TOHG :: Volume #18

#1725: Seizes the potential, the first war!

When the Carefree Village army arrives, counter-attack of Heavenly Court is exceptionally fierce. 无忧乡的大军到来之时,天庭的反扑异常凶猛。 Since Heavenly Court arrives at Yuan World, from beginning to end is Heavenly Court occupies the offensive, although there is a victory to have the defeat, but the situation has not changed. 自从天庭来到元界之后,自始至终都是天庭占据攻势,虽然有胜有败,但大势未曾变过。 But now, Carefree Village and Eternal Peace ate the bear heart leopard guts, attacks unexpectedly on own initiative, attempts to change the situation, this regarding the matter that Heavenly Court any officers is unable to tolerate absolutely. 而现在,无忧乡延康吃了熊心豹子胆,竟然主动来攻,企图扭转大势,这对于天庭任何将士来说都是绝对无法容忍的事情。 When Carefree Village advances to the Heavenly Court big camp front, the Heavenly King yellow Tianxi then could not sit still to lead an army to kill, the Heavenly Court army welled up generally like the tide, blocked the sky! 无忧乡推进到天庭大营前方时,天王黄天玺便坐不住率领一众大军杀出,天庭的大军如同潮水一般涌来,遮天蔽日! Lifts the Carefree Village person of great strength of coffin to stand in the forefront, looks the master of Heavenly Court oppressor the front surface to/clashes, various Dao Art divine ability are similar to ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) divine light raging tide that starts suddenly to well up to them from the hostile camp, that scene is simply desperate! 抬棺的无忧乡力士站在最前面,看着迎面冲来的天庭虎狼之师,各种道法神通从敌营中如同突然掀起的万丈神光狂潮向他们涌来,那场面简直令人绝望! What wells up together along with divine ability of Heavenly Court officers is thousands of divine weapon/divine army, these treasures shuttle back and forth in the divine ability raging tide, divine weapon/divine army constantly changes, the invincible might measures not! 伴随着天庭将士的神通一起涌来的是数以万计的神兵,那些宝物穿梭在神通的狂潮之中,神兵不断变化,神威莫测! On the Carefree Village day divine power gentlemen forehead hung all over the pea-sized beads of sweat, is motionless, order of static waiting woodcutter Wen Tiange. 无忧乡的天神力士们额头上挂满了豆大的汗珠,却一动不动,静静的等候樵夫闻天阁的命令。 They have the inexplicable confidence to woodcutter Wen Tiange, even if facing this grade of terrifying scene, their confidence does not reduce. 他们对樵夫闻天阁有着莫名的信心,哪怕是面对这等恐怖场面,他们的信心也丝毫不减。 divine ability and divine weapon/divine army of raging tide speed Heavenly Court officers is extremely fast, is getting more and more close to them, however the woodcutter sage has not ordered. 天庭将士的神通神兵狂潮速度极快,距离他们越来越近,然而樵夫圣人还是没有下令。 divine ability and divine weapon/divine army raging tide hundred li (0.5 km) from but in a flash, to them only then about hundred zhang (333 m), but after divine ability raging tide, convenient was east Heavenly King yellow Tianxi the master of oppressor! 神通神兵狂潮百里距离一晃而至,离他们只有百丈左右,而神通狂潮后方便是东天王黄天玺的虎狼之师! In the meantime, they behind, the woodcutter voice conveys: Opens the coffin! Meets head-on!” 就在此时,他们身后,樵夫声音传来:“开棺!迎战!” For serveral days the divine power gentleman shoved open the inner and outer coffin furiously, suddenly said the prestige to gush out, World Tree ascended! 那些天神力士奋力推开棺椁,突然道威涌出,世界树升腾而起! Qin Mu sits well in the inner and outer coffin under tree, motionless, suddenly his within the body divine treasure domain erupts, howls the inflation. 秦牧端坐在树下的棺椁中,一动不动,突然他的体内神藏领域爆发,呼啸膨胀。 yellow Tianxi was Heavenly Court eastern Heavenly King, when can with existence that four color Great Emperor contended with, Qin Mu with three Young Master four Young Master showdowns he also downcast in the Qin Mu's domain, has very deep shadow to the Qin Mu's divine treasure domain, saw that the Qin Mu domain erupted, secretly thought: I come to the end of one's destiny!” 黄天玺乃是天庭的东天王,是可以与四色大帝抗衡的存在,秦牧与三公子公子对决之时他也陷落在秦牧的领域之中,对秦牧的神藏领域有着很深的阴影,见到秦牧领域爆发,不由暗道一声:“我命休也!” However although Qin Mu's divine treasure comes extravagantly, integrated in the army of yellow Tianxi divine treasure, but the divine treasure domain has not actually revolved, but included to be one of them altogether the Carefree Village army. 不过秦牧的神藏虽然铺张开来,将黄天玺的大军纳入神藏之中,但是神藏领域却没有运转,而是一股脑将无忧乡的大军囊括在其中。 The Carefree Village officers went through dozens every large or small wars, experienced the war of Carefree Village break and destroy, to retreat the war of Eternal Peace to guard the war with Lan maple tree, was only left over 200,000 numerous. 无忧乡的将士们经历了数十场大大小小的战争,更经历了无忧乡破灭之战、撤退延康之战和岚枫守卫战,只剩下二十万众。 Comparing Heavenly Court frequently is surely the army, this army is also insufficient the stops up gap between teeth! 相比天庭动辄便是千万大军,这点军队连塞牙缝也不够! This moment this 200,000 officers stand in the Qin Mu's domain, immediately probably was covered with the eye left and right, to Heavenly Court any divine ability hole, if observe fire, even hole, if observe fire is clearer than! 此刻这二十万众将士站在秦牧的领域之中,顿时像是身前身后左左右右都长满了眼睛,对天庭的任何神通都洞若观火,甚至比洞若观火还要清晰! Each of them can see the Heavenly Court god demon the divine ability aspects, even can see each divine ability interior, clear sees the constitution of each divine ability. 他们每个人都可以看到天庭神魔的神通的方方面面,甚至可以看到每一个神通的内部,清晰的看到每一种神通的构成。 Moreover, divine weapon/divine army that even if Heavenly Court offers a sacrifice , was still looked by them clear, the rune change in divine weapon/divine army, the operating law, the divine weapon/divine army interior constructs, contained formation, comes clearly into view! 不仅如此,即便是天庭祭起的神兵,也被他们看得一清二楚,神兵中的符文变化,运行规律,神兵内部构造,蕴藏的阵法,都历历在目! This is the Qin Mu's divine treasure wondrous use. 这正是秦牧的神藏的妙用。 Officers immediately various methods, before divine ability and divine weapon/divine army of Heavenly Court army attack the Carefree Village person of great strength and Qin Mu inner and outer coffin, all breaks the first wave of offensive! 将士们立刻各施手段,在天庭大军的神通神兵冲击到无忧乡力士和秦牧棺椁之前,将第一波攻势悉数破去! Scoffs- 嗤嗤嗤- Is lifting on these days divine power gentleman face of Qin Mu inner and outer coffin, by the divine ability complementary waves and divine weapon/divine army fragment has delimited, breaks open wounds, actually lifts the inner and outer coffin to be motionless as before. 抬着秦牧棺椁的那些天神力士脸上、身上被神通余波和神兵碎片划过,破开一道道伤口,却依旧抬着棺椁一动不动。 Some people were even put on the chest by the sharp blade fragment, but stands there as before. 有人甚至被利刃碎片穿胸而过,但依旧站在那里。 Celestial Exalt Mu!” 牧天尊!” In the Heavenly Court camp, the leaders of various group of armies are commanding the army to run out of the big camp, sees that stops the potential of charge in abundance, raised the head to look around, surprised uncertain. 天庭阵营中,各路大军的首领正在率军冲出大营,见状纷纷停下冲锋之势,抬头张望,惊疑不定。 Yellow Tianxi also stops the momentum that the army charges immediately, panic-stricken looked that sits Qin Mu in coffin to the front. 黄天玺也立刻止住大军冲锋的势头,惊恐的看向前方坐于棺中的秦牧 As the first wave of offensive of yellow Tianxi army was broken, divine light dispersing, the Carefree Village camp becomes clear. 随着黄天玺大军的第一波攻势被破去,神光散开,无忧乡的阵营变得清晰起来。 Sees only the Qin Mu's divine treasure domain, although unfolds, but actually 50 giant pillars are glittering the cold light, pierces his 33 heavy domain! 只见秦牧的神藏领域虽然铺开,但是却有五十根巨大的柱子闪烁着寒光,将他的三十三重领域洞穿! That is 50 unites the god of journeys nail! 那是五十口戮道神钉! Unites the god of journeys nail anchorage Qin Mu's divine treasure domain, passes through is not only the Qin Mu's domain, three Young Master in the 50 wounds in his physical body leaving behind. 戮道神钉定住秦牧的神藏领域,贯穿的不仅仅是秦牧的领域,还有三公子在他肉身中留下的五十个伤口。 Qin Mu's divine treasure like an independent universe universe, with physical body is a body, 50 nails across his physical body, pass through his divine treasure similarly. 秦牧的神藏如同一个独立的宇宙乾坤,与肉身是一体,五十口钉子穿过他的肉身,同样也穿过他的神藏 Moreover, Seventh Young Master to 50 wounds that he leaves behind, deep brand mark in his divine treasure, but was actually passed through by that 50 giant nail, suppresses the say/way wound in wound. 不仅如此,七公子给他留下的五十个伤口,也深深的烙印在他的神藏中,但是却被那五十口巨大的钉子穿过,压制住伤口中的道伤。 His injury, the far ratio is seemingly serious! 他的伤势,远比看起来严重! This makes Heavenly Court everyone relax, the Heavenly Court big camp center, Hao Heavenly Emperor long relaxes, runs out rapidly forward two steps, on the face appears the look that is pleasantly surprised, laughs saying: Herd, you have today! The officers, listen to my verbal command, tramples flat to me rebels! I must use these counter- clever head, hangs all over my palace!” 这让天庭所有人都松了口气,天庭大营中心,昊天帝长松一口气,飞速向前冲出两步,脸上浮现出又惊又喜的神色,哈哈大笑道:“牧老贼,你也有今日!众将士,听我号令,给我踏平逆贼!朕要用这些反贼的头,挂满朕的宫殿!” Qin Mu to the Heavenly Court biggest shadow is divine treasure that his strange measures not, Qin Mu with two Young Master wars, the divine treasure domain almost beats Heavenly Court everyone's confidence faith, if Qin Mu can also stimulate to movement the divine treasure prestige energy, then this fights no one to be able with it contending! 秦牧天庭最大的阴影便是他那古怪莫测的神藏,秦牧与两位公子一战,神藏领域几乎将天庭所有人的信心信念击垮,倘若秦牧还可以催动神藏的威能,那么这一战根本无人能够与之抗衡! However the present situation is actually, Qin Mu is no longer as deep as a well, this Carefree Village initiateds an attack, ruins Qin Mu mysterious side on the contrary cleanly, making the Heavenly Court officers no longer dread the Qin Mu's divine treasure domain. 然而现在的情况却是,秦牧不再高深莫测,这次无忧乡主动出击,反倒将秦牧神秘的一面败坏得一干二净,让天庭的将士不再畏惧秦牧的神藏领域。 Various Heavenly Court group of armies send out immediately, yellow Tianxi worked as first step, commanded the army to rush goes, loudly said: Destroys completely Carefree Village, captures alive Celestial Exalt Mu!” 天庭各路大军顿时出动,黄天玺当先一步,率军冲上前去,高声道:“灭掉无忧乡,活捉牧天尊!” His subordinate officers are stimulated the complexion to be red, called out loudly: Captures alive Celestial Exalt Mu-” 他麾下的将士们亢奋得脸色通红,高声叫道:“活捉牧天尊-” Woodcutter Wen Tiange stimulates to movement Primordial Spirit Guide, simultaneously transmitted orders various Carefree Village army, various Carefree Village army battle formations changes, soars in abundance, falls on Qin Mu's World Tree. 樵夫闻天阁催动元神引,同时传令无忧乡各军,无忧乡各军阵势变化,纷纷腾空而起,落在秦牧的世界树上。 The World Tree branches and leaves drag, in different void, under the woodcutter arrange/cloth the battle formation, drinks respectively suddenly greatly: Carries the coffin, the advance!” 世界树的枝叶摇曳,分别处在不同的虚空之中,樵夫布下阵势,陡然大喝:“抬棺,前进!” For serveral days the divine power gentleman lifted the inner and outer coffin to take a step to welcome the yellow Tianxi army furiously to walk, two groups of army also physical body close combats, airborne then have not been the battlefield that various divine ability collided, Heavenly Court and Carefree Village divine ability from the sky surge, divine weapon/divine army and divine weapon/divine army collided, radiant, brilliant! 那些天神力士奋力抬起棺椁迈步迎着黄天玺大军走去,两拨大军还未肉身近战,空中便已经是各种神通碰撞的战场,天庭无忧乡神通在空中激荡,神兵神兵碰撞,璀璨非常,光彩夺目! The day divine power gentlemen carry the coffin to lead the way furiously, the divine ability complementary waves and divine weapon/divine army fragment make noise around them, some pass through from their within the body, some pierce their Primordial Spirit, has the person of great strength to drop down unceasingly. 神力士们抬棺奋力前行,神通余波与神兵碎片在他们四周咻咻作响,有的从他们体内穿过,有的洞穿他们元神,不断有力士倒下。 Whenever at this time, will then have the Carefree Village giant to go down World Tree, replaces person of great strength who died , to continue to lift the coffin vanguard. 每当此时,便会有无忧乡的巨人走下世界树,接替死掉的力士,继续抬棺前行。 The Carefree Village officers have the divine treasure domain strength, decodes divine ability divine weapon/divine army of opposite party, divine ability divine weapon/divine army of some army military officers kill the divine ability act drop of opposite party, will cut to kill the enemy, making the officers casualty of eastern Heavenly King army serious! 无忧乡将士占据神藏领域的优势,破解对方的神通神兵,更有各军将领的神通神兵杀出对方的神通大幕,斩杀敌将,让东天王大军的将士死伤惨重! However the quantity solid attitude of eastern Heavenly King army, moreover had the Realm advantage, many divine ability capture, on World Tree 33 Heavens, has the body of Carefree Village officers to fall unceasingly. 然而东天王大军的数量实在态度,而且占据了境界优势,还是有不少神通攻入,世界树三十三重天上,不断有无忧乡将士的尸体落下。 Both armies are getting more and more near, on the leaf of World Tree, the Yan Yunxi mount, donkey Devil King Zheng changes to Devil gods of donkey first person, said with a smile extensively: Small black cat, the fish and old ox, you do not need to fear, having me in can certainly protect you to be complete!” 双方大军越来越近,世界树的树叶上,烟云兮的坐骑,驴魔王吕诤化作驴首人身的魔神,恢恢笑道:“小黑猫,鱼儿和老牛,你们不用怕,有我在一定能保护你们周全!” His eye is blind, was injured by the enemy in the war of Carefree Village. 他的一只眼已经瞎了,是在无忧乡之战中被敌人所伤。 The black tiger god hand grasps two big axes, snort/hum. On his face has together the deep scar, has delimited the left chin from the right forehead, this is also the wound in a Carefree Village war leaving behind. 黑虎神手抓两柄大斧,哼了一声。他的脸上有一道深深的疤痕,从右额头一直划到左下巴,这也是无忧乡一战中留下的伤。 Two small red snappers change to the couples of two red color clothes, the body also has the wound. 两条小红鱼则化作两个大红色衣裳的夫妇,身上也多有伤口。 The Niu San many people stand, the nostril spurts the smoke: Zheng, you are careful oneself. The gold/metal that but the father past Tai Chu/Highest Beginning proclaimed I protected, make a big row Heavenly River to hit existence of ancient God!” 牛三多人立起来,鼻孔喷烟:“吕诤,你还是当心自己吧。老子可是当年太初亲自封的金吾卫,大闹天河打过古神的存在!” Bang! 轰! The Carefree Village army collides with the eastern Heavenly King army, lifts the coffin person of great strength to bear the brunt, only flash then casualty most, the front person of great strength was killed, falls to the ground, the rear person of great strength withstands to bury all weights of god of journeys coffin immediately, was pressed the eye ear mouth and nose to spurt the blood, the shoulder bone is pressed crushes, actually dies to support as before not but actually. 无忧乡大军与东天王大军碰撞,抬棺力士首当其冲,只一瞬间便死伤大半,前方的力士被杀,倒地,后方的力士立刻承受葬道神棺的所有重量,被压得眼耳口鼻喷血,肩骨被压得粉碎,却依旧死撑着不倒。 However World Tree inclines immediately, the way forward is blocked, all officers figure on World Tree are not steady. 然而世界树立刻倾斜,前进的道路受阻,世界树上的所有将士身形不稳。 The woodcutter voice conveys: Zheng, Niu San are many, you lift the coffin vanguard, must defend the inner and outer coffin, lifts Celestial Exalt Mu to the Heavenly Court big camp!” 樵夫声音传来:“吕诤,牛三多,你们去抬棺前行,一定要守住棺椁,把牧天尊抬到天庭的大营!” Five people overshoot from the tree immediately, Zheng hēi hēi said with a smile: Elder Brother several, I will protect your, your cultivation base is weak, is inferior to me, I keep off in the forefront, you do not need to be worried about me, I have the radish!” 五人立刻从树上冲了下来,吕诤嘿嘿笑道:“哥几个,我会保护你们的,你们修为弱,不如我,我挡在最前面,你们不用担心我,我有萝卜!” Five people lift to bury the god of journeys coffin, Zheng angry roar, muscle sticks out, bends/bow the back to keep off in the forefront, lifts the coffin vanguard. 五人抬起葬道神棺,吕诤怒吼,一身筋肉隆起,弓着背挡在最前面,抬棺前行。 The eastern Heavenly King innumerable god demons kill, Empress Yiyue the flying, welcomes yellow Tianxi immediately, captures the ringleader first, she must execute yellow Tianxi as soon as possible, greatly broken east Heavenly King army, may preserve other Carefree Village officers! 天王无数神魔杀来,帝译月立刻飞身而下,迎上黄天玺,擒贼先擒王,她必须要在最短的时间内格杀黄天玺,大破东天王大军,才有可能保住无忧乡其他将士! Empress Yiyue, do you also match to make Founding Emperor?” 帝译月,你也配做开皇?” yellow Tianxi laughed, did not fear, brain latter Heavenly Palace appeared, formed small Heavenly Court: You lowered my three -and-a-half Realm, is not my opponent! You are the Founding Emperor time talent highest person, is Demigod, why can help human race?” 黄天玺哈哈大笑,丝毫不惧,脑后一座座天宫浮现出来,结成小天庭:“你低了我三个半境界,不是我的对手!你是开皇时代天分最高的人,也是半神,为何要帮助人族?” Originally you also know that I am for 40,000 years the talent highest that person!” “原来你也知道我是四万年来天分最高的那个人!” Empress Yiyue dominates one, two people divine ability is in sharp opposition, figure one wrong, the flash of staggering, the Empress Yiyue left arm falls off, cut off by yellow Tianxi. 帝译月叱咤一声,两人神通针锋相对,身形一错而过,错开的一瞬间,帝译月左臂脱落,被黄天玺斩断。 At the same time, Empress Yiyue appears behind piece of vast Ancestral Courtyard, four big Heavenly Gate pros and cons stand, a Jade Pond Jade Platform rhyme is profound, Cutting God Platform baleful aura is steaming, Heavenly Sea like mirror, mighty waves not fresh, Nine Prisons stage profound like deep pool! 同一时间,帝译月身后浮现出一片浩瀚祖庭,四大天门正反而立,瑶池瑶台道韵深长,斩神台煞气腾腾,天海如镜,波澜不生,九狱台深邃如渊! In her Ancestral Courtyard has reappeared the empty shades of four big mineral lode, only then the Tai Yi/Highest Simplicity mineral lode has not appeared, in four big mineral lode four Great Dao multi-colored sunlight raise slowly, the Empress Yiyue Primordial Spirit gathering multi-colored sunlight, with her body reversion the line, only the flash then broke open small Heavenly Court of yellow Tianxi, passed through from Approaching the Firmament Treasure Palace of yellow Tianxi! 她的祖庭中已经浮现出四大矿脉的虚影,只有太易矿脉没有显现,四大矿脉中四种大道的霞光冉冉升起,帝译月元神汇聚霞光,与她的身体逆向而行,只一瞬间便破开黄天玺的小天庭,唰的一声从黄天玺的凌霄宝殿穿过! In Approaching the Firmament Treasure Palace, yellow Tianxi Primordial Spirit bang sonic boom, changed to the fragment powder. 凌霄宝殿中,黄天玺元神轰隆一声爆开,化作齑粉。 The yellow Tianxi corpse servant fell to the ground, immediately was submerged by the chaotic army. 黄天玺尸体仆倒在地,随即被乱军淹没。 Empress Yiyue has not gone to the left arm that picks itself to be cut off, stops the blood to flush away forward, enters the enemy ranks. 帝译月没有去捡自己断掉的左臂,止住血向前冲去,杀入敌阵。 When she breaks through the eastern Heavenly King army, sees only the front Heavenly Court various group of armies to clash turbulently. 等到她冲破东天王大军之时,只见前方天庭各路大军正在汹涌冲来。 This war, must break through the Heavenly Court big camp, the Celestial Exalt Mu inner and outer coffin, places in the Heavenly Court big camp!” “这一战,一定要冲破天庭大营,把牧天尊的棺椁,放在天庭大营之中!” The Empress Yiyue single arm grasps the sword, Primordial Spirit floats in four big mineral lode, looks at various Heavenly Court group of armies who well up: Only then World Tree stands erect in the Heavenly Court big camp, Carefree Village is the dagger that breaks open the Heavenly Court sharp qi!” 帝译月单臂握剑,元神在四大矿脉中漂浮,看着涌来的天庭各路大军:“只有世界树矗立在天庭大营之中,无忧乡才算是破开天庭锐气的尖刀!” Bang! 轰! Heavenly Court also has army to well up, submerges her. 天庭又有一路大军涌来,将她淹没。 Empress Yiyue small boat of form in like surging sea, in difficult situations partly visible, had not been embezzled by the rough seas. 帝译月的身影如同波涛汹涌的大海中的一叶扁舟,在惊涛骇浪间若隐若现,始终没有被大浪吞没。 Bang! 轰! Also the army wells up, then is the third group of armies wells up, on World Tree, Wen Tiange orders, Yan Yunxi, Emperor Shi Tian and resort to violence Heavenly Teacher and the others kill, supports Empress Yiyue, the people cleaves the waves the vanguard in the blood wave, the bodies of countless enemy flutter in the blood wave. 又是一路大军涌来,接着便是第三路大军涌来,世界树上,闻天阁一声令下,烟云兮帝释天、武斗天师等人纷纷杀下,支援帝译月,众人在血浪中破浪前行,无数敌人的尸体在血浪中翻飞。 Offers a sacrifice to Northern Heavenly Gate!” The hostile camp hears one to drink greatly. “祭北天门!”敌营传来一声大喝。 Heavenly Gate stands, the cold wind howls, welcomes the world to blow, freezes all. 一座天门立起,冷风呼啸,迎着世界吹来,冻结一切。 Zheng and the others who carry the coffin fought a shiver, on the facial countenance hung all over the ice dregs, this Heavenly Gate was Holy Land Northern Heavenly Gate in Ancestral Courtyard, moved by Heavenly Court directly, as suppressing all divine weapon/divine army and World Tree resisted, tries to crash Qin Mu's divine treasure with Northern Heavenly Gate, stops footsteps that Carefree Village went forward. 抬棺的吕诤等人不禁打个寒战,头脸上挂满了冰渣,这座天门祖庭中的圣地北天门,被天庭直接搬来,作为镇压一切的神兵世界树对抗,试图用北天门压垮秦牧的神藏,止住无忧乡前进的脚步。 Meanwhile, overruns to the Heavenly Court officers under World Tree to climb up to the tree crazily, has killed on a piece by piece leaf of World Tree. 与此同时,攻到世界树下的天庭将士疯狂向树上攀爬,已经杀到世界树的一片片树叶上。 But lifts Zheng Niu San of coffin many and the others to be surrounded by perils, Zheng shoulders to bury the god of journeys coffin with the back, sets aside both hands to slaughter, the Niu San multipurpose shoulders conduct the shoulder to bury the god of journeys coffin, leaps take action to come, around their only sleep/felt is the enemies, everywhere is the divine weapon/divine army sharp weapons that attack, kills, keeping off is irreversible, does not know when this fights is a end. 而抬棺的吕诤牛三多等人更是险象环生,吕诤用背去扛葬道神棺,腾出双手厮杀,牛三多用肩头扛着葬道神棺,也腾出手来,他们只觉四周都是敌人,到处都是攻来的神兵利器,杀不尽杀,挡无可挡,不知道这一战何时是个尽头。 Suddenly, Northern Heavenly Gate all around Heavenly Court army, innumerable god demon large expanse of dropping down, does not have the indication, Heavenly Court column history grasps Heavenly Pillar, does not know that what happened, he induces anything probably, the complexion big change, the anger exclaimed: Enemy raids! From Nether, drills into our Life and Death divine treasure! Be careful the enemy assassinates our Primordial Spirit!” 突然,北天门四周的天庭大军,无数神魔成片成片的倒下,毫无征兆,天庭柱史手握通天柱,不知发生了什么事,他像是感应到什么,脸色大变,怒吼道:“敌袭!来自幽都,钻入我们的生死神藏!当心敌人刺杀我们的元神!” His Heavenly Palace appears loudly, an imperial palace divine blade passed over gently and swiftly his Approaching the Firmament palace, cuts to kill his Primordial Spirit! 他的天宫轰然浮现,一口帝阙神刀掠过他的凌霄殿,斩杀他的元神 Mingdu Heavenly King Tian Shu vibration imperial palace divine blade, blade illustrious eye, as the blade light vibrates, the Living Realm of the Dead stele appears, Necropolis King of Hell leads the Necropolis ghosts and gods, enters various Heavenly Court Highway God demons from Nether Life and Death divine treasure. 冥都天王田蜀震动帝阙神刀,刀光耀眼,随着刀光震动,死者生界的石碑浮现出来,酆都阎王率领酆都鬼神,从幽都中杀入天庭各路神魔的生死神藏之中。 The Tian Shu body is getting bigger and bigger, a both legs point, stands in the Northern Heavenly Gate two Dao Mountain lineage/vein summits, said sternly: Advance-” 田蜀身躯越来越大,双腿一分,站在北天门的两道山脉的山顶,厉声道:“前进-” Zheng, Niu San many and red Kun couples and black tiger gods and the others carry the inner and outer coffin to flush away furiously forward, all around innumerable Heavenly Court officers well up, battle scene. 吕诤、牛三多、红鲲夫妇和黑虎神等人奋力扛着棺椁向前冲去,四周无数天庭将士涌来,尸山血海。 This fight all the way is countless, the Carefree Village officers casualty is also countless, finally, they arrive at Heavenly Court greatly battalion before. Above, innumerable divine ability and divine weapon/divine army pound down, the Carefree Village officers resist furiously, some people were killed unceasingly, drops from World Tree. 这一路上的战斗不计其数,无忧乡将士死伤也不计其数,终于,他们来到天庭大营前。上方,无数神通神兵砸下,无忧乡将士奋力抵挡,不断有人被杀,从世界树上跌落。 The big camp city wall is sincere, Zheng called out: I carry the coffin, old ox, you goes to the broken city gate!” 大营城墙厚重,吕诤叫道:“我抬棺材,老牛,你去破城门!” Niu San runs out, angrily roars again and again, physical body is getting bigger and bigger, the muscle sticks out fiercely, double fist bang in city gate, city gate tower over a city gate bang vibration. 牛三多冲出,怒吼连连,肉身越来越大,筋肉狰狞隆起,双拳轰在城门上,城门城楼轰隆震动。 The Heavenly Court officers jump down to slaughter from the tower over a city gate, the population are getting more and more, at the same time various innumerable Heavenly Court group of officers from well up in all directions. 天庭将士从城楼上跳下厮杀,人数越来越多,与此同时无数天庭各路将士从四面八方涌来。 Zhengbei shoulders the inner and outer coffin, said sternly: Kitten, the fish, I am keeping off, you protect old ox!” 吕诤背扛棺椁,厉声道:“小猫,鱼儿,我来挡着,你们护住老牛!” The black tiger god and red Kun couple no longer carry the coffin immediately, slaughters furiously, protects the Niu San security. 黑虎神和红鲲夫妇立刻不再抬棺,奋力厮杀,保护牛三多安全。 Niu San pounds the city gate crazily, the city gate never breaks, suddenly he angrily roars unceasingly, lowers the head hits to the city gate. 牛三多疯狂砸城门,城门始终不破,突然他怒吼不绝,低头向城门撞去。 A heaven-shaking, earth-shattering loud sound transmits, the city gate is split up, the tower over a city gate collapses, Niu San many two corner/horn simultaneous/uniform broken, badly beaten, actually shows the smiling face, loudly said: Donkey, the city broken, the city broken! Carries the coffin to enter a city!” 一声惊天动地的巨响传来,城门四分五裂,城楼坍塌,牛三多两角齐断,头破血流,却露出笑容,高声道:“驴子,城破啦,城破啦!抬棺进城!” Zheng at the back of burying god of journeys coffin, bending the body is motionless, the body inserted completely various divine weapon/divine army. 吕诤背着葬道神棺,弓着身子一动不动,身上插满了各种神兵 Donkey!” “驴子!” The black tiger god routs the Heavenly Court officers who wells up, rushes goes, sees only Zheng to stare the big one-eyed, has been mad certainly, the ginseng baby of his mouth only has the radish head, but also is left over the one breath. 黑虎神杀退涌上来的天庭将士,冲上前去,只见吕诤瞪大独眼,已经气绝,他嘴边的人参娃娃只剩下萝卜头,还剩下一口气。 Radish is Zheng good friend, although he often eats the radish head, has the matter to be all right always gnaws one, but he is not cruel enough to eat the radish head, such can want the life of good friend. 萝卜头是吕诤的好友,虽然他经常吃萝卜头,有事没事总是啃一口,但是他不忍心吃掉萝卜头,那样会要了好友的性命。 Carries the coffin to enter the city!” The black tiger god wipes the tears, exclaimed to the red Kun couple. “抬棺入城!”黑虎神抹去眼泪,向红鲲夫妇吼道。 Carries the coffin is only left over them, burying the god of journeys coffin is too heavy, three people were pressed spit blood, Niu San are many, in the front leads the way, by physical body blocks the attack that god demon that wells up innumerably, overhangs a bloody road for the black tiger god three people. 抬棺的只剩下他们三人,葬道神棺太重,三人被压得吐血,牛三多在前方开路,以肉身挡住无数涌来的神魔的攻击,为黑虎神三人撑出一条血路。 Finally, they arrived in the city. 终于,他们来到了城内。 The distant place, on Eternal Peace Divine City, Ling Yuxiu sees World Tree to enter the Heavenly Court big camp, the held up arm falls finally, cuts to fall like a sword. 远处,延康神城上,灵毓秀看到世界树进入天庭大营,举起的手臂终于落下,如同一口剑斩落。 Eternal Peace various group of armies send out loudly, kills enormously and powerful to the Heavenly Court big camp! 延康的各路大军轰然出动,浩浩荡荡向天庭大营杀去! - Big chapter! One did not pay attention to write 4500 characters, was not cruel enough to be divided into two chapters. For the officers who the donkey and died in battle, the tears ask the monthly ticket!! --大章!一不留神写了四千五百字,不忍心分成两章啦。为驴子和战死的将士,泪求月票!!
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