TVYMJWTLLBL :: Volume #7

#692 Part 2: 【In 10% discount promotion】 Darke Dymon cannot find out title)

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Then he then noticed that Grace opened Eye finally, the wet intent serious eyelash therefore turns upwards, in eyes is passing callously. 而后他便看到格瑞丝终于睁开了眼睛,湿意严重的睫毛因此而翘起,双眼之中透着冷酷。 000167 93 - 94 lowers the head immediately, inquired the feeling of Grace. @0001679394@立刻低下头,询问格瑞丝的感受。 The Grace voice is slightly hoarse, but perception: Feeling was much better, but I probably required some time to recuperate.” 格瑞丝的嗓音略显沙哑,但更加感性:“感觉好多了,但我可能需要一些时间进行调理。” 000167 93 - 94 asked: Fire of Underworld? Also can feel?” @0001679394@问道:“【冥界之火】呢?还能感受到吗?” Grace shakes the head, said: Should already be captured completely, the feeling entangled in the body haze did not have finally, was really lucky Young Master.” 格瑞丝摇摇头,说道:“应该已经全部被拔掉了,就感觉缠在身上的阴霾终于没了,真是多亏了少爷。” Was saying to be saying, she then looks up to Darke, wants to express the gratitude but also unable saying that such suppressed in the throat. 说着说着,她便抬头看向达克,想要表达感激但又说不出来,就那样憋在了嗓子里。 Darke looks at her, said: Was all right well, following you recuperate several days in Academy. When Lacey Fire of Underworld Also after wiping out, goes back together.” 达克则是看着她,说道:“没事了就好,接下来你就在学院内调养几日。等到蕾西的【冥界之火】也被拔除之后再一起回去吧。” Un.” Grace supports the body to sit, the nod should be, then discovered fiercely becomes the insightful clothes because of the moistness, immediately body one stiff, does not know where from coming the strength, crawls hastily the coffin. “嗯。”格瑞丝支撑着身体坐起来,点头应是,而后便猛地发现了因为潮湿而变得通透的衣服,顿时身体一僵,也不知道从哪来的力量,连忙爬出棺材。 Darke smiles to stand, then said at the right moment: I first went out.” 达克微笑着站起来,便适时说道:“那我先出去了。” Then he turns around then to walk. 然后他转身便走。 Cofagrigus Immediately supports the ground with four hands, follows like the quadruped generally in him behind. 死神棺】立刻用四只手撑着地面,如同四足动物一般跟在他身后。 Waited for the room, Cofagrigus Then raises a hand, aims at Darke pack of cards repeatedly. 等出了房间,【死神棺】便举起一只手,反复指向达克卡包 The Darke thinking long time, is suddenly enlighted, then takes back in it Magic Card immediately, again Summon. 达克思索半晌,才恍然大悟,而后立刻将其收回到了魔导卡中,再重新召唤 As the matter stands, Cofagrigus The sweat in within the body was cleaned up cleanly, immediately was comfortable. 这样一来,【死神棺】体内的汗液便被清理得一干二净,顿时舒爽了许多。 Later when Grace takes a bath to change the clothes, the people then gathered in the living room. 之后等到格瑞丝洗完澡换好衣服,众人便重新聚集在了客厅内。 Darke looks to 000167 93 - 94 and Josie, 000167 93 - 94 then starts to conduct the summary and report to this experiment, but Josie takes the notebook to be responsible for recording. 达克看向@0001679394@和乔茜,@0001679394@便开始对这一次实验进行总结和报告,而乔茜则拿着笔记本负责记录。 These two partners complement each other actually. 这两人的搭档倒是相得益彰。 Darke looks at satisfaction, then nod. 达克看着满意,便不由点头。 Had 000167 93 - 94 and Josie achievement Underworld Fire Project leader, he was truly more relaxed. 有了@0001679394@和乔茜作为【冥火计划】的负责人,他确实轻松了很多。 Especially in this semester end time, really helps. 尤其是在这学期末的时间里,真的帮了大忙。 …… …… When reported finished, Grace also restored much, the people then went to the cafeteria to dine together, was the small celebration. 等到报告结束,格瑞丝也恢复了不少,众人便一起前往食堂就餐,算是小小的庆祝。 This dining together, Grace was obviously warm, and gradually revealed that the words discussed essential…… 这一次聚餐,格瑞丝明显热情了许多,并且逐渐显露出了话唠本质…… Waits to eat half, Grace even starts to clamp the vegetable/dish toward the Darke bowl , the maternity essence also gradually exposes. 等吃到一半,格瑞丝甚至开始往达克的碗里夹菜,母性本质也逐渐暴露。 Darke looks at her transformation, in the heart sighs with emotion. 达克看着她的这副转变,心中感慨非常。 He discovered that oneself in the understanding of maids family/home, was too superficial. 他发现自己对家里女仆们的了解,还是太浅薄了。 After the food, they then return to return to the dormitory directly, started experiment of next round. 紧接着饭后,他们便径直返回宿舍,开始了下一轮的实验 Perhaps is saw that the Grace experiment effect is good, Lacey seems somewhat impatient, then lay down quickly Cofagrigus In belly. 或许是看到格瑞丝实验效果不错,蕾西显得有些迫不及待,很快便躺进了【死神棺】的肚子里。 But Darke after her gradually the deep sleep, left Teacher's Dormitory. 达克则在她逐渐沉睡之后,离开了教师宿舍 This afternoon, he needs for the evening Astrology class Prepares. 今天下午,他需要为晚上的【占星课】做准备。 In this numerous subject, Astrology class Is he most does not excel as before. 在这众多科目之中,【占星课】依旧是他最不擅长的。 But success refining Flower Card The experience, making him to being based on Astrology magic formation of love Some more comprehensive understanding, later learned the related knowledge, then understands by analogy, before being many , the puzzled issue, has then been easily solved suddenly. 但成功炼成花牌】的经验,让他对以占星术为基础的【恋之魔法阵】有了更加全面的了解,之后再学习相关知识,便触类旁通,很多之前一直不解的问题,便突然迎刃而解。 Last week on again Astrology class, He obviously felt one understanding of the Classroom knowledge became easier. 上周再上【占星课】,他明显感觉自己对课堂知识的理解变得更加容易了。 But can understand, is the student has the interest in a curriculum the foundation. 而能听得懂,是学生对一门课程产生兴趣的基础。 Darke is no exception. 达克也不例外。 After the need class made up lots of time to understand before Classroom content, he almost produced right Astrology class Bored mentality. 在之前需要课后补上大量时间才能理解课堂内容的时候,他都几乎产生出了对【占星课】的厌倦心态。 But now, he is right Astrology class The interest was also keen. 但现在,他对【占星课】的兴趣又浓厚了起来。 …… …… That night Astrology class On, Professor Medea is continuing content abstruse teaching as before, but in Astrology class Soon when conclusion, she also announced this semester end big topic. 当天晚上的【占星课】上,米蒂亚教授依旧继续着内容艰深的授课,而在【占星课】即将结束之时,她也宣布了这个学期末的大课题。 Is this. The twelve moon/month, Thursday evening, we will have an official divination exercise on the 19 th here, later I will conduct the allocation to your Astrology using the situation, as a part of final result. Right, the result of this first semester will occupy 30% of overall result, therefore does not want not to attach great importance. Then, finishes class!” “就是这样。十二月十九日,星期四的晚上,我们将在这里进行一次正式的占卜演习,之后我会对你们的占星术运用情况进行打分,作为最终成绩的一部分。对了,这第一学期的成绩将会占据总成绩的30%,所以千万不要不重视。那么,下课!” Astrology class Conclusion instantly, in the classroom then resounded the frequent discussion instantaneously. 占星课】结束的刹那,教室之内便瞬间响起了频繁的议论声。 All students in this classroom have Divination talent of certain extent, but must say that who really can practice divination 123 to come…… that really not to say. 这间教室内的所有学生都拥有一定程度的占卜天赋,但要说有谁真能占卜出一二三来……那还真不好说。 The Professor Medea light was says according to the utilization allocation of Astrology, has not said the allocation standard, made people unable to guess at once. 米蒂亚教授光是说会根据占星术的运用情况打分,也没说打分标准,一时之间让人无法揣测。 But then just finished class, Professor Medea then sat her Pumpkin Carriage, in an instant already vanished does not see. 但这才刚下课,米蒂亚教授便坐上了她的南瓜马车,转眼已经消失不见。 Obviously, did not prepare specifically to describe to the students. 显然,是不准备向学生们详细说明了。 …… …… twelve moon/month 19 days evening? Also is the last evening of this semester. What should I practice divination? Must think well.” 十二月十九日的晚上吗?也就是这个学期的最后一个晚上。我该占卜什么?得好好想想了。” Darke holds Eevee directly, then from the twelve level of this spiral clock tower to tenth, entered Fantastic Beasts Society Clubroom. 达克直接抱起伊布,便从这螺旋钟塔的第十二层下到了第十层,进入了神奇动物社社团教室 Slow one step, Rose then also opened the mass organization Professor door merely. 仅仅慢了一步,萝丝便也推开了社团教授的门。 She toward is making Diana of struggle to walk with the topic work, is looking distressed of face. 她向着在与课题作业做斗争的狄安娜走过去,也是一脸的愁眉苦脸。 Practices divination this type of thing, was really hard to ascertain. 占卜这种东西,实在是太难以捉摸了。 If not the talent good to like Eudora, but also really does not want to practice divination to practice divination. 如果不是天赋好到像尤朵拉那样的,还真不是想占卜就能占卜出来的。 Why now are Prophet of the world lie getting more and more? 如今满世界瞎话的预言家为什么越来越多? It is not because they want to talk nonsense, because they can only talk nonsense! 不是因为他们想说瞎话,而是因为他们只能说瞎话啊! bu yi…… “咘咿…… Small Eevee uses Darke arm the chin, is dispirited of face. 伊布达克的手臂支着下巴,也是一脸的颓丧。 Although it worry in does not have any studies, but Astrology class Result quality, is affecting it the position in Master heart, moreover Darke also this result and little red flower linking up, as you understood. 它虽然没有什么学业上的顾虑,但【占星课】的成绩好坏,也影响着它在主人心中的地位,而且达克还将这成绩与小红花给挂钩了,所以你懂的。 Right, I heard Silver Cup The quota of quarter-final came out.” “对了,我听说【白银杯】八强赛的名额出来了。” Darke to shift the attention, opens the mouth to ask. 达克为了转移注意,开口问道。 But hears Silver Cup This keyword, the Diana ear then knife edge gets up fiercely. 而一听到【白银杯】这个关键词,狄安娜的耳朵便猛地支棱起来。 Rose reveals somewhat helpless smiling. 萝丝则是露出有些无奈的笑。 Darke said curiously: What therefore the final output is?” 达克好奇道:“所以最后结果是什么?” Diana wants to speak extremely, but holds in the appearance that did not say. 狄安娜一副极想说话,但又憋住不说的模样。 Rose then shakes the head saying: Also can be anything, such several people.” 萝丝便摇头道:“还能是什么,就还是那么几个人。” Darke said with a smile: Said that looked, I if tomorrow has free time, has a look.” 达克笑道:“说说看吧,我明天要是有空的话,也去看看。” Some time watch the competition, having the time to attend the competition?” Rose white his eyes, said, in brief eight people are promoted, I count to you.” “有时间看比赛,没有时间参加比赛吗?”萝丝白了他一眼,说道,“总之有八个人晋级,我给你数数。” Was saying she then counted. 说着她便数了起来。 Darke is listening attentively. 达克用心听着。 Second Year, four branches, Aristocratic Academy, Knight Academy, Magic Academy and Fool Academy. 二年级,四个分院,贵族院骑士院魔导院愚者院 And Aristocratic Academy selection matching has two people, but is not Darke guess Diana and Dron…… but is Diana and Pistan! 其中贵族院入选正赛的有两个人,但并不是达克猜测的狄安娜多隆……而是狄安娜皮斯坦 Hears here, Darke said with amazement: How is Pistan?” 听到这里,达克不禁惊讶道:“怎么是皮斯坦?” To be honest in his mind can be promoted the matching Aristocratic Academy candidate, should be Diana and Rose, but Diana and Rose also made the corresponding effort for this reason. 老实说他心目中能够晋级正赛的贵族院人选,应该是狄安娜萝丝,而狄安娜萝丝也为此付出了相应的的努力。 But the Rose expression is obvious, she cannot be successfully promoted. 萝丝的表情非常明显,她并没能成功晋级。 Then by the words of this deduction, as Second Year Aristocratic Academy Prefect Dron naturally has the opportunity downward. 那么以此往下推论的话,身为二年级贵族院级长多隆自然更有机会。 However Dron actually did not have, instead is the Pistan successful high-rank! 然而多隆竟然也无了,反而是皮斯坦成功上位! Darke pondered over: Is because I too long have not paid attention Silver Cup? How a little to understand?” 达克不禁思忖:“是因为我太久没有关注【白银杯】了吗?怎么有点看不懂了?” Rose sees his doubts, then the regret said: I and Diana participated in the Duel number of times too being really many, my winning percentage was not very high, pulled down. If terminates promptly, I have the opportunity. As for Pistan, he catches up actually, the winning percentage is extremely high.” 萝丝看出他的疑惑,便遗憾道:“我和狄安娜参与决斗的次数实在太多了,我的胜率又不是很高,就拉下来了。如果及时终止的话,我还是有机会的。至于皮斯坦,他倒是后来居上,胜率极高。” No wonder recent Dron looks that is not high-spirited.” Darke carves to tread around the millstone, what Defense superior Magic Fairy should Pistan not be will build up?” “难怪最近的多隆看着情绪不高。”达克琢磨道,“皮斯坦该不会是炼出了什么防御超常的魔导精灵吧?” Rose sighed: Is this, he wins constant successes Summon to have that several Steel Type Magic Fairy, then is almost in an impregnable position, really depended.” 萝丝感叹道:“是这样的,他每每成功召唤出那几只钢系魔导精灵,便几乎立于不败之地,实在太赖了。” Even Rose said that that definitely really depended. 萝丝都说赖,那肯定是真的赖了。 Darke nods, said: That other Academy?” 达克点点头,说道:“那其它学院呢?” Didn't "Eh? comment Diana? Diana first is promoted by credits! ” Diana interrupted hastily. “诶?不评论一下狄安娜吗?狄安娜可是以积分第一晋级的哦!”狄安娜连忙插嘴道。 Rose white her eyes, said: „The Diana winning percentage is very high . Moreover the number of row are also many, therefore at present credits first.” 萝丝白了她一眼,说道:“狄安娜的胜率很高,而且排的场次也多,所以目前积分第一。” Diana protests saying: Not only but, because the number of row are many! Since Darke does not participate Silver Cup, This champion by me for taking!” 狄安娜申辩道:“可不只是因为排的场次多!既然达克不参加【白银杯】,这个冠军就由我代拿吧!” Darke winked short time: „Is that somewhat possibly difficult?” 达克眨了眨眼:“那可能有些难吧?” Diana: Everything depends on human effort!” 狄安娜:“事在人为嘛!” Rose then said: following is Knight Academy. The person who Knight Academy is promoted has three, one is Emma Metis, one is Witte Gaud, another is Justin Wayne. At present in Knight Academy, but also no one can shake their position.” 萝丝便接着说道:“接下来骑士院吧。骑士院晋级的人有三个,一个是艾玛·墨提斯,一个是维特·高德,另一个是贾斯丁·韦恩。目前在骑士院中,还没有人能够撼动他们三人的地位。” Un.” Darke nods, expected. “嗯。”达克点了点头,意料之中。 Rose continues saying: However the Magic Academy words, one is Sarah Swati, another…… is Heidi Euphemia.” 萝丝继续说道:“而魔导院的话,一个是萨拉·斯瓦蒂,另一个……海蒂·尤菲米娅。” Darke asked: That Fool Academy?” 达克问道:“那愚者院呢?” Rose said: „The Fool Academy words, are Vanessa Bolt.” 萝丝说道:“愚者院的话,是瓦妮莎·博尔特。” Really is Bolt?” In the brain of Darke appeared the Vanessa Bolt appearance. “果然是博尔特吗?”达克的脑子里浮现出了瓦妮莎·博尔特的模样。 Vanessa Bolt is Second Year Fool Academy Prefect, her appearance is ordinary, has the sepia shawl long hair, facial features is not being fine, but gentle worth looking, not too healthy body since entering Second Year, as if had some indications of growth. 瓦妮莎·博尔特二年级愚者院级长,她的模样普通,留着棕褐色的披肩长发,五官算不上精致,但柔和耐看,原本不太健康的身体在进入二年级至今,似乎有了些发育的征兆。 She is located in the middle reaches on the First Year end of the period result merely, but after becoming Prefect, has very obvious promotion. 她在一年级的期末成绩仅仅位于中游偏上,但成为级长之后有很明显的提升。 Moreover, she was also selected into by Professor Cazeres Alchemy class In five Sophomore. 另外,她也是被卡泽尔教授选入【炼金课】的五名二年级生中的一名。 Is so, then makes people think that cannot underestimate! 仅仅是如此,便让人觉得不能小看! Now is promoted by eight strong bodies is matching, many can prove some of her ability. 如今以八强之身晋级正赛,也多少能够证明了些她的能力 Wait.” Darke stares suddenly, that such looks like, in Second Year four Prefect, only then did a Dron person fail to be elected?” “等等。”达克忽然一愣,“那这么看来,二年级的四名级长之中,就只有多隆一个人落选了?” …… …… …… …… 【+ 2 / ( 128 + 4 )】 【】 twelve moon/month No. 1 new monthly ticket 1436, less than 1500, posts a reward new to record 4 chapters temporarily, but also the quantity is 2 chapters, seems like the backwardness, but posts a reward the new momentum already completely, but also the quantity instead surpasses on the 2nd day surely.】 十二月一号新增月票1436,不足1500,悬赏新增暂记四章,还更数量则为二章,看似落后,但悬赏新增势头已尽,还更数量必定在第二日反超。】 Renews on the 2nd as in the morning.】 【二号更新依旧会在早上。】 【The end of the month matter all extruded the beginning of the month, but cannot be lax, needs to maintain, once the person lax will operate the swayed!】 【月底的事情全都挤压到月初了,但不能松懈,需要保持,人一旦松懈就会开摆!】
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