TVYMJWTLLBL :: Volume #7

#690 Part 1: Chapter 690 【1.2 w asked ticket】 Darke Dymon maps out strategic plans in an army tent

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In the sky, spreads the wings to hover Hawlucha Toward Blue Side Magic Ball killing in the past. 天空之中,展翅翱翔的【摔角鹰人】正向着蓝方魔导球扑杀过去。 Above tall wall, Shadow demon Quilt Blue-Eyes Young Dragon Beats in the place, Shadow Bull Almost quilt Fantasy Beast: Umbreon The second kills at the scene, Milotic With Fantasy Beast: Ditto Was divided into the both sides tours to approach the Blue Side half area. 高墙之上,【阴影魔】正被【青眼幼龙】殴打在地,【阴影魔牛】几乎被【魔幻兽:月亮伊布】当场秒杀,【美纳斯】与【魔幻兽:百变怪】分成两侧游向了蓝方半区。 Above ground, Ghost Rattan Pot Is waiting for the second Summon opportunity peacefully, Ghost King Within the Pot Dozens ghost snakes that Summon has climb up the wall rapidly, dense and numerous toward Blue-Eyes Young Dragon With Fantasy Beast: Umbreon Wells up, another two black dogs are still wrestling, Shuckle In seeing a play. 地面之上,【鬼藤之壶】正在安静等待第二次的召唤机会,【壶中鬼王召唤出的数十条鬼蛇迅速爬上墙壁,密密麻麻的朝着【青眼幼龙】与【魔幻兽:月亮伊布】涌去,另有两条黑犬还在扭打,【壶壶】在看戏。 As for Ghost King Within the Pot Oneself, is at the already roaming the tall wall, vision ice cold glance battlefield. 至于【壶中鬼王】自己,则是已经游上高墙,目光冰寒的扫视着战场。 In its three Certain Kill Skill, Seal Within the Pot Is passive that sets limit, Ghost Snake Party Although in specific is useful, but when facing very intensive fight can only play the harassment role, that then only has last Imprison technique Pot Seal! 它的三个必杀技之中,【壶中印】是一个自我设限的被动,【鬼蛇狂欢】虽然在特定的时候非常有用,但在面对高强度的战斗时只能起到骚扰作用,那便只剩下最后一个封印封印之壶】! But the Stewart Forn real motive is actually to protect Ghost Device By the situation of destruction, was not let other Magic Fairy very natural bringing death ahead of time. 斯图尔特·福恩的真实目的其实是在保护【阴魂之器】不被提前破坏的情况下,让其余的魔导精灵非常自然的送死。 But how to bring death is also a knowledge, cannot deliver too quickly, cannot deliver too slowly. 但如何送死也是一门学问,既不能送得太快,也不能送得太慢。 Delivers too quickly, Ghost Device Was not still mature, will then fail when success seemed within reach. 送得太快,【阴魂之器】尚不成熟,便会功败垂成。 Delivers too slowly, Ghost Device After not being able to absorb these Magic Fairy die, shadow energy, is unable to breed. 送得太慢,【阴魂之器】迟迟吸收不到那些魔导精灵死后所化的阴影能量,也无法孕育。 How therefore to choose the opponent to conduct Imprison, is one the matter that is hard to choose. 因此如何选择对手进行封印,是一件非常难以抉择的事情。 Stewart Forn language fast extremely quick conducts the command and adjustment to own Magic Fairy, the right hand also stretches out, release mana controls Magic Ball, causes the Blue Side Magic Ball fast drop, returned Ghost King Within the Pot Behind. 斯图尔特·福恩语速极快的对自身的魔导精灵进行指挥调度,右手同时伸出,释放魔力操控魔导球,使得蓝方魔导球快速下降,返回到了【壶中鬼王】的身后。 . 笔趣阁网址biqiudu。com Hawlucha Very ordinary Three Stars Magic Fairy, is impossible to break through Ghost King Within the Pot Impediment. 摔角鹰人】仅仅是非常普通的三星魔导精灵,不可能突破【壶中鬼王】的阻挡。 Stewart Forn is clear. 斯图尔特·福恩对此非常清楚。 His vision lifts, looks to the projection Combat phase Countdown. 他目光微抬,看向投影之上的【战斗阶段】倒计时。 Time circulation very rapidness. 时间流转非常之快。 Fifth round must end in an instant. 第五回合转眼就要结束了。 Shadow demon, incarnation shadow Shadow Descends!” “阴影魔,化身阴影吧阴影降临】!” The Stewart Forn voice raises suddenly, is suffering Blue-Eyes Young Dragon Beats Shadow demon, Sent out unusual aura fiercely. 斯图尔特·福恩的声线忽然拔高,正在惨遭【青眼幼龙】殴打的【阴影魔】,猛地散发出了不同寻常的气息 It turns over/stands up from the ground suddenly, to is occupying a commanding position Blue-Eyes Young Dragon Sends out to angrily roar, within the body accumulation the strength of shadow like the flame beat, shoots at the upper air fiercely. 它从地面之上猛然翻身,对着居高临下的【青眼幼龙】发出怒吼,体内聚集的阴影之力如火焰般跳动,猛地射向高空。 That bunch gathers the line black light, after shooting certain altitude then turns toward all around to expand rapidly, was a fine lace turns unexpectedly was wrist-thick, turns into bucket thick or thin…… again became thicker, in an instant expanded 34 meters diameter, formed the black great column. 那一束黑光汇聚成线,在射到一定高度之后便向着四周急速扩展,竟是一条细线变成了手腕粗细,再变成了水桶粗细……越变越粗,转眼扩展到了三四米的直径,形成了黑色的巨柱。 But Shadow demon Stands in this giant light beam, the both arms open, raise head to angrily roar, savage aura direct impact heaven. 而【阴影魔】站在这巨大光柱之中,双臂张开,仰头怒吼,凶残气息直冲上天。 When the first attack, it has not used this ultimate to kill, now finally successfully releases under the order of Stewart Forn. 在第一次进攻的时候,它并未使用这一终极必杀,如今终于在斯图尔特·福恩的命令之下成功释放。 Its Body starts to inflate in this black light beam crazily, by two shoulders and top of the heads had the black sharp corner/horn, the back sticks out the peak, suddenly splits, wing of the pair of devil is breaks open the body unexpectedly, the anger however opens! 它的身躯在这黑色光柱之中开始疯狂膨胀,两肩与头顶两侧都生出了黑色尖角,背后隆起成峰,突然绽裂,一对恶魔之翼竟是破开皮肉,怒然张开! !” “呼!” Completion Transform Shadow demon Vibrates the wing fiercely, entire Body upward soaring. 完成【变身】的【阴影魔】猛地振动翅膀,整个身躯向上腾飞。 Its both arms become extremely thick, the muscle ballooning is solid, pair of claws such as blade general sharpness. 它的双臂变得极粗,肌肉鼓胀结实,双爪如刀一般根根锋锐。 But above its panel, no matter if it is Defense or Attack, obtained unprecedented sudden rise! 而它的面板之上,无论是防御还是攻击,都得到了空前的暴涨! Outside audience clamored immediately. 场外观众顿时大哗。 …… …… Shadow demon In Demon Race is located in the high sequence Race. 【阴影魔】是魔族之中位于较高序列的种族 Their sequences are next to Vampire, Because although always ambushes the shadow, but is not noticeable, but actually causes the terrifying casualties when War to Human. 它们的序列仅次于【吸血鬼】,虽然因为总是潜伏阴影而不引人注目,但在战争之时却对人类造成恐怖的伤亡。 In them has extremely few parts to have Transform The talent, can summon arrival of strength of shadow when the danger, thus short Transform becomes a more powerful devil! 它们之中有极少的部分拥有【变身】的天赋,能够在危险之时呼唤阴影之力的降临,从而短暂变身成更强大的恶魔! But in Magic Fairy, has Shadow Descends Certain Kill Skill Shadow demon Also is extremely rare. 而在魔导精灵之中,拥有【阴影降临必杀技的【阴影魔】也是极为稀有。 This Transform, causes finally Shadow demon Measurements about exceeding Six Stars Fantasy Beast: Umbreon, Being worthy of the reputation has the Third Step Magic Fairy intensity. 这一次变身,终于使得【阴影魔】的三围之合超越了六星的【魔幻兽:月亮伊布】,名副其实的拥有第三阶梯魔导精灵的强度。 It flutters to soar, charges into suddenly Blue-Eyes Young Dragon, Then wants the blood and iron revenge! 它振翅高飞,猛然冲向【青眼幼龙】,便要铁血复仇! But when it rushed finally Blue-Eyes Young Dragon When front, is actually discovered that this blue eyes young dragon whole face is only fierce, from its eyes ascending the anger of just like the essence. 但当它终于冲到了【青眼幼龙】的面前时,却是发现这只青色眼睛的幼龙正满脸狰狞,从其双眼之中升腾的怒火宛若实质。 Certain Kill Skill Dragon's Reverse Scale!” 必杀技龙之逆鳞】!” Transform that's all, who not? 变身而已,谁不啊? Blue-Eyes Young Dragon The anger ascended the limit, under From head to toe was surging the chaotic white light, then reached as high as 3000 points Attack to obtain 50% to 100% large scale promotion. 青眼幼龙】的怒火升腾到了极限,浑身上下涌动着混乱的白光,原本便高达3000点的攻击到了得到了百分之五十到百分之一百的大幅度提升。 But its rationality also in that flash broken line, attacking of instinct approached nearest lifeform Shadow demon Happen to runs upon! 但它的理性也在那一瞬间断线,本能的攻向了距离最近的生物【阴影魔】正好撞上! …… …… But before then, quilt Shadow Bull Success Enrages, Is killing to it in the past Fantasy Beast: Umbreon, Then is a type fierce meow from the heart, kills this big ox head person instantaneous second! 而在此之前,被【阴影魔牛】成功【激怒】,对着它扑杀过去的【魔幻兽:月亮伊布】,则是一式猛喵掏心,将这只高大的牛头人瞬间秒杀! Later, Fantasy Beast: Umbreon In same place gawked dull for several seconds, then sobers suddenly, thus dozens ghost snakes that noticed to besiege to come. 之后,【魔幻兽:月亮伊布】在原地呆愣了数秒钟,便猛然清醒过来,从而注意到了围攻而来的数十条鬼蛇。 These ghost snakes naturally not possible to cause the damage of any least bit to it, it completely disregarded them, looked to the ghost snake behind Ghost King Within the Pot! 这些鬼蛇当然不可能对它造成任何一丝半点的伤害,它完全无视了它们,瞧向了鬼蛇身后的【壶中鬼王】! That Ghost King Within the Pot Feels the threat, then turns the head fiercely, the scarlet snake pupil stared to the build exceptionally was petite intrepid Fantasy Beast: Umbreon. 那【壶中鬼王】感受到威胁,便猛地转头过来,猩红的蛇瞳瞪向了体型娇小却异常强悍的【魔幻兽:月亮伊布】。 It realized suddenly, this only with is the Six Stars black cat, is the extremely terrifying archenemy. 它骤然意识到,这只同为六星的黑猫,是极为恐怖的大敌。 But almost simultaneously, Stewart Forn on Blue Side Star Player stage then also made the choice: Ghost King Within the Pot, Uses for it Pot Seal!” 而几乎同时,蓝方选手台上的斯图尔特·福恩便也作出了抉择:“【壶中鬼王】,对它使用【封印之壶】!” Pot Seal Yes Ghost King Within the Pot Certain Kill Skill of most core. 封印之壶】是【壶中鬼王】最核心的必杀技 By its Imprison later Magic Fairy, not only by pass/test Ruhu , will also be suppressed consciousness, suction mana, loses the resistance rapidly ability. 被它封印之后的魔导精灵,不但会被关入壶中,而且会被压制意识,吸走魔力,迅速丧失反抗的能力 Magic Fairy of same step, Unless has pointed counterattacking ability, once otherwise quilt Pot Seal Imprison, then hardly can work loose. 同阶的魔导精灵,除非拥有针对性的反制能力,否则一旦被【封印之壶封印,便几乎不能挣脱。 On Easter Duel Festival, Ghost King Within the Pot Pot Seal Shot by mistake Fantasy Beast: Espeon, Suffers the reflection finally, oneself will close in the pot. 复活节决斗祭上,【壶中鬼王】的【封印之壶】误射了【魔幻兽:太阳伊布】,结果惨遭反射,将自己关在了壶里。 But this time, it will not make mistakes again! 但这一次,它不会再犯错! At present in Darke Magic Fairy, Blue-Eyes Young Dragon Start Dragon's Reverse Scale, Although constrained Shadow demon, Actually also fell into the chaotic situation, the threat reduced. 眼下达克魔导精灵之中,【青眼幼龙】启动了【龙之逆鳞】,虽然拖住了【阴影魔】,却也陷入了混乱状态,威胁降低。 Milotic Arrived already to use three Certain Kill Skill until now, most was only left over one. 美纳斯】登场至今已经使用了三个必杀技,最多只剩下一个。 Fantasy Beast: Ditto In relieving Transform Later is only impressive on the outside but lacking substance. 魔幻兽:百变怪】在解除【变身】之后就只是“虚有其表”。 Hawlucha Slightly crosses does not raise. 摔角鹰人】略过不提。 If, truly is first right Ghost Device Has the huge threat, is only left over Fantasy Beast: Umbreon! 如果一来,真正对【阴魂之器】存在巨大威胁的,便只剩下【魔幻兽:月亮伊布】! So long as its Imprison, the Darke Dymon offensive will then sell at a discount greatly. 只要将其封印,达克·迪蒙的攻势便会大打折扣。 Stewart Forn then saw clearly the situation within the extreme time, after he makes this director, then immediately hand according to above Card Deck, prepares to wait till the round switch over then draw card, strives to seize the victory instantaneously immediately every seconds! 斯图尔特·福恩在极端的时间之内便看清了局势,他作出这番指挥之后便立刻将手按在了卡组上方,准备等到回合切换的瞬间便立刻摸牌,争取每一秒夺胜! …… …… But on the Red Player stage, Darke, although surprised in Shadow demon Transform, but is right Ghost King Within the Pot Pot Seal Had actually understood. 而在红方选手台上,达克虽然惊讶于【阴影魔】的变身,但对【壶中鬼王】的【封印之壶】却有所了解。 Therefore when Stewart Forn makes makes a decision, he is also right Fantasy Beast: Umbreon Ordered promptly. 因此当斯图尔特·福恩作出决断之时,他同样对【魔幻兽:月亮伊布】及时下令。 Umbreon, Uses for it Mean Look!” “【月亮伊布】,对它使用【黑色目光】!” …… …… Two Magic Fairy in the next quarter of line of sight to, then after hearing the order of respective Mage displayed respective Certain Kill Skill. 两只魔导精灵在视线对上的下一刻,便在听到各自魔导师的命令之后施展出了各自的必杀技 Ghost King Within the Pot Lifts up high Spectre general end suddenly, above the tail point shone rapidly black light. 壶中鬼王】将幽灵一般的尾端猛然高举,尾尖之上迅速亮起了黑光。 If there is black pot that” resembles not to have, during dragging to be black light condenses fast. 一个若有似无的“黑壶”,在摇曳黑光之中快速凝聚。 Dark dense aura, erupts instantaneously. 幽暗森然的气息,瞬间爆发。 When black pot finally concentrates, it will move the tail suddenly, the preparation black pot will fling to approach Fantasy Beast: Umbreon. 当“黑壶”终于凝成之时,它猛然甩动尾巴,准备将“黑壶”甩向【魔幻兽:月亮伊布】。 This black pot, once flings, will then project the black light beam from pot's mouth, Fantasy Beast: Umbreon The cover lives! 这“黑壶”一旦甩出,便会从壶口之中投射出黑色光柱,将【魔幻兽:月亮伊布】罩住! But its a series of preparation movement are too really many, too complicated. 但它的这一系列“准备动作”实在太多,太繁复。 But Fantasy Beast: Umbreon Mean Look( Lust)】 Actually only needs to stare that to send out the magnificent color to the amber eye pupil, becomes cancels the person heart and soul, 而【魔幻兽:月亮伊布】的【黑色目光(极乐)】却只需要一瞪眼那对琥珀似的眼瞳散发出瑰丽的色彩,变得勾人心魄、 Ghost King Within the Pot Just made the movement, then quilt Mean Look Stares, later in its patience, then ascended rapidly the joyful and frightened mixed contradictory mood. 壶中鬼王】刚刚才做出动作,便被【黑色目光】瞪上,随后它的耐心之中,便迅速升腾起了愉悦与恐惧交杂的矛盾情绪。 But its huge Body, was covered black light, is unable to move again. 而它的庞大身躯,则被黑光笼罩,再也无法动弹。 Two Six Stars Magic Fairy, then frame, moves. 两只六星魔导精灵,便就此定格,一动一动。 …… …… On the Blue Side Star Player stage, Stewart Forn look changes suddenly. 蓝方选手台上,斯图尔特·福恩神色猛然变化。 Fantasy Beast: Umbreon Mean Look( Lust)】 First one step controlled Ghost King Within the Pot. 魔幻兽:月亮伊布】的【黑色目光(极乐)】先一步控制住了【壶中鬼王】。 Then, is equal to trading one. 如此一来,便等于是一换一。 With him estimated trades zero, has the vast gap. 和他预想中的一换零,有巨大差距。 Therefore as the matter stands, he lost resisting Milotic With Fantasy Beast: Ditto Sign. 因此这样一来,他就失去了抵挡【美纳斯】和【魔幻兽:百变怪】的牌。 Remaining can act in his field, only then empty stomach condition Ghost Rattan Pot With that Three Stars black dog…… 在他的场中剩下可以行动的,就只有空腹状态的【鬼藤之壶】和那条三星的黑犬…… Detected that the aspect in Stewart Forn of infinite deterioration, is looking hastily to two Magic Card that just started. 察觉到局面正在无限劣化的斯图尔特·福恩,连忙看向了刚刚入手的两张魔导卡 If these two Magic Card are unable to play the role of protracted time, then he can only let Ghost Device Ahead of time started! 如果这两张魔导卡无法起到拖延时间的作用,那么他只能让【阴魂之器】提前启动了! No!” “没有!” The destiny in these does not seem to care time in him. 命运在这一次似乎并未眷顾于他。 In Magic Card that these two start newly, does not have Magic Fairy Card. 这两张新入手的魔导卡之中,并没有魔导精灵卡 If Six Stars Magic Fairy Card, he can conduct Sacrificial Summon immediately. 如果是六星魔导精灵卡,他能立刻进行献祭召唤 But is not. 但都不是。 With the name of Stewart Forn, Magic Summon Shadow numerous!” “以斯图尔特·福恩之名,魔导召唤【暗影重重】!” Stewart Forn in this urgent , can only good this, helpless the plan, puts forth in which Magic Spell Card of special effect! 斯图尔特·福恩在这急迫之下,只能行这无奈之策,将其中的一张特殊作用的魔咒卡使出! This named Shadow numerous Magic Spell Card similarly is his habitually used method, but in present field has Hall of Light, To/Clashes with its Attribute, the final effect is extremely not likely ideal. 这张名为【暗影重重】的魔咒卡同样是他的惯用手段,但如今的场地之中有【光之灵堂】,与其属性相冲,最终的效果很可能极不理想。 But his already can only wanting to pin on its body. 但他已经只能将希望寄托在它的身上 That flash, since Shadow numerous In the card surface then projected the jet black light, jet black actinic is the curtain, swept across entire field like the cloak generally. 那一刹那,从【暗影重重】的卡面之中便射出了漆黑之光,漆黑之光化为帷幕,如同披风一般席卷了整个场地 The shadow also arrives! 阴影随之降临! …… …… This Shadow numerous Not can only cover the line of sight, but can also for Ghost Rattan Pot Provides the energy. 这张【暗影重重】不但能遮挡视线,而且还能为【鬼藤之壶】提供能量。 What a pity in the Stewart Fern hand sign already does not have High Star Magic Fairy Card, this sixth round is unable to pass inevitably smoothly. 可惜斯图尔特·弗恩的手牌之中已经没有高星魔导精灵卡,这第六回合势必无法顺利度过。 Shadow numerous The dark curtain of manufacture received Hall of Light The influence, then the white light shines extremely thin, blocking what line of sight. 【暗影重重】制造的黑暗帷幕受到了【光之灵堂】的影响,便白光照射得极为稀薄,也遮挡不了什么视线。 His, obviously is the useless merit. 他这一手,明显是无用之功。 …… …… But on the Red Player stage, Darke also started new Magic Card. 而在红方选手台上,达克也同时入手了新的魔导卡 【Pride】 【傲慢】 War bugle 战争号角】 The appearance of 【Pride】, making him have the pillar. 【傲慢】的出现,让他拥有了主心骨。 Pitifully is not Lust - Moon, It is not able to confirm in this Duel Lust - Moon Strength…… “可惜并不是【极乐·月】,无法在这场决斗之中验证【极乐·月】的力量…… Naturally, in his hand actually cannot use Lust - Moon evolves into to Third Step Magic Fairy Card. 当然,他的手中其实并没有能用【极乐·月进化第三阶梯魔导精灵卡 Even if really selected Lust - Moon, Also can only evolves into have one again Fantasy Beast: Umbreon. 就算真的抽中了【极乐·月】,也只能再进化出一只【魔幻兽:月亮伊布】。 Therefore this 【Pride】 is the best choice. 因此这【傲慢】才是最佳的选择。 His luck is good. 他的运气不错。 So long as hand in Garbage Slime Summon comes out, again with remaining that Black dog Shuckle Offers as Offerings together, can Sacrificial Summon leave Tailmon. 只要将手中的【垃圾史莱姆召唤出来,再与剩下的那一只【黑犬】或者【壶壶】一起作为祭品献上,就能献祭召唤出【迪路兽】。 Later Duel, yes Angewomon Stage! 之后的决斗,就是【天女兽】的舞台了! Stewart Forn Magic Fairy is Dark Type, even if he uses the full power, possibly is not Angewomon Opponent Unless he also has to cause Angewomon Winning card in a hand of downcast. 斯图尔特·福恩魔导精灵都是暗系,就算他倾尽全力,也不可能是【天女兽】的对手除非他还有着能使【天女兽】陷落的致胜底牌。 But Darke does not think this possibility. 达克并不认为有这份可能。 He looks at the Stewart Forn start Shadow numerous, Also look Shadow numerous Produced curtain quilt Hall of Light Washes out, later looks up to the opposite. 他看着斯图尔特·福恩启动【暗影重重】,又看着【暗影重重】产生的帷幕被【光之灵堂】冲散,之后又抬头看向对面。 Milotic With Fantasy Beast: Ditto already approaches Ghost Device. 美纳斯】与【魔幻兽:百变怪已经逼近【阴魂之器】。 Was neglected by Stewart Forn Hawlucha Again toward Blue Side Magic Ball killing in the past. 斯图尔特·福恩忽略的【摔角鹰人】再次朝着蓝方魔导球扑杀过去。 Stewart Forn anxious is unable to conceal again. 斯图尔特·福恩的紧张再也无法掩饰。 This Duel already enters the result. 这场决斗已经进入终局。 Stewart Forn has had several bright eye performance, made him feel the accident/surprise in the Duel process repeatedly. 斯图尔特·福恩有过几次亮眼表现,在决斗的过程之中屡次让他感到了意外。 As Fourth Year Student that lacks the resources support, his already did very well. 作为一名缺乏资源扶持的四年级生,他已经做得很好了。 Darke so thinks, then snapped fingers Summon to leave Garbage Slime, Then Sacrificial Summon Tailmon. 达克这般想到,便弹指召唤出了【垃圾史莱姆】,然后献祭召唤迪路兽】。 With the name of Darke Dymon, Garbage Slime With Black dog Offers as Offerings, Magic Summon Tailmon!” “以达克·迪蒙之名,将【垃圾史莱姆】与【黑犬】作为祭品献上,魔导召唤迪路兽】!” The audience quite familiar white cat, then has from Sacrificial Summon presently, from in the air calm and steady falling above tall wall of Red Side Area Summon. 观众们颇为熟悉的白猫,便从献祭召唤阵中具现,从空中安稳的落在了红方召唤的高墙之上。 It bows partly to squat, all around the observation, the vision is gradually sharp, then noticed the float midair in a flash Ghost Device. 它屈膝半蹲,观察四周,目光逐渐锐利,转瞬之间便注意到了漂浮半空的【阴魂之器】。 …… …… Milotic With Fantasy Beast: Ditto already from both sides hold/container clip. 美纳斯】与【魔幻兽:百变怪已经从两侧包夹。 Milotic Quicker random walk to Ghost Device The front, the tail lifts, then toward Ghost Device Brushed ruthlessly. 美纳斯】更快的游走到了【阴魂之器】的面前,尾巴一抬,便是朝着【阴魂之器】狠狠的抽打了过去。 Shadow winding!” “阴影缠绕!” Stewart Forn patted Magic Card again. 斯图尔特·福恩再次拍下了一张魔导卡 This named Shadow winding Magic Spell Card after the start, is then driving the strength of dissociation shadow immediately in air, condensed the innumerable tentacles, dense and numerous windings Milotic Huge Body. 这张名为【阴影缠绕】的魔咒卡在启动之后,便立刻带动着游离在空气中的阴影之力,凝聚成了无数触手,密密麻麻的缠绕住了【美纳斯】的庞大身躯 Miu!” “miu!” Milotic Above the face shows the dislike expression, body mana erupts slightly instantaneously, surrounds the whole body Life Dew Revolves unexpectedly under its control, then spreads suddenly. 美纳斯】的面庞之上露出稍许厌恶的表情,身上魔力瞬间爆发,环绕周身的【生命水流】竟是在其操控之下旋转起来,而后猛然扩散。 The tentacle that the strength of these shadows condense then must crush by this water scouring, changed the black fog shape in abundance, was defeated and dispersed fast. 那些阴影之力凝聚的触手便被这水流冲刷得粉碎,纷纷变回了黑雾形状,快速溃散。 Then Fantasy Beast: Ditto Latter sends first, end numerous brushing that raises in Ghost Device body! 而后【魔幻兽:百变怪】后发先至,扬起的尾部重重的抽打在了【阴魂之器】的身上 Bang!” “砰!” The special appliance of this spindle shape exuded one buzz the cry, projects the sharp ray that therefore to drag from his oral area. 这纺锤形状的特殊器具发出了一声嗡鸣,从其口部射出的锋锐光芒因此摇曳。 it this had not but been struck crushing! 但它并未被这一击击碎! Shadow Keeper With Shadow Bull The death, making it obtain the strengthening of certain extent, exterior surface already was hard. 暗影守墓人】和【阴影魔牛】的死亡,让它获得了一定程度的强化,外部表层已经非常坚硬。 Roar!” “吼!” Shadow demon The sound of angry roaring also resounds. 【阴影魔】的怒吼之声随之响起。 It under the compulsory order of Stewart Forn, took withstanding Dragon Claw as the price, finally worked loose Blue-Eyes Young Dragon The Berserk offensive, and rushes crazily. 它在斯图尔特·福恩的强制命令之下,以承受了一记龙爪为代价,终于挣脱了【青眼幼龙】的狂暴攻势,并疯狂赶至。 Fantasy Beast: Ditto Is just right Ghost Device Initiates second round of Attack, then suddenly discovered that the top of the head ray was camouflaged, Shadow demon fall from the sky, sharp great claw vicious grasping approached its head. 魔幻兽:百变怪】正想对【阴魂之器】发起第二轮的攻击,便突然发现头顶光线被遮蔽,【阴影魔】从天而降,锐利的巨爪凶狠的抓向了它的脑袋。 Busy!” “忙!” It exudes one to call out in alarm, body Transformation, turned into the Hawlucha appearance from the Milotic stance suddenly unexpectedly. 它发出一声惊叫,身体突然变形,竟是从美纳斯的姿态变成了摔角鹰人的模样。 In this ordinary Transform situation, it cannot inherit Hawlucha The flight instinct, can only depend upon own effort to fan the wing. 这种普通变身的情况下,它并不能继承【摔角鹰人】的飞行本能,只能依靠自身的努力来扇动翅膀。 Therefore it in danger dangerous avoiding Shadow demon After the round of sneak attack, then sways to falling. 因此它在险之又险的躲开了【阴影魔】的这一发偷袭之后,便摇摇晃晃的向下坠去。 But is true Hawlucha already was conducting twice Attack to Blue Side Magic Ball Life Barrier. 而真正的【摔角鹰人已经对着蓝方魔导球生命结界进行了两次攻击 This Life Barrier MP, then only has more than 4000 points. 生命结界魔力值,便只剩下四千余点。 The attention in its body Stewart Forn, had not suddenly found completely at this moment symbolizes the HP value to fall suddenly instantaneously, he lowers the head suddenly, transfers mana in a panic, controls Magic Ball to avoid the offensive. 注意力完全没有在它身上斯图尔特·福恩,这一刻突然发现象征着自身生命值的数值瞬间暴跌,他猛然低头,仓皇调动魔力,操控魔导球躲开攻势。 But in this process, Blue Side Magic Ball withstood again Hawlucha The full power strikes. 但在这一过程之中,蓝方魔导球再次承受了【摔角鹰人】的全力一击。 That Life Barrier MP, then falls suddenly to only remains 3000 points! 生命结界魔力值,便暴跌到仅剩三千点! …… …… The situation in a flash changes, since completely revealed the seemingly coordinated intense scene to the present Blue Side disadvantage before, passed merely for less than one minute. 局势转瞬即变,从之前看似对等的激烈场面到现在的蓝方劣势尽显,也仅仅是过去了一分钟不到。 But this is the Magic Duel charm. 但这就是魔导决斗的魅力。 The rhythm arrives quickly suffocatingly, the victory and defeat result is unable to forecast forever. 节奏快到令人窒息,胜负结果永远无法预测。 …… …… Let Stewart Forn think what is uncomfortable, fell into the chaotic situation obviously Blue-Eyes Young Dragon, Is pursuing unexpectedly Shadow demon Swooped! 斯图尔特·福恩更觉难受的是,明明陷入了混乱状态的【青眼幼龙】,竟是追着【阴影魔】飞扑了过来! Saw Shadow demon Again with Blue-Eyes Young Dragon Fights one group, he knows own already was impossible to wait again! 眼看着【阴影魔】再次和【青眼幼龙】斗成一团,他就知道自己已经不可能再等了!
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