TVYMJWTLLBL :: Volume #7

#694 Part 1: 【Nine bend time】 Darke Dymon suspense

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Silver Cup Is matching like a raging fire is conducting. 白银杯】的正赛如火如荼的进行着。 The Defense system of Pistan Kellogg really has its highlight, he can intrude eight is not lucky. 皮斯坦·凯洛格防御体系确实有其亮点,他能够闯入八强绝非侥幸。 But his weakness is also very obvious Defense has, Attack is insufficient! 但他的弱点也是非常明显防御有余,攻击不足! But Heidi Euphemia, her Magic Fairy actually continued style until now as before, will fly flexibly, changeable. 海蒂·尤菲米娅,她的魔导精灵却依旧延续了一直以来的风格,灵活、多变、会飞。 Moreover, she obviously received gradually influencing of Sarah Swati, grasped the relative many strange tactical rules. 而且,她明显受到了萨拉·斯瓦蒂的熏陶,掌握了相当之多的诡异战法。 Although Pistan Defense is indestructible, but is actually not able to Heidi Magic Fairy and Magic Ball creates effective killing. 皮斯坦防御虽然坚不可摧,但却无法对海蒂魔导精灵魔导球造成有效杀伤。 Otherwise, Heidi actually can find the opportunity to cause the damage. 反之,海蒂却总能找到机会对其造成伤害。 Even each injury is extremely limited, so long as accumulates repeatedly, can eventually perseverance pays in the end. 就算每一次的伤害都极其有限,但只要反复积累,终究能将铁杵磨成针。 After long-time engaging in fierce battle, Heidi broke through the Pistan steel fortress finally, pushed onward the winner group difficultly! 在长久的鏖战之后,海蒂终于攻破了皮斯坦的钢铁堡垒,艰难的挺进了胜者组! But Pistan Kellogg was like Witte Gaud, fell into the defeated group! 皮斯坦·凯洛格则与维特·高德一样,掉入了败者组! …… …… 一秒记住biqiuducom „The situation of defeated group, seems like very stern.” “败者组的局势,看起来非常的严峻呢。” Darke slightly has saying of pondering. 达克略有玩味的说道。 Regardless of Vanessa Bolt for the time being, Witte Gaud, although falls into the defeated group, but during his Card Deck intensity is eight is absolutely strong is highest! 瓦妮莎·博尔特暂且不论,维特·高德虽然掉入败者组,但他的卡组强度绝对是八强之中最高的! Classics, strongest lance to the strongest shield. Actually is a shield broken person to perish, does the lance break the person dead? 经典,最强的矛对最强的盾。究竟是盾破人亡,还是矛断人死? Dron knits the brows: Although I stand in the standpoint in Pistan this side absolutely, but he wants to defeat Witte, almost impossible. The only opportunity is the ballot pulls out to Vanessa…… or Justin Wayne.” 多隆皱眉道:“虽然我在立场上是绝对站在皮斯坦的这一边,但他想要战胜维特,几乎不可能。唯一的机会是抽签抽到瓦妮莎……或者贾斯丁·韦恩。” Justin Wayne?” Darke said with a smile, he may not go on stage, did you sentence the death penalty to him?” 贾斯丁·韦恩?”达克不由笑道,“他可还没上场呢,你就给他判了死刑?” Dron shakes the head the forced smile saying: I really cannot find out him to defeat the Sarah Swati possibility. This year Silver Cup After not having you, Sarah Swati already became the most powerful champion contender!” 多隆摇头苦笑道:“我实在想不出他能战胜萨拉·斯瓦蒂的可能性。今年的【白银杯】没了你之后,萨拉·斯瓦蒂已经成了最有力的冠军争夺者!” In fact is also so. 事实上也是如此。 following fourth Duel has not scored an upset. 接下来的第四场决斗并没有爆冷。 Although Justin Wayne compared it previously also to have progressive, but eventually was not the Sarah Swati opponent, how long without supporting is then defeated. 贾斯丁·韦恩虽然比之先前也有进步,但终究不是萨拉·斯瓦蒂的对手,没撑多久便败下阵来。 But after this, the list of winner group and defeated group is then clear. 而在这之后,胜者组和败者组的名单便清晰起来。 Winner group: Emma Metis, Diana Greatbayer, Heidi Euphemia and Sarah Swati. 胜者组:艾玛·墨提斯狄安娜·格瑞特拜尔海蒂·尤菲米娅萨拉·斯瓦蒂 Defeated group: Witte Gaud, Vanessa Bolt, Pistan Kellogg and Justin Wayne. 败者组:维特·高德瓦妮莎·博尔特皮斯坦·凯洛格贾斯丁·韦恩 As for the competition schedule of defeated group, will make known after the evening! 至于败者组的赛程,则将在傍晚之后揭晓! Naturally, Darke and the others after the Pistan ballot ended, then first knew the news. 当然,达克等人在皮斯坦抽签结束之后,便第一时间知晓了消息。 Pistan changed past being smiling, among look fills seriously. 皮斯坦一改往日的嬉皮笑脸,神色之间充满严肃。 His opponent…… is Witte Gaud! 他的对手……维特·高德 More unfortunate than fortunate.” “凶多吉少啊。” When dinner, Pistan bit a big beef steak ruthlessly, in the mouth chewed to continue. 晚餐之时,皮斯坦狠狠咬了一大口牛排,口中嘴嚼不止。 Seriously is day of failing person hope, he cannot avoid Witte Gaud finally. 当真是天不遂人,他最终还是没能避开维特·高德 During these time eight are strong, only has Witte Magic Card exceptionally to be prominent in the intensity, that is relies on the hard strength to be able the degree that its Defense beats forcefully! 在这一次的八强之中,唯有维特魔导卡是在强度上异常突出的,那是凭借着硬实力就能将其防御硬生生击垮的程度! If loses tonight again, his Silver Cup The travel came to an end thoroughly. 而如果今晚再输,他的【白银杯】之旅就彻底告终了。 8 ~ 7, although because of the reason of athletic competition system, but does not have a round of roaming, but this is also one day roaming! 8~7名,虽然因为赛制的原因而没有一轮游,但这也是一日游啊! Why can't the elimination series of defeated group place the next week?” “为什么败者组的淘汰赛不能放在下一个星期呢?” Pistan worries to say. 皮斯坦又发愁道。 Dron then comforts saying: Eighth to seven also good, there is a academic credit reward, always compared with ninth good, yes?” 多隆便安慰道:“第八到七名也行啊,也有学分奖励呢,总比第九名好,是吧?” Pistan took a look at his one eyes, immediately haha smiled one, crash-bang ate. 皮斯坦瞅了他一眼,顿时哈哈笑了一声,哗啦啦吃了起来。 The lunchtime is happy. 午餐时间还算愉快。 Pistan does not win the heartless specially heavy person, even if really lost, so long as will make contribution will not regret. 皮斯坦并不是胜负心特别重的人,就算真的输了,只要尽力了也不会遗憾。 After lunch conclusion, one line of five people then stroll digestion in Castle together. 午餐结束之后,一行五人便一起在城堡里漫步消食。 With the winter , the weather is cold gradually, in Castle were also many cold and still. 随着冬日已至,天气渐冷,城堡内也多了一丝冷寂。 But the happy talks and laughters of students can always wash out this indifferently. 但学生们的欢声笑语总能将这份冷漠冲散。 Walks in Castle, then can see the students once for a while Flower Card Takes out, from taking it as the thing of examination secret the present brings to tease mutually, in various significances has the delicate change. 走在城堡之中,便能看到学生们时不时的将【花牌】取出,从将其作为隐秘之物查看到现在拿来出互相调侃,各种意义上都有微妙变化。 The dim light of night is confused, the sunset glow floats, but. 夜色迷茫,晚霞漂浮而至。 The students walk into Dueling Hall again, weather already is completely jet black. 学生们再次走入决斗馆,天色已经完全漆黑。 But Silver Cup The defeated group elimination series also opens. 而【白银杯】的败者组淘汰赛也正是拉开帷幕。 Pistan Kellogg as evening field's first going on stage Star Player, he will soon initiate Duel with Witte Gaud under the spotlight. 皮斯坦·凯洛格作为晚间场第一个上场的选手,他即将与维特·高德在聚光灯下发起决斗 Two people one is Aristocratic Academy, one is Knight Academy, in one Star Player stage then makes the atmosphere tighten. 两人一个是贵族院,一个是骑士院,一上选手台便使气氛绷紧。 But Witte Gaud is powerful, Pistan Kellogg actually appears conservative. 维特·高德气势如虹,皮斯坦·凯洛格却显得保守很多。 Is the defeated groups, but the condition is obviously different. 都是败者组,但状态明显不同。 As the combat phase starts, innermost feelings anxious Pistan in the display except for the careless mistake, was also held opportunity one to beat savagely by Witte Gaud. 而随着战斗阶段开始,内心紧张的皮斯坦在发挥上也除了纰漏,被维特·高德抓住机会一阵暴打。 After Witte Sacrificial Summon had/left Third Step Magic Fairy, Pistan Defense falls into enemy hands finally, was broken through thoroughly. 维特献祭召唤出了第三阶梯魔导精灵之后,皮斯坦防御终于失守,被彻底攻破。 But Witte Gaud after losing to Emma Metis, retrieved a morale finally. 维特·高德在继败给艾玛·墨提斯之后,也终于寻回了一点士气。 …… …… The second defeated group elimination series is held in eight o'clock. 紧接着的第二场败者组淘汰赛在八点钟进行。 Vanessa Bolt and Justin Wayne are fighting steadily Type, these two Duel were very difficult to find the careless mistake, but the result of unceasing solution Chang and solution field, was the competition of final background. 瓦妮莎·博尔特贾斯丁·韦恩都是稳扎稳打的类型,这两人的决斗都很难找到纰漏,但不断解场与解场的结果,便是最终底蕴的比拼。 Justin Wayne has the advantage in the earlier period, then to late stage, Vanessa Bolt actually relied on the meticulous operation gradually to retrieve from an inferior position, finally won. 贾斯丁·韦恩在前期占据优势,然后到了后期,瓦妮莎·博尔特却凭借着缜密的运营逐渐挽回劣势,最终获得了胜利。 But the victory of Vanessa Bolt causes without doubt Fool Academy Aspirates ruthlessly, the cheers resound through continue. 瓦妮莎·博尔特的胜利无疑使得【愚者院】狠狠吐了口气,欢呼声响彻不止。 Although Justin Wayne is Knight Academy Second Year Prefect, but in fact in Second Year in Knight Academy can only rank third, his failure has not let actually Knight Academy Has too fluctuating. 贾斯丁·韦恩虽然是【骑士院】的二年级级长,但实际上在骑士院二年级中只能位居第三,他的失败倒是并未让【骑士院】有太多起伏。 Knight Academy The students think that has Third Step Magic Fairy Witte Gaud, certainly can easily defeat the Fool Academy student, the issue is not big. 骑士院】的学生们都认为拥有第三阶梯魔导精灵维特·高德,一定能够轻松的战胜愚者院的学生,问题不大。 However today's competition already finished, can only have the next week the suspense. 不过今天的比赛已经结束,只能将悬念留到下一个星期了。 Darke after accompanying Diana and Rose watches this competition, then does not have to stay in Dueling Hall again. 达克在陪着狄安娜萝丝看完这场比赛之后,便没有再在决斗馆内停留。 In fact he himself must participate at the tomorrow's also two competitions, tonight perhaps needs some time preparations, temporarily holds the Buddha foot. 事实上他自己在明天也还有两场比赛要参加,今晚或许需要一些时间准备,临时抱一抱佛脚。 Tomorrow morning first Duel, what faced is Third Year Fool Academy Senior, is the warming up war. 明天早上的第一场决斗,面对的是一名三年级愚者院学长,算是热身战。 But second Duel, is the true play, because he must meet head-on Aristocratic History Research Society predecessor President Angus Geoffrey! 而第二场决斗,才是真正的正戏,因为他要迎战贵族史研究社的前任社长安格斯·杰弗里 …… …… Angus Geoffrey, now already is a Fifth Year student. 安格斯·杰弗里,如今已经是一名五年级的学生。 Darke once in his quilt Fire of Underworld Possession time and its Duel, to its only named Frost emperor The emperor penguin impression is profound. 达克曾在他被【冥界之火附身的时候与其决斗过,对它那只名为【冰霜帝王】的帝企鹅印象深刻。 Naturally, Angus Geoffrey in the core that in that Duel exposes, is actually named Underworld Ice Coffin Magic Fairy Card. 当然,安格斯·杰弗里在那一场决斗之中展露的核心,其实是名为【黄泉冰棺】的魔导精灵卡 That Three Stars Magic Fairy Card, can actually merely from Card Deck Seven Stars Magic Fairy Ice Frost Witch Goblin Summon! 那张仅仅三星魔导精灵卡,却是能够从卡组之中将七星魔导精灵冰霜巫妖召唤而出! This set of combination when facing lower grade students goes smoothly everywhere, if draws out the hand then to pull out Underworld Ice Coffin, Then almost can flicker the second the opponent. 这一套组合在面对低年级生时无往不利,如果起手便有抽到【黄泉冰棺】,便几乎能将对手瞬秒。 Even is not really good, can still Ice Frost Witch Goblin As Offerings Summon stronger Magic Fairy. 就算实在不行,也能将【冰霜巫妖】作为祭品召唤更强的魔导精灵 Depends upon as for him Fire of Underworld refining two Underworld tablet, Should abandon. 至于他依靠【冥界之火炼成的两张【冥界碑】,应该早已废弃。 In brief Angus Geoffrey in the past, although has not researched in thorough detail Duel, but it strength is not small and weak. 总之安格斯·杰弗里在过去的时候虽然并未精研决斗,但其本身实力并不弱小。 Although he not desirably, but also conforms to being well-prepared by chance the knowledge and resources that the essence, he was accumulating over the past four years, can make him progress by leaps and bounds in the time of this Fifth Year last semester. 虽然他并非刻意,但也恰巧符合“厚积薄发”的本质,他在过去四年积累下来的知识与资源,想必能使他在这五年级上学期的时间段里突飞猛进。 Hopes that he can bring some pleasant surprises to me.” “希望他能给我带来一些惊喜。” Darke adjusts Card Deck, while considers. 达克一边调整卡组,一边思虑。 That night, he extracted 2 points from the natural increase to 92 points 【Greed】, then to guarantee the condition went off ahead of schedule. 当天晚上,他从自然增长到92点的【贪婪】之中抽取了二点,便为了保证状态而提早睡去。 Before Rest, he was conducted merely at will one time Fantasy Beast refining and Second Refinement, Then incautiously, refine Three Stars Fantasy Beast: Ditto! 睡觉之前,他仅仅是非常随意的进行了一次【魔幻兽】的炼成和【二次炼成】,然后一不小心,就炼出了一只三星的【魔幻兽:百变怪】! In so his Card Deck, then had three Three Stars Fantasy Beast: Ditto! 如此他的卡组之中,便有了三张三星的【魔幻兽:百变怪】! Three Fantasy Beast: Eevee. 三张【魔幻兽:伊布】。 Three Fantasy Beast: Ditto. 三张【魔幻兽:百变怪】。 These six Magic Fairy Card simply are jack of all trades, any type Great Sins In the lineup can join these six Magic Card as matching. 这六张魔导精灵卡简直是万金油,任何一种【大罪】的阵容之中都能加入这六张魔导卡作为搭配。 But about Second Refinement Research, can come to the end finally temporarily. 而关于【二次炼成】的研究,也终于能暂告一段落。 …… …… Saturday in the morning, the eaves frost freezing knot, ices the corner to hang down, the wind sound/rumor dreary and grating. 周六早上,屋檐霜冻冰结,冰棱垂挂,风声萧瑟而刺耳。 After Darke gets out of bed, felt that slightly cold intent, then chose Scarf to put from the closet. 达克起床之后感到些微冷意,便从衣柜里挑选了一条围巾戴上。 Does not know this year's winter, but can also snow?” “也不知道今年的冬天,还会不会下雪?” Darke arrives on balcony, raises head to look at the day slightly, suddenly saw that a small form reflects pleasant, then indoor returns, sits waits a bit the moment before the desk. 达克走到阳台上,微微仰头看天,忽然看到一只小小的身影映入眼中,便退回室内,坐在书桌前稍等片刻。 Then Pico Devimon then brings the breakfast to fly back. 然后小恶魔兽便带着早餐飞回。 After it the shopping basket puts down, then like the diving general, fiercely digs in the Darke bosom, lies down rubs the wing to be sharp during the warm bosom. 它将菜篮放下之后,便如同跳水一般,猛地扎入达克的怀里,躺在温暖的怀抱之中搓着翅膀尖尖。 Darke unties the coat to bind slightly it, then extracted the newspaper to look from the shopping basket. 达克稍微解开外套将它裹进去,便从菜篮之中抽出报纸看了起来。 With Christmas , the newspaper will have some substantive contents finally. 随着圣诞节将至,报纸里终于有了些实质性的内容。 Crown Prince Charles and Crown Princess Eliza, as well as Holy Church's Bishop, as if must show has the feeling to be the same, one by one in the newspaper headline makes an appearance. 大王子查理斯大公主伊丽莎,以及圣教的主教们,都仿佛是要彰显存在感一般,在报纸头条上一一露面。 But what was different from the old times, this year's «Great Sage Daily» were many many Universal Duel Society advertisements. 而与往年不同的是,今年的《大贤者日报》多了许多全民决斗社的广告。 By St. Marian Academy as endorsement, Universal Duel Society already official entered the view of people, Duel Simulation game gradually was also all the rage. 圣玛丽安学院作为背书,全民决斗社已经正式的进入了人们的视野,模拟决斗游戏也是逐渐风靡。 When Darke and Claire cross clothing/taking chatted, then heard in the Aristocrat circle to have many already to wallow, even some people, because wanted to hold the competition of Duel Simulation in Christmas, but proposed to Claire was authorized apply for. 达克克莱尔跨服聊天之时,便听闻贵族圈内有不少人已经沉迷其中,甚至有人因为想要在圣诞节中举办模拟决斗的比赛,而向克莱尔提出了授权申请 these Aristocrat originally idle, all day does not gather in great numbers, gathers in great numbers, now had the thing of being interested, made very big contribution to the Royal Capital public security actually. 那些贵族原本就无所事事,整天不是聚众,就是聚众,如今有了感兴趣的东西,倒是对王都的治安做出了很大的贡献。 Naturally, Claire rejected authorized apply for of these people decisively. 当然,克莱尔果断拒绝了那些人的授权申请 However her some were considering whether is conducted a Christmas topic by Universal Duel Society the Duel competition. 不过她有在考虑,是否由全民决斗社来举办一场圣诞节专题的决斗大赛。 The competition and bonus, until now propagandize game only way. 比赛、奖金,一直以来都是宣传游戏的不二法门。 Now sales volume already of Duel Simulation related merchandise is considerable, already at least in Royal Capital had certain mass base, holds the competition not to worry that no one participates. 如今模拟决斗相关商品的销量已经非常可观,至少在王都之中已经有了一定的群众基础,举办比赛倒不愁没人参加。 Is the competition of this Duel Simulation, once were set up, is very easy to be taken away with the competition of Magic Duel compares. 就是这模拟决斗的比赛一经开办,就很容易被人拿去与魔导决斗的比赛进行比较。 Let alone the Magic Duel Match major organizers are more impossible to let off Christmas such day, is in Royal Capital has several merely or amateur or the competition of occupation must conduct. 更何况魔导决斗比赛的各大举办方也不可能放过圣诞节这样的日子,仅仅是王都之中都有好几场或业余或职业的比赛要举办。 If Universal Duel Society participates forcefully, then could face these Magic Duel Match encircling of organizer and fans, the compete pressure is big. 全民决斗社要是强行插足其中,便可能要面对那些魔导决斗比赛的举办方和粉丝的围剿,竞争压力并不小。 But has the pressure on be dynamic, wants to make in a big way Duel Simulation, boldness that needs to swim against the stream. 但有压力才有动力,想要将模拟决斗做大,本就需要逆流而上的魄力。 Therefore Claire already had the intention of conducting Christmas Duel galore. 因此克莱尔已经有了举办圣诞节决斗祭的意向。 …… …… Darke after finishing eating breakfast then Magic Fairies one by one received inside the card, later he brings the Alchemy class notebook, goes to open-air Dueling Hall on foot. 达克在吃完早餐之后便将魔导精灵们一一收入卡中,之后他带着炼金课的笔记本,徒步前往露天决斗馆 His first competition after the 9 : 00 am, in the time does not worry. 他的第一场比赛在早上 9 点之后,时间上并不着急。 To him, nothing but is changes a place to read that's all. 对他来说,也无非是换个地方看书而已 But regarding his opponent, Third Year Lydia · Emerson, actually not so relaxed. 但对于他的对手,三年级莉迪亚·埃墨森来说,却并没有如此轻松。 Is a long story, Darke to this Third Year Student, is actually quite familiar. 说来话长,达克对这一届的三年级生,其实是比较熟悉的。 no matter if it is Senior Sister Mary or Scott, have certain happening together with him. 无论是马莉学姐还是斯科特,都与他有着一定的交集。 But in addition, he during Underground City took risk also to know many Third Year Senior and Senior Sister, Lydia · Emerson was one of them. 而除此之外,他在地下城冒险之中也认识了很多的三年级学长学姐,莉迪亚·埃墨森便是其中之一。 He and Lydia · Emerson has rested two evenings together, afterward left Underground City, is the Emerson Senior Sister gate key that rubs, two people were quite familiar. 他和莉迪亚·埃墨森一起睡过两个晚上,后来离开地下城,也是蹭的埃墨森学姐的门钥匙,两人算是颇为熟悉了。 However turns over to familiar familiar, Duel time how should be how. 不过熟悉归熟悉,决斗的时候该怎样还是怎样。 Lydia · Emerson is not famous in Third Year, two Senior Sister in Darke after mass organization inquired, then knows her to show the Duel strength outside also only in the middle reaches on, third year students does not have too many differences from he has defeated these days. 莉迪亚·埃墨森三年级中并不算出名,达克向社团里的两位学姐打听之后,便知晓她展现在外的决斗实力也仅在中游偏上,就和他这段时间里战胜过的三年级生们没有太多差别。 However Lydia · Emerson after all is the Magic Academy student, the rich knowledge will help them obtain momentarily the possibility of transformation. 不过莉迪亚·埃墨森毕竟是魔导院的学生,丰富的学识会让她们获得随时蜕变的可能性。 If belittles, even if in the sewers capsizes still possibly has. 如果过于小觑的话,就算阴沟里翻船也不是没有可能。 …… …… Ring-belt. 环形带。 Lydia · Emerson gathers round Scarf, wears the cotton cap, oneself will wrap solid. 莉迪亚·埃墨森围着围巾,戴着棉帽,将自己包裹得严严实实。 She sits on the seat, shrinks one group to look on the field current Duel Match, the ear is the sound that Magic Academy Schoolmate chirp keep fighting. 她坐在座位上,缩成一团看着场上正在进行的决斗比赛,耳边是魔导院同学们叽叽喳喳吵个不停的声音。 Yeah, ok, sufficed, I will refuel!” “哎,好了,够了,我会加油的!” Lydia · Emerson cannot bear send out the protest finally, but her sound is soft, a worn out appearance. 莉迪亚·埃墨森终于忍不住发出抗议,但她的声音还是软绵绵的,一副有气无力的模样。 Starting from this week second day, she knows oneself matched Second Year Darke Dymon. 从这个星期的第二天开始,她就知道自己匹配到了二年级达克·迪蒙 At that time her response was not big. 当时她的反应不大。 Although she also participated Golden Cup, But just like most Schoolmate, to discipline purely own ability registers, has not looked to what eight round of sixteen wildly. 虽然她也参加了【黄金杯】,但和大部分的同学一样,都单纯是为了磨练自身的能力而报名,对什么八十六强都没有野望。 Till today's score, is only the victory and defeat 55 opens, compared with surrounding Schoolmate good, but good are not many. 截至今日的战绩,也只是胜负五五开,比周围同学好一点,但好的不多。 In the Third Year students by Darke Dymon without immediately, she who the suspense defeats does not think oneself may create the miracle. 三年级的学生都被达克·迪蒙无悬念击败的当下,她并不认为自己有可能创造奇迹。 Therefore this year's Duel, she only wants to go through the motions, seizes the chance to display to have the feeling in the Little Junior Brother front again, was OK. 因此今年的决斗,她原本只想走个过场,再趁机在小学弟的面前表现一下存在感,也就可以了。 Has not actually thought that peripheral Schoolmate responded with the impractical fantasy to her. 却没想到周边的同学们对她报以了不切实际的幻想。 Do not improperly belittle oneself, Lydia, you can be good!” Made Girls of two -and-a-half years of year of classmate to get hold of the fist with her. “别妄自菲薄,莉迪亚,你能行的!”跟她做了两年半年同桌的女生握紧了拳头。 „Isn't our helping you pray? Magic Duel has the possibility together!” Another Girls chirp saying. “我们这不是在帮你祈祷吗?魔导决斗一起都有可能!”另一个女生叽叽喳喳的说道。 Girls that has Divination talent is mystical saying: Perhaps during this competition, Darke Dymon will run into the ghost to pull out? For example, has the hand five signs, no is Magic Fairy?” 还有一个拥有占卜天赋女生则是神神秘秘的说道:“说不定在这场比赛之中,达克·迪蒙会遇到鬼抽呢?就比如,起手五张牌,没有一张是魔导精灵?” Where has that possibility?” Lydia · Emerson shows the whites of the eyes, said, luck seems like may seek without the mark, person but who in fact can advance triumphantly on the Duel road, where has the luck is not good?” “哪有那种可能?”莉迪亚·埃墨森翻了个白眼,说道,“运气看似无迹可寻,但实际上能在决斗路上高歌猛进的人,哪有运气不好的?” Then on curse!” Another Girls was blinking under Eye to her, suddenly said, I just discovered from the book recently a method of manufacturing of curse villain, do you want to try?” “那就诅咒!”另一个女生对着她眨巴了下眼睛,突然道,“我最近刚刚从书里发现了一种诅咒小人的制作方法,你要不要试试?” Lydia · Emerson: …… 莉迪亚·埃墨森:“…… Yeah, ok.” Lydia · Emerson said that „, even if the present did still without enough time, I must go on stage to prepare.” “哎,好了。”莉迪亚·埃墨森说道,“就算现在做也来不及了,我要上场准备了。” Was saying she then puts down the both legs, its, then flees in chirp the background fast. 说着她便将双腿放下,随之其身,然后在叽叽喳喳的背景之中快速逃离。 Can plunder the Treasure Chest person regarding one in Underground City at will, the luck? Hateful, really wants to grip scarecrow curse he!” “对于一个能在地下城随意搜刮宝箱的人,运气?可恶,真想扎个稻草人诅咒他!” Lydia · Emerson purses the lips, turns around to enter Star Player passage. 莉迪亚·埃墨森抿了抿嘴,转身进入了选手通道 …… …… *whistle* 哔—— In Branch Card hears the System Prompt sound. 分院卡内传来提示声。 Darke takes out the examination it, then about submitting a written statement, prepares to go on stage. 达克将其取出查看,便合上书,准备上场。 passage that two people enter is different, the choice passage mouth is also two directions. 两人进入的通道不同,选择的通道口也是两个方向。 To arriving stipulates field, they put in an appearance finally. 一直到抵达规定场地,他们才终于照面。 For a long time does not see.” Lydia · Emerson lifts the hand to the chest front, is grasping to Darke. “好久不见。”莉迪亚·埃墨森将手抬至胸前,对着达克抓了抓。 Darke responded with a smile: Good afternoon, Emerson Senior Sister.” 达克含笑回应:“午安,埃墨森学姐。” Lydia · Emerson then said with a smile: Can become you to rise the stepping-stone on road, I am honored very much.” 莉迪亚·埃墨森便笑道:“能成为你崛起路上的垫脚石,我很荣幸。” Darke gawked immediately: Senior Sister…… 达克顿时愣了一下:“学姐…… Lydia · Emerson winked fiercely Eye, said: Ok, I cracked a joke. following, please advise.” 莉迪亚·埃墨森猛地眨了一下眼睛,说道:“好了,我开玩笑的。接下来,请多指教。” Darke said: Should be I asks Senior Sister to advise.” 达克说道:“应该是我请学姐指教。” Lydia · Emerson also sighed: This, hopes that do not let me lose is too ugly.” 莉迪亚·埃墨森又叹了口气:“就这样吧,希望别让我输的太难看。” Darke said: Senior Sister, has not fought is first timid is not the good deed. Moreover, I not because you show weakness to have a low opinion of the enemy intentionally.” 达克说道:“学姐,未战先怯可不是好事。而且,我可不会因为你故意示弱而轻敌。” Lydia · Emerson wants saying that I am very small and weak, but she held in finally, but waves saying: Should go on stage.” 莉迪亚·埃墨森很想说我真的很弱小,但她最终憋住了,只是挥手道:“该上场了。” Un.” Darke nods, then dislikes Lydia, walks toward the Blue Side Star Player stage. “嗯。”达克点点头,便背向莉迪亚,朝着蓝方选手台走去。 But Lydia · Emerson, was on the Red Player stage! 莉迪亚·埃墨森,则是登上了红方选手台! Does not have the public address system beside field, the speech is more optional is naturally all right. 场地之外没有扩音装置,说话随意一些自然没事。 Waited to activate the table-board, every time said a few words will spread to the public ear, must be cautious in word and deed. 等激活了牌桌,每说一句话都会传入公众耳中,就要谨言慎行了。
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