„Was bad, myfourofficial stamp!” The Qin Feiyuecomplexiondrastic change, toucheshurriedlyto the waist, fourproductGuanyindid not have, makinghisforeheadcold sweatbillowing!
The official stamplosesis the important matter, butheiscountryJunior Brother, but can also depressthismatter. Whatmakeshisfrightenedishesimplyhad not realized when Cripplebeganto steal away the official stamp, ifCrippledid not steal the official stamp, butheldinhisback of the body a blade......
官印丢失是大事,不过他是国师弟子,还可以将这件事压下。更让他恐惧的是他根本没有察觉到瘸子何时动手偷走了官印,倘若瘸子不是偷官印,而是在他后心上捅一刀……Heshivers with fright.
The Seventh Young Mastercheekblushes, graspsownchest, makingmanypalace maidsencirclein the side, impenetrable.七公子脸蛋羞红,抱住自己的胸,让诸多宫女围在身边,水泄不通。Cripplewas suitable forseveralvaluabletreasurefrom„him”a moment ago, „he”will bind the stomacher of chestalongbeing in luckdiscovered that „he”is a female.
刚才瘸子从“他”身上顺走了几件宝贝儿,将“他”裹住胸脯的抹胸顺走时才发现“他”是女子。Cripplesteals the thingmostto abstain from bump intowoman, thisshows a flaw, was seized the opportunitybyQin Feiyue, Cripple can only sneak off.瘸子偷东西最忌讳碰到女人,这才露出一丝破绽,被秦飞月抓住机会,瘸子只能溜走。„ThisCripple, is the thoroughsovereigncourtyardinner courtyardstealsEmperor PlatethatGodly Thief, Heaven Pilfering Thief!”
“这个瘸子,就是深入皇庭内院盗取帝碟的那个神偷,偷天之贼!”Qin Feiyuedepresses the heartto be shocking, seesSeventh Young Masternot to obstructgreatly, thisrelaxed, said: „Duke...... Young Masterwas frightened, endwill be incompetent......”秦飞月压下心头震惊,见七公子没有大碍,这才松了口气,道:“公……公子受惊了,末将无能……”In the Gu Linuanheart in thick iceisshocking, thisCripplefromhisside, has stolen the Junior Protector Swordscabbardunexpectedly!
玄冰中的顾离暖心中更是震惊,这个瘸子竟然从他的身边,将少保剑的剑鞘偷了去!Not only the Junior Protector Swordscabbard, the blackstreamer in hisanotherhand, was stolen unexpectedly also awaybyCripple!
不仅少保剑的剑鞘,他另一只手中的黑幡,竟然也被瘸子偷走!Heat this momentfrozeninthick ice, the thick iceishardlyice-cold, freezeslike his bigexpert, is unable to withdraw. InitiallyQin Mudeceived the sword, makinghimexhaustorigin qithento send out the thick ice the Junior Protector Swordsword hilt.
他此刻被冰封在玄冰中,玄冰是何等坚硬何等冰冷,将他这样的大高手都冰冻住,无法脱身。当初秦牧骗剑,让他耗尽了元气这才将少保剑的剑柄送出玄冰。ButthisCrippledisregardsthick iceunexpectedly, touchesgently, simplyis the hand of fairy, without consulting anybodyhas tracedhisblackstreamer and scabbard!
而这个瘸子竟然无视玄冰,轻轻一摸,简直是神鬼之手,径自将他的黑幡和剑鞘都摸了去!„Lord Gu, thisCripple the thoroughimperial palaceinner courtyard, was in front ofinnumerableImperial Palaceexperthoweverto walk into the state treasury in imperial palacein the pastleisurely, in the state treasury the innumerabletrapskill, is all useless, was stolenEmperor Platebyhim, nobodycanblockhim.”
“顾大人,这个瘸子当年深入皇宫内院,当着无数大内强者的面施施然走入皇宫的国库,国库中无数陷阱杀阵,悉数无用,被他盗走帝碟,无人能够挡住他。”Qin Feiyuesaid: „Is fortunate enough toImperial Preceptortake action, thiscutshisgodly leg, even if isImperial Preceptorhas not retainedhim, was broughtEmperor Plateto recedebyhim, vanisheswithout the trace.”秦飞月道:“幸得国师出手,这才将他的一条神腿斩下来,但即便是国师也没有留住他,被他带着帝碟远走,消失无踪。”Gu Linuanwith amazement, did not speaksilently, passes the moment saying: „Hehas been short of a leg, canunexpectedly the thief? Is thisgodly legor the Godhand?”顾离暖骇然,默默不语,过了片刻道:“他少了条腿,竟然还能妙手空空?这是神腿还是神手?”Suddenly, large shipfronttransmits the wail of giant beast, in the Qin Feiyueheartonestartled, rushes to the bowhurriedly, the pupilreduces, sees only the frontspider webto set uprightbefore the ship, locksSurging Riverhorizontally, locks in more than tenmilessurfaces of the rivercompletely!
The giant beast of shiphitsinthatspider web, strugglesis not being ableto withdraw, then the river waterseparates, a giantincomparablespidercrawlsslowlyfromunder water, drags the giant beastto the spider web, spurts the silkunceasingly, thenin the body of fanginsertiongiant beast.
拉船的巨兽撞在那张蜘蛛网上,挣扎着无法脱身,接着江水分开,一只巨大无朋的蜘蛛从水底徐徐爬出,将巨兽拖到蜘蛛网上,不断喷丝,然后獠牙插入巨兽的身体中。Even if manyofficersin abundanceusing qi to control sword on ship, evenusesdivine ability, is unable to compelto draw back that onlygiantspider, even the spider webis unable to cut offcontinually!
即便是船上的许多将士纷纷以气御剑,甚至动用神通,也无法逼退那只巨型蜘蛛,甚至连蛛网也无法斩断!Quick, the giant beastis withered, onlyremainingskins.
The Qin Feiyuebodyshivers, the hand of holding downtreasured swordis also shivering, wantsto divide that onlygiantspideractuallynot to dareto move.秦飞月身躯颤抖,按住宝剑的手也在颤抖,想要劈死那只巨型蜘蛛却不敢动弹。Hesaw the waterfronthasoneat the back ofApothecary of medicinebasket, a azure clothes, is very ordinary, howeverchanges beyond all recognition, is very fierce.
他看到了江边有一个背着药篓子的药师,一袭青衣,很是普通,但是面目全非,十分狰狞。ThatApothecarybeckons, sees only the giantspider of middleto startto draw in a net, crawlstothatApothecaryalong a spider's silk, the spidergetting smaller, finallyturned intoLittle Guyto drilltothatApothecarymedicinebasket.
The large shipdid not have the stop of spider web, fluttersonce moreto the downstream, near the Qin Feiyueearhears a soundindistinctly: „ToldImperial Preceptor, do not move the Great Ruinsevil idea, annoyedcarefullyoldourthesedisabled......”
The Gu Linuantremblingsound said in thick ice: „IsPoison King......”
玄冰中的顾离暖颤声道:“是毒王……”Qin Feiyuedepresses the heartto palpitate, calmed down, shouts: „Officersobey orders, liftoarto row a boat, return toEternal Peace!”秦飞月压下心头悸动,定了定神,喝道:“众将士听令,举桨划船,返回延康!”Shipping agency2-3miles, suddenofficerstremblingsound said: „General Qin, the surface of the riverhas the person!”
船行两三里地,突然一个将士颤声道:“秦将军,江面有人!”Qin Feiyueclenches teeth, the appearanceis pale, coldlysaid: „WhatDemons and Ghostsdaresto stopmyship, whenreallyIaminadequate that the mudpinches? Killstome......”秦飞月咬牙,面目铁青,冷冷道:“什么妖魔鬼怪都敢阻拦我的船,真当我是泥捏的不成?给我撞死……”Hejustspoke ofhere, suddenlyseesthatperson on surface of the river, sees onlythatpersonto have the upper part, the lower partdoes not know that cut offbywhoaround the middle.
他刚刚说到这里,突然看到江面上的那人,只见那人只有上半身,下半身不知被何人拦腰砍断。Thatodd persongraspstwostrangebroadswords, toweringlyon the reef of middle.
那个怪人手持两口怪异的大刀,矗在江心的礁石上。Suddenly, the bladelighttearingsky, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, Qin Feiyueraised the head, saw that the cloud of spacewas separatedbyblade qi of thatterrifying!
突然,刀光撕裂天空,惊天动地,秦飞月抬头,看到天上的云彩被那恐怖的刀气分开!Thenthatbladelightfalls, welcomes the large shipto cutto fall!
The Surging Riverfloodseparatestoboth sides, thisriverdivides into twounexpectedly, was cuttworiver waterbythisblade!涌江的大水向两旁分开,这条江竟然一分为二,被这一刀斩成两条江水!„Seven Starsdivine treasure, opens!”
“七星神藏,开!”Qin Feiyueangrily roars, within the bodydivine treasureopenloudly, the terrifyingorigin qieruption, changes totwobig dragonbangto the hull side, large shiptransverse shifthundred zhang (333 m)!秦飞月怒吼,体内一座座神藏轰然开启,恐怖的元气爆发,化作两条巨龙轰向船侧,将楼船横移百丈!Thatbladelightis scratchinghullto the upstreamdetachment, the crackingriver, Surging Riverwas split more than tenmilesalong the way, behindthenonce againclosed uptothatmiddleodd person.
那道刀光擦着船身向上游劈去,沿途裂江,涌江被裂开十余里地,到了那江心怪人身后这才再度合拢。„hēi hēi, the Imperial Preceptordiscipleis hittingdully, hitsImperial Preceptorto be interesting......”
The odd person on thatmiddlereefreceives the blade, both handssupports the reef, catches upto plunge into the upper airfiercely, vanishesdoes not see.
那江心礁石上的怪人收刀,双手撑住礁石,猛地发力跳入高空,消失不见。Qin Feiyuebears the vibration of both legs, called out: „Anchorssteadily, stands firm......”秦飞月忍住双腿的抖动,叫道:“稳住船,稳住……”Hissoundshook unable to hear clearly itselfto sayanything, mustsit the adjustmentaurafirst, was actually utterly confused.
他的声音抖得自己也无法听清自己在说什么,只得先坐下来调整气息,却心乱如麻。Gu Linuanfears than him, tremblingsound said: „Heavenly Blade! In the pastto the dayhorizontalblade, diedHeavenly BladefinallyinGodshand, actually was also living......”顾离暖比他还要恐惧,颤声道:“天刀!当年向天横刀,结果死在诸神手中的天刀,竟然还活着……”Qin Feiyuecomplexioncloudyclearuncertain: „Did Great Ruinsthecommonhamlet, gathera number ofOld Monsterto be so strange? Godly Spear, Heavenly Blade, Godly Thief, Poison King...... Inthatvillagebesidesthesepeople, lives inanythingto existfearfully......”秦飞月脸色阴晴不定:“大墟的这个不起眼的小村庄,怎么聚集了这么一批老妖怪?神枪,天刀,神偷,毒王……那个村庄里除了这几人,到底还住着什么可怕存在……”HelookstoSurging Rivergeographic map, geographic map that oneselfdraw upall the waylaboriouslyalsoonship, theseferociouspeoplehad not ruinedSurging Rivergeographic mapa moment ago, makinghimrelax.
他看向涌江地理图,自己一路上辛辛苦苦绘制的地理图还在船上,刚才那些穷凶极恶之徒并没有毁掉涌江地理图,让他松了口气。„It is not right!”
“不对!”Heawakenssuddenly, theseferociousgenerationshave not ruinedSurging Rivergeographic map, is not they do not wantto ruin, butdisdainsinruining.
他突然醒悟过来,这些穷凶极恶之辈没有毁掉涌江地理图,不是他们不想毁掉,而是不屑于毁掉。Theseoldmonstersare self-confident, even ifmakeshimcarry offthisgeographic map, Imperial Preceptordoes not dareto invadeGreat Ruins!
这些老怪物自信,就算让他带走这张地理图,国师也绝不敢入侵大墟!„Why haven't theymassacredus?”Transvestite„Seventh Young Master”asked.
“不屑。”Qin Feiyuehoweversaidastringently: „Theydisdaininkillingus, probablyisbecauseourskillswere too mean......”秦飞月涩然道:“他们不屑于杀我们,大概是因为我们的本事太低微了……”Inhisheartbitter and astringent, as the Imperial Preceptordisciple, healwaysconsiders oneself ashigh, in the government and people his reputation is also quite resounding, has not thoughtinGreat Ruinswalksonethento meetthese manyto existformidable, makinghisformerbeing proudvanish into thin air!
When hemetBlind, but alsosomearrogance, althoughwas shockedbyBlind, butlofty characteralso, buthas then metmysteriously appearing and disappearingCripple, Butcher that sinister and ruthlessApothecary, becomes second naturesavage, the arroganceandlofty character in heartwere attackednothing left, onlyremainingin a terrified way.
他原本遇到瞎子时,还有些傲气,尽管被瞎子震撼,但傲骨还在,但是接着遇到了神出鬼没的瘸子,阴险毒辣的药师,凶残成性的屠夫,心中的傲气和身上的傲骨都被打击得荡然无存,只剩下惶恐。„AnythingcannotstopImperial Preceptor, does not haveanything to frightenImperial Preceptor!”
“没有什么能够阻拦国师,也没有什么能够吓倒国师!”Qin FeiyueremembersownmasterEternal Peace Imperial Preceptor, in the innermost feelingsrestlessdivergesimmediately, the visionis tenacious, saidin a low voice: „The Great Ruinsold fogieswant the praying mantisarm, when the car(riage), will only be hitmeets a cruel death!”秦飞月想起自己的师父延康国师,内心中的不安顿时散去,目光坚韧,低声道:“大墟的老家伙们想要螳臂当车,只会被撞得粉身碎骨!”
The large shiprolls by, along the river, Qin Feiyueis startledsuddenlyslightly, looksto the front, here oasis, on the oasishad an ancient temple, butnow the oasisvanishes into thin airunexpectedly!
楼船驶过,顺江而下,秦飞月突然微微一怔,看向前方,这里原本有一座绿洲,绿洲上有一座古庙,而现在绿洲竟然不翼而飞了!Healsothought the ancient templesomewhatstrangeplace, has not enteredexamined, buthas actually labelledthisplacewhenSurging Rivergeographic map, has not thoughtcomes backagain, the ancient temple and oasisvanishwithout the trace.
他原本还觉得古庙有些灵异之处,并没有进入其中查看,不过却在涌江地理图上标注了这个地方,没想到再回来时,古庙和绿洲都消失无踪。„Enlarges ones vision!”
“开眼!”Qin Feiyuedrinksonelowly, the doublepupilis shining, tounderwaterlooks, inheartwith amazement, thatoasisalso, butwas actually razedby a greateststrength, under water this momentancient templesinks!秦飞月低喝一声,双眸精光四射,向水下看去,心中不由骇然,那座绿洲还在,但是却被一股莫大的力量夷为平地,此刻古庙沉入水底!„Great Ruins......”
“大墟……”Hecalmed down, making the officersstirorigin qito row a boat, drives awaythisplaceas soon as possible.
他定了定神,让将士们鼓荡元气划船,尽早驶离此地。Shortly afterthislarge shipdrives away, suddenly the river watersplits, Copper Buddhabrings the chainsto raisefromunder waterslowly, althoughCopper Buddhais extremely heavy, butas if no anyweight, both feetstandson the water surface.
就在这艘楼船驶离不久,突然江水裂开,一尊铜佛带着锁链从水底冉冉升起,尽管铜佛极重,但是却仿佛没有任何重量,双足站在水面上。„Disabled Elderly Village'sseveraloldmonsterstrengthssoare unexpectedly strong, someare not easyto cope......”
“残老村的几个老怪物实力竟然这么强,有些不易对付……”Copper Buddhalooks out the Disabled Elderly Villagedirection, thenstamps the footto catch up, rushes to the river bank, dashes about wildlyto go.铜佛遥望残老村方向,然后顿足发力,奔上江岸,一路狂奔而去。„SeizesmyKarmic Virtue, thismattercannotsucheasilygive up. HoweverEternal Peace Imperial Preceptoris ready to make trouble, wantsto enterGreat Ruins, thatfirstsit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight! Whentheyfight a fight in which both sides perish, myThunderclap Monasteryhas victory fall into one's lap!”
“夺我功德,这件事不能这么轻易就善罢甘休。不过延康国师蠢蠢欲动,想要进入大墟,那就先坐山观虎斗!等到他们斗个鱼死网破,我雷音寺坐收渔人之利!”ButoutsideDisabled Elderly Village, Qin Mubumps intoCrippleto walk, washes one's hands to throwto his thing, Qin Mureceives, is actually a scabbard, withJunior Protector Swordjust rightpair.
而残老村外,秦牧碰到瘸子走来,抖手扔给他一件东西,秦牧接过来,却是一口剑鞘,与少保剑正好一对儿。Qin Mustayed, justwantsto ask where Cripplemakes, suddenlyCripplefillshisarms a thing.秦牧呆了呆,正想问瘸子从哪里弄来的,突然瘸子又把一件东西塞到他的怀里。Qin Muextractslooked,iscream coloris embroidering the clothing of powderpeony, the widthmakes the ruler, the sliverlike the belt, is having a delicate fragrancetaste.秦牧抽出一看,是乳白色绣着粉牡丹的衣物,宽约尺许,长条如带,带着一股清香味儿。„Grandpa Cripple, whatthing is this?”Qin Muwonders.
The smiling face on Cripplefaceis stiff, saidresentfully: „Sweat towel, youremainare wiping away sweatto use. Unlucky, is really unlucky, howto touchtothistype of thing, touches the mildewthreeyears......”瘸子脸上的笑容僵硬,悻悻道:“汗巾,你留着擦汗用。晦气,真是晦气,怎么就摸到这种东西,一摸霉三年……”
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