TVYMJWTLLBL :: Volume #7

#691 Part 2: 【Day 1.9 w asked monthly ticket】 Darke Dymon Underworld Fire Project

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He almost feels Lust + 1】 System Prompt must sift…… from the field of vision edge 他几乎感觉到【极乐】的提示就要从视野的边缘飘入了…… Josie clenches teeth, said fast: „Hadn't we said before? We can not Fire of Underworld The challenge impulsive influence , because House of Pisces Janice Chief Maid will challenge to pass the burden the multiplication of Human most foundation on with her ability impulsive impulsive. But the multiplication is impulsive, can depend upon the own way to fall in torrents.” 乔茜一咬牙,快速说道:“我们之前没说过吗?我们之所以能够不受【冥界之火】的挑战冲动影响,是因为【双鱼宫】的珍妮丝女仆长用她的能力将挑战冲动转嫁到了人类最基础的繁衍冲动上。而繁衍冲动,是可以依靠自己的方式来倾泻掉的。” Although her word usage as far as possible written, but Darke understands immediately meaning that she wants to express. 虽然她的用词尽量书面化,但达克还是立刻理解了她想要表达的意思。 Naturally he previously then understood from the Eve mouth. 当然他此前便从伊芙的口中了解了一些。 House of Pisces Janice Helping Hand Battle Maid suppressed the challenge impulsion in this manner, but this way should have the drawback. 双鱼宫】的珍妮丝以这种方式帮助战斗女仆们压制了挑战冲动,但这种方式应该同样存在弊端。 Janice Chief Maid while making this transformation, should also make processing of similar lightweight, making the multiplication impulsive impulsive to restrain like the challenge. 珍妮丝女仆长在做这种转化的同时,应该还做了类似轻量化的处理,使得繁衍冲动不会像挑战冲动那样不可克制。 But appropriate falling in torrents will. 但适当的倾泻还是必要的。 Perhaps she also has a better way, Helping Hand Battle Maid the multiplication will also incline impulsive. 或许她还有着更好的方式,帮助战斗女仆们将繁衍冲动也倾斜掉。 But 000167 93 - 94 and Josie arrived at St. Marian Academy, is not naturally able to obtain her Helping Hand. 但@0001679394@和乔茜来到了圣玛丽安学院,自然就无法获得她的帮助 If two people because of some reasons, but is unable the incline to be clean, the remaining multiplication then possibly accumulates impulsive continually. 而若两人因为一些原因而无法倾斜干净的话,残余的繁衍冲动便可能持续积累。 Moreover, Cofagrigus Also is 【Lust】 incarnation…… 另外,【死神棺】又是【极乐】的化身…… In the final analysis, Janice Chief Maid ability is likely related with 【Lust】. 说到底,珍妮丝女仆长能力很可能便与【极乐】相关。 Now Cofagrigus Fire of Underworld Wipes out from 000167 93 - 94 within the body even/including root, was equal to that one side plug will capture, then forms the multiplication impulsion of relative balance with the challenge impulsive, also divulged. 如今【死神棺】将【冥界之火】从@0001679394@的体内连根拔除,便等于将一边的塞子拔掉,那与挑战冲动形成相对平衡的繁衍冲动,也就随之泄露了出来。 In addition Cofagrigus Her factor and it with Janice Chief Maid ability the chemical reaction that may have, then created the present result. 再加上【死神棺】自身的因素和它与珍妮丝女仆长能力有可能发生的化学反应,便造成了现在的结果。 In brief, 000167 93 - 94 now with quilt Card of Lust Opens Wisdom Magic Fairy is not different. 总之,@0001679394@现在就和被【极乐卡】开启灵智魔导精灵没什么两样。 But copes with Magic Fairy under this situation, Darke is specialized…… is! 而对付这种情况下的魔导精灵,达克是专业的……是个屁啊! 000167 93 - 94 is not Magic Fairy! @0001679394@又不是魔导精灵 Saw that 000167 93 - 94 already rubs toward his face on the pink lip, he holds her two armpits hastily, tries like catching the cat shoves open her. 眼看@0001679394@已经把粉红色的唇瓣往他的脸上蹭,他连忙抓住她的两腋,试图像抓猫一样将她推开。 But 000167 93 - 94 the build is petite, when the well-tested rou body strength is actually not his practice the long three months of trainees can place on a par. 但@0001679394@虽然体型娇小,久经锻炼的宍体力量却不是他这个练习时长三个月的练习生能够相提并论的。 Therefore with his effort, 000167 93 - 94 is entirely still! 因此在他的努力下,@0001679394@纹丝不动! On the contrary, probably is because his response makes 000167 93 - 94 more excited, grasped his two arm powers! 相反,大概是因为他的反应使得@0001679394@更加兴奋,抱住他的两臂更加动力了! Cheeks of Darke slightly red, took a look at one to stand helpless Josie, sighed this child was really pure Helping Hand did not have! 达克的脸颊微红,瞅了一眼站在旁边手足无措的乔茜,不由感叹这孩子真的是太纯了一点帮助都没有! At the Josie strength, carried off 000167 93 - 94 should have more than enough to spare. 原本以乔茜的力量,把@0001679394@拉走应该绰绰有余。 But looking back now, she could not count on completely. 但现在看来,她完全指望不上。 Does not have the means that can only depend on itself.” “没办法,只能靠自己了。” Darke only thinks slightly, then let loose the hand that holds 000167 93 - 94, then extends downward, extracts Magic Card from pack of cards, the backhand grasps 000167 93 - 94, aimed at the back of the head of 000167 93 - 94 Magic Card. 达克只略微思索,便放开了抓住@0001679394@的手,然后往下一伸,从卡包里将一张魔导卡抽出,反手抱住@0001679394@,将魔导卡对准了@0001679394@的后脑。 With the name of Darke Dymon, Magic Summon 【Pride】!” “以达克·迪蒙之名,魔导召唤【傲慢】!” The golden light shines. 金光照耀。 The 000167 93 - 94 movement stopped immediately. @0001679394@的动作顿时停止了下来。 …… …… Copes with 【Lust】 related ability, naturally must use 【Pride】. 对付【极乐】相关的能力,自然要用【傲慢】 But Darke has not used for Human Great Sins Card, What adverse effect is not clear it to Human, therefore he chose Grade lowest 【Pride】 specially. 达克并未对人类使用过【大罪卡】,并不清楚它会对人类造成什么样的不良影响,所以他特意选择了等级最低的【傲慢】 Is good is remarkable because of 【Pride】 effect already enough. 好在【傲慢】的效果已经足够显著。 Under brilliant ray of this 【Pride】, the 000167 93 - 94 intelligence gradually restored the pure brightness, then two eyebrows go up, were many minute/share of cold proud. 在这【傲慢】的光辉照耀下,@0001679394@的神智逐渐恢复了清明,然后两眉上翘,多了分冷傲。 While Darke thinks becomes Pride 000167 93 - 94 the time of own body crawling, will actually suddenly discover 000167 93 - 94, although since was supine the head, making the spots of two people chest separate, but the four limbs were actually similar to eight claw fish to tie down him as before generally stubbornly, meaning that slightly do not loosen. 正当达克以为变得“傲慢”的@0001679394@会从自己的身上爬下去的时候,却突然发现@0001679394@虽然仰起了脑袋,让两人胸口的部位分开,但四肢却依旧如同八爪鱼一般将他死死缠住,丝毫没有要松开的意思。 Darke looks at each other with it, seeing her is motionless, does not wink Eye, like playing game…… of 12 three instruments of torture headmen 达克与之对视,见她一动不动,连眼睛都不眨一下,就像在玩一二三木头人的游戏…… The atmosphere is awkward immediately. 气氛顿时尴尬起来。 Really quite awkward! 真的好尴尬啊! Can you driving point get down? 你能主动一点下去吗? This words can, when had no way to say. 这种话能当没法说。 Especially when side also has a person. 尤其是在身边还有一个人的时候。 But after refuses to compromise had a half minute, finally some people broke awkwardly! 但就这么僵持了有半分钟之后,终于有人打破了尴尬! To be specific, had the coffin to break awkwardly! 具体的说,是有棺材打破了尴尬! Cofagrigus Finally gets strength back from just now the drunken condition, then the eyebrow selects then makes an effort to stretch out the hand of dark blue shadow, squish four limbs that held 000167 93 - 94, Cofagrigus Has four hands, just right hand! 死神棺】终于从方才醉醺醺的状态之中缓过劲来,然后眉毛一挑便将深蓝色的暗影之手用力伸出,“吧唧”一声抓住了@0001679394@的四肢是的,【死神棺】有四只手,正好一只手一条! Although Cofagrigus Attack strength only then 1200 points, but Darke looked that it fierce stares, in the eye then has the ray to shine, was unexpectedly anxious to use Certain Kill Skill at the scene Mummy! 虽然【死神棺】的攻击力只有1200点,但达克看它猛一瞪眼,眼中便有光芒亮起,竟然急得当场使用出了必杀技木乃伊】! Instant, powerful mana, condensed the snow white bandage under the function of Certain Kill Skill turbulently. 瞬时之间,强大的魔力汹涌而出,在必杀技的作用下凝聚成了雪白的绷带。 The bandage such as the snake twined the whole body of 000167 93 - 94 generally, then collected suddenly, almost then turns into Mummy her immediately! 绷带如蛇一般缠绕住了@0001679394@的全身,然后骤然收束,几乎立刻便将她变成了一具木乃伊 000167 93 - 94 could not stretch finally. @0001679394@终于绷不住了。 She was entangled fully by the bandage, only then the spot of Eye and nostril also leaves leeway the slit, no matter at this time wanted to make anything no longer to have the possibility. 她被绷带缠满,只有眼睛和鼻孔的部位还留有缝隙,这时候不管想要做什么都不再有可能。 Therefore she jumps down the ground fiercely, turned around then to plunge threateningly showed the self-satisfied expression Cofagrigus! 因此她猛地跳下地面,一转身便张牙舞爪的扑向了露出得意表情的【死神棺】! Magic Fairy and person, then dá dá creates a disturbance. 魔导精灵与人,便“哒哒哒”的打闹起来。 …… …… Reaching an agreement 【Pride】?” “说好的【傲慢】呢?” Darke shows the whites of the eyes, moved under the hands and feet of Freedom. 达克翻了个白眼,活动了下自由的手脚。 This week later, 000167 93 - 94 and Josie and Cofagrigus Relational already becomes very intimate. 这一个星期下来,@0001679394@和乔茜与【死神棺】的关系已经变得非常亲近。 Should succeed?” “应该成功了吧?” Darke supposes to say. 达克又估摸道。 Restores pure brightness look after 000167 93 - 94, Fire of Underworld Pulling should not have what sequela in her body. 从@0001679394@恢复清明之后的神色来看,【冥界之火】的拔出应该并没有在她的身上留下什么后遗症。 The second goal is not clear, at least the third goal should be realized. 第二个目标不清楚,至少第三个目标应该实现了。 000167 93 - 94 memory has not received the influence, should not vanish with the strength that it binds. @0001679394@的记忆并没有收到影响,与之绑定的力量应该也没有消失。 Then is only left over, Fire of Underworld Had is thoroughly eradicated?” “那么就只剩下,【冥界之火】是否有被彻底根除了?” Darke relaxes, before arriving at the sofa, sits down. 达克松了口气,走到沙发前坐下。 Whether no matter if it is was eradicated, 000167 93 - 94 Soul should not have to be damaged because of this experiment. 无论是是否被根除,@0001679394@的灵魂应该没有因为这个实验而受到损伤。 All are developing in the good direction. 一切正在往好的方向发展。 …… …… When 000167 93 - 94 and Cofagrigus The creating a disturbance end, Darke summoned her front, then patted position, gentle say/way: Come, sits down.” 等到@0001679394@与【死神棺】的打闹结束,达克才将她召到面前,然后拍了拍身边的位置,和缓道:“来,坐下。” 000167 93 - 94 then obedient sits down in his side, an appearance of face safe/without matter lets people very difficult her before the person who that was impulsed to control to link. @0001679394@便乖乖的在他身边坐下,一脸无事的模样让人很难将她与之前那个被冲动支配的人联系在一起。 However the no matter if it is multiplication is impulsive, is the influence of 【Pride】, actually has not vanished. 不过无论是繁衍冲动,还是【傲慢】的影响,其实都还未消失。 She actually by oneself extremely high Mood Control ability, displays the present appearance. 她其实是以自身极高的情绪控制能力,表现出了现在的模样。 After all, her official duty is Assassin. 毕竟,她的本职是一名刺客 …… …… 000167 93 - 94, fortunately?” “@0001679394@,还好吧?” In another side like Josie that the elementary student sits straight, immediately cares to say. 在另一边像小学生一样端端正正坐着的乔茜,立刻关心道。 Good serious, who also doesn't have a look at me is?” “好的不得了,也不看看我是谁?” 000167 93 - 94 turns the body, then turns upwards the nose to say. @0001679394@一扭身,便翘起鼻子说道。 Josie then relaxes. 乔茜这才松了口气。 But Darke then said: Detailed situation, reports.” 达克则接着说道:“详细的情况,汇报一下。” 000167 93 - 94 squares look, enunciation clear saying: Result unexpected good. Except that draws out finally a little point hurts beside, does not have any unusual feeling in the entire process. But by my sensation ability, within the body Fire of Underworld Should already wipe out completely, not remaining tiny bit. How can I say, that feeling is not considered as actually wiping out. It looks like Fire of Underworld Initiative will proliferate the root hair of whole body to contract. Also has therefore not caused the damage to my Soul. As for Fire of Underworld Brought strength…… has not tested specifically, but should the issue not be big. If following has not had the phenomenon of outflow, should be steady. Finally is memory, naturally does not have the issue.” @0001679394@摆正神色,口齿清晰的说道:“结果出乎意料的好。除了最后拔出的时候有点点疼之外,在整个过程之中都没有任何一丝异样的感觉。而以我的感知能力来看,体内的【冥界之火】应该已经被完全拔除,不剩下一丝一毫。怎么说呢,那种感觉其实不算是拔除吧。就像是【冥界之火】主动的将遍布全身的根须收缩了回去。也因此才没有对我的灵魂造成损伤。至于【冥界之火】带来的力量……具体还没测试,但应该问题不大。如果后续没有出现流失的现象,应该稳了。最后是记忆,当然也没问题。” In other words , the first goal, the second goal and third goal, all achieve! 换言之,第一个目标、第二个目标、第三个目标,全部达成! Hope is not a case!” “希望不是个例!” In Darke heart joyful, but has a patch immediately. 达克心中欣喜,但又立刻打了个补丁。 Only experiment succeed time cannot explain anything, even samples still needs the multiple to confirm. 仅有一次的实验成功不能说明什么,就算是采样也需要复数来验证。 Then rests for one hour, following is accepted by Josie Cofagrigus Treatment.” “那么休息一个小时,接下来就由乔茜来接受【死神棺】的治疗吧。” If not a case, that Cofagrigus So-called, truly it can be said that treated. 如果不是个例,那么【死神棺】的所谓,确实可以说是治疗了。 By the 000167 93 - 94 present condition, if can guarantee that the strength and memory in following will not drain, after returning to Duke's Mansion accepts more detailed health examination as before the safe/without matter, and confirmed that the human body has no one Fire of Underworld, Then she, even if radical getting rid Fire of Underworld Brought drawback. 以@0001679394@现在的状态,若能保证力量与记忆都不会在后续流失,而且在返回公爵府接受更详细的身体检查之后依旧无事,且确认人体已无任何一丝【冥界之火】,那么她就算是彻底的摆脱了【冥界之火】带来的弊端。 Darke already impatient wanted to receive this good news. 达克已经迫不及待的想要获得这个好消息了。 Naturally, stemming from experiment rigorous, at least wants , after Josie experiment also finished, can open the champagne. 当然,出于实验的严谨性,至少要等到乔茜实验也结束之后才能开香槟。 Darke looks slightly to Josie, actually discovered that she is suddenly coy. 达克稍微偏头看向乔茜,却发现她忽然扭捏起来。 Un, he is also experienced to this situation, his Magic Fairy will also reveal this demeanor frequently. 嗯,他对这种情况也非常的有经验,他的魔导精灵也经常会露出这种神态 000167 93 - 94…… “@0001679394@…… Josie put out a hand suddenly, drew the 000167 93 - 94 lower hem corner. 乔茜突然伸出手,拉了拉@0001679394@的衣角。 000167 93 - 94 has turned around, said curiously: What's wrong?” @0001679394@转过身,好奇道:“怎么了?” Josie then pastes by her ear, small sound said: Can tie up me?” 乔茜便贴到她的耳朵旁边,小声道:“能把我绑起来吗?” 000167 93 - 94 said immediately with amazement: "Ah? @0001679394@顿时惊讶道:“啊? Josie said: „Can you said…… 乔茜说道:“你就说能不能吧…… The 000167 93 - 94 surface is surprised, the innermost feelings actually sneer: Naturally…… is impossible.” @0001679394@表面惊讶,内心却是冷笑:“当然……不可能。” How possibly? 怎么可能? How possibly only then 000167 93 - 94 does lose face? 怎么可能只有@0001679394@出丑? Impossible! 不可能的啦! …… …… One after hour, Josie look sneaked in seriously Cofagrigus In coffin. 一个小时之后,乔茜神色严肃的钻进了【死神棺】的棺材内。 Second round of experiment starts. 第二轮实验就此开始。 Because there is a successful experience of 000167 93 - 94 before, Darke these had not then worried time. 由于有了@0001679394@的成功经验在前,达克这一次便没有那么担忧。 He took out the special experiment notebook, with passing complete experiment 000167 93 - 94 to the record of entire experiment conducted the revision and Analytic together. 他取出了专门的实验笔记本,和度过了完整实验的@0001679394@一起对整个实验的记录进行修正与分析 In an instant one hour passes by. 转眼一个多小时过去。 000167 93 - 94 raised the head, then one side looked at Darke to place «twelve Hero», immediately covered mouth to say with a smile: Young Master, your has already looked?” @0001679394@抬起头,便看了达克放在一边的《十二英雄》,随即捂嘴笑道:“少爷,你已经看过了吗?” Un.” Darke complied with one, then continues to study. “嗯。”达克应了一声,便继续研究。 000167 93 - 94 sighs with emotion suddenly: I have also looked. Really cannot think that Josie also several write separately the novel unexpectedly the ability, like 000167 93 - 94, in the matter except for work, anything cannot.” @0001679394@则是忽然感慨道:“我也看过了。真想不到乔茜竟然还有几分写小说的才能,不像@0001679394@,除了工作上的事情,就什么都不会了。” „Aren't you good at performing very much?” Darke has not raised the head as before. “你不是很擅长表演吗?”达克依旧没有抬头。 That is the demand on work!” 000167 93 - 94 protests to say. “那就是工作上的需求啊!”@0001679394@申辩道。 Darke smiles, said: Do not improperly belittle oneself, your already was very fierce.” 达克笑笑,说道:“不要妄自菲薄,你们都已经很厉害了。” These words, actually stem from the sincerity. 这句话,却是出自真心。 He thought since childhood the maids in mansion very fierce, is at least fiercer than him. 他从小就觉得府里的女仆都非常的厉害,至少比他要厉害。 000167 93 - 94 smacks the lips, no longer spoke. @0001679394@咂了咂嘴,就不再说话了。 The room is gradually peaceful. 房间逐渐安静下来。 On the wall the indicator on wall clock revolves slowly. 墙上挂钟上的指针缓缓旋转。 The time gradually passes. 时间逐渐流逝。 Later crossed merely for a half hour, Cofagrigus Then presented the change. 之后仅仅过了半个小时,【死神棺】便出现了异动。 But Darke already has the person who has experienced one time, at this time then not flustered. 达克已经是有过一次经验的人,这时候便没有过于慌张。 000167 93 - 94 looks Cofagrigus The illusory flame that on emits, said curiously: I at that time, is such?” @0001679394@看着【死神棺】上冒出的虚幻火焰,好奇道:“我那时候,也是这样的吗?” Yes.” Darke responded to one, then puts down the pen, extracts to arrange 【Pride】 from pack of cards. “是的。”达克回应了一句,便放下笔,从卡包之中将【傲慢】抽出备好。 The worry of Josie, he is clear. 乔茜的顾虑,他非常清楚。 Although had not determined her after experiment finished can also same have the change with 000167 93 - 94, but is forearmed. 虽然还并不确定她在实验结束之后会否也和@0001679394@一样产生变化,但有备无患。 Naturally, he has not forgotten is Cofagrigus Conducts mana. 当然,他并没有忘记为【死神棺】传导魔力 …… …… Then, after several minutes, Cofagrigus Gray Flame in surface then leaps up suddenly, the flame licks to lick the ceiling, more burns is fiercer. 如此一来,数分钟后,【死神棺】表面上的灰色火焰便突然蹿起,火苗舐舔着天花板,越燃越烈。 But Cofagrigus Interior, presented the sound. 而【死神棺】的内部,也出现了动静。 Yeah, it seems like Josie also arrived that step.” 000167 93 - 94 said suddenly. “哎,看来乔茜也到了那一步。”@0001679394@突然说道。 Darke knits the brows: Which step?” 达克皱眉道:“哪一步?” 000167 93 - 94 then smiles saying: That that can hurt!” @0001679394@便微笑道:“就是会疼的那一步嘛!” In Darke heart distinct, immediately those who know 000167 93 - 94 to say is Cofagrigus Fire of Underworld The time of his within the body even/including root wiping out. 达克心中分明,立刻知晓@0001679394@所说的是【死神棺】将【冥界之火】从其体内连根拔除的时刻。 But before 000167 93 - 94 said, is not only then does a little hurt? 但按照@0001679394@之前所说,不是只有一点点疼吗? Faced the Young Master doubt look, a 000167 93 - 94 face was winking naively big eyes of winking round, said curiously: What's wrong? 000167 93 - 94 did improve to look suddenly?” 面对着少爷的狐疑眼神,@0001679394@一脸天真的眨了眨圆溜溜的大眼睛,好奇道:“怎么了?@0001679394@突然变好看了吗?” No, no.” The Darke revolutions turns head, quicker earnest observation Cofagrigus Change. “不,没什么。”达克转回头,更快认真的观察起了【死神棺】的变化。 The Josie physique is bigger than 000167 93 - 94, the simple movement can let Cofagrigus Moves. 乔茜的体格比@0001679394@要大,简单的动作就能让【死神棺】动起来。 Cofagrigus Therefore however rocks slightly obviously fiercely. 死神棺】因此而晃动得稍显厉害。 Moreover the time of this change wanted at that time long compared with 000167 93 - 94 many. 而且这一异动的时间比@0001679394@那时候要长不少。 Almost waited for five minutes, when the Darke innermost feelings are anxious, almost after wanting to lift the coffin lid, Cofagrigus The coffin covers suddenly opens, lies down in inside Josie, then like 000167 93 - 94 at that time, straight sat. 几乎等了五分钟,等到达克都内心焦躁,几乎想要将棺盖掀开之后,【死神棺】的棺盖才突然打开,躺在里面的乔茜,便如同@0001679394@那时候一样,直挺挺的坐了起来。 Moreover the vision in her eye is blazing than 000167 93 - 94! 而且她眼中的目光比@0001679394@更加炽热! With the name of Darke Dymon, Magic Summon 【Pride】!” “以达克·迪蒙之名,魔导召唤【傲慢】!” Darke activated 【Pride】 without hesitation, before Josie goes out of the coffin, then who strikes the first blow has the advantage, to paste symbol posture, pasted 【Pride】 fiercely above the Josie forehead. 达克毫不犹豫的激活了【傲慢】,在乔茜走出棺材之前,便先下手为强,以贴符的姿势,将【傲慢】猛地贴在了乔茜的额头之上。 The golden light puts greatly, according to a face radiance of Josie. 金光大放,照得乔茜的面庞一片璀璨。 Darke makes an effort slightly, then her upper part, pushed over in the coffin like treating the zombie. 达克稍微用力,便将她的上半身,又按倒在了棺材里面就像对待僵尸一样。 Naturally, Josie has not sent out to shout like the zombie. 当然,乔茜并没有像僵尸一样发出嘶吼。 She such a was pressed, the motionless level, the peaks and ridges fold the screen-like mountain peak. 她被这么一按,就一动不动的躺平,峰峦叠嶂。 But Darke could see, her chest fluctuating is still fierce, the finger is trembling slightly, threads up the coffin board, obviously is enduring patiently vigorously. 达克看得出,她的胸口起伏依旧剧烈,手指正微微战栗,紧扣棺板,显然在极力忍耐。 Pride that in the impulsion and heart of multiplication raise the head forms the hedge, the fierce confrontation that two clearly motionless mood have causes her mood in an extreme vortex. 繁衍的冲动与心中抬头的傲慢形成对冲,两种截然不动的情绪产生的激烈冲突使得她的情绪处在一个极端的漩涡里。 But previously Fire of Underworld Pulled out to thoroughly severe pain, made its Spirit uncertain. 而先前【冥界之火】被彻底抽离的剧痛,也令其精神不定。 Under the multiple actions, the Josie choice continues to lie down in the coffin. 多重作用下,乔茜选择在棺材里继续躺着。 …… …… Later relative, the Josie tight expression had relaxed suddenly, the appearance between both eyes condenses, becomes has god. 之后过了相当之久,乔茜绷紧的表情才突然缓和,双目间的神采重新凝聚,变得有神起来。 on the tolerance and Spirit tenacity, 000167 93 - 94 occupied the above. 就忍耐力和精神的坚韧性而言,@0001679394@占据了上方。 Darke puts out a hand toward her, Helping Hand she sat from the coffin. 达克向着她伸出手,帮助她从棺材里坐了起来。 Josie then takes advantage of opportunity to stand up, then steps forward the coffin, deep inspiration, on the face reveals extremely rejoiced. 乔茜便顺势站起,而后跨出棺材,深深的吸了口气,脸上露出万分庆幸。 Thanks to Young Master, she has not at least lost face like 000167 93 - 94 ~ 托了少爷的福,她至少没有像@0001679394@一样丢脸~ Looks very successful?” “看起来很成功?” Darke sizes up slightly, then has the tone of congratulation to ask. 达克稍微打量,便带着贺喜的语气问道。 The Josie slight nod, said: In feeling, with 000167 93 - 94 lecture of exactly the same.” 乔茜微微点头,说道:“感觉上,和@0001679394@讲的一模一样。” Darke complied with one, said: Such being the case, that sits to speak a more careful feeling. Your experiences can become the experience of successor, hopes , everyone can be similar to you is so smooth.” 达克应了一声,说道:“既然如此,那就坐下来讲讲更细致的感觉。你们的经历会成为后来者的经验,希望之后来的每一个人都能如同你们这般顺利。” Josie then shows the bright smile: Definitely can.” 乔茜便露出灿烂的笑容:“肯定会的。” …… …… Both experiment are very smooth. 两个实验都很顺利。 Cofagrigus Definitely eminent. 这其中,【死神棺】肯定居功至伟。 But it similarly is also one of the beneficiaries. 但它同样也是受益者之一。 Before Josie and 000167 93 - 94 experiment starts, Cofagrigus The mana upper limit then grew 2512 points from 2400. 乔茜和@0001679394@的实验开始之前,【死神棺】的魔力上限便从2400点增长到了2512点。 Now is absorbing two people completely Fire of Underworld After his mana upper limit then rose more than 500 points fiercely, now already broke through 3000 checkpoints, reached 3051 points! 如今在完全吸收了两个人的【冥界之火】后,他的魔力上限便猛地蹿升了500余点,如今已经突破了3000的关卡,达到了3051点! This value regarding Six Stars Magic Fairy, can only just exceeded top value theoretically. 这个数值对于一只六星魔导精灵而言,只能算是刚刚超过理论上的顶尖数值。 But this, starts merely! 但这,仅仅是开始! In Duke's Mansion also over a hundred have Fire of Underworld Battle Maid, moreover after this experiment successful report transmission, this quantity will definitely also continue to grow in the past. 公爵府内还有上百个持有【冥界之火】的战斗女仆,而且在这次实验成功的报告传达过去之后,这个数量肯定还会继续增长。 Even if can only provide 200 mana upper limits to calculate by each Battle Maid, is still the entire 20000 points increase! 就算以每个战斗女仆只能提供200点魔力上限来计算,也是整整20000点的涨幅! Is this Cofagrigus The absorption efficiency was somewhat slow, does not know, as the continued growth of mana, the absorption rate can grow? 就是这【死神棺】的吸收效率有些慢了,也不知道随着魔力的持续增长,吸收速度会不会有所增长? Otherwise, according to one week two people calculates, wants to recruit 100 individuals, takes 50 weeks. 否则的话,按照一周两个人来计算,想要吸收一百个人,就需要五十周。 50 weeks, are 350 days, entire one year! 五十周,就是三百五十天,整整一年! Yeah. 哎。 Does one year grow 20000 mana upper limits? 一年增长20000点魔力上限? Slow slowly! 慢就慢点吧! Darke no longer considers thoroughly, sets one's mind at ease written final experiment to summarize and report. 达克不再多虑,沉下心来书写最后的实验总结与报告。 …… …… 1 : 00 pm. 中午 1 点。 Darke is appropriate all processing. 达克将一切处理妥当。 Josie and 000167 93 - 94 also already fully restores. 乔茜和@0001679394@也已经完全恢复。 Three people discussed slightly, then prepares to go to Traveller Street instantly, to inform Claire Kate this good news. 三人稍微商量,便准备即刻前往旅人街,将这个好消息告知克莱尔·凯特 „The words that now informs perhaps, tomorrow's this time, can see the new sisters.” “现在通知的话,说不定明天的这个时候,就能看到新的姐妹了。” 000167 93 - 94 is saying grinningly, then puts down the books in hand. @0001679394@笑嘻嘻的说着,便将手中的书籍放下。 In her eye brings not to abandon slightly. 她的眼中带着稍许不舍。 The books in hand also borrow from Library. 手中的书籍也是从图书馆内借来的。 If will have the new sisters arrival tomorrow, she and Josie also arrived at this/should departure time. 如果明天有新的姐妹到来,她和乔茜也就到了该离开的时候了。 The book that these borrow also needs to return. 这些借来的书也都需要返还。 However she is not regrettable. 不过她并不遗憾。 Everyone has the suitable own life. 每个人都有适合自己的生活。
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