Qin Muwas pulledbyher, onlythinks that thisgirl'shandslidessoftthin, letsinhisheart, Fu Tingyuecruel and mercilessmakeshimextremelyuncomfortable.秦牧被她牵着手,只觉这女孩的手柔软细滑,让他心中一荡,不过傅庭岳的心狠手辣还是让他极不舒服。Heturns headto look, in the platform in lake, Fu Tingyuecutsten fingers of match, has not stoppedunexpectedly, thencuts the wrist/skill of opposite party, is excitedwants the wild animalcompared with the wild animal.
他回头看去,湖中的平台上,傅庭岳将对手的十指切下来,竟然还没有停下,转而去切对方的手腕,兴奋得比野兽还要野兽。„Thisis a lunatic! However, thisTingyueYoung Mastersomewhatimplicateswithmeprobably.”
“这是个疯子!不过话说回来,这位庭岳公子好像与我有些牵连。”In the Qin Muheartthinks, in the pastGrandma Sipickedfrom the waterfronthim, becausewas afraidhimto be early young, will then sneakBorder Dragon Cityjustto give birthshortly afterMadameCity Lordto seize, changed a cowto feedQin Mu, makingQin Muendureearly the youngtime.秦牧心中思索,当年司婆婆将他从江边捡回来,因为害怕他早夭,便潜入镶龙城将刚刚产子没多久的城主夫人掳来,变化成一头奶牛喂养秦牧,使秦牧熬过了早夭的时期。Child who at that timeMadameCity Lordgave birth, shouldthenbeFu Tingyue.
当时城主夫人生下的孩子,应该便是傅庭岳。Qin Muiseatshismother'smilkto grow up, amongtwo peopleimplicationthenlies inthis.秦牧是吃他娘亲的奶长大,两人之间的牵连便在于此。Qin Muturned head, in the lakethatyoungster in platformhas not rescued, because ofhundreddragon coins, heentersCity Lord Mansionto compete, daresto come, naturallyissomeskills, has not actually thought that lost the life.秦牧回过头来,湖中平台上的那个少年已经没有救了,因为百枚龙币,他进入城主府打擂,敢进来,自然是有些本事,却没想到丢了性命。In the Zhenjiangbuildingput on a show of peace and prosperity, Qin MufollowsLing Yuxiuto arrive in the building, sees onlyin the building the dancing girlto dance, the five fingers of thesedancing girlshave delimitedairborne, sends outto bite the bellto bite the resounding of bell, issound that theirorigin qimake, raises the head, stamps the foot, follows the temperament.
镇江楼中歌舞升平,秦牧跟随灵毓秀来到楼中,只见楼中舞女起舞,这些舞女的五指划过空中,发出叮铃叮铃的脆响,是她们的元气发出的声音,一翘首,一顿足,都伴随着音律。Dances lightly, while can also find out the wonderfulsongwithorigin qi, makingQin Muexpress admiration.
一边翩翩起舞,一边还能用元气探出美妙的曲子,令秦牧啧啧称奇。Bypavilion, thenthere aremanycasesseveral, manycorrect manners disciplineuncommonpeoplesit, drink wineto make music, someappreciationdances, somelook the platformto the lake, appreciates the showdown.
The situation in platformwas quite pitiful, the youngster of thathealthy and strong bodyhad been suffered the inadequatehuman form, butin the buildingactuallynobodymakes noiseto stop.
平台上的情形已经极为凄惨,那个铜筋铁骨的少年已经被折磨得不成人形,但是楼中却没有人出声制止。Ling Yuxiuis drawingQin Mu, arrives at a caseseveralto sitdirectly, natural, does not have the meaning of looking on as an outsider.灵毓秀拉着秦牧,直接来到一张案几边席地而坐,大大方方,毫无见外之意。In the Zhenjiangbuildingsitsfromregionalexpert, the military mightis uncommon, saw that thisyoungstermen and womenarrive, respectivesurprised, has not spoken the inquiry.
The disciple of whichperson of high skillintheirheartsthispair of beautiful personwantsto comeis, taking advantage ofthistimeZhenjiangbuildingmeeting, comesto join in the fun, opens mind.
他们心中这一对玉人想来是哪位高人的弟子,也借着此次的镇江楼会,前来凑热闹,开眼界。Frontcaseseveralonis the wonderfulrarefruit, the delicacydelicacies, variousJane|treasurevariant beastcookedfive spicestencolors, fresh and tenderdelicious, making the Qin Muindex fingergreatlymove.
面前的案几上都是奇珍异果,珍馐佳肴,各种奇珍异兽被烹调的五香十色,鲜嫩可口,让秦牧不由食指大动。Hewas drawnto sellcattlebyGrandma Si, goes shopping, in the eveninghas not eaten meal, alreadythoughthungrily.
他被司婆婆拉去卖牛羊,买东西,晚上还没有吃饭,早就觉得饿了。Qin Mutastedmouthfrontfood, the eyeonebrightly, onlythinks that the tonguemustmelt, cannot bearcopes withfrontdelicacydelicacieswith single-hearted devotion. Ling Yuxiusaid was actually somewhat hungry, onlyatetwothento stop the chopsticksto planon the contrary, quite interestingvisitshimto wolf down.秦牧尝了口面前的食物,眼睛一亮,只觉舌头都要化开了,忍不住专心对付面前的珍馐佳肴。倒是灵毓秀说有些饿了,反倒只吃了两口便停下筷筹,饶有趣味的看着他狼吞虎咽。Qin Munearbycaseseveralsit is thatbeautifulmovesCult Mistress of entirecity, quite interestinglooks atQin Muandhisyoung girl.秦牧旁边的案几坐着的便是那位美动全城的教主夫人,也是饶有趣味的看着秦牧和他身边的少女。„Is sheGrandma Si?” The Qin Muheartsaid.
“她到底是不是司婆婆?”秦牧心道。Besidesher, a personshoots a look atonce for a whiletoQin Mu, Qin Murealized that this person of vision, looks up, is startledslightly, this person of mail-armor and helmet, even if feastshas not taken off the mail-armor and helmet, hasthatyounggeneralQin Feiyue of reason of both sidesonSurging River.
除了她之外,还有一人时不时向秦牧这边瞥来,秦牧察觉到此人目光,抬头看去,微微一怔,这人一身甲胄,即便是赴宴也没有脱去甲胄,正是在涌江上有过两面之缘的那位年轻将军秦飞月。„Qin Feiyuealsohere? Doesn't hehavechapter of Eternal Peace Empire?”
The Qin Musurprise, thenearnestlycopes withfrontfood. Ling Yuxiueatsto say with a smile: „Thatyounggeneralhas visitedyou, does herecognizeyou?”秦牧诧异,然后埋头对付面前的食物。灵毓秀吃吃笑道:“那位小将军一直看着你呢,他认得你?”Qin Muswallows the food in end opening, thinks,said: „Has the reason of both sides, hissideChubby Fatty Seventh Young Master, has not known where went.”秦牧咽下口中的食物,想了想,道:“有过两面之缘,他身边还有一个胖胖的肥七公子,不知道去哪里了。”Ling Yuxiugets angry, has twistedonhisarm.灵毓秀嗔怒,在他胳膊上拧了一下。Qin Mudoes not know that thisgirlis angryanything, the heartsaid: „Thisgirlis really strange, thatGeneralQin Feiyue is also very strange, thisgirlpinchesmytimehenearlyjumps, bore. WhatpinchedisI, is nothe, hehurtsanything......”秦牧不知道这女孩生气什么,心道:“这女孩真奇怪,那个秦飞月将军也挺奇怪的,这女孩掐我的时候他险些跳起来,又忍住了。被掐的是我,又不是他,他疼什么……”Suddenly, elderlyopens the mouth saying: „City Lord, outside is your son? Reallygoodskill. The long timeheard that TingyueYoung MasterisinBorder Dragon CityyoungonegenerationstrongestMartial Practitioner, at the presentlooks likeindeeduncommon.”
突然,一位老者开口道:“城主,外面的便是令郎吗?真是好本事。久闻庭岳公子乃是镶龙城年轻一辈中最强的武者,而今看来的确不凡。”Fu Yundisaid with a smile: „Baishanold manoverpraised. The young childrenhave studiedsomecheapmethods, is laughed by knowledgeable people.”傅云敌笑道:“百善老人过誉了。小儿只是学了些粗劣的法门,贻笑大方。”ThatBaishanold mansmiles saying: „It is not true. The long timeheard that TingyueYoung Masteris the surrounding areathousand li (500 km)Martial Practitionerfirstperson, last yearTingyueYoung Masterthenunderwent352challenges, has killed352fromregionalMartial Practitioner, a personcannotescapefromhishand. Thenhasthisgrade of strengthyoung.”
The Qin Mueyebrowfirst choiceselecting, continuedto eat mealwith single-hearted devotion.秦牧眉头挑了挑,继续专心吃饭。Fu Yundisaid with a smilehastily: „Young childkillsis the abandonedpeople in Great Ruins, if outside area, the young childwill be forgiving.”傅云敌连忙笑道:“小儿打死的都是大墟中的弃民,倘若是外地来的,小儿还是会留情的。”Baishanold mansaid with a smile: „Abandonedin the peoplealsomanyto haveexpert, the TingyueYoung Masterskillindeed.”Said that praised without cease.
百善老人笑道:“弃民中也不乏有强者,庭岳公子的本事的确了得。”说罢赞叹不已。Fu Yundihehesaid with a smile: „Young childis the sincereperson, nevercompelsothersandhecompetes with, isgoes to the streetto ask the abandonedpeople in theseGreat Ruinsto cometo compete, permitsbywealth. Butartificialwealthdeadbirds die in pursuit of food, theseabandon the peoplecontinuouslyto cometo challenge the young child, finallyhas lost the life. Young childthesehundreddragon coins, actuallyneverspend. Then, the young childwill really live.”Then, laughs.傅云敌呵呵笑道:“小儿是个实诚人,从不强逼别人和他比试,都是去街上请这些大墟中的弃民前来打擂,许以钱财。怎奈人为财死鸟为食亡,这些弃民还是络绎不绝前来挑战小儿,结果都送了性命。小儿这百枚龙币,却从未花出去过。说起来,小儿实在是会过日子呢。”说罢,哈哈大笑。
The peoplealsolaugh.
众人也跟着大笑起来。Inthis time, a black faceelderlysmiling facefiercelyreceives, the soundlike the thunder, has covered the laughter of people: „Cult Mistress, MadameGreat Educational Heavenly Devil Scripturehas studied for manyyears, at the presentcanmakeusalsoenlarge ones vision?”
就在此时,一个黑脸老者笑容猛地一收,声音如雷,盖过众人的笑声:“教主夫人,大育天魔经夫人已经研究了多年,而今可以让我们也开开眼了吧?”Thisthinblack faceelderlysitsin the Qin Muopposite, describedwithered, both eyeswere atheistic, sit is a sectionburn the blackcharcoal there likely, but the sound was actually enormous.
这个瘦削黑脸老者坐在秦牧对面,形容枯槁,双目无神,坐在那里像是一截烧黑的木炭,但是声音却是极大。Hesuch remarks, immediatelyin the vision of allpeoplebuildingcentralizedonQin MuthatcharmingCult Mistress.
他此言一出,顿时将楼中所有人的目光都集中在秦牧旁边的那个充满魅力的教主夫人身上。Qin Muputs down the ivorychopstickshastily, motionless, closes the mouth, cannot bearsecretlyis chewing the food in mouth.秦牧连忙放下象牙箸,一动不动,闭上嘴巴,忍不住偷偷的嚼着口中的食物。
The food of mouthwas swallowedintobelly, the youngsterhesitates, has not borne, took up the ivorychopsticksto clamponepieceto slidelungfish filletrapidto arrive in port.
嘴里的食物被吞入肚子,少年迟疑一下,又没忍住,拿起象牙箸夹了一片溜肺鱼片飞速的塞到口中。Thatblackcoalelderlyflies into a rage, looks angrily atQin Mu: „Do not eat!”
那黑炭般的老者勃然大怒,怒视秦牧:“你别吃了!”ByQin MuthatCult Mistresstitteredsays with a smile: „OriginallyisblackVenerable. Does blackVenerablewhylose one's temper? City Lordinvitedusto come is asksusto eat meal, whywas unedible? City Lord, yousaid that is?”秦牧旁边的那位教主夫人噗嗤笑道:“原来是黑尊者。黑尊者何必动怒?城主邀请我们来便是请我们吃饭来了,为何不能吃?城主,你说是不是?”Fu Yundicoughs, said with a smile: „Thisgrand meeting is also banquet, invitedto tastemyBorder Dragon Citydelicacydelicacy, naturallywasmusteatguests and hosts having a good time.”傅云敌咳嗽一声,笑道:“这次盛会也是宴会,请诸位品尝我镶龙城的珍馐美味,自然是须得吃到宾主尽欢。”Cult Mistresschuckle, pinched a glowing redfruitto put in the mouth, has scratched the slenderwhite handsleisurely, theninterestunglooks that Qin Mucontinuedto wolf down.教主夫人轻笑一声,捏了一个红彤彤的果子放入口中,慢条斯理的擦了擦纤纤玉手,然后饶有兴趣的看着秦牧继续狼吞虎咽。Ling Yuxiu is also surprised, has not thoughtquite the same asQin Muin this caseunexpectedly can also be able to eat.灵毓秀也是惊讶,浑然没有想到秦牧在这种情况下竟然还能吃得下去。In a while, Qin Mutheneatshalffull, thinks, takes outoilfrom the bosompaper-insulated, takesinsidedry rations, thenselectedcaseseveralonsoftdeliciousfoodto clamphas placedpaper-insulated, packagecautiously.
没过多久,秦牧便吃个半饱,想了想,又从怀里取出一个油纸包,将里面的干粮取出来,然后挑案几上柔软可口的食物夹了一些放在纸包中,小心翼翼的包起来。OppositethatblackcoalblackVenerablecannot bearscold saying: „Couldn't boy, youeatalsoto captureis walking?”
对面那黑炭般的黑尊者忍不住呵斥道:“小子,你吃不了还兜着走呢?”Qin Muembarrassedsay/way: „IandGranny have Grandpa Blindto enter a citytoday, on the roadhas only eatensomedry rations, has not eaten the thing. Heremealis very fragrant, Granny and Grandpa Blindageis not good, thereforeIselectto bringtothem.”Then, looked atCult Mistress, in the hearthad doubts: „Is sheGrandma Si? Waits, is thisrougefragrancenotjust the rougetaste that IandGrandma Sibuytogether?”秦牧不好意思道:“我和婆婆还有瞎爷爷今天才进城,路上只吃了些干粮,还没有吃东西。这里的饭菜很香,婆婆和瞎爷爷的牙口不好,所以我挑一些给他们带回去。”说罢,看了看教主夫人,心中疑惑:“她到底是不是司婆婆?等一下,这胭脂香味不正是我和司婆婆一起买的胭脂味儿?”In the Cult Mistresseyeflashes throughgentlelight, seems movedvery much, says with a smile: „You is a filialperson, Imorelooked that youwere more pleasing to the eyes.”教主夫人眼中闪过一道柔和的光,似乎很是感动,笑道:“你还是个孝顺的人,我越看你越是顺眼了。”In the building the peopleareonelook at the appearance of pleasure, has been full of the sympathytoQin Mu: „Cult Mistress is the cauldroncauldronfamoussuccuba, mostis tired ofthesefilial pietyand so on over-detailed formalities, thisboywill definitely dieincomparablypitifully!”
楼中众人都是一幅看乐子的样子,对秦牧充满了同情:“教主夫人原本便是鼎鼎有名的魔女,最烦这些孝道之类的繁文缛节,这小子肯定会死得无比凄惨!”WhenthatblackcoalblackVenerableQin Muwraps securelyfood, coldlysaid: „Ate to the full?”
那黑炭般的黑尊者等到秦牧包好食物,冷冷道:“吃饱了吗?”Qin Musaidhonestly: „Halffull.”秦牧老老实实道:“半饱。”BlackVenerableillness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy, coldsnorted, the pshawspreads, the 110window mullions of Zhenjiangbuildingcrash-bangmake noise.
黑尊者气结,冷哼一声,哼声传出,镇江楼的110个窗棂哗啦啦作响。Qin Muadmires, said: „Seniorcultivation baseis quite vigorous, Ithencannot achieve.”秦牧不禁钦佩不已,赞道:“前辈修为好生雄浑,我便做不到。”
The blackVenerableforeheadblue veinbeatstwo, represses the anger, calmlywaited forQin Muto finish eating, butCult Mistresswith a smilealsohas put down the ivorychopsticks, no longerate.
黑尊者额头青筋跳动两下,按捺怒气,静静等候秦牧吃完,而一直笑吟吟的教主夫人也放下象牙箸,不再食用。BlackVenerableputs outto suppresslong timefoul airinchest cavity, coldlysaid: „Noweats to the full? Cansay the proper business?”
黑尊者吐出憋在胸腔中良久的浊气,冷冷道:“现在都吃饱了吧?可以说正事了吧?”In the buildingpeoplevisionis bright as snow, fallsonCult Mistressin abundance.
楼中众人目光雪亮,纷纷落在教主夫人身上。Cult Mistresssmiledhundredto flatterto live, makingin the building the peopleat presentas ifbrighter, said with a smile: „BlackVenerable, even ifgivesyouGreat Educational Heavenly Devil Scripture, youare awareyou to liveare going out ofBorder Dragon City? Onlyfeared that City Lordis the person who firstwantsyouto assign, moreoverpresents, perhapswill not allow that youliveare going out ofGreat Ruins.”教主夫人一笑百媚生,让楼中众人眼前似乎都明亮了许多,笑道:“黑尊者,就算将大育天魔经给你,你自觉你能活着走出镶龙城?只怕城主是第一个要你命的人,而且在座诸位,恐怕也不会容许你活着走出大墟。”BlackVenerablestands up, origin qisuddenlybecomesjet blackincomparable, the airbornecondensationafterhisbrain, formsfourarmHeavenly Devil, fiercerogue!
黑尊者站起身来,身后元气陡然变得漆黑无比,在他脑后的空中凝聚,形成一个四臂天魔,狰狞凶恶!Utilizes the degree of thisreaching the pinnacleorigin qi, evenorigin qiobviouslyturns intoDevil gods, thismethod, not inferior toFu YundiEightfold Heavenly God Technique!
将元气运用到这种登峰造极的程度,甚至元气显化成魔神,这种手段,不逊于傅云敌的八相天神功!BlackVenerablefoursweptone, coldlysaid: „The Heavenly Devil Cultscripturefalls the wordsin my hands, thatismy, whodaresto covet, did not fear that was butcheredbyme?”
黑尊者四下扫了一眼,冷冷道:“天魔教的圣典落在我手中的话,那就是我的,谁敢觊觎,不怕被我宰了吗?”In the building the peoplesmilenot to speak.
楼中众人笑而不语。Cult Mistresseatsto say with a smile: „Inthishas the Eternal Peace Empirehonored guest, the person of high skill of Great Ruinsconcealment, which can youdestroy completely? Thisyounggeneralthen came from Eternal Peace Empire?”教主夫人吃吃笑道:“这堂上有延康国的贵客,还有大墟隐匿的高人,你能灭掉哪个?这位小将军便是来自延康国吧?”Qin Feiyue that sherefers, said with a smile: „Long timeheard that the name of Imperial PreceptorFirst Person Under The Gods, wantsto come the disciple is also uncommon.”
她指的正是秦飞月,笑道:“久闻国师神下第一人之名,想来弟子也是不凡。”Qin Feiyueraises slightlyslightly, said: „Young fellowQin Feiyue, the family/homeMastersindeedareEternal Peace Imperial Preceptor, butmythisdoes not comecomesforCult MistressandGreat Educational Heavenly Devil Scripture. AlthoughCult Mistressis the first under heavenbeautiful woman, althoughGreat Educational Heavenly Devil Scriptureis known as the method of become god, butImperial Preceptordoes not care.”秦飞月微微欠身,道:“小将秦飞月,家师的确是延康国师,不过我此来并非是为教主夫人和大育天魔经而来。教主夫人虽是天下第一美人,大育天魔经虽是号称成神之法,但国师不在乎。”Inhiswordshas a naturalarrogance, asFirst Person Under The GodsImperial Preceptor, does not care aboutanycultivation technique, even ifcan the become godDevil Cultclassics!
他的话语之中有一种天然的傲气,身为神下第一人的国师,不在乎任何功法,哪怕是能够成神的魔教经典!Suddenly, onlyhears a soundto sneer saying: „HereisGreat Ruins, isn'tEternal Peace Empire, Imperial Preceptorcaresto closeourtrifling thing?”
A Qin Feiyueitem of dewmurderous aura, following the soundlooks that person of speechis sittinginhisopposite, is a dragonfine beardguy, the clothingpartlyopens, carelesssitting, grasps the thingto eatwith the hand, whileanotherhandrubs the ashin the bosom, fewunderthenrubs a pitch-darksphere, a ballthatspherethendoes not knowwhereconvenientlyflew.秦飞月目露杀气,循声看去,说话的那人正坐在他的对面,乃是一个虬髯大汉,衣衫半敞,大大咧咧的席地而坐,一边用手抓东西吃,一边另一只手在怀里搓灰,没几下便搓出一个黑漆漆的圆球,随手一弹那个圆球便不知飞到哪里去了。Qin Feiyueknits the brows, reveals the color/look of loathing: „The thick patch of grass in Great Ruins, is really vulgar, does not needto bear a grudgewithhim. When the Imperial Preceptorarmyarrives, anyDemons and Ghostsmustsubmit to!”秦飞月皱眉,露出厌恶之色:“大墟中的草莽,实在粗鄙,不必与他怄气。等到国师大军来到,什么妖魔鬼怪都要臣服!”HesawQin Mugirl, restless, has a headachereally: „Did Seventh Princessrun and Disabled Elderly Village'syoungsterguymixes up? Princessalsopinchedhima moment ago, somewere too affectionate, ifthismatterpassed on, the face of imperial familyalsowanted......”
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