InQin Muheartpuzzled, toucheswill be unluckyto the sweat towel, will have bad luck for threeyears?秦牧心中不解,摸到汗巾怎么会晦气,会倒霉三年?Howeverthis„sweat towel”quality of materialis soft, touchesis lubricatingvery much, is bringing the fragrancenaturally, is usedto wipe away sweatindeedwell, shouldbe the heterogeneoussilkwormsilk-weaving, value not poor, is very difficultto see such excellentcotton materialinGreat Ruins.
不过这“汗巾”质地柔软,触摸着很润滑,天然带着香气,用来擦汗的确不错,应该是异种的蚕丝织就,价值不菲,在大墟中很难见到这么上乘的布料。Qin Mufills the bosom the sweat towel, holds appreciativelyJunior Protector Sword and scabbard, in the heartlikesvery much.秦牧将汗巾塞到怀里,把玩少保剑和剑鞘,心中很是欢喜。
The Junior Protector Swordscabbardfirst halfisgolden color, embellisheswith the jade and bead, whatsheathmouthcarvingisfishdragonTunkou, the fishdragonopens the place of mouth, is the treasured swordleaves the place of sheath.少保剑的剑鞘上半边是金色,用玉石和珠子点缀,鞘口雕琢的是鱼龙吞口,鱼龙张开嘴巴的地方,便是宝剑出鞘的地方。But the scabbardsecond halfsideissilver-gray color, withoutanydecorationandcarving, the sheathtailcarvesfishDragon's Tail, is the golden color.
The Qin Mualsoswordreturns to the sheath, hisorigin qiemerges the scabbard, Junior Protector Swordcomes out of the sheathonce more, when comes out of the sheathsees only the scabbardto reappear a giantfishdragon, leapstohistop of the head, the opens the mouthspits the sword.秦牧还剑回鞘,他元气涌入剑鞘,少保剑再次出鞘,出鞘之时只见剑鞘浮现出一头巨大的鱼龙,跃到他的头顶,张口吐剑。Qin Mulifts the hand, draws a swordfromfishmouth, inheartcomfortable.秦牧抬手,从鱼口中拔剑,心中舒爽。„Thisscabbard is really goodthing, canobviouslymelt the fishdragonunexpectedly!”
“这剑鞘着实是好东西,竟能显化鱼龙!”Hisalsoswordreturns to the sheath, the fishdragonswallowsJunior Protector Sword, vanishesin the scabbard.
他还剑回鞘,鱼龙将少保剑吞下,消失在剑鞘中。Qin Muis ecstatic, thenorigin qiemerges the scabbardonce more, the fishdragonreappears, puts outJunior Protector Sword, hedraws a sword the Junior Protector Swordinsertionfishmouth, the fishdragonto fusewith the scabbardagain.秦牧心花怒放,然后再次元气涌入剑鞘,鱼龙再现,吐出少保剑,他拔剑再将少保剑插入鱼口,鱼龙又与剑鞘融合。Hehas playedrepeatedly, nearbyBlindcannot bearsay: „Mu'er, do not play, yourGrannymakesseveraldraft animals, makingyougo toCowherd. Thesecows, mustpullBorder Dragon Cityto sell outin the future.”
他玩了一遍又一遍,一旁的瞎子忍不住道:“牧儿,别玩了,你婆婆又弄来几头牲口,让你去放牛。这几头牛,赶明儿就要牵到镶龙城卖掉。”Qin Muhas complied withone, returns to the villagehastily, bringingsixbullocksto leavevillageherding, in the heartwonders: „A while agoGrannyhad sold out the village'sdraft animal, nowalsoto be how manysixcows? Where do thesecowscome?”秦牧应了一声,连忙回村,带着六头犍牛出村放牧,心中纳闷:“前段时间婆婆已经将村里的牲口卖掉了,怎么现在又多出六头牛?这些牛是从哪里来的?”Hegoes out of the villagetime, saw that Village Chief, Apothecary, Muteand the othersgathered togetherin the same place, was discussinganything. Cripplesitsin the one side, has removed the blackstreamerat the same time, the streamersurfacethrowstoGrandfather Mamakes the curtain of Mujiangpu, the pole of blackstreamerthrowstoGrandma Siis usedto expel the chicken.
他走出村庄的时候,看到村长、药师、哑巴等人拢在一起,正商议什么。瘸子坐在一旁,把一面黑幡拆了,幡面扔给马爷做木匠铺的门帘,黑幡的杆子则扔给司婆婆用来撵鸡。Next day, Qin MuharnessesOx cart, Grandma Sisays with a smile: „Mu'er, thistimeenters a cityyoualsotogetherto come.”
第二天,秦牧套好牛车,司婆婆笑道:“牧儿,这次进城你也一起来。”Qin Muis pleasantly surprised, carries on the backJunior Protector Swordhastily, takesSlaughtering Pig Blade, bamboo staff, iron hammerand otherthing, jumps upOx cart, behindBlindwalksat a moderate pace, one on the left and other on the rightsitswithGrandma SionOx cart.秦牧又惊又喜,连忙背上少保剑,带上杀猪刀、竹杖、铁锤等物,跳上牛车,后面瞎子不紧不慢走来,与司婆婆一左一右坐在牛车上。
The iron hardware that the car(riage)upper garmentsomeMuteare building, Grandfather Ma, CrippleandQin Mugo huntingseveralpacks of variant beastfur that makes, twosheeptied up the hoofto placein the cargo.
Before Ox cart, has wrappedthreebigoxen, has the strengthvery much, after the car(riage), is tying upthreeheads.牛车前套了三头大黄牛,很有力气,车后还拴着三头。
The youngsterhave wieldedunder the whip, bigoxinnocentblinking, walkstoward the village.
少年挥了下鞭子,大黄牛无辜的眨了眨眼睛,向村外走去。Thisishisfirstentering a city, in the heartsomewhatis excited, is excited the body to fly upwardslikely, has not noted the bigox and goatsinnocentlookquite the same as.
这是他第一次进城,心中不免有些激动,激动得身子像是要飞扬起来,浑然没有注意到大黄牛和山羊们无辜的眼神。Border Dragon Citydistanceaged and disabledvillageis very far, hasremote of thousand li (500 km), thereforeenters a cityis an important matter. HoweverGreat Ruinsis bleak, the land routeis difficult to walk, musttravel by waterfirst, then walks more than tenmilesland routeabilityto arrive atBorder Dragon City.镶龙城距离老残村很远,有千里之遥,因此进城是一件大事。不过大墟荒凉,陆路并不好走,必须要先走水路,然后再走十余里的陆路才能来到镶龙城。Qin Mugoes by carto arrive at Surging River, saw onlyCrippleto grip a bigbamboo raftin the waterfront, heurgedOx cartto arrive on the bamboo raftcautiously, Crippleuntied the cable, the bamboo raftthenalong the riverwanders , the speedwas getting more and more fast.秦牧驱车来到涌江边,只见瘸子在江边扎了个大竹筏,他小心翼翼驱使牛车来到竹筏上,瘸子解开缆绳,竹筏便沿江漂流而下,速度越来越快。Even ifsuchspeed, takes45days of abilityto arrive atBorder Dragon City.
即便这样的速度,也要45天才能来到镶龙城。Thisfluttered more than 40miles, Blindhas selected the water surfacewithbamboo staff, the bamboo raftflutteredimmediatelyto the shore.
The Qin Mupuzzleditsmeaning, looks upto the shore, actuallysawthereis the Grandmother Templedirection, the shoregathered the people in manyeachvillages, was driving the Ox cartcarriage, is waitingin the waterfront.秦牧不解其意,抬头看向岸边,却见那里是奶奶庙的方向,岸边已经聚集了许多各个村落的人们,也多数赶着牛车马车,正在江边等候。Surging Riveris dangerous, the current of wateris rapid, moreoverin the riverhas the water monster and fiercebigfish, therefore the villagers in eachvillageoftenchooseon the same daygo toBorder Dragon Citytogether, the personmanyeach otherfacilitatesto take care.涌江险恶,水流湍急,而且江中多有水怪和凶猛大鱼,因此各个村落的村民往往选择在同一天一起前往镶龙城,人多彼此方便照应。
The waterfrontwas full of the bamboo raft, the distant placealsohad the bamboo raftto drive, after a while, herethengathered110bamboo rafts.
江边停满了竹筏,远处还有竹筏驶来,过了不久,这里便聚集了110个竹筏。Blindtakes outseveralto burn a joss stick, litagainst the wind, insertsin the waterfront, othervillagersgo forward, insertedzhuto burn a joss stickin the waterfront, the waterfrontfragrantfogwound around, flutteredalong with the breezeto the middle.瞎子取出几炷香,迎风点燃了,插在江边,其他村民纷纷上前,在江边插了一炷炷香,江边香雾缭绕,随着微风飘向江心。Suddenly, somepeoplewere shoutingloudresonantworker's chant, thenmorepeopletogetherloudmake the songin the waterfront, thisisJiangGe, whatsangoffers a sacrifice toRiver God.
„ With the femaleroamingJiuhe, has the waterto raise wavesto the wind\;
„ While the waterwheel the Dutchlid, harnessestwodragonsthree-horse harness teamchi\;
„ AscendsKunlun Mountainsto look out in all directions, heartflies upwardsenormously and powerful\;
„ Dateforgotto turn over to the eveningdisappointed, onlyextremely the water's edgeawoke the bosom\;
...... ”
The ancientintonationrotatesin the nasal cavity and throat, manyvillagersrecitedtogether, the soundwas melodiousandheroical, thissceneonetypeletQin Muinexplicablemove.
古老的语调在鼻腔和咽喉中回转,诸多村民一起吟唱,声音悠扬而壮烈,这场面有一种让秦牧莫名的感动。Suddenly the frontwater surfaceseparates, colossiappearedfromunder water.
突然前方水面分开,一只只庞然大物从水底露出头。Whatappearsfromunder waterisinleaderwater the giant beast, the greenback, is growingfourgiantwebs, likelyis the fishfin, theirheads and fish headsare similar, buthas the longnose, as if the lanceis common.
从水底出现的是一头头水中巨兽,青色的背,长着四只巨大的蹼,像是鱼鳍,它们的头与鱼头仿佛,但却有着长长的鼻子,仿佛长矛一般。Inleaderwater the giant beastheadraises, likelyis a smallhill, near before the nosegatheringriver bankfragrance, makes an effortto attract, a shorezhuburning a joss stickrapidcombustion, the hazeentersin the nasal cavity of giant beast.
一头头水中巨兽头颅扬起,像是一堵小山丘,鼻子凑到江岸边的香前,用力一吸,岸边一炷炷香飞速燃烧,烟气进入巨兽的鼻腔中。Thesegiant beastsclose the eye, crossed the momentopens the mouthto put outbigsmoke rings, as ifenjoyedvery much.
The villagers of shoreseize the chanceto drivegiant beastlongazureto carry on the backOx cart, Qin Musees that alsogoes by carto arrive atback of a giant beasthastily, Grandma Sitook out a bulkalreadyto prepare the goodmeatto throw into the water, thatgiant beasthas eatenthatmeat, sent out„mang” a long cry, thenfourwebshovered, shoulderthreepeople on Ox cart and vehiclegoto the downstream.
岸边的村民趁机将牛车驱到巨兽长长的青背上,秦牧见状,也连忙驱车来到一头巨兽背部,司婆婆取出一大块早就准备好的肉丢进水中,那头巨兽将那块肉吃了,发出“哤”的一声长鸣,然后四蹼游动,背负牛车和车上的三人向下游而去。Theybehind, a leaderazurebackgiant beastsends outlongsounding, in the rivercriescontinuously, along withrecitation of villagersheightmodulationfluctuatingabort, the giant beastscarries on the backthemto driveto the upstream.
他们身后,一头头青背巨兽发出长长的鸣叫,江中一声声叫声此起彼伏,伴随着村民们高低抑扬起伏顿挫的吟唱,巨兽们驮着他们向上游驶去。„Thisisvariant beast that inSurging Riveris in sole possession, is calledRiver Carrier.”
“这是涌江中独有的异兽,叫做负江。”Grandma Sisaid: „River Carrierisalong the riverhousingRiver God in villagersheart, likes the fragranthaze, likeseating the beef, listening to music that mostlikes, praisedtheirsongs. Inperson of waterfrontlife, only needlightsseveralto burn a joss stickthencanbring inthem, offers the beef, thencanmakeRiver Carrierleadusto go downstream. OnroadRiver Carrier, ifwere hungry, mustthrowssomebeefagain, otherwisetheydo not do, throws into us the water.”司婆婆道:“负江是沿江居住的村民心中的江神,喜欢香的烟气,也喜欢吃牛肉,最喜欢的还是听歌,赞美它们的歌。在江边生活的人只消点燃几炷香便可以将它们引来,献上牛肉,便可以让负江带着我们顺流而下。路上负江若是饿了,须得再投些牛肉,否则它们就不干了,将咱们扔进水里。”Qin Muexpressed admiration.秦牧啧啧称奇。River Carriergiant beasthoveringspeedis quick, in additiongoes downstream, cleaves the waves the line, the fresh breezecaresses the face, evendashes about wildlyin the steed of ashorealsowantsto be quicker.负江巨兽游动速度很快,再加上顺流而下,一路破浪而行,劲风扑面,甚至比在岸上的骏马狂奔还要快许多。Qin Mucalculates, at the speed of River Carrierbeast, onlyfeared before the darkness, thencanarrive atBorder Dragon City outside thousand li (500 km)!秦牧计算一下,以负江兽的速度,只怕天黑之前便可以来到千里之外的镶龙城!InSurging River, the cryheight of River Carriergiant beastfluctuates, the cross-straitmountainalsoheightfluctuates, the sunlight came from the front surfacephoto, surface of the rivergold/metalis clear, golden snakechaoticdance.涌江中,负江巨兽的叫声高低起伏,两岸青山也高低起伏,阳光从迎面照来,江面金波粼粼,金蛇乱舞。Qin Mulooks out into the distance, suddenlythought that the body and mindis very broad, as ifthisGold Rivergreenmountainblue skycanyon, allinKuranochest.秦牧远眺,突然觉得身心无比宽广,仿佛这金江绿山蓝天峡谷,悉数藏纳胸中。Thisismysteriouslands, mysteriouspeople, mysteriousRiver Beast, althoughregarding the people outside Great Ruinshereeverywhereis the barren mountains and untamed riversvixendefiant people, butregardingQin Mu, hereishishometown!
这是一片神奇的土地,神奇的人们,神奇的江兽,尽管对于大墟外的人们来说这里处处都是穷山恶水泼妇刁民,但对于秦牧来说,这里就是他的家乡!At dusk, westSunfalls, Qin Musaw that the river bankpresents a smalldock, leaderRiver Carrierbeastslow down the speed, swims awaytothatdockgradually.
傍晚时分,太阳西落,秦牧看到江岸边出现一个小小的船坞,一头头负江兽渐渐放慢速度,向那船坞游去。Grandma Sisets outto say with a smile: „Border Dragon Citydrew near, Mu'er, went by car, weentered the cityas soon as possible.”司婆婆起身笑道:“镶龙城快到了,牧儿,驱车下来,咱们尽快入城。”Qin Mustops the bamboo raft, goes by carto step onto the shore, turns headto look,sees onlyotherRiver Carrierbeastsalsoin abundanceto approach shore, inGreat Ruins the people in othervillagesalsodrive the Ox cartcarriage, walkstoward a directionin abundance.秦牧停好竹筏,驱车走上岸,回头看去,只见其他负江兽也纷纷靠岸,大墟中其他村庄的人们也赶下牛车马车,纷纷向一个方向走去。Ox cartgood2-3miles, climbs up a smallhillside, the frontis the downhill, Qin Mujumps down the Ox cartplanto pull the steadybigox, so as to avoidaccelerating-coasting, suddenlyheartslightly shakes, dulllooks at the front.牛车行了两三里地,爬上一个小山坡,前方是下坡路,秦牧跳下牛车打算牵稳大黄牛免得溜车,突然心头微震,呆呆的看着前方。Underthishillside, a Great Daostraightshopfront, thereis a plaingrandcity, fourcorners of city wallhasreaches more than 30zhang (3.33 m)about yibailiuqishi ten feets in heightStone Pillarthickly, ineachStone PillarhasgoldenDivine Dragonto coil around, shouldcarve, added a border the gold foil, thereforegolden lightis shining!
在这山坡下,一条大道直铺前方,那里是一座古朴雄伟的城池,城墙的四角有着粗达30多丈高约一百六七十丈的石柱子,每一根石柱子上都有金色的神龙盘绕,应该雕琢而成,被镶上金箔,因此金光灿灿!But the tower over a city gate of thiscitywas also built the dragon's headshape, the city gate is dragon mouth, the tower over a city gateupturned eaveis similar todragoncorner/horn, sincefierceiscompetitive!
而这座城池的城楼也被打造成龙首形状,城门便是龙口,城楼飞檐如同龙角,既是狰狞又是霸气十足!Border Dragon City.镶龙城。Great Ruinsunusualseverallivelyplaces.大墟少有的几个繁华之地。InGreat Ruins the resourcesare deficient, the basic kitchen necessitiesare the preciousthing, needsto purchasefrom the outside, but the outsideis no one cango, only then the Border Dragon Citylivelyplace, has the outsidemerchantto comelike this, brings the outside the cargo, buys the Great Ruinspreciousthing, sells the outside.大墟中资源匮乏,油盐酱醋都是珍贵之物,需要从外界购买,而外界不是什么人都可以去得,只有镶龙城这样的繁华之地,才有外界商人前来,带来外界的货物,同时也将大墟的珍奇之物买走,卖到外界。„HereGodDragon column, compared withstone statue of our villagemostly.”
The Qin Muheartfeltto praisesighed: „Ifcansnatch, placesourvillageaffirmationpower and prestige!”秦牧由衷赞叹道:“若是能抢来,放在我们村口肯定威风!”Grandma Siwhite/in vainhiseyes: „Ifcansnatch, Grannyhad already robbed, only ifyoucanmake the village'sold fogiessend out, mayrob! Hurry up, the weatherquickwas black, earlierenters the city!”司婆婆白他一眼:“若是能抢过来,婆婆早就抢走了,除非你能让村里的老家伙都出动,才有可能抢走!快点,天色快黑了,早点入城!”
The wheelrolls the rotation, Qin MudrivesOx cartto enter the city, curiouslooking around, Border Dragon Cityeachsamethingmakeshimfeelfresh.
车轮骨碌骨碌转动,秦牧驱着牛车入城,好奇的东张西望,镶龙城的每一样东西都让他觉得新鲜。In the cityheavy traffic, everywhereis the person, hefrombeing born the presenthas not seenthese manypeople.
城中车水马龙,到处都是人,他自出生到现在也没有见过这么多人。Moreover many girls, the appearancemustbe beautifully attired, standsis very warminbuildings, shoves open the window mullionto beckontohim, askedhimto playunceasingly.
而且还有许多女孩儿,打扮得花枝招展,站在一栋栋楼上很是热情,推开窗棂冲他招手,不断叫他上来玩。„City personis really warm.”
“城里人真热情。”Qin Mu is very excited, wavestothesegirls, saidloudly: „Isold-out the thing, asks the elder sistersto playagain!”秦牧很是兴奋,冲那些女孩儿挥手,大声道:“等我卖完东西,再找姐姐们玩!”Blinddoes not know whether to laugh or cry: „Mu'er, inbuildingis the girls of losing footing, reallydo not askyouto play. Ifyoucame up, will then be knocked the boneto skin, canattracttoyouincluding the marrow!”瞎子哭笑不得:“牧儿,楼上的都是失足的女孩,不是真的要找你玩。你若是上去了,便会被敲骨扒皮,连骨髓都能给你吸出来!”Qin Muhad a scare: „Loses footing? Grandpa Blind, theystandsteadilydāng dāngappearance that has not lost footing. Are theyMaiden Wusuchevil spirit? Maiden Wuthensaid that mustplaysomeashamedthingswithme, Ihave not complied.”秦牧吓了一跳:“失足?瞎爷爷,她们都站得稳稳当当的呢,没有失足的样子。难道她们都是吴女那样的妖精?吴女便说要跟我玩一些羞耻的东西,我没答应。”
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