TOHG :: Volume #18

#1726: Seizes the potential, second war!

At the same time, in Nether, paper boats also arrive under the Heavenly Court big camp, Celestial Exalt You stimulates to movement the Life and Death book, the Heavenly Court innumerable armies only thinks immediately ignorantly, at present one black, sees oneself appear in Nether. 同一时间,幽都之中,一艘艘纸船也来到天庭大营下方,幽天尊催动生死簿,天庭无数大军顿时只觉浑浑噩噩,眼前一黑,看到自己出现在幽都之中。 They really did not fall into Nether, but was eliminated the life by the Celestial Exalt You Life and Death book, drags into Nether their Primordial Spirit. 他们并非是真的落入了幽都,而是被幽天尊生死簿将寿元剥夺,把他们的元神拉入幽都 The Gods life span establishes above Life and Death divine treasure, Celestial Exalt You is the Life and Death divine treasure founder, but the strength of god demon is too high, eliminates their lives, and is not enough to eliminate their lives, so long as their Primordial Spirit return to physical body, then can live. 神祇的寿命建立在生死神藏之上,幽天尊生死神藏的开创者,但是神魔的实力太高,将他们的寿元剥夺,并不足以剥夺他们的性命,他们的元神只要回归肉身,便可以活过来。 Celestial Exalt You must do, then by own over a hundred million clone(s), cuts to kill these Heavenly Court god demons Primordial Spirit! 幽天尊所要做的,便是靠自己的上亿分身,斩杀这些天庭神魔的元神 He, is over a hundred million god demon armies! 他一人,便是上亿神魔大军! Drags into Nether that moment the Heavenly Court 1 million god demons in him, two groups of armies enter Nether suddenly, impressively is about Longwu in Heavenly Court 10-bathroom! 就在他将天庭百万神魔拉入幽都的那一刻,突然间又有两路大军杀入幽都,赫然是天庭十卫中的左右龙武! These two groups of armies enter Nether by oneself powerful physical body, to hunt and kill Celestial Exalt You specially comes, the Longwu 2-bathroom strength is extremely strong, the formed battle formation is two Nether calls demon. 这两路大军以自己强大的肉身进入幽都,专门为猎杀幽天尊而来,龙武二卫的实力极强,结成的阵势是两座幽都唤魔阵。 Nether calls demon is also Heavenly Teacher Meng Yungui designs, however does not imitate Celestial Exalt Xu, but imitates Earth count! 幽都唤魔阵也是天师孟云归所设计,然而并非是模仿虚天尊,而是模仿土伯 The formation stimulation of movement, Primordial Spirit of Longwu 2-bathroom 100,000 god demons gathers together, changes to two Earth count shapes Primordial Spirit, sweeps directly broken innumerable Celestial Exalt You clone(s)! 阵法催动,龙武二卫十万神魔的元神聚在一起,化作两尊土伯形态的元神,将无数幽天尊分身直接扫碎! Celestial Exalt You clone(s) are too many, each clone(s) strength is not high, was hit to be caught off guard, ruined million clone(s). 幽天尊分身太多,每个分身的实力不高,被打个措手不及,毁掉了百万分身 The Longwu 2-bathroom flaunts ominously, stimulates to movement formation again, the sudden colossus drops from the clouds, appears in the 2-bathroom center, is Eternal Peace spends six sheaves that the innumerable heavy treasures build become impressively. 龙武二卫逞凶,再度催动阵法,突然一个庞然大物从天而降,出现在二卫中央,赫然是延康花费无数重宝打造而成的六道天轮。 Six sheaves separate the Longwu 2-bathroom and Celestial Exalt You, Qin Fengqin stands before six sheaves, the prestige of sheave can stimulate to movement, Longwu 2-bathroom Jade Capital and Approaching the Firmament Realm god demon is involuntary, physical body Primordial Spirit changes in abundance. 六道天轮将龙武二卫与幽天尊隔开,秦凤青站在六道天轮前,天轮的威能催动,龙武二卫一尊尊玉京凌霄境界的神魔身不由己,纷纷肉身元神发生变化。 The Longwu 2-bathroom are dragon race and tiger in clan Demigod, therefore is called Longwu, but six sheaves revolved, making them also change the race unexpectedly! 原本龙武二卫多是半神中的龙族和虎族,因此被称作龙武,而六道天轮旋转,让他们竟然连种族也改变了! Not only the physical body race was changed, even their Primordial Spirit still have the mutation, turns into other races Primordial Spirit. 不但肉身种族被改变,即便是他们的元神也发生异变,变成其他种族的元神 The Longwu 2-bathroom the chaos, the battle formation is scattered in disorder suddenly, but in the 2-bathroom has existence of Emperor's Seat Realm, had not been affected, immediately offers a sacrifice to a chart, even if the battle formation is scattered in disorder, so long as the Longwu 2-bathroom still in the chart, then can maintain formation broken. 龙武二卫一时间大乱,阵势散乱,不过二卫中有帝座境界的存在,并未被影响,立刻祭起阵图,哪怕阵势散乱,但只要龙武二卫还在阵图之中,便可以维持阵法不破。 So long as formation still, then can contend with Qin Fengqin as before! 只要阵法还在,便依旧可以与秦凤青抗衡! Stimulates to movement the flash of chart in them, suddenly the Qin Fengqin three faces become incomparably gloomy: You, do not match to turn into Big fella!” 就在他们催动阵图的一瞬间,突然秦凤青三张面孔变得无比阴沉:“你们,不配变成大个子!” Scoffing- 嗤- His forehead vertical eye opens, that is the eye of Nether, the vision place visited, in two formation composes the Earth count shape god demon Primordial Spirit to change to the flying ash immediately! 他的眉心竖眼张开,那是幽都之眼,目光所过之处,两座阵法中组成土伯形态的神魔元神顿时化作飞灰! Three heads, three vertical eye, the place visited, two big were cut open! 三颗头,三枚竖眼,所过之处,两座大阵被生生切开! Qin Fengqin stimulates to movement six sheaves, the sheave howls the rotation, scattered in disorder Longwu 2-bathroom officers Primordial Spirit will curl up, declines to the sheave. 秦凤青催动六道天轮,天轮呼啸转动,将散乱的龙武二卫的将士元神卷起,向天轮中落去。 His six arms open, search the hand to grasp to that two giant chart. 他的六臂张开,探手抓向那两张巨大的阵图。 In the meantime, suddenly the Nether dramatic turmoil, Heavenly River batters together, falls into Nether then to change to the river of the netherworld, in the river of the netherworld land huge fleets appear, innumerable divine ability fly, dense and numerous, attacks simultaneously to Celestial Exalt You and Qin Fengqin! 就在此时,突然幽都剧烈动荡,一道天河横冲直撞,落入幽都中便化作冥河,冥河上一艘艘陆地般庞大的舰队出现,无数神通飞起,密密麻麻,向幽天尊秦凤青同时攻去! That is the large ship of Heavenly River naval forces! 那是天河水师的楼船! The Heavenly River naval forces are one of the third divisions, although was once led the Carefree Village army to defeat by woodcutter Wen Tiange, but the main force remains. 天河水师乃是三师之一,尽管曾经被樵夫闻天阁率领无忧乡的大军击败,但主力尚存。 This moment Heavenly River enters Nether, is saw that the Longwu 2-bathroom is critical, therefore gives support. 此刻天河幽都,便是看到龙武二卫危急,因此前来支援。 Battlefield then in the Heavenly Court big camp overlapped Nether space, therefore the Heavenly River naval forces do not need to hurry along, then can come here directly. 战场便在与天庭大营重叠的幽都空间之中,因此天河水师无需赶路,直接便可以降临到这里。 Nether is out of the ordinary, after entering Nether, on the officers of Heavenly River naval forces the flesh immediately sheds, changes to the countless white bones. 幽都非比寻常,进入幽都之后,天河水师的将士身上血肉立刻蜕去,化作累累白骨。 Their cultivation base cannot compare the Longwu 2-bathroom, but wins in the quantity is numerous, combat of naval forces, added many uncertainties to this war. 他们的修为比不上龙武二卫,但胜在数量众多,水师的参战,给这一战增添了许多变数。 Saw that Heavenly River floods into the part of Nether to be getting more and more long, the Heavenly River naval forces large ship on river surface are also getting more and more, suddenly, the Heavenly River river water stops fiercely, then the rapid retracting world of the living, has the giant to draw the river probably, towed this river! 眼看天河涌入幽都的部分越来越长,河面上的天河水师楼船也越来越多,突然,天河的河水猛地止住,接着飞速缩回阳间,像是有巨人拉动大河,把这条大河生生拖了回去! Celestial Exalt You and Qin Fengqin crisis solves immediately, under respective pain killer. 幽天尊秦凤青的危局立刻解决,各自痛下杀手。 But outside the Heavenly Court big camp, another Heavenly River appears suddenly, is connected with Heavenly River, that is the part of Heavenly River defect, was once changed to not the easy material seal by Celestial Exalt Ling in the Shang Sovereign Heavenly Court ruins. 而在天庭大营外,另一道天河陡然出现,与天河相连,那是天河缺失的部分,曾经被凌天尊化作不易物质封印在上皇天庭的遗址中。 At this time, that Heavenly River reappears, with Heavenly River is linked to each other, Black Tortoise two emperors Black Tortoise and Soaring Snake drive furiously, will enter the Nether Heavenly River naval forces to pull off Nether forcefully! 此时,那段天河重现,与天河连在一起,玄武二帝所化的玄龟腾蛇奋力拖动,硬生生将进入幽都天河水师拖出幽都 cultivation base of these two ancient God Great Emperor are astonishing, is existence of Heavenly Venerable level, at this time in Holy Land, the ancient God strength was urged to send to the pinnacle! 这两位古神大帝的修为惊人,乃是天尊级的存在,此时又在圣地之中,古神的力量被催发到极致! They not only pull off Nether Heavenly River and Heavenly River naval forces, similarly also pulls off the Heavenly Court big camp the Heavenly River naval forces! 他们不仅仅是把天河天河水师拖出幽都,同样也是将天河水师拖出天庭大营! Heavenly River crashes the large expanse of city wall, presents gaps, the naval forces fleet is also pulled off the big camp, the profound emperor haha said with a smile: „The North Pole day soldiers, prepared to meet head-on! Falling from the sky emperor, did you prepare?” 天河压垮成片成片的城墙,出现一个个缺口,水师舰队也被拖出大营,玄帝哈哈笑道:“北极天的儿郎们,准备迎战了!陨落帝,你准备好了没有?” Wei Sui Feng cold snorted, leading the imperial guards officers to move forward. 魏随风哼一声,率领羽林军将士迎上前去。 At the same time, the ground army who Grandma Si leads rushes to outside the Heavenly Court big camp, the front rushes to Carefree Village to rush to World Tree various Heavenly Court group of armies overwhelming. 同一时间,司婆婆率领的地面大军赶到天庭大营外,前方是如潮般涌向无忧乡涌向世界树天庭各路大军。 four extremes section! Sacrifice!” 四极部!祭!” Grandma Si orders, among Jiang Yun leads subordinate officers to take the lead to run out immediately, offers a sacrifice to respectively ancient God four emperor divine weapon/divine army, Five Thunders Pot opens, immediately five big cloud Leimi empties, covers cleanly the sky, the innumerable thunder chop to fall from the sky, the under Heavenly Court god demon is off their feet! 司婆婆一声令下,江云间立刻率领麾下的将士率先冲出,各自将古神四帝神兵祭起,五雷壶开启,顿时五大云雷弥空,将天空遮挡得干干净净,无数雷霆从天空劈落,下方天庭神魔人仰马翻! White Tiger divine weapon/divine army and Vermilion Bird chariot and Azure Dragon blade also and the others stimulated to movement by Jiang Yun, erupts divine ability of four emperors respectively, rushes to various army! 白虎神兵朱雀战车、青龙刀也被江云间等人催动,各自爆发出四帝的神通,涌向各军! Meanwhile, in the speeding car array of space, Village Chief is serious, offers a sacrifice to the sword, on the speeding cars, the sword building was promoted, innumerable sword pellet depart, decomposes on the way of crash unceasingly. 与此同时,天上的飞车阵列中,村长面色肃然,祭剑,身后一辆辆飞车上,剑楼被推出,无数剑丸飞出,在坠落途中不断分解。 On the way of the sword pellet decomposition, falls into among Jiang Yun the army in arrange/cloth the cloud layer under five big cloud thunder, thunder kā chā kā chā chops to fall, illuminates divine sword in cloud layer. 剑丸分解途中,落入江云间军队所布下的五大云雷的云层之中,雷霆咔嚓咔嚓劈落,照亮云层中的一口口神剑。 Village Chief is pinching the sword secret art, said solemnly: Punctures Sword Form!” 村长掐着剑诀,沉声道:“刺剑式!” He on the speeding car, Eternal Peace finish behind Sword Art Sword Dao Gods hand Sword Clutch Secret Art, the stimulation of movement punctures Sword Form in abundance, in the cloud layer flying swords like the rainstorm, drops from the clouds, punctures downward! 他身后飞车上,一个个延康精修剑法剑道神祇纷纷手掐剑诀,催动刺剑式,云层中一口口飞剑如同暴雨,从天而降,向下刺去! Eternal Peace Sword Dao expert is numerous, moreover Village Chief teaches Sword Art, what art is foundation Sword Form, how ability erupts most foundation the sword move might prestige energy. 延康剑道高手众多,而且村长传授剑法,讲究的是基础剑式,如何才能爆发出最基础的剑招的威力威能。 Therefore Eternal Peace cultivates expert of sword whether or not to reach to Sword Dao, has the excellent attainments on foundation sword technique! 因此延康修剑的高手无论是否臻至剑道,都在基础剑术上有着过人的造诣! This wave of sword rain falls, does not know that many Heavenly Court god demons are passed through the body to enter by the sword that in the sky punctures, broken body! 这一波剑雨落下,不知多少天庭神魔被天空中刺下的剑生生贯体而入,破体而出! clouds Sword Form!” “云剑式!” The Village Chief sword secret art changes, Eternal Peace Sword Art expert Sword Dao expert also follows him to change the sword secret art, changes says Sword Form, drops the innumerable divine sword that to be centered on respective location of landing from the sky immediately, cloud Zhuan one week! 村长剑诀一变,身后延康剑法高手剑道高手也跟随着他变化剑诀,化作云剑式,从天空中落下的无数神剑顿时以各自落地之处为中心,云转一周! These flying swords often insert when the ground, says Sword Form revolves, but sees the ground mountain flash to be then many not to know many foot! 这些飞剑往往是插在地上,云剑式运转之时,但见地面山一瞬间便多出不知多少只脚! These sword light, cut the god demon both feet specially! 这些剑光,专砍神魔双脚! Selects Sword Form!” “挑剑式!” The Village Chief sword secret art selects to, Eternal Peace expert also follows to select to, after these flying swords cut off the god demon both feet, immediately the sword is sharp, sword hilt downward, the sword selects sharp upwardly! 村长剑诀向上一挑,身后的延康高手也跟着向上一挑,那些飞剑斩断神魔双脚之后,随即剑尖向上,剑柄向下,剑尖向上挑去! This sword does not pull up Yin, then opens up the stomach! 这一剑不是撩阴,便是开膛破肚! Circles Sword Form!” “绕剑式!” Drills Sword Form!” “钻剑式!” Sword 18!” “剑十八式!” ...... …… Moves of foundation Sword Form display, under is filled with sufferers, outcry noisy wail of Heavenly Court god demon that has not died in thunder light and sword rain, horrible to look at! 一招招基础剑式施展开来,下方哀鸿遍野,没死的天庭神魔在雷光和剑雨中哀声长嚎,惨不忍睹! Receives the sword!” “收剑!” The Village Chief sword secret art receives, shoulders both hands, Eternal Peace expert followed him to receive the sword secret art, shouldered both hands, but saw innumerable sword light to ascend from bottom to top, collided in the midair unceasingly, changes to sword pellet, returned to the sword building of speeding car. 村长剑诀一收,背负双手,身后延康高手跟着他收了剑诀,背负双手,但见无数剑光自下而上升腾而起,在半空中不断碰撞,化作一枚枚剑丸,回到飞车的剑楼中。 Grandma Si sees sword light to raise, dominates one, the ground forces stimulate to movement the antique giant beast to howl immediately galloping, speeds away to go forward. 司婆婆见到剑光升起,叱咤一声,地面部队立刻催动太古巨兽呼啸奔腾,向前疾驰而去。 Offers a sacrifice to a wheel!” “祭道轮!” Grandma Si shouted loudly, in the hand ten thousand Buddhist law wheels departed, her behind, the god demon of Eternal Peace ground forces the respective say/way round of stimulation of movement, went to the forward flight with Grandma Si divine weapon/divine army in abundance. 司婆婆高声喝道,手中万法道轮飞出,她的身后,延康地面部队的神魔纷纷将各自的道轮催动,跟着司婆婆神兵向前飞去。 Bang! 轰! The Grandma Si ten thousand Buddhist law wheels fly into the enemy ranks, falls to the ground loudly, Yuan magnetic divine power erupts suddenly, the land vibrates fiercely, depresses just like stars, presses under the Heavenly Court god demon mouth to spurt the blood. 司婆婆的万法道轮飞入敌阵,轰然落地,元磁神力突然爆发,大地剧烈抖动,宛如一颗颗星球压下,压得下方天庭神魔口中喷血。 Then, more ten thousand Buddhist law wheels fly, falls unceasingly, the Heavenly Court big camp front, the land subsides fiercely, was pressed out a deep gully quickly! 接着,更多的万法道轮飞来,不断落下,天庭大营前方,大地剧烈沉降,很快被压出一片深深的沟壑! In the meantime, Jade Pond Jade Platform appears, in the front, on Jade Platform stood horizontally the Heavenly Court officers, calmly waits. 就在此时,瑶池瑶台出现,横在前方,瑶台上站满了天庭将士,静静等候。 Grandma Si clenches teeth, leading the Eternal Peace Army team to ride the giant beast to rush goes, at the same time Butcher and the others the speed speeds up suddenly, rides the phoenix of phoenix clan from raid high! 司婆婆咬牙,率领延康军队骑着巨兽冲上前去,同一时间屠夫等人速度陡然加快,骑着凤族的凤凰自高空袭来! Must break open them, ability rescues Carefree Village!” Butcher shouted. “必须破开他们,才能救援无忧乡!”屠夫喝道。 In the Heavenly Court big camp, various route army Hou send out in abundance, Empress knits the brows slightly, lifting the hand is return to the ruins great abyss, howls to depart the Heavenly Court big camp, welcomed Eternal Peace various group of armies to fly! 天庭大营中,各路军侯纷纷出动,帝后娘娘微微皱眉,抬手便是一座座归墟大渊,呼啸飞出天庭大营,迎着延康的各路军队飞去! Empress figure vanishes, the next quarter then appears sky over together return to the ruins, under pain killer! 帝后身形消失,下一刻便出现在一道归墟上空,痛下杀手! In her move of divine ability then embezzles a Eternal Peace large ship big ship, the familiar form appears in her front, Xu Shenghua and Lan Yutian walks hand in hand. 就在她一招神通便吞没一艘延康楼船大舰时,熟悉的身影出现在她的面前,虚生花蓝御田联袂走来。 The Empress corner of the eye jumped jumping. 帝后娘娘眼角跳了跳。 Suddenly, behind the Heavenly Court big camp transmits the tumult, the bugle horn sound resounds, the innumerable antique giant beasts gallop, directly soar the rear of Heavenly Court big camp. 突然,天庭大营后方传来骚动,号角声响起,无数太古巨兽奔腾,直奔天庭大营的大后方而来。 Dragon Qilin and West Emperor White Tiger, finally to! 龙麒麟西帝白虎,终于到了! Two Tai Chi/Highest Extremity ancient God look at each other one, immediately directly soars the rear area, meets head-on West Emperor and Dragon Qilin, blocks the beast clan army. 两位太极古神对视一眼,立刻直奔后方,去迎战西帝龙麒麟,挡住兽族大军。 Two people just ran out of the big camp, suddenly saw only the front chubby Taishi to hold the cheek to sit on a stone, another takes the azure deep mirror, to mirror from attending, with a worried look. 二人刚刚冲出大营,突然只见前方胖嘟嘟的太始托着腮帮子坐在一块石头上,另一只拿着青冥镜,对镜自顾,愁眉不展。 Two fellow daoist, you fell.” Taishi sighed. “两位道友,你们还是降了吧。”太始叹道。 Birds of different feathers do not flock together!” Moon Heavenly Venerable and solar Heavenly Venerable simultaneously kills to go forward! “道不同不相为谋!”太阴天尊和太阳天尊齐齐杀上前去! Rebels, must die entirely.” “乱臣贼子,统统要死。” Hao Heavenly Emperor vision flashes, lifts the palm, moves the index finger middle finger, Tai Chu/Highest Beginning is understanding, walks toward World Tree, Hao Heavenly Emperor also starting to walk footsteps, follow in Tai Chu/Highest Beginning behind. 天帝目光闪动,抬起手掌,动了动食指中指,太初会意,向世界树走去,昊天帝也迈开脚步,跟在太初身后。 Tai Chu/Highest Beginning is discrete, the vision sweeps to slaughtering the shadow of god demon, tries to seek that not right shadow, in the meantime, he noticed suddenly a youth stoops in the crowd of tangled warfare, picks up an arm from the ground, on that arm is grasping a broken divine blade. 太初谨慎无比,目光扫向厮杀中的神魔的影子,试图寻出那个不对劲的影子,就在此时,他突然看到一个青年在混战的人群中弯下身子,从地上捡起一条手臂,那条手臂上握着一口残破的神刀。 The youth takes down the blade, inspires the blade light gently, all around flesh and blood flying in all directions. 那青年取下刀,轻轻一振刀光,四周血肉横飞。 He walks in the flesh that flies horizontally, the foot steps on the bloody water, walks to Tai Chu/Highest Beginning. 他走在横飞的血肉中,脚踩血水,向太初走来。 Business Monarch, didn't you hide in the shadow?” Tai Chu/Highest Beginning jokes. “商君,你不藏在影子里了?”太初讥笑道。 Does not use.” “不用了。” Business Monarch raises the blade vanguard, faint say/way: This kills the tribulation, murderous aura of innumerable god demon enough I have displayed strongest killing to incur!” 商君提刀前行,淡漠道:“这场杀劫,无数神魔的杀气已经足够我施展出最强的杀招了!” Tai Chu/Highest Beginning figure howls, falls on own Great Luo Heaven, shouted: You come, contend!” 太初身形呼啸而起,落在自己的大罗天上,喝道:“你过来,一决雌雄!” Business Monarch jumps, appears on his qi Great Luo Heaven. 商君跃起,出现在他的一炁大罗天上。 Hao Heavenly Emperor takes a step to go forward, moves toward World Tree, the say/way of change Tai Su/Highest Plainness, changes to a Tai Yi/Highest Simplicity god axe. 天帝迈步上前,走向世界树,太素之道变化,化作一口太易神斧。 Hao Heavenly Emperor vibrates muscle, the vision locks that World Tree stubbornly. 天帝抖动身上的肌肉,目光死死锁定那株世界树 At this moment, buries sound that the god of journeys coffin makes to be unable to withstand the load suddenly, is split up, reveals to sit Qin Mu in coffin! 就在这时,葬道神棺突然发出不堪重负的声响,四分五裂,露出坐在棺中的秦牧 Qin Mu muscle beats, inserts in his whole body various places unites the god of journeys to sew vibrations to keep: Teacher, my divine treasure domain cannot lend you, lives.” 秦牧身上肌肉跳动,插在他全身各处的戮道神钉一根根震动不停:“老师,我的神藏领域不能借给你们了,活下来。” Wen Tiange and the others still slaughter on World Tree, meets all parties to come the enemy, the sound hoarse say/way: Although goes!” 闻天阁等人还在世界树上厮杀,迎战各方来敌,声音嘶哑道:“尽管去!” Qin Mu stands up, the physical body muscle beats is more anxious, suddenly sound air-splitting transmits, unite the god of journeys nail to depart from his within the body! 秦牧站起身来,肉身肌肉跳动更急,突然咻咻咻的破空声传来,一根根戮道神钉从他体内飞出! - Renewal late, but many 500 characters, covers the face to ask not to hit, asks the monthly ticket --更新晚了,但是多更了五百字,捂脸求别打,求月票
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