TOHG :: Volume #7

#621: Buddha does not have the sword

These several hundred bodhisattvas had been swept by his three vision, in heart fiercely one cold, only listens to various Buddha sounds to be lingering on faintly, as long as was swept by the Qin Mu's vision, all opening all divine treasure cannot help but, erupt oneself imposing manner! 这几百位佛子被他的三道目光扫过,心中都是猛地一凛,只听各种佛音不绝于耳,但凡被秦牧的目光扫到的,皆不由自主的开启所有神藏,将自己的气势爆发开来! Because they felt that killing intent in Qin Mu vision, thinks that Qin Mu's kills the meaning is to aim at oneself! 因为他们感觉到了秦牧目光中的杀意,以为秦牧的杀意是针对自己而来! They were swept by the Qin Mu vision, then cannot help but bursts out all imposing manners, many appears some are anxious, lost own power and prestige, but can also see people practice the difference of cultivation technique divine ability here. 他们被秦牧目光一扫,便不由自主的迸发出所有的气势,多少显得有些过于紧张,丢了自家的威风,但也能够借此机会看出众人修炼功法神通的不同。 Some bodhisattva top of the head partial clouds light, in cloud light sit the big buddha, after some are the brains, has the halo, 110 look like exquisite all Buddha moves around him in the halo, reads aloud the Buddha sound. 有的佛子头顶一片云光,云光中坐着大佛,有的则是脑后有光晕,110尊看起来小巧的诸佛在光晕中围绕他旋转,念诵佛音。 Some, then the under foot gushes out Golden Spring, in Golden Spring overspread the lotus leaf lotus flower, making him stand on a central red lotus. 有的则脚下涌出金泉,金泉中铺满了荷叶莲花,让他站在中央的一株红莲上。 Also some practice the heterogeneous method of Buddhism, has cultivated Three Head Six Arm, surface like demon, but also some are the spotless, Saint light all over the body. 也有的修炼了佛门的异种法门,修得三头六臂,面如夜叉,还有的则是一尘不染,遍体圣光。 Their spirit armament are also all sorts of strange and unusual, pipa, umbrella, precious pearl, bow and arrow, treasured sword, diamond pestle and gold/metal Jian and other spirit armament, some people variant beast practice to become soldier/weapon, stimulate to movement variant beast by origin qi, puts the beast to offend somebody. 他们的灵兵也千奇百怪,琵琶、雨伞、宝珠、弓箭、宝剑、金刚杵、金锏等各种灵兵,也有人将异兽修炼成兵,以元气催动异兽,放兽伤人。 Buddhism two ten Heavens, each Heavens Buddha stressed differently, therefore cultivation technique was also different. 佛门二十诸天,每一层诸天的佛祖侧重不同,因此功法也是不同。 But in these bodhisattvas besides cultivation technique of Buddhism, Heavenly Court many secret skill, had been compelled by the Qin Mu's vision. 而这些佛子中除了佛门的功法之外,还有天庭的许多绝学,也被秦牧的目光逼了出来。 Under the gaze of his third eye, all cultivation base, Realm, is clearly discernible. 在他的第三只眼的注视下,所有的修为,境界,都清晰可见。 These bodhisattvas likely are not Qi Jiuyi such great person, Qi Jiuyi are the Heavenly Court honored person, practice cultivation technique are Emperor's Seat cultivation technique, even if Lu Li such Nether military commissioner is also respectful, does not dare to neglect. 这些佛子并非像是齐九嶷那样的大人物,齐九嶷天庭的贵人,修炼功法帝座功法,即便是陆离这样的幽都节度使也要毕恭毕敬,不敢怠慢。 Although the bodhisattvas have been connected from Heavenly Court or with Heavenly Court, but could not have contacted Emperor's Seat cultivation technique, Emperor's Seat cultivation technique after all is not the cabbage of roadside, otherwise Heavenly Court will not send them to come to try to learn the Great Brahma Heaven Buddha Emperor's Seat Daoist scripture. 佛子们虽然来自天庭或者与天庭有所关联,但是还接触不到帝座功法,帝座功法毕竟不是路边的大白菜,否则天庭也不会派他们前来试图学会大梵天王佛帝座真经。 Good guts!” “好胆!” Dharma king flies into a rage, shouts to clear the way: Dares in my Buddha murder, you are really devil!” 摩仑法王勃然大怒,喝道:“胆敢在我佛界杀人,你果真是魔头!” Qin Mu turns a deaf ear, takes back the vision, looks down own both hands, muttered: I have not used for a long time fully...... Even if begins with Qi Jiuyi Zhe Huali, my three full, I have not known own practice to which step.” 秦牧充耳不闻,收回目光,低头看着自己的双手,喃喃道:“我好久没有动用过全力了……即便是与齐九嶷哲华黎动手,我也未曾三眼全开,我不知道自己修炼到了哪一步。” Dharma king is startled slightly, will continue flare up, suddenly in the tattered temple broadcasts the Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha sound: Junior Brother, is patient. Among the disciples the battle, the association has a casualty unavoidably, can you also be out personally inadequately? Life first, but is human body, moonlight Crown Prince got rid of the human body, is eased, is really the big celebration. The custom has set, making bodhisattva challenge the Qin scholar, who has won who then obtained the last quota, entered the temple middle school to result in the Emperor's Seat Daoist scripture.” 摩仑法王微微一怔,正要继续发作,突然破烂寺庙中传来帝释天王佛的声音:“摩仑师弟,稍安勿躁。弟子之间争斗,总会难免有所死伤,你还能亲自下场不成?人生一世,不过是臭皮囊,月光太子摆脱了臭皮囊,一身轻松,真是大喜事。规矩已经定下了,让佛子挑战秦居士,谁赢了谁便得到最后一个名额,进入庙中学得帝座真经。” Dharma king is in an uncontrollable rage, actually endures patiently, the heart said: „Is Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha this boy supports? Does not want the words of facial skin also to say including this type!” 摩仑法王怒不可遏,却忍耐下来,心道:“帝释天王佛为这小子撑腰?连这种不要脸皮的话也说得出口!” However the Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha opens the mouth, he does not dare to neglect, the heart said: The little rascal skill that this world of mortals comes is not indeed weak, but challenges all bodhisattvas really to overreach oneself! The Great Brahma Heaven Buddha Emperor's Seat Daoist scripture is important, at this moment is not good to get angry, got so far as the Daoist scripture to say again.” 不过帝释天王佛开口,他也不敢怠慢,心道:“这个下界来的小鬼本事的确不弱,不过挑战所有佛子真是不自量力!大梵天王佛帝座真经要紧,此刻不好翻脸,还是弄到真经再说。” In the ruined temple, is perceiving through meditation Emperor's Seat Daoist scripture Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha stuffy snorted, started talking a moment ago, stops Dharma king, at is not he. 破庙中,正在参悟帝座真经帝释天王佛哼一声,刚才开口说话,制止摩仑法王的,根本不是他。 He is perceiving through meditation the Daoist scripture, where has pays attention to the outside this time? 他正在参悟真经,哪里有这个时间关注外界? This is who pretends to be my sound? Really installs to look like! Was, certainly was Great Brahma Heaven Senior Brother, only then he, ability imitated my sound to make anybody unable to distinguish.” “这是谁冒充我的声音?装得真像!是了,一定是大梵天师兄,也只有他,才能模仿我的声音让任何人都分辨不出来。” The Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha eyebrow has shaken shaking: „Is this first evil reputation? Moreover is Senior Brother detains on me personally. Hoping is the only evil reputation......” 帝释天王佛眉毛抖了抖:“这是第一个屎盆子吧?而且是师兄亲自扣到我头上的。但愿是唯一的屎盆子……” Heavenly Court sunlight Crown Prince, comes to fall the demon in your heart!” 天庭日光太子,前来降你心中的魔!” Sunlight Crown Prince treads the previous step, brain latter round Great Sun rays of light shines, said indifferently: „Do you come from the world of mortals? The world of mortals, the barren land, presents a talented person rarely, unavoidably is arrogant.” 日光太子踏前一步,脑后一轮大日光芒照耀,淡然道:“你来自下界?下界,贫瘠之地,难得出现一个人才,难免恃才傲物。” Qin Mu has not looked up him, but continues to look at own both hands, in the heart said silently: Grandma Si they always make me seal up this eye, but seals up this eye, keeps me from knowing own strength advancement. My fully, formidable? Now finally can know......” 秦牧没有抬头看他,而是继续看着自己的双手,心中默默道:“司婆婆他们总是让我封住这只眼睛,只是封住这只眼睛,也让我无法得知自己的实力进境。我的全力,到底有多强大?现在终于可以知道了……” He was suddenly excited has fought several cold wars, was excited trembles, was excited shivers. 他突然兴奋得打了几个冷战,兴奋得战栗,兴奋得颤抖。 Finally can feel relieved displays fully, can finally unscrupulous take action, finally does not need to be worried because one destruction desire and destructive power are too strong, but put to trouble to the relatives and friends! 终于可以放心的施展出全力,终于可以肆无忌惮的出手,终于不用担心自己因为破坏欲望和破坏力太强,而给亲朋好友添麻烦了! He can indulge finally, made Great Ruins young man in that fearless! 他终于可以放纵自我,做回大墟中的那个天不怕地不怕的少年郎了! The youth in Great Ruins, so long as according to the custom conduct of Great Ruins can, other all restraints, be the restraints of outside, has nothing to do with the Great Ruins youth! 大墟中的少年,只要按照大墟的规矩行事便可,其他的一切约束,都是外界的约束,与大墟的少年无关! Hehe...... Hahahaha!” “呵呵呵……哈哈哈哈!” Qin Mu exudes the laughter, the laughter is gradually resounding. Sunlight Crown Prince knits the brows slightly, said lightly: I am sunlight Crown Prince, sunlight Buddha Country crown prince your highness, with moonlight Senior Brother is the schoolfellow in Heavenly Court sword palace, studies the sword together deeply, the friendship......” 秦牧发出笑声,笑声渐渐响亮起来。日光太子微微皱眉,淡淡道:“我乃日光太子,日光佛国的储君殿下,与月光师兄乃是天庭剑宫的同窗,一起学剑,友谊深厚……” In wordy, you think him, I deliver you to accompany him!” “啰里啰嗦,你这么想他,我送你下去陪他!” Qin Mu puts out a hand fiercely a racket, sword pellet inflates suddenly, blasts out, the innumerable flying swords howl to fly, is similar to obstructs a day of cloud, Great Sun after sunlight Crown Prince brain bursts out suddenly, laughs saying: „When you were many!” 秦牧猛地伸手一拍,剑丸突然膨胀,炸开,无数飞剑呼啸飞起,如同遮天之云,日光太子脑后的大日突然迸发,大笑道:“等你多时了!” In Great Sun after his brain flame fills the air, is different from the moonlight Crown Prince bright moonlight sword, his sword belt Pure Yang is really hot, Great Sun shines, all burn down, sword light hides in the flame and sunlight, rays of light makes the person unable to open eyes dazzlingly, cannot see his sword! 他脑后的大日中火光弥漫,与月光太子的明月剑不同,他的剑带着纯阳真火,大日普照,一切焚烧开来,剑光藏在火光和日光之中,光芒耀眼让人睁不开眼,看不到他的剑! Great Sun Divine Sword! 大日神剑! His Divine Sword and Qin Mu's sword rain collides, the flash then transmits does not know that many said dīng dīng dāng dāng sound, in sunlight Crown Prince heart one startled, immediately felt own sword move was broken: In his Sword Art has three moves...... It is not right, is four moves formerly had not seen foundation Sword Art!” 他的神剑与秦牧的剑雨碰撞,一瞬间便传来不知多少道叮叮当当的响声,日光太子心中一惊,立刻感觉到自己的剑招被破去:“他的剑法中有三招……不对,是四招从前不曾见过的基础剑法!” Shock in his heart is speechless, four moves of foundation Sword Art! 他心中的震惊无以言表,四招基础剑法 Let alone four moves, even if are many move of foundation Sword Art, Sword Art under Heaven and Earth must reshuffle, the change that increases many is countless! 别说四招,就算是多出一招基础剑法,天地下的剑法都要重新洗牌,增加的变化之多便已经是不计其数! Let alone is four moves? 更何况是四招? In other words, my any Sword Art in his eyes, everywhere is the flaw!” “也就是说,我的任何剑法在他眼中,到处都是破绽!” In the sunlight Crown Prince heart has the fear, in the brain the electric light flint thinks of the countermeasure: Sword Art promotion such big of world of mortals, Heavenly Court Sword Art basically was unable to resist with him, only has does not use Sword Art. So long as with Sword Art for him is the flaws, only has to use Blade Skill or magic technique divine ability ability contends with him, otherwise I then died now...... Was, why I have not died now......” 日光太子心中生出恐惧,脑中电光火石般想到对策:“下界的剑法提升如此之大,天庭剑法基本上已经无法与他对抗,唯有不用剑法。只要用剑法对他来说便都是破绽,唯有使用刀法或者法术神通才能与他相争,否则现在我便已经死了……是了,我现在为何没死……” He noticed that the Qin Mu's 8000 swords are similar to the dark green clouds, the sword sea-monster, displays different sword move in the clouds, has flown from own side, has not started to him. 他看到秦牧的8000口剑如同苍云,云中剑似游鱼,施展出各种不同的剑招,从自己的身边飞过,并没有对他下手。 Sunlight Crown Prince stayed, looks down, sees only own physical body is the broken screen is likely ordinary, everywhere is around translucent blood hole. 日光太子呆了呆,低头看去,只见自己的肉身像是破筛子一般,到处都是前后透亮的血洞。 In his brain is somewhat ignorant, lifts the hand to trace the forehead, front a finger falls into the surface. 他脑中有些浑浑噩噩,抬手摸了摸脑门,一根手指头陷入头里面。 He cancels to his back of the head, the back of the head is an eyelet, should be the flying sword passes through from his forehead, puts from the back of the head, trace that stays behind. 他向自己的后脑抹去,后脑是一个小孔,应该是飞剑从他的眉心穿过,从后脑穿出,留下的痕迹。 Then, my had Primordial Spirit...... sunlight Crown Prince been swayed by the homicide, the servant falls to the ground. “这么说来,我的元神已经被他杀了……”日光太子摇摇晃晃,仆倒在地。 The Qin Mu's form crosses corpse that he drops down, does not know so many psychological activity of sunlight Crown Prince before dying. 秦牧的身影越过他倒下的尸体,根本不知道日光太子在死前有这么多的心理活动。 Today a war, Buddha not refining up the person of sword again!” The Great Ruins youth laughs. “今日一战,佛界再无炼剑之人!”大墟的少年哈哈大笑。 8000 sword dark green cloud -like depress, is almost to all bodhisattva attacks! 8000口剑苍云般压下,几乎是在向所有的佛子进攻! This flash, almost all bodhisattvas involuntary react, the Qin Mu three items like the electricity, sweeps rapidly has resisted his Sword Art bodhisattva, more than hundred bodhisattvas display Sword Art to resist his Sword Art. 这一瞬间,几乎所有的佛子都身不由己做出反应,秦牧三目如电,飞速扫过抵挡他剑法的佛子,约有百余位佛子施展出剑法来对抗他的剑法 But divine ability and spirit armament of other bodhisattvas respectively have the difference, there are cultivation base strengths of many bodhisattva to be extremely high, male goat Crown Prince that for example Dharma king mentioned, woman dragon Princess, floating clouds Crown Prince these three bodhisattvas, once with the shining bodhisattva that Devil Ape Zhan Kong debate Buddhist teaching spat blood, but also had free time bodhisattva and the others, the strength was also quite wise. 而其他佛子的神通灵兵则各有不同,有不少位佛子的修为实力极高,比如摩仑法王提到的摩羯太子,婆龙公主,浮云太子这三位佛子,还有曾经与魔猿战空辩法而吐血的普照佛子,还有空相佛子等人,实力也极为高明。 More bodhisattvas are practice Heavenly Court cultivation technique, is not high to the cultivation technique attainments of Buddhism, therefore practice Sword Art has hundred young expert. 更多的佛子是修炼天庭功法,对佛门的功法造诣并不高,因此修炼剑法的有百位年轻高手 Suddenly, Yan Jayashankar Buddha is not cruel enough, closes the eye, said to other Buddha: Walks, this place was unable to look again, looks at the rivers of blood again.” 突然,阎摩罗王佛不忍心,闭上眼睛,向其他诸位佛祖道:“走吧,此地已经不能再看了,再看血流成河。” suo uses up Dragon King Buddha and other Buddha to nod in abundance, said: Indeed does not endure to look again.” Then, is having under respective the disciple, but in abundance the diving posture leaves here, flies to respective Buddha Heavens. 娑竭龙王佛等佛祖纷纷点头,道:“的确不忍再看。”说罢,带着各自座下弟子,纷纷飞身而起离开这里,飞往各自的佛界诸天 Sees the spatial bodhisattva to turn head to look secretly, the delay, sees only in the battlefield of that ruined temple front, suddenly the blood light for the first time presently, that is more than hundred blood light! 见空佛子偷偷回头看去,不由呆滞,只见那片破败寺庙前方的战场中,突然血光乍现,那是百余道血光! More than hundred practice Sword Art bodhisattvas, their Sword Art were then broken in the flash, was cut Primordial Spirit or physical body directly, dies a violent death! 百余位修炼剑法的佛子,在一瞬间他们的剑法便被破去,直接被斩了元神或者肉身,死于非命! Sees in the spatial bodhisattva heart with amazement, the hand and foot is icy cold, cannot speak. 见空佛子心中骇然,手足冰凉,说不出话来。 This in a hurry glances, Qin Mu gathering sword to become Wan, has pinched pill to become blade, the long blade divides into two, the footsteps interlock the migration, like the lightning, figure back and forth, the blade light is about the naked eye unable to see, to propose the blade head quickly right now left to fall, chops to cut the physical body difference! 就这匆匆一瞥,秦牧已经聚剑成丸,捏丸成刀,长刀一分为二,脚步交错移动,快如闪电,身形忽左忽右忽前忽后,刀光快得肉眼看不见,提刀人头落,劈斩肉身分! The two blade light in his hand are similar to the long lines, able to move unhindered Bi He, greatly opens gathers greatly, the sudden gateway opens wide, reveals darkness Nether, that big gateway along with his form migration, sweeps away, the place visited, bodhisattvas had not responded with enough time that then had been swallowed soul Primordial Spirit by this gateway, leaves behind skull physical body! 他手中的两道刀光如同长龙,纵横辟阖,大开大合,身后突然一座门户洞开,露出黑暗幽都,那座高大的门户随着他的身影移动,一路横扫,所过之处,一尊尊佛子尚未来得及反应,便被这座门户吞噬了魂魄元神,留下一具具空壳肉身 Sees spatial bodhisattva creepy feeling, body shivers, sees only the long blade merge in Qin Mu hand to change to the long spear/gun, a spear/gun sews woman dragon Princess on the lance point, spear shakes, that charming woman dragon Princess is split up. 见空佛子头皮发麻,身躯颤抖,只见秦牧手中的长刀合并化作长枪,一枪将婆龙公主钉在枪尖上,大枪一抖,那位娇媚的婆龙公主四分五裂。 Immediately the Qin Mu spear pestle place, innumerable flying sword dispersing, changes to a bell to buckle him below, moves around his whole body crazily, other bodhisattvas attack blocks divine ability and spirit armament that. 随即秦牧大枪杵地,无数飞剑散开,化作一口大钟将他扣在下面,围绕他周身疯狂旋转,将其他佛子攻来的神通灵兵挡住。 Crazy bombardment of Qin Mu under bell, a fist foot, the style is distinct, the wild strength through the bell direct link outside, shakes the skeleton completely to be broken near body preying the bodhisattva of that several battle skill schools! 秦牧在大钟下疯狂轰击,一拳一脚,招式分明,狂暴力量通过大钟直达外界,将近身搏杀的那几位战技流派的佛子生生震得骨骼尽碎! Sees spatially, does not need to look.” “见空,不必看了。” Yan Jayashankar sighed, said: Looked then to affect your benevolence again.” 阎摩罗王佛叹了口气,道:“再看便影响到你的佛心了。” Sees in the spatial bodhisattva heart imposing, wants to speak, the throat could not speak hoarsely, had sleek/moist to moisten the throat, the sound was somewhat hoarse: My Buddha, Qin Jushi slaughtered like this, can various Buddha accommodate him?” 见空佛子心中凛然,想要说话,却喉咙沙哑说不出话来,只得润一润喉咙,声音还是有些沙哑:“我佛,秦居士这样大开杀戒,诸佛能够容他?” How doesn't allow to be able?” “不容又能如何?” Yan Jayashankar Buddha said in a low voice: I have seen him in Nether. In the past under me Nether, wants to spend there ghost, finally has run into him. I think that he died, has not thought that he actually lived, looked like had as if forgotten matter that the childhood had. 19 years......” 阎摩罗王佛低声道:“我在幽都见过他。当年我下幽都,想度化那里的冤魂,结果遇到了他。我本以为他死了,没想到他却活了下来,看起来似乎是忘记了幼年发生的事。19年了吧……”
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