TVYMJWTLLBL :: Volume #7

#690 Part 2: Chapter 690 【1.2 w asked ticket】 Darke Dymon maps out strategic plans in an army tent

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Shadow demon, Pledges to fight to the death the attack!” “【阴影魔】,誓死进攻!” The final order sends out, Stewart Forn then controls Magic Ball to dodge full power. 最后的命令发出,斯图尔特·福恩便全力操控魔导球进行闪躲。 He has not drawn in the upper air Magic Ball, the sky is the Flying Type home game, regardless of he is how impossible to avoid Hawlucha Chasing down. 他并未将魔导球拉上高空,天空是飞行系的主场,他无论如何也不可能躲开【摔角鹰人】的追杀。 Blue Side Magic Ball flew into under its control Shadow Grave In the labyrinth, depends upon the limit to shift and pull, with Hawlucha Socializes unceasingly, successful striving to the opportunity of respite. 蓝方魔导球在它的操控之下飞入了【暗影之墓】的迷宫之中,依靠着极限转向、拉扯,与【摔角鹰人】不断周旋,成功的争取到了喘息之机。 But Shadow demon After having been ordered then immediately to Blue-Eyes Young Dragon Starts Attack that fierce did not fear then, it really died! 而【阴影魔】在得到命令之后便立刻对着【青眼幼龙】发动了悍不畏死的攻击然后,它就真的死了! Blue-Eyes Young Dragon Also retrieves a pure brightness after the severe wound, turned into Dragon Egg at the scene. 青眼幼龙】也在重伤之后寻回一丝清明,当场变成了龙蛋 The entire relatively chaotic situation stops, already very pure brightness. 整个相对混乱的局势到此为止,已经非常清明。 Stands in the Darke angle of view, the point that Stewart Forn has not completed is only, he has not ordered Shadow demon Goes to that quilt Mean Look Nails fast Ghost King Within the Pot At the scene kill. 站在达克的视角上,斯图尔特·福恩唯一没有做好的点在于,他没有命令【阴影魔】去将那被【黑色目光】钉住的【壶中鬼王】当场击杀 This extremely callous approach, in fact can let the benefit maximization. 这种极为冷酷的做法,实际上才能让效益最大化。 But Stewart Forn has not done that eventually. 斯图尔特·福恩终究是没有这么做。 This point awards marks Darke here very in a big way. 这一点在达克这里加分很大。 However will not affect Duel on the sense of matter. 然而对人对事的感官并不会影响到决斗 Darke has nothing to keep the hand, held up 【Pride】 at the scene. 达克没有任何留手,当场举起了【傲慢】 Prepared? Tailmon.” “准备好了吗?迪路兽。” He said gently, then chants Ordinary Summoning Spell fast. 他轻轻说了一句,便快速咏唱通常召唤术 With the name of Darke Dymon, Magic Summon 【Pride】!” “以达克·迪蒙之名,魔导召唤【傲慢】!” The magnificent light scatters Shady. 辉煌之光驱散黑幕 Then dissipates the spread to thin Shady of Red Side half area thoroughly. 蔓延至红方半区的稀薄黑幕便彻底消散。 Tailmon Stands in 【Pride】 condenses under the light beam that becomes, the Body four limbs elongate fast, turn into the human form of high selecting. 迪路兽】站在【傲慢】凝聚而成的光柱之下,身躯四肢都快速拉长,变成了高挑的人形。 As six snow white wings give birth from its back, but Sacred pure Angel aura is fills the air. 随着六只雪白羽翼从其背后生出,神圣而纯洁的天使气息便是弥漫开来。 Unexpectedly is Angel Species!” “竟然是天使种!” Angel and devil are the innate opposites. 天使与恶魔是天生的对立面。 Receives people who the church culture gradually influences, innate is embracing to the respect and to devil the dislike of Angel. 受到教会文化熏染的人们,天生怀抱着对天使的敬仰与对恶魔的厌恶。 The first witness Tailmon evolves into, making on these powders the Darke audience feel incomparably excitedly. 第一次目睹【迪路兽】的进化,让那些粉上达克的观众感到无比激动。 But Tailmon Perhaps the painted eggshell model, wanted best-selling some time. 而【迪路兽】的彩蛋模型,恐怕又要畅销一段时间了。 …… …… When Angewomon When success evolves into, Ghost Device The surface outer covering was happen to crushed, finally revealed intrinsic essence. 当【天女兽】成功进化之时,【阴魂之器】的表层外壳正好被击碎,终于露出了其中的内在本质。 That is not Magic Fairy Card. 那并非魔导精灵卡 In fact Ghost Device Is ceremony item, had both Secret Ritual Card and Item Card, after needs to satisfy the accurate condition, can trigger. 事实上【阴魂之器】是一种仪式道具,兼具了秘仪卡道具卡,需要满足确切条件之后才能触发。 After it succeeds triggering, it according to inspiration within the body the difference of strength of shadow, will breed the heterogeneities Soul! 而当它成功触发之后,它会根据吸入体内的阴影之力的不同,孕育出不同性质的【阴魂】! At this time Ghost Device Although the capacity had not been filled up, but its already absorbed Six Stars Magic Fairy and Three Stars Magic Fairy Card and Seven Stars Magic Fairy. 此时的【阴魂之器】的容量虽然还未被填满,但它已经吸收了一只六星魔导精灵、一只三星魔导精灵卡和一只七星魔导精灵 Fusion of strength of these three shadows, being born were quite terrorist Soul! 这三份阴影之力的融合,诞生了极为恐怖的【阴魂】! BOOM!” “BOOM!” Ghost Device Intrinsic is one group of vortex that is sending out the jet black light. 阴魂之器】的内在是一团散发着漆黑之光的漩涡。 Shadow Keeper, Shadow Bull With Shadow demon The remnant soul illusory image flashes in that vortex alternately. 暗影守墓人】、【阴影魔牛】和【阴影魔】的残魂幻影在那漩涡之中交替闪现。 The vortex is exploding instantly, is sending out terrifying aura Soul Then breeds! 漩涡在刹那爆开,散发着恐怖气息的【阴魂】便是从中孕育! Milotic Stopped movement that continues Attack. 美纳斯】停止了继续攻击的动作。 Fantasy Beast: Ditto After changing the original form, stands in its side. 魔幻兽:百变怪】变回原形之后,在其身边站立。 Angewomon The eye reveal loathes, two pieces of wing already that the left wrist section extends outward change into Sacred Bow, It lifts the right hand, between two fingers condensed the arrow of bright gathering, wound up a clock impressively! 天女兽】目露厌恶,左手腕部向外延伸的两片羽翼已经化为【神圣之弓】,它将右手抬起,两指之间凝聚出了光明汇聚的箭,赫然上弦! The fight is ready to be set off. 战斗一触即发。 …… …… Ghost Device In is born Soul Has semblance that is close to the human form, it is tall, the build is thin, the top of the head both sides live the bull horn, on the face wear golden mask, the back lives the wing of devil, in the hand has a half meter swagger stick. 阴魂之器】之中诞生的【阴魂】有着接近人形的外表,它身材高大,体型瘦削,头顶两侧生有牛角,脸上戴着黄金面具,背后生着恶魔之翼,手中持有一柄半米长的短杖。 Above that swagger stick, is sending out extremely dangerous aura! 那根短杖之上,更是散发着极其危险的气息 But on the face of Stewart Forn does not have many to be joyful. 斯图尔特·福恩的脸上却没有多少喜悦。 Ghost Device The strength of absorption has the discount, after Six Stars Magic Fairy, Three Stars Magic Fairy and Seven Stars Magic Fairy die , that the strength of residual shadow breeds Soul, Merely quite therefore Seven Stars Magic Fairy. 阴魂之器】吸收的力量是有折扣的,一只六星魔导精灵、一只三星魔导精灵和一只七星魔导精灵死后残留的阴影之力孕育出的这只【阴魂】,仅仅相当于是七星魔导精灵 Although is also Seven Stars also has the high under division, but is high, can compared with Darke Dymon Angewomon Higher? 尽管同样是七星也有高下之分,但再高,能比达克·迪蒙的【天女兽】更高吗? Stewart Forn mood exceptionally heavy. 斯图尔特·福恩的心情异常的沉重。 Although Magic Duel was known as that has the unlimited possibility. 魔导决斗虽然号称拥有无限的可能性。 But with Duel conducts, the Magic Card quantity that Card Deck remains gradually reduces, Mage will have a very clear understanding of the degree that oneself can achieve. 但随着决斗的进行,卡组所剩的魔导卡数量逐渐减少,魔导师对自身所能做到的程度都会有一个非常清晰的了解。 So-called possibility, under having the premise of a slim chance of survival. 所谓的可能性,是在拥有一线生机的前提下。 If a slim chance of survival does not exist. 如果连一线生机都不存在。 Then is left over, is only with every effort bureau. 那么剩下的,就只是“尽力局”。 Stewart Forn has the preparation that have been able to lose before start, but has not actually thought completely, meets to breed Soul Later falls into this type with every effort bureau. 斯图尔特·福恩在开赛之前就有过自己会输的心理准备,但却完全没想到,会是在孕育出【阴魂】之后陷入这种“尽力局”。 !” “呼!” He inspires fiercely, returned to normal as soon as possible by oneself. 他猛地吸了口气,让自己尽快平复下来。 Duel had not finished, his duty has not been accomplished. 决斗还没结束,他的任务也还没完成。 Bets possibility that does not have. 赌上不存在的可能性。 Angel that only keeps aloof, drags into the contamination the abyss! Dark soul, shadow evil clutches!” “将那只高高在上的天使,拉入污秽的深渊!黑暗的阴魂,阴影魔爪!” Stewart Forn pulled Blue Side Magic Ball in that flash to Soul Side, then tries to revive the morale. 斯图尔特·福恩在那一瞬之间将蓝方魔导球拉扯向了【阴魂】身边,而后试图重振士气。 Was just born Soul Floats in the midair, after having been ordered, then in the swagger stick the hand raises, sends out from golden mask hoarse coarse, imitates, if sharp voice general sound. 刚刚诞生的【阴魂】浮在半空,得到命令之后便是将手中短杖高举,从黄金面具之下发出嘶哑难听,仿若裂帛一般的声音。 That sound seems like some type to chant, but swagger stick already in its hand sends out the jet black light in brief. 那声音似乎是某种咏唱,但总之它手中的短杖已经发出漆黑之光。 Angewomon Immediately realizes this Soul Targeted itself, it sneered immediately in the heart, held the hand of arrow to loosen suddenly. 天女兽】立刻意识到这【阴魂】将目标对准了自己,它顿时在心中冷笑一声,持箭之手骤然松开。 „!” “嘣!” The bowstring completely falls. 弓弦尽落。 Celestial Arrow Explodes to shoot! 神圣之箭】爆射而出! Bright gathering the arrow of Thunder Shock is carrying the intense electric light, was together ordinary just like the light beam, passed through entire field. 光明汇聚的电击之矢携带着强烈的电光,宛若一道光柱一般,贯穿了整个场地 In next second., 就在下一秒。, Angewomon The under foot appears the jet black vortex, evil clutches of being dried up terrifying drilled from this vortex unexpectedly suddenly, catch in the act Angewomon Ankle area. 天女兽】的脚下浮现出漆黑的漩涡,一只干枯恐怖的魔爪竟是从这漩涡之中突然钻出,当场抓住了【天女兽】的脚踝。 Then that evil clutches catch up suddenly, then must Angewomon Drags into the abyss! 然后那只魔爪骤然发力,便是要将【天女兽】拉入深渊! Black material that flows out from the evil clutches along Angewomon The delicate skin upward spread, gradually blacks his calf. 从魔爪之中流出的黑色物质沿着【天女兽】的细嫩皮肤向上蔓延,将其小腿逐渐染黑。 In the vortex is to also erupt the intense suction. 漩涡之中也是爆发出强烈吸力。 Angewomon Floats in in the air, soars by six wings, at this time encounters this sudden Attack, was drawn one section unexpectedly downward. 天女兽】浮在空中,以六翼腾空,此时遭遇到这突如其来的攻击,竟是被向下拉了一截。 But at tip of the toe when vortex, Angewomon Opens the wing suddenly, then restrained the declining trend. 但在脚尖点在漩涡之上时,【天女兽】猛然张开翅膀,便扼制住了下降趋势。 Its vision ice cold looks downward, blazing the bright white light then to follow the vision to gather downward, the strength of gathering under foot light, unexpectedly is forcefully that Shadow evil clutches Gradually melts. 它目光冰寒的往下看去,炽亮的白光便顺着目光向下聚集,光明之力汇聚脚下,竟是硬生生的将那【阴影魔爪】逐渐消融。 that's all however projects Celestial Arrow, Hitting a target that then has not displaced slightly Soul Body. 而已然射出的【神圣之箭】,则丝毫没有偏移的射中了【阴魂】的身躯 The strength of light poured into following the head of arrow Soul within the body, erupts after instantaneously, caused a large area of damage. 光明之力顺着箭矢的头部灌入了【阴魂】的体内,瞬间爆发之后造成了大面积的创伤。 But the electric current of that arrow supplementary climbed up Soul The body, making its whole body paralysis, is unable to move. 而那箭矢附带的电流更是爬上了【阴魂】的身体,使其浑身麻痹,无法动弹。 Although this electric current is not long-time, Soul Quick then can restore normal action ability. 尽管这一阵电流并不长久,【阴魂】很快便能恢复正常的行动能力 The consciousness of but when vanishing gradually returns to normal, its body already quilt Milotic Ties up by the long-tail, tightens suddenly! 但当消失的知觉逐渐恢复正常,它的身体已经被【美纳斯】以长尾捆缚,骤然收紧! The pain raids immediately. 痛苦顿时袭来。 Soul Only thinks that the whole body skeleton seemed extruded to disrupt, the chest suffocates intermittently. 【阴魂】只觉浑身骨骼仿佛被挤压碎裂,胸口阵阵窒息。 But made him feel to suffocate truly, was the crazy extrusion mind astonishing charm! 但真正令其感到窒息的,是疯狂挤压脑海的惊人魅力! Although is not initiative, but it truly and Milotic Is having the most intimate contact. 尽管并非主动,但它正确实的在与【美纳斯】进行着最亲密的接触。 So the experience of short distance Milotic Astonishing charm, Certain Kill Skill Goddess, Played the role without a doubt. 如此近距离的体会到【美纳斯】的惊人魅力,必杀技美神】,毫无疑问的发挥了作用。 This Soul, Unexpectedly when getting sucked into the crisis was charmed! 这【阴魂】,竟是在深陷危机之时被迷住了! When has hanging bridge effect this crisis lets people the phenomenon that the fear and sentiment confuse, but Soul At this moment obviously is not hanging bridge effect. 尽管有着“吊桥效应”这种危机之时让人将恐惧与感情混淆的现象,但【阴魂】此刻明显不是“吊桥效应”。 It after was charmed thoroughly, even thought that this type was extruded the feeling also good absurd misconception of breaking to pieces! 它在被彻底迷住之后,甚至觉得这种被挤压碎掉的感觉也还不错的荒谬错觉! In brief it wallows completely, motionless is accepting Milotic Sentencing. 总之它完全沉迷,一动不动的接受着【美纳斯】的处刑。 So phenomenon, even made to fly to raid to come Angewomon Starts nowhere. 如此现象,甚至令得飞袭而来的【天女兽】都无处下手。 Above its fist Heaven's Charm Shines repeatedly and restrains, should hold tightly, but to the smooth offensive was broken instantaneously. 它拳头之上的【天堂紫光】反复亮起又收敛,本该紧衔而至的流畅攻势瞬间被打断。 But next quarter, Milotic Then loosened Body suddenly, end stays behind merely continues to tie up Soul The thigh, then looks up to approach Angewomon. 但下一刻,【美纳斯】便突然松开了身躯,仅仅留下尾端继续捆住【阴魂】的腿部,然后抬头看向【天女兽】。 Angewomon The instantaneous associative compound, above the right fist gradually sent out the beautiful and gentle purple brilliance. 天女兽】瞬间会意,右拳之上逐渐散发出了美丽而柔和的紫色光辉。 Then its drinks lightly, to Soul A fist wields fiercely! 而后它一声轻喝,对着【阴魂】猛地一拳挥出! Certain Kill Skill Heaven's Charm!” 必杀技天堂紫光!” Purple light beam that emits from the fist, passed through in a flash Soul Chest cavity. 从拳头之上放射出的紫色光束,一瞬之间贯穿了【阴魂】的胸腔。 Heaven's Charm, Asks for specially evilly. 天堂紫光】,专讨邪恶。 The injury to Demon Race increases 100, the injury to Dark Attribute increases 50, the injury to wicked Attribute increases 20. 魔族的伤害增加100,对暗属性的伤害增加50,对恶属性的伤害增加20。 This Soul Not is only Demon Race, is Dark Type. 这【阴魂】所化,既是魔族,又是暗系 Receives the wound to increase 150! 承伤增加150! Ok Soul Main body Defense is strong , can only suffer to death under this fist confidently. 就算【阴魂】的本体防御再强,在这一拳之下也只能坦然受死。 …… …… Soul, Fatal infection!” “【阴魂】,致命感染!” The next order of Stewart Forn transmits urgently, but already was late. 斯图尔特·福恩的下一步命令紧急传来,但却已经迟了。 Soul Certain Kill Skill Fatal infection, Can release the infection beam from Eye, making the short distance the goal be nibbled by the shadow, the most direct-viewing phenomenon that displays is the change of Race and Attribute. 【阴魂】的必杀技【致命感染】,能够从眼睛之中释放出感染射线,使得近距离的目标被阴影蚕食,表现出来的最直观现象就是种族属性的变化。 Quilt Fatal infection Goal, in infected period turns Demon Species, Dark Type. 被【致命感染】的目标,会在受到感染的期间变成【恶魔种】、【暗系】。 If makes it successfully display, Angewomon Various Certain Kill Skill are unable to display! 如果让它成功施展,【天女兽】的各项必杀技都将无法发挥! This is Stewart Forn places a one by one sign that only in the hopeless situation can open. 这是斯图尔特·福恩身处绝境之中所能翻开的唯一一张牌。 This sign possibly cannot change the final result, but can actually bring many difficulties to Darke Dymon, after building one type with every effort, suffers defeat eventually feeling. 这张牌可能改变不了最终的结局,但却能给达克·迪蒙带来更多的困扰,营造出一种“尽力之后终究败北”的感觉。 But Soul Quilt Milotic After charming, is unable to respond his order. 但【阴魂】被【美纳斯】迷住之后,根本无法响应他的命令。 Stewart Forn, still has not thought that sentenced truly Soul Actually yes Milotic, Rather than outwardly general its kill Angewomon. 斯图尔特·福恩,仍旧没有想到真正处刑了【阴魂】的,其实是【美纳斯】,而不是明面上将其击杀的【天女兽】。 …… …… But Soul Was destroyed after truly, Blue Side Magic Ball then also once again exposed under the numerous crises. 而【阴魂】被真正破坏之后,蓝方魔导球便也再一次暴露在了重重危机之下。 Hawlucha Pursues to come tightly, Blue Side Magic Ball remaining Life Barrier radical crushing! 摔角鹰人】紧追而来,将蓝方魔导球残余的生命结界彻底击碎! Stewart Forn, mana nulling operation! 斯图尔特·福恩,魔力归零! *whistle* 哔—— The whistling sound resounds. 哨声响起。 Victor: Darke Dymon!” “胜利者:达克·迪蒙!” …… …… Should not appear like thunder -like the deafening sound applause at the scene. 原本应该如雷般震响的掌声并没有当场出现。 The audience have not as if reflected, this Duel already finished unexpectedly. 观众们似乎至今还未反映过来,这场决斗竟然已经结束了。 Stewart Forn Summon left Ghost Device After process that entire fights mutually even more splendid. 原本斯图尔特·福恩召唤出【阴魂之器】后,整个互斗的过程正越发精彩。 As Soul After laborious breeds finally, should be one after another Stewart Forn has sounded the attack bugle the time. 随着【阴魂】几经辛苦终于孕育而成,接连本该是斯图尔特·福恩吹响进攻号角的时机。 But let alone is the attack bugle, is the painful wail has not happened. 但别说是进攻的号角,就是痛苦的哀鸣都没有发生。 Stewart Forn lost unexpectedly. 斯图尔特·福恩竟然就这么输了。 Noble appearance Snake Tail! 虎头蛇尾 Many audience therefore voice similar opinions, actually does not know that his already does everything possible. 不少观众因此而发出类似的感叹,却不知道他已经尽力而为。 „!” “!” Regarding this felt that the disappointed audience, integrated in the tide of applause finally. 对此感到失望的观众,最终还是融入到了掌声的浪潮之中。 Duel formally finished. 决斗正式结束。 …… …… Darke places above the hand the table-board, finished to Duel is also thinking deeply about that as before Soul What Certain Kill Skill also has not to display. 达克将手放在牌桌之上,到了决斗结束也依旧在思索着那【阴魂】还有着什么样的必杀技没有施展。 Pitifully Angewomon Starts is too quick.” “可惜【天女兽】还是下手太快。” He supposed, this begins to tidy up Magic Card. 他估摸了一句,这才着手收拾魔导卡 Stewart Forn then made the sound in this time. 斯图尔特·福恩便在此时发出了声音。 He said in a low voice: Finally you won.” 他低声道:“最终还是你赢了。” Darke raised the head, smiles saying: Duel, always needs a winner.” 达克抬起头,莞尔道:“决斗嘛,总是需要一个胜者。” Stewart Forn is startled suddenly, after long time, said: Right that you said.” 斯图尔特·福恩忽然一怔,半晌后才道:“你说的对。” Darke shows a faint smile, the politeness said: Hope can also have with the opportunity that you fight.” 达克微微一笑,礼貌道:“希望还能有和你交手的机会。” This is also I hopes.” Stewart Forn was saying time, pinches tightly the fist slightly. “这也是我所希望的。”斯图尔特·福恩这么说着的时候,稍微捏紧拳头。 Two people exchange before the game after the game, in the surface is harmonious. 两人在赛前赛后的交流,表面上都非常和谐。 But in the corner of ring-belt, Angus Geoffrey in looking at this Duel then sets out swiftly, leaves fast. 而在环形带的角落,安格斯·杰弗里在看完这场决斗之中便倏然起身,快速离开。 Received development already lost the significance to him. 接过来的事情发展对他来说已经失去了意义。 He will wait for the report of Stewart Forn in the agreement place, and starts preparing next week Duel. 他将在约定的地点等待斯图尔特·福恩的汇报,并着手准备下个星期的决斗 Only then wins, can scrub the humiliation! 只有胜利,才能洗刷屈辱! …… …… Both hands Star Player leaves the stage respectively. 双手选手各自退场。 Darke after takes back in all Magic Fairy the card, then stepped down the Star Player stage. 达克在将所有的魔导精灵都收回卡中之后,便走下了选手台。 But he does not have to leave, what waits indoor to be peaceful in Star Player is Magic Card supplements mana. 但他没有就此离开,而是在选手等候室内安静的为魔导卡补充魔力 Because of him this afternoon, Duel. 因为他在今天下午,还有一场决斗 Although this Duel object merely is Third Year Student, but since is the conventional competition schedule of Duel Club arrangement, he will also observe. 尽管这一场决斗的对象仅仅是一名三年级生,但既然是决斗俱乐部安排的常规赛程,他也会遵守。 Until now, he in Golden match In is maintaining the score of total victory as before. 时至今日,他在【黄金赛】之中依旧保持着全胜的战绩。 But this main reason actually because of the conventional opponent of Duel Club arrangement, is Third Year Student! 但这主要的原因却是因为决斗俱乐部安排的常规对手,全都是三年级生 He is unable to understand the idea of Duel Club, the continued victory that because this must come, cannot show his strength truly. 他无法理解决斗俱乐部的想法,因为这样得来的持续胜利,并不能真正彰显他的实力。 He has paid attention slightly, other entered for Golden Cup Sophomore as if are also similar treatments. 他略微关注过,其他报名参加了【黄金杯】的二年级生们似乎也都是类似的待遇。 Sophomore in Golden Cup Opponent who on matches normally, is not Schoolmate with grade, is only high grade Third Year Student. 二年级生们在【黄金杯】上正常匹配到的对手,不是同年级同学,就是仅高一个年级三年级生 This type looking after, instead is contrary to Professor Pava Jones to make Sophomore participate Golden Cup Original intention. 这种“关照”,反而有违帕瓦·琼斯教授二年级生们参加【黄金杯】的初衷。 Sophomore cannot in Golden Cup On absolute disparity of experience and senior student to oneself, some students even can gain the victory in Duel with Third Year Student. 二年级生们并没能在【黄金杯】上见识到自身与高年级生们之间的绝对差距,其中一些学生甚至能够在与三年级生决斗之中获取胜利。 Although they are insufficient in credits match Saves credits…… 尽管他们并不足以借此在【积分赛】中积攒积分…… At present Golden Cup In Second Year then only then a Darke Dymon person is the top position, has to enter the matching possibility. 目前的【黄金杯】中,二年级之中便只有达克·迪蒙一人位居前列,有着进入正赛的可能性。 …… …… After one hour, Darke was on the Duel stage again, actually looks at very deficient Duel desire with his Third Year Student face-to-face, the no matter if it is Spirit appearance the attitude to Duel is unable to place on a par with Stewart Forn. 一个小时之后,达克再次登上了决斗的舞台,与他面对面的那位三年级生却看着非常缺乏决斗的欲望,无论是精神面貌还是对决斗的态度都无法与斯图尔特·福恩相提并论。 As if he hits felt from the beginning oneself do not have the odds of success, therefore this Duel is goes through the motions merely. 似乎他打一开始就觉得自己没有胜算,因此这一场决斗仅仅是来走个过场。 Darke feels disgruntled, but has not said anything. 达克对此感到不悦,但也没有多说什么。 Everyone has the way of living of everyone, gives up to the Duel choice that being doomed to be defeated, is reasonable. 每个人都有每个人的活法,对注定失败的决斗选择放弃,也在情理之中。 Therefore he then leaves office after achievement fast, has not said anything with it. 因此他在获胜之后便快速下台,也没有与之多说什么。 But he in this week competition schedule, till already formally finished. 而他在这个星期的赛程,到底为止已经正式结束。 following, he first went to Fantastic Beasts Society, emits Magic Fairies one by one, then goes to Traveller Street, arrived in Universal Duel Society Branch Store. 接下来,他先去了一趟神奇动物社,将魔导精灵们一一放出,然后才前往旅人街,来到了全民决斗社分店之中。 New one batch Flower Card Was delivered to the hand of Eve directly, now is approving in the middle of the sale certainly! 新一批的【花牌】被直接送到了伊芙的手中,如今正在绝赞热卖当中! He enters in the shop, sees in the shop besides Eve, then only then House of Scorpio Maid 000167 93 - 94. 他走进店里,看到店铺之内除了伊芙之外,便只有【天蝎宫】的女仆@0001679394@在。 It seems like already connected with.” “看来已经交接完了。” Darke nods slightly. 达克略微点头。 000167 93 - 94 and Josie then started to take turns to use from last Saturday Cofagrigus. @0001679394@和乔茜从上个星期六便开始轮换使用【死神棺】。 000167 93 - 94 change work and rest, sleep time adjustment 6 : 00 am to 2 : 00 pm, in some time ago also in Cofagrigus In the coffin sleeps. @0001679394@改变作息,将睡眠时间调整到早上 6 点到下午 2 点,就在不久前还在【死神棺】的棺材内睡大觉。 right, Darke not Cofagrigus Joins to Card Deck. 没错,达克并没有将【死神棺】加入到卡组之中。 When he is at open-air Dueling Hall Duel, Cofagrigus Is absorbing as before diligently Fire of Underworld Strength. 当他在露天决斗馆决斗之时,【死神棺】依旧在孜孜不倦的吸收着【冥界之火】的力量。 Now 2 : 00 have passed by, after 000167 93 - 94 washing feed, then arrive in the shop to exchange with Josie. 如今两点早已过去,@0001679394@洗漱进食之后便来到店内与乔茜交换。 Josie was supposing already lies down in Cofagrigus In goes off. 乔茜估摸着已经躺在【死神棺】内睡去。 Her sleep time from 2 : 00 pm to 10 : 00 pm. 她的睡眠时间是从下午 2 点到晚上 10 点。 Naturally the arrangement in specific time will definitely come and go out, but on the whole so. 当然在具体时间上的安排肯定会有所出入,但大体上如此。 Their thorough day and night inverts, during the daytime when has not been one's turn the time of sleep then to soak in Library, Freedom comfortable roaming through in the sea of knowledge. 她们彻底日夜颠倒,白天时还没轮到睡眠的时间便都泡在图书馆内,自由自在的遨游在知识的海洋之中。 These days to them was not hard to pass. 这段时间对她们来说并不难以度过。 Except that rarely can, in Academy sees beside Young Master, other places are similar to take vacation general satisfied. 除了很少能在学院看到少爷之外,其它的地方都是如同度假一般惬意。 But over time, Cofagrigus Skilled constantly grows, already can quite clear Fire of Underworld Separates out with Human Soul. 而随着时间流逝,【死神棺】的熟练度不断增长,已经能够较为清晰的将【冥界之火】与人类灵魂区分开来。 Below so long-term experiment, 000167 93 - 94 and Josie expressed above Soul have not damaged. 如此长时间的实验以下,@0001679394@与乔茜都表示在灵魂之上没有损伤。 This means that Cofagrigus ability already has fully been shown. 这意味着【死神棺】的能力已经充分得到证明。
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