TVYMJWTLLBL :: Volume #7

#690 Part 3: Chapter 690 【1.2 w asked ticket】 Darke Dymon maps out strategic plans in an army tent

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Three experiment goals that Darke drew up initially, in which first already is completes. 达克当初拟定的三个实验目标,其中的第一个已经算是完成。 But second and experiment result of third goal, will come out within the following two day. 而第二和第三个目标的实验结果,也会在接下来的两天之内出来。 Considering the two days must observe Flower Card The initiated change, before Darke gave up decisively, before ten January finished enters Secret Passage again a plan of time. 考虑到这两天还要观察【花牌】引发的变化,达克果断放弃了之前在十一月结束之前再进一次密道的计划。 The so-called plan cannot keep up with the change, he can only postpone the plan that Secret Passage explores to ten February. 所谓计划赶不上变化,他只能将密道探险的计划推迟到十二月份 …… …… Flower Card The sale continues to increase. 花牌】的销售持续增加。 These days fermentation accumulated the good reputation for it, many students are waiting for opening of Traveller Street. 这段时间的发酵为它积累了良好的口碑,很多学生都在等待着旅人街的开启。 Listened to Eve saying that opened the door from the twelve point to two points is the most fiery time, Darke misses exactly. 伊芙说,从十二点开门到两点之间是最火热的时间段,达克恰好错过。 The flooding into shop that the students rush to be first, chooses excitedly is admiring the variety Flower Card. 学生们争先恐后的涌入店铺,兴奋的挑选着心仪花色的【花牌】。 It is not good at dealing with Josie of this matter to be thrown into confusion, but also almost makes the joke. 并不擅长应付这种事情的乔茜手忙脚乱,还差点闹出笑话。 Nowadays, slick 000167 93 - 94 took over the work of Josie, then coordinates Eve to handle in good order the shop front. 现如今,八面玲珑的@0001679394@接手了乔茜的工作,便配合伊芙将店面打理得井井有条。 Darke has not disturbed their work, after knowing the special details then started the shopping in plan. 达克没有打扰她们的工作,在了解了具体情况之后便开始了计划之中的购物。 He consumed a lot of basic materials in this week experiment, all the things of lacking need to stock up. 他在这个星期的实验中耗费了大量的基础材料,所有缺少的东西都需要添购。 As Moon God's Version of Lust Increase, he is also considering to continue refining, therefore then needs to purchase the corresponding basic material and auxiliary material. 而且随着【月神版极乐】的增多,他也在考虑继续炼成,因此便需要购买相应的基础材料以及辅助素材。 Moreover, because this week on Sunday on already is the twelve moon/month first day, if he will want to try refining in the next week Magikarp Gyarados, Also needs to purchase the supplementary material ahead of time. 另外,由于这个星期的周日就已经十二月的第一天,他如果想要在下个星期之间尝试炼成鲤鱼王】或者【暴鲤龙】,也需要提前购买辅料。 Magikarp Is pure water Attribute Magic Fairy. 鲤鱼王】是纯水属性魔导精灵 Gyarados Actually is water + Flying Type. 暴鲤龙】却是水+飞行系 Gyarados Mega Evolved Form is water + Dark Type. 暴鲤龙】的超级进化形态则是水+恶系 Therefore in conducts refining to it, but also needs to consider to increase the Flying Type material and Dark Type material, can a result more precise guidance they. 因此在对其进行炼成之时,还需要考虑添加飞行系的素材和恶系的素材,才能将结果更精确的导向它们。 However Darke regarding Magikarp With Gyarados The favor mainly stems from the mood. 不过达克对于【鲤鱼王】和【暴鲤龙】的亲睐主要是出自于情怀。 They under the situation, true refining, still can only be the single card that has not carried continually to join Card Deck immediately even, strengthens not greatly to Card Deck. 它们在当下情况之下,就算真正炼成,也只能作为没有连携的单卡加入卡组,对卡组增强不大。 Therefore about their refining, in fact does not need to worry. 所以关于它们的炼成,实际上并不用着急。 Currently speaking, can only say that first strolls, look. 目前来看,只能说是先逛一逛,看一看。 He also learns to stroll the stall now. 他如今也学会了逛摊位。 senior student place the street to set up a stall the sales in the material to really have some high qualities, he discovered occasionally will also purchase the interim. 高年级生们放在街边摆摊销售的材料之中着实有一些高品质的,他偶尔发现也会购买暂存。 …… …… The time of shopping is always short. 购物的时间总是非常短暂。 When Darke awakes the god has come, horizon already appears like burning down the common sunset glow. 达克醒过神来时,天边已经浮现出了如同火烧一般的晚霞。 He chooses food pack from Dining Hall, brought in the shop and Eve and 000167 93 - 94 ate one together simple and not the brief dinner, and examined a sales figure while convenient. 他从餐厅里挑选食物打包,带到了店里与伊芙、@0001679394@一起吃了一顿简单而不简约的晚餐,并顺便查看了一下销售情况。 The sales figure, is gratifying. 销售情况,非常喜人。 But Eve when mentioning is actually frowning: Sells truly quickly, but seems like, because to the purchase number of everyone the reason that conducted the definition, instead stimulated the expense. Basically all purchased altogether three Magic Fairy Card from noon to the present customer. Moreover does not know that is who disclosed that their already knows probably our Flower Card Is the limit product, after the clearance , will then suspend selling.” 伊芙在提到时却皱着眉头:“卖得确实很快,但似乎是因为对每个人的购买数量进行了限定的原因,反而刺激了消费。基本上从中午到现在的客户全都购买了一共三张的魔导精灵卡。而且不知是谁透露的,他们大概已经知道我们的【花牌】是限量产品,清仓之后便会暂停销售。” His such saying, Darke then subconscious looking to maid 000167 93 - 94. 他这么一说,达克便下意识的瞧向了女仆@0001679394@。 000167 93 - 94 shuts tightly the lips immediately, makes an effort to shake the head, refutes: 000167 93 - 94 is not the big mouth!” @0001679394@立刻紧闭双唇,用力摇头,反驳道:“@0001679394@可不是大嘴巴!” Also yes.” Darke nods. “也是。”达克点了点头。 Although 000167 93 - 94 looks to seem like an appearance of big mouth, but the actual upper body is House of Scorpio Battle Maid, she has had the specialized training, the mouth very tight. @0001679394@虽然看着像是一幅大嘴巴的模样,但实际上身为【天蝎宫】的战斗女仆,她有过专门训练,嘴巴非常的紧。 As the matter stands, disclosed that the information person then can only be Eve or not here Josie. 这样一来,透露信息的人便只能是伊芙或者并不在此处的乔茜了。 Should.” Darke rubbed the forehead. “应该是了。”达克不由揉了揉眉心。 Is opposite with 000167 93 - 94, Josie is completely a keeping one's mouth shut appearance. 和@0001679394@相反,乔茜完全是一副守口如瓶的样子。 But she must really disclose the information, perhaps could not realize including oneself. 但她要真泄露出信息,恐怕连自己都意识不到。 Perhaps, that is House of Scorpio Maid and Leo The difference of maid. 或许,这就是【天蝎宫】女仆和【狮子座】女仆的差别吧。 This is the good deed.” Darke superficial saying. “不过这是好事。”达克轻描淡写的说道。 The after news of limit supply spreads, comes to rush to purchase Flower Card The person will be only more. 限量供应的消息传出之后,前来抢购【花牌】的人只会更多。 3000 Flower Card, According to everyone three purchases, is 1000 people. 三千张【花牌】,按照每人三张购买,就是一千人。 Considering that in Sixth Year Student has many people is not in Castle, these 1000 people of preparations definitely have more than enough to spare. 考虑到六年级生中有不少人不在城堡内,这一千人的预备肯定是绰绰有余。 If in the student some people intend to collect Flower Card, Will perhaps also ask others to replace the purchase. 如果学生之中有人有意收集【花牌】,或许还会拜托其他人代替购买。 Naturally these are not the misdemeanors. 当然这些都不算坏事。 Originally every Flower Card It is not realistic, the way of if with Academy providing Flower Card Provides in the hand of everyone, that belongs to disfigure, is easy to create the reverse psychology, causes Flower Card The effect reduces. 原本人手一张【花牌】就不现实,如果用学院发放的方式将【花牌】发放到每一个人的手中,那就属于破相,容易造成逆反心理,使得【花牌】效果降低。 Therefore his goal from the beginning is only as far as possible Flower Card Minute to the hand of everyone. 因此他的目的一开始就只是尽可能的将【花牌】分到每一个人的手中。 According to the present sales heat degree, if all smooth, this weekend finished basically can achieve this small target. 按照现在的销售热度来看,如果一切顺利的话,这周末结束基本上就能实现这个小目标。 When the time comes, first let alone he whether to harvest many Moon God's Version of Lust, Hides Academy Breeder Very may also give oneself away. 到时候,先别说他能否从中收割到多少的【月神版极乐】,藏身学院的【培育者】很可能也会露出马脚。 According to Prophecy that Professor Medea makes, they need to go through the ups and downs to unearth the truth at this matter. 按照米蒂亚教授作出的预言,他们需要在这件事上几经曲折才能挖掘出真相。 Trace that then most starts, should come out. 那么最开始的痕迹,也该出来了。 He has a premonition, perhaps passes Flower Card Found the plan of initial goal really to succeed. 他有种预感,或许通过【花牌】来找到初期目标的计划真能成功。 …… …… After 10 : 00 pm, Josie, since Cofagrigus In the coffin opens Eye, then shoves open the coffin lid like Vampire generally, turns over/stands up to sit up. 当天晚上十点过后,乔茜从【死神棺】的棺材之中睁开眼睛,便是如同吸血鬼一般推开棺盖,翻身坐起。 Because before resting, in coffin small roadside shop bedding, therefore this sleep/felt rests is comfortable. 由于睡前在棺材里铺了被褥,因此她这一觉睡得还算舒坦。 After she sets out, then routine in regards itself, examination Fire of Underworld Situation. 她起身之后便习惯性的内视自身,查看【冥界之火】的情况。 This about a week later, her within the body Fire of Underworld already quilt Cofagrigus Absorbed overwhelming majority, yesterday then was only left over small flame. 这将近一个星期下来,她体内的【冥界之火已经被【死神棺】吸收了绝大部分,昨日便只剩下一朵小小的火苗。 Today in Cofagrigus After within the body lay down for eight hours, that small flame was then weaker. 今天又在【死神棺】的体内躺了八个小时之后,那朵小小的火苗便更加微弱了。 She knows that the final time will soon approach. 她知道最后的时刻即将来临。 Finally surplus Fire of Underworld Perhaps, only needs 1-2 hours, can the quilt Cofagrigus Nibbles cleanly. 最后剩余的【冥界之火】,恐怕只需要1-2小时,就会被【死神棺】蚕食干净。 But the experiment final outcome will also appear after that! 实验的最终结果也会在那之后出现! If the experiment failure, she depends upon Fire of Underworld mana and must come will then vanish with it related memory that thoroughly. 如果实验失败,她依靠【冥界之火】得来的魔力和与之相关的记忆便会彻底消失。 That definitely is not a good deed. 那肯定不是一件好事。 What kind of?” 000167 93 - 94 licked milk shake, spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “怎么样了?”@0001679394@舔了一口奶昔,随口问道。 Josie said: Tomorrow can inform Young Master, should conduct final experiment.” 乔茜说道:“明天可以通知少爷,该进行最后的实验了。” …… …… …… …… 1.2 w!】 【1.2w!】 【In 2021 last day, does the brothers monthly ticket have has also has? Did not throw expired.】 【2021年最后一天了,兄弟们月票还有吗还有吗还有吗?再不投就过期了嗷。】 Enters the cat to stand from June 2020 26 fortunately arrives at the present, from the rookie to the year first, I wants to have a complete result in this last month, first made the ending by the bus permit's, can give me the monthly ticket? Áo wū. Orz 【从2020年6月26凑巧进入猫站一路走到现在,从新人第一到年度第一,我很想在这最后一个月里有个圆满的结局,以月票第一做结尾,能把月票给我吗?嗷呜。Orz】 Was too tired, I first rested, wakes up continues to write again.】 【太累了,我先睡了,醒来再继续写。】 【Before 6 : 00 am , renews 19,000.】 【明早六点之前更新一万九。】
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