„Goes badyourcultivation, goes badyourKarmic Virtue?”
“坏你修行,坏你功德?”Qin Musneers, cutstootherchains: Karmic Virtue that „yourcopperembryoimage of Buddha, wherecomes? YourKarmic Virtue the Maiden Wusuppressionhere, Maiden Wuworks asyoursurfaceto eat the personyoualsoto sit by and do nothing, ifyouhaveKarmic Virtue, alreadyruinedup!”秦牧冷笑,向其他锁链斩去:“你不过铜胎佛像,哪里来的功德?你的功德就是将吴女镇压在这里,吴女当着你的面吃人你也坐视不理,倘若你有功德,也早就败坏光了!”Thatbig buddhabodyshakes, the bloodmark on copperembryobursts outsay/wayrays of light, was shone uponbyoutsidegold foil, turns into a big buddha that golden lightsparkles, said in muffled voice: „Youmayknow,youreleaseit, how manypeopleitwill eat, how manylivesdestroys?”
那尊大佛身躯震荡,铜胎上的血纹迸发道道光芒,被外面的金箔映照,变成金光闪闪的一尊大佛,瓮声瓮气道:“你可知道,你将它释放出来,它会吃多少人,毁灭多少生灵?”„Ionlyknow,itis hiding the innumerableskeletonsbehindyou, does eviltaking advantage ofyou, Ihave not seenyouto makeanything.”
“我只知道,它在你背后藏着无数尸骨,借你来作恶,我没有看到你做过什么。”Qin Mucuts off the secondchains, sneers saying: „Outsideis the icetide, how manytimesevery yearwill erupt, what have youmade? ThatisKarmic Virtue, is notyousitsin the temple, suppresses a monsterisKarmic Virtue, let aloneyoualsotolerate the monsterto eat the person. Ifyoucrush the icetide, common peoplecommon people who rescues the downstream, thenyouthenhavebigKarmic Virtue!”秦牧将第二条锁链斩断,冷笑道:“外面就是冰潮,每年都会爆发几次,你做过什么?那才是功德,不是你坐在庙中,镇压一只妖怪就是功德,更何况你还纵容妖怪吃人。你若是击碎冰潮,救下游的黎民百姓,那么你便有大功德!”Image of Buddhagolden lightis shining, both handsmoved, resembles to liveunexpectedlygeneral, Maiden Wuis panic-stricken, called outhastily: „ThisOld Baldy Monkis an evilBuddha, mustrefineme, youa bit faster!”
The Qin Mufootstepssuch asfly, move sideways the temple, stimulates to movementJunior Protector Swordto cutto the chains outside temple.秦牧脚步如飞,闪身出庙,催动少保剑向庙外的锁链斩去。„The wickedness of all living things, needs the bigfloodwash, canshedevilly, thisistheirbecause ofcreatingtheirfruit.”
The fiercevibrationtransmits, Copper Buddhastands up, the headdashesthisancient temple, soundheaven-shaking, earth-shattering: „Yourthisheretical path of the devils, daresbadDharma, the evil creaturestupidcannotspend!”
剧烈的震动传来,铜佛站起,脑袋撞破这座古庙,声音惊天动地:“你这邪魔外道,敢坏佛法,孽障冥顽不可度化!”Locked in the image of BuddhacopperembryoandMaiden Wuchainsas iflivesimmediatelycamegeneral, whistlingfrom out of the blue, curledtoQin Mu.
锁住佛像铜胎和吴女的一条条锁链顿时仿佛活了过来一般,呼呼破空,向秦牧卷去。„YourDharmaisbecausemustrescue itselfto save others, because ofsaving othersto save others, false.”
“你们佛法都是因为要救自己才救人,不是因为救人而救人,虚伪。”Qin Mujumps, avoidstogether the winding of chains, stimulates to movementJunior Protector Swordto cutto the lastchains, said: „YousuppressedMaiden Wuin the past, ifhas killedit, that can also beyourKarmic Virtue, butyousuppressit, makingitinjure someone, iteats the personisitsevil, itssinis deeper, yourrefiningits is Karmic Virtuebigger? Bah! Byperson who Maiden Wueats, shouldcalculateyourhead!”秦牧纵身,避开一道锁链的缠绕,催动少保剑向最后一道锁链斩去,道:“你当年镇压吴女,倘若将它杀了,那还能算是你的功德,但你偏偏将它镇压,让它害人,它吃人是它的孽,它罪孽越深,你炼化它功德越大?呸!被吴女吃掉的人,都该算到你的头上!”Zheng
铮Junior Protector Sword and chainscollide, in the chainstransmits a greateststrength, hitsto flythistreasured sword.少保剑与锁链碰撞,锁链中传来一股莫大的力量,将这口宝剑撞飞。Qin Mustuffysnorted, wrongstepretreat, avoids the followingtwoblackpythonchains, sneers saying: „Yousitin the temple, outside the templeis the floodday after day, younot onlydo not rescue, preventsmeto save otherson the contrary, but also is fantasizingKarmic Virtue? Toldyou, myvillage'sold manwentevery yearto the deicingtide, the common peoplecommon people and birdsbeasts that rescued the downstream, have saved the innumerablelives! Ifcanachieve BuddhahoodbyKarmic Virtue, each of themalreadywas the golden bodybig buddha, was not the copperembryoclay sculpture!”秦牧闷哼一声,错步后退,避开后面两条黑蟒般的锁链,冷笑道:“你坐在庙里,庙外是洪水连天,你非但不救,反倒阻止我救人,还幻想着功德?告诉你,我村里的老人每年都去对抗冰潮,救下游的黎民百姓和飞禽走兽,救了无数性命!倘若靠功德能够成佛,他们每一个人都早已是金身大佛,不是铜胎泥塑!”„Absurd!”
“荒谬!”ThatCopper Buddhais big, liftsstartsbangto fall to the ground, goes out of the ruined temple, the palmgathersten, the metal collisionsoundconveys, immediately the Buddha's radiancewritings, fly the Qin Muball!
那尊铜佛高大无比,抬起脚轰隆一声落地,走出破庙,手掌合十,金铁碰撞的声音传来,顿时佛光大作,将秦牧弹飞!Qin Muall the limbs and bonesshakeallgreatly, personin the midair, the chainshas then lockedtohim!秦牧四肢百骸无不巨震,人在半空,锁链便已经向他锁来!
The Qin Mufootstepsselectcontinuouslyon the chains, dashesalong the chains, origin qicontrolsJunior Protector Swordto flyto lock in the Maiden Wuchainspointto gotolastgenerally.秦牧脚步连续点在锁链上,沿着锁链飞奔,元气操控少保剑飞一般向最后一道锁住吴女的锁链点去。Chainsare similar to the thickincomparablepythons, alternatesto interlockin the midair, attacksagain and againtoQin Mu, dazzling.
一道道锁链如同粗大无比的蟒蛇,在半空中穿插交错,向秦牧连连攻去,让人眼花缭乱。ThisCopper Buddhaobviouslyisbrassforging, butactuallyflexibleincomparable, reallymakespeopleunthinkable.
这尊铜佛明明是黄铜锻造,但是却灵活无比,实在让人匪夷所思。FormerlyCopper Buddha was unable to distinguishQin MuandMaiden Wu, Qin Mu, so long assaidDevil Language, Copper Buddhathenautomaticallyresponded,saidBuddha Incantationto refineMaiden Wu, butnowQin Mutriesto putMaiden Wu, Copper Buddha was another appearance, unexpectedlyactive threathe.
The thickchainsalternatesagain and again, Qin Muis stepping on the chains, avoids the attacks of otherchainstogether.
粗大的锁链连连穿插,秦牧踩着其中一道锁链,避开其他锁链的攻击。ButthatCopper Buddhastrengthensthrough the strength that the chainstransmitsgradually, the chains and chainsrub, the vibration that sends outmakehimnot have a footingsteadily, the both legswere shaken the numb and aching, hecontrolledJunior Protector Sword, the accurate aimalsogreatlyis inferior to the past.
而那尊铜佛通过锁链传来的力量渐渐增强,锁链与锁链摩擦,发出的震动让他立脚不稳,双腿被震得酸麻,他操控少保剑,准头也大不如从前。ThisCopper Buddhastrengthis getting stronger and stronger, seems itswithin the bodyhas the infinitestrength, this momentthesestrengthsinbit by bitawakensgeneral.
这尊铜佛的力量越来越强,仿佛是它体内有着无穷的力量,此刻这些力量在一点一点的觉醒一般。Grandma SiandCrippleand the othershad mentionedthisCopper Buddha, said that Copper Buddhahad the strangenessvery much, Grandma Si said that she onceplannedto removeMaiden Wu, was actually stoppedbyCopper Buddha, cannotsucceed.司婆婆和瘸子等人都曾经提起过这尊铜佛,说铜佛很有古怪,司婆婆说她曾经打算除掉吴女,却被铜佛阻拦,没能成功。Grandma Sinaturallyisextremelyformidable, has not actually removedMaiden Wu, indicated when the Copper Buddhastrengthawakenscompletely is quite inevitably terrorist!司婆婆自然是极为强大,却没有除掉吴女,表明铜佛的力量完全觉醒时必然极为恐怖!Butnow, Copper Buddhastrengthlittleconsciousness!
而现在,铜佛的力量正在一点点的苏醒!Even ifregains consciousness a point, is notQin Mucanresist.
哪怕苏醒一分,都不是秦牧所能抵抗。Inthis time, the loud sound of landslidecracks in the earthtransmits, wells up the icetide that to come here from the upstreamfinally, the dreadfulicebergon the surface of the riverby the turbulentturbulent current, reaches as high asdozenszhang (3.33 m), appearsin the front of oasis, behindQin Mu's!
就在此时,山崩地裂的巨响传来,从上游涌下的冰潮终于来到这里,滔天的冰山在江面上被汹涌激流冲着,高达数十丈,出现在绿洲的前方,秦牧的背后!Qin Muis coveredby the shadowimmediately, turns headto lookin a hurry,sees only the innumerableice piecesto be extruded, tumbling, is rushing to the iceberg the summit, along with, even ifcrash-bangtumblesfrom the summit, was arrived under water by the crush, the newice piecewas delivered the icebergsummitagain, fallsonce again.秦牧立刻被阴影笼罩,匆忙间回头看去,只见无数冰块被挤压着,翻滚着,冲上冰山的山巅,随即便哗啦从山巅滚落,被碾压到水底,新的冰块再被送上冰山山巅,再度滑落下来。Thisicetidecrush, the icecorpsemustcrushby the crush, could not findcompletely, onlyremainingtumbles the iceberg that is surgingforward, the potentialmustgrindall!
“咄”ThatCopper Buddhaas ifalsofelt that the danger, will unable to attend toQin Mu, the both armsopen, welcome the icetide that is turningwells upto cometo push.
The oasissurroundingforms a Golden Bell comprised ofunexpectedlyrays of light, covers the oasis!
The innumerableice piecesice a tidehitfirstatGolden Bell, makes noise, was shakencrushes, eachfloating icehitatGolden Bell, thenseescorrugatedgolden lightfourto disperse, looksfromQin Muthisangle, is really magnificentandtall and pleasing to the eye.
无数冰块先冰潮一步撞击在金钟上,咣咣作响,被震得粉碎,每块浮冰撞击在金钟上,便见波纹状的金光四下散开,从秦牧这个角度去看,真是壮观又美轮美奂。Then, ices the waveto come, bellowis similar to the innumerablethundererupts, bangbanglingering on faintly, has the ding of Golden Bellto resound!
The strength and Copper BuddhaHeaven and EarthBuddhismdivine abilitycollides, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, was shakenincluding the oasisrocks, as ifmomentarilypossiblysinks to the water.天地之力与铜佛的佛门神通碰撞,惊天动地,连绿洲都被震得晃动不已,似乎随时可能沉入水中。Butoutsideicetideis stopping upby the oasisandGolden Bell of middle, is getting higher and higher, both sidesicetidewent downstream, goesto the downstreamfrom the oasis, only then the oasisis stopping up the placefloating iceare getting more and more, has inundated the trend of oasisgradually.
The chainsvibrates, curlstoQin Mu, thisCopper Buddhareallyalsohas the ample force, chainsshuttlesare similar to the spiritsnakebigpythons, chases after and never gives uptohim.
锁链抖动,向秦牧卷去,这尊铜佛竟然还有余力,一条条锁链穿梭如同灵蛇大蟒,对他穷追不舍。Meanwhile, the Copper Buddhabodymoves, exudes the sonorousmetalimpact noise, the palmunceasingracketto the Golden Bellfourwalls, reinforcesGolden Bell.
The chainsis the windingonitsbody, along withitsmigration, butfluttersunceasingly, attackstoQin Mu, butMaiden Wuturned intolittle girlXian Qing’erwas pulledstaggering, tripsto fallsuddenlyon the ground, was towedblack and blue, pitiful.
The Qin Mufootsteps on the chains, immediatelyfelt the big buddha the strengthreduced, sois no longer terrorist, immediatelyseizes the opportunity, Junior Protector Swordcutscontinually, whenlang, thatchainswill cut offfinally.秦牧脚踩锁链,立刻感觉到大佛的力量减少了许多,不再那么恐怖,当即抓住机会,少保剑连斩,当啷一声,将最后那道锁链斩断。Maiden Wustayed, liftsarm, sees onlywrist/skillplacetwogolden ring, under the linkis also hanging the chains of being cut off, is pleasantly surprised.吴女呆了呆,抬起手臂,只见手腕处还有两道金环,环下挂着断掉的锁链,不禁又惊又喜。Itsankle areaplacealsohasgolden ring, is dragging two chains of being cut off.
它的脚踝处也有金环,也拖着两道断掉的锁链。„Do not be in a daze, walksquickly!”Qin Mushoutedloud, swoops.
“别发呆,快走!”秦牧高声喝道,飞扑而来。Maiden Wulaughs, the laughteris sad and shrill, suddenly the bodyinflatessuddenly, the Xian Qing’erleather bagwas supportedHuman Skinrandomlyto fly, appearedproliferates the true body of joint, the centipededances in the air, called out: „Littleelder brother, jumpstomeon, Ileadyouto rush!”吴女哈哈大笑,笑声凄厉,突然身躯急剧膨胀,仙清儿的皮囊被撑得人皮乱飞,现出遍布骨节的真身,百足飞舞,叫道:“小哥儿,跳到我身上来,我带你闯出去!”Qin Mufallsonitsbody, thisbigmonsterbonearmor, batters, dragging the golden ringchainsto howlto the oasisflushes away, legs and feetstepfast, thensoar, under the longbodycentipedemove together, the line, hitsfrom out of the blueto the clockwall of Golden Bell!秦牧落在它的身上,这头大妖一身骨甲,横冲直撞,拖着金环锁链呼啸向绿洲后方冲去,一条条腿脚迈得飞快,接着腾空而起,长长的身体下百足齐动,破空而行,向金钟的钟壁撞去!„Evil creature, youaremyKarmic Virtue, but alsowantsto run away?”
“孽障,你是我的功德,还想逃走?”ThatCopper Buddhaturns around, brassbig handemptygrasps, Maiden Wugolden ring and chainscrash-bangmake noise, fluttersbackward, but the chains that Copper Buddhachainsalsofromhiking up, as ifmustwithbeing cut offlinks.
那尊铜佛转身,黄铜大手虚虚一抓,吴女身上的金环和锁链哗啦啦作响,向后飘扬,而铜佛身上的锁链也自飘起,似乎要与断掉的锁链重新连接在一起。Maiden Wuis absolutely terrified, was pulledto crashbychains, the strength that the chains on itsfootlinktransmitsis very big, pullsitunexpectedlybackwardretreatsunceasingly.吴女毛骨悚然,被身上的锁链扯得坠落下来,它的脚环上的锁链传来的力量很大,竟然将它扯得不断向后退去。
The Maiden Wucentipedeusestogether, press forwardcrawls, butwas towedbackwardto slideunceasingly.吴女百足齐用,奋力向前爬,但还是被拖得不断向后滑去。Qin Muis planningusing qi to control sword, cuts offgolden ring on Maiden Wuhand and foot, suddenlyincomparablyslenderrays of lightflashes throughtogether, cuts openGolden Bell, flashesfrom the doublepupils of Copper Buddha.秦牧正打算以气御剑,斩断吴女手足上的金环,突然一道无比纤细的光芒闪过,切开金钟,从铜佛的双眸间一晃而过。Copper Buddhaangrily roars, palmtoownat presentgrasps, the Maiden Wusleepis only eased, takes to one's heelsto dash about wildlyhurriedly, amongseveralleaps, runs out of the coveringrange of Golden Bell, the foot treadssurface of the riverhowlsto go.铜佛怒吼,手掌向自己的眼前抓去,吴女只觉一身轻松,急忙撒腿狂奔,几步之间飞跃而起,冲出金钟的笼罩范围,脚踏江面呼啸而去。Butbehindthem, the Copper Buddharoaris unceasing, suddenlyGolden Bellcollapsedisintegrates, such as the mountainicewavecomes, submerges the oasisandCopper Buddha, the ancient templein an instantis also crushing, entireoasisbycrew cut!
而在他们背后,铜佛的吼声不断,突然金钟崩溃瓦解,如山般的冰潮涌来,将绿洲和铜佛淹没,古庙也在刹那间粉碎,整个绿洲被推平!„Iandyourwell water not interfering with river water......”
“我与你井水不犯河水……”ThatCopper Buddhais furious, a few wordshave not said,was iced the tideto thrustin the river watertogether with the oasistogether, pressesinunderwater!
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