TVYMJWTLLBL :: Volume #7

#693 Part 2: 【Sought subscription】 Darke Dymon Gluttony

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The familiar light-green shines brilliance again, Incantation Cage: Agumon Bathes in this brilliance, the body gradually turned into the pure luminophor. 熟悉的浅绿色光辉再次亮起,【咒笼:亚古兽】沐浴在这光辉之中,身体逐渐变成了纯粹的发光体。 Its that turned into luminophor Body then to have the extremely radical change! 紧接着,它那变成了发光体的身躯便产生出极为剧烈的变化! This is…… “这是…… Darke knits the brows slightly, then looks that the body of Agumon becomes square, distinctive, when finally collects brilliance, then turned into the toy that as if the building block put together like small-scale dinosaur general Body! 达克稍微皱眉,便看着亚古兽的身体变得四四方方、棱角分明,最后等到光辉敛去,原本如同小型恐龙一般的身躯便是变成了仿佛积木拼成的玩具! The flesh and blood changed into the plastic building block, Agumon turned into the Three Stars subspecies from Two Stars Magic Fairy as before, but this morphological change it previous several time were bigger. 血肉之躯化为塑料积木,亚古兽依旧是从二星魔导精灵变成了三星的亚种,但这一次的形态变化比之先前的几次都要大。 Chirp “叽 The sudden bird cry transmits. 突然一声鸟鸣传来。 Little Ubume then drills from the corner, "Wuah" threw then to become Agumon body of building block, hit its body…… is split up! 小姑获鸟便从角落钻出,“呜哇”一声扑到了便成积木的亚古兽身上,将它身体……撞得四分五裂! bi?” “哔?” Little Ubume was shocked immediately. 小姑获鸟顿时愣住了。 Before it was frightened cries, the building block module then spontaneous assembly everywhere, Agumon again stands up! 在它被吓得哭出来之前,满地的积木组件便自动组装起来,亚古兽再次站起! Card Name: Toy Agumon 卡名:玩具亚古兽 Type: Fairy Card 类型:精灵卡 Grade: ✪✪✪ 等级:✪✪✪ Race: Mechanical Species 种族:机械种 Attribute: Steel Type / Dragon Type 属性:钢系/龙系 mana: 1100 魔力:1100】 Attack: 1300 攻击:1300】 Defense: 1500 防御:1500】 Certain Kill Skill: Toy Flame and strange Shiny 必杀技:玩具火焰弹、奇异闪光 Although has as before Dragon Type, But Toy Agumon already not Dragon Species, But changed Mechanical Species! 虽然依旧具备【龙系】,但【玩具亚古兽已经并非【龙种】,而是就此变化成了【机械种】! Its body already did not have the flesh of any lifeform, Attribute also by Steel Type For lord. 它的身上已经没有了任何一丝生物的血肉,属性也以【钢系】为主。 But its attribute value, is slightly different from other Agumon subspecies, becomes favors Defense. 而其三围属性,也与其余的亚古兽亚种略有不同,变得倾向于防御 The Certain Kill Skill, is quite simple Toy Flame With Strange Shiny. 必杀技,则是颇为朴实的【玩具火焰弹】和【奇异闪光】。 Toy Flame: Toy that launches the flame profile, the might is good.】 玩具火焰弹:发射出火焰形状的玩具,威力不俗。】 Strange Shiny: Makes one sparklingly, the wall comprised of the toy building block, making it hit to the goal.】 【奇异闪光:制造一堵闪闪发光的,由玩具积木组成的墙壁,使其撞向目标。】 Basically, is such two Certain Kill Skill. 基本上,就是这么两个必杀技 Toy Flame Might affirmation ratio Agumon Pepper Breath Is high. 玩具火焰弹】的威力肯定比【亚古兽】的【小型火焰】要高。 But Strange Shiny Then possessing both offense and defense operational requirement. 而【奇异闪光】则攻防兼备。 Moreover, Toy Agumon Can cause the limbs( building block) the characteristics of separation, if can use well, is one big opposes the enemy the sharp weapon. 另外,【玩具亚古兽】能使自身肢体(积木)分离的特性若能好好利用的话,也是一大对敌利器。 But Darke quite pays attention, in fact yes Toy Agumon evolves into route. 达克较为关注的,实际上是【玩具亚古兽】的进化路线。 Since is Steel Type Mechanical Species, later evolves into will gradually become Mega Mugendramon?” “既然是钢系机械种,之后会逐渐进化究极体的【机械邪龙兽】吗?” Mugendramon Other name Mugendramon, Is one of the «Digimon» first four devases, is powerful. 机械邪龙兽】又名【无限龙兽】,是《数码宝贝》第一部的四天王之一,非常强大。 …… …… In brief Incantation Cage: Agumon The evolves into is satisfying. 总之【咒笼:亚古兽】的这一次进化还算令人满意。 After Darke it degenerates, returns to the living room, with following two Senior Sister together reading work. 达克等到它退化回来之后,才返回客厅,和随后到来的两位学姐一起看书作业。 Alchemy Although the big topic must begin school to next semester needs to submit, but he has not kept custom in fact his already of vacation to advance the vacation the work the plan of Secret Passage exploration, therefore then needs to handle before that appropriately all things. 炼金术】的大课题虽然要到下学期开学才需要提交,但他没有将作业留到假期的习惯实际上他已经密道探索的计划推到了假期,因此便需要在那之前将所有的事情都处理妥当。 So can not have extra worries. 如此才能没有后顾之忧。 But wants to refine Similar level Golem is not easy. 但想要炼制出【相似级】的魔像并不容易。 Darke was studying the less than half bell after the note, then calls Meowth, Begins experiment. 达克对着笔记研究了小半个钟后,便唤来【喵喵】,动手实验 Later to lunchtime, has not had too many achievements. 之后一直到了午餐时间,也并未有太多成果。 But considering that also has in the afternoon Silver Cup Is matching the opening ceremony, Darke then stopped temporarily. 但考虑到下午还有【白银杯】的正赛开幕式,达克便暂时停了下来。 …… …… The ten February first Friday. 二月份的第一个星期五。 The students of snatching a little leisure from the busy schedules, or go to Traveller Street to choose the gift that Christmas will soon see somebody off, arrives at open-air Dueling Hall to prepare to watch Silver Cup Is matching to open, entire Castle then revives probably general, gave full play to the vitality. 忙里偷闲的学生们,或是前往旅人街挑选圣诞节即将送人的礼物,或是来到露天决斗馆准备观看【白银杯】的正赛开幕,整个城堡便像是苏醒了过来一般,重新焕发了生机。 But this Sophomore, then almost fully entered open-air Dueling Hall. 而这一届的二年级生们,则几乎全部进入了露天决斗馆 Darke takes to write books, sits reads in Rose and Dron middle peacefully. 达克拿着书,坐在萝丝多隆的中间安静翻看。 Rose had brought to refuel with specially the sign, Dron made a flag. 萝丝有特意带了加油用的牌子,多隆则弄了一个旗子。 Although he looks very depressed, but had not forgotten that gives the good friend to prepare to refuel item. 他虽然看起来很沮丧,但并没有忘记给好友准备加油道具 But as Silver Cup Eight strong two, Diana and Pistan already entered Star Player passage ahead of time, now should wait in the Star Player lounge. 而作为【白银杯】的八强之二,狄安娜皮斯坦已经提前进入了选手通道,如今应该在选手休息室内等候。 The Second Year four branches, each some people enter the round of eight. 二年级的四个分院,每一个都有人晋级八强。 This then caused the atmosphere between branches to oppose, at daggers drawn. 这便导致分院之间的氛围对立了起来,剑拔弩张。 Aristocratic Academy did not have Dron and Pistan this pair combines to lead, in imposing manner without doubt weak several points, some unexpectedly resentment Knight Academy. 只是贵族院没了多隆皮斯坦这一对组合带领,气势上无疑弱了几分,竟然有些怼不过骑士院 Does, Aristocratic Academy Second Year strongest pillar Darke Dymon chose abandoned the match, but this year's Knight Academy also has the entire three people to enter the round of eight, Aristocratic Academy appeared on the energy somewhat is truly insufficient. 奈何,贵族院二年级最强的主心骨达克·迪蒙选择了弃赛,而今年的骑士院又有整整三个人晋级八强,贵族院在底气上确实显得有些不足。 Although actually Magic Academy also only then two people enter the round of eight, is sporty. 倒是魔导院虽然也只有两个人晋级八强,却底气十足。 Obviously, their confidence level to the Sarah Swati draws as before fully. 显然,她们对萨拉·斯瓦蒂的信任度依旧拉满。 But remaining Fool Academy, although has not been annihilated because of sudden appearance of Vanessa Bolt, but does not think Vanessa to be able on them in Schoolmate that to be honest, in that several strengths make an exception wins the championship. 而剩下的愚者院,虽然因为瓦妮莎·博尔特的异军突起而并未全军覆没,但老实说就连他们自己都不认为瓦妮莎能在那几位实力破格的同学之中夺冠。 Therefore Fool Academy mostly is thinking refuels for it, can walk many walks far. 因此愚者院大多是想着为其加油,能走多远就走多远。 In such a case, this Silver Cup Then in the rhythm transfers in the fierce piano music to begin suddenly officially! 在这样的情况下,本届【白银杯】便在节奏忽然转烈的钢琴曲中正式开场! Before matching opening ceremony relative total opening ceremony, without doubt simplified. 正赛的开幕式相对之前的总开幕式而言,无疑简化了许多。 Basically was eight Star Player mounts the stage a interlude, was introduced by Judy Senior Sister one by one, then conducted the brief interview in turn, inquired such as ultimate objective of this competition and regarding how the Darke Dymon Star Player abandoned match saw and so on issue, finished. 基本上就是八名选手上台走了一个过场,由朱蒂学姐一一介绍,便依次进行了简短的采访,询问了诸如“本次比赛的最终目标”、“对于达克·迪蒙选手的弃赛怎么看”之类的问题,也就结束了。 Then during is a focus of public attention, Silver Cup Is matching first two Star Player Emma Metis and Witte Gaud, then arrived! 而后在万众瞩目之中,【白银杯】正赛第一场的两位选手艾玛·墨提斯维特·高德,便登场了! When these two draw lots the competition order obtained to arrive, in-court or off-court sends out to call out in alarm. 当这两人抽签获得的比赛次序登场之时,场内场外都不由发出惊呼。 No one has thought of this Silver Cup Matching opening, can be pulls open unexpectedly by the Knight Academy civil war! 谁也没想到这【白银杯】正赛的开幕,竟然会是由骑士院的内战拉开! Emma Metis and Witte Gaud have the considerable progress during the learn/study of this semester, competition that but Emma Metis participates are not many, therefore the audience are limited to her growth understanding. 艾玛·墨提斯维特·高德在这一学期的学习之中都有着长足的长进,但艾玛·墨提斯参加的比赛次数并不多,因此观众们对她的成长了解有限。 On the contrary, Witte Gaud is actually a Duel madman, he almost every week will participate Silver Cup With Golden Cup Sports event. 相反,维特·高德却是一个决斗狂人,他几乎每个星期都会参加【白银杯】和【黄金杯】的赛事。 If must enter Underground City to explore, decides the participating time in Friday afternoon. 如果要进地下城探险的话,就把参赛时间定在周五下午。 In brief in this case, Witte Gaud obtained the extremely numerous Duel experiences, and grows in Duel fast. 总之在这种情况下,维特·高德获得了极多的决斗经验,并在决斗之中飞快成长。 But he demonstrated the Card Deck intensity, is also rising successively. 而他展示出来的卡组强度,也在节节攀升。 Now after being in the Star Player stage, Witte Gaud is facing opposite powerful enemy, actually very calm. 如今登上选手台上之后,维特·高德面对着对面的强敌,却非常的冷静。 Then afterwards...... 再然后…… He was infiltrated the defeated group! 他就被打入了败者组! Progress always relative. 进步总是相对的。 When you thought when oneself is good from first building Padao tenth building already, your opponent very possible already to crawl the 100 th building! 当你觉得自己从第一楼爬倒第十楼已经非常不错时,你的对手很可能已经爬到了第一百楼! Witte Gaud and Emma Metis disparity, although is not huge, but also already enough remarkable. 维特·高德艾玛·墨提斯的差距虽然没有那么巨大,但也已足够显著。 However that disparity not at the Card Deck intensity or the Duel experience, but is lies on the brain! 不过那份差距并非是在卡组强度或者决斗经验上,而是在于脑子上! The Witte Gaud mind was exploded by Emma Metis. 维特·高德的头脑被艾玛·墨提斯爆了。 Like coping to raise the line puppet to be the same, plays jokes upon in referring to! 如同对付提线木偶一般,戏耍在指间! …… …… But was not eliminated by the knocking down defeated group. 但被打落败者组并非是淘汰。 Witte Gaud also has the second opportunity. 维特·高德还有第二次机会。 Moreover the defeated group puts on the program that N wins the championship not to be always rare. 而且败者组一穿N夺冠的戏码在历来都并不罕见。 The Witte Gaud fast reorganization mentality, then starts to prepare the tonight's defeated group elimination series! 维特·高德快速整理心态,便开始准备今晚的败者组淘汰赛! …… …… After first Duel finished, must wait for one hour to start. 第一场决斗结束之后要等一个小时才能开赛。 But the Academy side is certainly impossible to make the audience wait. 学院方当然不可能让观众们干等。 In fact in Silver Cup After is matching the opening ceremony ended, the competition that other synchronously conduct also gradually restores. 实际上在【白银杯】的正赛开幕式结束之后,其余同步进行的比赛也都逐渐恢复。 Such as Golden Cup And so on competition between high grade, then made up quickly Silver Cup The crevice between competition schedules. 诸如【黄金杯】之类的高年级之间的比赛,很快便弥补了【白银杯】赛程之间的空隙。 Then after one hour, Silver Cup Two Star Player Diana Greatbayer and Vanessa Bolt of second competition arrived! 而后在一个小时之后,【白银杯】第二场比赛的两位选手狄安娜·格瑞特拜尔瓦妮莎·博尔特登场了! Is she?” “又是她吗?” Darke puts down in the hand and Golem slightly manufactures the related books, then some surprised say/way. 达克稍微放下手中与魔像制作相关的书籍,便有些惊讶道。 Silver Cup Always opens, the Diana opponent is this Vanessa Bolt, then she fell into one to struggle hard, won extremely difficultly. 白银杯】总开幕的时候,狄安娜的对手就是这瓦妮莎·博尔特,当时的她着实陷入了一场苦战,极为艰难才获得了胜利。 Then this time? 那么这一次呢? Darke looked with single-hearted devotion. 达克不由看得专心了一些。 But is responsible for the narrator who matches to illustrate, like chatting the daily family activity is ordinary, raised this matter says, finally showdown between Vanessa Bolt and Diana had more anticipations. 而负责正赛解说的解说员,也是如同聊家常一般,将此事提起说出,最后瓦妮莎·博尔特狄安娜之间的对决有了更多的看点。 This Duel splendor, Vanessa Bolt has the growth in various aspects, but Diana Greatbayer also made up for own flaw slightly, both sides displayed in this Duel the side high level of exceeding Second Year. 这一场决斗非常之精彩,瓦妮莎·博尔特在各方面都有成长,而狄安娜·格瑞特拜尔也稍微弥补了自身的缺陷,双方在这场决斗之中都表现出了超越二年级的极高水平。 And finally, was Diana Protect the arena, again succeeded defeated Vanessa Bolt! 到了最后,则是狄安娜守住了擂台,再一次成功的击败了瓦妮莎·博尔特 But above this time victory ratio time is one more difficult, when therefore she has a lingering fear in an interview. 但这一次的胜利比之上一次更加艰难,因此当她在接受采访时都心有余悸。 …… …… Gained to win later Diana to return to the ring-belt, sat down side Rose, and continued to watch the competition with Darke and the others together. 获取胜利之后的狄安娜返回到了环形带,在萝丝身边坐下,并与达克等人一起继续观看比赛。 But after one hour, Silver Cup Matching third then opened. 而一个小时之后,【白银杯】正赛的第三场便拉开了帷幕。 But this going on stage two Star Player, is Pistan · Kailo and Heidi Euphemia! 而这一次上场的两位选手,则是皮斯坦·凯洛洛和海蒂·尤菲米娅 Dron just held up small flag to Pistan refueling ruthlessly, seemed like seized the throat not to have the sound suddenly generally. 多隆刚刚举起小旗子要给皮斯坦狠狠的加油,就突然像是被掐住了喉咙一般没了声音。 This response, was really obvious! 这反应,实在是再明显不过了! Was Darke at once, what degree then quite curious progress between he and Heidi was in? 达克一时之间,便极为好奇他与海蒂之间的进展到底到了什么程度? But when he asked Dron, when this year's Christmas Dance Party whether there is dance partner, Dron actually still shook the head, the expression was serious. 但当他问起多隆,今年的圣诞节舞会有无舞伴时,多隆却依然摇头,表情沉重。 Darke then knows immediately, among them the progress, has not progressed. 达克便立刻知晓,他们之间的进展,就是没有进展。 Dron seemingly is usually careless, in emotional problem actually coy. 多隆平常看起来大大咧咧,在感情问题上却扭扭捏捏。 All day fantasized has the girl to reach out oneself, when really arrived needs to put out a hand, will actually flinch suddenly. 整天幻想有女孩子向自己伸手,但真到了需要伸手时,却又会突然退缩。 He is not timid, but attaches great importance. 他不是胆小,只是过于重视。 …… …… …… …… 0 + 2 / ( 128 + 7 ) 【0+2/(128+7)】 Hateful Aaahhhhh mouth!! Will catch up.】 【可恶啊啊啊啊(口)!!会追上的。】
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