TVYMJWTLLBL :: Volume #7

#694 Part 2: 【Nine bend time】 Darke Dymon suspense

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Always because of having a big mouth the student, but the society dies is actually not infrequent. 历来因为口无遮拦而社死的学生其实不在少数。 Lydia · Emerson will prepare good Card Deck to put in the abutment, then activated the table-board. 莉迪亚·埃墨森将准备好的卡组放入卡槽之中,便激活了牌桌。 Another side, Darke also similarly so. 另一边,达克也同样如此。 As Preparatory stage The projection appears sky over field, threw to them by the audience of gaze then stopped the discussion in abundance. 随着【准备阶段】的投影浮现在场地上空,对他们投以注视的观众们便纷纷停止了议论。 But in ring-belt. 而在环形带。 Angus Geoffrey brings Stewart Forn, has marched into Dueling Hall. 安格斯·杰弗里带着斯图尔特·福恩,也已步入决斗馆 Angus Geoffrey and Darke Dymon Duel, was arranged in the morning 11 fields of points. 安格斯·杰弗里达克·迪蒙决斗,被安排在早上十一点场。 But since Darke Dymon in these nine field of points Duel, he naturally is impossible to miss. 但既然达克·迪蒙在这九点场还有一场决斗,他当然不可能错过。 But after last week Duel, Stewart Forn then received attaching great importance to of Angus Geoffrey, often can bring in the side. 而在上周的决斗之后,斯图尔特·福恩便受到了安格斯·杰弗里的重视,时常会带在身边。 Although Stewart Forn in confusion and not hope walks such nearly aiming at the public occasions with him because of the Angus Geoffrey present statement, but gains attaching great importance to of Angus Geoffrey, then means that he was away from the own target to be nearer one step. 斯图尔特·福恩虽然因为安格斯·杰弗里如今的声明狼藉而并不意在公开场合与他走得这么近,但得到安格斯·杰弗里的重视,便又意味着他距离自己的目标更近了一步。 Therefore his time mood is actually contradictory. 因此他此时的心情其实非常矛盾。 But a person in sometimes, not too choice. 但一个人在有的时候,并没有太多选择的余地。 He not possible when Angus Geoffrey sends out the invitation reveals the rejection, that will make him fall short. 他不可能在安格斯·杰弗里发出邀请时表露拒绝,那会让他功亏一篑。 As two people take a seat one after another, Stewart Forn then looked up to the Star Player stage. 而随着两人相继落座,斯图尔特·福恩便抬头看向了选手台。 He only swept one then to whisper: One Duel that does not have the suspense.” 他只扫了一眼便嘀咕道:“一场没有悬念的决斗。” Cannot name the character Magic Academy Third Year Student, defeated his super rookie recently. 一个是叫不出名字的魔导院三年级生,一个是最近战胜了他的超级新人。 The steamroll -type power gap will make Duel is not that splendid. 碾压式的实力差距会让决斗变得不是那么精彩。 He does not want to waste the time in this. 他并不想在这浪费时间。 But Angus Geoffrey said: Do not be too irritable, before the patience is me, most deficient thing, but I know its precious now.” 安格斯·杰弗里却是说道:“不要太急躁,耐心是我以前最缺乏的东西,但我现在知道了它的珍贵。” Stewart Forn nodded the head slightly, echoes was complying with one: Un.” 斯图尔特·福恩微微颔首,附和着应了一句:“嗯。” Angus Geoffrey then also said: Darke Dymon will win in this Duel without a doubt, the sign foreword that but according to him can attain perhaps, some of our opportunities saw thing that some he has not shown. But these things, will beat him to provide the foundation for me.” 安格斯·杰弗里便又道:“达克·迪蒙在这场决斗之中毫无疑问会赢,但根据他所能拿到的牌序,我们或许有机会看到一些他不曾展现出的东西。而这些东西,会为我击败他提供基础。” The Stewart Forn vision flashes, finally cannot bear ask: Winning percentage several tenths?” 斯图尔特·福恩目光微闪,最后忍不住问道:“胜率几成?” I never calculate that type of thing.” Angus Geoffrey sneers saying that I have not thought will be earnest so to be unexpectedly fearful. You do not know that I made how terrifying progress in this semester. Defeating only Darke Dymon is only the first step, I will wash off the passing all shames on the Duel of today! Then restarts the sail, moves to the stars sea! But you, will become my helmsman.” “我从来不计算那种东西。”安格斯·杰弗里冷笑道,“我从没想过自己认真起来竟然会如此可怕。你不会知道我在这个学期内获得了多么恐怖的进步。击败区区一个达克·迪蒙只是第一步,我会在今天的这场决斗上洗刷掉过往一切的耻辱!然后重启风帆,驶向星辰大海!而你,会成为我的舵手。” Stewart Forn: …… 斯图尔特·福恩:“…… Can do not take me? 能不要带上我吗? …… …… *whistle* 哔—— The referee starts. 裁判鸣哨。 Preparatory stage 30s 【准备阶段】【30s】 On the same day the in the air projection appeared Preparatory stage 30 seconds of countdown. 当天空中的投影浮现出【准备阶段】的三十秒倒计时。 Both sides Star Player already hand according to above Card Deck. 双方选手已经将手按在了卡组上方。 Commencing of action!” “战斗开始!” Regarding Duelist, the draw card posture has thousand ten thousand types, but the draw card technique changes , but staying the same. 对于决斗者来说,摸牌的姿势有千种万种,但摸牌的手法万变不离其宗。 After hand sign laying aside left hand, Darke Dymon then looked to the five hand signs of hand. 将手牌放置左手之后,达克·迪蒙便看向了起手的五张手牌。 These five hand signs, will decide him the overall strategy tendency on this Duel. 这五张手牌,将决定他在这一场决斗上的整体策略倾向。 Bronze Serpent Mirror 青铜蛇镜 Lust - Moon 极乐·月 Pleasant dice 【如意骰子】 Underworld Soul Ring 冥界魂环 【Greed】 【贪婪】 Darke: …… 达克:“…… tai! 呔! Finally came? 终于来了吗? Overdraws the later compensation, the moral behavior slowdown period? 透支之后的补偿,人品的下滑期? Darke is looking at five Magic Card in hand, started recapture past. 达克看着手中的五张魔导卡,不由开始回忆往昔。 The previous time in hand five Magic Card does not have Magic Fairy Card time, is the previous time. 上一次起手五张魔导卡中没有魔导精灵卡的时候,还是上一次吧。 But to be honest, by his present Card Deck lineup, pulling out is not fearful to this set of hand sign, what is fearful is pulls out to five is unable Ordinary Summoning High Star Magic Card after all that to be really not the hitting back leeway. 但说实话,以他现在的卡组阵容,抽到这套手牌并不可怕,可怕的是抽到五张无法通常召唤高星魔导卡毕竟那是真的没有还手余地。 If really encounters that situation, perhaps can only depend upon to Magic Ball control ability socializes for 30 seconds. 如果真的遇到那种情况,恐怕只能依靠对魔导球的操控能力周旋三十秒了。 Like today the hand,…… is in fact good! 像今天这样的起手,实际上……还行! Darke returns to normal rapidly, and from these Underworld Soul Ring Extraction. 达克迅速平复下来,并从这其中将【冥界魂环】取出。 In these five hand signs, actually each has big using. 这五张手牌之中,其实每一张都有大用。 Two Great Sins Card, Without using to urge under Magic Fairy evolves into, actually can definitely treat as to strengthen Emotion Card to use, under normal conditions can make Magic Fairy of opposite party lose fight ability in a short time. 两张【大罪卡】,在不用来促使魔导精灵进化的情况之下,其实完全可以当做强化情绪卡来使用,通常情况下都能使得对方的魔导精灵在短时间内丧失战斗能力 But he naturally not possible to do in ordinary Duel. 但他当然不可能在普通决斗之中那么做。 If so, Magic Fairy of opponent can, because Great Sins Card The illumination opens Wisdom, his will not be the secret secret will also expose. 如果真那么做,对手的魔导精灵会因为【大罪卡】的照射而开启灵智,他这不算秘密的秘密就会随之暴露。 This is not and loss issue in benefit, but exposes this secret after the person, the person with high aspirations then had the foundation of following up a clue, his true secret then may be discovered. 这不是利益上的盈亏问题,而是将这种秘密暴露在人前之后,有心人便有了顺藤摸瓜的基础,他真正的秘密便有可能被发现。 This is the risk that he cannot take. 这是他不能承担的风险。 Unless to the absolutely necessary critical moment, he was impossible to open this card in a hand! 除非到了绝对必要的关键时刻,他都不可能揭开这一张底牌! But except for these two Great Sins Card In, in his hand also two Magic Card that controls Type Underworld Soul Ring With Bronze Serpent Mirror! 而除了这两张【大罪卡】之中,他的手中还有两张控制类型魔导卡冥界魂环】和【青铜蛇镜】! Underworld Soul Ring Has the complete effect on First Step Magic Fairy, can only produce the short constrained results to Second Step Magic Fairy. 冥界魂环】对第一阶梯魔导精灵有完整效果,对第二阶梯魔导精灵只能产生短暂拘束的效果。 But Bronze Serpent Mirror Then petrifies Second Step Magic Fairy sufficiently at the scene, keeping it from displaying in this entire Duel. 而【青铜蛇镜】则足以将第二阶梯魔导精灵当场石化,使其在这一整场决斗之中都无法发挥。 Therefore has these two hand signs, he leaves leeway the room to manoeuvre as before. 因此有着这两张手牌在,他依旧留有回旋的余地。 Let alone, Pleasant dice Subdue field! 更何况,还有【如意骰子】镇场! Or, draws out the hand directly Pleasant dice?” “要不,直接起手【如意骰子】?” In the Darke heart moves suddenly, suddenly realized that this is the rare opportunity. 达克忽然心中一动,突然意识到这是不可多得的机会。 In has not just pulled out to any Magic Fairy Card situation, Underworld Soul Ring With Bronze Serpent Mirror Without goal is unable to have hand Summon, that cannot only draw out the hand Pleasant dice? 在刚好没有抽到任何魔导精灵卡的情况下,【冥界魂环】与【青铜蛇镜】在没有目标的情况下都无法起手召唤,那不是只能起手【如意骰子】了吗? Can bet a gambling?” “要不要赌一赌?” Won't always have a banquet skill again?” “总不会再出一个宴会技能吧?” The Darke vision chaotic revolutions, on the face appears to have the heartfelt smile. 达克的目光乱转,脸上浮现出有由衷的笑容。 He feels himself, comprehended one point of Duel pleasure! 他感觉自己,又领会到了一分决斗的乐趣! With the name of Darke Dymon, Magic…… “以达克·迪蒙之名,魔导…… Chants the sound to stop suddenly, Darke realized suddenly, like Pleasant dice This kind of item, with Weapon card Same, must have by Magic Fairy in the Duel situation, can activate it finally. 咏唱声戛然而止,达克突然意识到,像【如意骰子】这一类的道具,就和【武器卡】一样,在决斗场合中都必须由魔导精灵持有,才能将其最终激活。 Magic Duel law to this, on the one hand has very careful stipulation. 魔导决斗规则对这一方面有着非常细致的规定。 Similar to it, Bronze Serpent Mirror. 与之相似的,还有【青铜蛇镜】。 Also must equip in the hand of Magic Fairy can stimulate. 也必须要装备在魔导精灵的手中才能激发。 In other words , in his present hand can use, actually only then Underworld Soul Ring! 换言之,他现在手中能用的,其实只有【冥界魂环】! Was a little thorny!” “有点棘手了!” The brow of Darke wrinkles quietly. 达克的眉头悄悄皱起。 …… …… With the name of Lydia · Emerson, Magic Summon Water Element · lizard!” “以莉迪亚·埃墨森之名,魔导召唤水元素·蜥】!” But in Combat phase Started that moment, Lydia · Emerson does not have slight idleness. 但在【战斗阶段】开始的那一刻,莉迪亚·埃墨森却没有丝毫的懈怠。 She then has hand Summon to have own first Magic Fairy immediately. 她立刻便起手召唤出了自己的第一只魔导精灵 That is lizard outline pure Water Element, from beginning to end probably two meters, in within the body ice blue core is only patrolling. 那是一只蜥蜴轮廓的纯净水元素,从头到尾大概有两米长,体内仅有一枚冰蓝色的核心在游弋。 Card Name: Water Element · lizard 卡名:水元素·蜥】 Type: Fairy Card 类型:精灵卡 Grade: ✪✪✪ 等级:✪✪✪ Race: Elemental Species 种族:元素种 Attribute: Water Type 属性:水系 mana: 1700 魔力:1700】 Attack: 1100 攻击:1100】 Defense: 500 防御:500】 Certain Kill Skill: Elemental Pool and melting 必杀技:元素水潭、融化】 Has two Certain Kill Skill Water Element · lizard Is the Lydia · Emerson satisfactory work. 拥有两个必杀技的【水元素·蜥】是莉迪亚·埃墨森的得意作品。 She still does not know at this time Schoolmate curse will fulfill unexpectedly. 她此时仍然不知道同学的“诅咒”竟然会应验。 Summon has this only Magic Fairy primary cause for the shop field. 召唤出这只魔导精灵的主要原因是为了铺场。 „The Water Element · lizard, changes into the puddle!” 水元素·蜥,化为水潭!” After issuing the twinkling of order, Water Element · lizard Then reacted. 下达命令的瞬息之后,【水元素·蜥】便做出了反应。 Its four feet start to melt the liquid from the bottom, the entire body also sinks, a puddle unfolds from this. 它的四足从底部开始融化成液体,整个身体随之下沉,一片水潭由此铺开。 That Elemental Pool Once were unfolded then has 45 meters diameter, as Water Element · lizard The body integrates thoroughly, is left over pair of Eye to float merely in the water surface, that Elemental Pool Then expanded more than ten meters diameters, is actually still proliferating slowly! 那【元素水潭】一经铺开便有四五米的直径,随着【水元素·蜥】的身体彻底融入其中,仅仅剩下一对眼睛浮在水面,那【元素水潭】便扩张到了十余米的直径,却还在缓慢扩散! Nature Elemental Pool Will expand because of increase of Water Element, Water Element · lizard Certain Kill Skill has the similar effect. 自然界的【元素水潭】会因为水元素的增多而扩大,【水元素·蜥】的必杀技想必有着同样的效果。 Lydia · Emerson instructs slightly, Water Element · lizard Then stretches out the tail from the puddle, was involved in Red Side Magic Ball the water fast! 莉迪亚·埃墨森稍微指示,【水元素·蜥】便从水潭之中伸出尾巴,将红方魔导球快速卷入了水中! Although this Elemental Pool Seeming like not deep . Moreover the water surface is limpid, Magic Ball does not have to hide, but at least can the resistance of water resist one to injure…… should? 虽然这【元素水潭】看起来并不深,而且水面清澈无比,魔导球根本无所遁形,但至少水的阻力能抵挡一点伤害……应该吧? Ha. 哈。 In the hand of Darke takes can use only Underworld Soul Ring, After the space between eyebrows wrinkles slightly, then rapid stretch/leisurely launches. 达克的手里拿着唯一能用的【冥界魂环】,眉间稍微皱起之后便迅速舒展开。 30 seconds is not long, how at this time to use the words of trash talk tactic, pulled on the past. 三十秒的时间并不算长,这时候如何使用垃圾话战术的话,拉扯一下就过去了。 But Darke has not done. 达克没有那么做。 He looks at Lydia · Emerson Water Element · lizard, Even appeared the smile. 他看着莉迪亚·埃墨森的【水元素·蜥】,甚至浮现出了笑容。 If Lydia · Emerson Magic Fairy is this Type Water Element, that too was good! 如果莉迪亚·埃墨森魔导精灵都是这种类型水元素,那就实在太棒了! Then he, so long as draws in the upper air Magic Ball, how could it not be can be in an impregnable position? 那么他只要将魔导球拉上高空,岂不能立于不败之地? Naturally this situation is not realistic. 当然这种情况并不现实。 Later, why although has not acted to feel the doubts to be puzzled to Darke, but Lydia · Emerson starts Summon own second Magic Fairy as before. 之后果然,虽然对达克为何没有动作感到疑惑不解,但莉迪亚·埃墨森依旧开始召唤自己的第二只魔导精灵 With the name of Lydia · Emerson, Magic Summon Water Element · eagle!” “以莉迪亚·埃墨森之名,魔导召唤水元素·鹰】!” Water Element of goshawk outline, then arrives in the long whining noise. 苍鹰轮廓的水元素,便在长鸣声中登场。 That joins thick Water Element in field, causes in the ground Elemental Pool Rapidly expanded a about 20 meters diameter! 那加入场中的浓厚水元素,使得地面上的【元素水潭】迅速扩张到了将近二十米的直径! Water Element · eagle Under the order of Lydia · Emerson, dives toward the Blue Side half area suddenly! 水元素·鹰】则在莉迪亚·埃墨森的命令之下,朝着蓝方半区猛然俯冲! …… …… Ten seconds!” “十秒!” Although the crisis approaches, but Darke is still calm. 尽管危机来临,但达克依旧镇定。 He narrows the eyes to focus to look is close rapidly Water Element · eagle, Calculates it to hit the Magic Ball time, then releases mana fiercely, when it will soon run upon, controls this Magic Ball to fly to flee to the sky! 他眯着眼看着急速接近的【水元素·鹰】,计算着它命中魔导球的时间,然后猛地释放魔力,在其即将撞上之时,控制这魔导球向天空飞窜! That flash, Water Element · eagle Then throws because of the inertia to the ground above, its half-length changes into the liquid, then the fast combinate form, wallops toward Blue Side Magic Ball! 那一瞬间,【水元素·鹰】便因为惯性而扑到地面之上,它的半身化为液体,而后又快速聚形,朝着蓝方魔导球猛冲上去! Lydia · Emerson until this moment, realized that in finally the Darke hand sign is extremely possible not to have available card! 莉迪亚·埃墨森直到这一刻,才终于意识到达克的手牌之中极可能没有可用之卡! Opportunity!” “机会!” In her brain flashes through this thought suddenly. 她的脑子里猛然闪过这一念头。 But pitifully, time already remains not many. 但可惜,时间已经所剩不多。 first round, already in the past most! 一回合,已经过去大半! …… …… …… …… 5 / 128 + 8 【5/128+8】 【This chapter 8000 characters made up, yesterday + 2, the monthly ticket posted a reward + 1, over the two days suddenly jammed, stared the computer unable to write obstinately, a day 25 hours stared with the computer mutually the…… but condition always had fluctuating, looked that my knife edge got up again().】 【本章八千字补更,昨日,月票悬赏,这两天突然就卡壳了,瞪着电脑愣是写不出来,一天二十五小时和电脑互瞪中……但状态总有起伏的嘛,看我重新支棱起来()哼。】
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