„Thissayingis right, is not right.”
“这话对,也不对。”General Qinsaid with a smile: „HowGreat Ruinscomes was unable to research, butmyEternal Peace Empirefounded a nationin the pasttimeobtainedDivine Decree, inDivine Decreesaid that Great RuinsisGod Abandoned Land, makingthesePeople Abandoned by GodkeepGreat Ruins, can not come out, ifthere isabandonedpeopleto come out, executes summarily. I heard that various countriesbesidesEternal Peace EmpirealsoobtainedsimilarDivine Decree. LifeheremayincessantlybeGreat Ruinsindigenous, but alsosomewhathas no way out the ferociouspersonalsoto chooseto enterGreat Ruinsto seek asylum. In my opinion, thesepeopleare more dangerous than the Great Ruinsabandonedpeople!”秦将军笑道:“大墟是怎么来的已经无从考证,不过我延康国当年建国的时候得到了神谕,神谕中说大墟是神弃之地,让那些神之弃民留在大墟,不得出来,如果有弃民出来,格杀勿论。听说,除了延康国之外各国也都得到了类似的神谕。只是生活在这里的可不止是大墟的土著,还有些走投无路穷凶极恶之人也会选择进入大墟避难。依我看来,这些人比大墟的弃民还要危险!”Seventh Young Mastersaidcuriously: „Iin the border passnoticed that hascaravanto pass and outGreat Ruins, whymy can Eternal Peace Empirealsodo businesswithGreat Ruinshereabandonedpeople?”七公子好奇道:“我在边关看到有商队进出大墟,我延康国为何还要与大墟这里的弃民做生意?”„Young Masterhasnot to know, althoughGreat Ruinsis barren, but the productis rich, heavenly material earthly treasureis innumerable, weonlyneed the basic kitchen necessitiesthis not the valuablethingsthento tradeheavenly material earthly treasure, preciousanimal skin, why not?”
“公子有所不知,大墟虽然贫瘠,但是物产丰富,天材地宝数不胜数,我们只需用油盐酱醋这等不值钱的东西便可以换来天材地宝,珍贵兽皮,何乐而不为?”General Qinsaid: „Border passtheseyearshelp supply each otherwithGreat Ruins, have gaineddid not knowmanywealth, the subsidymilitary, thisletsmyEternal Peace Empirewell-trained and equipped army, by farother country.”秦将军道:“边关这些年来与大墟互通有无,已经赚了不知多少钱财,补贴军用,这才让我延康国兵强马壮,远胜他国。”Seventh Young Masterasked: „Ifthere isGreat Ruinsabandonedpeopleto mixto enter the pass, to be wonderful?”七公子问道:“万一有大墟的弃民混入关,岂不是不妙?”„In the pastandDivine Decreehanded downtogether, severaltreasures, calledInspection Mirror, was hanginginleading toEternal Peacethatseveralstrategic passes, so long aswere the Great Ruinsabandonedpeople, the thenregardedvitriteleaves. Imperial Preceptorguessed,abandons the peopleprobablyto havewithourdifferentblood relationships, butheinspectshas abandoned the body of people, the discoveryhas not hadanydifference.”
“当年与神谕一起传下的,还有几件宝物,叫做视镜,就悬挂在通往延康的那几座雄关上,只要是大墟的弃民,便会被视镜照出。国师猜测,弃民可能拥有与我们不同的血统,只是他检查过弃民的身体,并未发现有什么不同。”General Qinsaid with a smile: „Every yearthatseveralstrategic passesmustholdwantto run intomyEternal Peacedemonpeople, someexecute, somewhatwas escorted to the mineto mine, canlive1-2 years is good.”秦将军笑道:“每年那几座雄关都要抓住许多想要逃入我延康的魔民,有些就地处死,也有些被送往矿山挖矿,能够活个一两年便算是不错了。”
The large shipdrivesgraduallyfar, Qin Mustandson the cliff, said: „Thatpersonquitefierce, eyesightis greatly strengthened, no wonder the agenon-bowel movementcanbe the general! Hedraws upSurging Rivergeographic map, does the Eternal Peace Empireplanresort to armstoGreat Ruins?”
楼船渐渐驶远,秦牧站在山崖上,赞道:“那人好厉害,目力极强,难怪年纪不大便可以做将军!他绘制涌江地理图,难道延康国打算对大墟用兵吗?”Inhisheartis somewhat strange, Great Ruinsobviouslyis very barrenplace, everywhereis the bad risk, wheneverSunwill setwill then have the darknessattack, hewill resort to armstoGreat RuinstoEternal Peace Empiredoes not favor.
他心中有些奇怪,大墟明明是很贫瘠的地方,到处都是凶险,而且每当太阳落山便会有黑暗侵袭,他对延康国对大墟用兵并不看好。Few that if the Eternal Peace Empirearmycomes, but alsoinsufficientGreat Ruinsvariant beastfills the gap between teeth, many of ifcoming, whenthat the nightfalls, where can thesesoldiershide?延康国的军队倘若来的少,还不够大墟的异兽塞牙缝,倘若来的多,那么等到夜幕降临,这些士兵能躲在哪里?Because the Great Ruinsdanger and bad risk are too really many, causingnobody to ruleGreat Ruins.
因为大墟的危险和凶险实在太多,导致没有什么人能够统治大墟。Eternal Peace Empireis also inadequate.延康国也不成。If the Eternal Peace Empireinvasion, maliciouslywill only come a bigcropper!
倘若延康国入侵,只会狠狠栽个大跟头!Suddenly, Qin Muawakes the incident, quickly said: „Big fella, youreturn toDoom Suppression Palaceimmediately, ruins the Great Ruinsmap on wall!”
突然,秦牧醒起一事,连忙道:“大个子,你立刻回到镇央宫,将墙壁上的大墟地图毁掉!”Devil Apesets out, works onDragon Elephant, has roared a throat, jumpscarries on the backtoDragon Elephant, Dragon Elephantdashes about wildlyto goimmediately.魔猿起身,抓起龙象,吼了一嗓子,跳到龙象背上,龙象立刻狂奔而去。„Eternal Peace Empirestartedto surveySurging Rivergeographic map, ifsoughtthatmap in Doom Suppression Palace, for themwaseven more powerful.”Qin Mufacial colorcloudyclearuncertain, heartsaid.
“延康国已经开始测绘涌江地理图,万一寻到了镇央宫中的那幅地图,对他们来说就是如虎添翼。”秦牧面色阴晴不定,心道。Ruins the map, althoughwas a pityvery much, buthedeeplyhas written down the mindGreat Ruinsgeographic map, will not forget.
毁掉地图虽然很可惜,但是他已经将大墟的地理图深深记入脑海,不会忘记。In a while, the surface of the riversuddenlybecomespale red, Qin Muis startledslightly, looksto the upstream,sees only the river water that wells up the downstreambe redder than!
没过多久,江面突然变得淡红,秦牧微微一怔,向上游看去,只见涌来的江水要比下游还要红!„Young Master, in the riverhascorpse!”Hu Ling'erstartledcalled outsuddenly.
“公子,江上有尸体!”狐灵儿突然惊叫道。Qin Mualsosawthatcorpse, has not actually disclosed that helooksto the upstream,morecorpsesfloattohere. Underwaterhas the bigfish, River Beast, at this momentin the water surfacesurges, throwspiece by piecewater splash, seizes the chanceto eatthesecorpses, is very lively.秦牧也看到了那具尸体,却没有声张,他向上游看去,更多的尸体向这边飘来。水下有大鱼,江兽,此刻在水面翻腾,扑起一片片水花,趁机吃着这些尸体,很是热闹。Qin MuHeaven's Eyeopens, saw that in the waterups and downs a face of uncertainhead, the bodyslightly shakes, thesecorpses, formerlyafter the Green Cloud Valleythesehurrying alongguest!秦牧神霄天眼开启,看到水中沉浮不定的一颗头颅的面孔,身躯微震,这些尸体,正是先前经过翠云谷的那些赶路客!
The river wateris torrential, the blood-colorwas redder, evencontinuallyfloating icealsoincarnadine.
江水滔滔,血色更红了,甚至连浮冰也被染红。Thisis not110corpsesthencanachieve!
这不是110具尸体便能做到的!Surging Riveris very big, the widthamounts to more than tenmiles, the appearance of the wateris rapid, 110people of blooddye not redSurging River.涌江很大,宽达十余里,水势湍急,110人的鲜血染不红涌江。
The Qin Mu'slookstiffens, hesawwells up the corpsetide that from the upstream!秦牧的神色僵住,他看到了从上游涌下来的尸潮!Incessantlyiscorpsetide, is more than thousandcorpsesmixes the icecorpsetide that floating iceare forming!
不止是尸潮,是千余具尸体混着一块块浮冰形成的冰尸潮!Thesepeoplewantto comeambushexpert of thatgeneral, the quantityis extremely numerous, goes to the Surging Riverupstreamin turn, plans the set up formationambush, butwas actually cutto killbythatgeneral!
这些人想来都是伏击那位将军的强者,数量极多,分批前往涌江上游,打算布阵埋伏,但是却被那位将军斩杀!Forms the icecorpsetide, thisexplained that the deaths of thesepeople were almost the matters that the same timehad!
形成冰尸潮,这说明这些人的死亡几乎是同一时间发生的事!Theydiedalmost at the same time, bythatexpert on generalorlarge shipcutsto kill!
他们几乎在同时死亡,被那位将军或者楼船上的强者斩杀!Qin Mucalmed down, heis the first timesees the sofrigidscene, when hischildhoodfollowsGrandma Sito go tooutside the villageto receiveactuallymeets the scene in slaughtervillage more frigid than!秦牧定了定神,他还是头一次看到如此惨烈的场面,比他幼年时跟随司婆婆去外村接生却遇到屠村的场面还要惨烈!In the past, hewas frightenedsouldeparts from the body, had been graspedbyGrandma Si, nowhefreelyisMartial Practitioner, butsaw that thissceneor the soulvacillated.
The Eternal Peaceyounggeneralis so formidable, suchruthlessspicy, if the Eternal Peacecavalryarrives atGreat Ruins, will have the howbig impact on thiswildlands?延康的小将军这么强大,这么狠辣,倘若延康的铁骑来到大墟,会给这片蛮荒的土地造成多么大的冲击?Qin Mushook the head, drives outuneasy, saidtoHu Ling'er: „These daysdo not exitto drink, making your sistersalsomore law-abiding, do not go out.”秦牧晃了晃头,将不安感赶出去,向狐灵儿道:“这些日子你不要出去喝酒了,让你的那些姐妹也安分一些,不要外出。”Hu Ling'ernodsagain and again.狐灵儿连连点头。Althoughsheis the monster, but the presentscenealsodauntedher.
她虽然是妖,但眼前的场面也将她吓住了。„Ling’er, yougo backto seekyoursistersfirst, Ihave a look, so as to avoidthesecorpsestacksformthousandcorpseimprisoned lakes!”
“灵儿,你先回去寻你那些姐妹,我下去看看,免得这些尸体堆积形成千尸堰塞湖!”Qin Musaid that jumps, rushesalong the cliff walltobelowsurface of the river, thentreads the riverto go.秦牧说罢纵身而下,沿着崖壁一路奔到下方的江面,而后踏江而去。Thesecorpsestackfloating ice, the place visited, morefloating iceclings, continuallywill well upto the downstream. Qin Muovertakes the icecorpsetidequickly, sees only the icecorpsetideto be getting bigger and bigger, the ice piece and ice piecehit, kā chākā chāmakes noise, thesecorpseswere extruded the stump residual limbto break the armby the ice piece, flutterson the ice piece.
那些尸体堆积浮冰,所过之处,将更多的浮冰卷住,不断向下游涌去。秦牧很快追上冰尸潮,只见冰尸潮越来越大,冰块与冰块撞击,咔嚓咔嚓作响,那些尸体则被冰块挤压成残肢断臂,飘在冰块上。Hisrunningdozensmiles, the floating ice on surface of the riverhas formed the icebergalong the river, is hangingremnantcorpses, is very the terrifying.
他沿江奔行数十里,江面上的浮冰已经形成了冰山,挂着一具具残尸,很是恐怖。Ices the tide and icebergsinksmore and more, is getting higher and higher, the migrationis slow, is also stopped upincluding the river water that continuallywells up, the followingsurface of the riveris getting higher and higher.
冰潮和冰山越来越沉,越来越高,移动缓慢,连不断涌来的江水也被堵住了,后面的江面越来越高。Qin Muknits the brows, nowSurging Riverdirects current, the oasis when Maiden Wuwas, thereSurging Riverchanges, the floating icewill unable to passwill stop up there, will turn into the imprisoned lake, the river watermoreproductmoremuch, the floating icealsomoreproductmoremuch, finallywill reach as high as the hundred zhang (333 m)will pile up there!秦牧皱眉,现在涌江还是直流,待到了吴女所在的绿洲,那里涌江转向,浮冰过不去就会堵在那里,变成堰塞湖,江水会越积越多,浮冰也会越积越多,最终会高达百丈堆积在那里!Whencannot withstandto the icemoisticeberg, thenmeets the avalancheto be stave, the bigfloodwill sweep acrossall, embezzlesallalong the way, regardless of the human and animals, will be whirled awayby the bigflood!
The Great Ruinsvillageconstructsin the waterfront, facilitatesto pass through, if the flooderupts, does not know that many villagesmeet with a disaster!大墟的村庄很多都是建在江边,方便通行,倘若洪水爆发,不知有多少村庄遭殃!„PerhapsGrandma Sitheyin the downstreamopeningriver water, have not known that herewill soon form the imprisoned lake, in the villageonlyremainingVillage Chiefpeople, move about with difficulty, but alsowhocanhelpmesolve the icetide?”
“司婆婆他们还在下游疏通江水,恐怕还不知道这里即将形成堰塞湖,村里只剩下村长一人,行动不便,还有谁能帮我解决冰潮?”Qin Muthinkswith hardship, ices the tideto usefromDisabled Elderly Village, the ice piecehitmakes the kā chākā chāsound. Byhisstrength, is unable to solve the icetide.秦牧苦苦思索,冰潮已经从残老村旁边用过,冰块撞击发出咔嚓咔嚓的声响。以他的实力,根本无法解决冰潮。
The village, Village Chiefcalm, stares the bigeyeto look that suddenlyQin Mu and icetiderolls bybefore the village, shakes the headto say with a smile: „Thismixes the boy, mustdeliberately create trouble......”
村口,村长老神在在,突然瞪大眼睛看着秦牧和冰潮从村前驶过,摇头笑道:“这混小子,又要胡闹……”Because of the icetidejamming, the river waterhas soon inundatednearhisfoot, inthis time, Village Chiefbreakslocation of origin qilegto gush out, changes totwolegs and feet, takes a stepto move towardairborne, sat, looks outQin Mu.
因为冰潮堵塞,江水已经快要漫到他的脚边,就在此时,村长断腿之处元气涌出,化作两条腿脚,迈步走向空中,坐了下来,遥望秦牧。Thisleg and footisorigin qi, looks likedoes not havewhatdifferencewith the realleg and foot, hisorigin qidiverges, the leg and footwill also vanish.
这腿脚是元气所化,看起来与真实的腿脚没有什么区别,他的元气散去,腿脚也会消失。„Was, looksMaiden Wu!”
“是了,去找吴女!”Onsurface of the river, Qin Mueyeonebright, immediately the footstepsspeed up, verticaljumpson the surface of the riveragain and again, jumps onto an iceberg, thenleapsfuriously, charges into the front, will ice the tideto cast asideatbehind the hurricanegoes.
江面上,秦牧眼睛一亮,立刻脚步加快,在江面上连连纵跳,跃上一座冰山,然后奋力一跃,冲向前方,将冰潮撇在身后狂飙而去。Hedashes about wildlyrapidly, after a whilefinallyarrives at the oasis of middle, the oasisis similar to the isolated island, in the island is a temple, insidesuppressesMaiden WuthisOld Monsterto be strange.
他飞速狂奔,过了不久终于来到江心的绿洲,绿洲如同孤岛,岛上便是一座庙宇,里面镇压着吴女这头老妖怪。AmongQin Museveralmounts the oasis, before rushing to the ruinedtemple, rusheddirectly.秦牧几步之间登上绿洲,冲到破败的庙宇前,直接闯了进去。In the temple, is be bored to death gripping the little girls of threebraidsis shaking the foot, waited for that the preydelivers, sawQin Muto clash, the personal enemymetparticularlyis jealous, but the little girlactuallyimmediatelyjumps downfrom the finger citron, drillsto the image of Buddhabehind, was staring the eye of hostilitystubbornlywas staring atQin Mu.
庙中,扎着三根辫子的小女孩正在百无聊赖的晃着脚丫,等待猎物送上门来,见到秦牧冲了进来,正所谓仇人见面分外眼红,而小女孩却立刻从佛手上跳下,钻到佛像背后,瞪着仇视的眼睛死死的盯着秦牧。„Maiden Wu, Iam harmless!”
“吴女,我并无恶意!”Qin Musaidrapidly: „Iced the tide to come here, Ineededyouto help, to crush the icetide!”秦牧飞速道:“冰潮就要来到这里了,我需要你帮忙,击碎冰潮!”
The little girlwalkedfrom the image of Buddha, jumpsto the finger citronon, the interestlacks saying: „Does not have the interest. Thisicetidehasevery year, herehas the image of Buddhaprotection, ices the tidenot to floodhere.”
The Qin Muvisionflashes, said: „Icancut offyourchains, savesyouto get out of trouble!”秦牧目光闪动,道:“我可以斩断你的锁链,救你脱困!”Maiden Wueyeonebright, is immediately dim, shakes the head saying: „Tradesto bethatseveralelders in your familyto come, but can also cut off the chains, youare not good.”吴女眼睛一亮,随即又黯淡下来,摇头道:“换做你家里的那几个长辈来,还能斩断锁链,你不行。”Qin Muorigin qiruns out, curls upbackJunior Protector Sword, andrefers tocutting!秦牧元气冲出,卷起背后的少保剑,并指斩下!When
A loud soundtransmits, locks in the chains of big buddhawhole bodyto be cuttogether the deepfissureimmediately. Mentionedalsostrangely, the fissure of thatchainswas healingunexpectedlyautomatically.
一声巨响传来,锁住大佛周身的一条锁链顿时被斩出一道深深的裂痕。说来也怪,那锁链的裂痕竟然在自动愈合。Qin Murashly, stirsorigin qi, wields a swordto cutagain!秦牧不由分说,鼓荡元气,挥剑再斩!dang, dang, dang, a series ofclearsoundsconvey, the quickchainscut offbyQin Mu!当、当、当,一连串清脆的声音传来,很快一条锁链被秦牧生生斩断!Maiden Wustayed, in the heartis pleasantly surprised, actuallyinthis time, thatCopper Buddhasuddenlyopens the eye, the soundlike the thunder, shouted: „Evil creature, youdareto go badmycultivation, goes badmyKarmic Virtue?”吴女呆了呆,心中又惊又喜,却在此时,那铜佛突然张开眼睛,声音如雷,喝道:“孽障,你胆敢坏我修行,坏我功德?”UnderTales of Herding Godsnew booklist, bookfriends, todayTales of Herding Godsnotinlist, whethercanover, on the recommendationticket of entirereadingfriends, otherwiseTales of Herding Godswill be buriedin the boundlessbooks. Asked the recommendationticket!牧神记下新书榜啦,书友们,今天牧神记就不在榜单上了,是否能够出头,就全看书友们的推荐票了,否则牧神记就会被埋没在茫茫书海中了。求推荐票!
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