Althoughdragon coinsis not big, but3600hundreddragon coinsactuallyalsomany, aboutin the same place more than tenjin (0.5 kg), Qin Muhangs the purseon the backSlaughtering Pig Bladehandleconveniently, inheartdarkto praise: „ThisChubby Fatty Seventh Young Mastertake actionis indeed natural.”龙币虽然不大,但是3600百龙币却也不少,合在一起十多斤重,秦牧随手将钱袋挂在背后的杀猪刀柄上,心中暗赞:“这位胖胖的肥七公子的确出手大方。”Seventh Young Mastereyeonebright, fallsonhisbackSlaughtering Pig Blade, said with a smile: „You , if willingto sellyourthisblade, Icangiveyou a betterprice!”七公子眼睛一亮,落在他背后的杀猪刀上,笑道:“你若是愿意卖你这口刀,我可以给你一个更好的价钱!”Qin Mushakes the head saying: „Mythisbladeis better than to be too more than earthenware jar, does not sell.”秦牧摇头道:“我这口刀比瓦罐好太多,不卖。”„Pours is also. Yourblade, the materialthenmustexceedearthenware jarsomemerely.”
“倒也是。你的刀,仅仅材料便要胜过瓦罐一些了。”Seventh Young Mastergivesaccompanying the earthenware jar, said with a smile: „Thisearthenware jarisSix DirectionsRealmDivine Ability Practitionerrefining up, altogether has36mouthspirit armament, is called36Heavenly Star Pot, cancomposeHeavenly Dipper Refining Demon Formation, althoughbroken, butmightalso. Iwantthem am also useless, butplanned that carried overGreat Ruinsto sell to the descendants of princesaristocrat, gainedone. Iformerlyhad seen36Heavenly Star Pot, thereforerecognizes, youreyesightis excellent, is it possible thatformerlyalsohad seen?”七公子将瓦罐交给身旁的随从,笑道:“这瓦罐乃是六合境界的神通者所炼,共有三十六口灵兵,叫做三十六天星罐,可以组成天罡炼魔阵,虽然破了些,但是威力还在。我要它们也是没用,只是打算带出大墟卖给王孙贵族,赚上一笔而已。我从前见过三十六天星罐,所以认得,你的眼力过人,莫非从前也见过?”His, accompaniesto cough a sound said: „Seventh Young Master, white dragon in fish clothing, is unsafe.”
他的身后,一位随从咳嗽一声道:“七公子,白龙鱼服,并不安全。”Seventh Young Masteris disgruntled: „Yourathermanagemany, comes outto playdoes not have the pleasure!”Then, shakes the headto depart.七公子不悦道:“你们未免管得太多,出来玩也是没有乐趣!”说罢,摇头离去。Qin Muknows that hefollowssideQin Feiyue, Qin Feiyuealsovery muchrespectstohim, should the statusbe uncommon, theseaccompanydo not makehimbrave hardships and dangersare the naturalmatters.秦牧知道他跟在秦飞月身边,秦飞月对他也很是尊敬,应该地位不凡,这些随从不让他涉险是理所当然的事。Heis just aboutto depart, suddenlysold to the vendor of hisearthenware jarto holdhislower hem cornera moment ago, called out: „Do not walk! Myearthenware jarvalue more than 3000dragon coins, youractuallywantsto buy, youmustcompensateme!”Then, thengraspstoQin Mubehindpurse.
他正要离去,突然刚才卖给他瓦罐的摊主一把抓住他的衣角,叫道:“你别走!我那些瓦罐值3000多个龙币,你却一枚就想买走,你须得赔我!”说罢,便向秦牧身后的钱袋抓去。Qin Muknits the brows, suddenly the fine hairstarts, onlythinks the dangerto approach, in the lane a personrapiddraws close to him, the sleevesturn, in the sleeveslides a strangeweapon, istwosicklesspellslikelyin the same place, twocurved, sharpexceptionally.秦牧皱眉,突然汗毛乍起,只觉危险来临,巷子里一人飞速向他贴近,衣袖一翻,袖筒中滑出一口奇怪的兵器,像是两口弯刀拼在一起,两头弯弯,锋利异常。Thatperson of palmdownward, butthatstrangeweaponhas not actually fallenunder the palm, insteadhowlsrevolving, cancelsto the Qin Mu'snecksuddenly!
那人手掌向下,而那奇怪兵器却在掌心下没有掉落,反而呼啸旋转,猛然向秦牧的脖子抹去!Qin Muorigin qirushesto pour intoboth feet, bodytranslatessuddenlybackward, thatvendorwas just aboutto holdhispurseQin Mualreadyto withdraw frombeyond the zhang (3.33 m).秦牧元气澎湃灌入双足,身躯突然间向后平移,那个摊主正要抓住他的钱袋秦牧已然退出丈外。
The bladeis bright, thatperson of closely associated, sticks toQin Mu, the palmis pasting the strangeblade, the high and lowfluttering, Qin Mulookshurriedly,sees onlyhispalmto havefine lace and strangebladetogetheris connected, by the strangebladeis the sickles, the middleinstead the hand, the fine laceties upin the hand.
刀光闪闪,那人如影随形,紧贴秦牧,手掌心贴着怪刀,上下翻飞,秦牧匆忙看去,只见他的掌心有一道细线与怪刀相连,怪刀两边都是弯刀,中间反而是把手,细线正是拴在把手上。„refining Qi into Threads, using qi to control blade? HeisMartial Practitioner!”
“练气成丝,以气御刀?他是个武者!”ThisMartial PractitionerBlade Skillis quite strange, the footstepsslicklyare the loachdrilllikelygenerally, Blade Skillis primarilycutting, displaysinthissmalllaneextremelysharply, the bright as snowbladelightfrom top to bottom, the roundcampylodromouscut, the strengthis not weak.
这武者的刀法极为诡异,脚步油滑像是泥鳅一般钻来钻去,刀法以切为主,在这个小巷子里施展极为犀利,雪亮的刀光从上而下,圆弧状切下来,力量却也不弱。Meanwhile, Qin Musaw that otherpeople in laneare also eager to try, stands up.
与此同时,秦牧看到巷子里的其他人也在跃跃欲试,纷纷站起身来。Obviously, thisbag of dragon coinsmade the personhave the greed!
More than 3000dragon coins, absolutely is a bigwealth, made the personmovesufficientlymovedgreedilyhas killedto read!
3000多枚龙币,绝对是一笔大财富,足以让人动了贪心动了杀念!„Fights a battle to force a quick decision!”
“速战速决!”Qin Mupausessuddenly, origin qiemergesin the doublefistboundless.秦牧陡然停步,元气磅礴涌入双拳之中。Hisfootstepsmove out of place, origin qiunderstands the both arms, the luckfingertip, graspswill refer to the fist, the fistsoon the strangebladecollisionwiththatMartial Practitionerflickers, suddenly the fingerwill be similar to the strongbowarbalestspringsfrom the fist!
他脚步错动,元气通达双臂,运气指尖,握指成拳,拳头即将与那武者的怪刀碰撞的一瞬,突然手指如同强弓劲弩从拳头中弹出!Thunderclap Eight Strikes Third Form, Thunder Fingers Of The Pipa!雷音八式第二式,弹指惊雷琵琶手!When
当Hisfirstfinger/refers of popping, refers to the strengthsending out the wailingfrom out of the blue, shoots the blade of thatrapidrevolving, secondfinger/refers of popping, origin qi thread in thatMartial Practitionerhandwas referred to the ballbreakingbyhim.
The Qin Mumiddle fingersprings, the ballin the palm of thatMartial Practitioner, thatMartial Practitionerstuffysnorted, palmcovered with blood, breaks a large cave.秦牧第三指弹出,弹在那武者的掌心,那武者闷哼一声,掌心血肉模糊,破开一个大洞。Qin Mueachfinger/refersis containingvigorousincomparableorigin qi, althoughhisorigin qiis unable to play the mightlikeWhite Tigerorigin qi, butreallyvigorousincomparable, the physical bodystrength that brings is also astonishing, the middle fingerspranghas explainedthatMartial Practitioneroffensive, thenreceivedto refer to the fist, a fistbangin the chest of thatMartial Practitioner.秦牧每一指都蕴藏着雄浑无比的元气,他的元气虽然无法像白虎元气那样发挥出威力,但着实浑厚无比,带来的肉身力量也是惊人,三指弹出破解了那名武者的攻势,接着收指成拳,一拳轰在那武者的胸口。Strengthbang of thatMartial Practitioner by thisfistresulted in the bodyto be curving, the both legsverticalfallbackward.
那名武者被这一拳中的力量轰得身躯弯曲,双腿立地向后跌去。Spring Thunder On The Lonely East Sea!只身东海挟春雷!
The Qin Mufootstepscatch up, whenthatMartial Practitionerhas not fallenthenalready to his, inthatMartial Practitionereyereveals the panic-strickencolor/look, is only the personin the midair, is unable to resist.秦牧脚步发力,在那武者还未落下之时便已经冲至他的跟前,那武者眼中露出惊恐之色,只是人在半空,无法抵挡。At this time, laneboth sidestwoMartial PractitionersawQin Mu to thatMartial Practitionerside, eyeonebright, stuck out suddenlyfromboth sidesrashly, attackedtoQin Mu!
嘭!Bang! Bang!
嘭!嘭!ThattwoMartial Practitionerhave not attacked their firstmove, thensees the Qin Mu'sfistto be getting bigger and bigger, two peopleas ifbybarbaricLand Dragonhitonfacegeneral, after the headsupine, the headgripsin the wall, the neckfollowingbodyhangson the wall!
那两位武者还未攻出自己的第一招,便见秦牧的拳头越来越大,两人仿佛被野蛮地龙撞击在脸上一般,脑袋后仰,头颅扎进墙壁中,脖子以下的身体挂在墙上!Thatwallwas hitreveals the spider webgeneralcrack.
那墙壁被撞得露出蜘蛛网一般的裂纹。Butwas hit hardin that Martial Practitionerchest of chestby the Qin Muheavy blowsbangagain, Qin Muthisfistalsowantedviciouscompared withthatfista moment ago, makinghisfootnot moisten, fliesbackwardat a quickerspeed!
而被秦牧重拳轰在胸口的那名武者胸口再次遭到重击,秦牧这一拳比刚才那一拳还要凶狠,让他脚不沾地,以更快的速度向后飞去!In the lane, the person's shadowflashes, immediatelytransmitsbangbangbang the loud sound, Seventh Young MasterandseveralDivine Ability Practitioneraccompanieshas not gone out of the lane, hears the sound that the backhearsto stop the footsteps, turns headlooks like, revealsstartledaccommodates.
That Martial Practitionerthirdtimewas struckto fly, hitstoSeventh Young Master, severalDivine Ability Practitionerknit the browsslightly, take action, Seventh Young Masterwill say with a smile: „Does not use, weshunt.”
那名武者第三次被击飞,向七公子撞来,几个神通者微微皱眉,正要出手,七公子笑道:“不用,咱们躲开。”Severalpeople of being sidewayshave let, actuallysees the Qin Mutornadoto pasteinsanelyinthatMartial Practitionerbehind, the fistpalmsuch aslike the electricity, the tamper force with mercylongdepends on the hand-to-hand fight in tights, the lastfistrumbles, thatMartial Practitionerwas made the lane, banghangson the oppositewall.
The wallwas dashedby the buttocks of thatMartial Practitioner, bodycardinwall, both legsandboth handsweakis drooping, hangscannot move there.
墙壁被那武者的屁股撞破,身子卡在墙壁中,双腿和双手无力的耷拉着,挂在那里动弹不得。ButinQin Mubehind, severalMartial Practitioneris the headinsertsin the wall, the bodyhangson the wall surface, dances with joy, suddenlyis unable to withdraw.
“好本事!”ThatseveralDivine Ability Practitionerpraised without cease, one of them saidin a low voice: „Young Master, thispersonrunssuch as the torrentialmonstrous waves, startledbig wavecracksspatially, whatusesisextremetyrannicalbattle skill. His fistfoot, ifcanbreak through the limit, was divine ability!”
那几个神通者赞叹不已,其中一人低声道:“公子,此人奔走如滔滔巨浪,惊涛裂空,用的是一种极端强横的战技。他刚才的一拳一脚,倘若能突破极限,便是神通了!”Seventh Young Mastersaidwith amazement: „Whatheusesisbattle skill?”七公子惊讶道:“他用的是战技?”„Topcultivation technique in battle skill!”
“战技中的顶级功法!”Seventh Young Masternodsgently, said: „Ihad heard the paststory, Imperial Preceptorin the pastand a experttheory of battle skilllineage/vein said that has killedinnumerably the thumb of practicebattle skill, battle skillhenceforthis unable to place on a parwithdivine ability, is listed as the heresy. Somemanyheresiesrun intoGreat Ruins, heis a disciple of heresy......”七公子轻轻点头,道:“我听说过当年故事,国师当年与战技一脉的强者论道,将修炼战技的巨擘杀了无数,战技从此无法与神通相提并论,被列为异端。有不少异端逃入大墟,难道他是其中一个异端的弟子……”Anotheraccompaniessaidin a low voice: „Border Dragon Cityis notEternal Peace, heregood and bad people mixed up, are many are has no way out the ferociousgeneration, thereforewemusthandle affairscarefully. Behindthisyoungster, hadin the pastremnantmostly. Young Master, weseegeneralas soon as possible.”
另一个随从低声道:“镶龙城不是延康,这里鱼龙混杂,多得是走投无路穷凶极恶之辈,所以我们务必小心行事。这个少年背后,多半有当年余孽。公子,我们尽快去见将军。”Qin Mudoes not haveunder the pain the killer, when hebegana moment ago the strengthreceivedmost probably, butalsohithangs the wallseveralMartial Practitionerto be scaryenough, naturally, thisanything, hehas not been in villageandGrandfather Maand the othersfor him the showdown, outside the villageandDevil Ape and Hu Ling'ershowdown, every timewasfullytake action.秦牧并没有痛下杀手,他刚才动手时力量收了大半,但是将十几个武者打得挂墙却也足够吓人了,当然,这对他来说并没有什么,他在村落里与马爷等人对决,村外与魔猿和狐灵儿对决,每一次都是全力出手。„These manydragon coinsbeltsare unsafe, might as wellbuy something, thengivesGranny the remainingdragon coinsbackinn.”
The youngsterhave not actually caredthismatter, on the roadhas boughtsomesilks and satins, assigns the personto deliver to the inn, heplanned that theypreparesseveralsets of clothestoGrandfather MaVillage Chief.
少年却也没有将这种事情放在心上,路上又买了些绫罗绸缎,命人送到客栈,他打算给马爷村长他们多备几套衣裳。Qin Muhas boughtsomenovelgadget, plansto giveGrandfather MaandCripplethey, thisreturns to the inn, those wholethisaccident/surpriseisGrandma Siunexpectedlynotin the room, does not know when went out.秦牧又买了一些新奇玩意儿,打算送给马爷、瘸子他们,这才返回客栈,让他意外的是司婆婆竟然不在房中,不知何时出门去了。Blinddoes not see the signs.瞎子也不见踪迹。„Comesrarelyonetime, quitesees the world.”
“难得来一次,还是好生见见世面。”Qin Mutakes out110dragon coins, remainingmoneyCanghao, thengoes out of the inn, in all directionstour. NightBorder Dragon Cityis extremely busy, indeedmakeshimbroaden the outlook, the martial arts contest, competes, performs, the lion dancedragon, murders those who have cheated them.秦牧取出110个龙币,将剩下的钱藏好,然后走出客栈,四处游览。夜晚的镶龙城热闹非凡,的确让他大开眼界,比武的,打擂的,唱戏的,舞狮龙的,还有寻仇的。Hebroadens the outlook, arrives at the Border Dragon Citycenter, hereconstructionis lordlierpalatially, there aremanyhistoric buildings, shouldbedarknesscovers the Great Ruinsbeforehandpeopleto stay behind, the templeshrine, is very uncommon.
他大开眼界,不知不觉间走到镶龙城的中心,这里的建筑更加气派巍峨,有很多古建筑,应该是黑暗笼罩大墟之前的人们留下的,庙堂神祠,很是不凡。Qin MuopensHeaven's Eye, looks atthesehistoric buildings, expressed admiration, hereidolinhispersoneyeswas only the ordinaryidol, butfellin his eyes is rays of lightten thousandzhang (3.33 m)Gods!秦牧开启神霄天眼,看着那些古建筑,啧啧称奇,这里的神像在他人眼中只是普通的神像,而落在他眼中便是一尊尊光芒万丈的神祇!Hisone by oneobserving and emulating, praysmanynot to dreadtotheseGods, butdid not blaspheme, onlyappreciatedcarves the idol the Deityskill.
他一一观摩,对这些神祈没有多少畏惧,但也不亵渎,只欣赏雕琢神像的神人技巧。Border Dragon Cityestablishesabove a giantvestige, herestone statuestems from the remotetime the hand of Goddemon, fromcarving the techniqueQin Mucanseepassing clouds and flowing waterthe work of the Gods, makinghimas ifseeall sorts oftall and pleasing to the eyedivine ability.镶龙城是建立在一个巨大的遗迹之上,这里的石像出自遥远时代的神魔之手,从雕琢手法上秦牧可以看到行云流水般的鬼斧神工,让他恍惚间仿佛看到了一种种美轮美奂的神通。„Fromthesestone statue, as ifcancomprehendmanycultivation technique.”
“从这些石像上,似乎可以领悟出不少功法。”Qin Muacclaimed, the suddenmiddle-aged manwalked, said with a smile: Does the youngster who „countrysidecomes, wantto make money? Ihave a path of making moneyandyou. InCity Lord Mansion the hiringcompetes, so long aswins, thenpermitsyourhundreddragon coins!”秦牧赞叹,突然一个中年男子走来,笑道:“乡下来的少年,想赚钱吗?我有一条赚钱的路子与你。城主府内招人打擂,只要赢一场,便许你百个龙币!”Qin Mushook the head.秦牧摇了摇头。Thatmiddle-aged manseeksotherpeople, had found a youngster, thatyoungsterexcitedwalks intoCity Lord Mansionalong withhim.
那中年男子又去寻其他人,找到了一个少年,那个少年兴奋的随他走入城主府。„Does City Lord Mansioncompete? Whatthis does Border Dragon City Lordwantto make?”Qin Muis puzzled.
“城主府打擂?这镶龙城主想做什么?”秦牧不解。Inthis time, a soundlaughs saying: „Since Heavenly Devil CultLordLi Tianxingdies, Cult Mistressalwayssee the head of the divine dragon but not its tail, goes into hiding, has not thought that the madamearrives atmyBorder Dragon Cityunexpectedly. The madame came from far away, letsmyBorder Dragon Cityyou honor my humble home!”
就在此时,一个声音哈哈大笑道:“自从天魔教主厉天行死后,教主夫人一向神龙见首不见尾,销声匿迹,没想到夫人竟然来到我镶龙城。夫人远道而来,让我镶龙城蓬荜生辉!”Thissound, obviouslycultivation base is very loudly and clearly vigorous, Qin Muwas shaken the eardrumto buzz, the pedestrian on streetevenhasto be shakento faintmuch!
这个声音洪亮至极,显然修为无比浑厚,秦牧被震得耳膜嗡嗡作响,街道上的行人甚至有不少被震得昏死过去!Qin Muis surprised: „Cult Mistress? IsGranny?”秦牧惊讶:“教主夫人?难道是婆婆?”„City Lordwas polite.” An extremelyinteresting to listen tosoundconveys, enchantingincomparable.
“城主客气了。”一个极为动听的声音传来,妖娆无比。Qin Muhearsthissound, thenthinksto have a parched mouth, as ifsomeinnumerableheart demonjumpfrom the bottom of the heart, sings and dances.秦牧听到这个声音,便觉得口干舌燥,似乎有无数心魔从心底跳出来,载歌载舞。On the streetdoes not know that manypedestrians were drunksuddenlylikelygeneral, dances with joy, laughs, the facedistortion, the manneris crazy.
街道上不知多少行人突然像是喝醉了酒一般,手舞足蹈,哈哈大笑,面孔扭曲,神态疯狂。Passed the moment, thesetalented peoplerestorenormal, look at each other in dismay, does not know that what happened.
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