TOHG :: Volume #7

#620: Kills the heart to be difficult to stop

In the ruined temple, Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha barefoot, strolls, east walks west to stroll, does not seek Great Brahma Heaven Buddha eagerly. 破败寺庙中,帝释天王佛光着脚丫,闲庭信步,东走走西逛逛,丝毫不急于寻到大梵天王佛 Junior Brother, do you want to hold to go wrong?” Behind him broadcasts a sound. 师弟,你又想捅出什么乱子?”他背后传来一个声音。 Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha has turned around, sees only a sweeping the floor monk the footprint that sweeps him to pass through, Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha is saying with a smile: I walk do not dye the dust, such as my person general whereabouts stainless, hasn't left the footprint, Senior Brother why sweeps clear?” 帝释天王佛转过身来,只见一个扫地僧正在扫他走过的脚印,帝释天王佛笑道:“我走路不染尘埃,如我的人一般行迹无垢,没有留下脚印,师兄何必清扫?” That sweeping the floor Buddhist monks and Daoist priests: You have not left the footprint, however your heart has left behind the mark, I in sweeping the dust on your heart.” 那扫地僧道:“你人未曾留下脚印,但是你的心留下了印记,我在扫你心上的尘埃。” Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha said: You said my heart, you scolded me, I could not hit you, did not haggle over with you. Hurries to pass to me your cultivation technique, I learned the racket the buttocks then to walk, avoid being tired of you.” 帝释天王佛道:“你说我心脏,你骂我,我打不过你,不与你计较。赶紧把你的功法传给我,我学会了拍拍屁股便走,省得烦你。” The sweeping the floor sound of flowing transmits, Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha following the sound looks that sees only the west gate to walk a sweeping the floor monk, lowers the head to sweep the floor, said: You always want my cultivation technique, reason that I do not pass on you, couldn't you have looked at the reason? Junior Brother, I do not pass on you, therefore you turned into at the present Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha, Buddha is next to I, your cultivation technique also arrives at the Approaching the Firmament level. I passed on you, you not necessarily have the present achievement.” 娑娑的扫地声传来,帝释天王佛循声看去,只见西门又走进来一个扫地僧,低头扫地,道:“你总是想要我的功法,我之所以不传你,你还看不出来原因吗?师弟,我不传你,所以你变成了而今的帝释天王佛,佛界仅次于我,你的功法也到达凌霄的层次。我传了你,你未必有现在的成就。” Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha is staring at this sudden sweeping the floor monk, said: I could not come up now, practice does not arrive at the Emperor's Seat level, therefore asked that you beg the Emperor's Seat Daoist scripture to study. You said that who comes in then to pass on anyone, I have come, you pass to me, I did not disturb you to be pure.” 帝释天王佛盯着这个突然出现的扫地僧,道:“我现在上不去了,修炼不到帝座的层次,所以来问你讨要帝座真经研究研究。你说谁进来便传谁,我进来了,你传给我,我就不打扰你清净了。” He behind also has the sweeping the floor sound of flowing to transmit, Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha has turned around, sees only the sweeping the floor monk to sweep the floor, now in this courtyard had three sweeping the floor monks. 他身后又有娑娑的扫地声传来,帝释天王佛转过身,只见又有一个扫地僧扫地走来,现在这个院子里已经有三个扫地僧了。 His discernment Wu Shuang/Unparalleled, looks these three sweeping the floor monks, the appearance of each sweeping the floor monk is unexpectedly different, however everyone is Great Brahma Heaven Buddha, moreover is true Great Brahma Heaven Buddha! 他法眼无双,去看这三个扫地僧,竟然每一个扫地僧的模样都不一样,然而每一个人都是大梵天王佛,而且是真正的大梵天王佛 These Great Brahma Heaven Buddha shapes are not an excellent likeness. 这些大梵天王佛形不似而神似。 He and difference of Great Brahma Heaven Buddha only Realm, however he could not understand Great Brahma Heaven Buddha. 他与大梵天王佛仅有一个境界之差,然而他已经看不懂大梵天王佛了。 Realm, is similar to the natural moat is ordinary, Great Brahma Heaven Buddha appears immeasurably deep, but he somewhat is superficial. 一个境界,如同天堑一般,大梵天王佛显得深不可测,而他则有些浅薄。 That sweeping the floor monk sweeps to be well-grounded, does not lift said: In Buddha can surpass your, could not find second, you should be able to look that under child that eye of Qin Family has the strangeness. The Qin Family child I in the dream travels Nether have seen him, he is swallowing the Nether ghosts and gods. I wait and see, his I want to gobble up, is in world is most wicked the most ominous person. Earth count seal his time I also, me also once went to Great Ruins to visit him, witnesses him the mortal to grow by Earth count seal anything does not have anything is not from one slowly, witnesses him from Mortal Body to Overlord Body. You uncovered at this time his gold/metal willow leaf, only feared that will create kills the evil very much.” 那扫地僧扫着地走来,头也不抬道:“佛界中能够超过你的,已经找不到第二个了,你应该能够看出来,秦家的孩子那只眼睛下有古怪。秦家的孩子我在梦中游历幽都时见过他,他正在吞噬幽都的鬼神。我观望一番,他连我都想吞吃,是世间最恶最凶之人。土伯封印他的时候我也在,我也曾去大墟看过他,见证他从一个被土伯封印什么都没有什么都不是的凡人慢慢成长,见证他从凡体霸体。你这时候将他的金柳叶揭下来,只怕会造成很大杀孽。” Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha does not want to listen to him saying that stand forth, shakes the head to say without consulting anybody: You must also know that most in recent years, Heavenly Court are getting more and more in the manpower that Buddha places. Formerly, what Heavenly Court arrangement is cultivation base has Buddha that many also spoke some honors, but now places was young generation of outstanding, these young bodhisattvas did not repair Dharma, only cultivated divine ability, in the future their cultivation base arrived, this Buddha then survived in name only! I have been able to see our all Buddha, in the future was extinguished the Confucian orthodoxy, the dove occupies the magpie nest. In the future Heavenly Court conquers by killing all Buddha, Buddha does not have Buddha! You resign oneself to extinction, my actually not willingly Confucian orthodoxy exterminates.” 帝释天王佛不想听他多说,径自向前走去,摇头道:“你应当也知道,最近些年,天庭在佛界安插下来的人手越来越多。从前,天庭安排的是修为有成的佛,多少还讲些脸面,而现在安插进来的则是年轻一辈的俊杰,这些年轻佛子不修佛法,只修神通,将来他们修为到了,这佛界便名存实亡!我已经可以看到我们诸佛,将来被灭道统,鸠占鹊巢。将来天庭血洗诸佛,佛界无佛!你束手待毙,我却不甘心道统灭绝。” He walked several steps, front another sweeping the floor Buddhist priest is waiting for him, Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha looks but not see, walks without consulting anybody, continue: „The Qin Family child enters Buddha, is a golden opportunity. We can use his hand, informer and young one generation that Heavenly Court places, at one fell swoop wiping out! You have the greatest wisdom, naturally can see my idea.” 他走了几步,前方又一个扫地僧人正在等他,帝释天王佛视而不见,径自走过去,继续:“秦家孩子进入佛界,正是一次大好机会。我们可以借他之手,将天庭安插进来的眼线和年轻一辈,一举拔除!你有莫大智慧,自然可以看出我的想法。” He has not walked several steps, roadside then has a sweeping the floor monk. The time of a few words, then passed through more than ten sweeping the floor monks. 他没走几步,路边便有一个扫地僧。一段话的功夫,便经过了十多个扫地僧。 Front, the path left sweeping the floor monk raised the head, leans on the broom saying: You with the hand of Qin Family, destroy completely the manpower that Heavenly Court places, this no doubt is wonderful, but Buddha will also bring many variables to me. Heavenly Court investigates that definitely will investigate your head. Qin Family outside said just now evil reputation must buckle in your head, this evil reputation you are not necessarily able to withstand. You cannot forget.” 前方,道路左侧一个扫地僧抬起头来,拄着扫帚道:“你借秦家子之手,灭掉天庭安插进来的人手,这一手固然是妙,但也会给我佛界带来许多变数。天庭追究下来,必然会追究到你的头上。适才秦家子在外面说屎盆子都要扣在你的头上,这屎盆子你未必能顶得住。你还是忘不掉过去。” Forgets that in the past then didn't exist?” “忘掉过去,过去便不存在吗?” Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha continues, smiles saying: Your Realm was high, forgets the past, thinks that was fabricated, but I in the past will actually remember clearly. You could rest assured that I will not implicate Buddha, I learn your cultivation technique, before the evil reputation fall, I then walk.” 帝释天王佛继续前行,哂笑道:“你境界高,忘记过去,以为过去是虚妄,而我却将过去记得清清楚楚。你放心,我不会连累佛界,我学会你的功法,屎盆子落下来之前我便走。” The front right side of the road the sweeping the floor monk raised the head, said: Then Qin Family? In my in Dameng travels, look at him to grow, I know that he has diligently, ability breaks through under the Earth count seal, never the possible practice person step by step arrives at the present, before you actually must advance the stage, him. You will take to him many bad risks!” 前方道路右侧又有一个扫地僧抬起头来,道:“那么秦家子呢?我于大梦中游历,看他成长,我知道他有多努力,才能土伯的封印下突破,从不可能修炼的人一步步走到现在,你却要将他推到台前。你会带给他很多凶险!” Senior Brother, I want to stand by the stage, however before actually nobody pushes me to arrive in stage!” 师兄,我想站在台前,然而却没有人推我到台前!” Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha asked back: Then you said that you do have better means to preserve the Confucian orthodoxy of Buddha?” 帝释天王佛反问道:“那么你说,你有更好的办法保存住佛的道统吗?” His front , the sweeping the floor monk raised the head: No.” 他前方,又有一个扫地僧抬起头:“没有。” The front path is a straight line, inexhaustible, cannot look at the end, by the path unexpectedly the old Buddhist priest who grasps the broom to sweep the floor, innumerable, cannot look at the end! 前方的道路是一条直线,无穷无尽,望不到尽头,道路两边竟然都是一个个手持扫帚扫地的老僧人,数不胜数,也望不到尽头! The faces of these sweeping the floor monks, are unexpectedly various, do not have redundant! 这些扫地僧的面孔,竟然各不相同,没有一个重复! Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha wooden stand forth, said: No matter you want to struggle or do not want to struggle, even if you are four elements are merely illusions, others think that you have the threat to destroy completely you, not only need destroy completely your disciple, your achievement, your life, your Confucian orthodoxy, but must make you bring ruin and shame upon oneself, steps on you in the under foot always can not stand up from failure. Such being the case, why doesn't struggle? Senior Brother, you can here big dream Qian Qiu, I not! cultivation technique, do you pass on?” 帝释天王佛木然的向前走去,道:“不管你是想争还是不想争,就算你是四大皆空,别人认为你有威胁还是想要灭掉你,不但要灭掉你的弟子,你的成就,你的性命,你的道统,还要让你身败名裂,将你踩在脚下永世不得翻身。既然如此,为何不争?师兄,你可以在这里大梦千秋,我不可以!功法,你传不传?” His sound enlightens the benighted, but sound has not actually transmitted outside the temple, only passes in this temple. 他的声音振聋发聩,但是声音却没有传递到寺庙外,只在这个寺庙中流转。 A spooky sigh transmits, on the front path and path the sweeping the floor monk gradually becomes fuzzy, vanishes one after another does not see. 一声幽幽的叹息传来,前方的道路和道路上扫地僧渐渐变得模糊,相继消失不见。 I pass on.” “我传。” Emperor Shi Tian shows the smiling face. 帝释天露出笑容。 „After I have passed on, yourself find the way to leave Buddha, so as to avoid dies of this place.” “我传过之后,你自己想办法离开佛界,免得死于此地。” Emperor Shi Tian with deep veneration, holds their palms together, Bai say/way: Many thanks Senior Brother.” 帝释天肃然,双手合十,拜道:“多谢师兄。” The Great Brahma Heaven Buddha sound conveys: Regarding Qin Family, you must compensate him, he for you have taken on very big danger. In addition, the evil reputation, yourself buckle on your head.” 大梵天王佛的声音传来:“对于秦家子,你还要补偿他,他为了你担了很大的危险。除此之外,屎盆子,你自己扣在自己脑袋上。” Is indebted to grant instruction.” “承蒙赐教。” Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha hesitates, said: May I ask Senior Brother, the evil reputation in a big way?” 帝释天王佛迟疑一下,道:“敢问师兄,屎盆子有多大?” Compared with big that you imagine.” “比你想象的要大。” Outside the ruined temple, Qin Mu forehead third eye partly opens the semi-closure, had this eye, Way of God divine treasure and Devil Path divine treasure of unexpectedly extraordinary harmony his within the body, unifies gradually. 破败的寺庙外,秦牧额头第三只眼半睁半闭,有了这只眼睛,他体内的神道神藏魔道神藏竟然出奇的和谐,渐渐统一起来。 Formerly, he can only use sole divine treasure, if used Way of God divine treasure, Devil Path divine treasure then must close, if used Devil Path divine treasure, Way of God divine treasure then must close. Two divine treasure use together, then meeting god demon conflict. 从前,他只能动用单一的神藏,倘若动用神道神藏,魔道神藏便必须要闭合,倘若动用魔道神藏,神道神藏便必须闭合。两种神藏一起动用,便会神魔冲突。 origin qi has various types, the god Yuan, the demon Yuan, the monster Yuan and dragon Yuan, phoenix Yuan, Buddha Yuan and Yuan, if subdivides, the type are more, for example Eternal Peace Empire Four Great Spirit Bodies, then can be divided into four categories, each kind also has the different small categories. 元气有着各种种类,神元、魔元、妖元、龙元、凤元、佛元、道元,倘若细分的话,种类更多,比如延康国四大灵体,便可以分为四大类,每一类又有不同的小类别。 The gods Yuan and demon Yuan is the categories of two oppositions, each other as incompatible as fire and water, Way of God attribute origin qi will meet Devil Path attribute origin qi then mutually to disappear. 神元和魔元是两个对立的类别,彼此水火不容,神道属性元气遇到魔道属性元气便会相互泯灭。 But now, Qin Mu opened this eye, achieved the god demon to be unified unexpectedly! 而现在,秦牧开启了这只眼睛,竟然做到了神魔统一! Outside the temple, various Buddha hesitates respectively, suddenly Yan Jayashankar said with a smile: Sees the spatial bodhisattva, we do not struggle.” 寺庙外,诸佛各自沉吟,突然阎摩罗王佛笑道:“见空佛子,我们不争了。” Sees the spatial bodhisattva to be startled slightly, bows saying: Leads my Dharma aim.” Then, has drawn back. 见空佛子微微一怔,躬身道:“领我佛法旨。”说罢,退了下来。 suo uses up Dragon King Buddha also to call own disciple, said: Today does not struggle.” 娑竭龙王佛也唤来自己的弟子,道:“今日不争。” Other Heavens Buddha also in abundance call oneself disciple, expressed does not struggle, says with a smile: My Buddha four elements are merely illusions, does not struggle is the struggle, today then remises him. Is struggled by other people.” 其他诸天佛祖也纷纷唤来自己的弟子,表示不争,笑道:“我佛四大皆空,不争是争,今日便让与他。由其他人去争。” Although many bodhisattvas in the heart wonder, but depends on the word to come back, returns to side the Buddha to stand respectively. 诸多佛子虽然心中纳闷,但都依言回来,各自回到佛祖身边侍立。 Disciple who these Buddha only call Buddha, many bodhisattvas that keeps are actually Heavenly Court send to enter the young talent who Buddha studies, there are disciple who the Heavenly Court Buddha receives, is eager to try. 这些佛祖只唤来佛界的弟子,留下来的诸多佛子却都是天庭派来进入佛界求学的年轻才俊,也有天庭的佛收的弟子,一个个跃跃欲试。 Dharma king said with a smile: Senior Brother is magnanimous, doesn't the Great Brahma Heaven Buddha Emperor's Seat Daoist scripture, how could take? If not take, cheap bystander?” 摩仑法王笑道:“诸位师兄大度,不过大梵天王佛帝座真经,岂能不取?若是不取,岂不是便宜了外人?” Also Buddha said with a smile: Truly is this truth.” 又有一尊佛陀笑道:“确实是这个道理。” Also several Buddha echo saying: Two Senior Brother said in the principle, cannot Dharma such cheap has given the bystander.” 又有几尊佛陀附和道:“两位师兄说得在理,不能把佛法这么便宜的给了外人。” Dharma king hehe said with a smile: Moonlight Crown Prince, your wound?” 摩仑法王呵呵笑道:“月光太子,你的伤好了没有?” He takes Dharma therapy as moonlight Crown Prince just now, the moonlight Crown Prince injury convalesced basically, the vision is warm, looks to Qin Mu that fights intent flaming, said solemnly: Qin Jushi sneak attacked the disciple, disciple wants to dispute one with him very much again!” 他适才以佛法为月光太子疗伤,月光太子的伤势已经基本痊愈,目光热烈,向秦牧看去,战意熊熊,沉声道:“秦居士偷袭弟子,弟子很想再与他较量一场!” Dharma king said with a smile: Others said Life and Death, regardless, if you are only thinking the victory and defeat, is not thinking Life and Death, I feared that you suffer a loss again.” 摩仑法王笑道:“人家说生死不论,你若是只想着胜负,不想着生死,我怕你再吃亏。” In moonlight Crown Prince heart imposing. 月光太子心中凛然。 Dharma king looks to other bodhisattvas, said with a smile: You are all Buddha teaches other people, when knows this time only by Life and Death, regardless of victory or defeat, does not need to be fastidious about the Dharma dispute. Sunlight Crown Prince, male goat Crown Prince, woman dragon Princess, floating clouds Crown Prince, do you understand?” 摩仑法王又看向其他佛子,笑道:“尔等都是诸佛传人,当知道此次只论生死,不论胜败,也不必讲究佛法纠葛。日光太子,摩羯太子,婆龙公主,浮云太子,你们都明白吗?” These people that he said are Heavenly Court in Buddha Country Crown Prince and Princess that Buddha establishes, Buddha Buddha Country stand in great numbers, is the Heavenly Court influence. 他说的这几人便是天庭在佛界建立的佛国太子公主,佛界佛国林立,很多都已经是天庭的势力。 But these Crown Prince and Princess, are is young a generation of eminent, not only follows various Buddha cultivation, but also enters Heavenly Court once for a while, cultivation more profound cultivation technique secret skill. 而这几位太子公主,便是其中年轻一辈的翘楚,不但跟随诸佛修行,而且还时不时进入天庭,修行更高深的功法绝学 People in abundance say "yes". Sunlight Crown Prince said with a smile: „The moonlight Senior Brother skill is not weaker than me, wants to win victory, I look at the head to tumble here then am.” 众人纷纷称是。日光太子笑道:“月光师兄的本事不比我弱,想来旗开得胜,愚兄在这里看人头滚落便是。” Moonlight Crown Prince more numerous goes forward, after the brain, bright moonlight one round, that is his sword qi sword light, the place of moonlight shining, the moonlight all over the sky, sword light everywhere, what end is fierce very! 月光太子越众上前,脑后明月一轮,那是他的剑气剑光,月光照耀之处,月华满天,剑光漫天,端的是厉害非常! Let alone in the world of mortals, even if also rarely sees such exquisite Sword Art sword Secret Art in Buddha Heavens! 别说在下界,即便是在佛界诸天中也难得见到这样精妙的剑法剑诀! Moonlight Crown Prince looks to Qin Mu, vision flashes: You sneak attack me, almost wants my life, at the present I had the protection, then wants subdue monsters and eliminate demons!” 月光太子看向秦牧,目光闪动:“你偷袭我,差点要我性命,而今我有了防备,便要降妖除魔!” After his brain, the bright moonlight such as the wheel, sword light is similar to a big light beam buzz flushes away to Qin Mu, at the same time in that round bright moonlight rays of light to illuminate in all directions, these are sword light, from the sky the booklet, obviously was nearly has prepared the Qin Mu's escape route unexpectedly! 他的脑后,明月如轮,剑光如同一条大光柱嗡的一声向秦牧冲去,与此同时那轮明月中一道道光芒向四面八方照去,那些都是剑光,竟然在空中折向,显然是已近准备好断了秦牧的退路! His Sword Art atmosphere is boundless, unsurpassed, moonlight, sword light full clouds dance, compared with Yuyuan Chuyu Yuyuan Chuyun Setting Sun Sword Art, were all over the sky many many exquisite and zen! 他的剑法大气磅礴,堪称一绝,月华满天,剑光盈霄舞,与虞渊初雨虞渊出云落日剑法相比,多了许多精妙和禅意! The Qin Mu three items open, put out a hand a finger, sword pellet buzz a sound shaking, the thick sword column erupts from sword pellet together, that is pure circling Sword Form, 8000 flying tang diversion lines, what although causes is the same move, but the shape of each sword is various! 秦牧三目张开,伸手一指,剑丸嗡的一声震动,一道粗大剑柱从剑丸中爆发,那是单纯的绕剑式,8000飞剑环绕飞行,虽然使的是同一招,但每一口剑的形态各不相同! The sword column amounts to three chi (0.33 m) thickly, 18 ten feets in length, swings the sword to sweep, everywhere moonlight was shattered! 剑柱粗达三尺,长18丈,荡剑一扫,漫天月光破碎! I do not leave fully, you also think that I cannot kill you really!” “我不出全力,你还以为我真的打不死你!” Qin Mu treads the previous step, Overlord Body Three Elixir Art erupts, the Ancestral Dragon eight sounds spread eight abnormal noises, the sword refer to puncturing, during the bright moonlight after sword column copious penetration moonlight Crown Prince brain, 8000 swords revolve, that round bright moonlight is loudly stave. 秦牧踏前一步,霸体三丹功爆发,祖龙八音传出八种异响,剑指刺出,剑柱沛然穿透月光太子脑后的明月之中,8000口剑旋转,那轮明月轰然破碎。 The sword column to the next pressure, moonlight Crown Prince meets a cruel death! 剑柱向下一压,月光太子粉身碎骨! Monk Ming Xin had a scare, shrank the head: Cult Master Qin killed people...... This time was bad, does not know why really Rulai must send him to come, this matter, I and......” 明心和尚吓了一跳,缩了缩脑袋:“秦教主又杀人了……这次糟了,真不知如来为何要派他来,这种事,我和不了……” Qin Mu observes the situation for one week, the vision has swept from several hundred bodhisattvas, lifts the hand to hold sword pellet, said indifferently: I kill the heart same place, then difficult self-made, the heart is possessed by a demon to read surges, then has the heart of slaughtering. Fellow Daoist, you can on, coerce in my heart together the demon , helping your Karmic Virtue!” 秦牧环视一周,目光从几百位佛子身上扫过,抬手抓住剑丸,淡然道:“我杀心一起,便难自制,心中魔念涌动,便有杀戮之心。诸位道友,你们可以一起上,来压服我心中之魔,成全你们的功德!”
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