TOHG :: Volume #7

#623: My body stands, is Nether

Who are you?” Qin Mu startled sound track. “你是谁?”秦牧惊声道。 In his mouth broadcasts a sound, is very clear, however has pure evil: I am......” 他口中传来一个声音,很是清脆,然而却带有纯真的邪恶:“我是……” His top of the head, that Buddha big hand has depressed, Qin Mu felt suddenly oneself within the body another „” are awakening, this feeling was too strange, he felt that oneself splits two. 他的头顶,那尊佛陀大手已经压下,秦牧突然感觉到自己体内另一个“自己”在觉醒,这种感觉太奇怪了,他感觉到自己分裂成两个。 „...... Qin Fengqin!” “……秦凤青啊!” This sound falls, Qin Mu's realized to step down second, turned into an observer! 这个声音落下,秦牧的原本意识退居第二,变成了一个旁观者! What is more fearful, another „” appearance, does not know the strength where wells up floods in his within the body suddenly, is so boundless, is so fearful, is so evil, Qin Mu original cultivation base can only defend stubbornly a corner with own consciousness, looks that this floods his whole body evilly. 更为可怕的是,另一个“自己”出现,一股不知从哪里涌来的力量突然间充斥在他的体内,如此磅礴,如此可怕,如此邪恶,以至于秦牧原来的修为只能与自己的意识固守一隅,看着这股邪恶充斥他的全身。 Primordial Spirit that seizes was too few, was not enough to break the Earth count seal. Earth count this big bastard...... However, has killed this Buddha, then can break more seals!” “夺来的元神还是太少了,根本不足以破开土伯的封印。土伯这个大坏蛋……不过,杀了这尊佛,便可以破开更多封印了!” Qin Mu hears itself to spread a strange and rampant baby voice, this sound is bringing evilly, makes evil that one is afraid , the sound in his mouth is the Nether language, is having the strange charm, makes widely known, fearless, simultaneously is bringing boundless greedy, seems all negative desires marriages. 秦牧听到自己传出一个陌生而嚣张的婴儿声音,这声音带着邪恶,令人不寒而栗的邪恶,他口中的声音是幽都语,带着奇异的魔力,张扬,无所畏惧,同时带着无边的贪婪,似乎是一切负面欲望的结合体。 My body stands, is Nether “吾身所立,即是幽都 Qin Mu saw that darkness from own within the body spreads, has invaded Buddha to Gao Tian Great Brahma Heaven, the Great Brahma Heaven eternal daytime, golden light like the sea, this moment Golden Sea suddenly gloomy a bulk! 秦牧看到黑暗从自己体内蔓延,侵染了佛界的至高天大梵天,大梵天永恒白昼,金光如海,此刻金海突然暗淡了一大块! Golden Sea was basin clear waterdrop drop of ink was likely ordinary, the darkness attack, making Golden Sea be polluted, grow darks, the range that darkness covered was getting bigger and bigger. 金海像是一盆清水滴了一滴墨汁一般,黑暗侵袭,让金海遭到污染,变黑,黑暗笼罩的范围越来越大。 Buddha to high Holy Land, is transforming to Nether. 佛界至高圣地,正在向幽都转化。 The big hand of that Buddha fell, Buddha's radiance puts greatly, but was swallowed by darkness immediately. 那尊佛陀的大手已经落下,佛光大放,但是随即被黑暗所吞噬。 That Buddha calls out in alarm, the withdrawing palm from the darkness Nether demon air/Qi, saw only this chubby shining Buddha big hand to turn into the bones of the dead, the above flesh and blood vanished into thin air. 那尊佛陀惊呼,从黑暗幽都魔气中抽回手掌,只见这胖乎乎金灿灿的佛陀大手变成了白骨,上面的血肉不翼而飞。 That is one type with Eternal Peace, Tai Heaven or Buddha and Heavenly Court divine ability completely different divine ability, was controlling the death strength, captured all the vitalities of existence to appropriate to oneself. 那是一种与延康太皇天或者佛界、天庭神通完全不同的神通,掌控着死亡的力量,夺取一切存在的生命力据为己有。 Qin Mu jumps to jump, laughs, the palm five fingers split, according to the head of this Buddha. 秦牧纵身跃起,哈哈大笑,手掌五指叉开,按在这尊佛陀的脑袋上。 Bang! 轰隆! The fierce shake transmits, that Buddha was pressed stiffly above shining islands, that islands blast out loudly, earth-shattering. 剧烈的震荡传来,那尊佛陀被硬生生压在一座金灿灿的岛屿之上,那座岛屿轰然炸开,天崩地裂。 Qin Mu saw that own body also has the marvelous change, his body is growing crazily, becomes higher and higher, is getting bigger and bigger, however his age as if slowly is actually abating, becomes more and more young, looks like the baby more and more. 秦牧看到自己的身体也在发生奇妙的变化,他的身体在疯狂生长,变得越来越高,越来越大,然而他的年龄却仿佛在慢慢消退,变得越来越年轻,越来越像幼儿。 Is good is out of the ordinary for the clothes that he refines because of Heavenly Feather Clan long Yu Zhaoqing, what uses is the Heavenly Feather Clan best material refinement, is an extraordinary spirit armament Spirit Treasure, can increase along with his physical body changes is small. 好在天羽族羽曌青为他炼制的衣裳非同凡响,用的是天羽族最好的材料炼制而成,也是一件了不得的灵兵灵宝,能够随着他的肉身变大变小。 At this moment he has reached as high as more than ten zhang (3.33 m), however the age has actually fallen back on the 4 or 5-year-old appearance, likely is a snow and ice lovable young boy. 此刻他已经高达十多丈,然而年龄却退到了四五岁的模样,像是一个冰雪可爱的小男孩。 However this boy looks like the snow and ice is lovable, however the strength greatly is infinite, moreover is ferocious, almost smashes the head of that Buddha. 不过这个男孩看起来冰雪可爱,然而却力大无穷,而且穷凶极恶,将那尊佛陀的脑袋几乎砸烂。 Moreover, this young boy a hand has carried that Buddha, lifts in airborne, opens the mouth, makes an effort to inspire. 不仅如此,这个“小男孩”一只手将那尊佛陀拎了起来,举在空中,张开嘴巴,用力吸气。 That Buddha whole body Buddha's radiance surges, is resisting the enemy with all streng, however his Primordial Spirit actually cannot help but appears, once for a while was attracted departs from the body several points, retracting within the body. 那尊佛陀周身佛光涌动,在竭力抵抗,然而他的元神却不由自主的浮现出来,时不时的被吸得离体几分,又缩回体内。 That Buddha struggles continuous, his divine treasure appears entirely, Primordial Spirit before the Heavenly Palace gate, cannot have a footing, was attracted repeatedly almost departs Heavenly Palace. 那尊佛陀挣扎不休,他的一座座神藏统统浮现出来,元神处在天宫的门前,立脚不住,几次三番被吸得差点飞出天宫 Qin Mu discovered that oneself shrinks in age, a moment ago 4 or 5-year-old, now is less than three years old. 秦牧发现,自己又在年龄缩水,刚才还是四五岁,现在则是三岁不到。 In this time, Dharma king howls to fly , an seal such as round bang in the Qin Mu's back of the body. 就在此时,摩仑法王呼啸飞至,一印如轮轰在秦牧的后心。 Qin Mu brings that Buddha to turn the belt get lost/rolled continually, fluttered on Golden Sea continually dozens, hit to collapse several mountains, this stopped figure, but that Buddha by his aspiration Primordial Spirit. 秦牧带着那尊佛陀连翻带滚,在金海上连飘了几十下,撞塌了几座山,这才止住身形,而那尊佛陀则被他一口吸出了元神 Primordial Spirit of this Buddha has not actually fallen into the Qin Mu's mouth, but is the Primordial Spirit distortion revolves, submerges in his third eye. 这尊佛陀的元神却没有落入秦牧的口中,而是元神扭曲旋转,没入他的第三只眼内。 In the Qin Mu heart with amazement, awakens suddenly, he understands finally why after Necropolis King of Hell suppresses own jade pendant seal, the King Qin palace will collapse, King of Hell why by card in pillar, understands finally why Fu Riluo such tyrannical after existing to contact jade pendant, will be hit the chest to rupture, the card remains unconscious in a altar. 秦牧心中骇然,突然醒悟过来,他终于明白为何酆都阎王镇压自己的玉佩封印后,秦王殿会坍塌,阎王为何会被卡在柱子中,也终于明白为何缚日罗这么强横的存在接触到玉佩之后,会被打得胸口爆裂,卡在一座祭坛中昏迷不醒。 He also finally understands why does not have the absurd city to be hit by the unexpected misfortune, why Earth count must see him in Nether, arranges the seal in jade pendant. 他也终于明白,为何无妄城会遭到无妄之灾,为何土伯一定要在幽都见他,重新布置玉佩中的封印。 He formerly thinks that is only the curse of jade pendant seal, never thinks toward oneself on that but in that several drastic changes he always heavy goes off, does not know that specifically what happened. 他从前以为那只是玉佩封印的诅咒,从未往自己身上多想,而那几次剧变中他总是沉沉睡去,不知道具体发生了什么事。 But now he understood finally, the true curse, is, or is another in within the body „”! 而现在他终于明白了,真正的诅咒,正是自己,或者说是自己体内的另一个“自己”! Formerly his lethargic sleep, was because another were too strong, occupied physical body, but now is sober, was because the Earth count seal was too strong, another are unable totally to get rid of the seal, therefore caused two consciousness to coexist a body simultaneously the sober situation. 先前他昏睡,是因为另一个自己太强,占据了肉身,而现在清醒,是因为土伯的封印太强,另一个自己无法完全摆脱封印,因此造成两个意识共处一体同时清醒的情况。 He cannot attend to thinks that Dharma king has killed outrageously with another three Buddha, treadons Golden Sea Buddha's radiance, four big buddha methods completely leave, goes to the homicide, divine ability is dreadful, the might turns the mountain but actually sea, the phenomenon direct link clouds. 他顾不得多想,摩仑法王与另外三尊佛陀已经悍然杀来,脚踏金海佛光,四尊大佛手段尽出,向他杀去,神通滔天,威力翻山倒海,异象直达云霄。 Suddenly, the Qin Mu's consciousness occupies the body, spins fast, displays Heavenly God Pilfering Leg of Cripple instruction, avoids Dharma king and the others when at a crucial moment the attacks. 突然,秦牧的意识占据身体,快速疾奔,将瘸子传授的偷天神腿施展出来,在千钧一发之际避开摩仑法王等人的攻击。 Cripple Heavenly God Pilfering Leg in his, unexpectedly becomes unusual fast, can pass through simply from the space, if Cripple here, certainly will also stare the big eye opening mouth, cannot believe that own leg technique can be this degree. 瘸子偷天神腿在他脚下,竟然变得异乎寻常的快速,简直可以从空间中穿越过去,倘若瘸子也在这里,一定会瞪大眼睛张大嘴巴,不敢相信自己的腿法可以达到这种程度。 However Qin Mu has boundless magic power at this moment, displays the pinnacle Cripple Heavenly God Pilfering Leg, in ten thousand/myriad Huacong the piece leaf has not moistened the body simply, any divine ability of Dharma king is unable to touch his slightest. 然而秦牧此刻拥有无边的法力,将瘸子偷天神腿发挥到极致,简直万花丛中过片叶不沾身,摩仑法王的任何神通都无法触及他分毫。 Why can I control body suddenly?” “我为何能够突然掌控身体?” Qin Mu has this doubts during the avoidance suddenly, then, the consciousness of Qin Fengqin stages a comeback, the pure and evil sound said: Earth count, you harm me!” 秦牧在躲避之中突然生出这个疑惑,接着,秦凤青的意识卷土重来,纯真而又邪恶的声音道:“土伯,你又害我!” The Qin Mu's consciousness steps down once again second, his body turned into an especially big baby, is much more excited, the jump such as flies, steps on unceasingly Golden Sea blasts out, Buddha's radiance rolling mountains. 秦牧的意识再度退居第二,他的身体已经变成了一个特大的婴孩,兴奋得翻江倒海,跳跃如飞,将金海踩得不断炸开,佛光大浪滔天。 His place visited, Golden Sea was polluted, formerly also can only be drop of ink falls into Golden Sea, but now ink in all directions chaotic drop! 他所过之处,金海被污染,先前还只能算是一滴墨水落入金海,而现在墨水四处乱滴! He held a Buddha, is tearing, as if this is only a rag doll, but he is a mischievous baby, tries to rip open the rag doll. 他抓住了一尊佛陀,正在撕扯,似乎这只是一个布偶,而他是一个顽皮的婴儿,试图把布偶撕开。 Dharma king pursues to kill with the remaining two Buddha, Qin Fengqin has not studied many divine ability probably, divine ability that he displays is simplest divine ability, however is actually Nether divine ability, not measured strangely that has words at fingertips and writes with facility then lets Dharma king and that two Buddha is hard to resist. 摩仑法王与剩下的两尊佛陀追赶杀来,秦凤青好像没有学过多少神通,他所施展的神通都是最为简单的神通,然而却是幽都神通,诡异莫测,信手拈来便让摩仑法王和那两尊佛陀难以抵挡。 What is more fearful, his physical body strength simply is beyond comparison, rips open that Buddha in hand, the Buddha blood casts into Golden Sea! 更为可怕的是,他肉身的力量简直是无以伦比,将手中的那尊佛陀生生撕开,佛血撒入金海之中! Primordial Spirit of that Buddha was also swallowed by the eye of Qin Mu forehead, revolving whereabouts pleasant, vanishes does not see. 那尊佛陀的元神也被秦牧眉心的眼睛吞噬,旋转着落入眼中,消失不见。 The butterfly wing that third eye of Qin Mu forehead sends out installs the texture to be getting bigger and bigger, covers the range to be getting more and more broad, the strength is also getting more and more terrorist, has turned around then directly to slaughter with Dharma king and the others. 秦牧眉心的第三只眼散发出的蝴蝶翅膀装纹理越来越大,笼罩范围越来越广,实力也越来越恐怖,转过身来便与摩仑法王等人正面厮杀。 But before the ruined temple, Monk Ming Xin flies the midair, looks out the fight in Golden Sea from afar, in the heart with amazement, sees only Great Brahma Heaven Golden Sea the islands in gold/metal steamed bun shapes to collapse in abundance, Holy Mountain was hit crushes, but darkness unceasingly is attacking to pollute this Wu Shang/unsurpassed Holy Land. 而在破败寺院前,明心和尚飞到半空,远远遥望金海中的战斗,心中不禁骇然,只见大梵天金海中的一座座金馒头状的岛屿纷纷坍塌,一座座圣山被打得粉碎,而黑暗则在不断侵袭污染这座无上圣地 Monk Ming Xin the facial color like the earth, whole body shivers, in brain a blank. 明心和尚面色如土,浑身颤抖,脑中一片空白。 Monk, gets down!” “和尚,下来!” Under he hears suddenly broadcasts a sound, looks down hurriedly, before seeing only the gate of ruined temple, that overly cautious and prudent monk is waving to him, should call him many sounds, but in his heart really shocks to shock has not heard. 他突然听到下方传来一个声音,急忙低头看去,只见破败寺院的门前,那个老实巴交的比丘正在向他招手,应该已经叫了他很多声,只是他心中实在震惊震撼没有听见。 The monk said with a smile: A bit faster gets down, later big Devil King then must kill. We go to the temple to hide.” 那比丘笑道:“快点下来,待会大魔王便要杀过来了。咱们去寺里躲一躲。” Monk Ming Xin quickly said: Senior Brother Qin will not kill me!” 明心和尚连忙道:“秦师兄不会杀我!” The monk said with a smile: You think that is really your Senior Brother Qin?” 那比丘笑道:“你以为那真的是你秦师兄?” Monk Ming Xin looks to Golden Sea, Golden Sea almost turned into the inkstone, Qin Mu the giant baby is grabbing a Buddha to punch the fierce hammer fiercely, hits that Buddha covered with blood. 明心和尚向金海看去,金海几乎变成了墨海,秦牧所化的巨型婴儿正在抓着一尊佛陀猛揍猛锤,打得那尊佛陀血肉模糊。 Suddenly, only hears the earth-shattering a bang, the Dharma king huge body of flies upside down to come, to depart Golden Sea, turns the belt get lost/rolled continually pounds in this islands, has ground the Large expanse of wooded mountain, tumbles to pound to here. 突然,只听得天崩地裂的一声巨响,摩仑法王巨大的身躯一路倒飞而来,飞出金海,连翻带滚砸在这片岛屿上,碾碎了成片的山林,翻滚着向这边砸来。 But Qin Mu the baby is gobbling up Primordial Spirit of another Buddha, eats, while jumps catches up to here. 秦牧所化的婴孩正在吞吃另一尊佛陀的元神,一边吃,一边蹦蹦跳跳的向这边赶来。 Monk Ming Xin shivers with fright, hurried diving posture gets down. 明心和尚不由打个冷战,急忙飞身下来。 That monk opens the Buddhist monastery, calls him to go, Monk Ming Xin hurried, suddenly awoke the incident: Great Brahma Heaven Buddha allow three people go to study the Emperor's Seat Daoist scripture, now Zhan Kong Senior Brother and Emperor Shi Heaven Buddha have gone, but I have come , were three names full up?” 那个比丘打开寺门,唤他进去,明心和尚慌忙走了进去,突然醒起一事:“大梵天王佛许三个人进去学得帝座真经,现在战空师兄帝释天王佛已经进去了,而我又进来了,岂不是三个名额满了?” He just thought of here, Qin Mu the giant baby carried the leg of Dharma king, pounded Dharma king, pounded the landslide cracks in the earth, pounded Dharma king to suffocate. 他刚刚想到这里,秦牧所化的巨型婴儿拎起了摩仑法王的一条腿,将摩仑法王砸来砸去,砸得山崩地裂,砸得摩仑法王奄奄一息。 The monk closes the Buddhist monastery hastily, blocks the vision of Monk Ming Xin, pushes Monk Ming Xin to walk toward the temple, says with a smile: Senior Brother, you must be cheap, walks you to meet Great Brahma Heaven Buddha toward inside, obtains the Emperor's Seat Daoist scripture. Quick goes quickly!” 那比丘连忙关闭寺门,阻断明心和尚的目光,推着明心和尚向寺院内走去,笑道:“师兄,你得便宜了,往里面走你会遇到大梵天王佛,得到帝座真经。快去快去!” Monk Ming Xin is ignorant, staggering along proceeds, this temple looks like not big, however he walked has not come to the end very much. 明心和尚浑浑噩噩,跌跌撞撞的往前走,这片寺庙看起来不大,然而他走了很远也没有走到尽头。 Outside hears the pitiful yell sound of Dharma king suddenly, Monk Ming Xin is absolutely terrified: Ended! Senior Brother Qin must! Homicide these many bodhisattvas, has killed five Buddha, even/including Molun Dharma king Buddha also died in his hands, Great Brahma Heaven king did Qi tolerate him?” 外面突然传来摩仑法王的惨叫声,明心和尚毛骨悚然:“完了!秦师兄要遭!他杀了这么多佛子,又杀了五尊佛陀,连摩仑法王这位佛祖也死在他手中了,大梵天王岂能容他?” He has turned around, dashes about wildly to Buddhist monastery, the heart said: Cannot let Great Brahma Heaven king Sha Senior Brother Qin......” 他转过身去,向寺门处狂奔,心道:“不能让大梵天王杀了秦师兄……” Suddenly only listens to Buddha to transmit: Fine, repents and is saved!” 突然只听一声佛号传来:“善哉善哉,回头是岸!” Monk Ming Xin is stunned, sees only a great Buddha to appear in his front, all sorts of sacred, is smiling is looking like to him. 明心和尚愕然,只见一尊伟岸佛陀出现在他的前方,种种神圣,正微笑着向他看来。 Ming Xin, you, if has proceeded not to turn head, can never see me. You have turned head, then can result in my Confucian orthodoxy.” 明心,你倘若一直往前走不回头,永远也见不到我。你回头了,便可以得我的道统。” That great big buddha said with a smile: You come up, I pass on your Emperor's Seat Daoist scripture.” 那尊伟岸大佛笑道:“你上来,我传你帝座真经。” Monk Ming Xin walks up, in the heart is worried about Qin Mu, will implore this big buddha to forgive the Qin Mu life, that big buddha said with a smile: Your newborn baby heart and Zhan Kong are different, Zhan Kong is in the heart four elements are merely illusions, the natural organ of wisdom, your instinct is inferior to him, however you have his no thing. Therefore, I pass to him am the non- character Daoist scripture, but passes to you to have the character book from heaven.” 明心和尚走上前去,心中担心秦牧,正要祈求这尊大佛饶过秦牧性命,那尊大佛笑道:“你的赤子心与战空不同,战空是心中四大皆空,天然的慧根,你天性不如他,然而你有他没有的东西。所以,我传给他的是无字真经,而传给你的则是有字天书。” In the big finger citron are many one volume of scrip­tures, hands over in his hand. 大佛手中多出一卷经文,交到他的手上。 Although Monk Ming Xin is holding the Emperor's Seat Daoist scripture, but is worried about the Qin Mu safety, has no interest in looking. That big buddha does not wait for him to ask favor, says with a smile: Qin young friend had Qin young friend the chance, you do not need to be worried that the intention perceived through meditation.” 明心和尚虽然捧着帝座真经,但还是担心秦牧安危,无心去看。那尊大佛不等他求情,笑道:“秦小友有秦小友的机缘,你不必担心,用心参悟吧。” Monk Ming Xin then felt relieved that opens scrip­tures, sees only the writing on Confucian classics to beat unceasingly, the reorganization, is quite marvelous, is elaborating the Buddhist to the high Wu Shang/unsurpassed truth. 明心和尚这才放下心来,翻开经文,只见经书上的文字不断跳动,重组,极为奇妙,阐述着佛家至高无上的道理。 Outside the temple, giant baby Qin Fengqin swallowed Dharma king, stretched out the tongue to lick the lip, jumped for joy excitedly, shakes the earth unceasingly to vibrate: „The seal of Earth count that fellow became less crowded, hee hee, so long as eats this Buddha all people, I then can get out of trouble thoroughly! This Buddha transformation another Nether, we make Earth count again, is the king! Un, but must go to Nether, receives mother, has the auspicious day together, avoid looks at the Earth count complexion...... Well, here also temple, a round ruins, eats inside fellow, goes to other Buddha to eat to eat all one's food them again!” 寺庙外,巨型婴儿秦凤青吞了摩仑法王,伸出舌头舔了舔嘴唇,兴奋雀跃,震得大地不断抖动:“土伯那家伙的封印又松动了,嘻嘻,只要吃掉这佛界所有的人,我便可以彻底脱困啦!再把这佛界改造成另一个幽都,咱自己做土伯,做大王!嗯,还要去幽都,把娘亲接过来,一起过好日子,省得看土伯的脸色……咦,这里还有一个土庙,一发毁掉,吃掉里面的家伙,再去其他佛界吃光他们!” Bang The Buddhist monastery is split up, the giant baby steps with the short leg that the body differs so much as to be beyond comparison, intrudes the temple, the front path is long. 寺门四分五裂,巨型婴孩迈动与身子不成比例的短腿,闯入寺院,前方道路漫长。 Giant baby starting to walk footsteps, are limping stand forth, walks is walking was thinking that simultaneous developments are uncomfortable, simply the hands and feet and with crawls forward. 巨型婴孩迈开脚步,蹒跚着向前走去,走着走着觉得两条腿走路不舒服,索性手脚并用向前爬去。 The sweeping the floor sound of flowing transmits, front presents a sweeping the floor monk, saw that he discards the broom then to run away, the giant baby great happiness, the sweeping the floor monk will hold, says with a smile: Although old, but always feels better not to have.” 娑娑的扫地声传来,前面出现一个扫地僧,见到他扔掉扫把便要逃走,巨型婴孩大喜,一把将扫地僧抓住,笑道:“虽然老了点,但总好过没有。” Then, pulls this sweeping the floor monk head, grasps Primordial Spirit, in third eye of inspiration forehead. 说罢,将这扫地僧脑袋扯下来,抓出元神,吸入眉心的第三只眼中。 „If I, I randomly will not eat......” great infant within the body, Qin Mu's consciousness the resentful say/way. “倘若是我,我就不会乱吃……”巨婴体内,秦牧的意识悻悻道。 The great infant swallows pleasant Primordial Spirit of that sweeping the floor monk, suddenly called out: Awful, my fell into a trap! Which bastard plots......” 巨婴将那扫地僧的元神吞入眼中,突然叫道:“糟糕,我中计了!哪个混蛋暗算……” Qin Mu felt suddenly own consciousness occupies the leadership, is pleasantly surprised, his also gradually reduces, recovers as usual, sees only in the ground the head of sweeping the floor monk to return to the neck, leans on the broom to stand there, visits him with a smile. 秦牧突然感觉到自己的意识重新占据主导,不禁又惊又喜,他的身体也渐渐缩小,恢复如常,只见地面上扫地僧的脑袋又回到脖子上,拄着扫把站在那里,含笑看着他。 Qin Mu bows to salute upon meeting: Mountains and plains boorish fellow, Qin Mu, pays a visit Great Brahma Heaven Buddha!” 秦牧躬身见礼:“山野莽夫,秦牧,拜见大梵天王佛!” Hu Ling'er: The big chapters of more than 3900 characters, 400 characters are free, contribute money to ask the monthly ticket! 狐灵儿:3900多字的大章,400字免费,攒钱求月票!
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