TVYMJWTLLBL :: Volume #7

#691 Part 3: 【Day 1.9 w asked monthly ticket】 Darke Dymon Underworld Fire Project

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Like Irene, when can exchange with Eve, chose as before kept side Claire, but Eve was glad to treat obviously in Academy. 就像伊琳在可以与伊芙交换的时候,依旧选择了留在克莱尔身边,而伊芙则显然更乐于待在学院之中。 000167 93 - 94 is also clear, suits the own life not here. @0001679394@也非常清楚,适合自己的生活并不在这里。 Instead after passed through these days being together, she thought that Josie is not person that suits the fight although her battle efficiency in Leo In Battle Maid is located in the top ranks. 反而是经过了这些天的相处之后,她觉得乔茜并不是一个适合战斗的人虽然她的战斗力在【狮子座】的战斗女仆之中位于顶尖行列。 If possible, Josie is that suits keeping the person in Academy. 如果可能的话,乔茜才是那个适合于留在学院中的人。 000167 93 - 94 Eye rotates slightly, then saw that Young Master sets out saying: Before the shop, first looks for the point to eat to the cafeteria. What do you like eating? I can ask Aunt Halfling to try to boil to look.” @0001679394@的眼珠微微转动,便看到少爷起身道:“在去店里之前,先到食堂找点吃的。你们喜欢吃什么?我可以拜托半身人阿姨试着煮煮看。” 000167 93 - 94 then tone soaring saying: I want to eat that the ice rind cake!” @0001679394@便语气高昂的说道:“我想吃那个,冰皮蛋糕!” Where has the lunch to eat Dessert?” Josie said that „. Moreover the cake may not have to complete quickly, we eat casually.” “哪有午饭吃甜点的?”乔茜说道,“而且蛋糕可没那么快做好,我们就随便吃一点吧。” 000167 93 - 94 said with a smile at the scene: I crack a joke, 0.1 existing intent surface.” @0001679394@当场笑道:“我开玩笑的,就点一个现有的意面吧。” Is saying smiling, three people then brought the note to leave Teacher's Dormitory, then had the lunch , after the cafeteria in goes to Traveller Street, arrived in Universal Duel Society Branch Store. 说着笑着,三人便带着笔记离开了教师宿舍,然后到食堂内吃了午餐之后便前往旅人街,来到了全民决斗社分店之内。 Saturday in the afternoon, the shop business is still hot. 周六下午,店铺生意依旧火爆。 A Eve person looks at the shop, somewhat is obviously unbearably busy. 伊芙一个人看店,明显有些忙不过来。 She sees 000167 93 - 94 and Josie, then calls two people to help immediately. 她一看到@0001679394@和乔茜,便立刻招呼两人帮忙。 But Darke arrived at behind the counter, is responsible for receiving the silver. 达克则来到了柜台后面,负责收银。 After at present is busily excessive, after they gather the counter, 等到这一阵子忙过头之后,她们才重新聚集到柜台之后, Some Eve then time care saying: „Is experiment smooth?” 伊芙这才有时间关心道:“实验顺利吗?” 000167 93 - 94 snatches to reply immediately: You have a look at me, is likely smooth or is not smooth?” @0001679394@立刻抢答道:“你看看我,是像顺利还是不顺利?” Eve shows the open smile: That was definitely smooth.” 伊芙不由露出开朗的笑容:“那肯定是顺利了。” 000167 93 - 94 is then laughing and playing saying: Therefore we are about to transmit this good news.” @0001679394@便嬉笑道:“所以我们就快些把这个喜讯传达回去吧。” Un.” Eve nods, then close eyes holds down the Sun hole. “嗯。”伊芙点了点头,便闭上眼睛按住太阳穴。 But she is preparing to display Mutual Sensitivity Technique, suddenly also said: „Did three goals succeed?” 但她正准备施展灵犀术,忽然又道:“三个目标都成功了吗?” Darke shows the smile: Temporarily was successful. However specifically how, but also needs to return to Duke's Mansion to accept a more careful inspection. In brief Cofagrigus already is unable to smell any least bit from their within the body Fire of Underworld aura. But according to the view of 000167 93 - 94, her Soul has not been damaged.” 达克露出笑容:“暂时算是成功了。不过具体如何,还需要返回公爵府接受更加仔细的检查。总之【死神棺已经无法从她们的体内嗅到任何一丝半点的【冥界之火气息。而按照@0001679394@的说法,她的灵魂也没有丝毫受损。” That should be this.” “那应该就是这样了。” Eve close eyes, displays Mutual Sensitivity Technique. 伊芙闭上眼睛,重新施展灵犀术 Merely after one minute, she then opens eyes again, said: Was OK.” 仅仅一分钟后,她便再次睁开眼,说道:“可以了。” Really is the convenient skill.” Darke sighed slightly, said, how that side did say?” “真是方便的技能啊。”达克稍微感叹,说道,“那边怎么说?” Eve said: Irene in Miss Claire Kate side, said that is transmits the news to Sir Duke immediately, later should send the new maid to come……, 000167 93 - 94 and Josie, since needs to accept a more detailed inspection, they arrived after will go back.” 伊芙说道:“伊琳就在克莱尔·凯特小姐的身边,说是会立刻将消息传达给公爵大人,之后应该会派遣新的女仆过来……嗯,@0001679394@和乔茜既然需要接受更详细的检查,就等她们到了之后再回去吧。” Darke asked: When?” 达克问道:“什么时间?” Eve holds up a finger, said with a smile: If smooth, should be tomorrow evening.” 伊芙举起一根手指,笑道:“如果顺利的话,应该是明天晚上。” …… …… Darke does not complete the man who does not manage after all, he was a afternoon receiving camp personnel in the shop, led three maids to have the dinner in Waltz music Dining Hall, bought the gift for 000167 93 - 94 and Josie as thanks, this returned to return to the dormitory. 达克毕竟不是做完就不管的男人,他在店铺之内当了一下午的收营员,又带着三名女仆在华尔兹音乐餐厅吃了晚餐,给@0001679394@和乔茜都买了礼物作为感谢,这才返回宿舍 Tomorrow evening words, after he actually prepared and other rookies to come, with 000167 93 - 94, Josie and Eve again dines together, then to project to relate with Duke's Mansion. 明天晚上的话,他倒是准备等新人来了之后,和@0001679394@、乔茜伊芙一起再聚个餐,然后与公爵府以投影联系。 After all is the end of the month to the beginning of the month time, this/should to mother report safe time. 毕竟是月底到月初的时间段,该是向母亲报平安的时候了。 Meanwhile, he himself can also relax, achieves to alternate work with rest. 与此同时,他自己也能借此放松一下,做到劳逸结合。 That night, he freely spoken tomorrow evening plan and Aurora said that and decided also to take her. 当天晚上,他顺口将明晚的计划与欧若拉说了一声,并决定将她也带上。 Aurora looks joyfully, and proposed that tomorrow evening can dine together in Teacher's Dormitory, she can go to the kitchen. 欧若拉面露欣喜,并提议明晚可以在教师宿舍内聚餐,她能下厨。 However Darke turned down her proposition, because that really consumed the time! 不过达克婉拒了她的提议,因为那实在太耗时间了! Today as before is ten January shares last day, tomorrow will be the twelve moon/month, will be last month of this semester, will follow closely, but to be the arrangement of big topic, when the time comes all people must be busy. 今天依旧是十一月份的最后一天,明天就是十二月,也是这个学期的最后一个月,紧随而至的就是大课题的布置,到时候所有的人都要忙起来。 Although the Darke bow suggested Aurora fiercely, when the twelve moon/month should use more time in the learn/study, at least starting from tomorrow by Christmas, did not need to make the midnight snack again. 达克弓虽烈建议欧若拉十二月的时候应该将更多的时间用在学习上,至少从明天开始到圣诞节为止,就不用再做夜宵了。 Every day makes the midnight snack time needed to be seemingly limited, but in fact to form in one's mind to make what midnight snack in the evening the time of expenditure, sometimes makes the midnight snack time needed more than the reality. 每天做夜宵所需的时间看似有限,但实际上为了构思当晚要做什么夜宵而花费的时间,有时候比实际做夜宵所需的时间更多。 Even if Aurora are glad, Darke did not feel oneself can continue to take her time again. 就算欧若拉自身乐意,达克也不觉得自己能再继续占用她的时间。 At least in the last month of this semester, he hopes that Aurora can concentrate on the schoolwork. 至少在这个学期的最后一个月,他希望欧若拉能将全部精力用在课业上。 Under his arguing strongly based on reason, Aurora cannot insist eventually again, has to nod to comply. 在他的据理力争之下,欧若拉终究没能再坚持,只好点头答应。 Darke was similar to achieves a full Duel success to be the same, showed the enjoyable smile. 达克便如同获得了一场酣畅淋漓的决斗胜利一般,露出了舒心的笑容。 When sends off Aurora, he washes bathes, cultivation Nether Spirit Spell, Then when continuously a twelve ding will soon sound, opens the system list point. 等到将欧若拉送走,他才洗漱沐浴,修炼【冥神术】,然后一直等到十二点的钟声即将敲响时,才将系统列表点开。 System, launches quota.” “系统,展开指标。” His discussed. 他默念道。 Then in his field of vision, then has the list to reappear. 而后在他的视野之中,便有列表浮现。 Pride: 9294 傲慢:9294】 Envy: 4342 嫉妒:4342】 Wrath: 9189 暴怒:9189】 Sloth: 6059 懒惰:6059】 Greed: 9491 贪婪:9491】 Gluttony: 9093 暴食:9093】 Lust: 9893 极乐:9893】 Compared with the value of the end of October, the overall change is not big. 和十月底的数值相比,整体变化不大。 He in this entire ten January shares, altogether extracted 10 【Greed】 and 10 【Lust】, these 10 【Greed】 store up completely, 10 【Lust】 use up completely. 他在这整个十一月份,一共抽取了十点【贪婪】和十点【极乐】,其中这十点【贪婪】全部储存,十点【极乐】则全部用完。 After absorbing finished, 【Greed】 controls very well, merely over 90 standard line 1 points, but 【Lust】 because of some reasons, surpassing were many. 汲取结束之后,【贪婪】控制得很好,仅仅超过90的标准线一点,而【极乐】则因为一些原因,超过得多了一些。 In addition, 【Pride】 grows 2 points merely, can say that he was truly amiable. 除此之外,【傲慢】仅仅增长二点,可以说他确实非常的平易近人了。 But 【Envy】, 【Wrath】 and 【Sloth】, do not rise instead fall. 【嫉妒】【暴怒】【懒惰】,都不涨反跌。 Finally is 【Gluttony】. 最后是【暴食】 Although the growth of…… 【Gluttony】 is however under control completely! 虽然但是……【暴食】的增长完全在控制之中! So long as grows 1 point again, he can through extract twice, obtains to total 4 points 【Gluttony】. 只要再增长一点,他就能通过两次抽取,获得合共四点的【暴食】 Again later, then can use 3 points in these 4 【Gluttony】, is used to manufacture 【Gluttony】, and takes this as the beginning, launches the research to 【Gluttony】. 再之后,便可以使用这四点【暴食】中的三点,用来制作【暴食】,并以此为开端,展开对【暴食】的研究。 Darke narrowed to ponder a while, then switched off the list, counted one slightly surplus Great Sins Reserve. 达克眯起眼思考了一会儿,便关掉列表,稍微统计了一下剩余的【大罪】储备。 【Pride】: 4 【傲慢】:四 【Wrath】: 1 【暴怒】:一 【Greed】: 20 【贪婪】:20 【Lust】: 0 【极乐】:0 And, 【Greed】 reserve already had 20 points, only need 10 points be able to conduct the refinement of 【Greed】 again. 其中,【贪婪】的储备已经有了20点,只需再有十点就能进行【贪婪】的炼制。 But wants to grow the 【Greed】 words to be easy, is next to 【Lust】 in the difficulty. 而想要增长【贪婪】的话非常容易,在难度上仅次于【极乐】 Therefore, if Darke thinks, twelve then can accumulate enough 30 【Greed】 early this month. 因此,如果达克想的话,十二月初便能攒够30点【贪婪】 But he somewhat hesitates at this time slightly. 但他此时稍微有些犹豫。 Now half-finished product Great Sins already has two, and also has sufficiently Moon God's Version of Lust, Can continue refining to be new Lust - Moon. 如今半成品的【大罪已经有两张,并且还有着充足的【月神版极乐】,能继续炼成新的【极乐·月】。 With is half-finished product 【Greed】 and Lust - Moon Compared with, in fact does not have the advantage. 同为半成品的【贪婪】与【极乐·月】相比,实际上并没有优势。 Can draw support from the half-finished product 【Greed】 evolves into to Third Step Magic Fairy, should, only then Incantation Cage: Pico Devimon With Incantation Cage: Agumon. 能够借助半成品的【贪婪】进化第三阶梯魔导精灵,应该只有【咒笼:小恶魔兽】和【咒笼:亚古兽】。 Therefore now the refining 【Greed】 significance is not truly big. 因此现在炼成【贪婪】的意义确实不大。 With its 【Greed】 of present refining half-finished product, might as well use these 【Greed】 in a more suitable place. 与其现在炼成一张半成品的【贪婪】,不如将这些【贪婪】用在更合适的地方。 After the new possibility appears, is used in full page 【Greed】 refining experiment it! 或者等到新的可能性出现之后,将其用于完整版【贪婪】炼成实验 This consideration currently is looking like does not have the blunder. 这份考量在目前看来并没有大错。 【Pride】 and 【Gluttony】, can consume twice absorbing amounts respectively.” 【傲慢】【暴食】,会各自耗费两次的汲取数额。” 【Wrath】 whether absorbs, but also during consideration.” 【暴怒】是否汲取,还在考量之中。” But if wants refining Gyarados Words, at least 7 【Wrath】 , the four times is absorbing amounts.” “但如果想要炼成暴鲤龙】的话,至少七点【暴怒】,也就是四次的汲取数额。” This then used up eight amounts directly, remaining twice for surpassing 【Greed】 and 【Lust】 of standard line, the ten amounts of twelve moon/month then exhausted completely.” “这样便直接用掉了八次数额,剩下两次的用于超过标准线的【贪婪】【极乐】,十二月的十次数额便全部耗尽了。” „It seems like and nothing ample.” “看起来并没什么余裕。” Darke pondered over a while, then remembered a different matter. 达克琢磨了一会儿,便想起了另一回事。 Right, Catcat Grass Flora Shop Rabbit Rabbit Grass Should be also about to receipt, when the time comes also needs to attempt to refine with 【Lust】 Lunamon.” “对了,【猫猫草花木店】的【兔兔草】应该也快到货了,到时候还需要用【极乐】来尝试炼制【月神兽】。” Also Coronamon refining, since last year crooked to Leomon After body, had not launched again, perhaps in refining Lunamon Later, this/should put on the agenda.” “还有【日冕兽】的炼成,自从去年歪到了【狮子兽身上之后就一直没有再次展开,或许在炼成月神兽】之后,也该重新提上日程了。” …… …… Fall last winter. 秋去冬来。 The twelve month's the morning of first day, in the pure brightness sky has the goose feathers drizzle as before, in the air is passing little moist aura. 十二月第一天的早上,依旧清明的天空之中下着鹅毛细雨,空气中透着几许潮湿的气息 Darke sits before the desk is enjoying comfortable. 达克坐在书桌前享受着久违的闲适。 Pico Devimon flies back from the eaves, in the claw is raising with the towel is covering the shopping basket, the end oblique cutting of shopping basket two volumes of newspapers. 小恶魔兽从屋檐下飞回,爪子里提着用毛巾遮盖着的菜篮,菜篮的一端斜插着两卷报纸。 Darke first extracts newspaper one by one, then lifts the white towel, that hot aura then emits rapidly, making one unable to bear have the appetite. 达克先将报纸一一抽出,再掀开白色的毛巾,那一股热腾腾的气息便迅速冒出,让人忍不住心生食欲。 Today's breakfast has the hot cocoa!” Pico Devimon self-satisfied smiling, on eyebrow foot dropping rainwater. “今天的早餐有热可可哦!”小恶魔兽得意的笑着,眉脚上滴落雨水。 After Darke it hugs, places the bosom with a smile, then helps the rainwater that it will not moisten carefully dry with the dry/does towel. 达克笑着将其抱起之后放在怀里,然后用干毛巾帮它将不小心沾到的雨水擦干。 Later, he spreads out Great Sage Daily, Looked at will. 之后,他才摊开【大贤者日报】,随意看了起来。 In the near future, Great Sage Daily Content very simple, completely does not have any anticipation, does not know after Christmas will soon arrive, in the newspaper can be many some makes the topic that one is interested. 近期,【大贤者日报】的内容都非常的朴素,完全没有什么看点,也不知道圣诞节即将到来之后,报纸上会不会多些令人感兴趣的话题。 But another that he orders Clown Daily, Then always makes some detailed work. 而他订购的另一份【小丑日报】,则总是弄一些花活。 Takes the main body because of no substantive event, these detailed work are very unspecific, to be honest is very bored, he somewhat looked is sick. 但因为没什么实质性的事件作为主体,那些花活都很空泛,老实说挺无聊的,他都看得有些厌烦了。 This morning, he is looking Great Sage Daily Later, poured also routine opening Clown Daily, And swept one from beginning to end. 今天早上,他在看完【大贤者日报】之后,倒也习惯性的翻开了【小丑日报】,并从头到尾扫了一眼。 If there is no substantive thing as before, he prepares to look that then slightly crosses. 如果依旧没有什么实质性的东西,他就准备看一眼便略过。 But this present goes, he suddenly the thing that notices some comparisons to care about. 但这一眼下去,他忽然注意到了一些比较在意的东西。 What is this? Holy Church's conspiracy?” “这是什么?圣教的阴谋?” Although Clown Daily It by winning favor by ostentation to become famous, but it sometimes draws support feigns madness to play the role of the current event that the silly surface makes to report, there are flavors of some that ancient form of acupuncture evils of the age here. 虽说【小丑日报】本身就是以哗众取宠出名,但它有时候借助装疯扮傻的表面作出的时事报导,还是有那么一些针砭时弊的味道在这里。 This is it has also had the reasons of some fixed audience to be. 这也是它一直有着一些固定受众的原因所在。 But in the final analysis, Clown Daily A small numerous newspaper, during its report has many incredibleness and humor. 但说到底,【小丑日报】只是一份小众报纸,它的报导之中有着更多的荒诞与滑稽。 But something , is throwing over the clown leather bag, can unscrupulous saying. 但有些东西,也只有披着小丑皮囊,才能肆无忌惮的说出。 On for example the…… Holy Church's conspiracy? 就比如……圣教的阴谋? Ha.” “哈。” Darke came some interest, then starts to look since the opening. 达克来了一些兴致,便从开头开始看起。 After looking, his eye of reveal is strange. 看完之后,他目露怪异。 This titled Holy Church conspiracy the report, said was actually several months ago Demon King sentences . Moreover the entire guess was incredible, Darke looked wants to laugh. 这篇以“圣教阴谋”为题的报导,讲的却是几个月前的魔王处刑,而且整个猜测荒诞无稽,就连达克看了都想发笑。 This what?” “这什么啊?” „The true colors that Demon King sentences, does the Holy Church's real intention, take Demon King Soul as Offerings, the god of Sacrificial Summon Underworld?” 魔王处刑的真面目,圣教的真实意图,是以魔王灵魂祭品,献祭召唤冥界之神?” Holy Church is in good condition, can make an immediate superior to come out to do?” 圣教好端端的,非要弄个顶头上司出来干嘛?” But, Darke could not smile with a smile suddenly. 但笑着笑着,达克就突然笑不出来了。 Because this report, although is nonsensical talk, said part of realities. 因为这篇报导虽然是无稽之谈,却说出了一部分的真实。 Such long time, discloses some information to go out unavoidably, perhaps is who understood after a fur/superficial knowledge, made groundless accusations, fictionalizes this article.” “这么长的时间,难免泄露些信息出去,或许是什么人了解到一点皮毛之后,捕风捉影,虚构出了这篇文章。” Darke puts down the newspaper, has not cared to this report excessively. 达克将报纸放下,对这篇报导没有过分在意。 …… …… After breakfast, Darke has not gone out, various branch knowledge that but learns to this semester in the bedroom review. 早餐过后,达克没有出门,而是在寝室里对这个学期学到的各科知识进行回顾。 He last night when conducted to Aurora convinced, then suddenly remembers itself actually also to have with her similar issue. 他昨晚在对欧若拉进行说服的时候,便忽然想起自己其实也有着和她相似的问题。 More energy will place other aspects, will naturally also neglect the knowledge that on Classroom taught. 将更多的精力放在了其它方面,自然也就会忽略掉课堂上教导的知识。 Although he walked in most divisions/disciplines in front of teaching material, thing that but Professors taught on Classroom, having much was on the teaching material does not have. 虽然他在大部分的学科上都走在了教材的前面,但教授们课堂上教导的东西,有不少都是教材上并不具备。 He through the studying independently words, will lose many essences. 他只是通过自学的话,会丢失很多精髓。 But these essences, are the foundations of construction deep ground. 而那些精髓,便是构建深厚地基的基础。 Is good because of him has had the good custom of taking the note. 好在他一直有着做笔记的好习惯。 At this time glanced through the note, can always make him harvest. 这时候翻阅笔记,总能让他有所收获。 This gets down all day, If nothing else, he was right Secret Ritual Card The method of manufacturing understood deeply! 这一整天下来,别的不说,他对【秘仪卡】的制作方法了解得更加深入了! In the system of Magic Duel, Secret Ritual Card Existence actually very important. 魔导决斗的体系之中,【秘仪卡】的存在其实非常的重要。 Under usual circumstances, Secret Ritual Card The manufacture difficulty must be far higher than Item Card and Magic Card . Moreover the trigger condition is quite harsh, does not have the start of Item Card and Magic Card is so direct. 只是在通常情况下,【秘仪卡】的制作难度要远高于道具卡魔法卡,而且触发条件还比较苛刻,并没有道具卡魔法卡的启动那么直接。 Also therefore, can proficiently grasp and apply Secret Ritual Card Mage are not too many. 也因此,能够熟练掌握并应用【秘仪卡】的魔导师并不是太多。 But if wants truly to have achievements in Magic Duel, Secret Ritual Card Is indispensable. 但若想要在魔导决斗之中真正有所建树,【秘仪卡】却是不可或缺的。 Darke gradually invests. 达克逐渐投入。 …… …… The time therefore passes fast. 时间因此而飞快流逝。 5 : 00 pm. 下午 5 点。 The putting down books that Darke has not given full expression, then change the clothes that goes out, first step came to the common room. 达克意犹未尽的放下书本,然后便换上外出的衣服,先一步来到了公共休息室。 Later in a while, Aurora then walked. 之后没过多久,欧若拉便走了下来。 Two people walked side-by-side, left Castle. 两人并肩而行,离开了城堡 The rain has stood still, the air is fresh. 雨已停歇,空气清新。 They enter Traveller Street, arrives at the Universal Duel Society shop, then saw three maids, as well as two Magic Fairy Vampire Young Lady Victoria and Phoenix Maiden Phoenix. 他们进入旅人街,来到全民决斗社的店铺,便看到了三位女仆,以及两只魔导精灵吸血鬼千金维多利亚和【凤女菲尼克斯 Since must with Alvitr video, not be naturally impossible to leave out them. 既然要与亚尔薇特“视频”,自然不可能漏掉她们。 On Sunday, near evening time, Traveller Street most streams of people will support toward Food Street. 星期天,将近傍晚的时候,旅人街的大部分人流都会朝着美食街拥去。 Darke then had the scheduled theater box last night, is actually not anxious. 达克昨晚便有预定包厢,倒是不急。 People are then merry chatted the waiting in the shop. 一众人便有说有笑的在店铺内闲聊等待。 To about 5 : 30 times, they wait till two rookies who caught up with from afar finally. 一直到将近五点半的时候,他们终于等到了千里迢迢赶来的两位新人。 000167 93 - 94 and Josie are eyes light up, moved toward respectively a maid. @0001679394@和乔茜都是眼睛一亮,分别走向了其中一位女仆。 Eve in fact is also Scorpio's Maid group, Also then recognized that House of Scorpio Maid. 伊芙实际上也是【天蝎宫女仆团】的一员,也一眼便认出了其中那名【天蝎宫】的女仆。 She then collects to say immediately in a low voice: Lacey also came unexpectedly! I also think, she also outside duty…… 她当下便凑过来低声道:“蕾西竟然也来了!我还以为,她还在外面出任务…… Which is Lacey?” Darke is not quite actually familiar. 蕾西是哪个?”达克倒是不太熟悉。 Found here two to come the maid under the Academy staff's guidance newly, with the beginning harnesses at the appointed time 000167 93 - 94 to be the same with Josie, wears various stylish standard maid attires. 学院工作人员的引导下找到这里的两位新来女仆,和初来驾到时的@0001679394@和乔茜一样,都是穿着各具风格的制式女仆装。 And a maid body is slim, below the neck is the leg. 其中一名女仆身材苗条,脖子以下全是腿。 Another maid slightly obviously plentiful, on the face is passing the obsequious attitude. 另外一名女仆则稍显丰腴,脸上透着媚态。 Eve said in a low voice: Is thinner that.” 伊芙低声道:“是更瘦一些的那个。” Looks at also the resembles.” Darke catches the eye to size up. “看着也像。”达克抬眼打量。 The Lacey height leg is long, keeps brown short hair, looks to seem like 000167 93 - 94 of long leg version, but compares at least the appearance pretty cute 000167 93 - 94, Lacey is the appearance is serious, a face being conscientious in discharging official duties appearance. 蕾西身高腿长,留着棕色短发,看着像是长腿版的@0001679394@,但相比于至少模样上娇俏可爱的@0001679394@,蕾西则是面相严肃,一脸“公事公办”的模样。 In brief, she looks that is not quite easy getting along with. 总之,她看着不太好相处。 But another House of Leo's Maid group Maid, then named Grace. 而另一名【狮子宫女仆团】的女仆,则名为格瑞丝 Grace merely slightly is shorter than on a little Lacey, she has the long hair, but with the round circle bunch after the brain, is very neat long ponytail. 格瑞丝仅仅比蕾西稍微矮上一点点,她都是留着长发,但用发圈束在了脑后,是非常清爽的长马尾。 But its face is the mild-mannered oval face, facial features is fine, not truly obviously fat. 而其脸庞则是属于柔顺的鹅蛋脸,五官非常精致,并不真正显胖。 But just like previously said, her seemingly rich obsequious attitude, with taking a quick look around is House of Leo Josie is different, is more like House of Pisces Maid. 但正如先前所说,她看起来富有媚态,和一眼看去就是【狮子宫】的乔茜不同,更像是【双鱼宫】的女仆。 That another?” Darke asked. “那另一个呢?”达克问道。 Eve hesitates slightly, considers saying: Josie and she knew when the time comes asks…… to consider as finished, she should introduce oneself.” 伊芙略微沉吟,思虑道:“乔茜和她认识,到时候问问……算了,她应该会自我介绍。” Also yes.” Darke continues to size up. “也是。”达克继续打量。 …… …… After the moment, Lacey and Grace were then brought the Darke front. 片刻后,蕾西格瑞丝便被带到了达克的面前。 000167 93 - 94 initiative help introduced: Young Master, here is we Scorpio's Maid group Famous Lacey. Perhaps Young Master does not know, she is called Duty madman, A year 365 days in road that has 366 days in having the duty and junction duty.” @0001679394@主动帮忙介绍道:“少爷,这边是我们【天蝎宫女仆团】中大名鼎鼎的蕾西少爷或许不知道,她又被称作【任务狂人】,一年三百六十五天有三百六十六天都在出任务和交任务的路中。” Lacey is unemotional, does not refute mystifying of 000167 93 - 94, not to the surprised vision expression protest of Darke. 蕾西面无表情,既不驳斥@0001679394@的阴阳怪气,也不对达克的惊讶目光表达抗议。 In brief she looks truly seems like Duty madman, Arrives at the Academy reason is also only duty. 总之她看着确实像是【任务狂人】,来到学院的原因也只是“出任务”。 In fact is also so. 事实上也是如此。 After 000167 93 - 94 said that Lacey saying of formulation: Hello, Young Master, I am House of Scorpio Lacey.” 等到@0001679394@说完之后,蕾西才公式化的说道:“您好,少爷,我是【天蝎宫】的蕾西。” Was then silent. 然后就沉默了。 Darke smiles: Is Kris asks you to come?” 达克不由微笑:“是克丽丝叫你来的吗?” Yes, Young Master.” Lacey answered earnestly, „, because I had/left the duty the number of times is quite many, needs to use the strength, therefore was then requested to coordinate experiment.” “是的,少爷。”蕾西认真解释道,“因为我出任务的次数比较多,更需要用到力量,所以便被要求过来配合实验。” Darke nods, looks to Grace, asked: You?” 达克点点头,又看向格瑞丝,问道:“那你呢?”
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