Qin Muas ifearlyhas a material, a handholdsKhakkharamonk staff, makes an effortto brandishtogether withmonk staffDevil Apetogether, poundsmaliciouslyon the ground, anotherhandfive fingersgradingspring, dāng dāng dāngconsecutivelysixexplosives, Hu Ling'erorigin qi the sickleballis broken.秦牧似乎早有所料,一只手抓住隙弃罗禅杖,用力将魔猿连同禅杖一起抡起,狠狠砸在地上,另一只手五指次第弹出,当当当连续六声爆响,将狐灵儿的元气所化的弯刀弹碎。„Raises”
“昂”Dragon Elephantfourcatch upsuddenlyfully, resistsDevil Ape and Hu Ling'erneutral gearwhileQin Mulowers the headtoQin Muto/clashes, banghitsto flyQin Mu!龙象突然四足发力,趁着秦牧对抗魔猿和狐灵儿的空档低头向秦牧冲来,轰隆一声将秦牧撞飞!ThatDragon Elephanthitsto fly the Qin Mu'sflash, the noselengthenssuddenly, the clingis inQin Mu in midair, has pulledhim, the nosebrandishes, puts one's foot downQin Muoninsertsin the earth.
那龙象撞飞秦牧的一刹那,鼻子突然变长,卷住身在半空中的秦牧,将他扯了回来,鼻子抡起,将秦牧头下脚上插入大地之中。ThatDragon Elephantpulls outfrom the placeQin Mu, preparesto poundagainonetime, suddenly the Qin Muleg techniquechange, kicks out of the way the trunk, the consecutively110feetkickon the face of Dragon Elephant, kicksthiscolossus.
那龙象将秦牧从地里拔出来,准备再砸一次,突然秦牧腿法变化,踢开象鼻,连续110脚踢在龙象的脸上,将这头庞然大物踢飞出去。„Little Guy, lies!”
The Devil ApemajesticincomparablebodyAzure Dragonwinding, will kick just a Qin Mupalm of Dragon Elephantto coveron the ground, Devil Aperoars, is thick and strongshortleglifts, steps onwickedlytoQin Mu!魔猿雄壮无比的身躯青龙缠绕,将刚刚踢飞龙象的秦牧一掌盖在地上,魔猿咆哮,又粗又壮的短腿抬起,向秦牧恶狠狠踩下!CrippleHeaven Pilfering Leg Technique, Trampling Mt. Xumi!瘸子的偷天腿法,踏破须弥山!Was poundedimmediatelyliesQin Muingroundturns over/stands up, single legstands, bodyandgroundparallel, anotherlegwelcomed the Devil Apebigfoot.
The style that heputs forthsimilarlyisTrampling Mt. Xumi, is only the movechangeis quite optional, is nonstandard, but the mightsimilarlyis astonishing!
他使出的招式同样是踏破须弥山,只是招法变化比较随意,并不标准,但是威力却同样惊人!Devil Apestuffysnorted, staggers the retreat, immediatelyworks onDragon Elephanttail, brandishedthisgiant beastgot upto pound downtoQin Mu. MeanwhileHu Ling'ertailshakes, the sound of the windhowls, sicklescomefrom out of the blue, crazyrotation of sickleinairbornelikewheel, to the Qin Mudetachment!魔猿闷哼一声,踉跄后退,随即抓起龙象的尾巴,将这头巨兽抡了起来向秦牧砸下。与此同时狐灵儿尾巴摇动,风声呼啸,一口口弯刀破空而来,弯刀在空中像车轮一样疯狂转动,向秦牧劈去!Suddenly, sacsaoul the sound of out of the bluetransmits, in the Qin Muheartmoves slightly, avoids the attack of Hu Ling'erandDevil Apehurriedly, following the soundlooks,sees only the men and women who 110wear the mail-armor and helmetverticalto leapin the wooded mountainssuch asflies, hurries to the Surging Riverupstream.
突然,梭梭的破空声传来,秦牧心中微动,急忙避开狐灵儿和魔猿的攻击,循声看去,只见110个身穿甲胄的男女在山林间纵跃如飞,向涌江上游赶去。AndseveralpeoplealsonoteQin Mu, immediatelystops, looks around, a manlooked atQin MuandDevil ApeandWhite Fox, is surprised the different way: „Hunter?”
其中几人也注意到秦牧,立刻停顿下来,张望一下,一位男子看了看秦牧和魔猿、白狐,诧异道:“猎人?”„Do not be meddlesome, wewalkquickly!”
“不要多事,我们快走!”Anotherpersonsaidin a low voice: „Shipdrew near! Wemustbefore the shiparrives, tiesin the surface of the river!”
另一人低声道:“船快到了!我们须得在船到之前,在江面结阵!”„Improper? Ourwas seen the trail, the words that passes ononlyfeartousdisadvantageously......”
“不妥吧?我们被人看到踪迹,传出去的话只怕对我们不利……”„WhatinGreat Ruinsare many are lives in seclusionto shun the worldexpert that do not cause complications. Wewalkquickly, hisshipis quick, ifhas missed, is too late to regret!”
“大墟中多的是隐居避世的高手,不要节外生枝。我们快走,他的船很快,若是错过了,便悔之晚矣!”Underthatseveralhuman feetcreates an incident, speeds awayto go, vanishesin the mountain forest.
那几人脚下生风,疾驰而去,消失在山林中。In the Qin Muheartwonders, saidin a low voice: „Thesepeopleprobablyare not the people in Great Ruins, theyrush to the upstream, seems plansto ambushanyperson. Thatpersonas if must killusto eliminate a potential informanta moment ago, likelyis not the good person...... Ling’er, Big fella, youlooked, likeusuprighthonestsuffers a loss, oftenwill have been killedeliminating a potential informant.”秦牧心中纳闷,低声道:“这些人好像不是大墟中的人,他们赶往上游,似乎是打算埋伏什么人。刚才那个人似乎还要杀我们灭口,不像是好人……灵儿,大个子,你们看,像我们这样忠厚老实的就是吃亏,动不动就会被人杀了灭口。”SmallWhite Foxnodsagain and again, deeptobe so, Devil Apecurled the lip: „Letter? Ghosts!”
小白狐连连点头,深以为然,魔猿撇了撇嘴:“信?鬼!”Qin Muis just aboutto speak, suddenlyDragon Elephantrushed, hitsto flyhim. Devil Apeis angry, pressesoneto beat savagelyon the groundthisDragon Elephant, gets angry: „Rests, understands?”秦牧正要说话,突然龙象奔了过来,一头将他撞飞。魔猿大怒,将这头龙象摁在地上一顿暴打,怒道:“歇,懂?”Dragon Elephantwas hitmiserablyhowling, Qin Mualsowantsto punchits, seesDevil Apeto hitthisperson who is all brawn and no brainschanges beyond all recognition, mustrelinquish.龙象被打得惨嚎不已,秦牧原本也想揍它一顿,见魔猿将这夯货打得面目全非,只得作罢。ThisDragon Elephantisvariant beast of Doom Suppression Palacecanyonnext door, is ruling a stretch of territory, a brute force, is very uncommon. Dragon ElephantandDevil Apedo not cope, twovariant beaststartfrequently, Dragon Elephantoftenrushes toDevil Apethereto rob the wild animal, sinceQin Muhas become the feudal lord of Doom Suppression Palacecanyon, after teachingDevil Apecultivation, Dragon Elephantthenno longerwas the Devil Apematch.
这头龙象是镇央宫峡谷隔壁的异兽,也统治着一片领地,一身蛮力,很是不凡。龙象与魔猿不对付,两头异兽经常开打,龙象时常跑到魔猿那里抢夺野兽,不过自从秦牧成了镇央宫峡谷的领主,教导魔猿修行之后,龙象便不再是魔猿的对手。Devil Apevisitsto murder those who have cheated themfrequently, has hitseveralit, afterwardDragon Elephantcould not endure, the simplesurrender, had been regarded the mountbyDevil Ape, is very the power and prestige.魔猿经常上门寻仇,将它打了十几顿,后来龙象吃不消,干脆投降,被魔猿当成了坐骑,很是威风。Dragon Elephantis somewhat stupid, was inferior that Devil ApeandLittle Foxare intelligent.
The Qin Muvisionflashes, suddenlyjumps, jumps onto the waterfall, arrives on the mountain ridge, that side of mountain ridge is Surging River, is near the cliff under cliff.秦牧目光闪动,突然纵身而起,跃上瀑布,来到山岭上,山岭的那边便是涌江,临着山崖下的峭壁。
The river waterbrings the ice pieceto well up, the floating ice of surface of the riverare many, inthisseasongeneralriverdoes not have the ships.
江水带着冰块涌下,江面的浮冰还是很多,这个时节一般江上是没有船只的。Inthis time, Qin Musaw that the rivernextlarge shipdrives, the ice-breakingvanguard, the speedis quick. Swims against the stream, moreoveris going against the floating ice, reallyalsohas such quickspeed, is somewhat unthinkable.
就在此时,秦牧看到江下一艘楼船驶来,破冰前行,速度很快。逆流而上,而且顶着浮冰,竟然还有这么快的速度,有些匪夷所思。Devil Ape, Hu Ling'erandDragon Elephantalsocrawled, sits downinhisside, Devil Apecaptures a pine tree, has stroked the pine needle, delivers to front ofLittle Fox.魔猿、狐灵儿和龙象也爬了上来,在他身边坐下,魔猿拔掉一株松树,捋了把松针,送到小狐狸面前。Hu Ling'ershakes the headhastily, Devil Apesaid: „Eats, strong!”狐灵儿连忙摇头,魔猿道:“吃,壮!”Hu Ling'ersaid with a smile: „Ido not eatthis.”狐灵儿笑道:“我不吃这个。”Devil Apedelivers to front of the pine needleDragon Elephant, said: „Eats, strong!”魔猿又将松针送到龙象面前,道:“吃,壮!”Dragon Elephantshakes the head, Devil Apepressesitshead, isonebeats savagely, gets angry: „Eats!”龙象摇头,魔猿摁住它的脑袋,又是一顿暴打,怒道:“吃!”Dragon Elephanttwowith tears, eat the pine needlesilently, Devil Apeis then satisfying, sits down, leisurelyis eating the pine needle. Hu Ling'ercannot bearsay: „Big fella, do youknow? Dragon Elephant is not a vegetarian, eats the meat, italong withdragon, notalong withshape.”龙象两眼含泪,默默地吃着松针,魔猿这才满意,一屁股坐下,慢条斯理的吃着松针。狐灵儿忍不住道:“大个子,你知道吗?龙象不是吃素的,是吃肉的,它随龙性,不随象。”Dragon Elephantis movedinexplicably, nodsagain and again.龙象感动莫名,连连点头。Devil Apesneers, said: „Usually, strong! I, usually, strong!”魔猿冷笑,道:“素,壮!我,素,壮!”Dragon Elephanttearslongclass , to continue to eat the pine needle.龙象眼泪长流,继续吃着松针。Thatlarge shipcausednear, Qin Musawonimmediately the shipeverywherewas the officers who wore the mail-armor and helmet, the canopywas floating, under the canopywas a younggeneral, sitting of bold and uninhibited there.
那艘楼船使得近了,秦牧立刻看到船上到处都是身披甲胄的将士,还有华盖飘飘,华盖下是一位年轻的将军,大马金刀的坐在那里。Butin the spaciousdeckseveralartistsare also painting pictures, the front of eachartistis setting upright a bronze mirror of zhang (3.33 m)surplus.
而宽大的甲板上还有几个画师正在画画,每个画师的面前都竖着一面丈余高的铜镜。Sideseveralappearancelikelyare the officers of herdingperson, turns on the ironcageunceasingly, ingolden eagles the cagereleases for flightfrom the ship.
旁边又有几个打扮像是放牧人的将士,不断打开铁笼,将笼中一只只金雕从船上放飞出去。Qin MuopensHeaven's Eyequietly, sees onlyonthatseveralbronze mirrorsactuallyto reappearpictures, the beautiful scenery . Moreover the pictureconstantlyis also changing.秦牧悄悄开启神霄天眼,只见那几块铜镜上竟然浮现出一幅幅画面,青山绿水,而且画面还在不断变化。Suddenly the hawkwhining noisetransmits, Qin Mulooks up, sees only a golden eagleto flytheirtop of the heads.
突然鹰鸣声传来,秦牧抬头看去,只见一只金雕飞到他们的头顶。Heawakensimmediately: „The picture in bronze mirror, is the picture that inthesegolden eagleeyessees! Whatmagic technique is this? Canmake the golden eagleseeunexpectedlyto turn into the picture in mirror...... Was, theseartists were drawingSurging Rivergeographic map!”
The releasing for flightgolden eagle, the golden eagleflies the upper air, watchesSurging Rivernearbygeography, reflectsto the bronze mirror, butunderartistthenpicturethesemountainsrivers. Like thisdrives the upstreamfrom the downstream, thencandraw the Surging Riverterrainentirely.
放飞金雕,金雕飞到高空,观看涌江附近的地理,反映到铜镜中,而画师便画下这些山川河流。这样从下游驶到上游,便可以将涌江的地形统统画出。„Who are thesepeople? WhycandrawSurging Rivergeographic map? Theyplanned that whatmakeswiththisgeographic map?”
“这些人是什么人?为何要画涌江地理图?他们打算用这地理图做什么?”Qin Mublinks, is somewhat puzzled.秦牧眨眨眼睛,有些不解。But a officershalf steponthis timeshiparrives under the canopy, the singlekneekneels down, holds the doublefist saying: „General Qin, somepeoplespy on ashore!”
而在此时船上一个将士快步来到华盖下,单膝跪下,抱着双拳道:“秦将军,有人在岸上窥探!”Thatyounggeneral under canopyhas raised the eyebrow, turns the headlooks liketoQin Mu, the Qin Muheartjumps, when thatcanopy the vision under of generalmoves, as iftwoincomparablybrightraysshine, letshimat presentsnow white, anythingcannot see!
华盖下的那位年轻将军扬了扬眉毛,转头向秦牧这边看来,秦牧心头一跳,那位华盖下的将军的目光挪过来时,仿佛有两道无比明亮的光线照耀过来,让他眼前一片雪白,什么也看不见!Hu Ling'erandDevil Apealsocall out in alarm, coversownboth eyeshurriedly, only thenDragon Elephantis eating the pine needleearnestly, has not realized the difference.狐灵儿、魔猿也是惊呼,急忙捂住自己的双眼,只有龙象正在埋头吃着松针,没有察觉到异样。„Is only the waterfrontordinary villager.”
“只是江边的普通村民罢了。”ThatGeneral Qincloses the eye, closes/obsctructseyetakes a nap, said: „Cannot withstandincludingmylook, has not threatened, does not needto pay attention tothem.”
那位秦将军合上眼睛,闭目假寐,道:“连我的眼神也承受不住,没有威胁,不必理会他们。”„Yes, General!”
The officershesitate, said: „Generalsevenmonths ago presents the sovereignlife, has searched the Ministry of RitesShangshugravefamily/home, is known as the clearreputationin the government and peoplegravely, spokeforthesesmallSectfrequently, itselfalsostems frommagnificenceclearswordfaction, in the government and people the statuswas very high. The generalhas searchedhisfamily/home, infiltrates the dayto be firmhim, the emperororderedto sentence to beheadinghim, was the generalsupervisesto cut. Onlyfeared that our will not be all the way peaceful, the graveremnants of factiononlyfeared that will starttouson the way.”
那将士迟疑一下,道:“将军七个月前奉皇命,抄了礼部尚书严正的家,严正在朝野素有清誉,经常为那些小门派说话,本身也是出自华清剑派,朝野中地位很高。将军抄了他的家,将他打入天牢,皇帝下令将他处斩,也是将军监斩。只怕咱们这一路上不会太平,严正的余党只怕会在途中对我们下手。”General Qinsneers saying: „Whatorderedto confiscate family's propertywas the emperor, orderedto sentence to beheadinggravely was also the emperor, what has that to do with me? Seeks famegravely, actuallyconsiders the accusation, said that the Imperial Preceptorintentionplots a rebellion, wants the emperorinstantlyto put to deathImperial Preceptor, reallyacted against heaven! Forhea wee bitclearreputationsdaresto estrange the emperorandImperial Preceptorrulers and ministersfriendship, conspires, deserves to be damned, whodoesn't kill the homicide?”秦将军冷笑道:“下令抄家的是皇帝,下令处斩严正的也是皇帝,与我何干?严正沽名钓誉,竟然告御状,说国师意图谋反,要皇帝即刻诛杀国师,真是反了天了!他为了一丁点的清誉竟敢离间皇帝与国师的君臣情谊,图谋不轨,死有余辜,不杀他杀谁?”Hehas rubbedoneselftemples, sighed, said: „Emperorassignsmeto searchhisfamily/home, assignsmeto superviseto cut, isbecauseIam the Imperial Preceptordisciple, isImperial Preceptorpromotespersonally, makingmyconfiscating family's propertyprisoncut, musttell the government and people, the emperortoImperial PreceptorSaintfamilyMasataka, makingthesedisloyal subjecttreacherous ministersgive upthisthoughts! What a pitysomepeoplecannot see clearly the current politics, could not realizeonintent, oneselfdid.”
The officerssaid: „But, thistimeonlyfeared that will have the disciple of seeking fameto ambushus......”
那将士道:“可是,这次只怕会有沽名钓誉之徒来伏击我们……”General Qinbeckons with the hand, saidindifferently: „Iam just aboutto direct the graveremnants of faction, seizes the chancetheserebelscatch everything in one net!”秦将军摆手,淡然道:“我正要将严正余党引出来,趁机将这些乱臣贼子一网打尽!”Hestands up, steps onto the bow, looks that the torrentialriver waterbrings the floating iceto flow rapidly, looks at the mountain rangecliff of both banks, saidindifferently: „Imperial Preceptorassignsmeto enterGreat Ruins, draws upSurging Rivergeographic map, for the landscapestate, will integratemeGreat Ruinsin the futuretoward the domain. Theserebelssuddenlydid not realize that the Imperial Preceptorgoodpainis attentive, but also is thinkingkillsme, is chaoticmyEternal Peace Empire the landscapestate, to deserve to be damned?”
他站起身来,走上船头,看着滔滔江水带着浮冰奔流而下,看着两岸的山峦峭壁,淡然道:“国师命我进入大墟,绘制涌江地理图,为的是江山社稷,将来把大墟纳入我朝版图。这些乱臣贼子竟然不体会国师的良苦用心,还想着杀我,混乱我延康国的江山社稷,岂不是死有余辜?”At this time, youngsterYoung Masterwent outfrom the cabin, hewas not fat, but the cheekappearedsomebabiesis fat, foreheadred, in the handwas holding the folding fan, said with a smile: „Onsuchperson, carries the reputation of pure running waterandloyal ministerchivalrous personunexpectedly, reallymakes the personnot know whether to laugh or cry! Suchloyal ministerandpure running water, mostpeaceful deathcertainly!”
这时,一个少年公子从船舱中走出,他并不胖,只是脸蛋显得有些婴儿肥,眉心一点红,手里持着折扇,笑道:“就这样的人,竟然还背着清流、忠臣义士的名头,真是让人哭笑不得!这样的忠臣和清流,最好死绝!”General Qinturns aroundto salute upon meetinghastily, said: „Seventh Young Master.”秦将军连忙转身见礼,道:“七公子。”Seventh Young Masterlooked up the mountain, Qin Mu and Devil Ape on mountainshadowhas thrown, happen towas covering the large ship of travel.七公子抬头看山,山上的秦牧和魔猿的影子投了下来,正好笼罩着行驶的楼船。„General Qin, IheardinGreat RuinsindigenousisPeople Abandoned by God, these wordsis right?”Seventh Young Masterasked.
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