TVYMJWTLLBL :: Volume #7

#691 Part 4: 【Day 1.9 w asked monthly ticket】 Darke Dymon Underworld Fire Project

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Grace smiles charmingly, supple sound said: Young Master can call me Grace, House of Leo. The goal that I come is to treat, Janice Chief Maid ability will have the certain extent in my body the side effect, if possible, I want as soon as possible within the body Fire of Underworld Wiping out.” 格瑞丝妩媚一笑,柔声道:“少爷可以叫我格瑞丝,【狮子宫】。我来的目的是为了治疗,珍妮丝女仆长能力在我身上会产生一定程度的副作用,如果可以的话,我是想尽快的将体内的【冥界之火】拔除。” Treatment?” Darke carves to tread around the millstone, I can guess correctly that probably your issue is. Like this, when tonight, I will act according to your situations to conduct corresponding processing. Should you not anxious such a short time?” “治疗吗?”达克琢磨道,“我大概能猜到你的问题所在。这样吧,等到今晚过后,我会根据你们的情况进行相应的处理。你应该也不急这么一时半会儿吧?” The Grace nod said: I come time, Trina Chief Maid has to tell me to comply with the instruction of Young Master.” 格瑞丝点头道:“我来的时候,特里娜女仆长有告诉我一切遵从少爷的吩咐。” Darke said: We first go to Dining Hall.” 达克说道:“那我们就先去餐厅。” …… …… The table is easiest to pull closer among people the place of distance, but Darke absolutely does not have this feeling now. 都说餐桌是最容易拉近人与人之间距离的地方,但达克现在则完全没有这个感觉。 He is scheduled a theater box in Waltz music Dining Hall ahead of time, therefore after arriving at Dining Hall, then directly entered the theater box. 他在华尔兹音乐餐厅提前预定了一个包厢,因此来到餐厅之后便直接进入了包厢。 The table in theater box is the round table of that type of unusual atmosphere. 包厢内的餐桌是那种非常大气的圆桌。 Darke sits down in the seat of honor, Victoria then sticks his right immediately, sitting that Aurora slightly acts with constraint obviously in Victoria another side, by her is Phoenix. 达克在主座坐下,维多利亚便立刻粘到了他的右边,欧若拉则略显矜持的坐在了维多利亚的另一边,在她旁边是菲尼克斯 As for the left hand of Darke near, then sits Eve, then , in descending order , are 000167 93 - 94 and Josie. 至于达克的左手边,则坐着伊芙,然后便依次是@0001679394@和乔茜 As for rookies, then sits in the Darke opposite! 至于新人们,则都坐在达克的对面! First did not say that looked Lacey that gets on well with others, Darke has not thought completely Grace also conducted the self- isolation, a person sat in the opposite. 先不说一看就是不是那么合群的蕾西,达克完全没想到格瑞丝也进行了自我孤立,一个人坐在了对面。 Lacey thinks the same way, quiet. 蕾西表里如一,沉默寡言。 Grace is charming, should be a good talker, but the words are also in fact few, only in Darke asked answered one. 格瑞丝妩媚温柔,本该是能言善道,但实际上话也很少,只在达克问起时才答上一句。 But Darke is not holding the question and answer competition, is impossible to ask. 达克又不是在办问答比赛,不可能一直这么问下去。 In brief these two people, obviously have the issue! 总之这两个人,明显都有问题! Now looks like, first sent 000167 93 - 94 and Josie were really easy getting along with too, they seemed like sent to coordinate experiment specially. 如今看来,首批被送来的@0001679394@和乔茜实在是太好相处了,她们才像是专门被送来配合实验的。 But this second batch of arrivals Lacey and Grace, was caught up is completely receiving achievement just as Grace said that is goes to therapy! 而这第二批到来的蕾西格瑞丝,则完全是被赶着来接收成果的又正如格瑞斯所说,是来接受治疗的! Lacey is Duty madman, Yes Duty expert, But since accepted Fire of Underworld Repeatedly is not then smooth, no matter challenges the impulsive multiplication to be impulsive, makes her be at a loss. 蕾西是【任务狂人】,更是【任务专家】,但自从接受了【冥界之火】便屡屡不顺,不管是挑战冲动还是繁衍冲动,都让她无所适从。 Grace has the special physique, if not treat, perhaps her impulsion must erupt. 格瑞丝则是拥有特殊体质,如果再不加以治疗,她的冲动恐怕就要爆发了。 Therefore she deliberately has spreads out with Young Master, in order to avoid being initiated impulsive. 因此她有刻意的与少爷拉开距离,以免被引发冲动。 In comparison, the Grace issue seems to be more serious. 相比之下,格瑞丝的问题似乎更加严重一些。 Therefore Darke after the deep understanding situation, then prepares first to let Cofagrigus Comes to her within the body Fire of Underworld Thorough wiping out, later is one's turn Lacey. 因此达克在深入了解事态之后,便准备先让【死神棺】来将她体内的【冥界之火】彻底拔除,之后再轮到【蕾西】。 In brief this food eats, the Darke good and evil and 000167 93 - 94 and Josie improved relationship ~ 总之这一顿饭吃下来,达克好歹和@0001679394@、乔茜增进了感情~ After the food, they then return to the shop, but has not opened the door the business, but fully entered the inner room, is displayed by Eve Mutual Sensitivity Technique Connects with Irene, launches the projection again. 等到饭后,她们便返回店内,但并未开门营业,而是全部进入了内室,由伊芙施展【灵犀术】与伊琳连接,再展开投影。 As Alvitr and the others the forms appeared above the wall, Darke turns on a record player finally. 随着亚尔薇特等人的身影出现在了墙壁之上,达克终于打开了话匣子。 The first half hour, he is almost speaking with Alvitr, chats in Academy the matter, also chatted outside Academy the matter. 前半个小时,他几乎都在和亚尔薇特说话,聊学院内发生的事情,也聊学院外发生的事情。 Naturally, his time not Parasite Brain Demon The matter said. 当然,他这一次并没有将【脑液魔】之事说出。 On the one hand is because Academy needs to keep secret, on the other hand is also necessity that because does not have any said. 一方面是因为学院需要保密,另一方面也是因为没有什么说的必要。 Said, the disciple increased is worried about that's all. 说出来,徒增担心而已 When the dialogue conclusion of mother and child, was one's turn 000167 93 - 94 and Josie report link finally. 等到母子俩的对话结束,才终于轮到了@0001679394@和乔茜的汇报环节。 Scorpio Kris and Lion Trina presents. 【天蝎】克丽丝和【狮子】特里娜都有在场。 000167 93 - 94 and Josie say at the matter that Academy encounters most probably, but has not mentioned the matter of investigation temporarily, but only reporting the center placed in the experiment detail. @0001679394@和乔茜将自身在学院遭遇的事情大半说出,不过也暂时没有提及排查之事,而仅是将汇报的中心放在了实验细节上。 As two people said one after another how the Duke's Mansion people then wipe out to Darke finally Fire of Underworld The matter, had a very exhaustive understanding. 随着两人相继说完,公爵府的众人便终于对达克如何拔除【冥界之火】之事,有了一个非常详尽的了解。 But was mentioning finally the matter of date of return, 000167 93 - 94 proposed suddenly: Did not think that in Academy needs a guide?” 而在最后提到归期之事,@0001679394@却是突然提议道:“不觉得学院内需要一个引导者吗?” Her immediate superior Kris did not say a word. 她的顶头上司克丽丝一言不发。 Asking that Alvitr actually has a relish: What guide?” 亚尔薇特却饶有兴致的问道:“什么的引导者?” Saying that 000167 93 - 94 then follows a prescribed pattern: Use Cofagrigus Wiping out Fire of Underworld, Does not need Young Master to participate personally. But round trip of our these maids, will actually consume the Young Master energy. I believe, this will waste the Young Master time, has the adverse effect on the Young Master studies. We must avoid this!” @0001679394@便一板一眼的说道:“使用【死神棺】拔除【冥界之火】,并不需要少爷亲自参与。但我们这些女仆的来去,却会耗费少爷的精力。我个人认为,这会空耗少爷的时间,对少爷的学业造成不良影响。我们必须避免这个!” Alvitr is satisfied with her objective point, then repeatedly nod. 亚尔薇特对她的着眼点非常满意,便频频点头。 The eyeground of 000167 93 - 94 appears a self-satisfaction, then continues saying: In summary, I think that we need to place a fixed guide in Academy, maid sisters who specifically are responsible for guiding the communication. If can form the fixed route, even no longer needs Young Master personally to act, so long as according to the fixed route action, can the Helping Hand sisters wipe out Fire of Underworld. As the matter stands, not only can save the Young Master time, but can also raise the efficiency. Kills two birds with one stone!” @0001679394@的眼底浮现一丝得意,便继续说道:“综上所述,我认为我们需要在学院之内安置一个固定的引导者,专门负责引导来往的女仆姐妹。如果能够形成固定的路线,甚至不再需要少爷亲自出面,只要按照固定路线行动,就能帮助姐妹们拔除【冥界之火】。这样一来,不但能节省少爷的时间,而且还能提高效率。正是一举两得!” Truly is this truth.” The Alvitr praise said, „, you are want to work as this guide?” “确实是这个道理。”亚尔薇特赞扬道,“那么,你是想要当这个引导者吗?” It looks like in Alvitr, although 000167 93 - 94 some plans, but if enough loyal minister, having the plans instead is the awarded marks point. 亚尔薇特看来,@0001679394@虽然有些心机,但如果足够忠臣的话,有心机反而是加分点。 Since 000167 93 - 94 proposed sets up the guide, then wants to come is she wants to keep Academy. 既然@0001679394@提出了设立引导者,那么想来是她自己想要留在学院了。 As for the reason, Alvitr thought that does not need to guess. 至于原因,亚尔薇特觉得不需要去猜。 But she soon discovered oneself misjudged. 但她很快发现自己失算了。 000167 93 - 94 is shakes the head to say unexpectedly: „The work of guide was rather more arid, chooses one to endure the lonely person. When leisure, the guide can also hold a concurrent post of the sales clerk. After having two people, does not need to look for the student temporary OEM, or again pull people.” @0001679394@竟是摇头道:“引导者的工作未免枯燥了些,还是选一个耐得住寂寞的人吧。闲暇之时,引导者还能兼任店员。有了两个人之后,也就不用找学生临时代工,或者重新拉人。” 000167 93 - 94 not concrete mentioned changes into anyone. @0001679394@并没有具体的提及换成谁。 However, this in fact is one two chooses a proposition. 但是,这实际上是一个二选一的命题。 Now is familiar with this experiment step, and can take on this guide, besides her, is only left over same batch of Josie forget it / that's all. 如今熟悉这实验步骤,且能担当这个引导者的,除了她之外,就只剩下同一批的乔茜罢了 If Sir Duke accepted her proposition, Josie can logical staying behind. 如果公爵大人接受了她的这一提议,乔茜就能顺理成章的留下。 „Does that make Josie try?” Alvitr looks to Josie, eye of inquired. “那就让乔茜试试吧?”亚尔薇特看向乔茜,目露询问。 Josie anything had not said, anything has not done, such became Guide Alternative. 乔茜什么都没说,什么都没做,就这么成了【引导者】的备选。 She stares big eyes to look at 000167 93 - 94, is puzzled. 她瞪大眼睛看着@0001679394@,一脸不解。 000167 93 - 94 is the back passes away, was winking short time to her. @0001679394@则是背过身,对着她眨了眨眼 Josie some not handle immediately, her brain transfers is not quick: I need to think…… 乔茜顿时有些无措,她的脑子转得没那么快:“我需要想想…… But at this time, stood in Alvitr behind Lion Trina asked suddenly: Josie, do you want to keep side Young Master?” 但这时候,站在亚尔薇特身后的【狮子】特里娜却是忽然问道:“乔茜,你想留在少爷身边吗?” This issue, may beforehand was more difficult than to reply! 这个问题,可比之前的更难回答了! Josie face one red, squeezes out the mosquito ant voice: Thinks, thinks actually.” 乔茜脸一红,挤出蚊蚁般的声音:“想,倒是想。” But this saying, presented the vision of others then to puncture in her body! 但她这话一出,在场其余人的目光便全部刺在了她的身上 Aurora realized suddenly, oneself future opponent, perhaps compared with imagination in also wants on many many…… 欧若拉忽然意识到,自己未来的对手,恐怕比想象中的还要多上许多…… Josie looks like in the battlefield actually to stand erect the blood and iron soldier not but actually by ten thousand Jianchuan the body, stands as before straightly. 乔茜就像是战场之中被万箭穿身却屹立不倒的铁血战士,依旧站得笔直。 Has not waited for her opens the mouth should , Lion Trina then made for her directly decided: You keep Academy for the time being, by Underworld Fire Project leader status. Understands what is heard?” 没有等她张口应下,【狮子】特里娜便直接替她作出了决定:“那你就暂且留在学院,以【冥火计划负责人的身份。听明白没有?” The Josie subconscious both feet one, two toward a leg side racket, set up the correct path at the scene: Understood what is heard!” 乔茜下意识的双脚一并,两手往腿侧一拍,当场立正道:“听明白了!” Very good.” Trina satisfied smiling. “很好。”特里娜满意的笑了笑。 That settled.” Alvitr also confirmed. “那就这么说定了。”亚尔薇特也确认道。 This matter, such became! 这件事,就这么成了! 000167 93 - 94 is quite self-satisfied, if not projects now also, she definitely takes undeserved credit at the scene. @0001679394@颇为得意,若非现在投影还在,她肯定当场邀功。 But she cheers too soon obviously. 但她显然高兴得太早。 Scorpio Kris said in this time suddenly: 000167 93 - 94, I thought that you do not need to come back. Merely one leader might present the time of not being able to look, therefore two are the standard configurations. Do you feel?” 【天蝎】克丽丝在此时忽然说道:“@0001679394@,我看你也不必回来了。仅仅一个负责人很可能会出现照看不过来的时候,所以两个才是标配。你觉得呢?” 000167 93 - 94 slightly stiff rotation neck, vision to approaching her immediate superior. @0001679394@略微僵硬的转动脖子,目光对向了她的顶头上司。 On the face of Kris cannot see the appearance change. 克丽丝的脸上看不出神采变化。 But 000167 93 - 94 obviously feels, her already vitality/angry! 但@0001679394@明显感觉到,她已经生气了! However Kris said not the issue. 然而克丽丝所言并无问题。 Merely one person is incomplete, at least two people can a better dispatch. 仅仅一个人并不周全,至少两个人才能更好的调度。 …… …… But is uninterested with these. 但与这些都无关系。 Faces Kris such as the blade edge general sharp look, 000167 93 - 94 is then knowing oneself only have a road to walk! 面对着克丽丝如刀锋一般的锋利眼神,@0001679394@便知道自己只剩下一条路可走! She said awkwardly: Sounds, as if, truly, is such chapter of matter…… 她尴尬道:“听起来,似乎,确实,是这么回事…… Therefore so-called Underworld Fire Project leader, then turned into two from a person. 于是所谓的“【冥火计划负责人”,便从一个人变成了两个。 Josie was also happy regarding remaining in office of 000167 93 - 94. 乔茜对于@0001679394@的留任也非常高兴。 Alvitr then thought she, keeps a person side Darke, naturally can better lightens the burden of Darke. 亚尔薇特原本便觉得她还可以,多留一个人在达克身边,自然能更好的减轻达克的负担。 But Darke oneself, will not certainly have the objection to this arrangement. 达克本人,对这一安排当然也不会有异议。 In fact on the scene, besides 000167 93 - 94, does not have the objection to this decision. 事实上在场之中,除了@0001679394@自己之外,都对这一决定没有异议。 Only has the 000167 93 - 94 injured world, completed! 唯有@0001679394@受伤的世界,就这么完成了! …… …… Later conference call continues to advance. 之后的“视频会议”继续推进。 But among them topic already, since Fire of Underworld Jumped two Magic Fairy body. 但她们之间的话题已经从【冥界之火】跳到了两只魔导精灵身上 Victoria and Phoenix pull a long face tightly, are withstanding the care of Sir Duke. 维多利亚菲尼克斯紧绷着脸,承受着公爵大人的关心。 That merely from Young Master during the care to a little that overflows, makes two Magic Fairy somewhat unable to withstand. 那仅仅是从对少爷的关心之中溢出的那么一点点,就让两只魔导精灵有些承受不起。 They are only ordinary Magic Fairy, possibly the division/discipline like Young Master to be how versatile??? 她们只是普通的魔导精灵,怎么可能像少爷一样学科全能??? …… …… This conference call finally ended in the family -type urging, Victoria and Phoenix full feeling care that came from the guardian. 这场“视频会议”最终在家庭式的叮嘱中结束,维多利亚菲尼克斯都充分的感受到了来自于家长的关心。 But person Aurora that another withstood the similar degree care, then stands probably in their front models, making them link one how possibly to achieve?” Could not say. 而另一个承受了同样程度关心的人欧若拉,则像是立在她们面前的模范,让她们连一句“怎么可能做到啊?”都说不出来。 Because Sir Duke requests to their studies, here had two people to achieve! 因为公爵大人对她们的学业要求,这里有两个人全都做到了! …… …… That, good night, treasure.” Alvitr is waving to Darke, then eliminates the form from the projection. “那么,晚安,宝贝。”亚尔薇特对着达克挥了挥手,便从投影之中消去身影。 After Darke responded to good night, then puts down the hand, having a relish looked to 000167 93 - 94: It seems like you do not need to pack the baggage, 000167 93 - 94.” 达克回应了晚安之后,便放下手,饶有兴致的看向了@0001679394@:“看来你们不需要收拾行李了呢,@0001679394@。” Ha, Young Master.” Saying of 000167 93 - 94 haha, looked like 000167 93 - 94 also to continue painstakingly to trouble you.” “哈,少爷。”@0001679394@苦哈哈的说道,“看来@0001679394@还要继续麻烦您了。” Is I troubles you to be right.” The Darke smile said that Underworld Fire Project leader, called? following, lace and Grace experiment arranges, asked you and Josie leader, I let Cofagrigus Obeys you to dispatch.” “是我麻烦你们才对。”达克微笑道,“【冥火计划负责人,是这么叫的吧?接下来,蕾丝格瑞丝实验安排,就拜托你和乔茜负责人了,我让【死神棺】听从你们调度。” 000167 93 - 94 deeply inspires, sighed: Minor matter.” @0001679394@不由深吸了口气,叹道:“小事。” But Josie in selfish happiness. 乔茜则在自顾自的高兴。 As for was arranged Lacey and Grace, does not have the objection. 至于就这么被安排了蕾西格瑞丝,也是丝毫没有异议。 Naturally, they under this situation, has not proposed the qualifications of objection. 当然,她们在这种情境之下,也没有提出异议的资格。 …… …… That night, Lacey and Grace then under 000167 93 - 94 the guidance of and Josie, moved in Teacher's Dormitory that Claire left behind. 当天晚上,蕾西格瑞丝便在@0001679394@和乔茜的引导下,入住了克莱尔留下的教师宿舍 Is good is broad because of St. Marian Academy Teacher's Dormitory enough, even if many two people move in obviously are not crowded. 好在圣玛丽安学院教师宿舍足够宽广,就算多两个人入住也不显拥挤。 But Darke also Cofagrigus borrow, lets Lacey and Grace experiences rested coffin the taste one after another. 达克也将【死神棺借出,让蕾西格瑞丝相继体验了一番“睡棺材”的滋味。 After confirming two people has not had the rejection reaction, Darke then arranges Grace to complete experiment in advance, Lacey goes lower. 在确认两人都没有对此产生排斥反应之后,达克便安排格瑞丝先行完成实验,蕾西则靠后。 Then, roughly only requires three days, can Helping Hand Grace complete the treatment. 如此一来,大致只需要三天的时间,就能帮助格瑞丝完成治疗。 Then 000167 93 - 94 and Josie can arrange her to leave Academy, changes an rookie again. 然后@0001679394@和乔茜就可以安排她离开学院,再换一个新人来。 In brief had these two maids to dispatch, Darke truly can save many matters. 总之有了这两位女仆从中调度,达克确实能省不少事。 Moreover does not need every week to do with the new maid, big reduced his mental effort to lose. 而且不用每周都与新的女仆打交道,也大大的降低了他的心力损耗。 Today Lacey and Grace, make one not be free from worry. 今天来的蕾西格瑞丝,都非常的让人不省心。 The ghosts know that what thorn head the next week will be sent? 鬼知道下一周又会被送来什么刺头? Maid who in Duke's Mansion trains, but not that type rubbed off the puppet of self- thought. 公爵府内培养的女仆,可并不是那种被磨去了自我思想的傀儡。 They have the own individuality, has the relative Freedom jurisdiction. 她们有着自己的个性,也拥有着相对自由的权限。 000167 93 - 94 and Josie, perhaps are really the one in a hundred cream of the crop is easy getting along with…… @0001679394@和乔茜,或许真的是百里挑一的好相处…… But in any event, Underworld Fire Project Then takes today as the beginning, officially launches! 而无论如何,【冥火计划】便以今日为始,正式展开! It can be predicted that in Fire of Underworld With Cofagrigus expert that under the dual function, Duke's Mansion batches of manufactures the demon military will have both. 可以预见,在【冥界之火】与【死神棺】的双重作用之下,公爵府将会成批成批的制造出魔武兼备的强者 After Darke, needs to do, likely is only borrow Cofagrigus, And is wiping out Fire of Underworld The final time, they obtained in the past soberly with 【Pride】 Helping Hand. 达克之后需要做的,很可能就只是借出死神棺】,以及在拔除【冥界之火】的最后时刻,过去用【傲慢】帮助她们获得清醒。 This is quite relaxed. 这相当轻松。 …… …… 10 : 30 pm, Darke after going through the consideration then first extracted two storage 【Pride】, making 【Pride】 stockpile from 4 turned into 6. 晚上 10 点半,达克在几经考虑之后便先将【傲慢】抽取了两点储存,使得【傲慢】储备从四变成了六。 Next day, ten February First Class, started. 紧接着第二天,十二月份第一节课,开始了。 After Darke finishes attending two class, is preparing and Diana and Rose goes to the cafeteria to dine together, Branch Card then vibrates suddenly, he has to make a detour to go to the First Year Math class Professor Lars Mielno office. 达克上完两节课之后,正准备和狄安娜萝丝一起前往食堂就餐,分院卡便忽然震动,以至于他不得不转道前往一年级数学课的教授拉尔斯·梅尔诺的办公室。 Close to first semester end of the period, St. Marian Academy, although not in first semester establishment inspection project, but will basically issue a big topic. 临近第一学期期末,圣玛丽安学院虽然不会在第一个学期设置考核项目,但基本上会发布一个大课题。 But as First Year Math class Teacher Assistant, he must shine to give off heat! 而作为一年级数学课的助教,他又要发光发热了! …… …… …… …… 【The 1.9 w character asked monthly ticket 【1.9w字求月票】 Thanked everyone this year very much support, although the twelve moon/month cannot attain the bus permit's first extreme regret( to cry, but new year of already arrived, cannot be therefore dispirited, in 2022 first day, seeking in 2022 first to guarantee a minimum the monthly ticket and bit!】 【很感谢大家这一年来的支持,虽然十二月没能拿到月票第一非常非常的遗憾(哭,但新的一年已经到来,不能因此颓废,2022年第一天,求2022年第一张保底月票和刀片!】 in addition that posts a reward will recomputate tomorrow.】 【悬赏的加更会在明天重新计算。】 Other congratulates under the rookie author person to lead hedgehog cat all authors by the huge advantage, will have the honor to receive the hedgehog cat in 2021 the year first, presently work «Villain Young Master under candidate Has only thought peaceful life», at present in 10% discount promotion. orz 【另外恭喜新人作者人之下以巨幅优势领先刺猬猫所有作者,荣获刺猬猫2021年年度第一,现推荐人之下的作品《反派少爷只想过佛系生活》,目前九折促销中。orz】 Thanked reader grandfathers this year the support to newbie, this year's first was your I altogether has, after looking, can travel together, expressed thanks again!】 【感谢各位读者姥爷们这一年来对萌新的支持,这个年度第一是你我共有的,望之后也能一直同行,再次表达感谢!】
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