TOHG :: Volume #7

#619: third eye, opens

Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha understands finally, faint smile: Nonsense! Great Ruins is the wild place, is here Buddha, how could various Buddha tolerates you to slaughter?” 帝释天王佛终于明白过来,似笑非笑道:“胡闹!大墟是蛮野之地,这里是佛界,诸佛岂能容忍你大开杀戒?” Devil Ape reveals the disappointed color/look. 魔猿露出失望之色。 Although he opened the spirit wisdom, although is the bodhisattva, is the Dharma attainments is as deep as a well by to praise, although is honored as is eloquent, but he after all is the Great Ruins life. 他虽然开了灵智,虽然是佛子,被赞为佛法造诣高深莫测,虽然被誉为辩才无碍,但是他毕竟是大墟的生灵。 The Great Ruins life, is the same to Qin Mu, the wild nature is since birth difficult to tame, in the chest cavity has a wild bold heroic feelings. Even if were Qin Mu lives for a long time also to fondly remember the unrestrained day in Eternal Peace, let alone Devil Ape? 大墟的生灵,很多都是与秦牧一样,生来野性难驯,胸腔中有一种狂野奔放的豪情。即便是秦牧延康生活了那么久也还是怀念过去无拘无束的日子,更何况魔猿 Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha blinks, says with a smile: Although does not slaughter possibly, but if others must kill you, your wrong hand instead kills, this also has no alternative, is worth forgiving. Even if investigates, will have to be artificial you to support.” 帝释天王佛眨眨眼睛,笑道:“虽说不容许大开杀戒,但倘若别人要杀你,你错手反杀,这也是无可奈何,值得谅解。就算追究起来,也会有人为你们撑腰。” Qin Mu blinks, said curiously: Does not know that who this to the person who we do support is?” 秦牧眨眨眼睛,好奇道:“不知道这位给我们撑腰的人是谁?” Buddha's radiance after Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha brain destroys completely suddenly, becomes dim, blinks saying: Naturally some people will support. Therefore do not fear. Moreover, I also want to see Great Brahma Heaven Buddha cultivation technique, the rare this opportunity, I must mix in the bodhisattva, can perhaps see the Great Brahma Heaven king. I have not received the disciple, therefore can only go forth to battle personally.” 帝释天王佛脑后的佛光突然灭掉,变得昏暗,眨眨眼睛道:“自然会有人撑腰。所以你们不要怕。而且,我也想见一见大梵天王佛功法,难得这次机会,我也要混到佛子里面去,说不定能够见到大梵天王。我没有收弟子,所以只能亲自上阵。” This Buddha wears a yellow long gown, is well-proportioned, therefore the long gown appears is very loose, hangs the instep, always likes barefoot, at this moment has destroyed completely Buddha's radiance and Qin Mu and the others stood as if is also a bodhisattva, not too likely is Buddha is next to the Great Brahma Heaven Buddha character. 这位佛祖穿着一袭黄色的长袍,身材匀称,因此长袍显得很是宽松,垂到脚面,又总喜欢光着脚,此刻灭掉了佛光秦牧等人站在一起仿佛也是一位佛子,不太像是佛界的仅次于大梵天王佛的人物。 king does Buddha also want to fight?” “王佛也要争?” Monk Ming Xin is stunned, in the heart unstated criticism said: You run over the words that struggles, who can also win you?” 明心和尚错愕,心中腹诽道:“你跑过来争的话,谁还能争得过你?” The Qin Mu doubt, high and low takes a look at this stature uniform long Buddha, the heart said: Such mischievous Buddha, my actually first seeing. Other Buddha which are not steady incomparable, his such bracelet? With my same temper......” 秦牧狐疑,上下打量这位身材匀长的佛祖,心道:“这么淘气的佛祖,我倒是第一次见。其他佛祖哪个不是稳重无比,他怎么这么跳脱?与我一样的性子……” Qin Mu said quietly: Ming Xin, what background is this Buddha?” 秦牧悄声道:“明心,这位佛祖是什么来头?” Monk Ming Xin shakes the head: „The Great Thunderclap Monastery classics I almost looked, but did not have this Buddha's many records.” 明心和尚摇头:“大雷音寺的经典我差不多看完了,但没有这位佛祖的多少记载。” Qin Mu blinks, says with a smile: king Buddha, you said just now some people will support for us, is it possible that is this person then king Buddha?” 秦牧眨眨眼睛,笑道:“王佛,你适才说有人会为我们撑腰,莫非这个人便是王佛?” Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha blinks: I have not said.” 帝释天王佛眨眨眼睛:“我没说过。” Qin Mu said suddenly: Buddhist does not hit the lies!” 秦牧眨眼道:“出家人不打诳语!” Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha said suddenly: I am Buddha, I do not become monk. Regardless of where I arrive at am my family, why becomes monk?” 帝释天王佛眨眼道:“我是佛,我不出家。我无论走到哪里都是我家,又何必出家?” They looked at each other blink, passed moment, has turned head respectively, did not look at the opposite party. 两人对视眨眼,过了片刻,各自扭过头,不去看对方。 Monk Ming Xin in the heart is anxious: Senior Brother Qin and king Buddha look at each other, the courage is really big. Turns head, must teach him the dead characters to have several mode of writing......” 明心和尚心中惴惴不安:“秦师兄与王佛对视,胆子真大。回头,一定要教教他死字有几种写法……” Acid?” Devil Ape Zhan Kong asked Qin Mu quietly. “酸?”魔猿战空悄声问秦牧 Qin Mu nods, the tears winked a moment ago, but Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha had not disclosed that least bit bottom, was tight-lipped. 秦牧点头,刚才眼泪都眨出来了,而帝释天王佛还是没有透露半点底儿,口风很紧。 Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha also rubs the eyes there, it is estimated that is the number of times that the eye winks are too many, some do not feel better. 帝释天王佛也在那里揉眼,估计是眼睛眨的次数太多,也有些不太好受。 In the Qin Mu heart has doubts, the Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha manner likely is not a Buddha, he has very strong curiosity, moreover handles matters also some people tastes, however he is actually Buddha Emperor Shi Tian Buddha, is next to existence of Great Brahma Heaven Buddha. 秦牧心中疑惑,帝释天王佛行为举止不像是佛祖,他有着很强的好奇心,而且处事也有些人味,然而他却是佛界帝释天的佛,仅次于大梵天王佛的存在。 He likely is not the Heavenly Court person, if will be the Heavenly Court person definitely not to Qin Mu their good complexion, but Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha as if they quite will have the favorable impression to Qin Mu, will mention by name some people to help them. 他不像是天庭的人,倘若是天庭的人肯定不会给秦牧他们好脸色,而帝释天王佛却似乎对秦牧他们颇有好感,而且点名有人会帮助他们。 In this time, in front ruined temple is going out of a young monk, said: „Is which debates Great Brahma Heaven Senior Brother from Yan Jayashankar day?” 正在此时,前方的破败寺院中走出一个年轻比丘,道:“哪位是从阎摩罗王天一路辩到大梵天师兄?” The Devil Ape Zhan Kong stride goes out, sound like thunder: I!” 魔猿战空大步走出,声音如雷:“我!” The monk raises head to look, Devil Ape is similar to a black tower, formidable, quickly said: Senior Brother, old said that through testing, please have gone. Please come along with me.” 那比丘仰头看去,魔猿如同一座黑塔,令人敬畏,连忙道:“师兄,老佛说你通过考验了,请你进去。请随我来。” Devil Ape Zhan Kong turned head to look at Qin Mu and Ming Xin, Qin Mu says with a smile: You go advanced are, I later look for you.” 魔猿战空回头看了看秦牧明心,秦牧笑道:“你先进去便是,我待会去找你。” Good!” “好!” Devil Ape with that monk, stride walks into the ruined temple. 魔猿跟着那个比丘,大步走入破败寺院。 Passed the moment, that monk walks from the temple, looked, sees only Buddha Heavens bodhisattva to be hundreds , the sea of people, side also with big buddhas, obviously is struggles Great Brahma Heaven Buddha to pass on the law gear-driven. 过了片刻,那个比丘又从寺院里走出来,四下里看了看,只见佛界诸天的佛子数以百计,人山人海,旁边还跟着一尊尊大佛,显然都是来争大梵天王佛传法传功的。 The monk is: Old said that you come were too many, most can only go in again two people. You discussed, whom having a look at to go.” 那比丘为难道:“老佛说,你们来的太多了,最多只能再进去两人。你们商议商议,看看谁进去。” Big eloquence Heavenly King Buddha quickly said: Old Buddha whether has said that inspects through what, does ability enter the temple to listen?” 大辩才天王连忙道:“老佛是否说过,通过什么考核,才能进入寺庙听讲?” The monk shakes the head saying: Old Buddha had not said, you think of a way, how to toss about as you like is.” 那比丘摇头道:“老佛没说,你们自己想法子,随你们怎么折腾便是。” Various Buddha from Heavens hesitates respectively, gathers together discussed. 来自诸天的诸佛各自沉吟,聚在一起商议。 Qin Mu looked at Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha, said: king Buddha, you said just now you also from Great Thunderclap Monastery, how many years may I ask you to enter Buddha to have?” 秦牧看了看身边的帝释天王佛,道:“王佛,你适才说你也是来自大雷音寺,敢问你进入佛界有多少年了?” Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha said with a smile: You wrap/sets my words, I did not say. What thing your forehead gold/metal is willow leaf? Decoration? Very well looks.” 帝释天王佛笑道:“你套我的话,我不说。你额头这枚金柳叶是什么东西?装饰吗?挺好看的。” Qin Mu is just about to explain, Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha already has picked gold/metal willow leaf, Qin Mu had a scare, asks for then to seize. 秦牧正要解释,帝释天王佛已经神不知鬼不觉的将金柳叶摘了下来,秦牧吓了一跳,伸手便要夺回来。 How Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha is take action, he simply had not seen, but gold/metal willow leaf is quite important, cannot lose! 帝释天王佛是怎么出手的,他根本没有看到,不过金柳叶极为重要,万万不能有失! Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha said with a smile: Originally is a seal. Your vertical eye is very strong, why wants the seal to live?” 帝释天王佛笑道:“原来是个封印。你的这枚竖眼很强,为何要封印住?” Qin Mu extends take action, is black face saying: My this vertical eye is too strong, so long as I will stimulate to movement cultivation technique then to have the fearful matter occurrence, I will fear to offend somebody, therefore the seal will live. You gold/metal willow leaf also me!” 秦牧出手,黑着脸道:“我这枚竖眼太强,只要我催动功法便会有可怕的事情发生,我怕伤了人,所以才封印住。你把金柳叶还我!” Not.” “不还。” Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha said with a smile: I want to take a look at your complete strength, if also you, you paste on the eye, that was dull. Also, who told you this willow leaf to paste on the eye then can the seal be occupied by you? Have you tried?” 帝释天王佛笑道:“我想看看你的全部实力,倘若还你,你贴在眼睛上,那就没趣了。再说,谁告诉你这柳叶贴在眼睛上便能封印住你?你试过吗?” Qin Mu searches the hand to snatch, the Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha hurried avoidance, two people struggled, Qin Mu have gotten angry: Later annoys to have an accident, then all depends on you! Has the evil reputation, must buckle completely on your bald!” 秦牧探手去抢,帝释天王佛急忙躲避,两人争了一番,秦牧怒道:“待会惹出事,便全赖你!有屎盆子,也要全部扣在你的光头上!” Ming Xin hits to tremble, trembling sound said: Senior Brother Qin, the dead characters have several mode of writing, how My Cult you write, wrap your quick to learn......” 明心打个哆嗦,颤声道:“秦师兄,死字有好几种写法,我教你如何写,包你很快学会……” Qin Mu is unable to snatch gold/metal willow leaf, must relinquish. 秦牧无法抢回金柳叶,只得作罢。 He looks to various Buddha, sees only these Buddha still to discuss, but several hundred bodhisattvas calmly wait there, the vision flashes, said in a low voice: I have an idea, can start two quota!” 他向诸佛看去,只见那些佛祖还在商议,而几百位佛子则在那里静静等候,不由目光闪动,低声道:“我有一个主意,可以将两个名额都纳入手中!” Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha claps hands to say with a smile: I knew! You are the plan discuss while these Buddha, to/clashes at one fell swoop is right?” 帝释天王佛抚掌笑道:“我知道了!你是打算趁着这些佛祖商议的时候,一举冲进去对不对?” Qin Mu looked at him, knows in the heart wonderfully, the starting to walk footsteps does not howl to flush away to that ruined temple immediately, however already late. 秦牧看了看他,心知不妙,立刻迈开脚步向那座破败寺庙呼啸冲去,然而已经晚了。 Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha his one step, body changes to together the flowing light first, breaks in the temple gate before Qin Mu at one fell swoop, bang seals up the front door, closes Qin Mu in out of the door, said with a smile: Qin young friend, many thanks you reminded, I came in!” 帝释天王佛先他一步,身躯化作一道流光,在秦牧之前一举冲入庙门,嘭的一声将大门封住,把秦牧关在门外,笑道:“秦小友,多谢你提醒,我进来了!” Sits that monk by temple gate is languid: Only remaining quotas.” 坐在庙门旁边的那个比丘懒洋洋道:“只剩下一个名额了。” Many bodhisattva and Buddha alarm by Qin Mu and Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha, in abundance looks like, when hears only the remaining quotas, immediately could not sit still. 诸多佛子和佛陀被秦牧帝释天王佛惊动,纷纷看来,待听到只剩下一个名额,顿时坐不住了。 Who went in?” Dharma king complexion big change, asked hurriedly. “谁进去了?”摩仑法王脸色大变,急忙问道。 Other Buddha are also bewildered, does not know that who so seeks personal gain unexpectedly, while them discussed competition means time breaks in the temple, captures a quota. 其他佛陀也是一脸茫然,不知道谁竟然如此钻营,趁着他们商议比试办法的时候冲入寺庙中,夺得一个名额。 Monk Ming Xin stands in same place, has not recovered then sees Qin Mu and Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha overran, before two people rush to the temple gate, he recovers, but in this time victory and defeat the minute, Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha has closed Qin Mu in out of the door. 明心和尚站在原地,还未回过神来便见秦牧帝释天王佛冲了过去,等到两人冲到庙门前他才回过神来,而在此时胜负已分,帝释天王佛秦牧关在门外。 What originally Senior Brother Qin said is this method!” “原来秦师兄说的是这个法子!” He awakens: Really is a great idea! king Buddha why Senior Brother Qin lock-out? Doesn't everybody go in together well?” 他醒悟过来:“真是个好主意!只是王佛为何将秦师兄关在外面?大家一起进去不好吗?” Qin Mu stands before the temple gate, loudly said: „The Emperor Shi Tian king, you go, my gold/metal willow leaf also me! Without gold/metal willow leaf, I cannot control my strength, will annoy the big disaster! Had an accident, can you be able to wrap up?” 秦牧站在庙门前,高声道:“帝释天王,你进去可以,把我的金柳叶还我!没有金柳叶,我控制不住我的力量,会惹出大祸事!出了事,你能兜得住吗?” Can wrap up.” “兜得住。” In the temple, the Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha sound goes far away gradually: You felt relieved that takes away the evil reputation on my bald......” 庙里,帝释天王佛的声音渐渐远去:“你放心把屎盆子扣在我的光头上……” Qin Mu is angry, will speak, Monk Ming Xin facial color like earth, trembling sound said: Senior Brother Qin, the several mode of writing of dead characters don't you want to understand really?” 秦牧大怒,正要说话,明心和尚面色如土,颤声道:“秦师兄,死字的几种写法你真的不想了解一下吗?” Qin Mu long inspired, has turned around, on the face the anger vanishes, what replaces it is the innocent smiling face, looks to facial color somewhat ugly Buddha many bodhisattvas, said with a smile: Senior Brother, here has grain of big buddhist relics, do you want to experience?” 秦牧长长吸了口气,转过身来,脸上怒意消失,取而代之的是纯真无邪的笑容,看向一个个面色有些难看的佛界诸多佛子,笑道:“诸位师兄,我这里有一粒好大颗的舍利子,你们要见识见识吗?” He takes out sword pellet, sword pellet floats spatial, rapid revolving. 他取出剑丸,剑丸浮空,飞速旋转。 Qin Mu bright sound said: Also invited Senior Brother to thin surface, gave me this last quota, Qin was deeply grateful.” 秦牧朗声道:“还请诸位师兄给个薄面,将这最后一个名额让给我,秦某感激不尽。” Be that as it may said that but in the Qin Mu heart somewhat is scruple, he never tries in opening the third eye situation stimulates to movement Overlord Body Three Elixir Art. Grandma Si and Blind have told him, he can only sealing up the third eye situation ability in stimulation of movement cultivation technique that has no scruples, if third eye opens, at this time will stimulate to movement Overlord Body Three Elixir Art to cause any consequence, in his heart did not have a bottom. 话虽如此说,但是秦牧心中还是有些迟疑,他从未试过在开启第三只眼的情况下催动霸体三丹功司婆婆瞎子告诉过他,他只能在封住第三只眼的情况下才能毫无顾忌的催动功法,倘若第三只眼开启,这时催动霸体三丹功会造成什么后果,他心中也没有一点底。 Does not manage, Grandfather Ma should better to me seriously, he looked that my look looks like looked own son is the same, I can understand that he regarded his son to raise me, has poured into oneself all father loves!” “不管了,马爷对我最好最严肃,他看我的眼神就像是看自己的儿子一样,我能明白他是把我当成他的儿子养大,倾注了自己所有的父爱!” Qin Mu clenches teeth, Overlord Body Three Elixir Art stimulates to movement slowly, clothes sleeve with sending the silk fluttered slowly: The thing that Grandfather Ma wants, I must help him take in any event! Manages him is the God is the demon, so long as prevents me, the God keeps off the deicide, Buddha keeps off to kill Buddha!” 秦牧咬牙,霸体三丹功徐徐催动,衣袂与发丝慢慢的飘了起来:“马爷要的东西,无论如何我都要帮他拿到手!管他是神是魔,只要阻止我,神挡杀神,佛挡杀佛!” His forehead, Overlord Body Three Elixir Art runs third eye, this eye monster different monster is quite evil, the view opens to both sides slowly, the formation texture structure in eye revolves immediately slowly. 他的眉心,霸体三丹功运行到第三只眼,这只眼睛极为妖异妖邪,眼帘徐徐向两旁张开,眼中的阵法纹理构造顿时缓缓运转。 Qin Mu takes a broad view to look, all people, even if Buddha under his eye gaze, divine treasure is also clear incomparable, every delicate hair was completely shown. 秦牧放眼看去,所有人,哪怕是佛陀在他的眼睛注视下,神藏也是清晰无比,纤毫毕现 He controls Life and Death darkness Gods likely, is gazing at own prey, as if links in the air also to fill the air bloody and withers. 他像是掌控生死黑暗神祇,注视着自己的猎物,似乎连空气中也弥漫着血腥和肃杀。 In his heart has a stubborn heroic spirit suddenly, neither too fast nor too slow said: Gentlemen draw back. If on comes, regardless of Life and Death!” 他心中突然生出一种桀骜的豪气,不疾不徐道:“诸君退下。倘若上前来,生死不论!” This tenth anniversary book review activity statistics list was announced, for details see the group document and book review area, or increases the slightly letter public number, Pig Nerd, can pay attention and examine directly. The book friend who also please obtain the book review activity reward, individual account number page screenshot one, the additional activity reward provides the group, 739823780. Bright 12 : 00 pm draw a lottery, everybody do not miss ~ 这次十周年书评活动统计名单已经公布,详情见群文件、书评区,或者添加微信公众号,宅猪,可以直接关注、查看。还请获得书评活动奖励的书友,把个人账号页截图一张,加活动奖励发放群,739823780。明中午12点开奖,大家不要错过~
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