TFWDH :: Volume #6 渡尽苦海心不移

#542: I will not accept the threat

As Sun Wukong and Yang Jian both summoned previously to integrate the losing exuviate of Lu Xingzhou within the body, the Lu Xingzhou within the body battlefield also had the tremendous changes. 随着孙悟空和杨戬双双呼唤此前融入陆行舟体内的遗蜕,陆行舟的体内战场也出现了天翻地覆的变化。 Loses function that sheds as catalyst and bridge. 遗蜕的作用是作为催化剂和桥梁。 Thus makes Hao Tian be able to replace Lu Xingzhou smoothly. If analogies by the battlefield, before Lu Xingzhou was stranded by Hao Tian on a hill. 从而让昊天能够顺利地取代陆行舟。如果以战场来比喻的话,之前陆行舟是被昊天困在了一座小山上。 Then now, 那么现在, As loses sheds rebellion, the catalyst and bridge instead become the hindrance. The place that Lu Xingzhou defends against a siege, is equal to from a hill, turned into an easily defensible firm city. Hao Tian corrodes its consciousness the difficulty of efficiency also to increase rapidly, the speed sharply falls unceasingly. 随着遗蜕本身的暴动,催化剂和桥梁反而成为了阻碍。陆行舟困守的地方,就等于是从一座小山,变成了一座易守难攻的坚城。昊天侵蚀其意识的效率的难度也飞速攀升,速度更是不断锐减。 Lu Xingzhou this time eyes had changed thoroughly bright red, Dharma Eye of forehead even more is radiant, the eyes look straight ahead Zhen Yuan Zi, Dharma Eye in regard Hao Tian. 陆行舟此时的双眼已经彻底化作了鲜红,眉心的法眼则愈发璀璨,双眼直视镇元子,法眼则内视昊天 Gives up, you have lost.” “放弃吧,你已经输了。” „Did I lose?” “我输了?” The Lu Xingzhou spoken language as if stimulated Hao Tian of his within the body, consciousness in the battlefield, the Hao Tian army's Lu Xingzhou to the firm city that occupied launched the first impact, in this process, Hao Tian sound also in his ear bank reverberation: „Since I plan, is impossible to fall short.” 陆行舟的言语似乎刺激到了他体内的昊天,意识战场上,昊天的大军对陆行舟盘踞的坚城发起了第一次冲击,在这个过程中,昊天的声音也在他耳畔回荡:“我谋划至今,绝不可能功亏一篑。” In the Hao Tian sound has not been unwilling, is calm and calm: All living things were not clear that my layout, they walk the slant to expose the surface in the sword.” 昊天的声音中没有不甘,只有沉着和冷静:“众生不清楚我的布局,他们只是在剑走偏锋以点破面。” The hidden of Hao Tian is good. 昊天的隐藏非常好。 It and Zhen Yuan Zi relations, have hidden the truth from all Sage successfully, if the numerous Saints know ahead of time, before Spirit Treasure Heavenly Venerate cannot ignores Chong sovereign. 祂和镇元子的关系,成功瞒过了所有圣人,如果众圣提前知道的话,之前灵宝天尊就不会放任崇皇。 Chong Huangcheng the Saint is also the wishful thinking. 崇皇成圣也是痴心妄想。 But now, Hao Tian with the aid of Zixiaogong, dragged into the own camp Chong sovereign, everyone asks the Daoist, is willing to give up all for the main road, Chong sovereign is so, is not Sage time, spells to compete for the Saint position together, became Sage, naturally must snatch the unique quota. 而如今,昊天借助紫霄宫,将崇皇拉入了自己的阵营,大家都是求道人,为了大道愿意放弃一切,崇皇就是如此,不是圣人的时候,拼上一起去争夺圣位,成了圣人,自然要去抢超脱的名额。 This seeks the essence of Daoist, such as likes a moth to the flame, even if burns completely also to refuse to balk. Does not have other unnecessary sentiments on this road. 这就是求道人的本质,如飞蛾扑火,哪怕焚尽自身也在所不惜。在这条路上不存在其他多余的感情。 The difference, is not the stratagem. 道不同,不相为谋。 But the numerous Saints can lift the card in a hand at crucial moments repeatedly, reduces and solves the dead end under Hao Tian arrange/cloth. Lay in they held the Hao Tian life accurate. 而众圣之所以能够在关键时刻屡屡掀开底牌,化解昊天布下的死局。在于他们精准地抓住了昊天的命脉。 Does not need to know the truth. 不需要知道真相。 Only needs to know the thing that Hao Tian most regards as important is anything, then launched the layout regarding this point on the line. But this approach is the heresy. 只需要知道昊天最看重的东西是什么,然后围绕这一点展开布局就行了。但这种做法属于旁门左道。 Therefore also has the flaw. 所以也存在破绽。 Indeed, Lu Xingzhou is the Hao Tian most important board game piece, It wants unique, wants thoroughly to break out of the fetters of numerous Saint, only then starts from Lu Xingzhou body, before this is It, by reason that the numerous Saint conceals chess restrains repeatedly. But on the other hand, Lu Xingzhou is not the Hao Tian only board game piece. 诚然,陆行舟昊天最重要的棋子,祂想要超脱,想要彻底摆脱众圣的束缚,只有从陆行舟身上下手,这是祂之前被众圣藏棋屡屡克制的原因。但另一方面,陆行舟又不是昊天唯一的棋子。 However compared with Hao Tian, the numerous Saints was very awkward. Their layouts launch regarding Lu Xingzhou, Lu Xingzhou is their only board game pieces. 然而和昊天相比,众圣就很尴尬了。祂们的布局都是围绕陆行舟展开的,陆行舟就是祂们唯一的棋子。 Heresy cannot compare majestic Righteous Path eventually.” “旁门左道终究比不上堂皇正道。” Waits till finally.” “等到最后。” I win!” “还是我赢!” Finishes speaking, Zhen Yuan Zi then spread out the right hand, in the palm, two by the divine will is wrapping the soul, just like the baby cannot awake generally luxurious. 话音刚落,镇元子便摊开了右手,掌心中,有两道被神意包裹着的魂魄,正如婴儿一般酣睡不醒。 On that two souls regarding Zhen Yuan Zi palm, Lu Xingzhou was familiar: The internal energy facial features, impressively are the parental parents before his transmigration! 对于镇元子掌上的那两道魂魄,陆行舟再熟悉不过了:其气机面容,赫然就是他穿越前的父母双亲! Previously said like Zhen Yuan Zi, after It is mind/square inch mountain memorizes, true controller, but oneself parents' soul was also truly taken away by It. 诚如镇元子先前所说,祂才是方寸山界空背后真正的掌控者,而自己父母的魂魄也确实是被祂收走的。 .... Is this your majestic Righteous Path?” “....这就是你的堂皇正道?” Good.” “不错。” Facing the interrogation of Lu Xingzhou, Hao Tian does not have the least bit to be ashamed, in fact as the outlier incarnation, Its itself/Ben is raises inborn, there can understand that what parents sentiment, will be more impossible to have the limit of mediocre morals, so long as will be useful to It, It will use without hesitation. 面对陆行舟的质问,昊天没有半点羞愧,事实上作为异数化身,祂本就是天生地养,那里能够理解什么父母感情,更不可能会有凡俗道德的限制,只要对祂有用,祂就会毫不犹豫地使用出来。 Simply probably---- 简直像是---- Will of Heaven.” 天意。” A Lu Xingzhou eyes mood pile of penetrating, change to ice-cold finally: Original you truly can be called Will of Heaven, but pitifully, the numerous Saints changed magically your spirit knowledge.” 陆行舟双眼情绪堆彻,最后化作一片冰冷:“原来的你确实称得上天意,但可惜,众圣点化了你的灵识。” What is Will of Heaven? 何为天意 To high utmost, without the selfishness, treats all over the world all lives equally, protects the world rule accurately, this is many member Will of Heaven to one explanation of Will of Heaven. But Hao Tian, or outlier, once was ultimate manifestation of this explanation. But It finally changed. 至高至大,没有私心,平等地对待普天之下所有生灵,准确地守护天地规则,这是诸多天意修士对天意的一种解释。而昊天,或者说异数,曾经就是这种解释的终极体现。但祂最后还是变了。 It was changed magically by Sage, had the own pursue, had the own desire. But It actually retained that part of Will of Heaven essence. 祂被圣人们点化了,有了自己的追求,有了自己的欲望。可祂却又偏偏保留了那一部分天意的本质。 This is present Hao Tian. 这就是现在的昊天 For the own desire, resorts to all means that does not have the bottom line to treat outside It all lives, in some sense investigates extremely the egotist. 为了自己的欲望,不择手段,毫无底线地对待祂以外的所有生灵,某种意义上究极的利己主义者。 The Sage thought direct-viewing title deed will enter the reality. 圣人的意念会直观地照进现实。 But the change of Hao Tian, then through the Zhen Yuan Zi reflection in Earth Immortal method that in It founded, the most direct-viewing performance is the Ashen Mystery Boundary history. 昊天的这种变化,便是通过镇元子反映在了祂所创立的地仙法上,最直观的表现就是蓬玄界的历史。 After immemorial, 太古以后, Initial Ashen Mystery Boundary is the Demonic Path is supreme, after trillion years of past, as after Yang Jian reincarnation, Daoist Qin of incarnation was born, establishes the Qin heaven, this reversed the aspect that the Demonic Path revered alone, underwent the innumerable year of evolutions, had the Four Sovereign Heavens rise, demon same day. 最初的蓬玄界是魔道至上,直到亿万年过去后,随着杨戬转生后化身的秦道人出世,建立秦皇天,这才扭转了魔道独尊的局面,又经过了无数年的演化,才有了四皇天崛起,正魔同天的局面。 May forgive is so, Ashen Mystery Boundary is the Demonic Path gets the winning side as before. This change in fact also responded Zhen Yuan Zi, or Hao Tian own condition. 可饶是如此,蓬玄界依旧是魔道占据上风。这种变化实际上也反应了镇元子,或者昊天自身的状态。 Said straightforwardly. 说直白点。 It is not concerned about face. 祂不要脸。 Gives up resisting, otherwise my crumb your parents' soul.” The Zhen Yuan Zi palm draws in slowly, looked that conceals several points of blood-color to the eyes of Lu Xingzhou. “放弃抵抗,否则我捏碎你父母的魂魄。”镇元子手掌缓缓收拢,看向陆行舟的双眼中隐含几分血色。 „After matter becomes, I keep you to read remnantly, after erasing the memory, return with the parental soul together, to you, initial transmigration can only be a big dream. You will wake up in the Yuhuangguan in Mount Tai, go home, the parents are waiting for you to eat meal, you will get through the own life serenely joyfully.” “事成之后我留你残念,抹去记忆后和父母魂魄一同回归,对你而言,当初的穿越只会是一场大梦。你会在泰山的玉皇观内醒来,回到家,父母正等你吃饭,你会安详快乐地度过自己的人生。” I can set up the evil ways oath.” “我可以立下道誓。” Lu Xingzhou at this moment is also the full play magic arts, under the Will of the People's Wheel rotation, the determination of Zhen Yuan Zi maps its mind directly, It will live up to one's words. 陆行舟此刻也是全力运转道法,人心轮转动之下,镇元子的决心直接映入其脑海,祂会说到做到。 However---- 但是---- Forgot?” The Lu Xingzhou look is tranquil, the eyelid hangs down: Initially in the mind/square inch mountain, I had once asked that although I do not know at that time is you.” “忘了么?”陆行舟神色平静,眼睑低垂:“当初在方寸山,我曾问过,虽然当时我不知道是你。” But I have truly asked you, can come sees.” “但我确实问过你,能否现身一见。” At that time you had not seen me.” “当时你没见我。” Still remembers.” Lu Xingzhou said one word at a time: On that day, regardless of again what happened, I will not accept any threat again.” “还记得么。”陆行舟一字一顿地说道:“那一天过后,无论再发生什么事情,我不会再接受任何威胁。” Lives or dies.” “生或死。” You elect.” “你选吧。” Lu Xingzhou pinched out Hao Tian trump card without hesitation, the world is unkind, takes the myriad things as the dogs and hay worthless thing. Hao Tian regards as the own board game piece Lu Xingzhou, thinks oneself acted bashful he biggest soft rib, can control him. But Lu Xingzhou actually made him to estimate beside finally the decision. 陆行舟毫不犹豫地掐灭了昊天的杀手锏,天地不仁,以万物为刍狗。昊天陆行舟视为自己的棋子,认为自己拿捏住了他最大的软肋,可以掌控他。可结果陆行舟却做出了他预想之外的决定。 I understood.” “我明白了。” After the moment, sees only the Zhen Yuan Zi look skin to nod tranquilly, at once also draws in the palm without hesitation, ground the soul in hand. 片刻后,只见镇元子神色皮平静地点了点头,旋即同样毫不犹豫地收拢了手掌,碾碎了手里的魂魄。 Does not die continuous.” “不死不休。” ......... “.........” Lu Xingzhou from most started to estimate this result, the price of also clear doing that but compromised unable to trade the peace, therefore he closed the eyelid silent, two lines of tears of blood have delimited the cheeks, then evaporated instantaneously, but he opened the eyes in the blood fog! 陆行舟从最开始就预想到了这个结果,也清楚这么做的代价,但妥协是换不来和平的,所以他只是沉默地合上了眼睑,两行血泪划过脸颊,然后瞬间蒸发,而他则是在血雾中重新睁开了双眼! This movement looked like sounded the attack bugle. Consciousness in the battlefield, Hao Tian army's city to the Lu Xingzhou initiated the last wave to fiercely attack. 这个动作就像是吹响了进攻的号角。意识战场中,昊天的军队对陆行舟的城池发起了最后一波猛攻。 Lives or dies. 生或死。 Put my parents, I forgive your way out. 放了我父母,我饶你一条生路。 Jade entirely burn, I delivers you to be buried along with the dead for them. 玉石俱焚,我送你为他们陪葬。 Does not die continuous! 不死不休!
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