Airbornegive an exaggerated account of things, the exquisite silkis unusual, among the riotousflower petals a beautifulwomantreads the flowerto come, fromairbornegoes downslantingly, theseflower petalsare riotous, a flower petalfallsin front ofQin Mumakes the sound.
空中天花乱坠,锦绣异常,缤纷的花瓣之间一位美妇踏花而来,从空中斜斜走下,那些花瓣缤纷飘零,一片花瓣落在秦牧面前发出叮铃铃的声响。Heextendstake actionto come, the flower petalactuallylooks like the snowflake.
他伸出手来,花瓣却像雪花般化去。„origin qi?”
“元气所化?”Qin Mustartled, sawfromairbornegoes down the facial features of beautifulwoman, in the heartsuddenlythump thump the fiercebeat.秦牧怔了怔,看到了从空中走下的美妇人的面容,心中突然怦怦剧烈跳动。HefollowsDeafto learn drawingto write, Deafhas the Wu Shuang/Unparalleledbrushwork, candrawin worldto be completely happy, even if is the Deafpenonlyfeared that alsodifficultdraws the appearance and tone of thisbeautifulwoman.
他跟随聋子学画写字,聋子有着无双的笔触,能够画尽世间美好,但即便是聋子的笔只怕也难能将这美妇人的容颜和气韵画出。Qin Museesher, finallyunderstands that anythingexclaims overgeneration of grace and talents, remembersDeafto teachhispiece of ancientFuunconsciously.秦牧看到她,终于明白什么叫绝代风华,不觉想起聋子教他的一片古赋。Heraction, as if, if the shading of moon/monthlightcloud, swaysifreturning of snowcustoms handed down from past generation.?
她的举动,仿佛兮若轻云之蔽月,飘摇兮若流风之回雪。?Herappearance, the nongfilamentresults inheart, trims and shortensproperly. If the shoulderhews, waistlikeYossuk. Extendsneckshow, whitenaturereveals. The perfumed hair-oilnotadds, cosmeticsgoverning. cloudJiis lofty, cultivates the eyebrowto uniteJuan. Outsidepilllip, inwhite teethfresh, bright eyesfriendlylook around, the dimpleauxiliaryreceives the power. The rosepostureis colorful, meterstatoris idle. The tender feelingsgraceful manner, flattersin the language.?
她的容貌,秾纤得衷,修短合度。肩若削成,腰如约素。延颈秀项,皓质呈露。芳泽无加,铅华弗御。云髻峨峨,修眉联娟。丹唇外朗,皓齿内鲜,明眸善睐,靥辅承权。瑰姿艳逸,仪静体闲。柔情绰态,媚于语言。?Herclothes, wonderful clothingunrivalled, the bonelooks likeshouldattempt. Throws overcui of LuoYito be bright, arc of contact of haloYaobluemagnificenceJu. The jewelry of gold/metalCui, decorates the pearlbyshiningbody. Treadswriting of Lvtravelling far, towsfogxiao the lightfront.
她的衣裳,奇服旷世,骨像应图。披罗衣之璀粲兮,珥瑶碧之华琚。戴金翠之首饰,缀明珠以耀躯。践远游之文履,曳雾绡之轻裾。As ifalsoonly thenthisancientFu, abilitydescribedherdeportmentlooks.
似乎也只有这篇古赋,才能形容她的仪态姿容。Thisfemalewas too beautiful, the local products, do not take pen in handto paintcannot drawsuchappearance, is hardto catchhertonegrace and talent.
Is shereallyGrandma Si?
她真的是司婆婆?„Grannyhas massacred such beautifulwoman, is throwing over the leather bag of woman?”Qin Mushivers with fright, there is not a goodassociation.
“难道婆婆把这么美的妇人杀掉了,披着妇人的皮囊?”秦牧不由打个冷战,有一种不好的联想。„Hey! Cowherd!”
“喂!放牛的!”Suddenly, the sound that hisbacktransmits a girl, Qin Muturns headto look,has not seen the person, looked up, sees onlyon a templeeaveto sit a girl, the skirtsuspends the ankle area, revealed the pure whiteskin, was very exquisite.
突然,他背后传来一个女孩儿的声音,秦牧回头看去,没有看到人,抬头一看,只见一座庙檐上坐着一个女孩儿,裙摆到了脚踝,露出洁白的皮肤,很是细腻。HerfootalmosthangstoQin Mu'son, toesmart-aleckycurls upwardscurved, sways.
The girleyescurvedbecome the crescent moon, said: „Cowherd, youcome up. Herelooks farther ahead, seesclearly.”
那女孩眼睛弯成月牙,道:“放牛的,你上来。这里看得远,看得清楚。”Qin Mujumps the jumping uptempleeave, sits downinherside, onlythinksonthisgirlto have a familiarfragrance, in the heartwonders.秦牧纵身跳上庙檐,在她身边坐下,只觉这女孩身上有一股熟悉的香味儿,心中纳闷。Girltwocheeksdistinguishto combtwowisps of beautiful hair, appears the cheeklikelyissunflowerseed, the beautiful woman, smiles the eyethencurvedlikelyis the crescent moon, saidgrinningly: „Am Ifat?”
那女孩两颊辨梳着两缕秀发,显得脸蛋像是葵花籽儿,明眸皓齿,一笑起来眼睛便弯的像是月牙儿,笑嘻嘻道:“我胖吗?”Qin Munods, saidhonestly: „Byyourfaceis combinghair, toletyourfaceappearthin, butopens out the hairappearsfat.”秦牧点头,老老实实道:“你脸两旁梳着头发,是为了让你的脸显得瘦一些,不过拨开头发还是显得胖墩墩的。”
The girlis angry, the foothas pedalledhis, side hershoestake offto place, barefoot, angrily said: „Faceis fat inborn, Ido not have the means!”
女孩恼怒,脚丫子蹬了他一下,她的鞋子脱下来放在身边,光着脚丫,气道:“脸胖是天生的,我也没办法!”Theyplaceunder the foot the templeeave, Qin Muboth handsare supporting the templeeave, alwaysthought that thisgirlsomewhatlooks familiar, moreoverthatfragranceisfamiliar, in the heartwonders.
两人将脚放在庙檐下,秦牧双手撑着庙檐,总觉得身边这女孩有些眼熟,而且那股香味更是熟悉,心中纳闷。SlantingfrontBorder Dragon CityCity Lord Mansion, gatewayis suddenly big, goes out of110peopleenormously and powerful, the aura of everyone is formidable, has an imposing appearance, the correct manners disciplineis uncommon, isBorder Dragon CityhasillustriousprestigeDivine Ability Practitioner, mammoth!
斜前方的镶龙城城主府,门户突然大开,浩浩荡荡走出110人,每个人的气息都非常强大,器宇轩昂,仪容不凡,都是镶龙城有着赫赫威名的神通者,声势浩大!Is the man of headbigtall and strong, the tigerbearwaist, dragonHangis vigorous and mighty strides, the imposing manner that onetypemade the personpalpitation, the beard on facehas blasted out the growthtoabout, the look, althoughcould not be regardedhandsome, actuallyalsosomemalespirits.
为首的男子高大魁梧,虎目熊腰,龙行虎步,有一种令人心悸的气势,脸上的胡须向左右炸开了生长,相貌虽然算不得英俊,却也有些男子气概。Hisbackfaintlyappears the Goddemonemptyshade, thatiseightarmGoddemons, graspseightmagical artifact, shouldbeorigin qiobviously, the imposing manneris extraordinary.
他的背后隐隐现出神魔的虚影,那是一尊八臂神魔,手持八种法器,应该是元气显化,气势非凡。„Cult Mistresshas wonHeavenly Devil Cultcult protectorscriptureGreat Educational Heavenly Devil Scripture, escapesHeavenly Devil CultSaintElderandchasing down of SaintPatriarch, entersGreat Ruins, does not have the traillost to view.”
“教主夫人夺走了天魔教的镇教圣典大育天魔经,逃过天魔教圣长老和圣祖师的追杀,进入大墟,杳无踪迹。”Border Dragon City Lordhahasaid with a smile: „Ialsoworried that madame'ssafety, longs, has not thought of the madameto be safe and sound, makingesteemed merelax. The madamebears patiently for more than 40years, wantsto comeisstudies certainlyGreat Educational Heavenly Devil Scripturethoroughly, should thisleaving the mountain, not fearHeavenly Devil CultElderandPatriarch?”镶龙城主哈哈笑道:“我还担心夫人的安危,朝思暮想,没想到夫人安然无恙,让本座不禁松了口气。夫人隐忍40多年未出,想来是一定将大育天魔经研究透彻,这次出山,应该是不惧天魔教长老和祖师了吧?”Heavenly DevilCult MistressjokeYanYan, chattedwithBorder Dragon City Lord, seemed manyyears of old friend.天魔教主夫人笑语晏晏,与镶龙城主说说笑笑,似乎是多年老友。Border Dragon City Lordactuallydoes not dareto approach, invites: „Madame, my humble homehosted a banquet to welcomeby chance the distinguished guest, esteemed mehears the madameyour honorable selfto visitcomeshurriedly, making the honored guestwait for a long timenot to be good, the non-concubinesteps, tomy humble hometo chat?”镶龙城主却不敢接近,邀请道:“夫人,寒舍恰巧设宴款待贵宾,本座听闻夫人大驾光临匆忙前来,让贵客久等可不好,不如夫人移步,到寒舍一叙?”
The beautifulwomensaid with a smilelightly: „Alsogood. Ialsowantto see the City Lordhonored guest, thenonthank your for your hospitality.”
美妇人轻笑道:“也好。我也想见一见城主的贵客,那就叨扰了。”„Madamechatted, please!”
“夫人说笑了,请!”„ThatisBorder Dragon City LordEightfold Heavenly God Technique, veryfiercecultivation technique.”
“那是镶龙城主的八相天神功,很厉害的功法。”SideQin Mu, the girlin a low voicesaid: „It is saidBorder Dragon City LordFu Yundipracticeto the Life and Deathboundary, Life and Deathdivine treasureBreaking Wallhas succeeded, isinGreat Ruinsunusualexpert!”秦牧身边,那女孩低声道:“据说镶龙城主傅云敌已经修炼到生死境,生死神藏破壁成功,是大墟中少有的高手!”Qin Mulooked atBorder Dragon City LordFu Yundi, Fu YundiEightfold Heavenly God Techniqueis indeed extraordinary, wantsto come, ifdisplays, certainlyisHeavenly Godeight, gets a panoramic viewin all directions, moreovercanattackenemyin all directions, said: „Indeedisfiercecultivation technique.”秦牧看了看镶龙城主傅云敌,傅云敌的八相天神功的确非凡,想来如果施展出来,一定是天神八相,四面八方都尽收眼底,而且可以攻击四面八方的敌人,赞道:“的确是一门厉害的功法。”
The girlcame the interest, said: „Cowherd, you are also very fierce, whatyourpracticeiswhatcultivation technique?”
那女孩来了兴致,道:“放牛的,你也很厉害呢,你修炼的是什么功法?”„Overlord Body Three Elixir Art.”
“霸体三丹功。”Qin Musaid: „IcalledQin Mu, did youname?”秦牧道:“我叫秦牧,你叫什么名字?”
The girlhas gathered togethernear the earsendingsilk, said with a smile: „IcalledYuxiu.”
那女孩拢了拢耳边的发丝,笑道:“我叫毓秀。”Qin Musaid: „ClockLing YuxiuYuxiu?”秦牧道:“钟灵毓秀的毓秀?”
The girlsaidwith amazement: „Howyouknow that my name is spirit?”
那女孩惊讶道:“你怎么知道我姓灵?”„Ling Yuxiu? Thisnameis of pleasant to hear.”
“灵毓秀?这个名字好听。”Qin Muacclaimed, said: „Ifyourcheekis thinner, could be joined tothisname.”秦牧赞叹一番,道:“倘若你的脸蛋再瘦一些,就配得上这个名字了。”Ling Yuxiuis angry, has pedalled his foot, wears the shoesto jumpfrom the templeeave: „Paid no attention toyou!”灵毓秀恼怒,又蹬了他一脚,穿上鞋子从庙檐上跳下去:“不理你了!”Herfootstepsfell to the ground, walkedtwosteps, turned headto wonder saying: „Youhownotwith?”
她脚步落地,走了两步,又回头纳闷道:“你怎么不跟上来?”Qin Musaidpuzzled: „Yousaidpaid no attention tome, why can Ialsowith?”秦牧不解道:“你说了不理我了,我为何还要跟上来?”„Mean-spirited!”
“小气!”Ling Yuxiubeckons, saidgrinningly: „Ihave the methodto enterCity Lord Mansion, inthis momentCity Lord Mansionlives it upvery much, weplay! Whatyoudo not wantto see the Great Ruinsgiantsmake, whatsaid?”灵毓秀招了招手,笑嘻嘻道:“我有门路可以进入城主府,此刻城主府中热闹得很,咱们去玩耍玩耍!你不想见一见大墟的巨头们都在做些什么,说些什么吗?”In the Qin Muheartmoves slightly, jumps downfrom the templeeave, followsherquickly, saidcuriously: „How do youenterCity Lord Mansion?”秦牧心中微动,从庙檐跳下,快步跟上她,好奇道:“你怎么进入城主府?”„Naturallyisupright and frankwalks!”
“当然是正大光明的走进去!”Ling Yuxiuguidesinfront, before arriving at the City Lord Mansiongatewithout consulting anybody, before mansiongate, hasfourDivine Ability Practitionerto guard a gate, saw that two peopleaskeddid not ask, whatevertheywalk into the mansion.灵毓秀在前面带路,径自来到城主府门前,府门前有四个神通者守门,见到两人问也不问,任由他们走入府中。Qin Muis surprised, saidin a low voice: „Younger sister, are you Border Dragon City Lorddaughter?”秦牧惊讶,低声道:“妹子,你是镶龙城主的女儿吗?”„Hewantsto result inbeautiful!”
“他想得美!”Ling Yuxiuspatone, said: „My father'sbackgroundcompared withhimmostly! ThisBorder Dragon CityCity Lord Mansion, Iwantto enterenter, find outleave. Front is the Zhenjiangbuilding, Fu Yundiinvites the guest there.”灵毓秀啐了一口,道:“我爹的来头比他大多了!这镶龙城的城主府,我想进就进,想出就出。前面便是镇江楼,傅云敌就是在那里宴请宾客。”Qin Mulooksforward,whatfirstheaves in sightis a piece of great lake, the blue waterclearwave, wicker basketbig or smallpearlswere placedin the lake water, sends outgentlerays of light, shines upon the lake surface, the lakeside many maidservantscarries the lanternto standin the shoreis motionless, in the lakethispiece of mansionshines the lightsto be transparent.秦牧向前看去,首先映入眼帘的是一片大湖,碧水清波,一颗颗栲栳大小明珠被放在湖水中,散发出柔和的光芒,映照湖面,湖边又有许多使女提着灯笼站在岸边一动不动,将这片府中湖泊照耀得灯火透明。ByZhenjiangbuildingJianinlake waterhalfway up the mountainside, shapesuch asflyinggreat wild goose. Looksfrom afar,thenseesinbuildingresplendent in gold and jade green, everywhererevealsto get huge windfall wealth the makings, Border Dragon City Lordwishes one couldto overspread the Zhenjiangbuildingwith the gold foil, seriouslyisextravagant!
镇江楼建在湖水旁的半山上,形如飞鸿。远远看去,便见楼中金碧辉煌,处处露出一夜暴富的气质,镶龙城主恨不得用金箔铺满镇江楼,当真是穷奢极欲!In the Zhenjiangbuilding, severaldancing girlsdance lightlyin the buildingcenter, the sleevesvolume, the fragrantskirtmoves, follows the string and woodwind instruments and drumbeats, is very wonderful.
镇江楼中,几个舞女在楼中央翩翩起舞,衣袖卷,香裙动,伴随丝竹和鼓点,很是美妙。Butinlakecenteralsoplatform, abovefour directionsfourpositive, has the hundred zhang (333 m)to be wide, underwith a thickincomparablepillarsupport. In the skyis flutteringseveraldeadair/Qilanterns, shinesinsightfully the platforminlike the daytime.
而在湖中央还有一座平台,上面四方四正,有百丈宽,下方则是用一根粗大无比的柱子支撑。天空中飘着十几个死气灯笼,将平台上照耀得通透如昼。In the lakein the platformtransmitsexplosives, thatistwoyoungsteris encounteringin the platform, Qin Mustopsto watch, reveals the surprisedcolor/look. The strengths of thesetwoyoungsterare formidable, the skillis extraordinary.
湖中平台上传来一声声爆响,那是两个少年正在平台上交锋,秦牧驻足观看,露出惊讶之色。这两个少年的实力都非常强大,本事非凡。Thatyoungster who and a youngstera moment agoon the street, was competedwithhundreddragon coinsintroductiongovernment offices by the City Lord Mansionmiddle-aged man, heshouldbeWhite Tiger Spirit Body, White Tigerorigin qiappearsgold/metalTong the conditionunexpectedly, hisbody surfaceappears the golden color and ancient bronzestwocolors, the golden coloris shining, ancient bronzesdark brown.
其中一个少年正是刚才在街上,被城主府的中年男子用百枚龙币引入府中打擂的那个少年,他应该是白虎灵体,白虎元气竟然显现出金铜的状态,他的体表浮现出金色和古铜两种颜色,金色灿灿,古铜深褐。Hismatchstrokeswhenhisbody, when the sound that eruptsalsolikelyis the Copper Buddhamotionsonoroussound, will burst outonestring of flames!
他的对手击打在他的身上时,爆发出的声音也像是铜佛行动时的铿锵声响,甚至会迸发出一串火光!Refining upthisdegree the bodyusingWhite Tigerorigin qi, isextremelywise, no wonderdaresto enterCity Lord Mansionto compete.
利用白虎元气将身体炼到这种程度,已经是极为高明了,难怪敢进入城主府打擂。Hismatchis not old, is similar to Qin Mu, the 14 or 15-year-oldage, take action is quite ruthlessspicily, whatheusesiseightswords, each„hand”uses a sword.
他的对手年纪也不大,与秦牧仿佛,十四五岁的年纪,出手却极为狠辣,他使用的是八口剑,每一只“手”都使用一口剑。Thatis not the genuinehand, butishisorigin qi, heusesorigin qito control the sword, onetimecontrolseightsharp swords.
那并非是真正的手,而是他的元气,他用元气控剑,一次控制八口利剑。„Eightfold Heavenly God Technique?”Qin Musaidin a low voice.
“八相天神功?”秦牧低声道。Eightfold Heavenly God TechniqueandBorder Dragon City Lord that Fu YundiEightfold Heavenly God Techniquethisyoungsterdisplaysis different, Fu Yundihas cultivated the phenomenon, is standingEightfold Heavenly God.
这个少年施展的八相天神功与镶龙城主傅云敌的八相天神功不同,傅云敌已经修出了异象,身后站着八相天神。Eightfold Heavenly God Technique of thisyoungsterhas not beenthatlevel, but the path of origin qiutilizationactuallyinheritswithFu Yundi.
这个少年的八相天神功还远未达到那种层次,但是元气运用的路子却与傅云敌一脉相承。Ling Yuxiusaid: „Heis the Fu Yundison, is calledTingyue, said that is also a poor man, did not have mother since childhood, isFu Yundioneraises......”灵毓秀道:“他是傅云敌的儿子,叫做庭岳,说起来也是个可怜人,从小就没了娘,是傅云敌一手拉扯大……”Pū
The Fu Tingyuedoubleswordpricksin the both eyes of hismatch, then the doubleswordmakes an effortto rotate, twistsbroken the both eyes of opposite party.傅庭岳双剑刺入他的对手的双眼之中,接着双剑用力转动,将对方的双眼绞碎。HismatchWhite Tigerorigin qi is quite freely formidable, refining upsuch as the steeliron the body, buthas not actually built up the eye, after doubleblind, sends out the sad and shrillpitiful yell. Fu Tingyuedirectlyhas not actually killedmatch, has not received the handin light of this, butis a swordswordstrikes offtothatblindyoungster, undercutshisfingerone, in the eyereveals the excitedcolor/look.
他的对手尽管白虎元气极为强大,将身体炼得如钢似铁,但是却没有炼到眼睛,双眼瞎了之后发出凄厉的惨叫。傅庭岳却没有直接杀了对手,也没有就此收手,而是一剑一剑的向那个瞎眼少年砍去,将他的手指头一根根切下来,眼中露出兴奋之色。Qin Muknits the brows, sideinquiredLing Yuxiu: „Didn't hehavemother'spoor man?”秦牧皱眉,侧头询问灵毓秀:“他是没了娘的可怜人?”Ling Yuxiualsohad a scare, holdshishandto walktoward the Zhenjiangbuildinghastily, says with a smile: „Iwas somewhat hungry, weeat the thing! Ihere am also a guest, cannotmanagetoomany......”灵毓秀也是吓了一跳,连忙拉着他的手向镇江楼走去,笑道:“我有些饿了,咱们去吃好东西!我在这里也是客人,不能管太多……”
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