TVYMJWTLLBL :: Volume #7

#693 Part 1: 【Sought subscription】 Darke Dymon Gluttony

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Although…… however…… 虽然……但是…… In Second Year four Prefect, truly is only then a Dron person cannot enter the round of eight. 二年级的四名级长之中,确实是只有多隆一人没能晋级八强。 This has saying that is a very sad matter. 这不得不说是一件非常悲伤的事情。 Therefore before Darke then decides Christmas, keeps silent about this matter. 因此达克便决定到圣诞节之前,都绝口不提此事。 Silver Cup The quarter-final adopts the double-elimination tournament. 白银杯】八强赛采取双败淘汰制。 First round eight enter four to come out the quota of winner group and defeated group, eliminates two people from the defeated group again, is promoted two people, altogether six Duel. 第一轮八进四决出胜者组和败者组的名额,再从败者组中淘汰两人,晋级两人,一共六场决斗 Second round comes out two people falling defeated group from the winner group, conducts Duel with defeated group being promoted two people respectively, similarly eliminates two people, is promoted two people again, altogether four Duel. 第二轮从胜者组决出两人掉落败者组,与败者组晋级的两人分别进行决斗,同样是淘汰两人,再晋级两人,一共四场决斗 Third round comes out one person to enter the finals from winner group surplus two people, a person of falling defeated group, in two people winner Duel with the defeated group, a person enters the finals, finally conducts the final, altogether four Duel. 第三轮从胜者组剩余的两人之中决出一人进入决赛,一人掉落败者组,与败者组两人中的胜者决斗,一人进入决赛,最后进行总决赛,一共四场决斗 The playing time respectively is this Friday, the next Friday and one after next Friday. 比赛时间则分别是这个周五、下个周五和下下个周五。 Because the number are not many, therefore each Duel will be separated for one hour, gives the Duelist sufficient preparation and relaxation time. 因为场次并不多,所以每一场决斗都会间隔一个小时,给予决斗者充足的准备和休息时间。 Altogether after three rounds of Duel, this Silver Cup The champion also produces officially. 一共三轮决斗之后,这一届【白银杯】的冠军也就正式产生。 一秒记住biqiuducom But St. Marian Academy formally will also enter the vacation! 圣玛丽安学院也将正式进入假期! Because this year's small long vacation has entire 11 days, the choice went home to pass the Christmas student probably with the family members to be more than last year together. 由于今年的小长假有整整十一天,选择回家与家人们一起度过圣诞节的学生或许比去年要更多一些。 But keeps Academy Young Mages, then after having a vacation the fourth night will welcome Christmas eve Dance Party. 而留在学院小魔导师们,则会在放假后的第四天晚上迎来圣诞节前夜的舞会 Although dilutes the atmosphere that the holiday dropped to close to the semester end topic work. 虽然临近学期末的课题作业冲淡了节日降至的氛围。 But with commencement of leave, the atmosphere that this gradually accumulates will definitely erupt one time. 但随着假期开始,这逐渐积累下来的氛围肯定会一次性爆发。 But Darke then can harvest one wave Moon God's Version of Lust. 达克便又能收割一波【月神版极乐】了。 Said, this year Baby Care When meets conducts?” “说起来,今年的【护雏行动】会是什么时候举办?” Darke was saying to be saying, then remembered senior student suddenly for that activities that to protect Freshmen holds, shows the expression that has a relish. 达克说着说着,便忽然想起了高年级生为了保护一年级生而举办的那个活动,不由露出饶有兴致的表情。 If words Friday night, then captures Silver Cup Can the person of champion be greatly popular? Yeah, is really regrettable, Dron.” “如果还是周五晚上举办的话,那么夺得【白银杯】冠军的人岂不是要大受欢迎?哎,真是遗憾啊,多隆。” …… …… Three people chatted a long time in Clubroom, the time of awakening then suddenly discovered that already 10 : 30 pm, had packed the thing to return to return to the dormitory hastily. 三个人在社团教室里闲聊了老半天,惊醒过来的时候便突然发现已经过了晚上 10 点半,连忙收拾东西返回宿舍 But Darke after returning to return to the dormitory, then starts to worry. 达克在返回宿舍之后,便又开始发愁起来。 Now is the fifth evening of twelve moon/month, he extracted twice 【Pride】, 【Gluttony】 and 【Lust】 in first four in the evening respectively, now index highest 【Greed】, 【Gluttony】 and 【Lust】 are exactly 91 points, if the extraction, then can only extract forcefully, that definitely is the big waste. 现在已是十二月的第五个晚上,他在前四个晚上分别抽取了两次【傲慢】、一次【暴食】、一次【极乐】,如今指数最高的【贪婪】【暴食】【极乐】都是恰好91点,如果强行抽取的话,便只能抽出一点,那肯定是大大的浪费。 Which chooses well?” “选哪个好呢?” Ok, first draws 【Gluttony】 fully.” “算了,先把【暴食】拉满吧。” Un…… Aurora…… yeah, what to do?” “嗯……欧若拉……哎,咋办呢?” Enhances the 【Gluttony】 best way is to depend upon the Aurora midnight snack without doubt, but this road just cut off by he himself. 提高【暴食】的最好办法无疑是依靠欧若拉的夜宵,但这条路才刚刚被他自己斩断了。 If we had known should look for the Diana main point candy in Clubroom, now can only go to the Pico Devimon safe to take.” “早知道在社团教室的时候就应该找狄安娜要点糖果,现在只能去小恶魔兽的储藏柜里拿了。” Darke shook the head, looks at Pico Devimon safe…… 达克摇摇头,将目光瞄准了小恶魔兽的储藏柜…… Naturally, his not white take, weekend time will make up. 当然,他也不会白拿,周末的时候会补上的。 Pico Devimon is certainly impossible to have the opinion, it between -meal snack that will wish one could not to meet one's taste completely gives Darke to offer then to trade one batch more delicious! 小恶魔兽当然不可能有意见,它恨不得将全部不合口味的零食都给达克奉上然后换一批更好吃的! In brief is depending upon the Imp between-meal snack reluctantly, Darke finally increases 【Gluttony】. 总之依靠着小恶魔的零食,达克终于勉勉强强的增加一点【暴食】 In desirably increases in the 【Gluttony】 situation, wants to achieve the goal accidentally/surprisingly somewhat difficult. 在刻意的去增加【暴食】的情况下,想要达成目标意外的有些困难。 Darke then takes out Magic Brain Dropper after that the operation Nether Spirit Spell With Lost Soul Incantation, Will overflow 【Gluttony】 of skull to extract. 达克在那之后便取出魔脑滴管,运行【冥神术】和【失魂咒】,将溢出脑壳的【暴食】抽取了出来。 This time as before is drop of two points. 这一次依旧是一滴两点。 【Gluttony】 sending out aura very special, but could not have seen temporarily is which One Star ball of correspondence. 【暴食】散发的气息非常的特殊,但暂时还看不出是对应的哪一颗星球。 Although Darke thinks to refine very much tonight 【Gluttony】, but considering is too late, then goes off in advance. 达克虽然很想今晚就将【暴食】炼制出来,但考虑到实在太晚,便先行睡去。 In an instant is Friday morning. 转眼便是周五早上。 Darke after finishing eating the breakfast then starts immediately refining 【Gluttony】. 达克在吃完早餐之后便立刻开始着手炼成【暴食】 【Pride】, 【Lust】, 【Greed】, 【Wrath】 and 【Gluttony】…… 【傲慢】【极乐】【贪婪】【暴怒】【暴食】…… This already is he tries the refining fifth type Great Sins Card. 已经是他尝试炼成的第五种【大罪卡】。 In addition remaining then only has 【Sloth】 and 【Envy】, these two Great Sins index very low. 除此之外剩下的便只有【懒惰】【嫉妒】,这两种大罪的指数都非常的低。 But 【Sloth】 and 【Envy】 still had the difference. 【懒惰】【嫉妒】仍旧存在区别。 Although the 【Sloth】 index is very low, but wants to grow is not difficult. 【懒惰】的指数虽然很低,但想要增长并不困难。 But 【Envy】 is really difficult to rise, how he basically cannot find out to be able to urge 【Envy】 to grow. 【嫉妒】是真的难涨,他基本上想不出要如何才能促使【嫉妒】增长。 Naturally, this is actually a good deed. 当然,这其实是一件好事。 Darke spent for five minutes to make own spirit quiet, then started official refinement 【Gluttony】. 达克花了五分钟让自己的心灵沉静下来,然后才开始正式的炼制【暴食】 Then quick, brand-new 【Gluttony】 then gradually takes shape in his hands. 而后很快,一张全新的【暴食】便在他的手中逐渐成型。 Depends upon magic pattern that the Temple mural is transforming, this 【Gluttony】 basically is close completely. 依靠着神殿壁画转化的魔纹,这张【暴食】基本上接近圆满。 After Darke its cleaning, then looks at carefully carefully. 达克将其洗净之后便仔细端详。 What the 【Gluttony】 card surface is unexpected is one light-green, looks like spring the sprout that just accumulated from Earth, fresh and tender delicious feelings. 【暴食】的卡面出乎意料的是一种浅绿色,就像是春天从大地之中刚刚攒出的新芽,有一种鲜嫩可口的感觉。 In its edge seal cutting close magic pattern also came under the influence of 【Gluttony】, turned into the similar color. 在其边缘篆刻着的细密魔纹也受到了【暴食】的影响,变成了相似的颜色。 Darke pours into mana, careful feeling. 达克注入魔力,仔细感受。 After 【Gluttony】 refines the card, is then clearer to the feelings of person. 【暴食】炼制成卡之后,给人的感触便更加清晰。 Looks at the card surface, will then have the appetite to upwell. 仅仅是看着卡面,便会有食欲上涌。 Moreover Darke suspected extremely, this 【Gluttony】 can increase digests ability! 而且达克极度怀疑,这张【暴食】能增加消化能力 Naturally, can weight gain. 当然,也能增肥。 In brief, after he will feel the record, then starts to look for the initial experiment object. 总之,他将感受记录之后,便开始寻找最初的实验对象。 Pico Devimon?” 小恶魔兽?” "Here!" “到!” Pico Devimon Flies rapidly, after revolves for three -and-a-half weeks, falls to the ground magnificently. 小恶魔兽】急速飞来,在空中旋转三周半后,华丽落地。 Darke raises hand 【Gluttony】, then starts to display Ordinary Summoning Spell. 达克扬了扬手中的【暴食】,便开始施展通常召唤术 Pico Devimon For this, some expectations, least bit not anxious even somewhat is early joyful. 小恶魔兽】对此早有预料,半点不急甚至有些欣喜。 When previous Darke refining first 【Wrath】 Great Sins Card, looked accidentally/surprisingly Eevee As the first experiment object, it is then uncomfortable upon learning this at heart very much. 上一次达克炼成第一张【暴怒】大罪卡时,意外的找了【伊布】作为第一个实验的对象,它得知之后心里便很不是滋味。 But looking back now, small Eevee, is unable to place on a par with Sir Pico Devimon! 但现在看来,小小伊布,还是无法和小恶魔兽大人相提并论! Pico Devimon A face favorite raising face, is withstanding the illumination of 【Gluttony】 directly. 小恶魔兽】一脸得意的扬起脸来,正面承受着【暴食】的照射。 With the name of Darke Dymon, Magic Summon 【Gluttony】!” “以达克·迪蒙之名,魔导召唤【暴食】!” As Summoning Spell displays successfully, then shines the light-green light from the 【Gluttony】 card surface, light sprinkling on the face, body of Pico Devimon, like the raindrop of crash by the soil absorption, gradually was then permeated under its skin. 随着召唤术施展成功,从【暴食】的卡面之上便是照射出浅绿色的光,淡淡的洒落在了小恶魔兽的脸上、身上,便如同坠落的雨点被土壤吸收,逐渐渗入它的皮肤之下。 Then the light ray then gathers at its forehead, replaced 【Gluttony】 emblem skeleton emblem above forehead. 而后淡淡的光芒便在它的额头聚集,将额头之上的骷髅纹章替换成了【暴食】纹章 That is not a light-green, but is golden emblem! 那是并非浅绿色,而是金黄色的纹章 But the no matter if it is light-green, is the golden yellow, is very difficult to let person and 【Gluttony】 is continual. 无论是浅绿色,还是金黄色,都很难让人与【暴食】连续起来。 The Darke slight ponder, then first uses Photolithographic edition The 【Gluttony】 Great Sins emblem photographic printing, after the preparation, transcribes in the notebook. 达克些微沉思,便先用【影印本】将【暴食】大罪纹章影印了下来,准备之后再抄录到笔记本上。 The 【Gluttony】 emblem middle is a mark that is approximate in a but actually 【凹】 character, above…… of mark is Astronomy symbol that symbolizes Venus 【】! 【暴食】纹章的中间是一个近似于一个倒【凹】字的印记,印记的上方……则是一个象征金星天文学符号【】! Freely 【】 Often was used in the generation referring to the female, but in Astronomy, it is truly symbolizing Venus. 尽管【】更常被用于代指雌性,但在天文学之中,它确实又象征着金星 But Venus, in this world is Steel Type Synonym! 金星,在这个世界是【钢系】的代名词! Darke continues to examine. 达克继续查看。 Just like other Great Sins emblem, the 【Gluttony】 emblem outer ring still has an English: 和其余的大罪纹章一样,【暴食】纹章的外圈依然有一圈英文: LEVEL-666 LEVEL-666 SYSTEM : BELZEBUB SYSTEM:BELZEBUB CODE : GLUTTONY CODE:GLUTTONY But under of mark, emblem inner loop, then writes: 而在印记的下方,纹章的内圈,则是写着: CAUTION! PURGATORYLEVEL6 CAUTION!PURGATORYLEVEL6 …… …… After the translation, then yes: 翻译之后,便是: Addendum circle: 外圈: Grade -666 等级 System: Beelzebub 系统:别西卜 Password: Gluttony 密码:暴食 Inner loop: 内圈: Warning! Inferno Grade 6 警告!炼狱等级 …… …… 【Gluttony】 Demon God, Lord of the Flies Devil who Beelzebub, causes the disease!” 【暴食】魔神,【苍蝇王】别西卜,引起疾病的魔鬼!” 【Gluttony】 is located in sixth in Inferno.” 【暴食】炼狱之中位于第六位。” Symbolizes the 【Gluttony】 stars, is really Venus.” “象征【暴食】的星辰,果然是金星。” Then as the matter stands, remaining 【Envy】 are Mercury, was 【Sloth】 Mars?” “那么这样一来,剩下的【嫉妒】是水星,【懒惰】就是火星了?” „Is 【Sloth】 Mars, 【Wrath】 is actually Jupiter?” 【懒惰】火星,【暴怒】却是木星吗?” Darke is lost in thought. 达克不由陷入沉思。 Now stars already of Seven Sins to seal makes known completely, Primary Attribute of each stars correspondence also roughly can distinguish clearly. 如今七大罪对印的星辰已经全部揭晓,每一种星辰对应的主属性也大致能够分清。 Then, wants refining Steel Type Does Magic Fairy, then need to use 【Gluttony】?” “这么说来,想要炼成钢系】的魔导精灵,便是需要用到【暴食】吗?” If joins 【Gluttony】 in the weapon card or Armament Card refining, can promote?” “那如果在武器卡或者武装卡炼成之中加入【暴食】,会否有所提升?” Promotes many issues from an issue. 从一个问题推出多个问题。 Darke until now then has the thought of extrapolation. 达克一直以来便有着举一反三的思维。 He takes to begin a stroke, thinks to want own to record, in order to avoid later puts behind. 他拿起笔,将自己的所思所想都记录下来,以免之后忘却。 Ten after minutes, he stops the thinking temporarily, turns the head to look to approach Pico Devimon. 十来分钟后,他暂时停下思索,转头看向【小恶魔兽】。 Pico Devimon What these has not made to make the action that one puzzles time actually, after it sobers, should regret very much? 小恶魔兽】这一次倒是并未作出什么令人困扰的举动,不过当它清醒过来之后,应该会很后悔吧? …… …… After entire 15 minutes of past, Pico Devimon The human world is sober, really sits in between -meal snack bag everywhere, "Wa" cries loudly. 当整个十五分钟过去之后,【小恶魔兽】人间清醒,果然坐在满地的零食袋上,“哇”的一声嚎哭起来。 Before it, is the empty safe. 在它面前,是空荡荡的储藏柜。 Naturally, only then the weeping sound does not have the tears! 当然,只有哭声没有眼泪! …… …… Later when the Cooldown conclusion of 【Gluttony】, Darke then called Fantasy Beast: Eevee. 之后等到【暴食】CD结束,达克便唤来了【魔幻兽:伊布】。 Modified version Great Sins Can cause Fantasy Beast: Eevee Obtains new Certain Kill Skill, takes the key by the field technique especially, this is can change the situation the important skill. 改良版的【大罪】能使得【魔幻兽:伊布】获得新的必杀技,其中尤以场地技作为关键,这是能改变局势的重要技能。 Therefore Fantasy Beast: Eevee Most needs the experiment object. 因此【魔幻兽:伊布】是最需要实验的对象。 But after hearing the summon of Darke, Eevee then uses to lock the own safe immediately, then treats a matter seriously places the palm the key of lock catch, held the Darke front. 而听到达克的呼唤之后,伊布酱便立刻将自己的储藏柜用锁上,然后郑重其事的将锁扣的钥匙放在掌心,托到了达克的面前。 Although Darke some want to smile, but stretched. 达克虽然有些想笑,但还是绷住了。 He receives the key, then takes out 【Gluttony】, said tenderly: Must start, prepared?” 他将钥匙收好,便取出【暴食】,温柔道:“要开始了,准备好了吗?” yi bu!” Fantasy Beast: Eevee Then makes an effort to nod, look is serious. “咿咘!”【魔幻兽:伊布】便用力点了点头,神色严肃。 Darke 【Gluttony】 according to its forehead, fast Summon: 达克【暴食】按在它的脑门上,快速召唤: With the name of Darke Dymon, Magic Summon 【Gluttony】!” “以达克·迪蒙之名,魔导召唤【暴食】!” When the sound stops, the light-green brilliance then sprinkled lightly, shines in Fantasy Beast: Eevee body. 声音停止之时,浅绿色的光辉便是淡淡洒落,照耀在了【魔幻兽:伊布】的身上 Three Stars Fantasy Beast: Eevee Cannot because of Grade Great Sins Card But produces evolves into, its build has not changed slightly, but in the eye gradually appears the hunger and thirst. 三星的【魔幻兽:伊布】并不会因为等级的【大罪卡】而产生进化,它的体型丝毫没有改变,只是眼中逐渐浮现出饥渴。 Darke patted its head, will then focus on Fantasy Beast: Eevee In Magic Card. 达克拍了拍它的脑袋,便将注意力集中到了【魔幻兽:伊布】的魔导卡中。 Pours into mana slightly, then has the information feedback to return. 只是稍微注入魔力,便有信息反馈而回。 Card Name: Fantasy Beast( Eevee)】 卡名:魔幻兽(伊布)】 Type: Fairy Card 类型:精灵卡 Grade: ✪✪✪ 等级:✪✪✪ Race: Fauna Species 种族:鸟兽种 Attribute: Normal Type 属性:一般系 mana: 1300 魔力:1300】 Attack: 1300 攻击:1300】 Defense: 1300 防御:1300】 Certain Kill Skill: Baby-Doll Eyes, Imitation, Feast On and Tea Party 必杀技:圆瞳模仿大快朵颐茶会 Makes me have a look, Baton Pass With Pray Turned into…… Feast On With Tea Party???” “让我看看,【接棒】和【祈愿】变成了……大快朵颐】和【茶会】???” In Darke heart surprised, then looked that to toward small Eevee that on the own leg crawled. 达克心中惊讶,便不由看向了正在往自己的腿上爬的小伊布 It seems like Eevee under the influence of 【Gluttony】, is still maintaining the sobriety of bottom line degree even as before. 看来伊布酱即便在【暴食】的影响下,也依旧保持着底线程度的清醒。 It still remembers obviously oneself gave Darke the key of safe, at this time then tried to climb up his body, plunders key , should be this. 它显然还记得自己将储藏柜的钥匙给了达克,这时候便试图爬上他的身体,掠夺钥匙嗯,应该是这样的。 Darke holds on it the leg simply, then makes him turn away, grips with both hands. 达克干脆将它抱到腿上,然后使其背对过来,用双手夹住。 Eevee cannot move immediately, can only struggle is going to the mouth with the mouth, licks with the tongue. 伊布酱顿时动弹不得,只能挣扎着用嘴去口,用舌头去舔。 Darke thinks, then lets Pico Devimon Looks Shuckle Took an apple to come, shut its mouth. 达克想了想,便让【小恶魔兽】去找【壶壶】拿了一个苹果过来,堵住了它的嘴。 Fantasy Beast: Eevee New two Certain Kill Skill, beside accident/surprise is Normal Type. 魔幻兽:伊布】新增的两个必杀技,意外之外的都是【一般系】。 Moreover, if he did not remember incorrectly, these two Certain Kill Skill should not in Eevee During style list that this Pokemon can learn. 而且,如果他没有记错的话,这两个必杀技应该都不在【伊布】这种宝可梦所能学会的招式列表之中。 In other words, this is two, Certain Kill Skill that it had not possibly grasped! 也就是说,这是两个,它原本没有可能掌握的必杀技 But under the function of 【Gluttony】, it not only grasped, but also made the compatible adjustment. 但在【暴食】的作用下,它不但掌握了,还对其进行了适应性的调整。 Darke is actually very unfamiliar to two Certain Kill Skill, therefore then starts to look simply from the beginning. 达克对两个必杀技其实很生疏,因此便干脆从头开始看起。 First yes Baby-Doll Eyes. 首先是【圆瞳】。 Baby-Doll Eyes( Gluttony): Eevee gazes at fixedly the opponent with the hunger and thirst look, making the opponent feel Astonish, thus reduces the Attack desire of opponent.】 圆瞳(暴食):伊布用饥渴的眼神瞪视对手,让对手感受到惊吓,从而降低对手的攻击欲望。】 As before is the different looks, can actually achieve the similar effect Baby-Doll Eyes. 依旧是不同眼神,却能达到同样效果的【圆瞳】。 Later Imitation Then is unrelieved. 之后的【模仿】则并无变化。 But again following, is new Certain Kill Skill Feast On! 而再接下来,就是新的必杀技大快朵颐】! Feast On( Gluttony): Eevee through the way of feed, greatly enhances own Defense. full Shi is higher, enhanced Defense are then more, most greatly promotes to foundation Defense two times.】 大快朵颐(暴食):伊布通过进食的方式,大幅度提高自身的防御。饱食度越高,提高的防御便越多,最大提升至基础防御的两倍。】 In other words , Fantasy Beast: Eevee After the violent drinks Gluttony, can 1300 points Defense, enough the promotion to 2600 points! 换言之,【魔幻兽:伊布】在暴饮暴食之后,能将1300点的防御,足足提升到2600点! If this Certain Kill Skill places high against Magic Fairy body, will become very terrifying. 如果这个必杀技放在高防魔导精灵身上,将会变得非常恐怖。 Only pitifully Fantasy Beast: Eevee After all is only Three Stars Magic Fairy, the improvement scope is still limited. 只可惜【魔幻兽:伊布】毕竟只是三星魔导精灵,提升幅度依旧有限。 Naturally, if limits in Three Stars, 2600 points Defense can make people feel desperate! 当然,如果限制在三星之内的话,2600点的防御能让人感到绝望! But speaking of Feast On Words…… 但说到【大快朵颐】的话…… Darke then thought Snorlax. 达克便不由想到了【卡比兽】。 Snorlax Although is the 【Greed】 incarnation, perhaps but Darke always feelings, 【Gluttony】 can also cause its evolves into. 卡比兽】虽然是【贪婪】的化身,但达克总有一种感觉,或许【暴食】也能使其进化 However 【Gluttony】 Grade slightly obviously insufficient, at least 【Gluttony】 can give the new possibility. 不过【暴食】等级稍显不够,至少【暴食】才能赋予新的可能性。 Darke continued to look to Fantasy Beast: Eevee Last Certain Kill Skill, is he harbors intentions but now actually face dumbfounded field technique Tea Party! 达克继续看向了【魔幻兽:伊布】的最后一个必杀技,也是他心心念念但现在却一脸懵逼场地茶会】! Tea Party( Gluttony): Eevee conducts Tea Party baseless, all goals in field will have the intense hungry and thirsty feeling, the side will carry eats food and potable water that drinks dry/does completely.】 茶会(暴食):伊布凭空举办一场茶会,场上的所有目标都会产生出强烈的饥饿与干渴感,会将身边携带的食物与饮水吃干喝尽。】 It is difficult to describe this Certain Kill Skill concrete effect, but it seemed like as before is „the field technique, can have the change to the entire field environment. 很难形容这个必杀技的具体效果,但它看起来似乎依旧是一个“场地技”,能对整个场地的环境产生变化。 It has no gain, the injury of also having no. 只是它没有任何的增益,也没有任何的伤害。 Moreover, doesn't this determination increase the skill that the atmosphere uses? 而且,这确定不是增加气氛用的技能吗? Darke remembered itself to pass Pleasant dice Shot two change class Certain Kill Skill…… 达克不由想起了自己通过【如意骰子】掷出的两个变化类必杀技…… Should unable to really be the atmosphere technique?” “该不会真是气氛技吧?” He raised the head to sweep around one, finally repressed the attempt in the bedroom to use the impulsion of this Certain Kill Skill. 他又抬头扫了一眼四周,终于还是按捺住了在寝室内尝试使用这个必杀技的冲动。 After all according to this feeds back the information description that came from Magic Card, once used this Certain Kill Skill, perhaps Magic Fairies of bedroom will change into the gluttony, sweeps away between -meal snack drink. 毕竟按照这从魔导卡中反馈而来的信息描述,一旦使用了这一必杀技,寝室的魔导精灵们恐怕都将化为饕餮,将零食饮料一扫而空。 That scene, as if end! 那副场景,仿佛末日! …… …… „An opportunity, waits next time Eevee After can be more sober, selects unmanned corner to test again.” “等个机会吧,等下次【伊布】能够更清醒之后,再挑个无人的角落进行测试。” Darke looked at already only to nip the apple remains Eevee of pit, before it went to pit also Swallow took away the pit, then ordered saying: Gives a try Feast On Effect.” 达克看了一眼已经将苹果咬得只剩果核的伊布酱,在它将果核也吞下去之前将果核拿走,然后命令道:“试试看【大快朵颐】的效果。” Eevee then stops, then stared big eyes fiercely, in the eye exudes the light-green light, then sent out the same light from its within the body outward, its muscle skin became in this brilliance more tenacious, the Defense strength rose dramatically! 伊布酱便停顿下来,而后猛地瞪大眼睛,眼中泛起了浅绿色的光,紧接着从其体内便是向外散发出同样的光,它的肌肉皮肤都在这光辉之中变得更加坚韧,防御力暴增! After Darke careful observation, perhaps confirmed this Certain Kill Skill also to be able with Munchlax Stockpile Same, maintains the Defense promotion through the feed ahead of time. 达克仔细观察后,确认这一必杀技或许也能和【小卡比兽】的【蓄力】一样,通过提前进食来保持防御提升。 But if Eevee wants to promote the limit the growth of Defense strength, perhaps needs over 100% full Shi that not to achieve in the normal state easily. 伊布若想将防御力的增长提升到极限,恐怕需要超过百分之一百的饱食度那在正常状态下并不容易做到。 First this.” “就先这样吧。” Darke shakes the head, then after has waited till for 15 minutes, puts Eevee. 达克摇摇头,便一直等到十五分钟后,才将伊布酱放下去。 Then he completes the record, then takes the book bag, goes out goes to Clubroom. 然后他做完记录,便带上书包,出门前往社团教室 【Gluttony】, except for right Fantasy Beast: Eevee Effect remarkable beside, is right Incantation Cage: Agumon The produced effect is big. 【暴食】,除了对【魔幻兽:伊布】效果显著之外,就是对【咒笼:亚古兽】产生的效果较大。 Therefore next experiment object, then yes Incantation Cage: Agumon! 因此下一个实验对象,便是【咒笼:亚古兽】! …… …… After Agumon knows the situation, then jumps for joy to say immediately: GKD!” 亚古兽得知情况后,便立刻雀跃道:“GKD!” Darke including saying with a smile: Cooldown has not arrived.” 达克含笑道:“CD还没到。” Agumon is then depressed immediately. 亚古兽便顿时沮丧起来。 When one hour of Cooldown eventually finished, Agumon then looked on own initiative. 等到一个小时的CD终于结束,亚古兽便主动找了上来。 But so accepts the experiment good child regarding this type on own initiative, Darke naturally quite to like. 而对于这种如此主动接受实验的好孩子,达克当然颇为喜欢。 He takes out one after another Incantation Cage With 【Gluttony】, first uses Incantation Cage Agumon Imprison, again Summon. 他相继取出【咒笼】和【暴食】,先使用【咒笼】将亚古兽封印其中,再召唤而出。 But a while, then activated 【Gluttony】 at the scene! 而了一会儿,便当场激活【暴食】
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