Airborne, the carefulrays of lightflytogether, concealentersamong the Village Chiefsendingsilk, Village Chiefcalmly, the starting to walkleg and footfromairbornegoes down, returns to Disabled Elderly Village.
空中,一道细细的毫光飞来,藏入村长的发丝之间,村长若无其事,迈开腿脚从空中走下,回到残老村中。Butunder the riverhundredmiles away, Surging Rivermakes a turnhere, bypasses a mountain, flows through the canyon, ices the tideto be blockedhere, more productmoremuch, finallyblockshereriver course.
而在百里之外的江下,涌江在这里转弯,绕过一座山,流经峡谷,冰潮在这里受阻,越积越多,最终将这里的河道堵住。„Maiden Wu, stops!”
“吴女,停下!”Thatcentipedewhite bonescentipedefemaleis carryingJiaoTengrunning of Qin Muin the midair, is similar to the coordinated processwindsto forward, but the speedis extremely fast, hearing thisfallson the canyonleft bankmountain peak, sneers saying: „Brat, why do Iwantto listenyour?”
那百足白骨蜈蚣女载着秦牧在半空中矫腾奔行,如同一条龙蜿蜒向前,但速度极快,闻言落在峡谷左岸的山峰上,冷笑道:“臭小子,我为什么要听你的?”Qin Musinceitcarries on the backto jump down, wonders saying: „Isaveyouto get out of trouble, youtorepayme, naturallymusthelpmemake a connection the ice dam.”秦牧从它背上跳下,纳闷道:“我救你脱困,你为了报答我,自然要帮我将冰坝打通。”
The Maiden Wubodysways, changes toXian Qing’er, on the hand and footis dragging the chains, jumpedregardingQin Mu, transfersseveral, the shacklecrash-banghas made noise, thenbehindcollectedfromQin Mutohisfront, gigglesaid with a smile: „Do youhelpmymeprobablyrepayyou? Did youforget? Yourprevioustimequiteharmsmeto be miserable, was almost built upbyOld Baldy Monk! Youalsosnatchvaluabletreasure that mytheseyearshave hidden, Ishouldeatyouto be rightfirst!”吴女身躯摇晃,又化作仙清儿,手足上拖着锁链,围绕秦牧蹦蹦跳跳,转了几圈,铁链哗啦啦作响,然后从秦牧身后凑头到他的面前,咯咯笑道:“你帮我我就要报答你?你忘记了吗?你上次害得我好惨,被老秃驴差点炼死!你还抢了我这些年藏下来的宝贝儿,我应该先吃掉你才对!”Qin Musaid with a smile: „Youdo not dare.”秦牧笑道:“不过你不敢。”Maiden Wunecksuddenly as longas several feetlength, transferredseveralcirclesregardingQin Mu, two peoplealmostface-to-face, Maiden Wusneer saying: „Don't Idare? Nowmaynot haveOld Baldy Monkto helpyou, how can Inot dare?”吴女脖子突然长到数丈长短,围绕秦牧转了几匝,两人几乎面对面,吴女冷笑道:“我不敢?现在可没有老秃驴帮你,我怎么会不敢?”„IliveinDisabled Elderly Village, my familyhavenineSirs, eachcankillyoueasily.”
“我住在残老村,我家有九个大人,每一个都能轻易的弄死你。”Qin Musaid with a smile: „Regardless ofyouchange external appearances only, regardless ofyouescapefar, theycanseekingeasilyarrive atyou, killsyoueasily, readilymadeyouregret born inthisworld.”秦牧微笑道:“无论你改头换面,无论你逃出多远,他们都能轻易的寻到你,轻易的弄死你,轻易的让你后悔出生在这个世上。”Maiden Wufightsseveralcold warscontinually, the neckreduces, restores the snow and icelovablegirl, waves the handongolden ring and chainsjumps, said: „Ihave fearedyour familySir, butIhave not willhelpyou. Old Baldy Monksaidright, yousavemeto come out, Imustdo evil, musteat the person, the calamitycalamitylife! Why do Iwantto helpyousave others? Iwalk”吴女连打几个冷战,脖子缩短,又恢复成冰雪可爱的女孩儿,摇着手上的金环和锁链蹦蹦跳跳,道:“我怕了你家大人,但是我也未必要帮你。老秃驴说的没错,你救我出来,我就要去作恶,就要去吃人,祸祸生灵!我为什么要帮你去救人?我走啦”Itturns aroundthento walk, the chainscrash-bangmakes noise.
它转身便走,锁链哗啦啦作响。Qin Musaidsuddenly: „Maiden Wu, the Buddhismsaid that puts downbutcher knifeverticalto achieve Buddhahood, these wordssomeare too improper, do not have the division of good and evil, incredible. However, youhelpedmeput down the imprisoned lake, has rescued the innumerablelives under river, wasyourKarmic Virtue, was bigger than muchKarmic VirtuethatCopper Buddha.”秦牧突然道:“吴女,佛门说放下屠刀立地成佛,这句话有些太苟且,没有善恶之分,不足为信。不过,你帮我平了堰塞湖,救了江下的无数生灵,就是你的功德,比那尊铜佛要大得多的功德。”Maiden Wustops the footsteps, the headtwistsbehind, curiousis listening.吴女停下脚步,脑袋拧到身后,好奇的听着。Qin Mucontinues saying: „Saves othersalong withme, yourmeritKarmic Virtuesuppressing your Copper Buddhais higher, is higher thanhundredtimes! Next timeyouwill meetthatCopper Buddhaagain, does he have a faceto suppressyou?”秦牧继续道:“随我救人,你的功劳功德比镇压你的那尊铜佛还要高,高出百倍!下次你再遇到那尊铜佛,他还有脸镇压你吗?”
The Maiden Wusidehead, thinks,titteredsays with a smile: „Calculates that yousaidrational, Ihelpyouthenam. hēi hēi, Old Baldy Monkis hypocritical, ate the persontooto say the matterwithme, the suppression of righteousnesswordsI, said that mustmakethistorrentialriver waterscrubmysin. Itoldhim, Iatepersonnot to divide the good and evil, was onlyIwas hungry, needsto eat meal, had the ricelikeyourpeople, ate the chicken, ate the vegetablesto be the same, hungrymusteat.”吴女侧头,想了想,噗嗤笑道:“算你说得有理,我帮你便是。嘿嘿,老秃驴假仁假义,拿我吃人太多说事,义正言辞的镇压我,说要让这滔滔江水洗刷我的罪孽。我告诉他,我吃人不分善恶,只是我饿了,需要吃饭而已,就像你们人吃米饭,吃鸡肉,吃蔬菜一样,饿了就要吃。”Itlooked at the river course of belowjamming, said: „Iandthesedo not have the sentimentby the person who Ieat, thereforeregards the foodthem, you and vegetablesricedo not have the sentiment, must therefore have the vegetablesrice. Baldy Monksaid that myfallacies and absurdities, suppressedme. Hedoeswell, thereforeIeat the personinhistemple, makeshimnot haveKarmic Virtue! However, ifmyKarmic Virtuestillabovehim, looked how healsohas a faceto suppressme! Un, the ice of thisriver courseare too many, ifmyspirit armamentalso, but can also puncture, myspirit armamenthad been taken awaybyBaldy Monk......”
铮Qin Mustimulates to movementJunior Protector Sword, using qi to control sword, stops up the canyon the icetideto cutto, shouted: „Maiden Wu, youhelpme!”秦牧催动少保剑,以气御剑,向下方堵住峡谷的冰潮斩去,喝道:“吴女,你来助我!”„This does cut off the sword of chains?”
“这口斩断锁链的剑?”Maiden Wueyeonebright, immediatelyappears the true body, centipedemove together, turns over/stands upto leap the cliff, Qin Mujumpsto jump down, fallsonitscarrying on the back, thiscentipedewhite bonescentipedefrom the skyflies, centipedemove together, the bodywinds, carriesQin Muto directly soar the crowdicetideto go.吴女眼睛一亮,立刻现出真身,百足齐动,一翻身跃下山崖,秦牧纵身跳下,落在它的背上,这头百足白骨蜈蚣在空中飞行,百足齐动,身躯蜿蜒,载着秦牧直奔拥堵的冰潮而去。„Cuts!”
“斩!”Qin Muexplodesdrinks, Junior Protector Swordwelcomed the icetideto cut, at the same time the Maiden Wuopens the mouthspat, terrifyingmonsterorigin qiran out, emergedinJunior Protector Swordcrazily.秦牧爆喝,少保剑迎着冰潮斩下,与此同时吴女张口一吐,恐怖的妖元气冲出,疯狂涌入少保剑之中。ThisJunior Protector Swordinflatessuddenly, the swordlonghundred zhang (333 m), cutsto fallto the icetide!
这口少保剑突然间膨胀开来,剑长百丈,向冰潮斩落!Ices the tideto be getting higher and higher, has the river water that the floating icewas welled upto deliver to the ice damunceasingly, making the ice damhigher , to continue to accumulatelike this, definitelywill turn into the catastrophe of Surging Riverboth bankslife!
冰潮越来越高,不断有浮冰被涌来的江水送到冰坝上面,让冰坝变得更高,继续这样积累下去,必然会变成涌江两岸生灵的一场浩劫!Junior Protector Swordfrom out of the blue, the swordblade edgeplace visited, the airwas cut open, formsboth sidesair/Qiwall, the naked eyeobvious, thenthishundred zhang (333 m)greatswordcutsto fallon the ice dam, is similar tocuts the bean curdto be ordinary, a swordcuts.少保剑破空,剑刃所过之处,空气被切开,形成两面气墙,肉眼可见,接着这百丈巨剑斩落在冰坝上,如同切豆腐一般,一剑切到底。„It is not good!”
The Maiden Wucomplexionbig change, is wantingdiving posture, alreadywaswithout enough time, thatice damby the xiongSurging Riverwater impingement, the avalanche, the innumerableice sludgeis being extrudedby the xiongSurging Riverwaterimmediatelytotheircoverto come!吴女脸色大变,正欲飞身而起,已然是来不及了,那冰坝被汹涌江水冲击,立刻崩塌,无数碎冰被汹涌江水挤压着向他们盖来!Thisscene, clearlyis the total destruction.
这种场面,分明是灭顶之灾。Ice dam of thatcollapsehas not pressedonthem, the hurricanehas then pressedthemfromairbornefalling, Maiden Wufliesstrongly, wantsto escape, butalready the collapsedice dam and river waterovertake.
The innumerableice sludgesnap, the Qin Musuddencheekshurt, was touched and gone the cheeksby the ice sludge, brokeone.
无数碎冰乱射,秦牧突然脸颊一疼,被碎冰擦过脸颊,破了一块。Hisorigin qiis vigorous, the defensive poweris greatly strengthened, canbe beaten severelyby the violentape not injured, however the speed of ice pieceis too fast, caninjureto arrive athimunexpectedly, ifit can be imaginedwere pressedby the ice damon the body, canbe the what kind ofbad risk.
他元气雄浑,防御力极强,可以被暴猿痛打而不受伤,但是冰块的速度太快,竟然能伤到他,可想而知若是被冰坝压在身上,会是何等凶险。Maiden Wucarrieshimto dash about wildly, the sideevery large or smallice piece and turbulentwater sprayhowlfromtheirside, then the hurricanetogether with the ice sludgeandmonstrous wavesstrikingmaliciouslyonthem, flies this person of strangeracket!吴女载着他狂奔,身边大大小小的冰块和汹涌水浪从他们身边呼啸而过,接着飓风连同碎冰和巨浪狠狠的拍击在他们身上,将这一人一怪拍飞!Bangbang.
嘭嘭。On the oppositeclifftransmitstwodull thumping sounds, crushed stonecollapse and fly away, Qin MuandMaiden Wupasteson the cliff, mountsin the cliff wall, pastes„ten”character, pastesonestring„jade tablet”character.
对面的山崖上传来两声闷响,碎石崩飞,秦牧和吴女贴在山崖上,镶嵌在崖壁中,一个贴成“十”字,一个贴成一串“圭”字。Then, the ear-piercingswordhowltransmits, Qin Muhears the swordhowlthennot to knowright, thisswordhowlclearlytooneself!
然后,刺耳的剑啸声传来,秦牧听到剑啸声便知道不对,这剑啸声分明是冲着自己而来!Hesplits the both legshastily, onlylistens toone that ding, Junior Protector Swordnearlyto insertonhisthigh.
呼Qin Mulongbreathed a sigh of relief, nowheturned intoone„too”character, Junior Protector Swordalsohadhalffoottohisbody.秦牧长长舒了口气,现在他变成了一个“太”字,少保剑离他的身体还有半尺。Hisside, the bigmonsterpuffs and blowshas smiled, Qin Mucannot help buthas also smiled, a person of strangelaughteris getting bigger and bigger, resounds throughthispiece of canyon.
他的旁边,大妖怪吭哧吭哧的笑了起来,秦牧也不由得笑了,一人一怪的笑声越来越大,响彻这片峡谷。Underthem, the river waterhowlsgalloping, a crisiswas defusedto the strangecombinationbytheirthis.
他们下方,江水呼啸奔腾,一场危机被他们这对奇怪的组合化解。After a while, Qin MuandchangesXian Qing’erMaiden Wuto siton the cliff, two peopleto face upwardinverted/fall, both handscounter-braceground, looks at the blue sky of top of the headbackward, in the heart a tranquility.
过了不久,秦牧和变化成仙清儿的吴女坐在峭壁上,两人向后仰倒,双手反撑地面,看着头顶的蓝天白云,心中一片宁静。„Who that is Copper Buddha?”Qin Muasked.
“那个铜佛是什么人?”秦牧问道。„Small Thunderclap Monastery, is the different kindbecomes enlightened, withmesameis the monsters.”
“小雷音寺的,是异类成道,与我一样都是妖怪。”Maiden Wuis shakinggolden ring on foot, said: „It is saidSmall Thunderclap MonasteryPatriarchdid obeisanceinto the Buddhism, has become the Great Thunderclap Monasterydisciple, afterwardrevoltedGreat Thunderclap Monastery, establishedSmall Thunderclap Monastery, proclaimingisSmall Rulai. Hearsis compellednot to have the footholdbyGreat Thunderclap MonasteryRulai, thisentersGreat Ruins, moved to Small Thunderclap MonasteryGreat Ruins. All previousmanagement of Small Thunderclap Monastery, withmysamemonster, butsaysSmall Rulai. Suppressesmein the ancient temple, isSmall Thunderclap Monasterythisfirst generationSmall Rulai. Youhave cut offhischains, releasesme, hēi hēi, hadyourgoodfruitto eat!”吴女晃着脚上的金环,道:“据说小雷音寺的祖师原本拜入佛门,成了大雷音寺的弟子,后来叛出了大雷音寺,创立了小雷音寺,自封为小如来。听闻被大雷音寺的如来逼得没有立足之地,这才进入大墟,将小雷音寺也搬到大墟中来了。小雷音寺的历代主持,都是和我一样的妖怪,但自称小如来。将我镇压在古庙里的,就是小雷音寺这一代的小如来。你斩断了他的锁链,将我释放,嘿嘿,有你的好果子吃了!”„Small Thunderclap Monastery? Small Rulai?”
“小雷音寺?小如来?”Qin Muis startledhowever: „ThisSmall Thunderclap Monastery, inGreat Ruins?”秦牧怔然:“这个小雷音寺,就在大墟之中?”„Thisisnatural. The monstermonkis not rare. The Small Thunderclap Monasterymonkis small, having a grudgemustreport, let aloneistheirSmall Rulai?”
“这是自然。妖怪和尚并不少见。小雷音寺的和尚小气得很,有仇必报,更何况是他们的小如来?”Maiden Wueatsto say with a smile: „BythisoldBaldy Monktemper, can definitely askyouto do accounts!”吴女吃吃笑道:“以这老贼秃的性子,肯定会来找你算账!”Suddenly, onlylistens tooneto shout angrilyto transmit, saidfierce: „As the person, unexpectedlywitheatingevil spirit of personis a companion, todayourmaster and discipleseveralpeoplelooked likewant the exorcize demonsto defend traditional moral principles!”
突然,只听一声怒喝传来,厉声道:“身为人,竟然与吃人的妖精为伍,今日我们师徒几人看来是要降魔卫道了!”Qin Mulooks,sees onlyseveralDaoistto walk, has the maleto have the female, elderly, severalyoungmen and women, thatoldtaoist priestis awe-inspiring, butthatseveralyoungmen and womenreveal the excitedcolor/look, obviouslyis the outsideentersinGreat Ruinsto gain experienceexpert.秦牧看去,只见几个道人走来,有男有女,一个老者,几个年轻男女,那老道士正气凛然,而那几个年轻男女则露出兴奋之色,显然是外界进入大墟中历练的强者。„SeveralDaoist priests, Ijustdefused a crisiswiththisevil spirit, has put downthisimprisoned lake, saves the downstreaminnumerablelives.”
“几位道长,我与这妖精刚刚化解了一场危机,平了这堰塞湖,拯救下游无数性命。”Qin Musets out, saidwith deep veneration: „Thisevil spiritlife-savingare countless, is not......”秦牧起身,肃然道:“这妖精救人无数,并非是……”„Shut up, abandons the people!”
“住口,弃民!”Thatoldtaoist priesthas a strong sense of righteousness, saidfierce: „Colludes withevil spirit , helping an evildoer do evil, damn! Todayoneandremovesyou! Disciples, set up formation, subdue monsters and eliminate demons!”
那老道士大义凛然,厉声道:“勾结妖精,为虎作伥,更加该死!今日一并将你们除掉!众弟子,布阵,降妖除魔!”„Iwas hungry.”Qin Mulittle girlhas licked the redlip, saidtohim.
“我饿了。”秦牧身边的小女孩舔了舔红唇,向他道。„Somepersonmight as wellmonsters.”
The Qin Muinterest is waning, jumpsto jump downfrom the river, crashes into belowSurging River, the soundconveys: „Maiden Wu, Ireleaseyoutoday, youwere free!”秦牧意兴阑珊,从江上纵身跳下,坠入下方的涌江之中,声音传来:“吴女,我今日将你释放,你自由了!”Hefalls into the river, treadswaveto go.
他落入江中,踏波而去。Buton the canyontransmitssad and shrillpitiful yells, Maiden Wuappears the primary form, slaughters, in a while, thisevil spiriteats to the full, sendsdashes about wildlyfully, thensoars, windsto walk randomlyin the midair, entersin the cloudsto vanishdoes not see.
而峡谷上传来一声声凄厉的惨叫,吴女现出原形,大开杀戒,没过多久,这头妖精吃饱,发足狂奔,然后腾空而起,在半空中蜿蜒游走,进入云朵之中消失不见。„The Cowherdkid, weare predestined friendssay goodbye”thatmonstercloudto overtakeQin Mu, the monsterhear the Maiden Wucryin the clouds, then the monstercloudgoes far away.
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