The Disabled Elderly Village'svillage, Village Chief, Grandfather Ma, Deaf, Blindand the otherswatch the grand ceremony of next doorvillage, the surging emotionssomewhatrushesunavoidably, whocanthinkthatDevil PathfirstGreat CultHeavenly Devil Cult, reputationillustriousHeavenly Devil Cult, actuallyinthisremote place, did welcometheirfutureCult Master? Not yetcompletely12-year-oldYoung Cult Master?残老村的村口,村长、马爷、聋子、瞎子等人怔怔的看着隔壁村的这场大典,心潮不免有些澎湃,谁又能想到,魔道第一大教的天魔教,声名赫赫的天魔教,竟然在这个穷乡僻壤,迎来了他们未来的教主?一个尚未满12岁的少教主?Theyhave witnessedthismatter, alwaysthought that is looking at a story of legendlikely, the beautifulsunlightalsobecomeslightstrangeLu Ligets up.
他们见证了这件事,总觉得像是在看一个传奇的故事,就连明媚的阳光也变得光怪陆离起来。Grandma Sicriessuddenly, sobs: „Hewill leaveour......”司婆婆突然落泪,哽咽道:“他会离开我们的……”„Thisisgood deedGranny.”
“这是好事婆婆。”Apothecarysaid with a smiletemperately: „Baby birdalwayshasoneday of growing up, mustflyoutside the experiencebroaderHeaven and Earth, mustassault the storm, mustleave the hometo witness the outside the danger. Weimpossibleto keepourtheseolddisabledsideshimfor a lifetime.”药师温和笑道:“幼鸟总有长大的一天,总要飞出去见识外面更广阔的天地,总要去搏击风浪,总要离开家去见证外界的险恶。我们不可能将他留在我们这些老残废身边一辈子。”
The Blindfacial coloris tranquil, saideasely: „Legend, steps forwardfirststart of villagefromhim.”瞎子面色平静,悠然道:“传奇,从他跨出村的第一步开始。”Muteis with smile on the face, Ahgesticulatedtwo, Deafsaid with a smile: „Yousaidright. The Mu'erfuture, is certainly more colorful than us.”哑巴面带笑容,啊啊比划了两下,聋子笑道:“你说得对。牧儿的将来,一定比我们更加丰富多彩。”Surging River, river bank.涌江,江岸。Magnificentluxuriouslarge shipsdrive, anchorsnear the river bank, many villagers in Heavenly Devilvillagesuccessivelyleave the village, somestepto emptyto godirectly, someride the large shipto leave, but alsosomechanged tovariant beast, sneaksin the wooded mountain, but alsosomechange to the flameto go, there is an escapingwaterto leave.
一艘艘瑰丽奢华的楼船驶来,停靠在江岸边,天魔村的许多村民陆陆续续离开村庄,有的直接蹈空而去,有的则乘着楼船离开,还有的化作了异兽,潜入山林之中,还有的化作火光而去,也有遁水走掉的。Theyhave the originalskillrespectively, Qin Mulookare dazzled, althoughhehas defeatedthemonSpirit Embryo Realm, butdoes not havetheseperson of strangemethods.
他们各有独到的本事,秦牧看得眼花缭乱,他虽然在灵胎境界上战胜了他们,但是却没有这些人稀奇古怪的手段。„Young Cult Master, said goodbye!” A femalebeckons with the handtohim, then the bodypours into the riverbackward, turned intowater splashto go downstream.
“少教主,再见了!”一个女子冲他摆手,然后身体向后倒入江中,变成了一片水花顺流而下。Qin Muwavestothem, hedoes not know that theyare the good personorbad person, onlyknowsoneselflike thisbecametheirYoung Cult Master, whengo out ofGreat Ruinstime, will also run intothem?秦牧向他们挥手,他不知道他们是好人还是坏人,只知道自己就这样成为了他们的少教主,等到自己走出大墟的时候,还会遇到他们吧?„MySaint Cult40yearssneakGreat Ruins, search for the Cult Mistresswhereabouts, at the presentfinallyKarmic Virtueperfection. Dao Brother, Cult Mistress, youmustknow that mySaint Cult40yearshave not taken a walk, have not hadCult Masterto blow the scene, did not have the pillar, at the presentSaint Cultwas in imminent danger.”
“我圣教40年潜入大墟,搜寻教主夫人的下落,而今总算功德圆满。道兄,教主夫人,你们应当知道我圣教40年不曾走动,不曾有教主镇住场面,没有了主心骨,而今圣教已经岌岌可危。”Young Patriarchalsosets outto say goodbye, toVillage ChiefandGrandma Siand otherhumanity: „At presentselectsYoung Cult Master, butis the metastablewill of the people, butsteadyhow long. Eternal Peace Imperial Preceptoreyes covetouslytomySaint Cult, wantsto surrenderto receiveMy Cultusesforoneself, when Iam alive, but can also drag for severalyears. Therefore, after Young Cult Masteris grown, wantshimto go out ofGreat Ruins, officiallybecomesSaint CultCult Master.”少年祖师也起身告辞,向村长和司婆婆等人道:“眼下选出少教主,不过是暂时稳定人心,但稳不了多久。延康国师对我圣教虎视眈眈,想要将我教降服收为己用,我在世时,还可以拖几年。所以,少教主成年之后,一定要他走出大墟,正式成为圣教教主。”Village Chieflooked atGrandma Si, Grandma Sinods, said: „Patriarchfelt relievedthatIhave killedSaint Cult Master, definitely will again give back toyourSaint Cult Master. Hewill go toSaint Cultwhengrown, manages the power, such asyouhope!”村长看了看司婆婆,司婆婆点头,道:“祖师放心,我杀了一个圣教主,必然会再还给你们一个圣教主。他会在成年时前往圣教,主掌大权,如你所愿!”Young PatriarchcallsLaw EnforcementElder, salutedto the people, turns aroundtorushingwalks, thisoldfewcotton garmentstraw sandal, leans on the stickto tread the river, floatinggoes.少年祖师唤来执法长老,向众人施了一礼,转身向涌向走去,这一老一少布衣草鞋,拄杖踏江,飘然而去。Blindboth handsare leaning onbamboo staff, sang loudlyloudly, the dark greenscantysoundback and forthreverberatedinSurging Riverboth banks.瞎子双手拄着竹杖,放声高歌,苍寥的声音在涌江两岸来回回荡。„A suocoolie hatsmall boat, onezhang (3.33 m)imperial decreeoneinchhook\;Sang loudlybackliquor, a personfishedJiangQiualone! Devil Cult Patriarch, wewas old, does not know whether alsohasto say goodbye the opportunity, has left!”
“一蓑一笠一扁舟,一丈丝纶一寸钩\;一曲高歌一樽酒,一人独钓一江秋!魔教祖师,你我已老,不知是否还有再见机会,别过了!”In the middle, Young Patriarchstops the footsteps, has turned round, wavesto the people: „, Has left! Haha!”
江心中,少年祖师停下脚步,回过身来,向众人挥手:“诸位,别过了!哈哈!”Hisloudsong: „800old menworriedunemployedthatthisfreshwillsatisfactionrests\; After dying, onself-satisfiedApproaching the Firmament, cloudZi the soaringwaterflows automatically!”
他高声歌道:“800老翁赋闲愁,此生志满意休休\;死后得意凌霄上,云自高飞水自流!”Blindsaid: „WorthilyisDevil Cult Patriarch, looked atpaleLife and Death, thoughtownthislivedperfection, after dying, mustsmileto look at the worldto change constantlyin the space!”瞎子赞道:“不愧是魔教祖师,看淡了生死,觉得自己此生圆满,死后还要在天上笑看人间风云变幻呢!”Village Chiefsaideasely: „Thisis the biggrandmaster. Blind, youare away fromthismoodnot to be far.”村长悠然道:“这就是大宗师。瞎子,你距离这种心境不远了。”„Showsentiment.”
“还是骚情。”Deafsaid with a smile: „Blindblindlyentrainspoetry, incomprehensible nonsense, should not the sentimentnot do for the occasion. The Devil Cult Patriarchpoemdoes for the occasionon the sentimentactually, does not lose the heroic spirit.”聋子笑道:“瞎子就是瞎拽诗词,狗屁不通,既不应情也不应景。倒是魔教祖师的诗应情应景,也不失豪气。”Blindstutters saying: „Youdo not understand the poem, onlyunderstandsto drift along!”瞎子结结巴巴道:“你不懂诗,只懂苟且!”
The peoplelaugh.
众人哈哈大笑。Qin Muis also with smile on the face, looks atthesemen of optimism, althoughtheysomemore or lessdisabilities, but the mind is actually incomparablyformidableandperfect.秦牧也面带笑容,看着这些乐观的人,他们虽然或多或少都有些残疾,但是心灵却是无比强大和健全。„Myfamily members......”
“我的亲人们……”Suddenly, hefelt that hisforehead a strength of rushinggushes out, in the Qin Muheartmoves slightly, is hurriedregardsSpirit Embryodivine treasure, cannot help butslightlyis startled: „MySpirit Embryoawakened!”
突然,他感觉到自己的眉心一股澎湃的力量涌出,秦牧心中微动,急忙内视灵胎神藏,不由得微微一怔:“我的灵胎又觉醒了!”HisSpirit Embryohas awakenedthreetimes, firsttimeconsciousnessto fusewithhim, Spirit Embryoawakens, the secondtimeisstithyobserve fireobserve water, Spirit Embryofalls intoquietly, thentwodegreesawaken.
他的灵胎已经觉醒了三次,第一次是与他意识融合,灵胎觉醒,第二次是打铁铺观火观水,灵胎陷入沉寂,然后二度觉醒。Butthistimeishewhetsafter360, Spirit Embryohas absorbedgolden light in divine treasureonce again, is once again quiet.
而这一次是他历经360房磨砺,灵胎又一次吸收了神藏中的金光,再度沉寂。Thisquiettimeis quite long, until now, thisfinallyawakens!
Will thisawakening, whatbringto changetooneself?
The peoplefacial coloris strange, Qin Musaidtothemmatter of oneselfSpirit Embryothreedegreesawakening, Village Chief, ApothecaryandGrandfather Matheirfacial colorsbecameverystrange. Others'Spirit Embryoonlyneedsto awakenonetime, whyQin Mu's does Spirit Embryooftenplayplaysquietlyawakensonce again?
众人面色古怪,秦牧向他们说了自己灵胎三度觉醒的事情,村长、药师、马爷他们的面色就变得很古怪了。别人的灵胎只需要觉醒一次,为何秦牧的灵胎动不动就玩沉寂玩再度觉醒?„Four Great Spirit Bodies, meetsthreedegreesto awaken?”Qin Muasked.
The peoplelook at each otherone, shakes the headrespectively, thenneatlookstoVillage Chief.
众人对视一眼,各自摇头,然后齐刷刷的看向村长。Village Chiefbig, at heartviolated the whisper, Qin Muhas awakenedonetimebut actually, awakenstime and time again, threedegreeshas awakenednow, makinghimalsofeelbewildered.村长不禁头大,心里直犯嘀咕,秦牧觉醒了一次倒也罢了,偏偏觉醒了一次又一次,现在三度觉醒,让他也觉得莫名其妙。„IsOverlord Body.”
“是霸体。”Village Chiefcoughs, does not understand the matter that does not knowto advanceonOverlord Bodydirectly, saidlightly: „Yourathertoohave not experienced. WhatOverlord Body did cultivation techniquecall? Overlord Body Three Elixir Art! Whatthreepill? Firsttimeawakensis the firstpill, secondtimeawakensis the secondpill, thirdtimeawakensis the thirdpill. Now the Mu'erthreedegreesawaken, indicated that hisOverlord Body Three Elixir Artslightlyhad the achievement. Mu'er, cannotbe proud!”村长咳嗽一声,将自己也不懂不知道的事情直接推到霸体上,淡淡道:“你们未免太没有见识了。霸体的功法叫什么?霸体三丹功!何谓三丹?第一次觉醒就是第一丹,第二次觉醒就是第二丹,第三次觉醒就是第三丹。现在牧儿三度觉醒,表明他的霸体三丹功小有成就了。牧儿,不许骄傲!”Qin Munodsto sayhastily: „Iwill not be certainly proud.”秦牧连忙点头道:“我一定不会骄傲。”Apothecaryfaint smile: „IfMu'erhas awakened the fourthtime? Canbefourpill?”药师似笑非笑道:“倘若牧儿觉醒了第四次呢?会不会是四丹?”VillageEldershames the anger, wishes one couldto throwtohimon, insertstwobladesonhistworibs.
村长老羞成怒,恨不得扑到他身上,在他两肋上插上两刀。HoweverApothecaryhas not spoken incorrectly, ifSpirit Embryo of thisboy, fourdegreesdo awakenreally?
不过药师却也没有说错,万一这小子的灵胎,真的四度觉醒呢?When the time comes should thislyingcirclein the past?
到时候自己该怎么把这个谎圆过去?„, Mu'er, yourSpirit Embryothreedegreesawaken, whathasdifferentplace?”Village Chiefchanges the topic, asked.
“咳咳,牧儿,你灵胎三度觉醒,都有什么不一样的地方?”村长岔开话题,问道。Qin MurealizesSpirit Embryocarefully, as ifdid not havewhatdifferencewith the past, the onlydifferencewas the golden lightsea in Spirit Embryodivine treasureat the presentbecomeslight.秦牧细细体会灵胎,似乎与从前没有什么不同,唯一的不同就是灵胎神藏中的金光海洋而今变得淡薄了许多。NowGolden Seawas very thin, golden light in Golden Seaas ifcannotautomaticallyproduce, was absorbedsometo be then lessbySpirit Embryo.
现在金海已经很稀薄了,金海中的金光似乎不能自动产生,被灵胎吸收一些便少一些。Qin Mustimulates to movementorigin qi, hisSpirit Embryois also transferringorigin qi, from time to time the bodyentanglesAzure Dragon, from time to timetreadonsBlack Tortoiseto wearhuge snake, from time to time the posthumousboth wings, hisorigin qichangesalong withhisregardunexpectedly, does not needagain the observe waterobserve fireviewdragon!秦牧催动元气,他的灵胎也在调动元气,时而身缠青龙,时而脚踏玄龟身披大蛇,时而背生双翅,他的元气竟然随着他的心意变化,不必再观水观火观龙!Qin Mutold the people, Village Chiefand the others were also look at each other in dismay, does not understand why will havethischange.秦牧告诉众人,村长等人也是面面相觑,不明白为何会有这种变化。„Thisis the good deed.”
“这是好事。”Village Chiefputs outfoul air, said: „The Overlord BodySpirit Embryothreedegreesawaken, variousattributecutpleasant, when fightcanplayvariousstylemightcalmly, thisis the Overlord Body Three Elixir Artwondrous use.”村长吐出一口浊气,道:“霸体灵胎三度觉醒,各种属性切换如意,战斗时可以从容发挥出各种招式威力,这就是霸体三丹功的妙用。”
The peoplenodin abundance, Apothecaryis just aboutto speak, was staredonebyVillage Chief, mustsuppressin the belly the words, the unstated criticismsaid: „WhenMu'erfourthawakening, Ithought that you can also be how round!”
众人纷纷点头,药师正要说话,被村长瞪了一眼,只得将话憋回肚子里,腹诽道:“等到牧儿第四次觉醒,我看你还能怎么圆!”„Innose the air/Qidifferencelikesmoke, in the body and mindclear(ly), the roundholeworld, spreadto becomeXujing, just liked the colored glaze......”
“鼻中气出入如烟,身心内明,圆洞世界,遍成虚净,犹如琉璃……”UnderGreen Cloud Valleywaterfall, shyrecitedto transmitfrom the thatched house, lookedby the thatched housewindow mullionthatsaw only a 14 or 15-year-oldyouthto grasp the bookssingle-handed, pacedto studyin the room, fursnow whiteFoxvisitshimsteadily.翠云谷的瀑布下,一个略带青涩的朗诵声从草庐中传来,透过草庐窗棂看去,只见一个十四五岁的少年单手握着书卷,在屋子里踱步念书,一只皮毛雪白的狐狸目不转睛的看着他。YouthQin Mu, White FoxisHu Ling'er, the Green Cloud Valleybigmonster.
那少年正是秦牧,白狐是狐灵儿,翠云谷的大妖。Shortly , the Hu Ling'erbreathlengthensgradually, twowhite cloudslike the smoke, come and go outunder the wing of the nose of Little Fox, shoutedattracts, the white cloudsenteredone.
没多久,狐灵儿鼻息渐渐变长,两道白气如烟,在小狐狸的鼻翼下出入,一呼一吸,白气一进一出。Hu Ling'erorigin qiis even more mellow, the origin qiqualityhas achieved the extremelyhighregion, breatheslike the smoke.狐灵儿的元气越发醇厚,元气质量达到了极高的境地,鼻息如烟。Since the Heavenly Devil Cultvisit, crosses for twoyears8months, justcrossedin the winter, the myriad thingsrecover, at presentor the season of chill in the air in early spring, the Surging Riverriver surfacehas not thawedcompletely, ice sludgefollowingcurrent of wateralong the riverunder.
从天魔教来访至今,已经过了两年8个月,刚刚过罢冬天,万物复苏,眼下还是春寒料峭的季节,涌江河面还未完全化冻,碎冰顺着水流沿江而下。River the place under of river coursecurvewas been frequently crowdby the ice piece, the rivericestack, is getting higher and higher, will then form the damming, the water surfaceproductwill be also higher, when the icewallcannot withstand, will then erupt the bigflood, sweeps across the Surging Riverdownstream, is drown to deathdoes not knowmanypeopleandvariant beast.
江下的河道转弯的地方经常被冰块拥堵,河冰堆积,越来越高,便会形成堰塞,水面也会越积越高,等到冰墙承受不住,便会爆发大洪水,席卷涌江下游,淹死不知多少人和异兽。These, BlindGrandma SiandCrippleand the othersalong the river, sought for the imprisoned lake on , in the village, Qin Muthendid not come outto seekHu Ling'er, was the Hu Ling'erexplanationConfucian classics.
More than twoyears, hisstatureovertookBlind, butlowered a headcompared withtall and powerfully builtApothecary.
两年多时间,他的身材已经追上瞎子,只是比身材魁梧的药师还是低了一头。Suddenly, out of the windowroaringsoundtransmits, vibrates the wooded mountain, Qin Mucloses the books, placeson the bookshelf, butWhite Foxwas also awakenedby the roaringsound, a person and a foxgoes outto lookthatsees only a head lengthto reach more than tenzhang (3.33 m)giant beastgallopingto come, to directly soar the thatched houseto go!
突然,窗外咆哮声传来,震动山林,秦牧合上书卷,放在书架上,而白狐也被咆哮声惊醒,一人一狐出门看去,只见一头长达十多丈的巨兽奔腾而来,直奔草庐而去!Onthatgiant beasthas been covered withboneboard, gallopslike the thunder, like the dragon, the legsuch as the shape, the strengthis greatly infinite, isDragon Elephant, heterogeneous that the dragon and shapelive, howeveractuallysitswhole bodyjet blackDevil Apeincarrying on the back of thisDragon Elephant, sturdytall and strong, in the handis carryingtentwogolden ringmonk staff, harnessesDragon Elephantto threatento fire into the thatched house!
那巨兽身上长满了骨板,奔腾如雷,头如龙,腿如象,力大无穷,是一头龙象,龙与象所生的异种,但是在这头龙象的背上却坐着一头浑身漆黑的魔猿,粗壮魁梧,手中拎着一杆十二金环禅杖,驾着龙象气势汹汹冲向草庐!Hu Ling'erjumpsbefore the Qin Mubody, opens the mouthinspiration, sips the mouthto blowforward.狐灵儿跳到秦牧身前,张开嘴巴吸气,啜嘴向前吹去。Shouting
The strong windshowl, directly soarthatDragon ElephantandDevil Apego, Hu Ling'ertailswungswinging, actuallysees the strong winds more anxious, howlsrevolving, turns intotornado, curls upDevil Ape that Dragon Elephantandcarries on the back, volumetoairborne.
狂风呼啸,直奔那龙象和魔猿而去,狐灵儿尾巴摇了摇,却见狂风更急,呼啸旋转,变成一股龙卷风,将龙象和背上的魔猿卷起,卷到空中。ThatDevil Apejumpsto leap, carries on the backto jumpfromDragon Elephant, both handsgripmonk staff, monk staffis getting bigger and bigger!
“隙弃罗”Devil Apebellows, is similar tofrom the midair a hillpoundsto fall, both handsgrip tightlymonk staffto insertin the earthmaliciously, the wildair currentimmediatelyin all directionsspoutto go, breaksLittle Foxtornadomagic technique!魔猿大吼,从半空中如同一座小山般砸落下来,双手紧握禅杖狠狠插在大地之中,狂暴的气流顿时四面八方喷涌而去,将小狐狸的龙卷风法术破开!ThatDevil Apepulls upmonk staff, verticalleapssuch asto fly, brandishesmonk staffthento poundtoHu Ling'er, onlylistens to a bang that works as, Qin Muto lift the hand, keeps offthisto strikeforHu Ling'er.
那头魔猿拔起禅杖,纵跃如飞,抡起禅杖便向狐灵儿砸去,只听当的一声巨响,秦牧抬手,替狐灵儿挡下这一击。Actuallyinthis time, Hu Ling'erjumpsto leap, the opens mouthspits, the windsuch asis a zhang (3.33 m)sickle, 67sickleshigh and lowflutter, has not attackedtoDevil Ape, cutson the contrarytoQin Mu!
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