TVYMJWTLLBL :: Volume #7

#692 Part 1: 【In 10% discount promotion】 Darke Dymon cannot find out title)

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Sits here.” “坐这儿吧。” Lars Mielno Professor patted position, making Darke sit down. 拉尔斯·梅尔诺教授拍了拍身边的位置,让达克坐下。 Darke switches off the gate of office backhandedly, then smiles to walk, sits down in his side. 达克反手关掉办公室的门,便微笑着走过去,在他身边坐下。 He knows on the whole Professor Mielno looks for the goal that oneself come, how after all he has also had previously is exchanging with Professor teaches, grasps very clearly to the First Year teaching content. 他大体上知道梅尔诺教授找自己来的目的,毕竟他此前也一直有在与教授交流如何授课,对一年级的授课内容把握得非常清晰。 Professor Mielno «Math» is divided into the two volumes. 梅尔诺教授将《数学》分成上下两册。 By today, «Math» volume one content already basically teaches, truly to this/should big topic time. 截至今日,《数学》的上册内容已经基本教完,确实到了该出大课题的时候了。 Moreover ten February school hours actually are only left over for three weeks. 而且十二月份的上课时间其实只剩下三个星期。 Also was Friday of this month's third week ended this year's first semester to twelve moon/month 20 days even, later including Christmas, will have the twelve small long vacation, will begin school to January. 今年的第一学期到十二月二十日也就是本月第三个星期的星期五就算结束,之后包括圣诞节在内,会有十二小长假,一直到一月才会重新开学。 Compared last year nine days of small long vacations, this year solid were many for three days. 相比去年的九天小长假,今年实实在在的多了三天。 However these in three days, initial two will have Duel Match as usual in the weekend. 不过这三天里,最初的两个周末会有决斗比赛如常进行。 And, this year Silver Cup The finals, will then be held in the twelve moon/month on the 21 st. 其中,今年的【白银杯】决赛,便会在十二月二十一日进行。 . 笔趣阁网址biqiudu。com Darke had determined that cannot participate. 达克已确定不会参加。 Gives same year student the stage is modestly declining. 将舞台让给同年级生是一种谦让。 He did not feel oneself have necessity everything to strive to be the first. 他也不觉得自己有必要事事争先。 Professor, does the final big topic, what idea have this year?” 教授,今年最后的大课题,有什么想法吗?” After Darke sits, then comes straight to the point. 达克坐下来之后,便开门见山。 Last year First Year has not arranged the big topic in the going to school end of the period, but each group of Professor teaching way had the difference. 去年的一年级在上学期末并没有布置大课题,但每一组教授的授课方式都有不同。 This year's First Year Professor then unifies to think that needs to arrange the big topic, the big topics of some subjects will even extend the vacation. 今年的一年级教授便都统一认为需要布置大课题,有的科目的大课题甚至会延伸到假期。 …… …… Professor Mielno on tea will just advance his front but actually, said temperately: We can discuss regarding this issue.” 梅尔诺教授将刚刚倒上的茶水推到他的面前,温和道:“我们可以围绕这个问题讨论讨论。” Obviously, he has not made up mind temporarily. 显然,他暂时还未拿定主意。 This year regarding Professor Mielno, «Math» that contacts the depth in content is perhaps limited, but involving the method and theory of finds everything fresh and new, he actually also with the students same is a beginner, has not arranged the experience of big topic. 对于梅尔诺教授来说,今年接触到的《数学》在内容上的深度或许有限,但其中涉及到的方法和理论却耳目一新,他其实也和学生们一样都是初学者,并没有布置大课题的经验。 Therefore, he is then thinking after «Math» compiler Darke Dymon discussed one makes the decision. 因此,他便想着与《数学》的编纂者达克·迪蒙讨论一番之后再做决定。 I will be scheduled to announce the topic in next Tuesday Math class.” He also added. “我预定在下周二的数学课上公布课题。”他又补充道。 Then next Tuesday, I won't need to arrive?” Darke asked. “那么下周二,我就不用到场了?”达克问道。 The Professor Mielno slight nod, said: Yes, this Tuesday the later Math class, I came on the line. This semester was laborious you, thanks to having you can have many research…… in me, relaxation time.” 梅尔诺教授微微点头,说道:“是的,这周二之后的数学课,我来就行了。这个学期辛苦你了,多亏有你在我才能有更多的研究……哦,休息时间。” Professor…… Darke somewhat helpless shaking the head. 教授……达克有些无奈的摇摇头。 Professor Mielno makes him make Teacher Assistant obviously by oneself old, needs to rest is the reason, but is not in fact actually resting. 明明梅尔诺教授让他来做助教是以自身年迈,需要休息为由,可实际上却根本不在休息。 But this perhaps is Professor. 但这或许就是教授吧。 Afterward one old is short of two people, the topic of big topic is discussing immediately. 随后一老一少两人,便就着大课题的话题讨论起来。 By a twelve half time, their already put forward many plans, but had not determined as before. 到了十二点半的时候,他们已经提出了多个方案,但依旧没有确定。 However Professor Mielno obviously likes discussing similar matter very much, has been maintaining the quite high interest. 不过梅尔诺教授明显很喜欢与人讨论类似事情,一直都保持着相当高的兴致。 Later they then went to the cafeteria to have the lunch together, then Darke returned to return to the dormitory to take afternoon Potion Class item that needs to use, then comes to the office to continue to discuss with it. 之后他们便一起去食堂吃了午餐,然后达克回宿舍拿了下午的【魔药课】需要用到的物品,便又来到办公室与其继续讨论。 Professor Mielno thinks can after next semester content chooses an achievement Freshmen topic. 梅尔诺教授认为可以从下学期的内容之后挑选一个作为一年级生们的课题。 Darke thinks thousand characters focusing on practice reported can manifest the activity. 达克则认为以实践为主的千字报告更能体现能动性。 Moreover trains the independence of students to study ability, is St. Marian Academy has devoted at the matter of doing. 而且培养学生们的自主研究能力,也是圣玛丽安学院一直致力在做的事情。 After the discussion, Professor Mielno approved of the idea of Darke, later then revolves how to establish practical issue to continue to discuss. 在经过讨论之后,梅尔诺教授赞同了达克的想法,之后便围绕“如何设置实践课题”继续讨论。 The theory core that the topic involves cannot be extremely abstruse, best to manifest this semester the project of course content. 课题本身涉及到的理论核心不能太过深奥,最好是能够体现这一学期的教学内容的项目。 That unifies slightly, lets the student from already Professor in content, chooses a formula or the theorem, confirms with the practical research, writes a report again?” Professor Mielno tries the proposition to say. “那就稍微结合一下,让学生从已经教授过的内容之中,挑选一条公式或者定理,用实践研究来验证,再撰写一篇报告?”梅尔诺教授试着提议道。 Darke deliberately considered slightly, said suddenly perhaps from also not Professor in the content chooses one good also?” 达克略微寻思,却忽然道“或许从还未教授过的内容之中挑选一个也行?” Two people looked at each other one, got an idea each other meaning. 两人对视了一眼,都意会了彼此的意思。 Immediately Professor Mielno then pats the plank road: Then on unabridged book book! Can from this semester Professor in the content chooses, can not choose from the Professor content. Naturally, latter's difficulty is high, will naturally also give a higher score.” 随即梅尔诺教授便拍板道:“那就全本书吧!可以是从这个学期教授过的内容之中挑选,也可以是从还未教授的内容之中挑选。当然,后者的难度较高,自然也会给予更高的分数。” Darke: Reasonable.” 达克:“合理。” Therefore the First Year Math class big topic, set. 于是一年级数学课的大课题,就这么定下了。 Then in Tuesday First Class Math class On, Darke then announced this topic work. 然后在星期二的第一节课数学课】上,达克便宣布了这一课题作业。 But at the same time, in Second Year Math class On Classroom, a Professor Lily Laplace also face happily announced the same topic work! 而同一时间,在二年级的【数学课】课堂上,莉莉·拉普拉斯教授也一脸得意的宣布了同一个课题作业! First Year and Second Year student, then almost sends out to wail simultaneously. 一年级二年级的学生,便几乎同时发出哀嚎。 Like this independent extremely strong work, without the possibility that the least bit is opportunistic. 像这种自主性极强的作业,没有半点投机取巧的可能性。 What is most uncomfortable was unable to find the model in Library, even wanted Imitation is not good. 最难受的是在图书馆内也无法找到范例,就算想要模仿都不行。 …… …… Monday and Tuesday, on Wednesday, these three days later, eight main subjects had five already to issue the semester end topic work, the Second Year students bustled about suddenly. 周一、周二、周三,这三天下来,八门主课有五门已经发布了学期末的课题作业,二年级的学生们忽然之间就忙碌了起来。 Other grade are also more or less the same. 其它年级也大体相同。 The Darke most direct-viewing feeling, rises dramatically besides the communication Library person, yes Flower Card Provides Moon God's Version of Lust, Cliff drops. 达克对此最直观的感受,除了来往图书馆的人暴增之外,就是【花牌】提供的【月神版极乐】,断崖式下降。 Naturally, after the last weekend second explosion stroke, Moon God's Version of Lust The ouput continuously was then dropping, this period of time becomes more obvious forget it / that's all. 当然,经过上周末的第二次爆发期之后,【月神版极乐】的产出数量原本便在持续下降,这段时间只是变得更加明显罢了 Now 3000 Flower Card Under already sends out most, remaining will also sell in later one after another, his basically already makes contribution. 如今三千张【花牌已经发出下大半,剩下的在之后也会陆续卖出,他基本上已经尽力。 However according to the estimate of Darke, Moon God's Version of Lust The production speed, should have the third explosion stroke. 不过按照达克的预估,【月神版极乐】的产生速度,应该还会有第三个爆发期。 That day of this semester finishing, to Christmas on the same day. 从这个学期结束的那一天,到圣诞节当日。 Moon God's Version of Lust The production speed, will definitely grow. 月神版极乐】的产生速度,肯定会有所增长。 Then the entire production curve, will then continue to slide to the extremely low level. 而后整个生产曲线,便会持续下滑到极低的水平。 But by that time, he should already harvest enough many Moon God's Version of Lust. 但到那时候,他应该已经收割了足够多的【月神版极乐】。 In fact his already rented massively from the hand of Professor Cazeres High-level Bottle of Thoughts, And had custom-made one specifically to be used in the cabinet of info clerk for this reason. 事实上他已经卡泽尔教授的手中租借了大量的【高级思维瓶】,并为此定制了一个专门用于收纳的柜子。 Now these pack Moon God's Version of Lust High-level Bottle of Thoughts, Then laying of entire simultaneously in cabinet. 如今那些装满【月神版极乐】的【高级思维瓶】,便都整整齐齐的码放在柜子里。 By the twelve moon/month on the 4 th Wednesday 1 : 00 pm, Moon God's Soul Dependence Flower Card, Altogether absorbed 608 points Moon God's Version of Lust. 截至十二月四日星期三下午 1 点,【月神之魂】依靠【花牌】,一共汲取了六百零八点【月神版极乐】。 But he in beforehand refining, altogether consumed 167 points Moon God's Version of Lust. 而他在之前的炼成之中,一共消耗了一百六十七点【月神版极乐】。 The remaining reserves are, 441 points! 剩下储备为,四百四十一点! Even transforms as Darke version Lust, Also there are about 147 points. 就算转化为【达克极乐】,也有将近一百四十七点。 This really has a dream the quantity that will smile to awake. 这真是做梦都会笑醒的数量。 However Darke tied down the hands and feet by the topic work similarly, cannot spare the time to conduct the plan use to it at once. 不过达克同样被课题作业缠住了手脚,一时之间也腾不出时间对其进行规划使用。 But compares other Schoolmate, he was short of topic work he Math class Big topic automatic perfect score. 但相比其它的同学,他好歹少了一门课题作业他的【数学课】大课题自动满分。 Therefore by 10 : 00 pm times, the topic homework that he will assign finally this week completes completely, the whole body looked like removes heavy armor to be equally relaxed. 因此截至周三晚上十点的时候,他终于将这个星期布置的课题作业全部做完,浑身就像是卸去了重甲一样轻松。 But comes, is actually very difficult Alchemy class. 但紧接而来的,却是更高难度的【炼金课】。 Professor Cazeres in Alchemy class Soon when conclusion, arranged topic work of this semester to say that was the topic work of this vacation! 卡泽尔教授在【炼金课】即将结束之际,布置了这个学期的课题作业应该说是这个假期的课题作业! He requests the student in the next semester Alchemy class Before, must manufacture one Similar level Golem! 他要求学生在下个学期的【炼金课】之前,必须制作出一台【相似级】的魔像 Golem according to with the similarity of real life, is divided into Grade Imitation level, Similar level, Artificial level, Real Emulation Rank With True Rank These five big Grade. 魔像按照与真实生命的相似性,将等级分为【模仿级】、【相似级】、【拟似级】、【拟真级】和【真实级】这五大等级 Alchemy class The final inspection then requests the students to refine one to be close to Academy patrol Golem Artificial level Golem. 炼金课】的最终考核便是要求学生们能够炼制出一台与学院的巡逻魔像接近的【拟似级】魔像 As for this semester end topic work, but is gradual inspection that's all. 至于这个学期末的课题作业,只不过是阶段性的考核而已 But Darke in Alchemy class The effort on making is limited, until now just touches Similar level The threshold, wants to complete the schoolwork to have certain difficulty. 达克在【炼金课】上投入的心力有限,至今才刚刚触摸到【相似级】的门槛,想要完成课业有一定的难度。 Is good in Professor Cazeres has not requested before the semester ended to complete this topic, his also one entire months can try hard. 好在卡泽尔教授并没有要求在学期结束之前完成这一课题,他还有一整个月的时间可以努力。 But in Alchemy class After the conclusion, he then rushed to Teacher's Dormitory fast, because about Grace Fire of Underworld Wiping out time, already to critical period! 而在【炼金课】结束之后,他便快速赶往教师宿舍,因为关于格瑞丝的【冥界之火】拔除时间,已经到了关键期! Starting from Sunday night to the present Thursday, gives except for sometime Cofagrigus Changed the taste, basically lies down by Grace in the coffin. 从周日晚上开始到现在周四,除了有一段时间给【死神棺】换了换口味,基本上都是由格瑞丝躺在棺材内。 In order to let her can rest for more than ten hours in the coffin, 000167 93 - 94 and Josie also used some extra methods. 为了让她能够在棺材内睡上十几个小时,@0001679394@和乔茜还采用了一些额外的手段。 Under so very intensive work, Cofagrigus Finally her within the body Fire of Underworld Absorbs almost, merely a remaining point. 在如此高强度的作业下,【死神棺】终于是将她体内的【冥界之火】吸收得差不多,仅仅剩下不多的一点。 …… …… When Darke sounds the door, five maids then wait in the room gravely. 达克敲响门扉时,五名女仆便都在房间内严正以待。 Eve in previously because of looking at shop, but missed the observing and emulating last step opportunity, today has then presented. 伊芙在此前因为看店而错失了观摩最后一步的机会,今天便一直在场。 She opens the door after Young Master, then said fast: Grace situation some did not come to say to…… again.” 她为少爷开门之后,便快速说道:“格瑞丝的情况有些不对……进来再说。” Darke then enters quickly, said in a low voice: Where is at?” 达克便快步进入,低声道:“在哪?” In that side room.” Eve locks a door, takes the lead to move toward a room. “在那边的房间里。”伊芙锁上门,带头走向了其中一个房间。 000167 93 - 94, Josie, Lacey and Grace, completely in room. @0001679394@、乔茜蕾西格瑞丝,全部都在房间内。 After Darke enters the room, then saw lay down Grace on bed. 达克进入房间之后,一眼便看到了躺在床上的格瑞丝 Grace body is covering a light blanket merely, is unable to cover up her plentiful curve. 格瑞丝身上仅仅盖着一层薄薄的毯子,丝毫无法遮掩她那过于丰腴的曲线。 Her skin is very white, will be very tender, shivers to have a floating feeling. 她的皮肤很白,很嫩,颤抖起来会有一种浮动感。 Upward look, the cheeks of Grace are extremely red, in the top of the head is putting an ice bag, but has the steam to emit as before unceasingly, like getting a high fever. 往上看,格瑞丝的脸颊极红,头顶上放着一个冰袋,但依旧有热气不断冒出,就像发了高烧。 Young Master, you came finally!” 少爷,你终于来了!” Saw that after Darke pushes the gate enters, encircles in 000167 93 - 94 and Josie of bedside finally relaxes. 看到达克推门而入后,围在床边的@0001679394@和乔茜都终于松了口气。 Darke enters pack of cards the hand, said fast: Is such that I think?” 达克将手伸入卡包,飞快说道:“是我想的那样吗?” 000167 93 - 94 said hastily: Yes, the multiplication of Grace erupted impulsive ahead of time!” @0001679394@连忙道:“是的,格瑞丝的繁衍冲动提前爆发了!” Darke keeps silent 【Pride】 that will prepare to pick up changed into 【Pride】. 达克默不作声的将准备挑出的【傲慢】换成了【傲慢】 When he arrives at the bedside, already extracts 【Pride】. 等他走到床边时,已经【傲慢】抽出。 Then he then opens out the ice bag immediately, 【Pride】 according to the Grace forehead, meditates fast. 然后他便立刻将冰袋拨开,将【傲慢】按在格瑞丝的额头上,快速默念。 With the name of Darke Dymon, Magic Summon 【Pride】!” “以达克·迪蒙之名,魔导召唤【傲慢】!” The golden light bloomed, illuminated the Grace forehead. 金光绽放,照亮了格瑞丝的额头。 The 【Pride】 strength permeates spirit rapidly, piles up it to the multiplication impulsive suppression of limit. 【傲慢】的力量迅速渗入心灵,将其积压到极限的繁衍冲动镇压。 Then almost naked eye obvious, Grace that as if thoroughly ripe the common cheek then rapidly restored, is left over light blushing merely. 而后几乎肉眼可见的,格瑞丝那仿佛熟透了一般的脸蛋便快速恢复,仅仅剩下淡淡的红晕。 It seems like did not have the issue.” “看来没问题了。” Darke takes back 【Pride】, lowers the head to size up. 达克收回【傲慢】,低头打量。 Grace opens eyes, somewhat shamefacedly called one: Young Master…… 格瑞丝睁开眼,有些羞愧的唤了一声:“少爷…… Darke supple sound said: „The rest, I will let well as soon as possible Cofagrigus Helps you Fire of Underworld Wiping out.” 达克柔声道:“好好休息,我会尽快让【死神棺】帮你将【冥界之火】拔除。” The Grace slight nod, in the eye emerges the gratitude. 格瑞丝微微点头,眼中涌现感激。 As House of Leo's Maid group, She generally is also fierce like other members during the fight, but after removing the outer covering of soldier, her innermost feelings are to then be similar to the semblance are ordinary. 身为【狮子宫女仆团】的一员,她在战斗之中也是如同其余的成员一般凶猛,但褪去战士的外壳之后,她的内心便是如同外表一般柔软。 experiment success of this Darke, it can be said that very prompt. 这一次达克实验成功,可以说是非常的及时。 If later, she has to consider that conducts Duel with other Battle Maid, thus Fire of Underworld The strength of this period of time absorbing, transferred to others. 如果再迟一些,她就不得不考虑与其它的战斗女仆进行决斗,从而将【冥界之火】连带着这段时间吸收来的力量,都让渡给别人了。 No one wants after obtaining the strength loses. 没有人想要在获得力量之后再失去。 Especially lives for the fight House of Leo Maids! 尤其是为战斗而生的【狮子宫】女仆! …… …… Darke quickly then Cofagrigus Summon, then held in Grace the coffin. 达克很快便将【死神棺召唤了出来,然后将格瑞丝扶进了棺材之内。 Then Cofagrigus Then by a four limbs tentacle place, gets down at the strange stance level, closes the coffin lid. 而后【死神棺】便以四肢触手支地,以诡异的姿态躺平下来,合上棺盖。 Final experiment started! 最后的实验开始了! Looks no longer has the sound Cofagrigus, In the eye of Darke reveals slightly the color of worry. 看着不再有动静的【死神棺】,达克的眼中露出稍许担心之色。 About Fire of Underworld Wiping out experiment already succeeded twice, but the Grace within the body energy comes under the influence that spirit fluctuates but is active, now actually will not be one suits Fire of Underworld Good time that even/including root wipes out. 关于【冥界之火】的拔除实验已经成功了两次,但格瑞丝的体内能量受到心灵波动的影响而过于活跃,现在其实并不是一个适合将【冥界之火】连根拔除的好时机。 But 【Pride】 Magic Card plays actually only then the suppression function, needs to depend upon itself to fall in torrents finally slowly. 【傲慢】魔导卡起到的其实只有镇压作用,最后还是需要依靠自身慢慢倾泻。 Only then Fire of Underworld even/including root wiped out, enlarges this side opening, can make the speed of falling in torrents become quick, returns to as soon as possible normal. 只有将【冥界之火】连根拔除了,将这一边的口子拉大,才能让倾泻的速度变快,尽快恢复正常。 Young Master, makes way slightly.” 000167 93 - 94 walks to say. 少爷,稍微让开一点。”@0001679394@走过来说道。 Darke then moved out of the way a point to side. 达克便向旁挪开了一点。 000167 93 - 94 arrives Cofagrigus The side, squats down near the Grace head position, then according to covered in the coffin the hand, narrows to transfer mana. @0001679394@走到【死神棺】的身边,在格瑞丝的头部位置附近蹲下,而后将手按在了棺盖上,眯眼调动魔力 The next flash, fluctuates like wave ripples general mana then from its palm sending out, and permeated Cofagrigus Interior. 下一瞬间,如同水波涟漪一般的魔力波动便是从其掌心散发,并就此渗入到了【死神棺】的内部。 000167 93 - 94 thorough close eyes, starts to borrow this sensation Grace physical condition. @0001679394@彻底闭上眼睛,开始借此感知格瑞丝的身体状况。 Darke sees her goal, then has not disturbed. 达克看出她的目的,便没有打扰。 He draws back slightly, sits down on the chair, is beckoning with the hand to hint to another three maids. 他稍微退开,在椅子上坐下,对着另外三名女仆摆手示意。 That three maids then sit down, look relaxes slightly. 那三位女仆便都纷纷坐下,神色稍微放松。 Young Master, should Grace not have the matter?” Josie cannot bear asks a low voice. 少爷,格瑞丝应该不会有事吧?”乔茜忍不住低声问道。 Although Darke also worried very much, but in the surface said with a smile calmly: Naturally will not have the matter, must believe Cofagrigus. Moreover doesn't have 000167 93 - 94?” 达克虽然也很担忧,但表面上却是从容笑道:“当然不会有事,要相信【死神棺】。而且不是还有@0001679394@吗?” Lacey that did not speak said suddenly: 000167 93 - 94 detection magic can only detect, irremediable.” 一直不怎么说话的蕾西突然说道:“@0001679394@的侦测魔法只能侦测,不能治疗。” Darke: …… 达克:“…… You are the KY behavior, understands? 你这是KY行为,懂吗? …… …… Anxious waiting time, the time often passes is very slow. 焦心等待的时候,时间往往流逝很慢。 As if so, quite makes Human experience more misery intentionally. 就仿佛是故意如此,好让人类体验更多苦难。 Sometimes the association/will felt, the time does have the S tendency? 有时候总会觉得,时间是否有S倾向? Will the joyful time, then like that be why short? 为何快乐的时间,便会那般短暂? …… …… But the time passes again slowly, is flowing eventually. 但时间流逝再慢,也终究是在流动。 About after one hour, 000167 93 - 94 opens eyes suddenly, said in a low voice: Must start!” 将近一个小时之后,@0001679394@突然睁开眼,低声道:“要开始了!” Later crossed merely for a half minute, Cofagrigus In the surface then emitted illusory Gray Flame, that flame rises high rapidly, is more violent than in inside 000167 93 - 94 and Josie, just like to burn Devour to be the same the entire room. 之后仅仅过了半分钟,【死神棺】的表面上便是冒出了虚幻的灰色火焰,那火焰迅速高升,比@0001679394@和乔茜在里面的时候更加猛烈,犹如要将整个房间都燃烧吞噬一般。 Sees this illusory flame for the first time Eve and Lacey, subconscious moving sideways to the Young Master front. 首次见到这虚幻火焰的伊芙蕾西,都下意识的闪身到了少爷的面前。 The large flame passed through their Defense, only makes spirit fluctuate slightly. 火舌穿过了她们的防御,却只让心灵略微浮动。 spirit that two people raised actually relaxed instantaneously. 两人提起的心灵却瞬间放松下来。 Darke reminded: This fire, will not offend somebody.” 达克提醒道:“这火,不会伤人。” Eve and Lacey return to the seat respectively. 伊芙蕾西才各自返回座位。 Then everyone's vision then centralized in Cofagrigus On. 而后所有人的目光便都集中在了【死神棺】上。 The most crucial time arrived! 最关键的时刻到来了! Crossed merely for a half minute, Cofagrigus Then rocks suddenly, spread the depressed striking sound from the coffin. 仅仅又过了半分钟,【死神棺】便突然晃动起来,从棺材里面传出了沉闷的敲打声。 Although the sound is not heavy, even somewhat soft feeling. 虽然声音并不重,甚至有些软绵绵的感觉。 But therefore, can realize that the Grace situation is not right. 但正因此,才能体会到格瑞丝的情况非常不对。 However 000167 93 - 94 actually raises the left hand immediately, hints being all right. 然而@0001679394@却立刻举起左手,示意“没事”。 Although Fire of Underworld Before being nibbled completely proliferating the root hair complete contraction in within the body, when wipes out it finally completely, should still have the severe pain. 虽然【冥界之火】在被蚕食殆尽之前会将遍布体内的根须全部收缩,但最终将其全部拔除时,依然会产生剧痛。 That is Josie also some aches of being able to withstand, moreover is the direct role above Soul! 那是就连乔茜也有些承受不住的疼痛,而且是直接作用在灵魂之上的! But this is to obtain, price that needs to pay. 但这就是想要获得,需要支付的代价。 Words that insisted on speaking, this price was really inexpensive! 硬要说的话,这点代价实在是太廉价了! When Grace is at this special state feeling to be as if keen, is more exaggerating to the response of ache. 只是格瑞丝在这特殊状态时的感受性似乎过于敏锐,以至于对疼痛的反应更加夸张。 But the 000167 93 - 94 entire journey surveillance, thinks normal reaction that this does not need to interfere with. 但@0001679394@全程监视,认为这是不需要干涉的正常反应。 Darke and the others then chose the trust. 达克等人便选择了信任。 …… …… Crossed gently for several minutes, the change of Grace finally, experiment was in the conclusion stage. 就这么过了数分钟,格瑞丝的异动终于平缓了下来,实验进入了收尾阶段。 The innermost feelings of people actually also hung again. 众人的内心却也再度吊了起来。 Bang!” “砰!” 000167 93 - 94 receives to reach behind the back fiercely, Cofagrigus The coffin covers then suddenly opens. @0001679394@猛地收回手,【死神棺】的棺盖便突然打开。 The steam of transpiration emits from the coffin lid fiercely. 蒸腾的热气从棺盖之中猛地冒出。 Darke just collected, then feels the steam to head on, is extremely hot. 达克刚刚凑过去,便感到热气扑面而来,极烫。 In his heart worried, immediately lowers the head to examine the Grace condition. 他心中担忧,立刻低头查看格瑞丝的状况。 Actually sees the Grace whole body to soak, sweat profusely, before the volume, bangs ties a knot moistly, on the face the sweat non-stop trickling, the whole person was similar to was just coming out half from the steamer, was thoroughly ripe. 却见格瑞丝浑身湿透,大汗淋漓,额前刘海潮湿打结,脸上汗液不停滴下,整个人便如同是刚从蒸笼里出来一半,熟透了。 Young Master!” 000167 93 - 94 raised the head fiercely. 少爷!”@0001679394@猛地抬头。 Darke then meditates Ordinary Summoning Spell immediately, in the hand ready 【Pride】 has then stimulated again. 达克便立刻默念通常召唤术,手中早已预备好的【傲慢】便再次激发。 He the 【Pride】 brilliance photo to the whole body of Grace, the impulsion in Grace eye then extinguishes rapidly, gradually calms down. 他将【傲慢】的光辉照向格瑞丝的全身,格瑞丝眼中的冲动便迅速消弭,逐渐冷静下来。 000167 93 - 94 is observing the change of Grace, this has the sound said: Should be OK.” @0001679394@观察着格瑞丝的变化,这才出声道:“应该可以了。” Darke then also relaxes. 达克便也松了口气。
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