TOHG :: Volume #7

#622: Three invincible mights

Sees the spatial bodhisattva to follow Yan Jayashankar to go far away, leaves Great Brahma Heaven, in this bodhisattva heart is quite puzzled, the heart said: Matter that childhood has? The Qin scholar childhood what happened? Why will my Buddha have seen him in Nether? Why Qin doesn't Jushi remember?” 见空佛子跟随阎摩罗王远去,离开大梵天,这位佛子心中颇为不解,心道:“幼年发生的事?秦居士幼年发生了什么事?为何我佛会在幽都见过他?为何秦居士又不记得了?” Many that he thinks, but Yan Jayashankar makes every effort to keep secret obviously, is not willing to discuss. 他想的很多,但显然阎摩罗王讳莫如深,不愿多谈。 Moreover Yan Jayashankar walks quick is very anxious, seems is not not cruel enough to look at Qin Mu to slaughter the situation of bodhisattva, but must fleeing Great Brahma Heaven early, so as to avoid encounters implicates general. 而且阎摩罗王走的很快很急,似乎不是不忍心看秦牧屠杀佛子的情形,而是要早早的逃离大梵天,免得遭到连累一般。 My Buddha knows many secrets, but was not willing to say to me. Was the Qin scholar so really fearful?” In his heart secretly thought. “我佛知道很多秘密,但是不愿对我说。难道秦居士真的那么可怕?”他心中暗道。 Great Brahma Heaven, before ruined temple, the Qin Mu's form is almost hard to be seen by the naked eye, all bodhisattvas simultaneously open the Buddha eye and Heavenly Eye and so on divine ability, this ability catches his form. 大梵天,破败寺庙前,秦牧的身影几乎难以被肉眼看到,所有佛子同时开启佛眼、天眼之类的神通,这才能捕捉到他的身影。 His speed is too fast, cursory, various Sword Art, divine ability, Blade Skill, spear technique, fist technique and other methods display entirely, moreover displays rapidly in running, making people eyes cannot take it all. 他的速度太快,浮光掠影,各种剑法神通刀法枪法拳法等手段统统施展出来,而且是在急速奔行之中施展出来,让人目不暇接。 Empties the bodhisattva to explode drinks, body golden light shiningly is similar to around the big buddha, is growing four first eight arms, flies and swoops to come Qin Mu in the midair to contend directly. 空相佛子爆喝,身躯金光灿灿如同一尊四面大佛,长着四头八臂,飞行在半空中与飞扑而来秦牧正面抗衡。 They from the sky speed past, to hit quickly quickly, empties the bodhisattva height two zhang (3.33 m) 67, tall and strong incomparable, two people who however from the sky flies are actually Qin Mu press him to fly backward. 两人在空中疾驰而过,以快打快,空相佛子身高二丈67,魁梧无比,然而在空中飞行的两人却是秦牧压着他向后飞去。 In the midair fist collision is similar to thunderous, other bodhisattvas fly airborne prepare to besiege, suddenly gold/metal blood everywhere, such as the rain sprinkles. 半空中拳头碰撞如同雷鸣,其他佛子飞上空中准备围攻,突然金血漫天,如雨洒下。 Empties the vitality of bodhisattva within the body to explode, various whole body places transmit the explosive, skin blasting open, the blood flow rapidly, he and Qin Mu to meet the tough head-on with toughness, hit vitality ebullition, physical body cannot contain these many vitalities, the wild vitality surpasses the limit that physical body has been able to withstand, therefore explodes the body to perish. 空相佛子体内的气血爆开,全身各处传来噼里啪啦的爆响,皮肤炸裂,鲜血奔流,他与秦牧以硬碰硬,被打的气血沸腾,肉身容纳不下这么多气血,狂暴的气血超越了肉身所能承受的极限,于是爆体而亡。 Other bodhisattvas shoot up to the sky to prepare to besiege Qin Mu's to flicker, then sees to empty bodhisattva tattered physical body from airborne to fall. 其他佛子冲天而起准备围攻秦牧的一瞬,便看见空相佛子破破烂烂的肉身从空中跌下来。 These rush to the airborne bodhisattva to see in suddenly the midair sword light flashes, in heart one startled, displays divine ability to go to the airborne bang hurriedly respectively. 那些冲上空中的佛子突然看到半空中剑光闪动,心中一惊,急忙各自施展神通向空中轰去。 But sees airborne vast bloodshed sword light to sprinkle, a sword Founding Emperor blood is vast! 但见空中汪洋血海般的剑光洒下,一剑开皇血汪洋! The wild vitality mixes sword light sweeping, in the bloodshed the sword is leaving like the dragon, the willful shuttle, bodhisattva some cover throat some to keep off in the forehead, bodies sink to the blood vastly. 狂暴的气血混着剑光扫荡,血海中剑出如龙,恣意穿梭,一尊尊佛子有的捂住咽喉有的挡在眉心,一具具身体沉入血汪洋中。 But in bloodshed vast above, the male goat Crown Prince foot pedal ocean, the under foot lotus flower turns wells up, pinches a lotus flower to block the Qin Mu's offensive. 而在血海汪洋之上,摩羯太子脚踏大洋,脚下莲花翻涌,掐着一朵莲花挡住秦牧的攻势。 Shouting Qin Mu turns around, clothes sleeve flutters, the long hair dances in the air, holds the sword back to him. 秦牧转身,衣袂飘扬,长发飞舞,持剑背对着他。 Male goat Crown Prince sees the flaw, is wanting to attack, suddenly the bloodshed splits, a jet black gateway passes through from him. 摩羯太子看出破绽,正欲出击,突然血海裂开,一座漆黑的门户从他身上穿过。 Male goat Crown Prince stayed, body sinks to the bloodshed slowly, his Primordial Spirit had been dragged into Nether by Supporting Heaven Gate. 摩羯太子呆了呆,身体缓缓沉入血海中,他的元神已经被承天之门拉入幽都 The bloodshed diverges, the airborne corpses crash. 血海散去,空中一具具尸体坠落下来。 Compares these young bodhisattvas that Heavenly Court sends, Qin Mu be higher than them in the fight experience and skill are too too more , the Heavenly Court bodhisattva year to year settles down in Buddha, Buddha always does not have the war, is uneventful likely is the dead situation. 相比天庭派来的这些年轻佛子,秦牧在战斗经验和技巧上要比他们高出太多太多,天庭的佛子常年定居在佛界,佛界一向没有战事,风平浪静得像是一潭死水。 In this place life, is the common people are naturally peaceful, does not have what desire and ambition, but was too stable has also caused regressing of Dao Art divine ability. 在这种地方生活,自然是百姓安乐富足,没有什么欲望和野心,但同时太安定也导致了道法神通的退步。 Dao Art divine ability does not have the use, then some people will not go to practice, some people will not study diligently. 道法神通没有用处,便不会有人去修炼,也不会有人去钻研。 They peaceful were too long, did not have rushing and working zeal that has dared to hit to dare to put together, but Qin Mu is different, the place of Qin Mu childhood life convenient is dangerous incomparable Great Ruins, however in the Qin Mu youth time, he then can walk in everywhere dangerous Great Ruins. 他们太平了太久,已经没有了敢打敢拼的闯进和干劲,而秦牧不同,秦牧幼年生活的地方便是危险无比的大墟,然而在秦牧少年时期,他便已经能够在遍地危险的大墟中行走。 As for Eternal Peace, is one is sending out the full of vitality state, the national strength during the crazy promotion, there is an enemy, but also has the stable rear, Dao Art divine ability changes with each new day. 至于延康,则更是一个散发着勃勃生机的国度,国力在疯狂提升之中,有敌人,但也有稳定的大后方,道法神通日新月异。 The front officers slaughter, rear Divine Ability Practitioner is used in the common people Dao Art divine ability, transforms the common people daily life. 前线将士厮杀,后方的神通者则将道法神通用于百姓,改造百姓日常生活。 Therefore the large ship speeding car True Essence artillery and other types of novel things swarm the appearance, making the Eternal Peace creativity stronger and stronger, various Dao Art divine ability also change with each new day. 于是楼船飞车真元炮等各种新奇的东西蜂拥出现,让延康的创造力越来越强,各种道法神通也是日新月异。 As for Tai Heaven, because the war is really frigid, did not have the stable rear area, the social structure was incomplete, not having the innovation creation soil, Dao Art divine ability then unable to develop. 至于太皇天,因为战争实在惨烈,已经没有了稳定的后方,连社会结构也不完整,没有了创新创造的土壤,道法神通便无从发展。 Qin Mu was born in Great Ruins, since childhood had Village Chief and other old to teach devotedly, has caught up with the Eternal Peace Empire expansion, Eternal Peace Imperial Preceptor political reform big time, therefore ability has the present achievement. 秦牧出生在大墟,自幼有村长等九老悉心教导,又赶上了延康国扩张,延康国师变法这个大时代,因此才能有现在的成就。 Moreover, he is also one of the political reform leaders, is the sword 18 pathfinders, the Primordial Spirit Guide pioneer, achieves by existence of sword enter the Dao initially. 而且,他也是变法的主导者之一,更是剑18式的开创者,元神引的开辟者,初步做到以剑入道的存在。 Compares these life, in Buddha has not gone through any stormy times the bodhisattva, he and they already were not a person of level. 相比这些生活在佛界没有经历任何风雨的佛子来说,他与他们早已不是一个层次的人。 Qin Mu looks up, the front shines the bodhisattva to dash about wildly to come to him, this bodhisattva is Celestial Being Realm expert, with Devil Ape Zhan Kong debate Buddhist teaching, Buddha's radiance shines, was lifted the hand to keep off keeping off by Devil Ape, then cannot help but spits blood, almost died. 秦牧抬头看去,前方普照佛子正在向他狂奔而来,这尊佛子乃是天人境界强者,与魔猿战空辩法,佛光普照,然后被魔猿抬手挡了挡,便不由自主吐血,差点死掉。 His debate Buddhist teaching is inferior to Devil Ape, however his strength is actually as deep as a well, spins, while the seal technique overlay, every gesture and motions, a fist foot, the atmosphere is boundless, the law is dense. 辩法不及魔猿,但是他的实力却高深莫测,一边疾奔,一边印法叠加,一招一式,一拳一脚,大气磅礴,法度森然。 He displays most adept seal technique, each seal makes, then a various Buddha impression, his, Primordial Spirit is similar to a great Buddha danger sits, the whole body every large or small all Buddha empty shade surrounds Primordial Spirit, displays various seal technique along with his seal technique! 他施展出最为拿手的印法,每一印打出,便有一种诸佛印象,他的身后,元神如同一尊伟岸佛陀危坐,周身大大小小的诸佛虚影环绕元神,随着他的印法而施展出各种印法 Shines the bodhisattva to dash about wildly, such as thunder comes in waves in the clouds, sound not, thunder Guangxian to! 普照佛子狂奔,如云中雷霆滚滚而来,声音未至,雷光先至! seal technique that he displays now, is in Buddha big Karmic Virtue day big divine ability, shines all living things! 他现在施展的印法,便是佛界大功德天中的大神通,普照众生! Can build this big divine ability, in the bodhisattva is also minority! 能够修成这种大神通,在佛子之中也是少数! His imposing manner is getting stronger and stronger, Primordial Spirit is also getting stronger and stronger, was in the degree that the point of no return has had to send! 他的气势越来越强,元神也越来越强,已经到了箭在弦上不得不发的程度! In this time, Qin Mu index finger middle finger rises together simultaneously, changes to the sword direction in the forehead, before the sword direction, punctures! 就在此时,秦牧食指中指并起,化作剑指点在眉心,剑指向前刺出! Tribulation Sword First Style, Start the Tribulation! 劫剑第一式,开劫 Shines the bodhisattva to erupt the limit, the front surface then sees sword light to fly, cannot help but explodes drinks one, all Foxu shade respective eruption, before ten thousand normal, makes. 普照佛子已经爆发到极限,迎面便见一道剑光飞至,不由得爆喝一声,身后诸佛虚影各自爆发,万法向前打出。 Qin Mu turns around then to walk, from airborne leap, crashes in the place, in the heart somewhat wonders: Strange, my this move of Sword Dao divine ability displays, origin qi will then be consumed almost, why actually felt that now own origin qi is incomparably abundant, is the well water is likely ordinary, as if inexhaustible......” 秦牧转身便走,从空中跃下,坠落在地,心中有些纳闷:“奇怪,我这一招剑道神通施展出来,元气便会被消耗得7788,为何现在却感觉到自己的元气还是无比充沛,像是井水一般,似乎无穷无尽……” He felt that his origin qi has been in peak condition, as if forever is unable to consume the light, the fight is so long, various divine ability various battle skill he has almost displayed, consumed magic power big divine ability he also to display extremely much, but origin qi did not have any consumption. 他感觉到自己的元气一直处于巅峰状态,似乎永远也无法耗光,战斗这么久,各种神通各种战技他几乎都施展了一遍,极为消耗法力的大神通他也施展了不少,但是元气还是没有任何消耗。 What is stranger, he even feels his origin qi cultivation base during the rapid promotion! 更为诡异的是,他甚至感觉到自己的元气修为在飞速提升之中! This completely violates the general knowledge. 这完全违背常识。 Immediately, he realized immediately where issue leaves. 随即,他立刻察觉到问题出在哪里。 That is third eye of his forehead. 那就是他眉心的第三只眼 He kills one person every time, in this eye then has boundless origin qi from intraocular to flow out, flows in the whole body, seems the reward is ordinary, the person who so long as kills are more, the reward even more is then rich. 他每杀一人,这只眼睛中便有磅礴的元气从眼内流出,流入全身,似乎是奖励一般,只要杀的人越多,奖励便越发丰厚。 Strange, strange, this eye indeed greatly has the issue......” “古怪,古怪,这只眼睛的确大有问题……” Scoffing Ten miles sword light, across shining the head of bodhisattva, rays of light dazzlingly, brightly half sky. 十里剑光,穿过普照佛子的头颅,光芒耀眼至极,明亮了半边天空。 But shines bodhisattva that move to shine all living things, the might is dreadful, actually the bombardment in the vacancy, Qin Mu already displayed Heavenly God Pilfering Leg to be far away from there. 而普照佛子那一招普照众生,威力滔天,却轰击在空处,秦牧早已施展偷天神腿远离那里。 Shines bodhisattva both eyes to be vacant, servant pours. 普照佛子双目茫然无神,仆倒下来。 His, the sword glow receives to change to grain of small sword pellet to crash from airborne revolving suddenly, has not fallen, sword pellet inflates suddenly changes to nine long lines, long line dragon head downward, tail pesters in on together, likely is a big cover, covers a bodhisattva. 他的身后,剑芒猛然一收化作一粒小小的剑丸从空中旋转坠落,还未落下,剑丸突然膨胀化作九条长龙,长龙龙头向下,尾巴在上纠缠在一起,像是一口大罩子,咣的一声将一尊佛子扣住。 In nine Dragon God fires cover, flame and sword light erupt, crushes that bodhisattva, fires the ashes. 龙神火罩内,火光和剑光爆发,将那位佛子粉碎,烧成灰烬。 Meanwhile, landing Qin Mu lifts hand, nine Dragon God hot covers fly, the rapid reduction, changes to a sledgehammer in his hands. 与此同时,落地的秦牧抬手,九龙神火罩飞来,飞速缩小,在他手中化作一口大锤。 The Qin Mu anger sound roared, flame soared to the heavens, was similar to a great volcano erupts loudly, in the Qin Mu hand the hammer shot forward, uses the physical body strength to pound, pounded in the bodhisattva chest that flushed. 秦牧怒声咆哮,身后火光冲天,如同一座大火山轰然爆发,秦牧手中锤向前掷出,倾尽肉身力量砸去,砸在一个冲来的佛子胸口。 He pounds the sledgehammer flickers, the both legs muscle tightens, flushes away loudly forward. 他砸出大锤的一瞬,双腿筋肉绷紧,轰然向前冲去。 That bodhisattva chest was pounded to cave by him, went against to fly backward by the sledgehammer, both sides trees howl cursorily, his behind trees were also hit by him bang bang blast out. 那位佛子胸口被他砸得塌陷下来,被大锤顶着向后飞去,两旁树木浮光掠影呼啸而过,他身后的树木也被他撞得嘭嘭炸开。 However the next quarter, before Qin Mu then arrives at his body, searches the hand to hold the hammer handle. 然而下一刻,秦牧便来到他的身前,探手抓住锤柄。 The sledgehammer is similar to the running water change, changes to a long spear/gun, selects that bodhisattva above the lance point, Qin Mu shakes the spear/gun, that bodhisattva is split up! 大锤如同流水般变化,化作一杆长枪,将那佛子挑在枪尖之上,秦牧抖枪,那佛子四分五裂! Do not operate independently!” “不要各自为战!” Floating clouds Crown Prince called out fierce: Everybody gathers together, to my side, refining up him with Buddha eye divine ability!” 浮云太子厉声叫道:“大家聚在一起,到我身边来,用佛眼神通炼死他!” Many bodhisattvas that fortunately survives are pursuing Qin Mu, various divine ability and spirit armament go to the Qin Mu bang, is actually hard to catch the Qin Mu's form, hearing this awakens immediately, gathers to floating clouds Crown Prince. 幸存下来的诸多佛子正在追赶秦牧,各种神通灵兵秦牧轰去,却难以捕捉到秦牧的身影,闻言顿时醒悟过来,纷纷向浮云太子聚集。 Bodhisattvas compose human wall suddenly, you step on my shoulder, I step on his shoulder, folds puts together, the quantity reaches 64 people much. 一尊尊佛子突然组成人墙,你踩我肩头,我踩他肩头,叠加在一起,数量多达64人。 Buddha eye, opens!” “佛眼,开!” 64 bodhisattva palms gather ten, some Three Head Six Arm, some both sides, some are the bright king true bodies, some are the bodies of Arhat, stimulates to movement the Buddha eye respectively. 64位佛子手掌合十,有的三头六臂,有的一身两面,有的是明王真身,有的是阿罗汉之躯,各自催动佛眼。 Quells the monster atmosphere, subdue monsters and eliminate demons!” “荡平妖氛,降妖除魔!” Their sounds are loud and clear, the imposing manners of all people are linked to each other, just like impregnable bastion, imposing manner like city. 他们的声音洪亮,所有人的气势连在一起,宛如铜墙铁壁,气势如城。 …… Buddha's radiance gathers the mighty current, gathers, shakes mountain Lieshi, hits the space to shake to shake continuous, ships to Qin Mu to shoot! 佛光汇聚成洪流,聚集在一起,撼山裂石,打得空间晃抖不休,一发向秦牧射去! Immediately, Buddha's radiance is strong, the Buddha sound is loud and clear, sound place visited all were shaken to change to the powder powder! 顿时,佛光浓烈无比,佛音洪亮无比,声音所过之处一切被震荡化作齑粉! Qin Mu just a spear/gun selected that bodhisattva, immediately spear shakes, changes to the turtle snake big shield to keep off before the body at the same time. 秦牧刚刚一枪挑死那位佛子,随即大枪一抖,化作一面龟蛇大盾挡在身前。 Bang His body shivers fiercely, was rumbled to fly with the shield in the midair, the big shield before his body is comprised of 8000 swords, at this moment has been hard to compose the shield shape, flying swords were shaken by Buddha's radiance, along with it trembling, will soon disintegrate! 他的身躯剧烈颤抖,连人带盾被轰飞在半空中,他身前的大盾是由8000口剑组成,此刻已经难以组成盾形,一口口飞剑被佛光震荡,随之震颤,即将瓦解! Qin Mu is stuffy, spits blood, body was rumbled the islands in this piece of Buddha's radiance Golden Sea, hits loudly, in reveals on the Golden Sea mountain top. 秦牧闷哼,吐血,身躯被轰出了这片佛光金海中的岛屿,轰然撞在一座露出金海的山头上。 Floating clouds Crown Prince and other bodhisattva diving postures, arrive above Golden Sea, is in the midair with one voice to explode drinks: Dharma is boundless, arhat world of mortals!” 浮云太子等64位佛子飞身而起,来到金海之上,身在半空中又是齐声爆喝:“佛法无边,罗汉下界!” Buzz In the people eyes Buddha's radiance is once again blazing, all Buddha's radiance gather together pounds the place of bang falling to go to Qin Mu once again! 众人眼中佛光再度炽烈,所有的佛光聚在一起再度向秦牧砸落之地轰去! You only dare to depend the person to be many, I also feared that you are inadequate?” “你们只敢仗着人多,我还怕你们不成?” Buddha's radiance has not arrived on that mountain top, sees only a mountain top piece of rock to blast out, Qin Mu shoots up to the sky, shawl sending out, both hands buckle before the body, pinches a strange law seal. 佛光还未来到那座山头上,只见山头一片山石炸开,秦牧冲天而起,披肩散发,双手扣在身前,捏出一个奇怪的法印。 law seal pinches, his three eyes are getting more and more bright, left Yangyou is cloudy, about pair of eyes one is Sun is really hot, one is the moon is really hot, however cannot compare that third eye of his forehead. 法印捏出,他的三只眼睛越来越明亮,左阳右阴,左右双眼一个是太阳真火,一个是太阴真火,然而都比不上他眉心的那第三只眼 In forehead third eye, the texture overflow of butterfly wing shape, sends out, just broke the cocoon likely, but butterfly in slowly stretches own both wings. 眉心第三只眼中,蝴蝶翅膀状的纹理溢出,散发开来,像是刚刚破蛹而出的蝴蝶在缓缓的舒展自己的双翅。 This only vertical eye more and more monster different, suddenly Qin Mu both hands tie seal technique of seal to complete, both hands wield backward fiercely, the head springs forward, only listens to the bang, three rays of light project from his three eyes. 这只竖眼越来越妖异,突然秦牧双手结印的印法完成,双手向后猛地一挥,头颅向前弹出,只听轰得一声,三道光芒从他三只眼睛中射出。 Buddha's radiance collides with his three divine light, the human wall avalanche that in the midair 64 bodhisattvas compose, the stump residual limb breaks the arm four to dance in the air loudly! 佛光与他三眼神光碰撞,半空中64尊佛子组成的人墙轰然崩塌,残肢断臂四下飞舞! Satu, rubs scolds Bach......” “萨图,摩诃巴赫……” Qin Mu was planning that their catch everything in one net, in the mouth transmits the obscure Nether language suddenly, in the heart one startled: What's the matter? Why will I say the Nether language suddenly?” 秦牧正打算将他们一网打尽,突然口中传来晦涩的幽都语,心中不由一惊:“怎么回事?我为何会突然说出幽都语?” In his heart thinks like this that suddenly has actually smiled: Hee hee, the sacrificial offering were many enough, these bare soul flavors do not go bad......” 他心中这样想,却突然笑了起来:“嘻嘻,祭品足够多了,这些秃的灵魂味道不坏……” Qin Mu stretches out the tongue, has licked the lip, suddenly vigilance: „It is not right, I do not want such to do! How was my this?” 秦牧伸出舌头,舔了舔嘴唇,突然警觉起来:“不对,我没有想这么做!我这是怎么了?” Evil livestock!” “孽畜!” Suddenly, a slating bang transmits, a Buddha flies high to fly , the big hand presses downward, said fierce: You are really the demon, was incurable, today the Buddha moves the anger of thunder, has written off you thoroughly!” 突然,一声雷鸣般的巨响传来,一尊佛陀凌空飞至,大手向下摁去,厉声道:“你果然是魔,已经无可救药,今日佛爷动雷霆之怒,彻底抹杀了你!” Can't hit?” “打不过吧?” Qin Mu said with a smile: Hits words, then gives back to me my body, looked how I have ripped him.” 秦牧笑道:“打不过的话,便把我的身体还给我,看我怎么撕了他。” He said this saying, was absolutely terrified. This saying was he said obviously, but this was actually not his idea! 他说出这话,不由毛骨悚然。这话明明是他自己说的,但是这却偏偏不是他的想法! Dragon Qilin is staring at the wash bowl: Good wants to come out, monthly ticket packs the basin to come out ~~ 龙麒麟盯着脸盆:好想出来走走,月票装满盆就出来走走~~
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