TVYMJWTLLBL :: Volume #7

#691 Part 1: 【Day 1.9 w asked monthly ticket】 Darke Dymon Underworld Fire Project

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Aristocratic Academy tower block, 301 bedrooms. 贵族院塔楼,301寝室。 Darke completed right Lust - Moon Final experiment, confirmation Dreepy In Lust - Moon Under the function, truly evolves into became Six Stars Drakloak. 达克完成了对【极乐·月】的最后实验,确认了【多龙梅西亚】在【极乐·月】的作用下,确实进化成了六星的【多龙奇】。 Card Name: Drakloak 卡名:多龙奇 Type: Fairy Card 类型:精灵卡 Grade: ✪✪✪✪✪✪ 等级:✪✪✪✪✪✪ Race: Dragon Species 种族:龙种 Attribute: Dragon Type / Ghost Type 属性:龙系/幽灵系 mana: 2400 魔力:2400】 Attack: 3100 攻击:3100】 Defense: 1900 防御:1900】 一秒记住biqiuducom Certain Kill Skill: Dragon Pulse, Phantom Force, Protect and round 必杀技:龙之波动潜灵奇袭守住、轮唱】 Six Stars Drakloak Compared with Five Stars, has the big increase on attribute value merely, the Attack strength is most prominent, Defense is the athletic event in which one is weak. 六星的【多龙奇】和五星相比,仅仅是在三围属性上有较大增幅,其中攻击力最为突出,防御则是弱项。 But four Certain Kill Skill, then slightly has not changed. 而四个必杀技,则丝毫没变。 But these four Certain Kill Skill already perfectly keep in line with his wish, therefore Darke is satisfied. 但这四个必杀技已经非常的符合他的心意,因此达克还算满意。 In addition, Lust - Moon To Three Stars Fantasy Beast: Ditto The effect, and 【Lust】 is almost same, can only cause its promotion to Six Stars. 除此之外,【极乐·月】对三星的【魔幻兽:百变怪】的效果,和【极乐】是几乎一样的,都只能使其提升至六星 Moreover, Moon God's Soul Great Sins Armament shape, does not have, because Lust - Moon But obtains the addition. 另外,【月神之魂】的大罪武装形态,也没有因为【极乐·月】而获得加成。 Expectation of Lust( Great Sins Armament)】 The effect is constant, but is applicable to the large-scale campaign. 极乐的憧憬(大罪武装)】的效果非常恒定,但更适用于大规模的战役。 Can let weapon invalid and Armament of almost all opponents disintegrate the effect, in function very terrifying that in War can play. 能让几乎所有对手的武器都无效化、武装都解体化的效果,在战争中能起到的作用非常之恐怖。 That night, Darke slowed down the rhythm, spared the time of relaxation to the brain and body, passed a happy night with Magic Fairies together. 当天晚上,达克放慢节奏,给大脑与身体都腾出了放松的时间,与魔导精灵们一起度过了一个愉快的夜晚。 After Saturday Sun raises as usual, he packs the thing, goes to Teacher's Dormitory directly. 当星期六的太阳照常升起之后,他才收拾东西,径直前往教师宿舍 In the past he after getting out of bed Cofagrigus Summon comes out, makes it go to Teacher's Dormitory again, today somewhat is different. 以往他都是在起床后将【死神棺召唤出来,再让它自己前往教师宿舍,今天则有些不同。 Because now crosses six points, outdoor temperature is extremely low, in the Castle corner already presents the frost, only has the garden that the four seasons often opens to show the physique in the cold wind as before. 由于才刚过六点,室外的气温极低,城堡的边角上已经出现霜冻,唯有四季常开的花园依旧在冷风中彰显身姿。 In the air is fluttering Healing Flower Light fragrant, making person Spirit be restored slightly. 空气中飘着【治愈之花】的淡淡芳香,让人精神得到稍微恢复。 Darke enters classroom Dormitory, in a while then comes to front of the bedroom that Claire left behind, then puts out a hand to knock on a door. 达克走进教室宿舍,没过多久便来到了克莱尔留下的寝室面前,而后便伸手敲门。 Thump thump thump.” “咚咚咚。” The door is sound-insulated, cannot hear inside sound. 房门隔音良好,听不到里面的声音。 But only separates for a half minute, then some people open the door from the interior. 但仅隔半分钟,便有人从内部开门。 Eve that already is ready and waiting saw Young Master that presents in the entrance, shows the sweet happy expression. 已经整装待发的伊芙看到了出现在门口的少爷,不由露出甜甜的笑意。 „Is Young Master, so how early today?” 少爷,今天怎么这么早?” experiment concludes, do you want to take a look?” 实验收尾,你要不要看看?” "No thank you." “不了。” Eve shakes the head hastily. 伊芙连忙摇头。 The sale of Duel Simulation plate and playing card still in next, she must return to the shop Young Master Flower Card Sells out completely. 模拟决斗盘和卡牌的销售还在其次,她得回店里将少爷的【花牌】全部卖掉。 Darke smiles, said: That informs your result when the time comes again.” 达克笑了笑,说道:“那到时候再通知你结果吧。” Un.” Eve makes an effort to nod, the access road/simply said, Young Master, did the food eat?” “嗯。”伊芙用力点头,便道,“少爷,饭吃了吗?” Also no.” Darke said, I am thinking you should not eat, is thinking the same place.” “还没呢。”达克说道,“我想着你们应该也没吃,便想着一起。” Eve then said hastily: My this goes to call 000167 93 - 94.” 伊芙便连忙道:“那我这就去把@0001679394@叫起来。” For today conclusion experiment, 000167 93 - 94 and Josie made up a sleep/felt especially. 为了今天白天的收尾实验,@0001679394@和乔茜特地补了个觉。 Because has rested during the daytime reason, they rested late. 但因为白天睡过的原因,她们睡得晚了一些。 Before Darke arrives at the sofa, sits down at will, thinks must wait longer, without thinking is less than ten minutes, 000167 93 - 94 and Josie then already prepares to complete. 达克走到沙发前,随意坐下,原本以为要等得更久一些,没想到不到十分钟,@0001679394@和乔茜便都已经准备完成。 Darke looks at an appearance of their bright eyes and white teeth, thinks in Girls also to have speed Star Player, then said: Recently, what untoward effect had?” 达克看着她们一副明眸皓齿的模样,心想着女生之中也有速度选手,便说道:“最近,有没有什么不良反应?” 000167 93 - 94 shakes the head, somewhat regrettable saying: Accidental/Surprised does not have.” @0001679394@摇摇头,有些遗憾的说道:“意外的没有。” This week later, she only felt Cofagrigus Completely yes Fire of Underworld The difficult adversary, that is hard to tame Fire of Underworld, In Cofagrigus The front looks like pure food, the consciousness of as if even revolting against cannot live. 这一个星期下来,她只觉得【死神棺】完全是【冥界之火】的克星,那朵难以驯服的【冥界之火】,在【死神棺】的面前就像是单纯的食物,似乎连反抗的意识都生不出来。 Her one entire week has not caught to find the Young Master troublesome opportunity. 以至于,她一整个星期都没逮到去找少爷麻烦的机会。 Irritated 000167 93 - 94! 气死@0001679394@了! Josie then also echoes saying: Feeling is good, to be honest, falls asleep in that very fragrant.” 乔茜便也附和道:“感觉不错,说实话,在那里面睡着挺香的。” Darke nods, said: „Does that first have the breakfast?” 达克点点头,说道:“那先去吃早餐?” …… …… Cafeteria that six points raise one's head very lonely, only sees several getting up early Professor and students vaguely. 六点出头的食堂非常的冷清,只依稀见到几个早起的教授和学生。 The master and servant four people encircle one table, dines, while talked in a low voice, the atmosphere was harmonious. 主仆四人围成一桌,一边就餐,一边低声交谈,气氛和睦。 After the food , when leaves, Josie and 000167 93 - 94 yearns for slightly obviously. 等到饭后离开时,乔茜和@0001679394@都稍显留恋。 If the situation is smooth, today was final experiment, perhaps they can also stay tomorrow again for day, but later should leave in Academy. 如果情况顺利的话,今天就是最后的实验了,她们明天或许还能再呆一天,但之后就该离开学院里。 Although the life of St. Marian Academy looks like in students, slightly obviously arid, but regarding has not had them of Academy experience, is fresh and comfortable. 圣玛丽安学院的生活虽然在学生们自己看来,稍显枯燥,但对于并未有过学院经历的她们而言,却是非常的新鲜和舒适。 In two people, Josie, although strictly adheres to the custom, only moves around Castle, but 000167 93 - 94 is even Underground City and jungle has gone quietly, obtained very good experience. 两人之中,乔茜虽然谨守规矩,只在城堡周围活动,但@0001679394@却是连地下城和密林都有悄悄去过,获得了非常不错的体验。 What a pity such day must end immediately. 可惜这样的日子马上就要结束了。 Brings as if vacation was ending regret, two people followed Young Master to return to Teacher's Dormitory. 带着仿佛“假期结束”的遗憾,两人跟着少爷返回了教师宿舍 Starts.” “开始吧。” Darke patted clapping, adopts the old method Cofagrigus Summon. 达克拍了拍手,通过老方法将【死神棺召唤了出来。 Dyce!” “戴斯!” Cofagrigus Sees 000167 93 - 94 and Josie, then shows the exciting expression. 死神棺】一看到@0001679394@和乔茜,便露出兴奋表情。 000167 93 - 94 and Josie in its eye, look like the free meal ticket, is the meal ticket of that type of upscale hotel, special that they provide Fire of Underworld, Really is hundred eats does not tire. @0001679394@和乔茜在它的眼中,就像是免费的饭票,还是那种高档酒店的饭票,她们提供的特色菜冥界之火】,真是百吃不厌。 But this meal ticket, must not have immediately. 但这饭票,马上就要没了。 Thinks of here, Cofagrigus Somewhat is sad. 一想到这里,【死神棺】就有些伤心。 But it carries out making merry while one can, quick is also happy. 但它奉行“及时行乐”,很快就又开心起来。 Who first?” “谁先?” Darke looks to two maids, makes noise to ask. 达克看向两位女仆,出声问道。 000167 93 - 94 and Josie looked at each other one mutually. @0001679394@和乔茜相互对视了一眼。 These raises hand to say by 000167 93 - 94 time: I first.” 这一次则是由@0001679394@举手道:“我先吧。” Josie had not opposed. 乔茜没有反对。 After all 000167 93 - 94 is truly more sensitive than her, feels ability strongly is not a tiny bit. 毕竟@0001679394@确实比她敏感,感受能力强的也不是一点半点。 That first starts from 000167 93 - 94.” Darke nods, is right Cofagrigus Said, „should not be eager for quick success and immediate gain, today must be earnest, I do not want to notice that has the accident/surprise to happen.” “那就先从@0001679394@开始。”达克点点头,转而对【死神棺】说道,“别急功近利,今天务必认真,我不想看到有意外发生。” His few such serious times, therefore enforces somewhat to be then scary suddenly. 他很少有这么严肃的时候,因此忽然严肃起来便有些骇人。 Cofagrigus Immediately receives hee hee the haha mentality, becomes earnest. 死神棺】立刻收起了嘻嘻哈哈的心态,变得认真起来。 Then it the little darling in the rooms lies down, a young girl appearance four hands according to belly. 然后它在房间中间乖乖躺下,一副少女模样的将四只手按在肚子上。 Un, it according to covered in the coffin the hand! 嗯,它把手按在了棺材盖上! Moves out of the way the hand.” The frontal eminence of Darke emits black lines. “把手挪开一下。”达克的额角冒出黑线 Stands exudes the laughter in nearby 000167 93 - 94. 站在边上的@0001679394@不禁发出笑声。 The atmosphere is gentle immediately. 气氛顿时和缓起来。 When Cofagrigus Opens the own coffin lid on own initiative, 000167 93 - 94 takes off the shoes and socks, strides, then did not lie down awkwardly. 等到【死神棺】主动将自己的棺材盖打开,@0001679394@才脱去鞋袜,跨入其中,然后一点也不尴尬的躺了下去。 Her stature has not fluctuated, after lying down, does not see to rock. 她的身材没有起伏,躺下之后不见晃动。 Darke squats, asked again: Prepared?” 达克蹲下来,再次问道:“准备好了吗?” 000167 93 - 94 winked short time, was saying to the face of Young Master: Prepared.” @0001679394@眨了眨眼,对着少爷的面庞说道:“准备好了。” Then the shadow lowers, Darke Cofagrigus The coffin covers covers slowly. 然后阴影降下,达克将【死神棺】的棺盖缓缓盖上。 As the coffin lid closes up, last luminous also by Devour, the environment instantaneously is also peaceful. 随着棺盖合拢,最后一丝光亮也被吞噬,周围环境也瞬间安静下来。 000167 93 - 94 is opening Eye as before, but has not had any fears intent. @0001679394@依旧睁着眼睛,但并未有任何惧意。 Just like Josie, her within the body Fire of Underworld Also is only left over a very weak point. 乔茜一样,她体内的【冥界之火】也只剩下非常微弱的一点。 But this point Fire of Underworld Then is connecting the Soul root, yes Fire of Underworld Possession at holder body the point of most core. 但这一点【冥界之火】便是连接着灵魂的根,是【冥界之火附身在持有者身上的最核心的点。 All mana, memory and material pass Fire of Underworld, Spreads to the human body from this point. 一切的魔力记忆、物质都是通过【冥界之火】,从这一点传入人体。 But Fire of Underworld The root hair also enters from this point, proliferates Soul and Body. 而【冥界之火】的根须也从这一点进入,遍布灵魂肉体 If failed in Duel Ritual, these root hair then Fire of Underworld Gives the strength as well as related memory of human body wipes out completely, the intravenous drip does not remain. 如若在决斗仪式之中失败,这些根须便会将【冥界之火】赋予人体的力量以及相关记忆全部拔除,点滴不剩。 Now needs to look, yes Cofagrigus Is absorbing this final Fire of Underworld When like sucking in the noodles is ordinary, the one breath sucks in these root hair the entrance completely, and leaves behind the prescription, attracts merely falls into the mouth part, the root hair and prescription stay behind completely, or does also eat completely up the soup? 现在需要看的,就是【死神棺】在吸收这最后的【冥界之火】时,是如同吮吸面条一般,一口气将那些根须全部吮入口中,并将汤头留下,还是仅仅吸掉入口的一部分,连带着根须和汤头全部留下,又或者一口将汤也全部喝光? These three possibilities, then decision Cofagrigus Affects finally! 这三种可能性,便决定了【死神棺】是最终作用! Un…… “嗯…… The familiar feeling raids quickly. 熟悉的感觉很快袭来。 000167 93 - 94 after opening Eye was looking for 34 minutes, finally closes Eye. @0001679394@在睁着眼睛看了三四分钟后,终于还是把眼睛闭上。 Her sensation in this flash, becomes exceptionally keen! 她的感知在这一瞬间,变得异常敏锐! Under From head to toe the change of each corner, mapped in the brain. 浑身上下每一个角落的变化,都映入了脑中。 following, she wanted entire concentrate! 接下来,她要全神贯注了! …… …… But outside. 而在外面。 Darke and Josie sit down in the , patient waiting. 达克乔茜则是在边上坐下,耐心等待。 They also can only wait. 他们也只能等待。 Cofagrigus Although is Darke Magic Fairy, but Darke besides urging it wants carefully, could not do is too many. 死神棺】虽然是达克魔导精灵,但达克除了叮嘱它要仔细之外,也做不了太多。 How much time requires probably?” Darke asked suddenly. “大概要多少时间?”达克忽然问道。 Josie thinks, said: Quickly 1-2 hours, slow…… 34 hours?” 乔茜想了想,说道:“快则1-2小时,慢则……三四个小时?” Can be so long?” Darke deeply inspires, straightened up the chest board. “要这么久吗?”达克深吸了口气,挺直了胸板。 Long standby period instead makes him relax. 较长的等待时间反而让他放松下来。 Other his in fact not too custom person shoulders the risk for own experiment. 他实际上不太习惯别的人为了自己的实验背负风险。 What, did you say Imp? 什么,你说小恶魔 That definitely is not other person. 那肯定不是别的人吧。 Naturally, Pico Devimon is Familiar, same will not easily be destroyed with Magic Fairy, but also endures compared with Magic Fairy, this is Darke cherishes its primary cause. 当然,小恶魔兽使魔,既和魔导精灵一样不会被轻易破坏,还比魔导精灵更加耐受,这才是达克钟爱它的主要原因。 In order to alleviate anxiously, Darke took up a book on table conveniently. 为了缓解紧张,达克随手拿起了桌上的一个本子。 But Josie saw that he puts out a hand to take up that book, suddenly then reveals anxious look, the body obviously was unbending. 乔茜看到他伸手拿起那个本子,突然便露出紧张神色,身体明显僵直了一下。 The Darke corner of the eye split vision glances slightly, then motionless look returned on the book the table, then…… takes up suddenly, opens fast. 达克的眼角余光稍微瞟到,便不动神色的将本子放回了桌上,然后……又突然拿起,快速翻开。 „!” Josie exudes one to sob suddenly. “呜!”乔茜突然发出一声呜咽。 Darke then said curiously: What's wrong?” 达克便好奇道:“怎么了?” No, no.” Josie opens the line of sight slantingly, said. “不,没什么。”乔茜斜开视线,说道。 Oh. Darke nods slightly, then looks down to book that already opens. 哦。达克稍微点头,便低头看向已经翻开的本子。 This is a notebook. 这是一个笔记本。 Darke looks at her to respond, thinks is any private diary, perhaps inside records some ashamed things, but is not. 达克看她反应,原本以为是什么私密的日记本,里面或许记载着一些羞耻的事情,但并不是。 «twelve Hero»? Novel?” “《十二英雄》?小说?” Darke had the interest slightly, continued to read. 达克稍微提起兴致,继续翻看。 This is the small book of writing by hand, although the handwriting is slightly stiff, but the typeface is very small, and arranges unusual is neat, looked unusual has the person characteristics. 这是本手写的小书,虽然字迹略显生硬,但字体很小,并且排列的非常整齐,一看就非常的有个人特色。 But to be honest, he does not like reading the novel of this book title. 但老实说,他并不喜欢看这种书名的小说。 If not writing by hand, he looked mostly a name will not open again. 如果不是手写的话,他多半看一眼名字就不会再翻开。 Does not know that this novel, is who in this room writes? 就是不知道这本小说,是这房间内的谁写的? Idle bored, he also thought so in any case. 反正闲的无聊,他也就这么看了起来。 …… …… After tea time, Darke then roughly knew the subject content of this novel. 盏茶功夫之后,达克便大体知晓了这本小说的主题内容。 The narrative way of novel is slightly immature, but in obviously can see poured into the enthusiasm, that is the writers of many commercialization does not have. 小说的叙事方式略显稚嫩,但明显能够看出里面倾注了热情,那是很多商业化的写手所不具备的。 Josie…… is not right, was the novel author narrated a War epic in this novel. 乔茜……哦不对,是小说作者在这本小说里叙述了一篇战争史诗。 Novel protagonist, is book title «twelve Hero», then obviously takes the hero in reality for the main source two creations. 小说的主角,也就是书名的《十二英雄》,则明显是以现实中的英雄为蓝本进行的二次创作。 Darke almost then recognized female lead is Alvitr Saint Dymon, was present age Valkyrie. 达克几乎一眼便认出了其中的女主角亚尔薇特·圣·迪蒙,也就是当代女武神 But in another 11 heroes, there is a trainer who one and a Claire Kate mold prints. 而另外十一个英雄之中,又有一个和克莱尔·凯特一个模子印出来的驯兽师。 Moreover, a lion beastman soldier, should be Montelfali City Lord. 另外,还有一个狮子兽人战士,应该是蒙蒂尔法莉城主 In brief these heroic shape shapes are astringent, unusual has the characteristics. 总之这些英雄形形涩涩,都非常的有特色。 What a pity this in fact is a heroic biographical novel of group portrait theme, this Type creation difficulty very high of novel, but cannot support by the style of this novel author completely. 可惜这实际上是一本群像题材的英雄传记小说,这种类型的小说的创作难度非常之高,而以这本小说作者的文笔完全不能支撑。 Therefore this «twelve Hero» content then seems slightly disorderly, wants the flavor, since needs from Mala Hotpot fishes the skill of sugar lump. 因此这本《十二英雄》的内容便显得略微杂乱,想要从中品出味道,需要有着从麻辣火锅之中捞起方糖的本事。 emmm…… emmm…… Is good molds well because of «twelve Hero» character, takes the image of acquaintance as the main source, Darke leads into by this, pours also looks with great interest. 好在《十二英雄》的角色塑造得不错,又是以熟人的形象为蓝本,达克以此带入其中,倒还看得津津有味。 Such a looked, looked for about two hours. 这么一看,就看了将近两个小时。 000167 93 - 94 did not have the broken coffin. @0001679394@还没有破棺而出。 …… …… Looked.” “看完了。” Darke closes the book, slightly regretted obviously, then took up hot tea on hand to sip one. 达克将书合上,略显遗憾,然后拿起手边的热茶抿了一口。 In process that he reads, has glanced his Josie then to ask secretly hastily: What kind of? Attractive?” 在他看书的过程之中,一直偷瞟着他的乔茜便连忙问道:“怎么样?好看吗?” Un, but also ok.” Darke gave the appraisal. “嗯,还行。”达克给予了评价。 The rookie author, must encourage. 新人作者嘛,总要鼓励一下的。 Moreover this book, although theme hackneyed stuff, but is telling the story finally earnestly, the good and evil can support him to look. 而且这本书虽然题材老套,但总算是在认真讲故事,好歹能支撑他看完。 Josie heard after the word, then relaxes secretly, then slightly anxious asking: „ What feelings has? I meant, I have also read this book, we can share the impressions of after-reading. 乔茜闻言之后便暗地里松了口气,然后略微紧张的问道:“有什么感想吗?哦,我是说,我也看过这本书,我们可以分享一下读后感。 .” Darke covers to be quiet hastily, Josie as will always not lie. “噗。”达克连忙捂住嘴,乔茜一如既往的不会撒谎。 However he answered the Josie issue very much earnestly: Heroic character molds well, is the plot content seems somewhat heterogeneous, you should shave some minor details, ahead of time decides a main body, creates regarding this main body again.” 不过他还是很认真的回答了乔茜的问题:“英雄角色塑造得不错,就是剧情内容显得有些驳杂,你应该将一些细枝末节剃掉,提前定一个主体,再围绕这个主体进行创作。” „, Is this?” Josie said subconsciously, I with 000167 93 - 94 looked, she always says I write does not have the intelligence, the character mold does not have Soul, absolutely does not have own thing……, this is 000167 93 - 94 writes!” “诶,是这样吗?”乔茜下意识说道,“我拿给@0001679394@看的,她总是说我写的没有灵性,角色塑造也没有灵魂,完全没有自己的东西……啊,这是@0001679394@写的!” Darke expressed funnily. 达克表示滑稽。 But next quarter, Cofagrigus The interior sends out unusual aura suddenly. 但下一刻,【死神棺】的内部突然散发出一丝异常的气息 He with rapt attention, looks up suddenly, then sees Cofagrigus body emitted illusory Gray Flame. 他猛然凝神,抬头看去,便看到【死神棺】的身上冒出了虚幻的灰色火焰 That is similar to Fire of Underworld The flame emits unceasingly, and there are more burns a fiercer trend. 那如同【冥界之火】的火焰不断冒出,且有越燃越烈的趋势。 aura from Underworld, quietly overflow. 来自冥界气息,悄然溢出。 However besides this Gray Flame, Cofagrigus Still tranquil. 然而除了这灰色火焰之外,【死神棺】依旧很平静。 It lies low in the place, motionless. 它平躺在地,一动不动。 Inside 000167 93 - 94 also has nothing to strike the action that the coffin covers. 里面的@0001679394@也没有任何敲打棺盖的举动。 But as Mage, Darke can feel as before Cofagrigus mana is draining rapidly. 但作为魔导师,达克依旧能感觉到【死神棺】的魔力在急速流失。 By critical moment!” “到关键时刻了!” Darke hastily Cofagrigus Magic Card extracts, by way that the finger touches , to continue and gentle injection mana. 达克连忙将【死神棺】的魔导卡抽出,以手指触碰的方式,持续而平缓的注入魔力 Until now, he Magic Card personal laying aside, mana that so injects, although are less, but also enough Magic Fairy needs daily. 一直以来,他都只是将魔导卡贴身放置,如此注入的魔力虽然更少一些,但也足够魔导精灵的日常所需。 So long as the quantity are not many, he can provide mana. 只要数量不多的话,他能一直提供魔力 But now arrives at the need poured into mana quickly the time obviously. 但现在显然到了需要更快注入魔力的时候。 He walks up, is as far as possible close, making the efficiency that mana transmits higher. 他走上前去,尽量贴近,让魔力传输的效率变得更高。 But Josie also walked, look tight looks Cofagrigus. 乔茜也走了过来,神色紧绷的看着【死神棺】。 …… …… Roughly after two minutes . 约莫两分钟之后。 Cofagrigus Suddenly moved. 死神棺】突然动弹了一下。 Its body illusory flame then rises against the wind, unexpectedly is the instantaneous direct impact zenith, drags crazily. 身上的虚幻火焰便迎风而涨,竟是瞬间直冲天顶,疯狂摇曳。 This flame does not have the temperature, will not light, but that bad people running wild contour makes people intense. 这火焰没有温度,不会点燃,但那群魔乱舞般的外形却让人不禁紧张。 Darke and Josie hold the breath to stare, motionless. 达克乔茜都屏息凝视,一动不动。 The indoor is much more peaceful. 室内安静得可怕。 But has two minutes after again, Cofagrigus The interior then transmits a loud sound suddenly, then the coffin covers is then hammered to start fiercely. 但再有两分钟后,【死神棺】的内部便突然传来一声巨响,而后棺盖便猛地被锤开。 Lies down is similar to sudden rising generally straight sitting up in inside 000167 93 - 94, both eyes stare is staring at the front. 躺在里面的@0001679394@便如同诈尸一般直挺挺的坐起,双目直勾勾的盯着前方。 Darke bends down to ask hastily: What kind of?” 达克连忙俯身问道:“怎么样?” 000167 93 - 94 hears the sound, is almost irritability turning the head. @0001679394@听到声音,几乎是应激性的转过头。 Then Darke then saw some familiar things from her eye. 然后达克便从她的眼中看到了一些熟悉的东西。 Instant, Darke then understood 000167 93 - 94 condition at this moment. 瞬时之间,达克便理解了@0001679394@此刻的状态。 He acts extremely quickly is backward supine, tries to spread out with this time 000167 93 - 94. 他动作极快的向后仰去,试图与此时的@0001679394@拉开距离。 But 000167 93 - 94 as House of Scorpio The outstanding person in Battle Maid, how not possible to be practiced a summer vacation person to exceed by his merely. 但@0001679394@身为【天蝎宫战斗女仆之中的佼佼者,如何也不可能被他这个仅仅练了一个暑假的人超越。 Darke then only thinks that at present a flower, finally exposes the true skill before him 000167 93 - 94 is swift and violent incomparable threw. 达克便只觉眼前一花,终于在他面前展露出真正本事的@0001679394@便是迅猛无比的扑了上来。 Previous quarter, 000167 93 - 94 also straight sitting in coffin. 上一刻,@0001679394@还直挺挺的坐在棺材里。 The next quarter, 000167 93 - 94 already sat in Young Master body. 下一刻,@0001679394@已经坐在了少爷身上 Darke sets out suddenly, she is similar to the koala to hang in his body generally, the entire body sends out the extremely high heat degree. 达克骤然起身,她便如同树袋熊一般挂在他的身上,整个身体散发出极高的热度。 Darke is unable to work loose at the same time, another convenience also feared that the wound to her, then only opens the hand, whatever she makes an effort toward own bosom extrusion. 达克一方面无法挣脱,另一方便也怕伤到她,便只张开手,任由她用力的往自己的怀里挤压。 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” Asking that he worries about. 他非常担忧的问道。 Dyce ~ “戴斯~” Cofagrigus Closes the coffin lid slowly, standing up that then sways, is an alcoholic intoxication appearance, the pink Body flood light, is sending out 【Lust】 aura slightly outward. 死神棺】缓缓合上棺盖,而后摇摇晃晃的站起,也是一副醉酒模样,粉红色的身躯微微泛光,往外散发着【极乐】气息 It is 【Lust】 Magic Fairy, sending out 【Lust】 aura is not strange. 它是【极乐】魔导精灵,散发【极乐】气息并不奇怪。 But 000167 93 - 94 body, is actually also sending out same aura! 但@0001679394@的身上,却也散发着同样的气息 But Cofagrigus Shortly after was just born, but also without accepting baby of education, how can also answer such abstruse issue? 可【死神棺】一个刚刚诞生不久,还没有接受过教育的宝宝,又如何能回答这么艰深的问题? Instead stands in Darke Josie after seeing this situation, saying of making excuses: Possibly, probably and perhaps, is did desire that because accumulates erupt?” 反而是站在达克身边的乔茜在看到这幅情况之后,支支吾吾的说道:“可能、大概、或许,是因为积累的谷欠望爆发了?” What desire?” Darke knits the brows to ask. “什么谷欠望?”达克皱眉问道。 Only such a while, 000167 93 - 94 already crawled from his waist his chest, and peak the nose is rubbing toward his neck on. 仅这么一会儿,@0001679394@已经从他的腰间爬到了他的胸口,并耸着鼻子往他的脖子上蹭。
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