Blinddoes not know how shouldexplaintoQin Mu, hollow laughtwo, said: „ThiscityalsocalledNightless Dragon City. Night is also brilliantly illuminated, a surrounding areaseveral thousandmilesvillage, the businessgathershere. Mu'er, Granny, Ithennotwithyoutogether. Does Granny, have the spending money?”瞎子也不知该如何向秦牧解释,干笑两声,道:“这座城也叫不夜龙城。夜晚也是灯火通明,方圆几千里的村庄,买卖都聚在这里。牧儿,婆婆,我便不与你们一起了。婆婆,有没有零花钱?”Heis leaning onbamboo staff, is all smile, extends a hand.
他拄着竹杖,满脸堆笑,伸出一只手来。Grandma Sipretendsnot to see.司婆婆装作没有看见。Blindputs out a handto grasp the animal skin on vehicle, said with a smile: „Mu'er, taking advantage ofmytwoanimal skin, whenIbetto velvet, doublesalsoyou!”瞎子伸手去抓车上的兽皮,笑道:“牧儿,借我两张兽皮,等我赌赢了钱,加倍还你!”Qin Musaid with a smile: „Grandpa Blindtakes awayfreely is, is not worth.”秦牧笑道:“瞎爷爷尽管拿去便是,不值得还。”„Do not givehim!”
“不要给他!”Grandma Siangrily said: „Thisold thing arrived here to bet the work placeeach time, lostdingdong the soundeach time! Twovariant beastfursufficeusto buymanybasic kitchen necessities, compared withthrewin the waterto be much bettertohim! Throwsin the wateralso to listen to the double-bang firecracker!”司婆婆气道:“这老东西每次到了这里都会去赌坊,每次都输得叮当响!两张异兽皮毛够我们买好些油盐酱醋,比给他扔到水里好多了!扔到水里还能听两响呢!”Blindthrows overtwoanimal skinhastilyon the body, runs away, vanishesin the crowd.瞎子连忙将两张兽皮披在身上,撒腿就跑,消失在人群中。Grandma Siair/Qistamps the feet, Qin Muwonders, said: „Granny, whatbetswork place?”司婆婆气得跺脚,秦牧纳闷,道:“婆婆,什么是赌坊?”Grandma Siis angry: „Mustplaywith the losing footinggirla moment ago, must bet the work place, Mu'er, youdo not learn!”司婆婆大怒:“刚才要和失足女孩玩,现在又要去赌坊,牧儿,你不学好!”Qin Muis puzzled, said: „Granny should not be angry, Ido not playwiththemand that's the end. Was, did Granny, inthiscityhaveCathouse? Heavenly Devil CultCathouse HallmasterFu Qingyunsaid,had the placeconvenience of Cathouseto findher.”秦牧不解,道:“婆婆别生气,我不和她们玩就是了。是了,婆婆,这城里有青楼吗?天魔教的青楼堂主付磬允说,有青楼的地方便可以找到她。”Grandma Sistareshisoneeyes, sneers saying: „Do youwantto strolljoyhousenow? Fu Qingyunthatsexy fox, youshould bettertoher.”司婆婆瞪他一眼,冷笑道:“你现在又要逛窑子了?付磬允那个骚狐狸,你最好离她远一点。”Qin Muwonders, oneselfareplannedobviouslyCathousefinds the person, howto turnstrolls the joyhouse? Moreoverwhere is the joyhouse?秦牧纳闷,自己明明是打算去青楼找人,怎么又变成逛窑子了?而且窑子是什么地方?„Arrives in the city, the customare really many, thiscannotthatnot probably.”Youngsterunstated criticism.
“来到城里,规矩真多,这也不许那也不许。”少年腹诽。Oldmajor generalOx cartdrives the rural fair, herewas then livelier, the assortedcargois dazzling, shakes the flowereye . Moreover the people of somedifferentraces, the outlandish clothes, makingQin Mulookare dazzled.
一老一少将牛车驱到集市,这里便更热闹了,各色货物琳琅满目,晃花眼睛,而且还有不同种族的人,奇装异服,让秦牧看得眼花缭乱。Quick, Grandma Sithen the iron hardwareandfur on Ox carthas sold, tradessomebasic kitchen necessities, the merchantshouldbe the outside, the voiceis somewhat unique, saysfromEternal Peace Empire.
很快,司婆婆便将牛车上的铁器和皮毛卖了,换来一些油盐酱醋,那商人应该是外界的,口音有些独特,自称来自延康国。AlthoughGrandma Siis a woman, buthas been used towastefully, is really not good atbargaining back and forth, sellscheaply the iron hardware that Mutebuilds, has not soldhow muchmoneyas forvariant beastfur. Somemerchantconsciences, thoughtbut actuallyhas occupiedGrandma SiandQin Mu'sis cheap, presents as a gifttothemsmallbagdragon coins, has about 110.司婆婆虽然是女人,但大手大脚惯了,实在不善于讨价还价,将哑巴打造的铁器卖得便宜了,至于异兽皮毛也没有卖到多少钱。那商人倒有些良心,觉得占了司婆婆和秦牧的便宜,又赠给他们一小袋子龙币,约有110个。dragon coinsis the money in Border Dragon City, aboveis printed with the dragon markcolumn, is the same toBorder Dragon Cityfourcorner/hornDragon column, Qin Mufeelsinmoneyas ifto have the uniqueformationin additionto hold, shouldwithalonefamily rules and regulationsSecret Artforging, so as to avoid being copied.龙币是镶龙城中的钱币,上面印有龙纹柱,与镶龙城四角的龙柱一样,秦牧感觉到钱币中似乎有着独特的阵法加持,应该是用独门法诀锻造,免得被人仿造。Theysell out the cow and sheep, thatseveralcattleas ifknow that oneselfdestiny, cannot bearcry, bites the Qin Muclothesnot to be willingto dispersewith the mouth.
两人又将牛和羊卖掉,那几头牛羊似乎知道自己的命运,忍不住落泪,用嘴巴咬住秦牧衣裳不愿撒开。Qin Muhesitates, Grandma Sisaidin a low voice: „Isbad person.”秦牧迟疑,司婆婆低声道:“都是坏人。”Qin Muhad a scare, thesecattlealso are really the person, was turned into the cattlebyGrandma SiwithHeavenly Devil Creation Art!秦牧吓了一跳,这几头牛羊还真的是人,被司婆婆用天魔造化功变成了牛羊!„Theyareonegroup of bandits.”
“他们是一伙匪盗。”Grandma Sisoundlikesilk: „Stillrememberedyouin childhood, did onceIleadyouto go outgo to the neighboring villageto receivefor the parturient woman? Arrivedthere, the fullrural populationdied. TheseyearsIhave been seeking the trails of thesebandits, throughouthas not harvested, butin the past few days, Ihad finally foundthem.”司婆婆声音如丝:“还记得你小时候,有一次我带着你出门去邻村为产妇接生吗?到了那里,满村人都死了。这些年我一直在寻这些匪盗的踪迹,始终没有收获,不过前些天,我终于找到了他们。”
The Qin Muheartbig quake, tearsownclothes, whatever the merchantpullsthesecattle. Greetsthesecattle, orisslaughtering, eitheris the cultivated land, althoughhethought that does thissomewhatimproper, butcannotsaymaking a mistake that Grandma Simakes.秦牧心头大震,将自己的衣裳扯开,任由商人将这几头牛羊牵走。迎接这些牛羊的,或者是屠宰,或者是耕地,他虽然觉得这样做有些不妥,但是也不能说司婆婆做的错了。Great Ruinsissuchplace, the law of the jungle, Grandma Siupholds the justprocedure, althoughis extreme, butalwayscompareshas not been better.大墟就是这样的地方,弱肉强食,司婆婆主持公道的做法虽然偏激,但总比没有要好。Hesomewhatis even affected, in the pastthatmattergavehim very bigimpact, has not thought that aftertenyears, Grannyactuallystillremembersthatmatter, actuallyalsokept thinkingis revengingto the people who thatvillagewas driven to death after suffering an injustice.
他甚至还有些感动,当年那件事给他很大的冲击,没想到时隔十来年,婆婆竟然还记得那件事,竟然还惦记着给那个村庄枉死的人们报仇。Theyhave boughtsomeclothgood wines, delivers the inn that stops over, Grandma Sipausessuddenly, saw that sells the rougecosmetic the shop unable to move the footsteps.
两人又买了些布匹美酒,送到落脚的客栈,司婆婆突然停步,看到一个卖胭脂水粉的店挪不开脚步。„Goodthing, only thensuchexquisitecosmeticabilitycan be joined toGrannymypeerlessbeautifulface.” The old ladyis ecstatic, both eyesshine, mouthfulleaks out, caused that onegroup of little girlsgigglekeep laughing.
“好东西,只有这样细腻的水粉才能配得上婆婆我的绝世美颜。”老太婆心花怒放,双眼放光,满嘴漏风,引得一群小姑娘咯咯笑个不停。Grandma Siturned a deaf ear, has boughtonepile of rougecosmetics, almostsquandered the remainingmoney, glimpsesQin Muto hold every large or smallboxto stand on one side, Grandma Sialsothoughtsomewhatfeels sorry, has pulled outpulling outfrom the purse, passed the long timeto pull outlastdragon coinsto fillin the Qin Mupocket, supplesound said: „Mu'er, tooneselfgood, buys the thing that someyoulike. Firstdo not walk, helpingmedeliver to the inn the rougecosmetic.”司婆婆充耳不闻,买了一堆胭脂水粉,几乎将剩下的钱花光,瞥见秦牧捧着大大小小的盒子站在一边,司婆婆也觉得有些过意不去,从钱袋里掏了掏,过了半晌掏出最后一枚龙币塞到秦牧口袋里,柔声道:“牧儿,对自己好一点,去买些你喜欢的东西。先别走,帮我把胭脂水粉送到客栈。”Qin Mudelivers to the inn the rougecosmetic, the innbosswas respectful, said that alreadyopened the guest roomforthem.秦牧将胭脂水粉送到客栈,客栈老板毕恭毕敬,说早就为他们开好了客房。
The Qin Mudoubttakes a look atthatinnboss, the heartslightly shakes, thatinnbossblinkstohim, saidin a low voice: „SubordinateseeYoung Cult Master.”秦牧狐疑打量那客栈老板,心头微震,那客栈老板向他眨眨眼睛,低声道:“属下参见少教主。”„Heavenly Devil CultThree Hundred and Sixty Halls, variouslinesvarious, whenbrowses, stillopened the inninBorder Dragon Cityunexpectedly.”
“天魔教三百六十堂,各行各当都有涉猎,竟然还在镶龙城开了客栈。”Qin Mucalmed down, walks into the guest room, Grandma Siurgeshimto go outimmediately, said: „Yougo outrarelyonetime, mustplayhappily. Right, thatdragon coinsis saving a flower.”秦牧定了定神,走入客房,司婆婆立刻催他出门,道:“你难得出门一次,一定要玩得开心些。对了,那枚龙币省着点花。”Qin Muholdsdragon coinsto go out, nightBorder Dragon Cityis brilliantly illuminated, is more charming, the assortedcommerce and peoplefromeach regionvillagecame out, sellsvarioustypes of strangethings, on the street the sea of people, wieldssleeveto becomecloud.秦牧揣着龙币出门,夜晚的镶龙城灯火通明,更加迷人,各色商贩和来自各地村落的人们都出来了,出售各种奇怪的东西,街上人山人海,挥袖成云。„Below father and daughterNiu Family Villageperson, goes via the expensiveplace, onedid not seek the name, twowere not the advantages, has only come of agefor the daughteryear, has not permitted the husband's family's home, therefore the martial arts contestlived with the bride's family, wishto seek the skill in martial artsoutstandingreal man......”
“在下父女牛家村人,路经贵地,一不求名,二不为利,只为小女年已及笄,尚未许得婆家,因此比武招亲,愿寻得个武艺超群的好汉……”Qin Muhearsthissound, stops the footsteps, not knowing whether to laugh or crylooksto the arena, thereis fully occupied, pushesimpenetrable.秦牧听到这个声音,停下脚步,哭笑不得的看向擂台,那里人满为患,挤得水泄不通。„Niu Family Villagethatcontended in martial artsto live with the bride's familyto the father and daughter. On the other hand, previoustimetheythreeyears ago lives with the bride's familyinGrandmother Temple, did threeyearspass bytheynot to incurto the visitson-in-lawunexpectedly?”
“牛家村的那对父女又来比武招亲了。话说回来,上次他们三年前在奶奶庙招亲,难道三年过去了他们竟然还没有招到上门女婿?”„Can dragon coins, whatbuy?”
“一枚龙币,能买到什么?”Qin Mu is just thinking, onlylistens tosomepeopleto shoutshouts: „Priceless treasure, so long asthreearticles!”秦牧正想着,只听有人吆喝道:“无价之宝,只要三文!”Hefollowing the soundlooks,actuallyseesin a lane the populationto be many, placesissomestrangethings, manyaresomebroken bricks and smashed shingles.
他循声看去,却见一条巷子里人数不少,摆放的都是些奇奇怪怪的东西,多是些破砖烂瓦。„Are thesebroken bricks and smashed shingles the priceless treasures? Is the priceless treasuresowhy cheap?”
“难道这些破砖烂瓦都是无价之宝?为何无价之宝这么便宜?”Qin Muis surprised, opensHeaven's Eyequietly, concentrates the itemto look,secretlyshakes the head. Theseindeedare the broken bricks and smashed shingles, picksfrom the Great Ruinsvestige, does not have the spiritual energy of slightest bit, cannot comparespirit armamentby farand so ontreasure, let alonethreearticles, even ifsees somebody offonlyfeared that alsonobodywants.秦牧惊讶,悄悄开启神霄天眼,凝目看去,不禁暗暗摇头。这些的确都是破砖烂瓦,很多都是从大墟的遗迹中捡来的,没有半分的灵气,远远比不上灵兵之类的宝物,别说三文,就算送人只怕也没人要。However before thesestalls, many some people of Martial Practitionerappearance, are actually choosy, hopes that candiscoveranytreasuretreasure.
不过这些摊位前却有许多武者模样的人,挑挑拣拣,希望真的能发现什么宝贝儿。Qin Mustallslook,inheartmoves slightly, hepouredhad also discoveredsomegoodthings, insomestallsto be placing the fragments of someweapons, fell into hiseye, theseweaponfragmentssent out the dim light, shouldbe the spirit armamentfragment, somevalues.秦牧一个又一个摊位看去,心中微动,他倒也发现了一些好东西,有些摊位上摆放着一些兵器的碎片,落入他的眼中,这些兵器碎片散发出幽光,应该是灵兵的碎片,有些价值。He asked that to be flabbergasted, the spirit armamentfragmentactuallytookdozensdragon coins.
他上前询问,不由咋舌,灵兵碎片竟然要几十个龙币。„Thisisdeceives people?”
“这是骗人的吧?”Qin Mucontinuesto size up, sees a sheepskinupper berth of stallseveralearthenware jars, the majority ofearthenware jarsbroken, was not short of the coverthento break an corner/horn.秦牧继续打量,看到一个摊位的羊皮上铺着十几个瓦罐,大部分瓦罐都是破的,不是少了盖子便是破了一角。HoweverhisHeaven's Eyelooks, the dim light that theseearthenware jarsburst out is quite unexpectedly blazing, exceedsthesespirit armamentfragmentsby far, thesespirit armament that evensellshimalsowantto be stronger than!
不过他的神霄天眼看去,这些瓦罐迸发出的幽光竟然极为炽烈,远远胜过那些灵兵碎片,甚至比他卖出的那些灵兵还要浓烈许多!„How does earthenware jarsell?”Qin Mugathers upto go, asks.
“瓦罐怎么卖?”秦牧凑上前去,问道。„Threearticle.”Spreads the main road.
“三文一个。”摊主道。Qin Mutakes outthatdragon coinsfrom the pocket, someembarrassedsay/way: „Ionly havedragon coins, cansell tomecompletely?”秦牧从兜里取出那枚龙币,有些不好意思道:“我只有一个龙币,能全部卖给我吗?”
The vendoris pleasantly surprised, snatcheshastilydragon coins, binds the brokenearthenware jar on sheepskin, squeezes in hishand, said with a smile: „Gaveyou!”
“傻子……”Nearbyseveralvendorssend outsmilelowly: „dragon coins1000writingmoney, thisdoes not know.”
The vendorgripstightdragon coins, quickly said: „Littleelder brother, youcannotrenege on a promise!”
那摊主攥紧龙币,连忙道:“小哥儿,你可不能反悔!”Qin Muknows that now the dragon coinsvalue, said with a smilerefreshedly: „you and me, sincefinalized, will then then not renege on a promise. Theseearthenware jardragon coins, Ialsothink the value.”秦牧现在才知道龙币的价值,爽快笑道:“你我既然成交,那么便不会反悔。这些瓦罐一个龙币,我也觉得很值。”
The vendorrelaxed, will leave, suddenlyonlyhears a clearsound saying: „Holds on a minute! How do littleelder brothertheseearthenware jarssell?”
那摊主松了口气,正要离开,突然只听一个清脆的声音道:“且慢!小哥儿这些瓦罐如何卖?”Qin Muraised the head, sees onlyseveralmagnificent and expensivemento support an attiremore gorgeousyoungsterto walk, the youngsteris pretty, handsome, somecheekbabiesare fat, compareQin Muappearsomewhatdelicate, is staring at the sheepskin in hishand, quite interesting.秦牧抬头,只见几个华贵男子拥着一位衣着更加华美的少年走来,那少年眉清目秀,唇红齿白,脸蛋有些婴儿肥,相比秦牧显得有些秀气,盯着他手中的羊皮,饶有趣味。„Divine Ability Practitioner?” A vendorlost one's voiceto call out.
“神通者?”一位摊主失声叫道。Qin Muloses the sound said: „YouarethatChubby Fatty Seventh Young Master on Eternal Peace Empirelarge ship!”秦牧失声道:“你是延康国楼船上的那个胖胖的肥七公子!”„Chubby Fatty Seventh Young Master?”
“胖胖的肥七公子?”Youngsterstartled, recognizesQin Muimmediately, is somewhat vexed and ashamed, clenches teeth saying: „WhoisChubby Fatty Seventh Young Master?”
The interest of Qin MutoChubby Fatty Seventh Young Masterlacks, behindseveralpeoplelookstohim,sees onlythesepeople of bearingsto be uncommon, hasorigin qito be mobile in outside the body, one of them isAzure Dragonis encumbered, dragon headhighhistop of the head, dragonhas been fiery, aroundvigilantsizing up.秦牧对胖胖的肥七公子的兴趣缺缺,向他身后几人看去,只见这几人器宇不凡,有元气在体外流动,其中一人是青龙缠身,龙头高过他的头顶,龙目炯炯有神,警惕的打量四周。ThispersonobviouslyisAzure Dragon Spirit Body, openedSix Directionsdivine treasure, origin qifrequentlyDivine Ability Practitioner of visualization!
这人显然是青龙灵体,打开了六合神藏,元气时时刻刻显形的神通者!Qin Muorigin qiis freely vigorous, canachieve the origin qivisualization, butthatiswhenspellingto fight, origin qiis very strong, is mixing the vitality, thisabilitymakes the personseehisorigin qi.秦牧尽管元气浑厚,可以做到元气显形,但那是在拼斗之时,元气无比浓烈,混着气血,这才能让人看到他的元气。HoweverDivine Ability Practitioneris different, Divine Ability Practitionercanenable the origin qivisualization, origin qito hidetogetherdivine abilityanytime and anywhere, ifruns into the enemyto raid, thisdivine abilityfirstthencanburst out, resists the enemy!
不过神通者不一样,神通者可以随时随地让元气显形,元气可以藏着一道神通在其中,倘若遇到敌袭,这道神通第一时间便可以迸发出去,对抗来敌!Qin Mulistened toGrandma Si saying that Spirit Embryo Realmis onlyMartial Practitioner, practicetoFive ElementsRealmis a grandmaster, thoroughly understands the Five Elementschange, martial artsmagic techniqueand so on styleevolvestodivine ability.秦牧曾经听司婆婆说过,灵胎境只是武者,修炼到五行境界才是宗师,通晓五行变化,将武技法术之类的招式向神通演化。ButSix Directionsdivine treasureBreaking Wall, is Divine Ability Practitioner, canusedivine ability.
而六合神藏破壁,便是神通者,能够动用神通。AlthoughBorder Dragon Cityis not small, Divine Ability Practitioneralsohas, butmakesDivine Ability Practitionerfollow after behind, thiswas extraordinary.镶龙城虽然不小,神通者也有很多,但是让神通者跟在身后,这就了不得了。„Theseearthenware jarsnaturallymustsell.”
“这些瓦罐自然要卖。”Qin Muthinks,said: „Hundreddragon coins.”秦牧想了想,道:“一百龙币一个。”Some of hislionbigopens the mouth, have not thought„Chubby Fatty Seventh Young Master”temperatesmiles, the nodsaid: „Small advantage, finalized. Earthenware jaraltogether36 in yoursheepskin, equals3600hundreddragon coins. The Dingthousandhouseholds, settle accountswithhim.”
他本来有些狮子大开口,没想到“胖胖的肥七公子”温和一笑,点头道:“便宜,成交。你羊皮中的瓦罐一共三十六个,合计3600百龙币。丁千户,与他结算。”Hebehind a personbows saying: „Yes.”Said that walks up, settles accountswithQin Mu.
The people of thesevendorandcommunication in lanelookedstayed, the breathsomewhatwas rapid. Sold toQin Mu'sthatman the earthenware jara moment agois the corner of the eyejumps madly, has a dizzy spell, looks that theseearthenware jarswantto snatchdo not dareto snatch.
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