。” Two, lie in all living things.” “二,在于众生。” The angel that so-called Confucian orthodoxy, was then riding high initially said that many immortals who as well as happen. But all living things, is because the Sage mighty force stemmed from all living things, the nature and all living things had the big causes and effects. These two, are the numerous Saint body most impregnable causes and effects hobble.” “所谓道统,便是当初红极一时的天仙道,以及由此而生的诸多仙人。而众生,则是因为圣人伟力本就源于众生,自然和众生结下了大因果。这两者,便是众圣身上最为牢不可破的因果牵绊。” But.” “但是。” The Lu Xingzhou sound stops suddenly, but does not need him to say again, Hao Tian had responded: These two causes and effects passed the burden by the numerous Saints! 陆行舟的声音戛然而止,但不需要他再讲下去,昊天已然反应了过来:这两个因果被众圣转嫁出去了! How to pass the burden? 如何转嫁? outlier! 异数 The numerous Saints change magically outlier, for its initiation, catalyzed the birth of Hao Tian finally. Hao Tian thinks that this is the numerous Saints wants to treat as chive to raise it, then rips. But the fact at all is not so, the numerous Saints will change magically Hao Tian, to let Hao Tian continues their causes and effects! 众圣点化异数,为其启蒙,最后催化了昊天的诞生。昊天认为这是众圣想要把它当作韭菜养起来,然后再割掉。但事实根本不是如此,众圣之所以会点化昊天,是为了让昊天承接他们的因果! Confucian orthodoxy? Because changes magically Hao Tian, starts the antique quantity tribulation, the angel say/way survives in name only, mostly falls from the sky with many immortals who it corresponds in immemorial. 道统?因为点化昊天,掀起太古量劫,天仙道名存实亡,与之对应的诸多仙人更是大多陨落在了太古。 But replaced an angel position, is Hao Tian clone, Earth Immortal method that Zhen Yuan Zi founds. 而取代了天仙道地位的,是昊天分身,镇元子开创的地仙法。 my god, 好家伙, This causes and effects all by Hao Tian meeting! 这因果全都被昊天给接过去了! As for another causes and effects, all living things. Initially was actually also met by Hao Tian most probably, because of Hao Tian, but the God, It established the forehead, for control Wan Fang various boundary/world one on all living things, once its achievement, the causes and effects of this part were naturally also carried by It logically. 至于另一个因果,众生。当初其实也被昊天接过去了大半,因为昊天本身可是天帝,祂建立天庭,就是为了统御万方诸界一应众生的,一旦其成就,这部分的因果自然也顺理成章地由祂背了。 Although the causes and effects are not good to carry. 虽说因果不是那么好背的。 But Hao Tian takes the outlier incarnation, its characteristics not possibly melt are the possibility, takes It as the words of object, the numerous Saint grafting causes and effects are not possible. 昊天作为异数化身,其特性就是化不可能为可能,以祂为对象的话,众圣嫁接因果绝非毫无可能。 The original words, all are logical, finally Hao Tian becomes the God, replaces the numerous Saint contract causes and effects, the numerous Saints take off fetter successfully unique. 本来的话,一切都是顺理成章,最后昊天成为天帝,代替众圣承接因果,众圣就此脱去束缚成功超脱。 However what pitifully is----- 不过可惜的是----- They were defeated.” “祂们失败了。” Lu Xingzhou corners of the mouth one: Reason lies in Hao Tian, is the fellow daoist you, unexpectedly at the final direct self-destruction of quantity tribulation, brought in the avalanche of forehead.” 陆行舟嘴角一咧:“原因在于昊天,也就是道友你,居然在量劫的最后直接自毁,引来了天庭的崩塌。” The forehead did not have. 天庭没了。 The result is not only the causes and effects of carrying/sustaining all living things casts off by Hao Tian, 其结果不仅仅是承载众生的因果被昊天甩开, Some massive lives and spatial therefore perish. 更有大量生灵和界空因此而亡。 These causes and effects, naturally all fell on Hao Tian of taking quantity tribulation source, numerous Saint body that and back planned. Becoming the brand-new third causes and effects to hobble. 这些因果,自然全都落在了作为量劫源头的昊天,以及背后谋划的众圣身上。成为了全新的第三条因果牵绊。 But wants to cut off it, 而想要斩断它, The only means were----- killed Hao Tian. 唯一的办法就是-----杀了昊天 Initially changed magically Hao Tian, triggered the antique quantity tribulation, wanted to change the world, finally actually because of Hao Tian, raised the boundless wicked evil. Now wants to cut off the causes and effects, naturally only then delivers Hao Tian to enter nirvana, killed the chief criminal, simultaneously looks for missing people the causes and effects that conducts the back this all living things. 当初点化昊天,引发太古量劫,本是想要借此改天换地,结果却因为昊天,掀起了无边的恶孽。如今想要斩断因果,自然就只有送昊天入灭,杀了罪魁祸首,同时寻人重新背上这众生的因果。 This is the numerous Saints and Hao Tian does not die the continuous real reason. 这才是众圣和昊天不死不休的真正原因。 Because only then killed Hao Tian, the numerous Saints can borrow unique this. But Hao Tian discovered this conclusion, but actually speculated the completely wrong reason. 因为只有杀了昊天,众圣才能借此超脱。而昊天虽然发现了这个结论,但却推测出了完全错误的理由。 The numerous Saints aim, from beginning to end only has Hao Tian. 众圣针对的,从始至终只有昊天 As for Lu Xingzhou? 至于陆行舟 His situation is rather opposite. The forehead has survived in name only now, without the Lu Xingzhou all phenomena on earth precious raft continues all living things causes and effects, the numerous Saints will instead have a headache. Ally that therefore to them, Lu Xingzhou even they need to win over. 他的情况不如说是正好相反。要知道,天庭如今已是名存实亡,如果没有陆行舟的万象宝筏来承接众生因果的话,众圣反而会头疼。所以对祂们而言,陆行舟甚至还是祂们需要去拉拢的盟友。 This is gambling. 这是一场博弈。 From the antique years, Hao Tian willing is not the Sage puppet, wants to be aloof, finally instead went bad unique starts of numerous Saint, this gambling is then a foregone conclusion. 从太古年间,昊天不甘心做圣人傀儡,也想超脱,结果反而坏了众圣的超脱开始,这一场博弈便成了定局。 Everyone is hopeful unique. 谁都有希望超脱。 Everyone may be defeated. 谁都有可能落败。 Very fair. 很公平。 However----- 但是----- Obtaining enlightenment helps, loses to get little support. It is well known, the spiritual cultivation does not kill all day, is not the layout plans, is the worldly wisdom.” “得道者多助,失道者寡助。众所周知,修道不是整天打打杀杀,更不是布局谋划,是人情世故啊。” Bang!” “轰隆!” Finishes speaking, consciousness in the battlefield, one in the Vientiane precious raft on the help of all living things, Lu Xingzhou ripped open a slit in the Hao Tian encirclement ring finally, melted some divine wills obviously, later sees its forehead Dharma Eye to shine suddenly, looks distantly toward the infinite high place. 话音刚落,意识战场中,在万象宝筏内一应众生的帮助下,陆行舟终于在昊天的包围圈中撕开了一道缝隙,将些许神意给显化了出来,随后就见其眉心法眼陡然亮起,向着无穷高处遥遥望去。 But there, previously Lu Xingzhou had seen one time, finally actually with it just missing, only leaves behind one time not to the black flag streamer, 而在那里,此前陆行舟曾经看到过一次,最后却与之失之交臂,只留下一句“时机未至”的黑色旗幡, Is falling slowly. 正缓缓落下。 Both touch. 两者碰触。 In a flash, Lu Xingzhou then can induce, dark had heavy causes and effects to fall on his body. But accordingly, by this causes and effects, he also obtained in this moment hand the right of use of this black flag streamer, as its divine will pours into, on the streamer has two characters to be splendid immediately: 转瞬间,陆行舟便能感应到,冥冥中有一份沉重的因果落在了他的身上。但相应的,凭借这份因果,他也获得了此刻手里这面黑色旗幡的使用权,随着其神意注入,幡上立刻有两字熠熠生辉: Pangu! 盘古! This thing for genesis Heavenly Venerate all, was known as that the antique striking power first, has to open the most precious object of prestige of chaos! At this moment was actually grasped by Lu Xingzhou in the hand. 此物为元始天尊所有,号称太古攻击力第一,有开辟混沌之威的至宝!此刻却被陆行舟握在了手里。 Stop!” Zhen Yuan Zi and Chong sovereign also want to intend to stop. “住手!”镇元子和崇皇还想出手阻拦。 But helpless, moral Heavenly Venerate and Spirit Treasure Heavenly Venerate have surrounded it completely, let alone acted, the clay buddha has crossed the river to be unable to defend oneself. Therefore can only look helplessly the Pangu streamer was received and instructed into the body by Lu Xingzhou, if finally operated the deity axe to divide to Hao Tian true spirit! 但无奈,道德天尊灵宝天尊已经完全将其困住,别说是出手了,祂们自己都已经泥菩萨过江自身难保了。所以只能眼睁睁看着盘古幡被陆行舟接引入体,最后如开天神斧般劈向了昊天真灵 Cuts!” “斩!” When the world all same strength, transporting the hero is not free. At this moment, Hao Tian gave birth unprecedentedly clearly became aware: Oneself seem to have come to the end. 时来天地皆同力,运去英雄不自由。这一刻,昊天前所未有地生出了明悟:自己似乎已经走到尽头了。
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